Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2017 heartsemma and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package com.github.heartsemma.enderauth; /* * Every sql query in this plugin with a variable, by policy, uses prepared statements. * Should this policy be followed, there should be absolutely no risk for SQL Injections. * If you see this policy being broken somewhere in the code, please message me or one of the developers. */ import java.sql.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import com.github.heartsemma.enderauth.DataStructures.DatabaseException; import com.github.heartsemma.enderauth.DataStructures.DatabaseExceptions.UUIDNotFoundException; import; public class Database { //Final variables for interacting with other parts of the plugin private final Main main = Main.getInstance(); private final Logger logger = main.getLogger(); //Class-Wide SQL Variables for entering commands private Connection connection; private boolean databaseInitialized; // //Constants about the database. Some of these may be pulled from configuration in the future. For now they are set here and unconfigurable. private static final String dbName = "enderAuthDB"; //Name of the database. private static final String dbLocation = "localhost"; //Databases basic url. Ex:, localhost, private static final String dbUsername = "root"; private static final String dbPassword = "yourPassword"; private static final int port = 3306; private static final String dbUrl = "jdbc:mysql://" + dbLocation + ":" + String.valueOf(port) + "/mysql?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull"; //For the User Table. private static final String userTableName = "ea_users"; //The table where we store the data for players, so we can generate their codes and authenticate them, etc. private static final String userTableIDColumn = "uuid"; //Name of the ID column in the user table (Also what it contains) private static final int userTableIDColumnIndex = 1; //Index of the PSK column in the user table private static final String userTableIDColumnType = "TINYBLOB NOT NULL UNIQUE"; //Variable type/parameters of ID Column private static final String userTableTotpPSKColumn = "pre_shared_key"; //Name of the PSK column in the totp user table private static final int userTableTotpPSKColumnIndex = 2; //Index of the PSK column in the totp user table private static final String userTableTotpPSKColumnType = "TEXT"; //Variable type/parameters of the stored PSK for TOTP authentication //Sorry about the long variable names, but its better to be long than obscure. private static Database INSTANCE = null; public static Database getInstance() { if (INSTANCE == null) { INSTANCE = new Database(); } return INSTANCE; } private Database() { } //Loads an already existing database or creates and structures one if it doesnt already exist. public void validate() throws SQLException { //This should only be called once, and we want to make sure it doesn't happen again. if (databaseInitialized) { logger.debug("The Database was already initialized."); logger.debug( "This initialization process will be skipped to prevent it from happening a second time..."); } else { connection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, dbUsername, dbPassword); logger.debug("Attempting to create a database, if one does not exist yet."); String makeDatabaseCommand = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ?"; ArrayList<Object> makeDatabaseVariables = new ArrayList<Object>(); makeDatabaseVariables.add(dbName); transact(makeDatabaseCommand, makeDatabaseVariables); logger.debug( "Previous command ran successfully and we will begin structuring the database (if necessary)."); logger.debug("Attempting to structure database in case it does not have the required tables yet."); String tableCreationCommand = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ? ( " + "? ?," //UUID of the player; Used as the ID + "? ?)"; //Pre-shared key we generate at registration for TOTP Authentication ArrayList<Object> tableCreationVariables = new ArrayList<Object>(); tableCreationVariables.add(userTableName); tableCreationVariables.add(userTableIDColumn); tableCreationVariables.add(userTableIDColumnType); tableCreationVariables.add(userTableTotpPSKColumn); tableCreationVariables.add(userTableTotpPSKColumnType); transact(tableCreationCommand, tableCreationVariables); //Full command should look something like: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS EA_TOTP_TABLE (USERNAME TEXT, PSK TEXT) logger.debug("Running command: " + tableCreationCommand.toString()); databaseInitialized = true; } } /** * @param sql (SQL Statement to be executed) * @param variables (Variables within the SQL statement that will be securely injected into the sql statement. May be empty.) * @return A ResultSet containing the result of the MySQL query entered. Returns null if the MySQL is not a select query. * * <br><br> This command runs the entered MySQL query 'sql', and substitutes the question marks with the variables in the array. * It then returns an arraylist that represents the results of that MySQL query. */ private ResultSet transact(String sql, ArrayList<Object> variables) throws SQLException { if (!databaseInitialized) { validate(); } logger.debug("transact() sql statement execution method called."); logger.debug("Checking for null parameters..."); Preconditions.checkNotNull(sql); ResultSet returnedResultSet = null; if (variables == null || variables.size() == 0) { logger.debug("Executing command " + sql + "."); try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) { statement.execute(sql); returnedResultSet = statement.getResultSet(); statement.close(); } } else { logger.debug("Checking if amount of variables equals"); Preconditions.checkArgument(variables.size() == StringUtils.countMatches(sql, "?")); try (PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) { for (int i = 1; i <= variables.size(); i++) { preparedStatement.setObject(i, variables.get(i)); } logger.debug("Executing command " + preparedStatement.toString() + "."); preparedStatement.execute(); returnedResultSet = preparedStatement.getResultSet(); preparedStatement.close(); } } connection.commit(); return returnedResultSet; } /** * @param uuid (Universally