Java tutorial
package com.github.dakusui.symfonion; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import javax.sound.midi.MidiDevice; import javax.sound.midi.MidiSystem; import javax.sound.midi.MidiUnavailableException; import javax.sound.midi.Receiver; import javax.sound.midi.Sequence; import javax.sound.midi.Transmitter; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import com.github.dakusui.logias.lisp.Context; import com.github.dakusui.symfonion.core.SymfonionException; import; import; public class CLI { static enum Mode { VERSION { @Override public void invoke(CLI cli, PrintStream ps) { ps.println("SyMFONION " + cli.version()); ps.println(cli.license()); } }, HELP { @Override public void invoke(CLI cli, PrintStream ps) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("SYNTAX", cli.getOptions()); } }, LIST { @Override public void invoke(CLI cli, PrintStream ps) { MidiDeviceScanner.listAllDevices(System.out).scan(); } }, PLAY { @Override public void invoke(CLI cli, PrintStream ps) throws SymfonionException, IOException { Symfonion symfonion = cli.getSymfonion(); Song song = symfonion.load(cli.getSourceFile().getAbsolutePath()); Map<String, Sequence> sequences = symfonion.compile(song); ps.println(); Map<String, MidiDevice> devices = cli.prepareMidiOutDevices(ps); ps.println();, sequences); } }, COMPILE { @Override public void invoke(CLI cli, PrintStream ps) throws SymfonionException, IOException { Symfonion symfonion = cli.getSymfonion(); Song song = symfonion.load(cli.getSourceFile().getAbsolutePath()); Map<String, Sequence> sequences = symfonion.compile(song); for (String portName : sequences.keySet()) { Sequence seq = sequences.get(portName); String outfile = cli.getSinkFile().getAbsolutePath(); File outputFile = cli.composeOutputFile(outfile, portName); MidiSystem.write(seq, 1, outputFile); } } }, ROUTE { @Override public void invoke(CLI cli, PrintStream ps) throws CLIException { Route route = cli.getRoute(); String inPortName =; String outPortName = route.out; Map<String, Pattern> inDefs = cli.getMidiInDefinitions(); if (!inDefs.containsKey(inPortName)) { String msg = cli.composeErrMsg( String.format("MIDI-in port '%s' is specified, but it is not defined by '-I' option.", inPortName), "r", "--route"); throw new CLIException(msg); } Pattern inRegex = inDefs.get(inPortName); MidiDeviceScanner inScanner = MidiDeviceScanner.chooseInputDevices(System.out, inRegex); inScanner.scan(); MidiDevice.Info[] matchedInDevices = inScanner.getMatchedDevices(); if (matchedInDevices.length == 0 || matchedInDevices.length > 1) { String msg = cli.composeErrMsg( String.format("MIDI-in device for %s(%s) is not found or found more than one.", inPortName, inRegex), "I", null); throw new CLIException(msg); } ps.println(); Map<String, Pattern> outDefs = cli.getMidiOutDefinitions(); if (!outDefs.containsKey(outPortName)) { String msg = cli.composeErrMsg( String.format("MIDI-out port '%s' is specified, but it is not defined by '-O' option.", inPortName), "r", "route"); throw new CLIException(msg); } Pattern outRegex = outDefs.get(outPortName); MidiDeviceScanner outScanner = MidiDeviceScanner.chooseOutputDevices(System.out, outRegex); outScanner.scan(); MidiDevice.Info[] matchedOutDevices = outScanner.getMatchedDevices(); if (matchedOutDevices.length == 0 || matchedOutDevices.length > 1) { String msg = cli.composeErrMsg( String.format("MIDI-out device for %s(%s) is not found or found more than one.", outPortName, outRegex), "I", null); throw new CLIException(msg); } ps.println(); patchbay(matchedInDevices[0], matchedOutDevices[0]); } void patchbay(MidiDevice.Info in, MidiDevice.Info out) throws CLIException { MidiDevice midiout; try { midiout = MidiSystem.getMidiDevice(out);; } catch (MidiUnavailableException e) { throw new CLIException(String.format("(-) Failed to open MIDI-out device (%s)", out.getName()), e); } try { MidiDevice midiin; try { midiin = MidiSystem.getMidiDevice(in);; } catch (MidiUnavailableException ee) { throw new CLIException( String.format("(-) Failed to open MIDI-in device (%s)", in.getName()), ee); } try { Receiver r = midiout.getReceiver(); try { Transmitter t = midiin.getTransmitter(); try { t.setReceiver(r); System.out.println("Now in MIDI patch-bay mode. Hit enter to quit.");; } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("quitting due to an error."); } finally { System.out.println("closing transmitter"); t.close(); } } catch (MidiUnavailableException e) { throw new CLIException(String.format( "(-) Failed to get transmitter from MIDI-in device (%s)", in.getName()), e); } finally { System.out.println("closing receiver"); r.close(); } } catch (MidiUnavailableException e) { throw new CLIException(String.format("(-) Failed to get receiver from MIDI-out device (%s)", out.getName()), e); } finally { midiin.close(); } } finally { midiout.close(); } } }; public abstract void invoke(CLI cli, PrintStream ps) throws