Source code

Java tutorial


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 *                  Copyright 2017 Crab2Died
 *                     All rights reserved.
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Browse for more information 
 * 1)
 * 2)

package com.github.crab2died;

import com.github.crab2died.converter.DefaultConvertible;
import com.github.crab2died.exceptions.Excel4JException;
import com.github.crab2died.exceptions.Excel4jReadException;
import com.github.crab2died.handler.ExcelHeader;
import com.github.crab2died.handler.SheetTemplate;
import com.github.crab2died.handler.SheetTemplateHandler;
import com.github.crab2died.sheet.wrapper.MapSheetWrapper;
import com.github.crab2died.sheet.wrapper.NoTemplateSheetWrapper;
import com.github.crab2died.sheet.wrapper.NormalSheetWrapper;
import com.github.crab2died.sheet.wrapper.SimpleSheetWrapper;
import com.github.crab2died.utils.Utils;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVParser;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.*;

 * Excel4J??
 * <p>
 * ??6?,???handler<br>
 * 1.?Excel?,handler{@link ExcelUtils#readExcel2ObjectsHandler}<br>
 * 2.?Excel?,handler{@link ExcelUtils#readExcel2ObjectsHandler}<br>
 * 3.??Excel,handler{@link ExcelUtils#exportExcelByModuleHandler}<br>
 * 4.??Map?,handler{@link ExcelUtils#exportExcelByModuleHandler}<br>
 * 5.?,handler{@link ExcelUtils#exportExcelByMapHandler}<br>
 * 6.?,handler{@link ExcelUtils#exportExcelBySimpleHandler}<br>
 * 7.?CSV?,handler{@link ExcelUtils#readCSVByMapHandler}
 * 8.CSV, handler{@link ExcelUtils#exportCSVByMapHandler}
 * <p>
 * ???(????,?)
 * ???,????<br>
 * <p>
 * :
 * @author Crab2Died
public final class ExcelUtils {

     * ??
     * {@link ExcelUtils#getInstance()}?
    private static volatile ExcelUtils excelUtils;

    private ExcelUtils() {

     * ?????
    public static ExcelUtils getInstance() {
        if (null == excelUtils) {
            synchronized (ExcelUtils.class) {
                if (null == excelUtils) {
                    excelUtils = new ExcelUtils();
        return excelUtils;

    /*  . ??                                                                                             */
    /*      1) ??,Class?                                                                  */
    /*      2) ???, ?, java                                                      */
    /*  . ?                                                                                               */
    /*      *) excelPath        =>      Excel                                                              */
    /*      *) InputStream      =>      Excel?                                                            */
    /*      *) clazz            =>      java                                                               */
    /*      *) offsetLine       =>      ???(0)                                                       */
    /*      *) limitLine        =>      ?()                                                      */
    /*      *) sheetIndex       =>      Sheet(0)                                                           */

     * ?Excel??java
     * @param excelPath  Excel
     * @param clazz      ({@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField})
     * @param offsetLine Excel(0)
     * @param limitLine  ?()
     * @param sheetIndex Sheet(0)
     * @param <T>        ?
     * @return ?java?
     * @throws Excel4JException       
     * @throws IOException            
     * @throws InvalidFormatException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public <T> List<T> readExcel2Objects(String excelPath, Class<T> clazz, int offsetLine, int limitLine,
            int sheetIndex) throws Excel4JException, IOException, InvalidFormatException {

        try (Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream(new File(excelPath)))) {
            return readExcel2ObjectsHandler(workbook, clazz, offsetLine, limitLine, sheetIndex);

     * ?Excel??java
     * @param is         Excel??
     * @param clazz      ({@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField})
     * @param offsetLine Excel(0)
     * @param limitLine  ?()
     * @param sheetIndex Sheet(0)
     * @param <T>        ?
     * @return ?java?
     * @throws Excel4JException       
     * @throws IOException            
     * @throws InvalidFormatException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public <T> List<T> readExcel2Objects(InputStream is, Class<T> clazz, int offsetLine, int limitLine,
            int sheetIndex) throws Excel4JException, IOException, InvalidFormatException {

        try (Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(is)) {
            return readExcel2ObjectsHandler(workbook, clazz, offsetLine, limitLine, sheetIndex);

     * ?Excel??java
     * @param excelPath  Excel
     * @param clazz      ({@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField})
     * @param offsetLine Excel(0)
     * @param sheetIndex Sheet(0)
     * @param <T>        ?
     * @return ?java?
     * @throws Excel4JException       
     * @throws IOException            
     * @throws InvalidFormatException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public <T> List<T> readExcel2Objects(String excelPath, Class<T> clazz, int offsetLine, int sheetIndex)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException, InvalidFormatException {
        return readExcel2Objects(excelPath, clazz, offsetLine, Integer.MAX_VALUE, sheetIndex);

     * ?Excel??java
     * @param excelPath  Excel
     * @param clazz      ({@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField})
     * @param sheetIndex Sheet(0)
     * @param <T>        ?
     * @return ?java?
     * @throws Excel4JException       
     * @throws IOException            
     * @throws InvalidFormatException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public <T> List<T> readExcel2Objects(String excelPath, Class<T> clazz, int sheetIndex)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException, InvalidFormatException {
        return readExcel2Objects(excelPath, clazz, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, sheetIndex);

