Java tutorial
/* * DrBookings * * Copyright (C) 2016 - 2018 Alexander Kerner * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. */ package com.github.drbookings.ui.beans; import; import com.github.drbookings.model.settings.SettingsManager; import com.github.drbookings.ui.BookingEntry; import; import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings; import*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; public class StatisticsTableBean { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatisticsTableBean.class); private final StringProperty origin = new SimpleStringProperty(); private final IntegerProperty numberOfPayedNights = new SimpleIntegerProperty(); private final IntegerProperty numberOfAllNights = new SimpleIntegerProperty(); private final FloatProperty cleaningFees = new SimpleFloatProperty(); private final FloatProperty cleaningCosts = new SimpleFloatProperty(); private final FloatProperty fixCosts = new SimpleFloatProperty(); private final FloatProperty earnings = new SimpleFloatProperty(); private final FloatProperty netEarnings = new SimpleFloatProperty(); private final FloatProperty grossIncome = new SimpleFloatProperty(); private final FloatProperty netIncome = new SimpleFloatProperty(); private final FloatProperty earningsPayout = new SimpleFloatProperty(); private final FloatProperty nightsPercent = new SimpleFloatProperty(); private final FloatProperty serviceFees = new SimpleFloatProperty(); private final IntegerProperty cleaningCount = new SimpleIntegerProperty(); private final IntegerProperty numberOfPayedBookings = new SimpleIntegerProperty(); private final IntegerProperty numberOfAllBookings = new SimpleIntegerProperty(); private final ObjectProperty<Range<LocalDate>> dateRange = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(); public StatisticsTableBean() { this(true); } public StatisticsTableBean(final boolean bind) { if (bind) { earningsPayoutProperty() .bind(Bindings.createObjectBinding(calculateEarningsPayout(), earningsProperty())); netEarningsProperty() .bind(Bindings.createObjectBinding(calculateNetEarningsPayout(), earningsProperty())); earningsProperty().bind( Bindings.createObjectBinding(calculateEarnings(), fixCostsProperty(), cleaningCostsProperty())); } } private Callable<Number> calculateNetEarningsPayout() { return () -> getEarnings() - getCleaningCosts(); } private Callable<Number> calculatePerformance() { return () -> { final double earnings = getEarnings(); final double cleaningCosts = getCleaningCosts(); final double referenceIncome = SettingsManager.getInstance().getReferenceColdRentLongTerm(); final double referenceIncomeTotal = referenceIncome * SettingsManager.getInstance().getNumberOfRooms(); final double percentage = getNightsPercent(); final double referenceIncomeRelative = referenceIncomeTotal * percentage / 100; final double result = earnings - cleaningCosts - referenceIncomeRelative; return result; }; } private Callable<Number> calculateEarningsPayout() { return () -> { if (StringUtils.isBlank(getOrigin())) { return getEarnings(); } // not earnings, since here cleaning is already included. But // cleaning costs go cash, so its net income times payout percent return getEarnings() * SettingsManager.getInstance().getEarningsPayoutPercent(); }; } private Callable<Number> calculateEarnings() { return () -> { return (double) getNetIncome() - getFixCosts(); }; } public static StatisticsTableBean build(final String origin, final Collection<? extends BookingEntry> bookings) { final StatisticsTableBean result = new StatisticsTableBean(); result.setOrigin(origin); result.setGrossIncome((float) BookingEntries.getGrossEarnings(bookings)); result.setNetIncome((float) BookingEntries.getNetEarnings(bookings)); result.setServiceFees((float) BookingEntries.getServiceFees(bookings)); return result; } public static StatisticsTableBean applyCleaningStuff(final StatisticsTableBean bean, final Collection<? extends BookingEntry> allBookingsInRange) { bean.setCleaningCount((int) BookingEntries.countCleanings(allBookingsInRange)); bean.setCleaningCosts((float) BookingEntries.getCleaningCosts(allBookingsInRange)); bean.setCleaningFees((float) BookingEntries.getCleaningFees(allBookingsInRange)); return bean; } public static StatisticsTableBean buildSum(final Collection<StatisticsTableBean> data) { final StatisticsTableBean result = new StatisticsTableBean(false); result.setOrigin("sum"); result.setNumberOfPayedNights(; result.setNumberOfPayedBookings(; result.setCleaningCount(; result.setCleaningCosts((float); result.setCleaningFees((float); result.setGrossIncome((float); result.setNetIncome((float); result.setServiceFees((float); result.setEarnings((float); result.setEarningsPayout((float); result.setNetEarnings((float); return