Java tutorial
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // checkstyle: Checks Java source code for adherence to a set of rules. // Copyright (C) 2001-2016 the original author or authors. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.github.checkstyle; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit; import; import org.kohsuke.github.GHIssue; import org.kohsuke.github.GHIssueState; import org.kohsuke.github.GHLabel; import org.kohsuke.github.GHRepository; import org.kohsuke.github.GitHub; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Contains methods for release notes generation. * @author Andrei Selkin */ public final class NotesBuilder { /** A path to remote checkstyle repository. */ private static final String REMOTE_REPO_PATH = "checkstyle/checkstyle"; /** Array elements separator. */ private static final String SEPARATOR = ", "; /** Exit code returned when execution finishes with errors. */ private static final int EXIT_WITH_ERRORS_CODE = -2; /** Regexp pattern for ignoring commit messages. */ private static final Pattern IGNORED_COMMIT_MESSAGES_PATTERN = Pattern .compile("^\\[maven-release-plugin\\].*(\r|\n)?$|" + "^update to ([0-9]|\\.)+-SNAPSHOT(\r|\n)?$|" + "^doc: release notes.*(\r|\n)?$|" + "^(config:|minor:|infra:)(.|\n)*[\r|\n]?$"); /** Default constructor. */ private NotesBuilder() { } /** * Entry point. * @param args command line arguments. */ public static void main(String... args) { int errorCounter = 0; try { final CliProcessor cliProcessor = new CliProcessor(args); cliProcessor.process(); if (cliProcessor.hasErrors()) { printListOf(cliProcessor.getErrorMessages()); errorCounter = cliProcessor.getErrorMessages().size(); } else { final CliOptions cliOptions = cliProcessor.getCliOptions(); errorCounter = runNotesBuilder(cliOptions); } } catch (ParseException | GitAPIException | IOException ex) { errorCounter = 1; System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); CliProcessor.printUsage(); } finally { if (errorCounter == 0) { System.out.println(String.format("%nGeneration succeed!")); } else { System.out.println(String.format("%nGeneration ends with %d errors.", errorCounter)); System.exit(EXIT_WITH_ERRORS_CODE); } } } /** * Executes NotesBuilder based on passed command line options. * @param cliOptions command line options. * @return number of errors. * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. * @throws GitAPIException if an error occurs while accessing GitHub API. */ private static int runNotesBuilder(CliOptions cliOptions) throws IOException, GitAPIException { final String localRepoPath = cliOptions.getLocalRepoPath(); final String startRef = cliOptions.getStartRef(); final String endRef = cliOptions.getEndRef(); final String authToken = cliOptions.getAuthToken(); final GitHub connection; if (authToken == null) { connection = GitHub.connectAnonymously(); } else { connection = GitHub.connectUsingOAuth(authToken); } final GHRepository remoteRepo = connection.getRepository(REMOTE_REPO_PATH); final Result result = buildResult(remoteRepo, localRepoPath, startRef, endRef); if (result.hasWarnings()) { printListOf(result.getWarningMessages()); } int errorCounter = 0; if (result.hasErrors()) { printListOf(result.getErrorMessages()); errorCounter = result.getErrorMessages().size(); } else { final Multimap<String, ReleaseNotesMessage> releaseNotes = result.getReleaseNotes(); final String releaseNumber = cliOptions.getReleaseNumber(); final String outputFile = cliOptions.getOutputFile(); TemplateProcessor.generateWithThymeleaf(releaseNotes, releaseNumber, outputFile); } return errorCounter; } /** * Forms release notes as a map. * @param remoteRepo git remote repository object. * @param localRepoPath path to local git repository. * @param startRef start reference. * @param endRef end reference. * @return a map which represents release notes. * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. * @throws GitAPIException if an error occurs when accessing Git API. */ private static Result buildResult(GHRepository remoteRepo, String localRepoPath, String startRef, String endRef) throws IOException, GitAPIException { final Result result = new Result(); final Set<Integer> processedIssueNumbers = new HashSet<>(); final Set<RevCommit> commitsForRelease = getCommitsBetweenReferences(localRepoPath, startRef, endRef); commitsForRelease.removeAll(getIgnoredCommits(commitsForRelease)); for (RevCommit commit : commitsForRelease) { String commitMessage = commit.getFullMessage(); if (isRevertCommit(commitMessage)) { final int firstQuoteIndex = commitMessage.indexOf('"'); final int lastQuoteIndex = commitMessage.lastIndexOf('"'); commitMessage = commitMessage.substring(firstQuoteIndex, lastQuoteIndex); } if (isIssueOrPull(commitMessage)) { final int issueNo = getIssueNumberFrom(commitMessage); if (processedIssueNumbers.contains(issueNo)) { continue; } processedIssueNumbers.add(issueNo); final GHIssue issue = remoteRepo.getIssue(issueNo); if (issue.getState() != GHIssueState.CLOSED) { result.addWarning( String.format("[WARN] Issue #%d \"%s\" is not closed!", issueNo, issue.getTitle())); } final String issueLabel = getIssueLabelFrom(issue); if (issueLabel.isEmpty()) { final String error = String.format("[ERROR] Issue #%d does not have %s label!", issueNo, Joiner.on(SEPARATOR).join(Constants.ISSUE_LABELS)); result.addError(error); } final Set<RevCommit> issueCommits = getCommitsForIssue(commitsForRelease, issueNo); final String authors = getAuthorsOf(issueCommits); final ReleaseNotesMessage releaseNotesMessage = new ReleaseNotesMessage(issue, authors); result.putReleaseNotesMessage(issueLabel, releaseNotesMessage); } else { // Commits that have messages which do not contain issue or pull number final String commitShortMessage = commit.getShortMessage(); final String author = commit.getAuthorIdent().getName(); final ReleaseNotesMessage releaseNotesMessage = new ReleaseNotesMessage(commitShortMessage, author); result.putReleaseNotesMessage(Constants.MISCELLANEOUS_LABEL, releaseNotesMessage); } } return result; } /** * Returns a list of commits between two references. * @param repoPath path to local git repository. * @param startRef start reference. * @param endRef end reference. * @return a list of commits. * @throws IOException if I/O error occurs. * @throws GitAPIException if an error occurs when accessing Git API. */ private static Set<RevCommit> getCommitsBetweenReferences(String repoPath, String startRef, String endRef) throws IOException, GitAPIException { final FileRepositoryBuilder builder = new FileRepositoryBuilder(); final Path path = Paths.get(repoPath); final Repository repo = builder.findGitDir(path.toFile()).readEnvironment().build(); final ObjectId startCommit = getActualRefObjectId(repo, startRef); final ObjectId endCommit = getActualRefObjectId(repo, endRef); final Iterable<RevCommit> commits = new Git(repo).log().addRange(startCommit, endCommit).call(); return Sets.newLinkedHashSet(commits); } /** * Checks whether a commit message starts with the 'Revert' word. * @param commitMessage commit message. * @return true if a commit message starts with the 'Revert' word. */ private static boolean isRevertCommit(String commitMessage) { return commitMessage.startsWith("Revert"); } /** * Returns a set of ignored commits. * Ignored commits are 'revert' commits and commits which were reverted by the 'revert' commits * in current release. * @param commitsForRelease commits for release. * @return a set of ignored commits. */ private static Set<RevCommit> getIgnoredCommits(Set<RevCommit> commitsForRelease) { final Set<RevCommit> ignoredCommits = new HashSet<>(); for (RevCommit commit : commitsForRelease) { final String commitMessage = commit.getFullMessage(); if (isRevertCommit(commitMessage)) { final int lastSpaceIndex = commitMessage.lastIndexOf(' '); final int lastPeriodIndex = commitMessage.lastIndexOf('.'); final String revertedCommitReference = commitMessage.substring(lastSpaceIndex + 1, lastPeriodIndex); final RevCommit revertedCommit = Iterables.tryFind(commitsForRelease, new Predicate<RevCommit>() { @Override public boolean apply(RevCommit commit) { return revertedCommitReference.equals(commit.getName()); } }).orNull(); if (revertedCommit != null) { ignoredCommits.add(commit); ignoredCommits.add(revertedCommit); } } else if (isIgnoredCommit(commitMessage)) { ignoredCommits.add(commit); } } return