     * ?Excel??java
     * @param excelPath Excel
     * @param clazz     ({@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField})
     * @param <T>       ?
     * @return ?java?
     * @throws Excel4JException       
     * @throws IOException            
     * @throws InvalidFormatException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public <T> List<T> readExcel2Objects(String excelPath, Class<T> clazz)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException, InvalidFormatException {
        return readExcel2Objects(excelPath, clazz, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0);

     * ?Excel??java
     * @param is         Excel??
     * @param clazz      ({@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField})
     * @param sheetIndex Sheet(0)
     * @param <T>        ?
     * @return ?java?
     * @throws Excel4JException       
     * @throws IOException            
     * @throws InvalidFormatException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public <T> List<T> readExcel2Objects(InputStream is, Class<T> clazz, int sheetIndex)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException, InvalidFormatException {
        return readExcel2Objects(is, clazz, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, sheetIndex);

     * ?Excel??java
     * @param is    Excel??
     * @param clazz ({@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField})
     * @param <T>   ?
     * @return ?java?
     * @throws Excel4JException       
     * @throws IOException            
     * @throws InvalidFormatException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public <T> List<T> readExcel2Objects(InputStream is, Class<T> clazz)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException, InvalidFormatException {
        return readExcel2Objects(is, clazz, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0);

    private <T> List<T> readExcel2ObjectsHandler(Workbook workbook, Class<T> clazz, int offsetLine, int limitLine,
            int sheetIndex) throws Excel4JException {

        Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetIndex);
        Row row = sheet.getRow(offsetLine);
        List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
        Map<Integer, ExcelHeader> maps = Utils.getHeaderMap(row, clazz);
        if (maps == null || maps.size() <= 0)
            throw new Excel4jReadException(
                    "The Excel format to read is not correct, and check to see if the appropriate rows are set");
        long maxLine = sheet.getLastRowNum() > ((long) offsetLine + limitLine) ? ((long) offsetLine + limitLine)
                : sheet.getLastRowNum();

        for (int i = offsetLine + 1; i <= maxLine; i++) {
            row = sheet.getRow(i);
            if (null == row)
            T obj;
            try {
                obj = clazz.newInstance();
            } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw new Excel4JException(e);
            for (Cell cell : row) {
                int ci = cell.getColumnIndex();
                ExcelHeader header = maps.get(ci);
                if (null == header)
                String val = Utils.getCellValue(cell);
                Object value;
                String filed = header.getFiled();
                // ??
                if (null != header.getReadConverter()
                        && header.getReadConverter().getClass() != DefaultConvertible.class) {
                    value = header.getReadConverter().execRead(val);
                } else {
                    // ?
                    value = Utils.str2TargetClass(val, header.getFiledClazz());
                Utils.copyProperty(obj, filed, value);
        return list;

    /*  . ??                                                                                             */
    /*      *) ?Excel,?  Cell->String => Row->List<Cell> => Excel->List<Row>                    */
    /*  . ?                                                                                               */
    /*      *) excelPath        =>      Excel                                                              */
    /*      *) InputStream      =>      Excel?                                                            */
    /*      *) offsetLine       =>      ???(0)                                                       */
    /*      *) limitLine        =>      ?()                                                      */
    /*      *) sheetIndex       =>      Sheet(0)                                                           */

     * ?Excel?,{@code List[List[String]]}??
     * @param excelPath  ?Excel
     * @param offsetLine Excel(0)
     * @param limitLine  ?()
     * @param sheetIndex Sheet(0)
     * @return {@code List<List<String>>}??
     * @throws IOException            
     * @throws InvalidFormatException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public List<List<String>> readExcel2List(String excelPath, int offsetLine, int limitLine, int sheetIndex)
            throws IOException, InvalidFormatException {

        try (Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream(new File(excelPath)))) {
            return readExcel2ObjectsHandler(workbook, offsetLine, limitLine, sheetIndex);

     * ?Excel?,{@code List[List[String]]}??
     * @param is         ?Excel??
     * @param offsetLine Excel(0)
     * @param limitLine  ?()
     * @param sheetIndex Sheet(0)
     * @return {@code List<List<String>>}??
     * @throws Excel4JException       
     * @throws IOException            
     * @throws InvalidFormatException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public List<List<String>> readExcel2List(InputStream is, int offsetLine, int limitLine, int sheetIndex)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException, InvalidFormatException {

        try (Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(is)) {
            return readExcel2ObjectsHandler(workbook, offsetLine, limitLine, sheetIndex);

     * ?Excel?,{@code List[List[String]]}??
     * @param excelPath  ?Excel
     * @param offsetLine Excel(0)
     * @return {@code List<List<String>>}??
     * @throws IOException            
     * @throws InvalidFormatException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public List<List<String>> readExcel2List(String excelPath, int offsetLine)
            throws IOException, InvalidFormatException {

        try (Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream(new File(excelPath)))) {
            return readExcel2ObjectsHandler(workbook, offsetLine, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0);

     * ?Excel?,{@code List[List[String]]}??
     * @param is         ?Excel??
     * @param offsetLine Excel(0)
     * @return {@code List<List<String>>}??
     * @throws IOException            
     * @throws InvalidFormatException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public List<List<String>> readExcel2List(InputStream is, int offsetLine)
            throws IOException, InvalidFormatException {

        try (Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(is)) {
            return readExcel2ObjectsHandler(workbook, offsetLine, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0);

