Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 natrank Developers ( * * This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License * (version 3 or later). See the COPYING file in this distribution. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this software. If not, see <>. * * Authored by: Piotr Grabowski <fau999(at)> */ package com.github.fauu.natrank.model.entity; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonView; import com.github.fauu.natrank.model.TeamInfo; import com.github.fauu.natrank.web.json.BaseView; import lombok.*; import javax.persistence.*; @Entity @Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor @EqualsAndHashCode(of = { "ranking", "rating", "team" }, callSuper = true) @ToString @Table(name = "RankingEntry") public class RankingEntry extends BaseEntity<RankingEntry> { @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "ranking_id", nullable = false) @JsonIgnore private Ranking ranking; @Column(name = "rank") @JsonView(BaseView.class) private int rank; @Column(name = "rank_change") @JsonView(BaseView.class) private Integer rankOneYearChange; @Column(name = "rating") @JsonView(BaseView.class) private int rating; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "team_id", nullable = false) @JsonIgnore private Team team; @Column(name = "matches_total", nullable = false) @JsonView(BaseView.class) private int matchesTotal = 0; @Column(name = "matches_home", nullable = false) @JsonView(BaseView.class) private int matchesHome = 0; @Column(name = "matches_away", nullable = false) @JsonView(BaseView.class) private int matchesAway = 0; @Column(name = "matches_neutral", nullable = false) @JsonView(BaseView.class) private int matchesOnNeutralGround = 0; @Column(name = "wins", nullable = false) @JsonView(BaseView.class) private int wins = 0; @Column(name = "losses", nullable = false) @JsonView(BaseView.class) private int losses = 0; @Column(name = "draws", nullable = false) @JsonView(BaseView.class) private int draws = 0; @Column(name = "goals_for", nullable = false) @JsonView(BaseView.class) private int goalsFor = 0; @Column(name = "goals_against", nullable = false) @JsonView(BaseView.class) private int goalsAgainst = 0; @Getter(AccessLevel.NONE) @Transient private TeamInfo teamInfo; @JsonView(BaseView.class) public int getGoalDifference() { return goalsFor - goalsAgainst; } @JsonProperty("team") @JsonView(Ranking.Views.Full.class) public TeamInfo getTeamInfo() { if (teamInfo == null) { Country teamCountry = team.getCountryByDate(ranking.getDate()); TeamInfo teamInfo = new TeamInfo(); teamInfo.setTeam(team); teamInfo.setName(teamCountry.getName()); teamInfo.setFlag(teamCountry.getFlagByDate(ranking.getDate())); this.teamInfo = teamInfo; } return teamInfo; } public RankingEntry(RankingEntry other) { this.ranking = other.ranking; this.rank = other.rank; this.rating = other.rating; =; this.matchesTotal = other.matchesTotal; this.matchesHome = other.matchesHome; this.matchesAway = other.matchesAway; this.matchesOnNeutralGround = other.matchesOnNeutralGround; this.wins = other.wins; this.losses = other.losses; this.draws = other.draws; this.goalsFor = other.goalsFor; this.goalsAgainst = other.goalsAgainst; } public void incrementMatchesTotal() { matchesTotal++; } public void incrementMatchesHome() { matchesHome++; } public void incrementMatchesAway() { matchesAway++; } public void incrementMatchesOnNeutralGround() { matchesOnNeutralGround++; } public void incrementWins() { wins++; } public void incrementLosses() { losses++; } public void incrementDraws() { draws++; } public void addGoalsFor(int count) { goalsFor += count; } public void addGoalsAgainst(int count) { goalsAgainst += count; } @Override public int compareTo(RankingEntry other) { int ratingComparison = -1 *, other.getRating()); if (ratingComparison == 0) { return (-1 *, other.getMatchesTotal())); } return ratingComparison; } }