ignoredCommits; } /** * Checks commit message to determine whether commit should be ignored. * @param commitMessage commit message. * @return if commit with the message should be ignored. */ private static boolean isIgnoredCommit(String commitMessage) { final Matcher matcher = IGNORED_COMMIT_MESSAGES_PATTERN.matcher(commitMessage); return matcher.matches(); } /** * Returns actual SHA-1 object by commit reference. * @param repo git repository. * @param ref string representation of commit reference. * @return actual SHA-1 object. * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ private static ObjectId getActualRefObjectId(Repository repo, String ref) throws IOException { final ObjectId actualObjectId; final Ref referenceObj = repo.getRef(ref); if (referenceObj == null) { actualObjectId = repo.resolve(ref); } else { final Ref repoPeeled = repo.peel(referenceObj); if (repoPeeled.getPeeledObjectId() == null) { actualObjectId = referenceObj.getObjectId(); } else { actualObjectId = repoPeeled.getPeeledObjectId(); } } return actualObjectId; } /** * Extracts an issue number from commit message. * @param commitMessage commit message. * @return issue number. */ private static int getIssueNumberFrom(String commitMessage) { final int numberSignIndex = commitMessage.indexOf('#'); final int colonIndex = commitMessage.indexOf(':'); return Integer.parseInt(commitMessage.substring(numberSignIndex + 1, colonIndex)); } /** * Returns a list of commits which are associated with the current issue. * @param commits commits. * @param issueNo issue number. * @return a list of commits which are associated with the current issue. */ private static Set<RevCommit> getCommitsForIssue(Set<RevCommit> commits, int issueNo) { final Set<RevCommit> currentIssueCommits = new HashSet<>(); for (RevCommit commit : commits) { final String commitMessage = commit.getFullMessage(); if (isIssueOrPull(commitMessage)) { final int currentIssueNo = getIssueNumberFrom(commitMessage); if (issueNo == currentIssueNo) { currentIssueCommits.add(commit); } } } return currentIssueCommits; } /** * Checks whether commits message is associated with a pull request or an issue. * Commit message which is associated with a pull request or an issue starts with 'Pull' * or 'Issue' prefix. * @param commitMessage commit message. * @return true if commits message is associated with a pull request or an issue. */ private static boolean isIssueOrPull(String commitMessage) { return commitMessage.startsWith("Issue") || commitMessage.startsWith("Pull"); } /** * Forms a string which represents the authors who are referenced in the commits. * @param commits commits. * @return string which represents the authors who are referenced in the commits. */ private static String getAuthorsOf(Set<RevCommit> commits) { final Set<String> commitAuthors = findCommitAuthors(commits); return Joiner.on(SEPARATOR).join(commitAuthors.iterator()); } /** * Finds authors of the commits. * @param commits current issue commits. * @return a list of authors who work on the current issue. */ private static Set<String> findCommitAuthors(Set<RevCommit> commits) { final Set<String> commitAuthors = new HashSet<>(); for (RevCommit commit : commits) { final String author = commit.getAuthorIdent().getName(); if (!commitAuthors.contains(author)) { commitAuthors.add(author); } } return commitAuthors; } /** * Returns issue label for release notes. * @param issue issue. * @return issue label for release notes * @throws IOException if an I/o error occurs. */ private static String getIssueLabelFrom(GHIssue issue) throws IOException { final Collection<GHLabel> issueLabels = issue.getLabels(); final GHLabel label = Iterables.tryFind(issueLabels, new Predicate<GHLabel>() { @Override public boolean apply(GHLabel input) { return Arrays.binarySearch(Constants.ISSUE_LABELS, input.getName()) != -1; } }).orNull(); final String issueLabelName; if (label == null) { issueLabelName = ""; } else { issueLabelName = label.getName(); } return issueLabelName; } /** * Prints a list of elements in standard out. * @param entities a list. */ private static void printListOf(List<String> entities) { System.out.println(); for (String e : entities) { System.out.println(e); } } }