Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2015 Gilberto Torrezan Filho * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ package com.github.gilbertotorrezan.gwtcloudinary.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The GWT wrapper for the Cloudinary's Upload Widget. It is a {@link Composite} built around a GWT {@link Button}. * * @author Gilberto Torrezan Filho * * @since v.1.0.0 * * @see */ public class CloudinaryUploadWidget extends Composite implements HasCloudinaryUploadFinishedHandlers, HasText, HasHTML, HasSafeHtml, HasEnabled { protected Button button; protected JSONObject options; public CloudinaryUploadWidget() { button = new Button(); initialize(); } public CloudinaryUploadWidget(String html) { button = new Button(html); initialize(); } public CloudinaryUploadWidget(SafeHtml html) { button = new Button(html); initialize(); } protected CloudinaryUploadWidget(Element elem) { button = Button.wrap(elem); initialize(); } // executed after any constructor protected void initialize() { initWidget(button); options = new JSONObject(); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { openUploadWidget(options.getJavaScriptObject()); } }); } /** * Opens the Cloudinary's Upload Widget in a IFrame. This methos is called automatically by the click handler on the button. */ public native void openUploadWidget(JavaScriptObject options)/*-{ var widget = this; $wnd.cloudinary.openUploadWidget(options, function(error, result) { console.log(error, result); widget.@com.github.gilbertotorrezan.gwtcloudinary.client.CloudinaryUploadWidget::fireUploadFinished(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(error, result); }); }-*/; /** * Fires the {@link CloudinaryUploadFinishedEvent} by using the native objects, converting them to {@link CloudinaryUploadInfo} objects. */ protected void fireUploadFinished(JavaScriptObject error, JavaScriptObject result) { String message = null; List<CloudinaryUploadInfo> infos = new ArrayList<>(); if (error != null) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(error); message = getSafeString(obj.get("message")); } if (result != null) { JSONArray resultArray = new JSONArray(result); int size = resultArray.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { JSONObject object = resultArray.get(i).isObject(); CloudinaryUploadInfo info = new CloudinaryUploadInfo(); info.setPublicId(getSafeString(object.get("public_id"))); info.setSecureUrl(getSafeString(object.get("secure_url"))); info.setThumbnailUrl(getSafeString(object.get("thumbnail_url"))); info.setUrl(getSafeString(object.get("url"))); info.setType(getSafeString(object.get("type"))); info.setVersion(getSafeString(object.get("version"))); info.setWidth(getSafeInteger(object.get("width"))); info.setHeight(getSafeInteger(object.get("height"))); info.setFormat(getSafeString(object.get("format"))); info.setResourceType(getSafeString(object.get("resource_type"))); info.setSignature(getSafeString(object.get("signature"))); info.setBytes(getSafeInteger(object.get("bytes"))); info.setOriginalFilename(getSafeString(object.get("original_filename"))); info.setEtag(getSafeString(object.get("etag"))); info.setPath(getSafeString(object.get("path"))); info.setCreatedAt(getSafeString(object.get("created_at"))); JSONValue tagsValue = object.get("tags"); if (tagsValue != null && tagsValue.isArray() != null) { JSONArray array = tagsValue.isArray(); String[] tags = new String[array.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { JSONValue v = array.get(j); tags[j] = getSafeString(v); } info.setTags(tags); } JSONValue coordinatesValue = object.get("coordinates"); if (coordinatesValue != null && coordinatesValue.isObject() != null) { JSONObject obj = coordinatesValue.isObject(); JSONValue customValue = obj.get("custom"); if (customValue != null && customValue.isArray() != null) { JSONArray array = customValue.isArray(); CloudinaryCoordinates[] coordinatesArray = new CloudinaryCoordinates[array.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < coordinatesArray.length; j++) { JSONValue value = array.get(j); if (value != null && value.isArray() != null && value.isArray().size() >= 4) { JSONArray valueArray = value.isArray(); coordinatesArray[j] = new CloudinaryCoordinates(); coordinatesArray[j].setX(getSafeInteger(valueArray.get(0))); coordinatesArray[j].setY(getSafeInteger(valueArray.get(1))); coordinatesArray[j].setWidth(getSafeInteger(valueArray.get(2))); coordinatesArray[j].setHeight(getSafeInteger(valueArray.get(3))); } } info.setCustomCoordinates(coordinatesArray); } JSONValue facesValue = obj.get("faces"); if (facesValue == null || facesValue.isArray() == null) { facesValue = obj.get("face"); } if (facesValue != null && facesValue.isArray() != null) { JSONArray array = facesValue.isArray(); CloudinaryCoordinates[] coordinatesArray = new CloudinaryCoordinates[array.