Java tutorial
/* * Copyright the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.mbenson.privileged.weaver; import; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javassist.CannotCompileException; import javassist.ClassPool; import javassist.CtClass; import javassist.CtField; import javassist.CtMethod; import javassist.CtNewConstructor; import javassist.CtNewMethod; import javassist.CtPrimitiveType; import javassist.NotFoundException; import javassist.bytecode.Descriptor; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder; import com.github.mbenson.privileged.Privileged; /** * Handles weaving of methods annotated with {@link Privileged}. */ public abstract class PrivilegedMethodWeaver<SELF extends PrivilegedMethodWeaver<SELF>> { public interface ClassFileWriter { void write(CtClass type) throws CannotCompileException, IOException; } public interface Log { void debug(String message); void verbose(String message); void error(String message); void info(String message); void warn(String message); } /** * Weaving policy: when to use {@link PrivilegedAction}s. */ public enum Policy { /** * Disables weaving. */ NEVER, /** * Weaves such that the check for an active {@link SecurityManager} is * done once only. */ ON_INIT(generateName("hasSecurityManager")), /** * Weaves such that the check for an active {@link SecurityManager} is * done for each {@link Privileged} method execution. */ DYNAMIC(HAS_SECURITY_MANAGER_CONDITION), /** * Weaves such that {@link Privileged} methods are always executed as * such. */ ALWAYS; private final String condition; private Policy() { this(null); } private Policy(String condition) { this.condition = condition; } private boolean isConditional() { return condition != null; } } protected static final String POLICY_NAME = "policyName"; private static final String ACTION_SUFFIX = "_ACTION"; private static final String GENERATE_NAME = "__privileged_%s"; private static final String HAS_SECURITY_MANAGER_CONDITION = "System.getSecurityManager() != null"; protected static String generateName(String simple) { return String.format(GENERATE_NAME, simple); } protected static String toString(byte[] b) { return b == null ? null : new String(b, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); } protected final Policy policy; protected final ClassPool classPool; private boolean settingsReported; private Log log = new Log() { final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PrivilegedMethodWeaver.class.getName()); @Override public void debug(String message) { logger.finer(message); } @Override public void verbose(String message) { logger.fine(message); } @Override public void error(String message) { logger.severe(message); } @Override public void info(String message) {; } @Override public void warn(String message) { logger.warning(message); } }; private static final Comparator<CtMethod> CTMETHOD_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<CtMethod>() { @Override public int compare(CtMethod arg0, CtMethod arg1) { if (ObjectUtils.equals(arg0, arg1)) { return 0; } if (arg0 == null) { return -1; } if (arg1 == null) { return 1; } final int result =, arg1.getName()); return result == 0 ?, arg1.getSignature()) : result; } }; private static Set<CtMethod> getPrivilegedMethods(CtClass type) throws ClassNotFoundException { final TreeSet<CtMethod> result = new TreeSet<CtMethod>(CTMETHOD_COMPARATOR); for (final CtMethod m : type.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (Modifier.isAbstract(m.getModifiers()) || m.getAnnotation(Privileged.class) == null) { continue; } result.add(m); } return result; } public PrivilegedMethodWeaver(ClassPool classPool) { this(Policy.DYNAMIC, classPool); } public PrivilegedMethodWeaver(Policy policy, ClassPool classPool) { this.policy = Validate.notNull(policy, "policy"); this.classPool = Validate.notNull(classPool, "classPool"); } public SELF loggingTo(Log log) { this.log = Validate.notNull(log); settingsReported = false; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final SELF self = (SELF) this; return self; } /** * Weave the specified class. * * @param type * @return whether any work was done * @throws NotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws CannotCompileException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ public boolean weave(CtClass type) throws NotFoundException, IOException, CannotCompileException, ClassNotFoundException { reportSettings(); final String policyName = generateName(POLICY_NAME); final String policyValue = toString(type.getAttribute(policyName)); if (policyValue != null) { verbose("%s already woven with policy %s", type.getName(), policyValue); if (! { throw new AlreadyWovenException(type.getName(), Policy.valueOf(policyValue)); } return false; } boolean result = false; if (policy.compareTo(Policy.NEVER) > 0) { if (policy == Policy.ON_INIT) { debug("Initializing field %s to %s", policy.condition, HAS_SECURITY_MANAGER_CONDITION); type.addField(new CtField(CtClass.booleanType, policy.condition, type), CtField.Initializer.byExpr(HAS_SECURITY_MANAGER_CONDITION)); } for (final CtMethod m : getPrivilegedMethods(type)) { result |= weave(type, m); } if (result) { type.setAttribute(policyName,"UTF-8"))); getClassFileWriter().write(type); } } log.verbose(String.format(result ? "Wove class %s" : "Nothing to do for class %s", type.getName())); return result; } protected void debug(String message, Object... args) { log.debug(String.format(message, args)); } protected void verbose(String message, Object... args) { log.verbose(String.format(message, args)); } protected void warn(String message, Object... args) { log.warn(String.format(message, args)); } protected abstract ClassFileWriter getClassFileWriter(); protected void info(String message, Object... args) {, args)); } protected boolean permitMethodWeaving(AccessLevel accessLevel) { return true; } private CtClass createAction(CtClass type, CtMethod impl, Class<?> iface) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException, IOException { final boolean exc = impl.getExceptionTypes().length > 0; final CtClass actionType = classPool.get(iface.getName()); final String simpleName = generateActionClassname(impl); debug("Creating action type %s for method %s", simpleName, toString(impl)); final CtClass result = type.makeNestedClass(simpleName, true); result.addInterface(actionType); final CtField owner; if (Modifier.isStatic(impl.getModifiers())) { owner = null; } else { owner = new CtField(type, generateName("owner"), result); owner.setModifiers(Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.FINAL); debug("Adding owner field %s to %s", owner.getName(), simpleName); result.addField(owner); } final List<String> propagatedParameters = new ArrayList<String>(); int index = -1; for (final CtClass param : impl.getParameterTypes()) { final String f = String.format("arg%s", Integer.valueOf(++index)); final CtField fld = new CtField(param, f, result); fld.setModifiers(Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.FINAL); debug("Copying parameter %s from %s to %s.%s", index, toString(impl), simpleName, f); result.addField(fld); propagatedParameters.add(f); } { final StrBuilder constructor = new StrBuilder(simpleName).append('('); boolean sep = false; final Body body = new Body(); for (final CtField fld : result.getDeclaredFields()) { if (sep) { constructor.append(", "); } else { sep = true; } constructor.append(fld.getType().getName()).append(' ').append(fld.getName()); body.appendLine("this.%1$s = %1$s;", fld.getName()); } constructor.append(") ").append(body.complete()); final String c = constructor.toString(); debug("Creating action constructor:"); debug(c); result.addConstructor(CtNewConstructor.make(c, result)); } { final StrBuilder run = new StrBuilder("public Object run() "); if (exc) { run.append("throws Exception "); } final Body body = new Body(); final CtClass rt = impl.getReturnType(); final boolean isVoid = rt.equals(CtClass.voidType); if (!isVoid) { body.append("return "); } final String deref = Modifier.isStatic(impl.getModifiers()) ? type.getName() : owner.getName(); final String call = String.format("%s.