     * ?Excel?,{@code List[List[String]]}??
     * @param excelPath ?Excel
     * @return {@code List<List<String>>}??
     * @throws IOException            
     * @throws InvalidFormatException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public List<List<String>> readExcel2List(String excelPath) throws IOException, InvalidFormatException {

        try (Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream(new File(excelPath)))) {
            return readExcel2ObjectsHandler(workbook, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0);

     * ?Excel?,{@code List[List[String]]}??
     * @param is ?Excel??
     * @return {@code List<List<String>>}??
     * @throws IOException            
     * @throws InvalidFormatException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public List<List<String>> readExcel2List(InputStream is) throws IOException, InvalidFormatException {

        try (Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(is)) {
            return readExcel2ObjectsHandler(workbook, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0);

    private List<List<String>> readExcel2ObjectsHandler(Workbook workbook, int offsetLine, int limitLine,
            int sheetIndex) {

        List<List<String>> list = new ArrayList<>();
        Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetIndex);
        long maxLine = sheet.getLastRowNum() > ((long) offsetLine + limitLine) ? ((long) offsetLine + limitLine)
                : sheet.getLastRowNum();
        for (int i = offsetLine; i <= maxLine; i++) {
            List<String> rows = new ArrayList<>();
            Row row = sheet.getRow(i);
            if (null == row)
            for (Cell cell : row) {
                String val = Utils.getCellValue(cell);
        return list;

    /*  . ??                                                                                             */
    /*      1) ??                                                                                          */
    /*      2) ?Java                                                                                 */
    /*      3) ?                                                                                        */
    /*  . ?                                                                                               */
    /*      *) templatePath     =>      ?                                                                   */
    /*      *) sheetIndex       =>      Sheet(0)                                                           */
    /*      *) data             =>      List?                                                            */
    /*      *) extendMap        =>      Map(key???#key)                                  */
    /*      *) clazz            =>      Class                                                              */
    /*      *) isWriteHeader    =>      ?                                                               */
    /*      *) targetPath       =>                                                                     */
    /*      *) os               =>      ?                                                                 */

     * Excel?{@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Excel
     * @param templatePath  Excel?
     * @param sheetIndex    Excelsheet?(0)
     * @param data          ??
     * @param extendMap     Map?(key???#key,Excel?)
     * @param clazz         Class
     * @param isWriteHeader ?
     * @param targetPath    ?Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(String templatePath, int sheetIndex, List<?> data,
            Map<String, String> extendMap, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader, String targetPath)
            throws Excel4JException {

        try (SheetTemplate sheetTemplate = exportExcelByModuleHandler(templatePath, sheetIndex, data, extendMap,
                clazz, isWriteHeader)) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

     * Excel?{@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Excel
     * @param templatePath  Excel?
     * @param sheetIndex    Excelsheet?(0)
     * @param data          ??
     * @param extendMap     Map?(key???#key,Excel?)
     * @param clazz         Class
     * @param isWriteHeader ?
     * @param os            ?Excel??
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(String templatePath, int sheetIndex, List<?> data,
            Map<String, String> extendMap, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader, OutputStream os)
            throws Excel4JException {

        try (SheetTemplate sheetTemplate = exportExcelByModuleHandler(templatePath, sheetIndex, data, extendMap,
                clazz, isWriteHeader)) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

     * Excel?{@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Excel
     * @param templatePath  Excel?
     * @param data          ??
     * @param extendMap     Map?(key???#key,Excel?)
     * @param clazz         Class
     * @param isWriteHeader ?
     * @param targetPath    ?Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(String templatePath, List<?> data, Map<String, String> extendMap, Class clazz,
            boolean isWriteHeader, String targetPath) throws Excel4JException {

        exportObjects2Excel(templatePath, 0, data, extendMap, clazz, isWriteHeader, targetPath);

     * Excel?{@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Excel
     * @param templatePath  Excel?
     * @param data          ??
     * @param extendMap     Map?(key???#key,Excel?)
     * @param clazz         Class
     * @param isWriteHeader ?
     * @param os            ?Excel??
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(String templatePath, List<?> data, Map<String, String> extendMap, Class clazz,
            boolean isWriteHeader, OutputStream os) throws Excel4JException {

        exportObjects2Excel(templatePath, 0, data, extendMap, clazz, isWriteHeader, os);

     * Excel?{@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Excel
     * @param templatePath Excel?
     * @param data         ??
     * @param extendMap    Map?(key???#key,Excel?)
     * @param clazz        Class
     * @param targetPath   ?Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(String templatePath, List<?> data, Map<String, String> extendMap, Class clazz,
            String targetPath) throws Excel4JException {

        exportObjects2Excel(templatePath, 0, data, extendMap, clazz, true, targetPath);

     * Excel?{@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Excel
     * @param templatePath Excel?
     * @param data         ??
     * @param extendMap    Map?(key???#key,Excel?)
     * @param clazz        Class
     * @param os           ?Excel??
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(String templatePath, List<?> data, Map<String, String> extendMap, Class clazz,
            OutputStream os) throws Excel4JException {

        exportObjects2Excel(templatePath, 0, data, extendMap, clazz, true, os);

     * Excel?{@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Excel
     * @param templatePath Excel?
     * @param data         ??
     * @param clazz        Class
     * @param targetPath   ?Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(String templatePath, List<?> data, Class clazz, String targetPath)
            throws Excel4JException {

        exportObjects2Excel(templatePath, 0, data, null, clazz, true, targetPath);