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < coordinatesArray.length; j++) { JSONValue value = array.get(j); if (value != null && value.isArray() != null && value.isArray().size() >= 4) { JSONArray valueArray = value.isArray(); coordinatesArray[j] = new CloudinaryCoordinates(); coordinatesArray[j].setX(getSafeInteger(valueArray.get(0))); coordinatesArray[j].setY(getSafeInteger(valueArray.get(1))); coordinatesArray[j].setWidth(getSafeInteger(valueArray.get(2))); coordinatesArray[j].setHeight(getSafeInteger(valueArray.get(3))); } } info.setFaceCoordinates(coordinatesArray); } } infos.add(info); } } CloudinaryUploadFinishedEvent.fireUploadFinished(this, infos, message, result, error); } private String getSafeString(JSONValue value) { if (value == null) { return null; } JSONString string = value.isString(); if (string == null) { return null; } return string.stringValue(); } private Integer getSafeInteger(JSONValue value) { if (value == null) { return null; } JSONNumber number = value.isNumber(); if (number == null) { return null; } return (int) number.doubleValue(); } /** * Directly set the upload options. */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setOptions(JSONObject options) { if (options == null) { clearOptions(); } else { this.options = options; } return this; } /** * @return The options set so far, never <code>null</code>. */ public JSONObject getOptions() { return options; } /** * Clears all the options set so far, by creating a new {@link JSONObject} internally. */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget clearOptions() { options = new JSONObject(); return this; } /** * The cloud name of your Cloudinary's account. Can be set either globally using setCloudName or explicitly for each widget creation call. * * @param cloudName Mandatory string. Example: 'demo' */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setCloudName(String cloudName) { options.put("cloud_name", cloudName == null ? null : new JSONString(cloudName)); return this; } /** * The name of an unsigned upload preset defined for your Cloudinary account either through the Settings page or using the Admin API. * * @param uploadPreset Mandatory string. Example: 'a5vxnzbp' */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setUploadPreset(String uploadPreset) { options.put("upload_preset", uploadPreset == null ? null : new JSONString(uploadPreset)); return this; } /** * List of file sources that should be available as tabs of the widget's helper. * Supported sources are: local files using selection or drag & drop, remote HTTP URL and webcam capturing. * Note: Camera is currently supported in all modern browsers, not including Internet Explorer and Desktop Safari. * * @param sources Array of strings: local, url, camera. Default: ['local', 'url', 'camera'] */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setSources(String[] sources) { if (sources != null) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { array.set(i, new JSONString(sources[i])); } options.put("sources", array); } else { options.put("sources", null); } return this; } /** * The default selected source tab when the widget is opened. * * @param defaultSource String. Default: local */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setDefaultSource(String defaultSource) { options.put("default_source", defaultSource == null ? null : new JSONString(defaultSource)); return this; } /** * Whether selecting and uploading multiple images is allowed. Completion callback is called only when all images complete uploading. * Multiple hidden fields of image identifiers are created if set to true. If set to false, only a single image is allowed in any source. * * @param multiple Boolean. Default: true */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setMultiple(Boolean multiple) { options.put("multiple", multiple == null ? null : JSONBoolean.getInstance(multiple)); return this; } /** * The maximum number of files allowed in multiple upload mode. If selecting or dragging more files, only the first max_images files will be uploaded. * * @param maxFiles Integer. Default: null. Unlimited. Example: 10 */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setMaxFiles(Integer maxFiles) { options.put("max_files", maxFiles == null ? null : new JSONNumber(maxFiles)); return this; } /** * Whether to enable interactive cropping of images before uploading to Cloudinary. Interactive cropping allows users to mark the interesting part of images. * The selected dimensions are sent as the custom_coordinates upload parameter of Cloudinary. * Setting gravity to custom when generating delivery URLs will focus on the marked region. * Incoming cropping on the server-side can be applied by applying the crop mode with the custom gravity of in your upload preset. * Enabling cropping forces single file uploading. * * @param cropping String. Cropping modes: 'server' Default: null. No cropping. Example: 'server' */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setCropping(String cropping) { options.put("cropping", cropping == null ? null : new JSONString(cropping)); return this; } /** * If specified, enforce the given aspect ratio on selected region when performing interactive cropping. Relevant only if cropping is enabled. * The aspect ratio is defined as width/height. For example, 0.5 for portrait oriented rectangle or 1 for square. * * @param croppingAspectRatio Decimal. Default: null. No constraint. Example: 0.5 */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setCroppingAspectRatio(Double croppingAspectRatio) { options.put("cropping_aspect_ratio", croppingAspectRatio == null ? null : new JSONNumber(croppingAspectRatio)); return this; } /** * Initialize the size of the cropping selection box to a different value than the default (0.9). Relevant only if the cropping feature is enabled. * The cropping_default_selection_ratio