Java tutorial
package com.github.hexosse.pluginframework.pluginapi.command.predifined; /* * Copyright 2016 Hexosse * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import com.github.hexosse.pluginframework.pluginapi.Plugin; import com.github.hexosse.pluginframework.pluginapi.PluginCommand; import com.github.hexosse.pluginframework.pluginapi.command.CommandArgument; import com.github.hexosse.pluginframework.pluginapi.command.CommandError; import com.github.hexosse.pluginframework.pluginapi.command.CommandInfo; import com.github.hexosse.pluginframework.pluginapi.command.type.ArgTypeInteger; import com.github.hexosse.pluginframework.pluginapi.message.*; import com.github.hexosse.pluginframework.pluginapi.message.predifined.Help; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.util.ChatPaginator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static org.bukkit.util.ChatPaginator.AVERAGE_CHAT_PAGE_WIDTH; import static org.bukkit.util.ChatPaginator.CLOSED_CHAT_PAGE_HEIGHT; import static org.bukkit.util.ChatPaginator.GUARANTEED_NO_WRAP_CHAT_PAGE_WIDTH; /** * @author <b>hexosse</b> (<a href="https://github.comp/hexosse">hexosse on GitHub</a>)) */ public class CommandHelp<PluginClass extends Plugin> extends PluginCommand<PluginClass> { static String HELP = "help"; public CommandHelp(PluginClass plugin) { super(HELP, plugin); this.setAliases(Lists.newArrayList(HELP, "h", "?", "aide")); this.addArgument( new CommandArgument<Integer>("page", ArgTypeInteger.get(), 1, false, false, "Page number")); } /** * Executes the given command, returning its success * * @param commandInfo Info about the command * * @return true if a valid command, otherwise false */ @Override public boolean onCommand(CommandInfo commandInfo) { //List<Data> datas = Lists.newArrayList(); HelpLines helpLines = new HelpLines(CLOSED_CHAT_PAGE_HEIGHT - 1); // Command PluginCommand<?> command = commandInfo.getCommand(); // Parent command PluginCommand<?> parentCommand = command.getParentCommand(); // Main command PluginCommand<?> mainCommand = command.getName().toLowerCase().equals(HELP.toLowerCase()) ? parentCommand : command; if (mainCommand.getMaxArgs() > 0) { CommandInfo mainCommandInfo = new CommandInfo(commandInfo.getSender(), mainCommand, mainCommand.getName(), new String[0], null); Help mainHelp = new Help(mainCommandInfo); if (command.getPermission() == null) helpLines.add(new HelpLine(mainCommandInfo, mainHelp)); else if (command.getPermission() != null && command.getPermission().isEmpty() == false && commandInfo.getSender().hasPermission(command.getPermission()) == true) helpLines.add(new HelpLine(mainCommandInfo, mainHelp)); } // Sub command for (Map.Entry<String, PluginCommand<?>> entry : mainCommand.getSubCommands().entrySet()) { PluginCommand<?> subCommand = entry.getValue(); CommandInfo subCommandInfo = new CommandInfo(commandInfo.getSender(), subCommand, subCommand.getName(), new String[0], null); Help subHelp = new Help(subCommandInfo); if (subCommandInfo.getCommand().getPermission() == null || subCommandInfo.getCommand().getPermission().isEmpty() == true) helpLines.add(new HelpLine(subCommandInfo, subHelp)); else if (subCommandInfo.getCommand().getPermission().isEmpty() == false && commandInfo.getSender().hasPermission(subCommandInfo.getCommand().getPermission()) == true) helpLines.add(new HelpLine(subCommandInfo, subHelp)); } // Page requested int page = Integer .parseInt(commandInfo.hasNamedArg("page") == true ? commandInfo.getNamedArg("page") : "1"); int maxPages = helpLines.currentPage; // Check page number page = ((page >= maxPages) ? maxPages : ((page <= 0) ? 