SymfonionException, IOException; } static class Route { String in; String out; Route(String in, String out) { = in; this.out = out; } } private Mode mode = Mode.VERSION; private File source; private File sink = new File("a.midi"); private Route route = null; private Map<String, Pattern> midiins = new HashMap<String, Pattern>(); private Map<String, Pattern> midiouts = new HashMap<String, Pattern>(); private Symfonion symfonion; private Options options; public CLI(String... args) throws ParseException, CLIException { this.init(args); this.symfonion = createSymfonion(); } protected Map<String, MidiDevice> prepareMidiOutDevices(PrintStream ps) throws CLIException { Map<String, Pattern> portDefinitions = this.getMidiOutDefinitions(); String deviceType = "out"; Map<String, MidiDevice> devices = prepareMidiDevices(ps, deviceType, portDefinitions); return devices; } protected Map<String, MidiDevice> prepareMidiInDevices(PrintStream ps) throws CLIException { Map<String, Pattern> portDefinitions = this.getMidiOutDefinitions(); String deviceType = "in"; Map<String, MidiDevice> devices = prepareMidiDevices(ps, deviceType, portDefinitions); return devices; } private Map<String, MidiDevice> prepareMidiDevices(PrintStream ps, String deviceType, Map<String, Pattern> portDefinitions) throws CLIException { Map<String, MidiDevice> devices = new HashMap<String, MidiDevice>(); for (String portname : portDefinitions.keySet()) { Pattern regex = portDefinitions.get(portname); MidiDeviceScanner scanner = MidiDeviceScanner.chooseOutputDevices(ps, regex); scanner.scan(); MidiDevice.Info[] matchedInfos = scanner.getMatchedDevices(); if (matchedInfos.length > 1) { String msg = String.format(""); throw new CLIException(msg); } else if (matchedInfos.length == 0) { String msg = String.format(""); throw new CLIException(msg); } try { devices.put(portname, MidiSystem.getMidiDevice(matchedInfos[0])); } catch (MidiUnavailableException e) { String msg = this.composeErrMsg(String.format("Failed to access MIDI-%s device:'%s'.", deviceType, matchedInfos[0].getName()), "O", null); throw new CLIException(msg, e); } } return devices; } protected File composeOutputFile(String outfile, String portName) { if (portName == null || Keyword.$default.equals(portName)) { return new File(outfile); } File ret = null; int lastIndexOfDot = outfile.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastIndexOfDot == -1) { ret = new File(outfile + "." + portName); } else { ret = new File( outfile.substring(0, lastIndexOfDot) + "." + portName + outfile.substring(lastIndexOfDot)); } return ret; } protected Options getOptions() { return this.options; } public Symfonion getSymfonion() { return this.symfonion; } public void init(String... args) throws ParseException, CLIException { this.options = buildOptions(); this.analyze(parseArgs(this.options, args)); } protected Symfonion createSymfonion() { return new Symfonion(Context.ROOT); } CommandLine parseArgs(Options options, String[] args) throws ParseException { CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine ret = parser.parse(options, args); return ret; } private Options buildOptions() { // create Options object Options options = new Options(); //// // Behavior options options.addOption("V", "version", false, "print the version information."); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "print the command line usage."); options.addOption("l", "list", false, "list the available midi devices."); options.addOption("p", "play", true, "play the specifiled file."); options.addOption("c", "compile", true, "compile the specified file to a standard midi file."); { Option option = OptionBuilder.create("r"); option.setLongOpt("route"); option.setValueSeparator('='); option.setArgs(2); option.setDescription("run a midi patch bay."); options.addOption(option); } //// // I/O options { Option option = OptionBuilder.create("O"); option.setValueSeparator('='); option.setArgs(2); option.setDescription("specify midi out port."); options.addOption(option); } { Option option = OptionBuilder.create("I"); option.setValueSeparator('='); option.setArgs(2); option.setDescription("specify midi in port."); options.addOption(option); } { Option option = OptionBuilder.create("o"); option.setArgs(1); option.setDescription("specify a file to which a compiled standard midi file is output."); options.addOption(option); } return options; } public void analyze(CommandLine cmd) throws CLIException { if (cmd.hasOption('O')) { String optionName = "O"; this.midiouts = initializeMidiPorts(cmd, optionName); } if (cmd.hasOption('I')) { String optionName = "I"; this.midiins = initializeMidiPorts(cmd, optionName); } if (cmd.hasOption('o')) { String sinkFilename = getSingleOptionValue(cmd, "o"); if (sinkFilename == null) { String msg = composeErrMsg("Output filename is required by this option.", "o", null); throw new CLIException(msg); } this.sink = new File(sinkFilename); } if (cmd.hasOption("V") || cmd.hasOption("version")) { this.mode = Mode.VERSION; } else if (cmd.hasOption("h") || cmd.hasOption("help")) { this.mode = Mode.HELP; } else if (cmd.hasOption("l") || cmd.hasOption("list")) { this.mode = Mode.LIST; } else if (cmd.hasOption("p") || cmd.hasOption("play")) { this.mode = Mode.PLAY; String sourceFilename = getSingleOptionValue(cmd, "p"); if (sourceFilename == null) { String msg = composeErrMsg("Input filename is required by this option.", "p", null); throw new CLIException(msg); } this.source = new File(sourceFilename); } else if (cmd.hasOption("c") || cmd.hasOption("compile")) { this.mode = Mode.COMPILE; String sourceFilename = getSingleOptionValue(cmd, "c"); if (sourceFilename == null) { String msg = composeErrMsg("Input filename is required by this option.", "c", null); throw new CLIException(msg); } this.source = new File(sourceFilename); } else if (cmd.hasOption("r") || cmd.hasOption("route")) { this.mode = Mode.ROUTE; Properties props = cmd.getOptionProperties("r"); if (props.size() != 1) { String msg = composeErrMsg("Route information is not given or specified multiple times.", "r", "route"); throw new CLIException(msg); } this.route = new Route(cmd.getOptionValues('r')[0], cmd.getOptionValues('r')[1]); } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> leftovers = cmd.getArgList(); if (leftovers.size() == 0) { this.mode = Mode.HELP; } else if (leftovers.size() == 1) { this.mode = Mode.PLAY; this.source = new File(leftovers.get(0)); } else { String msg = composeErrMsg( String.format("Unrecognized arguments:%s", leftovers.subList(2, leftovers.size())), "-", null); throw new CLIException(msg); } } } private Map<String, Pattern> initializeMidiPorts(CommandLine cmd, String optionName) throws CLIException { Properties props = cmd.getOptionProperties(optionName); Map<String, Pattern> ret = new HashMap<String, Pattern>(); for (Object key : props.keySet()) { String portname = key.toString(); String p = props.getProperty(portname); try { Pattern portpattern = Pattern.compile(p); ret.put(portname, portpattern); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { String msg = String.format("Regular expression '%' for '%s' isn't a valid regular expression.", portname, p); throw new CLIException(composeErrMsg(msg, optionName, null), e); } } return ret; } private String composeErrMsg(String msg, String optionName, String longOptionName) { if (longOptionName != null) { return String.format("(-%s/--%s) %s", optionName, longOptionName, msg); } else { return String.format("(-%s) %s", optionName, msg); } } private String getSingleOptionValue(CommandLine cmd, String optionName) throws CLIException { String ret = cmd.getOptionValue(optionName); int sz = cmd.getOptionProperties(optionName).size(); if (sz != 1) { String msg = composeErrMsg( String.format("This option requires one and only one value. (found %d times)", sz), optionName, null); throw new CLIException(msg); } return ret; } public Mode getMode() { return this.mode; } private String license() { return "Copyright 2013 Hiroshi Ukai.\n\n" + "Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");" + "you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. " + "You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:\n\n" + "\n\n" + "Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, " + "software distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" " + "BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either " + "express or implied. See the License for the specific language " + "governing permissions and limitations under the License."; } private String version() { String path = "/META-INF/maven/com.github.dakusui/symfonion/"; Properties props = new Properties(); String version = "(N/A)"; InputStream stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(path); if (stream != null) { try { props.load(stream); version = props.getProperty("version"); } catch (IOException e) { } } return version; } public File getSourceFile() { return this.source; } public File getSinkFile() { return this.sink; } public Map<String, Pattern> getMidiInDefinitions() { return this.midiins; } public Map<String, Pattern> getMidiOutDefinitions() { return this.midiouts; } public Route getRoute() { return this.route; } public static void main(String... args) { int exitCode = invoke(System.out, System.err, args); System.exit(exitCode); } public static int invoke(PrintStream stdout, PrintStream stderr, String... args) { int ret = 255; try { CLI cli = new CLI(args); cli.mode.invoke(cli, stdout); ret = 0; } catch (ParseException e) { printError(stderr, e); ret = 1; } catch (CLIException e) { printError(stderr, e); ret = 2; } catch (SymfonionException e) { printError(stderr, e); ret = 3; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(stderr); ret = 4; } return ret; } private static void printError(PrintStream ps, Throwable t) { ps.println(String.format("symfonion: %s", t.getMessage())); } }