     * Excel?{@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Excel
     * @param templatePath Excel?
     * @param data         ??
     * @param clazz        Class
     * @param os           ?Excel??
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(String templatePath, List<?> data, Class clazz, OutputStream os)
            throws Excel4JException {

        exportObjects2Excel(templatePath, 0, data, null, clazz, true, os);

    // ?sheet
    private SheetTemplate exportExcelByModuleHandler(String templatePath, int sheetIndex, List<?> data,
            Map<String, String> extendMap, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader) throws Excel4JException {

        SheetTemplate template = SheetTemplateHandler.sheetTemplateBuilder(templatePath);
        generateSheet(sheetIndex, data, extendMap, clazz, isWriteHeader, template);
        return template;

     * Excel?{@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}sheetExcel
     * @param sheetWrappers sheet
     * @param templatePath  Excel?
     * @param targetPath    Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
    public void normalSheet2Excel(List<NormalSheetWrapper> sheetWrappers, String templatePath, String targetPath)
            throws Excel4JException {

        try (SheetTemplate sheetTemplate = exportExcelByModuleHandler(templatePath, sheetWrappers)) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

     * Excel?{@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}sheetExcel
     * @param sheetWrappers sheet
     * @param templatePath  Excel?
     * @param os            ?Excel??
     * @throws Excel4JException 
    public void normalSheet2Excel(List<NormalSheetWrapper> sheetWrappers, String templatePath, OutputStream os)
            throws Excel4JException {

        try (SheetTemplate sheetTemplate = exportExcelByModuleHandler(templatePath, sheetWrappers)) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

    // sheet
    private SheetTemplate exportExcelByModuleHandler(String templatePath, List<NormalSheetWrapper> sheets)
            throws Excel4JException {

        SheetTemplate template = SheetTemplateHandler.sheetTemplateBuilder(templatePath);
        for (NormalSheetWrapper sheet : sheets) {
            generateSheet(sheet.getSheetIndex(), sheet.getData(), sheet.getExtendMap(), sheet.getClazz(),
                    sheet.isWriteHeader(), template);
        return template;

    // ?sheet?
    private void generateSheet(int sheetIndex, List<?> data, Map<String, String> extendMap, Class clazz,
            boolean isWriteHeader, SheetTemplate template) throws Excel4JException {

        SheetTemplateHandler.loadTemplate(template, sheetIndex);
        SheetTemplateHandler.extendData(template, extendMap);
        List<ExcelHeader> headers = Utils.getHeaderList(clazz);
        if (isWriteHeader) {
            for (ExcelHeader header : headers) {
                SheetTemplateHandler.createCell(template, header.getTitle(), null);

        for (Object object : data) {
            SheetTemplateHandler.insertSerial(template, null);
            for (ExcelHeader header : headers) {
                        Utils.getProperty(object, header.getFiled(), header.getWriteConverter()), null);

    /*  . ??                                                                                             */
    /*      1) ??                                                                                          */
    /*      2) ?Java                                                                                */
    /*      3) ?                                                                                        */
    /*  . ?                                                                                               */
    /*      *) templatePath     =>      ?                                                                  */
    /*      *) sheetIndex       =>      Sheet(0)                                                          */
    /*      *) data             =>      Map?                                                            */
    /*      *) extendMap        =>      Map(key???#key)                                 */
    /*      *) clazz            =>      Class                                                             */
    /*      *) isWriteHeader    =>      ?                                                              */
    /*      *) targetPath       =>                                                                    */
    /*      *) os               =>      ?                                                                */

     * ??{@code Map[String, List[?]]}?
     * ??
     * @param templatePath  Excel?
     * @param sheetIndex    Excelsheet?(0)
     * @param data          {@code Map<String, List<?>>}?
     * @param extendMap     Map?(key???#key,Excel?)
     * @param clazz         Class
     * @param isWriteHeader ?
     * @param targetPath    ?Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportMap2Excel(String templatePath, int sheetIndex, Map<String, List<?>> data,
            Map<String, String> extendMap, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader, String targetPath)
            throws Excel4JException {

        try (SheetTemplate sheetTemplate = exportExcelByMapHandler(templatePath, sheetIndex, data, extendMap, clazz,
                isWriteHeader)) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

     * ??{@code Map[String, List[?]]}?
     * ??
     * @param templatePath  Excel?
     * @param sheetIndex    Excelsheet?(0)
     * @param data          {@code Map<String, List<?>>}?
     * @param extendMap     Map?(key???#key,Excel?)
     * @param clazz         Class
     * @param isWriteHeader ?
     * @param os            ?Excel??
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportMap2Excel(String templatePath, int sheetIndex, Map<String, List<?>> data,
            Map<String, String> extendMap, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader, OutputStream os)
            throws Excel4JException {

        try (SheetTemplate sheetTemplate = exportExcelByMapHandler(templatePath, sheetIndex, data, extendMap, clazz,
                isWriteHeader)) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

     * ??{@code Map[String, List[?]]}?
     * ??
     * @param templatePath Excel?
     * @param data         {@code Map<String, List<?>>}?
     * @param extendMap    Map?(key???#key,Excel?)
     * @param clazz        Class
     * @param targetPath   ?Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportMap2Excel(String templatePath, Map<String, List<?>> data, Map<String, String> extendMap,
            Class clazz, String targetPath) throws Excel4JException {

        try (SheetTemplate sheetTemplate = exportExcelByMapHandler(templatePath, 0, data, extendMap, clazz, true)) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

