Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2012 Edgar Espina * This file is part of * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.jknack.handlebars.internal; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isEmpty; import static org.parboiled.common.Preconditions.checkArgNotNull; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.parboiled.Action; import org.parboiled.BaseParser; import org.parboiled.Context; import org.parboiled.MatchHandler; import org.parboiled.MatcherContext; import org.parboiled.Rule; import org.parboiled.annotations.DontLabel; import org.parboiled.annotations.Label; import org.parboiled.annotations.MemoMismatches; import org.parboiled.buffers.DefaultInputBuffer; import org.parboiled.buffers.InputBuffer; import org.parboiled.common.IntArrayStack; import org.parboiled.errors.ActionException; import org.parboiled.errors.InvalidInputError; import org.parboiled.errors.ParseError; import org.parboiled.errors.ParserRuntimeException; import org.parboiled.matchers.Matcher; import org.parboiled.matchervisitors.IsSingleCharMatcherVisitor; import org.parboiled.parserunners.AbstractParseRunner; import org.parboiled.parserunners.ErrorReportingParseRunner; import org.parboiled.parserunners.ParseRunner; import org.parboiled.parserunners.ReportingParseRunner; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.github.jknack.handlebars.Handlebars; import com.github.jknack.handlebars.HandlebarsError; import com.github.jknack.handlebars.HandlebarsException; import com.github.jknack.handlebars.Helper; import com.github.jknack.handlebars.Template; import com.github.jknack.handlebars.TemplateLoader; import com.github.jknack.handlebars.internal.Variable.Type; /** * The Handlebars parser. * * @author edgar.espina * @since 0.1.0 */ public class Parser extends BaseParser<Object> { static class PartialInputBuffer { public static InputBuffer build(final String input, final String indent) { if (isEmpty(indent) || !isEmpty(indent.trim())) { return new DefaultInputBuffer(input.toCharArray()); } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(input.length() + indent.length()); buffer.append(indent); int len = input.length(); for (int idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { char ch = input.charAt(idx); buffer.append(ch); if (ch == '\n' && idx < len - 1) { buffer.append(indent); } } return new DefaultInputBuffer(buffer.toString().toCharArray()); } } static class Node { public TemplateList sequence = new TemplateList(); public IntArrayStack spaces = new IntArrayStack(); } static class Token { public String text; public Position position; public boolean text(final String text) { this.text = text; return true; } public boolean position(final Position position) { this.position = position; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return text; } } /** * Fix a NPE when asking for a matcher. * * @author edgar.espina * @since 0.1.0 */ private static class SafeReportingParseRunner extends ReportingParseRunner<Object> { public SafeReportingParseRunner(final Rule rule) { super(rule); } @Override protected ParsingResult<Object> runReportingMatch(final InputBuffer inputBuffer, final int errorIndex) { ParseRunner<Object> reportingRunner = new SafeErrorReportingParseRunner(getRootMatcher(), errorIndex) .withParseErrors(getParseErrors()).withValueStack(getValueStack()); return; } } /** * Same as {@link ErrorReportingParseRunner} but deal with NPE at error * reporting. */ private static class SafeErrorReportingParseRunner extends AbstractParseRunner<Object> implements MatchHandler { private final IsSingleCharMatcherVisitor isSingleCharMatcherVisitor = new IsSingleCharMatcherVisitor(); private final int errorIndex; private final MatchHandler inner; private final List<MatcherPath> failedMatchers = new ArrayList<MatcherPath>(); private boolean seeking; /** * Creates a new ErrorReportingParseRunner instance for the given rule and * the given errorIndex. * * @param rule the parser