1 : page)); // Title line MessagePart prev = getPrev(command, page - 1, maxPages); MessagePart help = new MessagePart( " " + MessageText.help_for_command + " \"" + parentCommand.getName() + "\" ") .color(MessageColor.DESCRIPTION); MessagePart index = getIndex(command, page, maxPages); MessagePart next = getNext(command, page + 1, maxPages); int len = (prev.getText() + help.getText() + index.getText() + next.getText()).length(); MessagePart dash = new MessagePart(ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + StringUtils.leftPad("", (GUARANTEED_NO_WRAP_CHAT_PAGE_WIDTH - len) / 2, "-")) .color(MessageColor.DESCRIPTION); Message m = new Message(new MessageLine().add(dash).add(prev).add(help).add(index).add(next).add(dash)); plugin.messageManager.send(commandInfo, new Message("")); plugin.messageManager.send(commandInfo, m); // Help lines for (HelpLine line : helpLines.lines) { if ( == page) plugin.messageManager.send(line.commandInfo, line.message); } return true; } @Override public void onCommandHelp(CommandError error, CommandInfo commandInfo) { } private MessagePart getPrev(PluginCommand<?> command, int pageNumber, int totalPage) { if (totalPage <= 1 || pageNumber <= 0) return new MessagePart(""); MessagePart prev = new MessagePart(" [<] "); // Command String helpCommand = ""; while (command.getParentCommand() != null) { command = command.getParentCommand(); helpCommand = command.getName() + " " + helpCommand; } helpCommand = "/" + helpCommand + " help " + Integer.toString(pageNumber); ComponentBuilder prevHoverText = new ComponentBuilder(""); prevHoverText.append(MessageText.help_page + " " + Integer.toString(pageNumber)) .color(MessageColor.SUBCOMMAND.color()); ClickEvent prevClickEvent = new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, helpCommand); HoverEvent prevHoverEvent = new HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, prevHoverText.create()); return prev.color(MessageColor.COMMAND).event(prevClickEvent).event(prevHoverEvent); } private MessagePart getNext(PluginCommand<?> command, int pageNumber, int totalPage) { if (totalPage <= 1 || pageNumber <= 0 || pageNumber > totalPage) return new MessagePart(""); MessagePart next = new MessagePart(" [>] "); // Command String helpCommand = ""; while (command.getParentCommand() != null) { command = command.getParentCommand(); helpCommand = command.getName() + " " + helpCommand; } helpCommand = "/" + helpCommand + " help " + Integer.toString(pageNumber); ComponentBuilder nextHoverText = new ComponentBuilder(""); nextHoverText.append(MessageText.help_page + " " + Integer.toString(pageNumber)) .color(MessageColor.SUBCOMMAND.color()); ClickEvent nextClickEvent = new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, helpCommand); HoverEvent nextHoverEvent = new HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, nextHoverText.create()); return next.color(MessageColor.COMMAND).event(nextClickEvent).event(nextHoverEvent); } private MessagePart getIndex(PluginCommand<?> command, int pageNumber, int totalPage) { if (totalPage <= 1 || pageNumber <= 0 || pageNumber > totalPage) return new MessagePart(""); MessagePart index = new MessagePart( " (" + Integer.toString(pageNumber) + "/" + Integer.toString(totalPage) + ") "); return index.color(MessageColor.DESCRIPTION); } class HelpLine { public CommandInfo commandInfo; public Help message; public int lines; public int page; public HelpLine(CommandInfo commandInfo, Help message) { this.commandInfo = commandInfo; this.message = message; this.lines = getLines(message); } private int getLines(Help message) { List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); for (MessageLine mLine : message.getLines()) lines.add(mLine.toString()); return ChatPaginator .paginate(StringUtils.join(lines, ' '), 1, AVERAGE_CHAT_PAGE_WIDTH, CLOSED_CHAT_PAGE_HEIGHT) .getLines().length; } } class HelpLines { List<HelpLine> lines = new ArrayList<>(); int nbLinePerPage; int currentPage; int currentPageLines; public HelpLines(int nbLinePerPage) { this.nbLinePerPage = nbLinePerPage; this.currentPage = 1; this.currentPageLines = 0; } public void add(HelpLine line) { // Check if the number of line feet in the current page if (this.currentPageLines + line.lines > this.nbLinePerPage) { this.currentPage++; this.currentPageLines = 0; } // Update the line. It will know it page number this.currentPageLines += line.lines; = this.currentPage; // Add line to the list this.lines.add(line); } } }