     * ??{@code Map[String, List[?]]}?
     * ??
     * @param templatePath Excel?
     * @param data         {@code Map<String, List<?>>}?
     * @param extendMap    Map?(key???#key,Excel?)
     * @param clazz        Class
     * @param os           ?Excel??
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportMap2Excel(String templatePath, Map<String, List<?>> data, Map<String, String> extendMap,
            Class clazz, OutputStream os) throws Excel4JException {

        try (SheetTemplate sheetTemplate = exportExcelByMapHandler(templatePath, 0, data, extendMap, clazz, true)) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

     * ??{@code Map[String, List[?]]}?
     * ??
     * @param templatePath Excel?
     * @param data         {@code Map<String, List<?>>}?
     * @param clazz        Class
     * @param targetPath   ?Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportMap2Excel(String templatePath, Map<String, List<?>> data, Class clazz, String targetPath)
            throws Excel4JException {

        try (SheetTemplate sheetTemplate = exportExcelByMapHandler(templatePath, 0, data, null, clazz, true)) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

     * ??{@code Map[String, List[?]]}?
     * ??
     * @param templatePath Excel?
     * @param data         {@code Map<String, List<?>>}?
     * @param clazz        Class
     * @param os           ?Excel??
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportMap2Excel(String templatePath, Map<String, List<?>> data, Class clazz, OutputStream os)
            throws Excel4JException {

        try (SheetTemplate sheetTemplate = exportExcelByMapHandler(templatePath, 0, data, null, clazz, true)) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

    // ?sheet
    private SheetTemplate exportExcelByMapHandler(String templatePath, int sheetIndex, Map<String, List<?>> data,
            Map<String, String> extendMap, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader) throws Excel4JException {

        // ?
        SheetTemplate template = SheetTemplateHandler.sheetTemplateBuilder(templatePath);

        // ?sheet
        generateSheet(template, sheetIndex, data, extendMap, clazz, isWriteHeader);

        return template;

     * ??sheet{@code Map[String, List[?]]}?
     * ??
     * @param sheetWrappers sheet
     * @param templatePath  Excel?
     * @param targetPath    Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
    public void mapSheet2Excel(List<MapSheetWrapper> sheetWrappers, String templatePath, String targetPath)
            throws Excel4JException {

        try (SheetTemplate sheetTemplate = exportExcelByMapHandler(sheetWrappers, templatePath)) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

     * ??sheet{@code Map[String, List[?]]}?
     * ??
     * @param sheetWrappers sheet
     * @param templatePath  Excel?
     * @param os            ?
     * @throws Excel4JException 
    public void mapSheet2Excel(List<MapSheetWrapper> sheetWrappers, String templatePath, OutputStream os)
            throws Excel4JException {

        try (SheetTemplate sheetTemplate = exportExcelByMapHandler(sheetWrappers, templatePath)) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

    // sheet
    private SheetTemplate exportExcelByMapHandler(List<MapSheetWrapper> sheetWrappers, String templatePath)
            throws Excel4JException {

        // ?
        SheetTemplate template = SheetTemplateHandler.sheetTemplateBuilder(templatePath);

        // sheet?
        for (MapSheetWrapper sheet : sheetWrappers) {
            generateSheet(template, sheet.getSheetIndex(), sheet.getData(), sheet.getExtendMap(), sheet.getClazz(),

        return template;

    // sheet?
    private void generateSheet(SheetTemplate template, int sheetIndex, Map<String, List<?>> data,
            Map<String, String> extendMap, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader) throws Excel4JException {

        SheetTemplateHandler.loadTemplate(template, sheetIndex);
        SheetTemplateHandler.extendData(template, extendMap);
        List<ExcelHeader> headers = Utils.getHeaderList(clazz);
        if (isWriteHeader) {
            for (ExcelHeader header : headers) {
                SheetTemplateHandler.createCell(template, header.getTitle(), null);
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<?>> entry : data.entrySet()) {
            for (Object object : entry.getValue()) {
                SheetTemplateHandler.insertSerial(template, entry.getKey());
                for (ExcelHeader header : headers) {
                            Utils.getProperty(object, header.getFiled(), header.getWriteConverter()),

    /*  . ??                                                                                             */
    /*      1) ?Java                                                                                */
    /*      2) ?                                                                                       */
    /*  . ?                                                                                              */
    /*      *) data             =>      List?                                                          */
    /*      *) isWriteHeader    =>      ?                                                              */
    /*      *) sheetName        =>      Sheet??(0)                                                        */
    /*      *) clazz            =>      Class                                                             */
    /*      *) isXSSF           =>      ?Excel2007?                                                   */
    /*      *) targetPath       =>                                                                    */
    /*      *) os               =>      ?                                                                */

     * ???
     * @param data          ?
     * @param clazz         {@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Class
     * @param isWriteHeader ?
     * @param sheetName     Excelsheet??
     * @param isXSSF        Excel?Excel2007?()
     * @param targetPath    ?Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @throws IOException      
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(List<?> data, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader, String sheetName,
            boolean isXSSF, String targetPath) throws Excel4JException, IOException {

        try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(targetPath);
                Workbook workbook = exportExcelNoTemplateHandler(data, clazz, isWriteHeader, sheetName, isXSSF)) {

     * ???
     * @param data          ?
     * @param clazz         {@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Class
     * @param isWriteHeader ?
     * @param sheetName     Excelsheet??
     * @param isXSSF        Excel?Excel2007?()
     * @param os            ?Excel??
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @throws IOException      
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(List<?> data, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader, String sheetName,
            boolean isXSSF, OutputStream os) throws Excel4JException, IOException {

        try (Workbook workbook = exportExcelNoTemplateHandler(data, clazz, isWriteHeader, sheetName, isXSSF)) {

