Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2008  Eugene Creswick
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.github.cjwizard;

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.util.List;

import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JTextField;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import com.github.cjwizard.pagetemplates.TitledPageTemplate;

 * This demo class uses a JDialog to hold the wizard.
 * It show three pages: 1) You can enter a city name. 2) You must enter another
 * city that must be different to the first city. 3) It shows the last city
 * entered.
 * The city is name is saved in the settings with the same key so when you enter
 * a city name in the second page, you overwrite it.
 * @author rcreswick
public class WizardTest2 extends JDialog {

     * Commons logging log instance
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WizardTest.class);

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // create the dialog, and show it:
        WizardTest2 test = new WizardTest2();

    public WizardTest2() {
        // first, build the wizard.  The TestFactory defines the
        // wizard content and behavior.
        final WizardContainer wc = new WizardContainer(new TestFactory(), new TitledPageTemplate(),
                new StackWizardSettings());

        // add a wizard listener to update the dialog titles and notify the
        // surrounding application of the state of the wizard:
        wc.addWizardListener(new WizardListener() {
            public void onCanceled(List<WizardPage> path, WizardSettings settings) {
                log.debug("settings: " + wc.getSettings());

            public void onFinished(List<WizardPage> path, WizardSettings settings) {
                log.debug("settings: " + wc.getSettings());

            public void onPageChanged(WizardPage newPage, List<WizardPage> path) {
                log.debug("settings: " + wc.getSettings());
                // Set the dialog title to match the description of the new page:

        // Set up the standard bookkeeping stuff for a dialog, and
        // add the wizard to the JDialog:

     * Implementation of PageFactory to generate the wizard pages needed
     * for the wizard.
    private class TestFactory extends APageFactory {

        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see com.github.cjwizard.PageFactory#createPage(java.util.List, com.github.cjwizard.WizardSettings)
        public WizardPage createPage(List<WizardPage> path, WizardSettings settings) {
            log.debug("creating page " + path.size());

            // Get the next page to display.  The path is the list of all wizard
            // pages that the user has proceeded through from the start of the
            // wizard, so we can easily see which step the user is on by taking
            // the length of the path.  This makes it trivial to return the next
            // WizardPage:
            WizardPage page = buildPage(path.size(), settings);

            // if we wanted to, we could use the WizardSettings object like a
            // Map<String, Object> to change the flow of the wizard pages.
            // In fact, we can do arbitrarily complex computation to determine
            // the next wizard page.

            log.debug("Returning page: " + page);
            return page;

        private WizardPage buildPage(int pageCount, final WizardSettings settings) {
            switch (pageCount) {
            case 0:
                return new WizardPage("One", "First Page") {
                        JTextField field = new JTextField();
                        // set a name on any component that you want to collect values
                        // from.  Be sure to do this *before* adding the component to
                        // the WizardPage.
                        field.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(50, 20));
                        add(new JLabel("Enter City:"));
            case 1:
                // You don't need to use anonymous classes.
                return new ValidationPage(settings);
            case 2:
                return new WizardPage("Three", "Third Page") {
                        // get a value with the same key -- notice that it was altered by the user's input on page 2:
                        add(new JLabel("The city you entered was: " + settings.get("city")));

                     * This is the last page in the wizard, so we will enable the finish
                     * button and disable the "Next >" button just before the page is
                     * displayed:
                    public void rendering(List<WizardPage> path, WizardSettings settings) {
                        super.rendering(path, settings);
            return null;

         * This private class implement a WizardPage that show the previous city
         * and also validate that the user enter a new city that is different
         * before going to the next page.
        private class ValidationPage extends WizardPage {

            private JTextField field;

             * Create a new ValidationPage that shows the previous city name and
             * force you to enter a different city name.
             * @param settings THe current settings to get the previous city name.
            public ValidationPage(WizardSettings settings) {
                // We set the title and the description of the page.
                super("Two", "Second Page");

                // get a value out of the settings, and display it on the second
                // page:
                add(new JLabel("The city you entered was: " + settings.get("city")));

                field = new JTextField();
                field.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(50, 20));
                add(new JLabel("Enter a different city:"));

             * Check if the previous city name is the same of the current page.
             * Also, if the cities are the same it show a dialog telling it.
             * @see com.github.cjwizard.WizardPage#onNext(com.github.cjwizard.WizardSettings)
             * @return true if they are different (so the page can change) or false
             * if they are different (so the wizard don't advance to next page).
            public boolean onNext(WizardSettings settings) {

                // Check if the current city is equal to the previous.
                if (settings.get("city").equals(this.field.getText())) {

                    // Show a message (but do it in with the gui thread.
                    java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                                    "You have specified the same city than before!", "Same city!",

                    return false;

                } else {

                    return true;

