Java tutorial
/* ==================================================================== Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==================================================================== */ package com.github.igor_kudryashov.utils.excel; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFDataFormat; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFont; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFHyperlink; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.extensions.XSSFCellBorder; /** * The simple helper for create Microsoft Excel workbook via Apache POI */ public class ExcelWriter { private SXSSFWorkbook workbook; private final XSSFColor colorBorder = new XSSFColor(new java.awt.Color(192, 192, 192)); private final XSSFColor colorHeaderBackground = new XSSFColor(new java.awt.Color(210, 210, 210)); private final XSSFColor colorEvenCellBackground = new XSSFColor(new java.awt.Color(239, 239, 239)); private final int MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH = 3000; private final int MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH = 15000; // the styles of cells Map<String, XSSFCellStyle> styles = new HashMap<String, XSSFCellStyle>(); // the storage for column widths Map<String, Map<Integer, Integer>> columnWidth = new HashMap<String, Map<Integer, Integer>>(); // the rows counter Map<String, Integer> rows = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); /** * Default constructor */ public ExcelWriter() { // create new workbook with 100 unflushed records workbook = new SXSSFWorkbook(100); // When a new node is created via createRow() and the total number of // unflushed records would exceed the specified value, then the row with // the lowest index value is flushed and cannot be accessed via getRow() // anymore. // A value of -1 indicates unlimited access. In this case all records // that have not been flushed by a call to flush() are available for // random access. // A value of 0 is not allowed because it would flush any newly created // row without having a chance to specify any cells. } /** * Creates a new sheet in the workbook * * @param name * Name of sheet * @return Created sheet */ public Sheet createSheet(String name) { // delete back slash in name String sheetName = name.replaceAll("\\\\", "-").trim(); // create new worksheet Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(name); if (sheet == null) { sheet = workbook.createSheet(sheetName); } return sheet; } /** * Returns active workbook * * @return active workbook */ public Workbook getWorkbook() { return workbook; } /** * Creates new row in the worksheet * * @param sheet * Sheet * @param values * the value of the new cell line * @param header * <code>true</code> if this row is the header, otherwise * <code>false</code> * @param withStyle * <code>true</code> if in this row will be applied styles for * the cells, otherwise <code>false</code> * @return created row */ public Row createRow(Sheet sheet, Object[] values, boolean header, boolean withStyle) { Row row; String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName(); int rownum = 0; if (rows.containsKey(sheetName)) { rownum = rows.get(sheetName); } // create new row row = sheet.createRow(rownum); // create a cells of row for (int x = 0; x < values.length; x++) { Object o = values[x]; Cell cell = row.createCell(x); if (o != null) { if (o.getClass().getName().contains("String")) { String value = (String) values[x]; cell.setCellValue(value); } else if (o.getClass().getName().contains("Double")) { cell.setCellValue((Double) values[x]); } else if (o.getClass().getName().contains("Integer")) { cell.setCellValue((Integer) values[x]); } else if (o.getClass().getName().contains("Date")) { cell.setCellValue((Date) values[x]); } if (withStyle) { cell.setCellStyle(getCellStyle(rownum, values[x], header)); } } // save max column width if (!header) { saveColumnWidth(sheet, x, o); } } // save the last number of row for this worksheet rows.put(sheetName, ++rownum); return row; } /** * * Adds a hyperlink into a cell. The contents of the cell remains * peronachalnoe. Do not forget to fill in the contents of the cell before * add a hyperlinks. If a row already has been flushed, this method not * work! * * @param sheet * Sheet * @param rownum * number of row * @param colnum * number of column * @param url * hyperlink */ public void createHyperlink(Sheet sheet, int rownum, int colnum, String url) { Row row = sheet.getRow(rownum); if (url != null && !"".equals(url)) { Cell cell = row.getCell(colnum); CreationHelper createHelper = workbook.getCreationHelper(); XSSFHyperlink hyperlink = (XSSFHyperlink) createHelper.createHyperlink(Hyperlink.LINK_URL); hyperlink.setAddress(url); cell.setHyperlink(hyperlink); cell.setCellStyle(getHyperlinkCellStyle(rownum, url)); } } /** * Returns a hyperlink style of cell * * @param rownum * the number of row for count odd/even rows * @param entry * value of cell * @return the hyperlink style of cell */ private XSSFCellStyle getHyperlinkCellStyle(int rownum, Object entry) { XSSFCellStyle style; String name = "hyperlink"; if ((rownum % 2) == 0) { name += "_even"; } if (styles.containsKey(name)) { style = styles.get(name); } else { style = (XSSFCellStyle) getCellStyle(rownum, entry, false).clone(); XSSFFont font = (XSSFFont) workbook.createFont(); font.setUnderline(XSSFFont.U_SINGLE); font.setColor(HSSFColor.BLUE.index); style.setFont(font); styles.put(name, style); } return style; } /** * Returns a style of cell * * @param rownum * the number of row for count odd/even rows * @param entry * value of cell * @param header * <code>true</code> if this row is the header, otherwise * <code>false</code> * @return the cell style */ private XSSFCellStyle getCellStyle(int rownum, Object entry, boolean header) { XSSFCellStyle style; String name = entry.getClass().getName(); if (header) { name += "_header"; } else if ((rownum % 2) == 0) { name += "_even"; } if (styles.containsKey(name)) { // if we already have a style for this class, return it style = styles.get(name); } else { // create new style style = (XSSFCellStyle) workbook.createCellStyle(); style.setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment.TOP); style.setBorderBottom(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderColor(XSSFCellBorder.BorderSide.BOTTOM, colorBorder); style.setBorderLeft(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderColor(XSSFCellBorder.BorderSide.LEFT, colorBorder); style.setBorderRight(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBorderColor(XSSFCellBorder.BorderSide.RIGHT, colorBorder); // format data XSSFDataFormat fmt = (XSSFDataFormat) workbook.createDataFormat(); short format = 0; if (name.contains("Date")) { format = fmt.getFormat(BuiltinFormats.getBuiltinFormat(0xe)); style.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); } else if (name.contains("Double")) { format = fmt.getFormat(BuiltinFormats.getBuiltinFormat(2)); style.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT); } else if (name.contains("Integer")) { format = fmt.getFormat(BuiltinFormats.getBuiltinFormat(1)); style.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT); } else { style.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); if (!header) { style.setWrapText(true); } } if (header) { // for header style.setFillForegroundColor(colorHeaderBackground); style.setFillPattern(CellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); } else if (name.contains("_even")) { // for even rows style.setFillForegroundColor(colorEvenCellBackground); style.setFillPattern(CellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); } style.setDataFormat(format); // keep the style for reuse styles.put(name, style); } return style; } /** * Stores the maximum width of the column * * @param sheet * Name of worksheet * @param x * number of column * @param value * cell value */ private void saveColumnWidth(Sheet sheet, int x, Object value) { String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName(); Map<Integer, Integer> width; if (columnWidth.containsKey(sheetName)) { width = columnWidth.get(sheetName); } else { width = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); columnWidth.put(sheetName, width); } // calculate width of column by data value int w = 0; String className = value.getClass().getName(); if (className.contains("String")) { w = ((String) value).length() * 256; } if (className.contains("Double") || className.contains("Integer")) { w = value.toString().length() * 256; } if (className.contains("Date")) { w = 2560; } if (w < MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH) { w = MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH; } if (w > MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH) { w = MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH; } if (width.containsKey(x)) { int i = width.get(x); if (i < w) { width.put(x, w); } } else { width.put(x, w); } } /** * Format a table of worksheet * * @param sheet * Name of sheet * @param withHeader * <code>true</code> for create auto filter and freeze pane in * first row, otherwise <code>false</code> */ public void setAutoSizeColumns(Sheet sheet, boolean withHeader) { if (sheet.getLastRowNum() > 0) { if (withHeader) { int x = sheet.getRow(sheet.getLastRowNum()).getLastCellNum(); CellRangeAddress range = new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, x - 1); sheet.setAutoFilter(range); sheet.createFreezePane(0, 1); } // auto-sizing columns if (columnWidth.containsKey(sheet.getSheetName())) { Map<Integer, Integer> width = columnWidth.get(sheet.getSheetName()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : width.entrySet()) { sheet.setColumnWidth(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } } /** * Save a workbook in file * * @param fileName * filename * @return <code>true</code> if saved successfully, otherwise * <code>false</code> * @throws IOException */ public boolean saveToFile(String fileName) throws IOException { for (int x = 0; x < workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); x++) { SXSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(x); sheet.flushRows(); } // Write the output to a file FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(fileName); workbook.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); // dispose of temporary files backing this workbook on disk workbook.dispose(); return (true); } }