     * ???
     * @param data          ?
     * @param clazz         {@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Class
     * @param isWriteHeader ?
     * @param targetPath    ?Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @throws IOException      
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(List<?> data, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader, String targetPath)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException {

        try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(targetPath);
                Workbook workbook = exportExcelNoTemplateHandler(data, clazz, isWriteHeader, null, true)) {

     * ???
     * @param data          ?
     * @param clazz         {@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Class
     * @param isWriteHeader ?
     * @param os            ?Excel??
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @throws IOException      
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(List<?> data, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader, OutputStream os)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException {

        try (Workbook workbook = exportExcelNoTemplateHandler(data, clazz, isWriteHeader, null, true)) {

     * ???
     * @param data  ?
     * @param clazz {@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Class
     * @param os    ?Excel??
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @throws IOException      
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(List<?> data, Class clazz, OutputStream os)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException {

        try (Workbook workbook = exportExcelNoTemplateHandler(data, clazz, true, null, true)) {

     * ???
     * @param data       ?
     * @param clazz      {@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Class
     * @param targetPath ?Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @throws IOException      
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(List<?> data, Class clazz, String targetPath)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException {

        try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(targetPath);
                Workbook workbook = exportExcelNoTemplateHandler(data, clazz, true, null, true)) {

    // ?sheet?
    private Workbook exportExcelNoTemplateHandler(List<?> data, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader,
            String sheetName, boolean isXSSF) throws Excel4JException {

        Workbook workbook;
        if (isXSSF) {
            workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
        } else {
            workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();

        generateSheet(workbook, data, clazz, isWriteHeader, sheetName);

        return workbook;

     * ???sheet?
     * @param sheets     sheet?
     * @param targetPath ?Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @throws IOException      
    public void noTemplateSheet2Excel(List<NoTemplateSheetWrapper> sheets, String targetPath)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException {

        try (OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(targetPath);
                Workbook workbook = exportExcelNoTemplateHandler(sheets, true)) {

     * ???sheet?
     * @param sheets     sheet?
     * @param isXSSF     Excel?Excel2007?()
     * @param targetPath ?Excel
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @throws IOException      
    public void noTemplateSheet2Excel(List<NoTemplateSheetWrapper> sheets, boolean isXSSF, String targetPath)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException {

        try (OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(targetPath);
                Workbook workbook = exportExcelNoTemplateHandler(sheets, isXSSF)) {

     * ???sheet?
     * @param sheets sheet?
     * @param os     ?Excel?
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @throws IOException      
    public void noTemplateSheet2Excel(List<NoTemplateSheetWrapper> sheets, OutputStream os)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException {

        try (Workbook workbook = exportExcelNoTemplateHandler(sheets, true)) {

     * ???sheet?
     * @param sheets sheet?
     * @param isXSSF Excel?Excel2007?()
     * @param os     ?Excel?
     * @throws Excel4JException 
     * @throws IOException      
    public void noTemplateSheet2Excel(List<NoTemplateSheetWrapper> sheets, boolean isXSSF, OutputStream os)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException {

        try (Workbook workbook = exportExcelNoTemplateHandler(sheets, isXSSF)) {

    // sheet?
    private Workbook exportExcelNoTemplateHandler(List<NoTemplateSheetWrapper> sheetWrappers, boolean isXSSF)
            throws Excel4JException {

        Workbook workbook;
        if (isXSSF) {
            workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
        } else {
            workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();

        // sheet
        for (NoTemplateSheetWrapper sheet : sheetWrappers) {
            generateSheet(workbook, sheet.getData(), sheet.getClazz(), sheet.isWriteHeader(), sheet.getSheetName());

        return workbook;

    // ?sheet?
    private void generateSheet(Workbook workbook, List<?> data, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader,
            String sheetName) throws Excel4JException {

        Sheet sheet;
        if (null != sheetName && !"".equals(sheetName)) {
            sheet = workbook.createSheet(sheetName);
        } else {
            sheet = workbook.createSheet();
        Row row = sheet.createRow(0);
        List<ExcelHeader> headers = Utils.getHeaderList(clazz);
        if (isWriteHeader) {
            for (int i = 0; i < headers.size(); i++) {
        // ?
        Object _data;
        for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
            row = sheet.createRow(i + 1);
            _data = data.get(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < headers.size(); j++) {
                        Utils.getProperty(_data, headers.get(j).getFiled(), headers.get(j).getWriteConverter()));


    /*  . ??                                                                                            */
    /*      1) (?)                                                                                  */
    /*      2) ?                                                                                       */
    /*  . ?                                                                                              */
    /*      *) data             =>      List?                                                          */
    /*      *) header           =>      ?,,?                                                   */
    /*      *) sheetName        =>      Sheet??(0)                                                        */
    /*      *) isXSSF           =>      ?Excel2007?                                                   */
    /*      *) targetPath       =>                                                                    */
    /*      *) os               =>      ?                                                                */