rule * @param errorIndex the index of the error to report */ public SafeErrorReportingParseRunner(final Rule rule, final int errorIndex) { this(rule, errorIndex, null); } /** * Creates a new ErrorReportingParseRunner instance for the given rule and * the given errorIndex. * The given MatchHandler is used as a delegate for the actual match * handling. * * @param rule the parser rule * @param errorIndex the index of the error to report * @param inner another MatchHandler to delegate the actual match handling * to, can be null */ public SafeErrorReportingParseRunner(final Rule rule, final int errorIndex, final MatchHandler inner) { super(rule); this.errorIndex = errorIndex; this.inner = inner; } @Override public ParsingResult<Object> run(final InputBuffer inputBuffer) { checkArgNotNull(inputBuffer, "inputBuffer"); resetValueStack(); failedMatchers.clear(); seeking = errorIndex > 0; // run without fast string matching to properly get to the error location MatcherContext<Object> rootContext = createRootContext(inputBuffer, this, false); boolean matched = match(rootContext); if (!matched) { getParseErrors().add(new InvalidInputError(inputBuffer, errorIndex, failedMatchers, null)); } return createParsingResult(matched, rootContext); } @Override public boolean match(final MatcherContext<?> context) { boolean matched = inner == null && context.getMatcher().match(context) || inner != null && inner.match(context); if (context.getCurrentIndex() == errorIndex) { if (matched && seeking) { seeking = false; } Matcher matcher = context.getMatcher(); if (!matched && !seeking && matcher != null && matcher.accept(isSingleCharMatcherVisitor)) { failedMatchers.add(context.getPath()); } } return matched; } } protected String startDelimiter; protected String endDelimiter; private String startDelimiterBack; private String endDelimiterBack; protected Handlebars handlebars; protected Map<String, Partial> partials; protected String filename; protected Boolean hasTag; protected StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); protected Set<Node> nodeLine = new LinkedHashSet<Parser.Node>(); protected LinkedList<Stacktrace> stacktraceList; protected int noffset = 0; private boolean rootParser; Parser(final Handlebars handlebars, final String filename, final Map<String, Partial> partials, final String startDelimiter, final String endDelimiter, final LinkedList<Stacktrace> stacktrace) { this.handlebars = handlebars; this.filename = handlebars == null ? null : handlebars.getTemplateLoader().resolve(filename); this.partials = partials == null ? new HashMap<String, Partial>() : partials; rootParser = partials == null; this.startDelimiter = startDelimiter; this.endDelimiter = endDelimiter; startDelimiterBack = startDelimiter; endDelimiterBack = endDelimiter; stacktraceList = stacktrace; } public Template parse(final String input) throws IOException { return parse(new DefaultInputBuffer(input.toCharArray())); } public Template parse(final InputBuffer input) throws IOException { try { ParseRunner<Object> runner = new SafeReportingParseRunner(template()) { @Override protected void resetValueStack() { startDelimiter = startDelimiterBack; endDelimiter = endDelimiterBack; hasTag = null; line.setLength(0); noffset = 0; if (rootParser) { partials.clear(); stacktraceList.clear(); } super.resetValueStack(); } }; ParsingResult<Object> result =; if (result.hasErrors()) { ParseError error = result.parseErrors.get(0); Collections.reverse(stacktraceList); HandlebarsError hbsError = ErrorFormatter.printParseError(filename, error, noffset, stacktraceList); throw new HandlebarsException(hbsError); } Node node = (Node) result.resultValue; TemplateList sequence = node.sequence; stripSpace(node); if (sequence.size() == 1) { return sequence.iterator().next(); } return sequence; } catch (ParserRuntimeException ex) { Throwable cause = ex.getCause() == null ? ex : ex.getCause(); if (cause instanceof HandlebarsException) { throw (HandlebarsException) cause; } HandlebarsException