Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Edgar Espina
 * This file is part of
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.github.jknack.handlebars;

import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.isTrue;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notEmpty;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notNull;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import com.github.jknack.handlebars.cache.NullTemplateCache;
import com.github.jknack.handlebars.cache.TemplateCache;
import com.github.jknack.handlebars.helper.DefaultHelperRegistry;
import com.github.jknack.handlebars.internal.HbsParserFactory;

 * <p>
 * Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no
 * frustration.
 * </p>
 * <h2>
 * Getting Started:</h2>
 * <pre>
 * Handlebars handlebars = new Handlebars();
 * Template template = handlebars.compileInline("Hello {{this}}!");
 * System.out.println(template.apply(""));
 * </pre>
 * <h2>Loading templates</h2> Templates are loaded using the ```TemplateLoader``` class.
 * provides three implementations of a ```TemplateLodaer```:
 * <ul>
 * <li>ClassPathTemplateLoader (default)</li>
 * <li>FileTemplateLoader</li>
 * <li>SpringTemplateLoader (available at the handlebars-springmvc module)</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * This example load <code>mytemplate.hbs</code> from the root of the classpath:
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 * Handlebars handlebars = new Handlebars();
 * Template template = handlebars.compileInline(URI.create("mytemplate"));
 * System.out.println(template.apply(""));
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * You can specify a different ```TemplateLoader``` by:
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 * TemplateLoader loader = ...;
 * Handlebars handlebars = new Handlebars(loader);
 * </pre>
 * @author edgar.espina
 * @since 0.1.0
public class Handlebars implements HelperRegistry {

     * A {@link SafeString} tell {@link Handlebars} that the content should not be
     * escaped as HTML.
     * @author edgar.espina
     * @since 0.1.0
    public static class SafeString implements CharSequence {

         * The content.
        private CharSequence content;

         * Creates a new {@link SafeString}.
         * @param content The string content.
        public SafeString(final CharSequence content) {
            this.content = content;

        public int length() {
            return content.length();

        public char charAt(final int index) {
            return content.charAt(index);

        public CharSequence subSequence(final int start, final int end) {
            return content.subSequence(start, end);

        public String toString() {
            return content.toString();

        public int hashCode() {
            final int prime = 31;
            int result = 1;
            result = prime * result + (content == null ? 0 : content.hashCode());
            return result;

        public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof SafeString) {
                SafeString that = (SafeString) obj;
                return content.equals(that.content);
            return false;

     * Utilities function like: {@link Utils#escapeExpression(CharSequence)} and
     * {@link Utils#isEmpty(Object)}.
     * @author edgar.espina
     * @since 0.1.0
    public static class Utils {

         * Evaluate the given object and return true is the object is considered
         * empty. Nulls, empty list or array and false values are considered empty.
         * @param value The object value.
         * @return Return true is the object is considered empty. Nulls, empty list
         *         or array and false values are considered empty.
        public static boolean isEmpty(final Object value) {
            if (value == null) {
                return true;
            if (value instanceof CharSequence) {
                return ((CharSequence) value).length() == 0;
            if (value instanceof Collection) {
                return ((Collection) value).size() == 0;
            if (value instanceof Iterable) {
                return !((Iterable) value).iterator().hasNext();
            if (value instanceof Boolean) {
                return !((Boolean) value).booleanValue();
            if (value.getClass().isArray()) {
                return Array.getLength(value) == 0;
            if (value instanceof Number) {
                return ((Number) value).doubleValue() == 0;
            return false;

         * <p>
         * Escapes the characters in a {@code String} using HTML entities.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * For example:
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * <code>"bread" & "butter"</code>
         * </p>
         * becomes:
         * <pre>
         *  &amp;quot;bread&amp;quot; &amp;amp; &amp;quot;butter&amp;quot;
         * </pre>
         * @param input the {@code String} to escape, may be null.
         * @return The escaped version of the input or the same input if it's a
         *         SafeString.
        public static String escapeExpression(final CharSequence input) {
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(input)) {
                return "";
            // Don't escape SafeStrings, since they're already safe
            if (input instanceof SafeString) {
                return input.toString();
            StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(input.length());
            for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
                char ch = input.charAt(i);
                switch (ch) {
                case '<':
                case '>':
                case '"':
                case '\'':
                case '`':
                case '&':
            return html.toString();

     * The default start delimiter.
    public static final String DELIM_START = "{{";

     * The default end delimiter.
    public static final String DELIM_END = "}}";

     * The logging system.
    private static final Logger logger = getLogger(Handlebars.class);