     * ???({@code List[?]}?{@code List[List[?]]}?{@code List[Object[]]})
     * @param data       ?
     * @param header     ?
     * @param sheetName  Excelsheet??
     * @param isXSSF     Excel?Excel2007?()
     * @param targetPath ?Excel
     * @throws IOException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(List<?> data, List<String> header, String sheetName, boolean isXSSF,
            String targetPath) throws IOException {

        try (OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(targetPath);
                Workbook workbook = exportExcelBySimpleHandler(data, header, sheetName, isXSSF)) {

     * ???({@code List[?]}?{@code List[List[?]]}?{@code List[Object[]]})
     * @param data      ?
     * @param header    ?
     * @param sheetName Excelsheet??
     * @param isXSSF    Excel?Excel2007?()
     * @param os        ?Excel??
     * @throws IOException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(List<?> data, List<String> header, String sheetName, boolean isXSSF,
            OutputStream os) throws IOException {

        try (Workbook workbook = exportExcelBySimpleHandler(data, header, sheetName, isXSSF)) {

     * ???({@code List[?]}?{@code List[List[?]]}?{@code List[Object[]]})
     * @param data       ?
     * @param header     ?
     * @param targetPath ?Excel
     * @throws IOException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(List<?> data, List<String> header, String targetPath) throws IOException {

        try (OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(targetPath);
                Workbook workbook = exportExcelBySimpleHandler(data, header, null, true)) {

     * ???({@code List[?]}?{@code List[List[?]]}?{@code List[Object[]]})
     * @param data   ?
     * @param header ?
     * @param os     ?Excel??
     * @throws IOException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(List<?> data, List<String> header, OutputStream os) throws IOException {

        try (Workbook workbook = exportExcelBySimpleHandler(data, header, null, true)) {

     * ???({@code List[?]}?{@code List[List[?]]}?{@code List[Object[]]})
     * @param data       ?
     * @param targetPath ?Excel
     * @throws IOException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(List<?> data, String targetPath) throws IOException {

        try (OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(targetPath);
                Workbook workbook = exportExcelBySimpleHandler(data, null, null, true)) {

     * ???({@code List[?]}?{@code List[List[?]]}?{@code List[Object[]]})
     * @param data ?
     * @param os   ?Excel??
     * @throws IOException 
     * @author Crab2Died
    public void exportObjects2Excel(List<?> data, OutputStream os) throws IOException {

        try (Workbook workbook = exportExcelBySimpleHandler(data, null, null, true)) {

    private Workbook exportExcelBySimpleHandler(List<?> data, List<String> header, String sheetName,
            boolean isXSSF) {

        Workbook workbook;
        if (isXSSF) {
            workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
        } else {
            workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
        // ?sheet
        this.generateSheet(workbook, data, header, sheetName);

        return workbook;

     * ???sheet?
     * @param sheets     sheet?
     * @param targetPath ?Excel
     * @throws IOException 
    public void simpleSheet2Excel(List<SimpleSheetWrapper> sheets, String targetPath) throws IOException {

        try (OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(targetPath);
                Workbook workbook = exportExcelBySimpleHandler(sheets, true)) {

     * ???sheet?
     * @param sheets     sheet?
     * @param isXSSF     Excel?Excel2007?()
     * @param targetPath ?Excel
     * @throws IOException 
    public void simpleSheet2Excel(List<SimpleSheetWrapper> sheets, boolean isXSSF, String targetPath)
            throws IOException {

        try (OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(targetPath);
                Workbook workbook = exportExcelBySimpleHandler(sheets, isXSSF)) {

     * ???sheet?
     * @param sheets sheet?
     * @param os     ?Excel??
     * @throws IOException 
    public void simpleSheet2Excel(List<SimpleSheetWrapper> sheets, OutputStream os) throws IOException {

        try (Workbook workbook = exportExcelBySimpleHandler(sheets, true)) {

     * ???sheet?
     * @param sheets sheet?
     * @param isXSSF Excel?Excel2007?()
     * @param os     ?Excel??
     * @throws IOException 
    public void simpleSheet2Excel(List<SimpleSheetWrapper> sheets, boolean isXSSF, OutputStream os)
            throws IOException {

        try (Workbook workbook = exportExcelBySimpleHandler(sheets, isXSSF)) {

    private Workbook exportExcelBySimpleHandler(List<SimpleSheetWrapper> sheets, boolean isXSSF) {

        Workbook workbook;
        if (isXSSF) {
            workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
        } else {
            workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
        // ?sheet
        for (SimpleSheetWrapper sheet : sheets) {
            this.generateSheet(workbook, sheet.getData(), sheet.getHeader(), sheet.getSheetName());

        return workbook;

    // ?sheet?
    private void generateSheet(Workbook workbook, List<?> data, List<String> header, String sheetName) {

        Sheet sheet;
        if (null != sheetName && !"".equals(sheetName)) {
            sheet = workbook.createSheet(sheetName);
        } else {
            sheet = workbook.createSheet();

        int rowIndex = 0;
        if (null != header && header.size() > 0) {
            Row row = sheet.createRow(rowIndex++);
            for (int i = 0; i < header.size(); i++) {
                row.createCell(i, CellType.STRING).setCellValue(header.get(i));
        for (Object object : data) {
            Row row = sheet.createRow(rowIndex++);
            if (object.getClass().isArray()) {
                for (int j = 0; j < Array.getLength(object); j++) {
                    row.createCell(j, CellType.STRING).setCellValue(Array.get(object, j).toString());
            } else if (object instanceof Collection) {
                Collection<?> items = (Collection<?>) object;
                int j = 0;
                for (Object item : items) {
                    row.createCell(j++, CellType.STRING).setCellValue(item.toString());
            } else {
                row.createCell(0, CellType.STRING).setCellValue(object.toString());