%s(%s)", deref, impl.getName(), StringUtils.join(propagatedParameters, ", ")); if (!isVoid && rt.isPrimitive()) { body.appendLine("%2$s.valueOf(%1$s);", call, ((CtPrimitiveType) rt).getWrapperName()); } else { body.append(call).append(';').appendNewLine(); if (isVoid) { body.appendLine("return null;"); } } run.append(body.complete()); final String r = run.toString(); debug("Creating run method:"); debug(r); result.addMethod(CtNewMethod.make(r, result)); } getClassFileWriter().write(result); debug("Returning action type %s", result); return result; } private String generateActionClassname(CtMethod m) throws NotFoundException { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(m.getName()); if (m.getParameterTypes().length > 0) { b.append("$$").append(StringUtils.strip(Descriptor.getParamDescriptor(m.getSignature()), "(;)") .replace("[", "ARRAYOF_").replace('/', '_').replace(';', '$')); } return b.append(ACTION_SUFFIX).toString(); } private String toString(CtMethod m) { return String.format("%s%s", m.getName(), m.getSignature()); } private boolean weave(CtClass type, CtMethod method) throws ClassNotFoundException, CannotCompileException, NotFoundException, IOException { final AccessLevel accessLevel = AccessLevel.of(method.getModifiers()); if (!permitMethodWeaving(accessLevel)) { warn("Ignoring %s method %s.%s", accessLevel, type.getName(), toString(method)); return false; } if (AccessLevel.PACKAGE.compareTo(accessLevel) > 0) { warn("Possible security leak: granting privileges to %s method %s.%s", accessLevel, type.getName(), toString(method)); } final String implName = generateName(method.getName()); final CtMethod impl = CtNewMethod.copy(method, implName, type, null); impl.setModifiers(AccessLevel.PRIVATE.merge(method.getModifiers())); type.addMethod(impl); debug("Copied %2$s %1$s.%3$s to %4$s %1$s.%5$s", type.getName(), accessLevel, toString(method), AccessLevel.PRIVATE, toString(impl)); final Body body = new Body(); if (policy.isConditional()) { body.startBlock("if (%s)", policy.condition); } final boolean exc = method.getExceptionTypes().length > 0; if (exc) { body.startBlock("try"); } final Class<?> iface = exc ? PrivilegedExceptionAction.class : PrivilegedAction.class; final CtClass actionType = createAction(type, impl, iface); final String action = generateName("action"); body.append("final %s %s = new %s(", iface.getName(), action, actionType.getName()); boolean firstParam; if (Modifier.isStatic(impl.getModifiers())) { firstParam = true; } else { body.append("$0"); firstParam = false; } for (int i = 1, sz = impl.getParameterTypes().length; i <= sz; i++) { if (firstParam) { firstParam = false; } else { body.append(", "); } body.append('$').append(Integer.toString(i)); } body.appendLine(");"); final CtClass rt = method.getReturnType(); final boolean isVoid = rt.equals(CtClass.voidType); final String doPrivileged = String.format("%1$s.doPrivileged(%2$s)", AccessController.class.getName(), action); if (isVoid) { body.append(doPrivileged).append(';').appendNewLine(); if (policy.isConditional()) { body.appendLine("return;"); } } else { final String cast = rt.isPrimitive() ? ((CtPrimitiveType) rt).getWrapperName() : rt.getName(); // don't worry about wrapper NPEs because we should be simply // passing back an autoboxed value, then unboxing again final String result = generateName("result"); body.appendLine("final %1$s %3$s = (%1$s) %2$s;", cast, doPrivileged, result); body.append("return %s", result); if (rt.isPrimitive()) { body.append(".%sValue()", rt.getName()); } body.append(';').appendNewLine(); } if (exc) { body.endBlock(); final String e = generateName("e"); body.startBlock("catch (%1$s %2$s)", PrivilegedActionException.class.getName(), e).appendNewLine(); final String wrapped = generateName("wrapped"); body.appendLine("final Exception %1$s = %2$s.getCause();", wrapped, e); for (final CtClass thrown : method.getExceptionTypes()) { body.startBlock("if (%1$s instanceof %2$s)", wrapped, thrown.getName()); body.appendLine("throw (%2$s) %1$s;", wrapped, thrown.getName()); body.endBlock(); } body.appendLine( "throw %1$s instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) %1$s : new RuntimeException(%1$s);", wrapped); body.endBlock(); } if (policy.isConditional()) { // close if block we opened before: body.endBlock(); // no security manager=> just call impl: if (!isVoid) { body.append("return "); } body.appendLine("%s($$);", impl.getName()); } final String block = body.complete().toString(); debug("Setting body of %s to:\n%s", toString(method), block); method.setBody(block); return true; } private void reportSettings() { if (!settingsReported) { settingsReported = true; info("Weave policy == %s", policy); } } }