     * The template loader. Required.
    private TemplateLoader loader;

     * The template cache. Required.
    private TemplateCache cache = NullTemplateCache.INSTANCE;

     * If true, missing helper parameters will be resolve to their names.
    private boolean stringParams;

     * If true, unnecessary whitespace and new lines will be removed.
    private boolean prettyPrint;

     * The helper registry.
    private HelperRegistry registry = new DefaultHelperRegistry();

     * If true, templates will be able to call him self directly or indirectly. Use with caution.
     * Default is: false.
    private boolean infiniteLoops;

     * If true, templates will be deleted once applied. Useful, in some advanced template inheritance
     * use cases. Default is: false.
     * At any time you can override the default setup with:
     * <pre>
     * {{#block "footer" delete-after-merge=true}}
     * </pre>
    private boolean deletePartialAfterMerge;

     * The escaping strategy.
    private EscapingStrategy escapingStrategy = EscapingStrategy.HTML_ENTITY;

     * The parser factory. Required.
    private ParserFactory parserFactory = new HbsParserFactory();

     * The start delimiter.
    private String startDelimiter = DELIM_START;

     * The end delimiter.
    private String endDelimiter = DELIM_END;

     * Creates a new {@link Handlebars} with no cache.
     * @param loader The template loader. Required.
    public Handlebars(final TemplateLoader loader) {

     * Creates a new {@link Handlebars} with a {@link ClassPathTemplateLoader} and no
     * cache.
    public Handlebars() {
        this(new ClassPathTemplateLoader());

     * Compile the resource located at the given uri.
     * @param location The resource's location. Required.
     * @return A compiled template.
     * @throws IOException If the resource cannot be loaded.
    public Template compile(final String location) throws IOException {
        return compile(location, startDelimiter, endDelimiter);

     * Compile the resource located at the given uri.
     * @param location The resource's location. Required.
     * @param startDelimiter The start delimiter. Required.
     * @param endDelimiter The end delimiter. Required.
     * @return A compiled template.
     * @throws IOException If the resource cannot be loaded.
    public Template compile(final String location, final String startDelimiter, final String endDelimiter)
            throws IOException {
        return compile(loader.sourceAt(location), startDelimiter, endDelimiter);

     * Compile a handlebars template.
     * @param input The handlebars input. Required.
     * @return A compiled template.
     * @throws IOException If the resource cannot be loaded.
    public Template compileInline(final String input) throws IOException {
        return compileInline(input, startDelimiter, endDelimiter);

     * Compile a handlebars template.
     * @param input The input text. Required.
     * @param startDelimiter The start delimiter. Required.
     * @param endDelimiter The end delimiter. Required.
     * @return A compiled template.
     * @throws IOException If the resource cannot be loaded.
    public Template compileInline(final String input, final String startDelimiter, final String endDelimiter)
            throws IOException {
        notNull(input, "The input is required.");
        String filename = "inline@" + Integer.toHexString(Math.abs(input.hashCode()));
        return compile(new StringTemplateSource(filename, input), startDelimiter, endDelimiter);

     * Compile a handlebars template.
     * @param source The template source. Required.
     * @return A handlebars template.
     * @throws IOException If the resource cannot be loaded.
    public Template compile(final TemplateSource source) throws IOException {
        return compile(source, startDelimiter, endDelimiter);

     * Compile a handlebars template.
     * @param source The template source. Required.
     * @param startDelimiter The start delimiter. Required.
     * @param endDelimiter The end delimiter. Required.
     * @return A handlebars template.
     * @throws IOException If the resource cannot be loaded.
    public Template compile(final TemplateSource source, final String startDelimiter, final String endDelimiter)
            throws IOException {
        notNull(source, "The template source is required.");
        notEmpty(startDelimiter, "The start delimiter is required.");
        notEmpty(endDelimiter, "The end delimiter is required.");
        Parser parser = parserFactory.create(this, startDelimiter, endDelimiter);
        Template template = cache.get(source, parser);
        return template;

     * Find a helper by name.
     * @param <C> The helper runtime type.
     * @param name The helper's name. Required.
     * @return A helper or null if it's not found.
    public <C> Helper<C> helper(final String name) {
        return registry.helper(name);

     * Register a helper in the helper registry.
     * @param <H> The helper runtime type.
     * @param name The helper's name. Required.
     * @param helper The helper object. Required.
     * @return This handlebars.
    public <H> Handlebars registerHelper(final String name, final Helper<H> helper) {
        registry.registerHelper(name, helper);
        return this;