hex = new HandlebarsException(cause.getMessage(), cause); hex.setStackTrace(ex.getStackTrace()); throw hex; } finally { endDelimiter = null; endDelimiterBack = null; filename = null; handlebars = null; hasTag = null; line = null; nodeLine.clear(); nodeLine = null; if (rootParser) { partials.clear(); stacktraceList.clear(); } partials = null; stacktraceList = null; startDelimiter = null; } } Rule template() throws IOException { return Sequence(body(), EOI); } Rule body() throws IOException { return Sequence(push(new Node()), ZeroOrMore(FirstOf(space(), nl(), text(), Sequence(startDelimiter(), FirstOf( // {{# }} Sequence('#', spacing(), block(false)), // {{^ }} Sequence('^', spacing(), block(true)), // {{> }} Sequence('>', spacing(), partial()), // {{& }} Sequence('&', spacing(), ampersandVar()), // {{{ }}} Sequence('{', spacing(), tripleVar()), // {{= }} Sequence('=', hasTag(true), spacing(), delimiters()), // {{! }} comment(), Sequence(spacing(), var())))))); } boolean hasTag() { return hasTag == null ? false : hasTag.booleanValue(); } boolean hasTag(final boolean hasTag) { if (this.hasTag != Boolean.FALSE) { this.hasTag = hasTag; } return true; } void resetHasTag() { hasTag = null; } Rule delimiters() { final StringVar newstartDelimiter = new StringVar(); final StringVar newendDelimiter = new StringVar(); return Sequence(newDelimiter(), newstartDelimiter.set(match()), OneOrMore(spaceNoAction()), newDelimiter(), newendDelimiter.set(match()), spacing(), '=', endDelimiter(), new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { endDelimiter = newendDelimiter.get(); startDelimiter = newstartDelimiter.get(); if (startDelimiter.length() != endDelimiter.length()) { noffset = endDelimiter.length(); throw new ActionException("unbalanced delimiters: '" + startDelimiter + "'.length != '" + endDelimiter + "'.length"); } return true; } }); } @Label("delimiter") Rule newDelimiter() { return Sequence(delim(), Optional(delim())); } @Label("delimiter") Rule delim() { return Sequence(TestNot(AnyOf(" \t\r\n=")), ANY); } @Label("text") Rule text() { return Sequence(OneOrMore(TestNot(startDelimiter()), TestNot(nlNoAction()), ANY.label("text")), add(new Text(match()))); } @Label("variable") Rule ampersandVar() { return Sequence(varName(Type.AMPERSAND_VAR), spacing(), endDelimiter()); } @Label("variable") Rule tripleVar() { return Sequence(varName(Type.TRIPLE_VAR), spacing(), '}', endDelimiter()); } @Label("variable") Rule var() { return Sequence(varName(Type.VAR), spacing(), endDelimiter()); } @Label("variable") Rule varName(final Type type) { final List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); final Map<String, Object> hash = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); final Var<Token> var = new Var<Token>(); final Var<Integer> varIdx = new Var<Integer>(); return Sequence(var.set(new Token()), var.get().position(position()), varIdx.set(currentIndex()), qualifiedId(), var.get().text(match()), hasTag(false), spacing(), reset(params), reset(hash), paramOrHashList(params, hash), new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { String helperName = var.get().text; Helper<Object> helper = handlebars.helper(helperName); if (helper == null && (params.size() > 0 || hash.size() > 0)) { Helper<Object> helperMissing = handlebars.helper(Handlebars.HELPER_MISSING); if (helperMissing == null) { noffset = currentIndex() - varIdx.get(); throw new ActionException("could not find helper: '" + helperName + "'"); } } return true; } }, add(new Variable(handlebars, var.get().text, type, params, hash).filename(filename) .position(var.get().position.line, var.get().position.column))); } boolean reset(final List<Object> list) { list.clear(); return true; } boolean reset(final Map<String, Object> map) { map.clear(); return true; } TemplateList templateList() { return peekNode().sequence; } Node peekNode() { return (Node) peek(); } Node popNode() { Node node = (Node) pop(); nodeLine.add(node); return