Unique Identifier) * * <br><br>This function adds a user into the database with the following parameters as parts of its entry. * * @throws SQLException This function accesses the database via an "INSERT INTO" query. * */ public void addUser(byte[] uuid) throws SQLException { logger.debug("Attempting to create database entry for user " + new String(uuid)); String addUserCommand = "INSERT INTO ? (?, NULL)"; ArrayList<Object> addUserVariables = new ArrayList<Object>(); addUserVariables.add(userTableName); addUserVariables.add(uuid); transact(addUserCommand, addUserVariables); } /** * @param uuid (Universally Unique Identifier) * @param PSK (Pre-Shared Key for use in generating authentication codes) * * <br><br>This function adds a user into the database with the following parameters as parts of its entry.s * * @throws SQLException This function accesses the database via an "INSERT INTO" query. * */ public void addUser(byte[] uuid, String PSK) throws SQLException { logger.debug("Attempting to create database entry for user " + uuid); String addUserCommand = "INSERT INTO ? (?, ?)"; ArrayList<Object> addUserVariables = new ArrayList<Object>(); addUserVariables.add(userTableName); addUserVariables.add(uuid); addUserVariables.add(PSK); transact(addUserCommand, addUserVariables); } /** * @param uuid (Universally Unique Identifier) * @return The Pre-Shared Key of the user for their TOTP authentication. * * <br><br>Returns the TOTP Pre-Shared Key connected with the specified UUID. * <br>Returns null if unable to retrieve the key (if not found or * * @throws SQLException This function accesses the database via a "SELECT" query. * @throws DatabaseException Thrown if the returned ResultSet contains missing or what should be erroneous data. */ public String getTotpKey(byte[] uuid) throws SQLException, DatabaseException { logger.debug("Attempting to retrieve TOTP PSK for user " + new String(uuid) + "."); String getKeyCommand = "SELECT ? FROM ? WHERE ? == ?"; ArrayList<Object> getKeyVariables = new ArrayList<Object>(); getKeyVariables.add(userTableTotpPSKColumn); getKeyVariables.add(userTableName); getKeyVariables.add(userTableIDColumn); getKeyVariables.add(uuid); ResultSet selection = transact(getKeyCommand, getKeyVariables); logger.debug("Database inquiry returned the ResultSet: " + selection.toString() + "."); //There should be one String in this resultset, but we will check it good because EnderAuth is stronk, EnderAuth is reliable. logger.debug("Error checking..."); Preconditions.checkNotNull(selection); if (!selection.isBeforeFirst()) { //Triggers when there are no rows in the ResultSet. logger.error("EnderAuth attempted to retrieve " + new String(uuid) + "'s PSK from the database but was unable to find it."); logger.error( "There were no rows in the returned table of data after running the MySql 'PreparedStatement' ."); throw new DatabaseException("getTotpKey()'s PreparedStatement returned a ResultSet that had no data."); } selection.last(); if (selection.getRow() == 1) { //There was no entry for this user. logger.error("EnderAuth attempted to retrieve " + new String(uuid) + "'s PSK from the database but was unable to find it."); logger.error("Does " + new String(uuid) + " have an entry in the " + userTableName + " table?"); //Returns null because we were unable to get the required data. throw new UUIDNotFoundException( "getTotpKey() was unable to find the entry in the database with the specified UUID."); } else if (selection.getRow() == 2) { //There was one entry for this user //If we get to this point, everything looks tight. logger.debug("Successfully retrieved PSK from user " + new String(uuid) + "."); String PSK = selection.getString(userTableTotpPSKColumnIndex); return PSK; } else { //There was more than one entry for this user. logger.error("EnderAuth searched for " + new String(uuid) + "'s PSK and found multiple entries for that user in the database."); logger.error( "This should not have happened and indicates either plugin glitches or malcious database tampering."); throw new DatabaseException("Multiple entries matching the specified UUID were found in the database."); } } /**@param uuid (Universally Unique Identifier) * @return A boolean * * <br><Br>Returns true if there is an entry in the User Table with a uuid matching the parameter. * <br>Returns false if there is not. * * @throws SQLException The function uses PreparedStatements to ask about the presence of the UUID in the User Table. * @throws DatabaseException If the returned ResultSet from the SELECT command is completely empty (that is, lacking even the names of the columns in the table), the function throws a DatabaseException.*/ public boolean isInDatabase(byte[] uuid) throws SQLException, DatabaseException { logger.debug("Attempting to determine presence of user " + new String(uuid) + " in the database."); String isInDatabaseCommand = "SELECT * FROM ? WHERE ? = ?"; ArrayList<Object> isInDatabaseVariables = new ArrayList<Object>(); isInDatabaseVariables.add(1, userTableName); isInDatabaseVariables.add(2, userTableIDColumn); isInDatabaseVariables.add(3, uuid); //Command should look something like: SELECT * FROM ea_users WHERE id == uuid ResultSet selection = transact(isInDatabaseCommand, isInDatabaseVariables); logger.debug("Database inquiry returned the ResultSet: " + selection.toString() + "."); logger.debug("Error Checking..."); Preconditions.checkNotNull(selection); //ResultSet Analysis + Error Checking if (selection.isBeforeFirst()) { //Triggers when there are no rows in the ResultSet. logger.error("EnderAuth attempted to find if there was a uuid matching " + new String(uuid) + " in the database but was unable to run the necessary SQL queries."); logger.error( "There were no rows in the returned table of data after running the MySql 'PreparedStatement'."); throw new DatabaseException("Returned ResultSet in isPresent(String uuid) contained no rows."); } selection.last(); if (selection.getRow() == 1) { //There are no entries in the ResultSet. logger.debug("No entries for user " + new String(uuid) + " were found in the ResultSet."); return false; } else { //There is one or more entries with the matching uuid. logger.debug("User " + new String(uuid) + " was found in the database."); return true; } } }