     * Register a missing helper in the helper registry.
     * @param <H> The helper runtime type.
     * @param helper The helper object. Required.
     * @return This handlebars.
    public <H> Handlebars registerHelperMissing(final Helper<H> helper) {
        return registerHelper(HELPER_MISSING, helper);

     * <p>
     * Register all the helper methods for the given helper source.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * A helper method looks like:
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     * public static? CharSequence methodName(context?, parameter*, options?) {
     * }
     * </pre>
     * Where:
     * <ul>
     * <li>A method can/can't be static</li>
     * <li>The method's name became the helper's name</li>
     * <li>Context, parameters and options are all optional</li>
     * <li>If context and options are present they must be the first and last method arguments.</li>
     * </ul>
     * Instance and static methods will be registered as helpers.
     * @param helperSource The helper source. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
    public Handlebars registerHelpers(final Object helperSource) {
        return this;

     * <p>
     * Register all the helper methods for the given helper source.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * A helper method looks like:
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     * public static? CharSequence methodName(context?, parameter*, options?) {
     * }
     * </pre>
     * Where:
     * <ul>
     * <li>A method can/can't be static</li>
     * <li>The method's name became the helper's name</li>
     * <li>Context, parameters and options are all optional</li>
     * <li>If context and options are present they must be the first and last method arguments.</li>
     * </ul>
     * Only static methods will be registered as helpers.
     * <p>Enums are supported too</p>
     * @param helperSource The helper source. Enums are supported. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
    public Handlebars registerHelpers(final Class<?> helperSource) {
        return this;

     * <p>
     * Register helpers from a JavaScript source.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * A JavaScript source file looks like:
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context) {
     *    return 'Hi ' +;
     *  });
     *  ...
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context, options) {
     *    return 'Hi ' + + options.hash['x'];
     *  });
     *  ...
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context, p1, p2, options) {
     *    return 'Hi ' + + p1 + p2 + options.hash['x'];
     *  });
     *  ...
     * </pre>
     * To keep your helpers reusable between server and client avoid DOM manipulation.
     * @param location A classpath location. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
     * @throws Exception If the JavaScript helpers can't be registered.
    public Handlebars registerHelpers(final URI location) throws Exception {
        return this;

     * <p>
     * Register helpers from a JavaScript source.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * A JavaScript source file looks like:
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context) {
     *    return 'Hi ' +;
     *  });
     *  ...
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context, options) {
     *    return 'Hi ' + + options.hash['x'];
     *  });
     *  ...
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context, p1, p2, options) {
     *    return 'Hi ' + + p1 + p2 + options.hash['x'];
     *  });
     *  ...
     * </pre>
     * To keep your helpers reusable between server and client avoid DOM manipulation.
     * @param input A JavaScript file name. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
     * @throws Exception If the JavaScript helpers can't be registered.
    public Handlebars registerHelpers(final File input) throws Exception {
        return this;

     * <p>
     * Register helpers from a JavaScript source.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * A JavaScript source file looks like:
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context) {
     *    return 'Hi ' +;
     *  });
     *  ...
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context, options) {
     *    return 'Hi ' + + options.hash['x'];
     *  });
     *  ...
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context, p1, p2, options) {
     *    return 'Hi ' + + p1 + p2 + options.hash['x'];
     *  });
     *  ...
     * </pre>
     * To keep your helpers reusable between server and client avoid DOM manipulation.
     * @param filename The file name (just for debugging purpose). Required.
     * @param source The JavaScript source. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
     * @throws Exception If the JavaScript helpers can't be registered.
    public Handlebars registerHelpers(final String filename, final Reader source) throws Exception {
        registry.registerHelpers(filename, source);
        return this;

     * <p>
     * Register helpers from a JavaScript source.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * A JavaScript source file looks like:
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context) {
     *    return 'Hi ' +;
     *  });
     *  ...
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context, options) {
     *    return 'Hi ' + + options.hash['x'];
     *  });
     *  ...
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context, p1, p2, options) {
     *    return 'Hi ' + + p1 + p2 + options.hash['x'];
     *  });
     *  ...
     * </pre>
     * To keep your helpers reusable between server and client avoid DOM manipulation.
     * @param filename The file name (just for debugging purpose). Required.
     * @param source The JavaScript source. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
     * @throws Exception If the JavaScript helpers can't be registered.
    public Handlebars registerHelpers(final String filename, final InputStream source) throws Exception {
        registry.registerHelpers(filename, source);
        return this;