    /*  . ??                                                                                            */
    /*      1) ??,Class?                                                                 */
    /*      2) ???, ?, java                                                     */
    /*  . ?                                                                                              */
    /*      *) path             =>      ?                                                            */
    /*      *) is               =>      ??                                                              */
    /*      *) clazz            =>                                                                        */

     * ?CSV
     * @param path  ?
     * @param clazz ({@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField})
     * @return ?java?
     * @throws Excel4jReadException exception
    public <T> List<T> readCSV2Objects(String path, Class<T> clazz) {

        try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File(path))) {
            return readCSVByMapHandler(is, clazz);
        } catch (IOException | Excel4JException e) {
            throw new Excel4jReadException("read [" + path + "] CSV Error: ", e);

     * ?CSV
     * @param is    ??
     * @param clazz ({@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField})
     * @return ?java?
     * @throws Excel4jReadException exception
    public <T> List<T> readCSV2Objects(InputStream is, Class<T> clazz) {

        try {
            return readCSVByMapHandler(is, clazz);
        } catch (Excel4JException | IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4jReadException("read CSV Error: ", e);

    // ?csv
    private <T> List<T> readCSVByMapHandler(InputStream is, Class<T> clazz) throws IOException, Excel4JException {

        List<T> records = new ArrayList<>();

        List<ExcelHeader> headers = Utils.getHeaderList(clazz);
        if (null == headers || headers.size() <= 0) {
            throw new Excel4jReadException("[" + clazz + "] must configuration @ExcelFiled");
        String[] csvHeaders = new String[headers.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < headers.size(); i++) {
            csvHeaders[i] = headers.get(i).getTitle();
        CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.EXCEL.withHeader(csvHeaders).withSkipHeaderRecord(true);
        try (Reader read = new InputStreamReader(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                CSVParser parser = new CSVParser(read, format)) {
            for (CSVRecord _parser : parser) {
                T obj;
                try {
                    obj = clazz.newInstance();
                } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
                    throw new Excel4jReadException(e);
                for (ExcelHeader header : headers) {
                    String value = _parser.get(header.getTitle());
                    Object objectVal;
                    String filed = header.getFiled();
                    // ??
                    if (null != header.getReadConverter()
                            && header.getReadConverter().getClass() != DefaultConvertible.class) {
                        objectVal = header.getReadConverter().execRead(value);
                    } else {
                        // ?
                        objectVal = Utils.str2TargetClass(value, header.getFiledClazz());
                    Utils.copyProperty(obj, filed, objectVal);
        return records;

    /*  . ??                                                                                            */
    /*      1) (?)                                                                                  */
    /*      2) ?                                                                                       */
    /*  . ?                                                                                              */
    /*      *) data             =>      List?                                                          */
    /*      *) isWriteHeader    =>      ?                                                                */
    /*      *) path             =>                                                                    */
    /*      *) os               =>      ?                                                                */
    /*      *) clazz            =>                                                                        */

     * CSV
     * @param data  
     * @param clazz {@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Class
     * @param path  
     * @throws Excel4JException exception
    public void exportObjects2CSV(List<?> data, Class clazz, String path) throws Excel4JException {

        try {
            Writer writer = new FileWriter(path);
            exportCSVByMapHandler(data, clazz, true, writer);
        } catch (Excel4JException | IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

     * CSV?
     * @param data  
     * @param clazz {@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Class
     * @param os    ?
     * @throws Excel4JException exception
    public void exportObjects2CSV(List<?> data, Class clazz, OutputStream os) throws Excel4JException {

        try {
            Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os);
            exportCSVByMapHandler(data, clazz, true, writer);
        } catch (Excel4JException | IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

     * CSV
     * @param data          
     * @param clazz         {@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Class
     * @param isWriteHeader ?
     * @param path          
     * @throws Excel4JException exception
    public void exportObjects2CSV(List<?> data, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader, String path)
            throws Excel4JException {

        try {
            Writer writer = new FileWriter(path);
            exportCSVByMapHandler(data, clazz, isWriteHeader, writer);
        } catch (Excel4JException | IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

     * CSV?
     * @param data          
     * @param clazz         {@link com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField}Class
     * @param isWriteHeader ?
     * @param os            ?
     * @throws Excel4JException exception
    public void exportObjects2CSV(List<?> data, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader, OutputStream os)
            throws Excel4JException {

        try {
            Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os);
            exportCSVByMapHandler(data, clazz, isWriteHeader, writer);
        } catch (Excel4JException | IOException e) {
            throw new Excel4JException(e);

    private static final byte[] UTF_8_DOM = { (byte) 0xEF, (byte) 0xBB, (byte) 0xBF };

    // ?CSV
    private void exportCSVByMapHandler(List<?> data, Class clazz, boolean isWriteHeader, Appendable appendable)
            throws Excel4JException, IOException {

        List<ExcelHeader> headers = Utils.getHeaderList(clazz);
        appendable.append(new String(UTF_8_DOM, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

        try (CSVPrinter printer = new CSVPrinter(appendable, CSVFormat.EXCEL)) {

            if (isWriteHeader) {
                for (ExcelHeader header : headers) {
            // ?
            for (Object _data : data) {
                for (ExcelHeader header : headers) {
                    printer.print(Utils.getProperty(_data, header.getFiled(), header.getWriteConverter()));