value is calculated as a proportion of the image's size. * * @param croppingDefaultSelectionRatio Decimal. Default: 0.9. Range: 0.1 to 1.0. Example: 0.75 */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setCroppingDefaultSelectionRatio(Double croppingDefaultSelectionRatio) { options.put("cropping_default_selection_ratio", croppingDefaultSelectionRatio == null ? null : new JSONNumber(croppingDefaultSelectionRatio)); return this; } /** * Custom public ID to assign to a single uploaded image. * If not specified, either a randomly generated string or the original file-name is used as the public ID according to the unsigned upload preset. * To ensure secure usage, overwriting previously uploaded images sharing the same public ID is prevented. * * @param publicId String. Default: null. Example: 'profile_11002' */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setPublicId(String publicId) { options.put("public_id", publicId == null ? null : new JSONString(publicId)); return this; } /** * Folder name for all uploaded images. Acts as the prefix of assigned public IDs. * * @param folder String. Default: null. Example: 'user_photos' */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setFolder(String folder) { options.put("folder", folder == null ? null : new JSONString(folder)); return this; } /** * One or more tags to assign to the uploaded images. * * @param tags String or array of strings. Default: null. Example: '['users' 'content'] */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setTags(String[] tags) { if (tags != null) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { array.set(i, new JSONString(tags[i])); } options.put("tags", array); } else { options.put("tags", null); } return this; } /** * The resource type of the uploaded files. In default, both images and raw files are allowed. * Setting to either 'raw' or 'image' forces only raw files or only images respectively. * * @param resourceType String: 'auto', 'image', 'raw'. Default: 'auto' Example: 'image' */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setResourceType(String resourceType) { options.put("resource_type", resourceType == null ? null : new JSONString(resourceType)); return this; } /** * Additional context metadata to attach to the uploaded images. * * @param context Map of key-value pairs. Example: { alt: "my_alt", caption: "my_caption"} */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setContext(JSONObject context) { options.put("context", context); return this; } /** * Allows client-side validation of the uploaded files based on their file extensions. You can specify one or more image or raw file extensions. * * @param clientAllowedFormats Array of file formats: png, jpg, gif, doc, xls, etc. Default: null. All formats allowed. Example: ["png","gif", "jpeg"] */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setClientAllowedFormats(String[] clientAllowedFormats) { if (clientAllowedFormats != null) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < clientAllowedFormats.length; i++) { array.set(i, new JSONString(clientAllowedFormats[i])); } options.put("client_allowed_formats", array); } else { options.put("client_allowed_formats", null); } return this; } /** * If specified, perform client side validation that prevents uploading files bigger than the given bytes size. * * @param maxFileSize Integer. Number of bytes. Default: null. No size limit. Example: 130000 */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setMaxFileSize(Integer maxFileSize) { options.put("max_file_size", maxFileSize == null ? null : new JSONNumber(maxFileSize)); return this; } /** * If specified, client-side scale-down resizing takes place before uploading if the width of the selected file is bigger than the specified value. * * @param maxImageWidth Integer. Number of pixels. Default: null. No resizing. Example: 2000 */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setMaxImageWidth(Integer maxImageWidth) { options.put("max_image_width", maxImageWidth == null ? null : new JSONNumber(maxImageWidth)); return this; } /** * If specified, client-side scale-down resizing takes place before uploading if the height of the selected file is bigger than the specified value. * * @param maxImageHeight Integer. Number of pixels. Default: null. No resizing. Example: 2000 */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setMaxImageHeight(Integer maxImageHeight) { options.put("max_image_height", maxImageHeight == null ? null : new JSONNumber(maxImageHeight)); return this; } /** * The selector (CSS path) of the form, to which you would like to append hidden fields with the identifiers of the uploaded images. * Implicitly set by default to the containing form of the given element when the widget is created using applyUploadWidget or $.fn.cloudinary_upload_widget. * Note: Supported only if jQuery is loaded in your site. * * @param form String. jQuery-style selector. Default: null Example: '#my_form' */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setForm(String form) { options.put("form", form == null ? null : new JSONString(form)); return this; } /** * The name of the hidden field added to your form when image uploading is completed. * Multiple hidden fields with the same name are created for multiple uploaded images. * The name may include '[]' for supporting web frameworks such