     * <p>
     * Register helpers from a JavaScript source.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * A JavaScript source file looks like:
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context) {
     *    return 'Hi ' +;
     *  });
     *  ...
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context, options) {
     *    return 'Hi ' + + options.hash['x'];
     *  });
     *  ...
     *  Handlebars.registerHelper('hey', function (context, p1, p2, options) {
     *    return 'Hi ' + + p1 + p2 + options.hash['x'];
     *  });
     *  ...
     * </pre>
     * To keep your helpers reusable between server and client avoid DOM manipulation.
     * @param filename The file name (just for debugging purpose). Required.
     * @param source The JavaScript source. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
     * @throws Exception If the JavaScript helpers can't be registered.
    public Handlebars registerHelpers(final String filename, final String source) throws Exception {
        registry.registerHelpers(filename, source);
        return this;

    public Set<Entry<String, Helper<?>>> helpers() {
        return registry.helpers();

     * The resource locator.
     * @return The resource locator.
    public TemplateLoader getLoader() {
        return loader;

     * The template cache.
     * @return The template cache.
    public TemplateCache getCache() {
        return cache;

     * The escaping strategy.
     * @return The escaping strategy.
    public EscapingStrategy getEscapingStrategy() {
        return escapingStrategy;

     * If true, missing helper parameters will be resolve to their names.
     * @return If true, missing helper parameters will be resolve to their names.
    public boolean stringParams() {
        return stringParams;

     * If true, unnecessary spaces and new lines will be removed from output. Default is: false.
     * @return If true, unnecessary spaces and new lines will be removed from output. Default is:
     *         false.
    public boolean prettyPrint() {
        return prettyPrint;

     * If true, unnecessary spaces and new lines will be removed from output. Default is: false.
     * @param prettyPrint If true, unnecessary spaces and new lines will be removed from output.
     *        Default is: false.
    public void setPrettyPrint(final boolean prettyPrint) {
        this.prettyPrint = prettyPrint;

     * If true, unnecessary spaces and new lines will be removed from output. Default is: false.
     * @param prettyPrint If true, unnecessary spaces and new lines will be removed from output.
     *        Default is: false.
     * @return This handlebars object.
    public Handlebars prettyPrint(final boolean prettyPrint) {
        return this;

     * If true, missing helper parameters will be resolve to their names.
     * @param stringParams If true, missing helper parameters will be resolve to
     *        their names.
    public void setStringParams(final boolean stringParams) {
        this.stringParams = stringParams;

     * If true, missing helper parameters will be resolve to their names.
     * @param stringParams If true, missing helper parameters will be resolve to
     *        their names.
     * @return The handlebars object.
    public Handlebars stringParams(final boolean stringParams) {
        return this;

     * If true, templates will be able to call him self directly or indirectly. Use with caution.
     * Default is: false.
     * @return If true, templates will be able to call him self directly or indirectly. Use with
     *         caution. Default is: false.
    public boolean infiniteLoops() {
        return infiniteLoops;

     * If true, templates will be able to call him self directly or indirectly. Use with caution.
     * Default is: false.
     * @param infiniteLoops If true, templates will be able to call him self directly or
     *        indirectly.
    public void setInfiniteLoops(final boolean infiniteLoops) {
        this.infiniteLoops = infiniteLoops;

     * If true, templates will be able to call him self directly or indirectly. Use with caution.
     * Default is: false.
     * @param infiniteLoops If true, templates will be able to call him self directly or
     *        indirectly.
     * @return The handlebars object.
    public Handlebars infiniteLoops(final boolean infiniteLoops) {
        return this;

     * If true, templates will be deleted once applied. Useful, in some advanced template inheritance
     * use cases.  Used by <code>{{#block}} helper</code>. Default is: false.
     * At any time you can override the default setup with:
     * <pre>
     * {{#block "footer" delete-after-merge=true}}
     * </pre>
     * @return True for clearing up templates once they got applied. Used by
     *      <code>{{#block}} helper</code>.
    public boolean deletePartialAfterMerge() {
        return deletePartialAfterMerge;

     * If true, templates will be deleted once applied. Useful, in some advanced template inheritance
     * use cases.  Used by <code>{{#block}} helper</code>. Default is: false.
     * At any time you can override the default setup with:
     * <pre>
     * {{#block "footer" delete-after-merge=true}}
     * </pre>
     * @param deletePartialAfterMerge True for clearing up templates once they got applied. Used by
     *    <code>{{#block}} helper</code>.
     * @return This handlebars object.
    public Handlebars deletePartialAfterMerge(final boolean deletePartialAfterMerge) {
        return this;