node; } boolean add(final BaseTemplate template) { TemplateList sequence = templateList(); template.filename(filename); sequence.add(template); return true; } boolean add(final Text template) { Node node = peekNode(); node.spaces.push(node.sequence.size()); line.append(template.text()); return add((BaseTemplate) template); } Action<Object> startDelimiter() { return new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { Matcher matcher = (Matcher) String(startDelimiter); return matcher.match((MatcherContext<Object>) context); } }; } Action<Object> endDelimiter() { return new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { Matcher matcher = (Matcher) String(endDelimiter); return matcher.match((MatcherContext<Object>) context); } }; } boolean isInStack(final List<Stacktrace> stacktrace, final String filename) { for (Stacktrace st : stacktrace) { if (st.getFilename().equals(filename)) { return true; } } return this.filename.equals(filename); } Rule partial() throws IOException { final StringVar uriVar = new StringVar(); final StringVar partialContext = new StringVar(); return Sequence(path(), hasTag(true), uriVar.set(match()), spacing(), Optional(Sequence(qualifiedId(), partialContext.set(match()))), new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { String uri = uriVar.get(); if (uri.startsWith("[") && uri.endsWith("]")) { uri = uri.substring(1, uri.length() - 1); } TemplateLoader loader = handlebars.getTemplateLoader(); if (uri.startsWith("/")) { noffset = uri.length(); throw new ActionException("found: '/', partial shouldn't start with '/'"); } String partialPath = loader.resolve(uri); if (!handlebars.allowInfiniteLoops() && isInStack(stacktraceList, partialPath)) { noffset = uri.length(); throw new ActionException("an infinite loop was detected, partial '" + partialPath + "' was loaded previously"); } Partial partial = partials.get(partialPath); if (partial == null) { try { Position pos = context.getPosition(); Stacktrace stacktrace = new Stacktrace(pos.line, pos.column, uri, filename); stacktraceList.addLast(stacktrace); String input = loader.loadAsString(URI.create(uri)); Parser parser = ParserFactory.create(handlebars, uri, partials, startDelimiter, endDelimiter, stacktraceList); // Avoid stack overflow exceptions partial = new Partial(); partials.put(partialPath, partial); Template template = parser .parse(, hasTag ? line.toString() : null)); partial.template(uri, template, partialContext.get()); stacktraceList.removeLast(); } catch (IOException ex) { noffset = uri.length(); throw new ActionException("The partial '" + partialPath + "' could not be found", ex); } } return add(partial); } }, spacing(), endDelimiter()); } @Label("start-block") Rule block(final boolean inverted) throws IOException { final Var<Token> name = new Var<Token>(); final Var<BaseTemplate> section = new Var<BaseTemplate>(); List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); Map<String, Object> hash = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); return Sequence(reset(params), reset(hash), name.set(new Token()), blockStart(name, params, hash), section.set(new Block(handlebars, name.get().text, inverted, params, hash) .startDelimiter(startDelimiter).endDelimiter(endDelimiter) .position(name.get().position.line, name.get().position.column).filename(filename)), add(section.get()), body(), Optional(Sequence(startDelimiter(), spacing(), elseKey(), spacing(), endDelimiter()), body(), new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { ValueStack<Object> stack = context.getValueStack(); if (stack.size() > 1) { BaseTemplate body = popNode().sequence; ((Block) section.get()).inverse(body); } return true; } }), FirstOf(blockEnd(name), // handle block-end error Sequence(EOI, new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { String found = "eof"; noffset = 1; throw new ActionException(String.format("found: '%s', expected: '%s/%s%s'", found, startDelimiter, name.get(), endDelimiter)); } }), // '{{/' error