result; } public final StringProperty originProperty() { return origin; } public final String getOrigin() { return originProperty().get(); } public final void setOrigin(final String origin) { originProperty().set(origin); } public final IntegerProperty numberOfPayedNightsProperty() { return numberOfPayedNights; } public final IntegerProperty numberOfAllNightsProperty() { return numberOfAllNights; } public final int getNumberOfPayedNights() { return numberOfPayedNightsProperty().get(); } public final int getNumberOfAllNights() { return numberOfAllNightsProperty().get(); } public final void setNumberOfPayedNights(final int numberOfPayedNights) { numberOfPayedNightsProperty().set(numberOfPayedNights); } public final void setNumberOfAllNights(final int numberOfAllNights) { numberOfAllNightsProperty().set(numberOfAllNights); } public final FloatProperty cleaningFeesProperty() { return cleaningFees; } public final float getCleaningFees() { return cleaningFeesProperty().get(); } public final void setCleaningFees(final float cleaningFees) { cleaningFeesProperty().set(cleaningFees); } public final FloatProperty cleaningCostsProperty() { return cleaningCosts; } public final float getCleaningCosts() { return cleaningCostsProperty().get(); } public final void setCleaningCosts(final float cleaningCosts) { cleaningCostsProperty().set(cleaningCosts); } public final IntegerProperty cleaningCountProperty() { return cleaningCount; } public final int getCleaningCount() { return cleaningCountProperty().get(); } public final void setCleaningCount(final int cleaningCount) { cleaningCountProperty().set(cleaningCount); } public final ObjectProperty<Range<LocalDate>> dateRangeProperty() { return dateRange; } public final Range<LocalDate> getDateRange() { return dateRangeProperty().get(); } public final void setDateRange(final Range<LocalDate> dateRange) { dateRangeProperty().set(dateRange); } public final IntegerProperty numberOfPayedBookingsProperty() { return numberOfPayedBookings; } public final IntegerProperty numberOfAllBookingsProperty() { return numberOfAllBookings; } public final int getNumberOfPayedBookings() { return numberOfPayedBookingsProperty().get(); } public final int getNumberOfAllBookings() { return numberOfAllBookingsProperty().get(); } public final void setNumberOfPayedBookings(final int numberOfPayedBookings) { numberOfPayedBookingsProperty().set(numberOfPayedBookings); } public final void setNumberOfAllBookings(final int numberOfAllBookings) { numberOfAllBookingsProperty().set(numberOfAllBookings); } public final FloatProperty nightsPercentProperty() { return nightsPercent; } public final float getNightsPercent() { return nightsPercentProperty().get(); } public final void setNightsPercent(final float nightsPercent) { nightsPercentProperty().set(nightsPercent); } public final FloatProperty fixCostsProperty() { return fixCosts; } public final float getFixCosts() { return fixCostsProperty().get(); } public final void setFixCosts(final float fixCosts) { fixCostsProperty().set(fixCosts); } public final FloatProperty earningsProperty() { return earnings; } public final float getEarnings() { return earningsProperty().get(); } public final void setEarnings(final float earnings) { earningsProperty().set(earnings); } public final FloatProperty earningsPayoutProperty() { return earningsPayout; } public final float getEarningsPayout() { return earningsPayoutProperty().get(); } public final void setEarningsPayout(final float earningsPayout) { earningsPayoutProperty().set(earningsPayout); } public final FloatProperty grossIncomeProperty() { return grossIncome; } public final float getGrossEarnings() { return grossIncomeProperty().get(); } public final void setGrossIncome(final float grossIncome) { grossIncomeProperty().set(grossIncome); } public final FloatProperty netIncomeProperty() { return netIncome; } public final float getNetIncome() { return netIncomeProperty().get(); } public final void setNetIncome(final float netEarnings) { netIncomeProperty().set(netEarnings); } public final FloatProperty serviceFeesProperty() { return serviceFees; } public final float getServiceFees() { return serviceFeesProperty().get(); } public final void setServiceFees(final float serviceFees) { serviceFeesProperty().set(serviceFees); } public final FloatProperty netEarningsProperty() { return netEarnings; } public final float getNetEarnings() { return netEarningsProperty().get(); } public final void setNetEarnings(final float netEarnings) { netEarningsProperty().set(netEarnings); } }