     * If true, templates will be deleted once applied. Useful, in some advanced template inheritance
     * use cases.  Used by <code>{{#block}} helper</code>. Default is: false.
     * At any time you can override the default setup with:
     * <pre>
     * {{#block "footer" delete-after-merge=true}}
     * </pre>
     * @param deletePartialAfterMerge True for clearing up templates once they got applied. Used by
     *    <code>{{#block}} helper</code>.
    public void setDeletePartialAfterMerge(final boolean deletePartialAfterMerge) {
        this.deletePartialAfterMerge = deletePartialAfterMerge;

     * Set the end delimiter.
     * @param endDelimiter The end delimiter. Required.
    public void setEndDelimiter(final String endDelimiter) {
        this.endDelimiter = notEmpty(endDelimiter, "The endDelimiter is required.");

     * Set the end delimiter.
     * @param endDelimiter The end delimiter. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
    public Handlebars endDelimiter(final String endDelimiter) {
        return this;

     * Set the start delimiter.
     * @param startDelimiter The start delimiter. Required.
    public void setStartDelimiter(final String startDelimiter) {
        this.startDelimiter = notEmpty(startDelimiter, "The startDelimiter is required.");

     * Set the start delimiter.
     * @param startDelimiter The start delimiter. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
    public Handlebars startDelimiter(final String startDelimiter) {
        return this;

     * Set one or more {@link TemplateLoader}. In the case of two or more {@link TemplateLoader}, a
     * {@link CompositeTemplateLoader} will be created. Default is: {@link ClassPathTemplateLoader}.
     * @param loader The template loader. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
     * @see CompositeTemplateLoader
    public Handlebars with(final TemplateLoader... loader) {
        isTrue(loader.length > 0, "The template loader is required.");
        this.loader = loader.length == 1 ? loader[0] : new CompositeTemplateLoader(loader);
        return this;

     * Set a new {@link ParserFactory}.
     * @param parserFactory A parser factory. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
    public Handlebars with(final ParserFactory parserFactory) {
        this.parserFactory = notNull(parserFactory, "A parserFactory is required.");
        return this;

     * Set a new {@link TemplateCache}.
     * @param cache The template cache. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
    public Handlebars with(final TemplateCache cache) {
        this.cache = notNull(cache, "The template loader is required.");
        return this;

     * Set the helper registry. This operation will override will remove any previously registered
     * helper.
     * @param registry The helper registry. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
    public Handlebars with(final HelperRegistry registry) {
        this.registry = notNull(registry, "The registry is required.");

        return this;

     * Set a new {@link EscapingStrategy}.
     * @param escapingStrategy The escaping strategy. Required.
     * @return This handlebars object.
    public Handlebars with(final EscapingStrategy escapingStrategy) {
        this.escapingStrategy = notNull(escapingStrategy, "The escaping strategy is required.");
        return this;

     * Return a parser factory.
     * @return A parsert factory.
    public ParserFactory getParserFactory() {
        return parserFactory;

     * Log the given message and format the message within the args.
     * @param message The log's message.
     * @param args The optional args.
     * @see String#format(String, Object...)
    public static void log(final String message, final Object... args) {, args));

     * Log the given message and format the message within the args.
     * @param message The log's message.
     * @see String#format(String, Object...)
    public static void log(final String message) {;

     * Log the given message as warn and format the message within the args.
     * @param message The log's message.
     * @param args The optional args.
     * @see String#format(String, Object...)
    public static void warn(final String message, final Object... args) {
        if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
            logger.warn(String.format(message, args));

     * Log the given message as warn and format the message within the args.
     * @param message The log's message.
     * @see String#format(String, Object...)
    public static void warn(final String message) {

     * Log the given message as debug and format the message within the args.
     * @param message The log's message.
     * @param args The optional args.
     * @see String#format(String, Object...)
    public static void debug(final String message, final Object... args) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug(String.format(message, args));

     * Log the given message as debug and format the message within the args.
     * @param message The log's message.
     * @see String#format(String, Object...)
    public static void debug(final String message) {

     * Log the given message as error and format the message within the args.
     * @param message The log's message.
     * @param args The optional args.
     * @see String#format(String, Object...)

    public static void error(final String message, final Object... args) {
        logger.error(String.format(message, args));

     * Log the given message as error and format the message within the args.
     * @param message The log's message.
     * @see String#format(String, Object...)
    public static void error(final String message) {