Sequence(startDelimiter(), '/', new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { String found = context.getMatch(); throw new ActionException(String.format("found: '%s', expected: '%s%s'", found, name.get(), endDelimiter)); } }), // '{{' error Sequence(startDelimiter(), new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { String found = context.getMatch(); throw new ActionException(String.format("found: '%s', expected: '/%s%s'", found, name.get(), endDelimiter)); } })), new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { ValueStack<Object> stack = context.getValueStack(); if (stack.size() > 1) { BaseTemplate body = popNode().sequence; ((Block) section.get()).body(body); } return true; } }).label("block"); } @Label("else") Rule elseKey() { return FirstOf("else", "^"); } @Label("start-block") Rule blockStart(final Var<Token> name, final List<Object> params, final Map<String, Object> hash) { final Var<Integer> nameIdx = new Var<Integer>(); return Sequence(name.get().position(position()), nameIdx.set(currentIndex()), qualifiedId(), name.get().text(match()), hasTag(true), spacing(), reset(params), reset(hash), paramOrHashList(params, hash), spacing(), endDelimiter(), new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { String helperName = name.get().text; Helper<Object> helper = handlebars.helper(helperName); if (helper == null && (params.size() > 0 || hash.size() > 0)) { Helper<Object> helperMissing = handlebars.helper(Handlebars.HELPER_MISSING); if (helperMissing == null) { noffset = currentIndex() - nameIdx.get(); throw new ActionException("could not find helper: '" + helperName + "'"); } } return true; } }); } @Label("end-block") Rule blockEnd(final Var<Token> name) { return Sequence(startDelimiter(), '/', spacing(), qualifiedId(), new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { String endName = context.getMatch(); boolean match = name.get().text.equals(endName); if (!match) { noffset = endName.length(); throw new ActionException( String.format("found: '%s', expected: '%s'", endName, name.get().text)); } return match; } }, spacing(), endDelimiter(), hasTag(true)); } @Label("parameter::hash") Rule paramOrHashList(final List<Object> params, final Map<String, Object> hash) { return Optional(paramOrHash(params, hash), ZeroOrMore(OneOrMore(spaces()), paramOrHash(params, hash))); } @Label("parameter::hash") Rule paramOrHash(final List<Object> params, final Map<String, Object> hash) { final Var<Object> var = new Var<Object>(); return FirstOf(hash(hash), Sequence(param(var), new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { if (!hash.isEmpty()) { noffset = var.get().toString().length(); Entry<String, Object> firstHash = hash.entrySet().iterator().next(); throw new ActionException("parameter is out of order, " + "a '" + firstHash.getKey() + "=" + firstHash.getValue() + "' was found previously"); } return true; } }, add(params, var.get()))); } boolean add(final List<Object> list, final Object value) { list.add(value); return true; } @Label("string") Rule stringLiteral(final Var<Object> value) { return Sequence(doubleQuotedString(), value.set(match().replace("\\\"", "\""))); } @Label("string") Rule singleStringLiteral(final Var<Object> value) { return Sequence(singleQuotedString(), value.set(match().replace("\\\'", "\'"))); } @Label("string") Rule doubleQuotedString() { return Sequence('"', ZeroOrMore(FirstOf(String("\\\""), Sequence(TestNot(AnyOf("\"\r\n")), ANY.label("text")))), '"'); } @Label("string") Rule singleQuotedString() { return Sequence("'", ZeroOrMore(FirstOf(String("\\\'"), Sequence(TestNot(AnyOf("'\r\n")), ANY.label("text")))), "'"); } @Label("parameter::hash") Rule hash(final Map<String, Object> hash) { final StringVar name = new StringVar(); final Var<Object> value = new Var<Object>(); return Sequence(qualifiedId(), name.set(match()), spacing(), '=', spacing(), Sequence(hashValue(value), add(hash, name.get(), value.get()))); } boolean