as Ruby on Rails. * Note: Supported only if jQuery is loaded in your site. * * @param fieldName String. Form field name. Default: 'image' Example: 'photo[]' */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setFieldName(String fieldName) { options.put("field_name", fieldName == null ? null : new JSONString(fieldName)); return this; } /** * Selector (CSS path) of an HTML element that acts as the container for appending uploaded images thumbnails to. * Implicitly set by default to the containing form of the given element when the widget is created using applyUploadWidget or $.fn.cloudinary_upload_widget. * Note: Supported only if jQuery is loaded in your site. * * @param thumbnails String. jQuery-style selector. Default: null Example: '.content .uploaded' */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setThumbnails(String thumbnails) { options.put("thumbnails", thumbnails == null ? null : new JSONString(thumbnails)); return this; } /** * The Cloudinary transformation (image manipulation) to apply on uploaded images for embedding thumbnails in your site. * Any resizing, cropping, effects and other Cloudinary transformation options can be applied by specifying a transformation string, a map of transformations parameters or an array of chained transformations. * Thumbnails transformations can be eagerly generated during upload by defining a set of eager transformations in your defined upload preset. * * @param thumbnailTransformation String, Map or Array of maps. Default: { width: 90, height: 60, crop: 'limit' } * Examples: { width: 200, height: 200, crop: 'fill' }[ {width: 200, height: 200, crop: 'fill'}, {effect: 'sepia'} ] * "w_200" */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setThumbnailTransformation(JSONObject thumbnailTransformation) { options.put("thumbnail_transformation", thumbnailTransformation); return this; } /** * Allows overriding the default CSS class name of the upload button added to your site. * Default CSS style is applied to the cloudinary-button class, that you can override using CSS directives. * Alternatively, you can specify any class name that matches your website design. * * @param buttonClass String. Default: 'cloudinary-button' Example: 'my_button' */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setButtonClass(String buttonClass) { options.put("button_class", buttonClass == null ? null : new JSONString(buttonClass)); return this; } /** * Allows overriding the default caption of the upload button added to your site. * * @param buttonCaption String. Default: 'Upload image' Example: 'Pick photo...' */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setButtonCaption(String buttonCaption) { options.put("button_caption", buttonCaption == null ? null : new JSONString(buttonCaption)); return this; } /** * The name of a predefined widget theme. Widget behavior is the same for all themes, while look & feel changes. * * @param theme String. Supported themes: 'default', 'white', 'minimal', 'purple'. Default: 'default' Example: 'white' */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setTheme(String theme) { options.put("theme", theme == null ? null : new JSONString(theme)); return this; } /** * Advanced customization of the widget's look & feel. * Allows overriding the widget theme's colors, fonts, icons and other elements by providing custom style definition. * See the white and minimal themes as reference implementations. * * @param stylesheet String. Either a URL of a CSS file or inline CSS styles. Default: null * Examples: * 'http://mydomain/widget_style.css' * '//mydomain/widget_style.css' * '#cloudinary-overlay { background-color: #a7a7a7; } #cloudinary-widget { background: #f0f0f0; }' * */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setStylesheet(String stylesheet) { options.put("stylesheet", stylesheet == null ? null : new JSONString(stylesheet)); return this; } /** * Mainly for debug purposes. If set to true, the upload widget remains open when uploading is completed. * * @param keepWidgetOpen Boolean. Default: false */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setKeepWidgetOpen(Boolean keepWidgetOpen) { options.put("keep_widget_open", keepWidgetOpen == null ? null : JSONBoolean.getInstance(keepWidgetOpen)); return this; } /** * If set to false, the Powered By Cloudinary icon is not displayed. * Note: Supported only for paid Cloudinary accounts and requires some time for cache expiration. * * @param showPoweredBy Boolean. Default: true */ public CloudinaryUploadWidget setShowPoweredBy(Boolean showPoweredBy) { options.put("show_powered_by", showPoweredBy == null ? null : JSONBoolean.getInstance(showPoweredBy)); return this; } @Override public HandlerRegistration addCloudinaryUploadFinishedHandler(CloudinaryUploadFinishedHandler handler) { return addHandler(handler, CloudinaryUploadFinishedEvent.getType()); } @Override public String getHTML() { return button.getHTML(); } @Override public void setHTML(String html) { button.setHTML(html); } @Override public void setText(String text) { button.setText(text); } @Override public String getText() { return button.getText(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return button.isEnabled(); } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { button.setEnabled(enabled); } @Override public void setHTML(SafeHtml html) { button.setHTML(html); } }