add(final Map<String, Object> hash, final String name, final Object value) { hash.put(name, value); return true; } @Label("parameter::hash") @MemoMismatches Rule param(final Var<Object> value) { return FirstOf(stringLiteral(value), integer(value), bool(value), Sequence(qualifiedId(), value.set(match()))); } @Label("parameter::hash") @MemoMismatches Rule hashValue(final Var<Object> value) { return FirstOf(stringLiteral(value), singleStringLiteral(value), integer(value), bool(value), Sequence(qualifiedId(), value.set(match()))); } @MemoMismatches @Label("id") Rule qualifiedId() { return FirstOf( // ../id Sequence(dot(), dot(), '/', qualifiedId()), dot(), Sequence(id(), ZeroOrMore(FirstOf(dot(), '/'), id()))); } @MemoMismatches @Label("id") Rule id() { return FirstOf(bracketId(), simpleId()); } @MemoMismatches @Label("id") Rule bracketId() { return Sequence('[', simpleId(), ']'); } @MemoMismatches @Label("id") Rule simpleId() { return Sequence(TestNot(startDelimiter()), TestNot(endDelimiter()), TestNot(elseKey()), Sequence(nameStart(), ZeroOrMore(idSuffix()))); } @MemoMismatches @Label("id") Rule idSuffix() { return FirstOf(propertyAccess(), nameEnd()); } @MemoMismatches Rule propertyAccess() { return Sequence(dot(), "[", spacing(), idx(), spacing(), "]"); } @MemoMismatches Rule idx() { return OneOrMore(TestNot("]"), TestNot(startDelimiter()), TestNot(endDelimiter()), ANY); } @MemoMismatches @Label("id") Rule nameStart() { return Sequence(TestNot(dot()), FirstOf(CharRange('a', 'z'), CharRange('A', 'Z'), '_', '$', '@')); } @MemoMismatches @Label("id") Rule nameEnd() { return Sequence(TestNot(dot()), TestNot(endDelimiter()), FirstOf(CharRange('a', 'z'), CharRange('A', 'Z'), digit(), '_', '$', '/', '-', '@')); } @MemoMismatches @Label(".") Rule dot() { return Ch('.'); } @MemoMismatches Rule integer(final Var<Object> var) { return Sequence(OneOrMore(digit()), var.set(Integer.parseInt(match()))); } @MemoMismatches @Label("boolean") Rule bool(final Var<Object> var) { return Sequence(FirstOf(String("true"), String("false")), var.set(Boolean.valueOf(match()))); } @MemoMismatches Rule path() { return Sequence(TestNot(startDelimiter()), TestNot(endDelimiter()), FirstOf(Sequence('[', OneOrMore(pathSegment()), ']'), OneOrMore(pathSegment()))); } @Label("ignore") Rule spacing() { return ZeroOrMore(spaces()); } @Label("ignore") Rule spaces() { return FirstOf( // whitespace spaceNoAction(), // nl nlNoAction(), // Comment comment()); } @Label("ignore") Rule spaceNoAction() { return AnyOf(" \t\f"); } @Label("ignore") Rule space() { return Sequence(OneOrMore(spaceNoAction()), new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { return add(new Blank(context.getMatch())); } }); } @Label("ignore") Rule nlNoAction() { return Sequence(Optional('\r'), '\n'); } @Label("ignore") Rule nl() { return Sequence(nlNoAction(), new Action<Object>() { @Override public boolean run(final Context<Object> context) { add(new Blank(context.getMatch())); stripSpace(peekNode()); return true; } }); } void stripSpace(final Node node) { // strip space String line = this.line.toString(); boolean emptyLine = line.trim().length() == 0; nodeLine.add(node); boolean hasTag = hasTag(); for (Node n : nodeLine) { TemplateList tokens = n.sequence; IntArrayStack spaces = n.spaces; if (hasTag && emptyLine) { while (spaces.size() > 0) { tokens.remove(spaces.pop()); } } else { spaces.clear(); } } resetLineTrack(); } private void resetLineTrack() { nodeLine.clear(); resetHasTag(); line.setLength(0); } @Override public boolean push(final Object value) { nodeLine.add((Node) value); return super.push(value); } @DontLabel Rule comment() { return Sequence('!', hasTag(true), ZeroOrMore(TestNot(endDelimiter()), ANY), endDelimiter()); } @MemoMismatches @Label("digit") Rule digit() { return CharRange('0', '9'); } @MemoMismatches @Label("path") Rule pathSegment() { return FirstOf(CharRange('0', '9'), CharRange('a', 'z'), CharRange('A', 'Z'), '_', '$', '/', '.', ':', '-'); } }