Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright 2015 Rik Schaaf aka CC007 <>. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.github.cc007.sciencespinoffsquiz.web.controllers; import com.github.cc007.sciencespinoffsquiz.language.LanguagesController; import com.github.cc007.sciencespinoffsquiz.quiz.model.Answer; import com.github.cc007.sciencespinoffsquiz.quiz.model.Question; import com.github.cc007.sciencespinoffsquiz.quiz.model.QuestionPool; import; import; import; import com.github.cc007.sciencespinoffsquiz.util.IntegerChecker; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; /** * * @author Rik Schaaf aka CC007 <> */ @Controller public class RequestController { @RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String index(ModelMap map) { map.put("quizredirect", "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=/ScienceSpinoffsQuiz/quiz\" />"); return "index"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/statistics", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String statistics(ModelMap map) { DatabaseRetrieval dr = new DatabaseRetrieval(); map.put("participantsCount", dr.getParticipantCount() + ""); map.put("malePercentage", dr.getMalePercentage() + ""); map.put("femalePercentage", dr.getFemalePercentage() + ""); map.put("youngerPercentage", dr.getYoungerPercentage() + ""); map.put("olderPercentage", dr.getOlderPercentage() + ""); map.put("answeredCount", dr.getAnsweredCount() + ""); map.put("rightlyAnsweredCount", dr.getRightlyAnsweredCount() + ""); List<Integer> genderStatistics = dr.getGenderStatistics(); List<Integer> ageGroupStatistics = dr.getAgeGroupStatistics(); List<Integer> questionStatistics = dr.getQuestionStatistics(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { map.put("gender" + (i + 1), genderStatistics.get(i)); map.put("ageGroup" + (i + 1), ageGroupStatistics.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { map.put("question" + (i + 1), questionStatistics.get(i)); } QuestionPool qp = new QuestionPool("questions_en.xml"); List<Question> questions = qp.getQuestions(); for (int i = 1; i <= questions.size(); i++) { Question curr = questions.get(i); map.put("questionname" + i, curr.getKeyword()); } return "statistics"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/explanation", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String explanation(ModelMap map) { map.put("statisticsredirect", "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"15;url=/ScienceSpinoffsQuiz/statistics\" />"); map.put("statisticshide", " style=\"border:none;background-color:inherit;\""); QuestionPool qp = new QuestionPool("questions_en.xml"); List<Question> questions = qp.getQuestions(); Collections.shuffle(questions, new Random(System.currentTimeMillis())); Question q = questions.get(0); map.put("imgName", q.getExplanationImage()); map.put("explanation", q.getExplanation()); return "explanation"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/quiz", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String quiz(@ModelAttribute("userid") String userId, @ModelAttribute("answer") String answer, @ModelAttribute("random") String random, @ModelAttribute("questionNr") String questionNr, @ModelAttribute("language") String language, @ModelAttribute("gender") String gender, @ModelAttribute("ageGroup") String ageGroup, @ModelAttribute("restart") String restart, ModelMap map) { long newRandom; GameStatisticsStorage gss; LanguagesController lc; System.out.println("Incoming request:"); if ("restart".equals(restart)) { System.out.println(" Restart quiz"); map.put("quizredirect", "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=/ScienceSpinoffsQuiz/quiz\" />"); return "index"; } if (!"".equals(userId) && IntegerChecker.isInteger(userId)) { gss = new DatabaseStorage(Integer.parseInt(userId)); System.out.println(" UserId is set."); } else { System.out.println(" UserId is not set yet.\n"); if ("".equals(language)) { return "index"; } lc = new LanguagesController(language); if ("".equals(gender)) { map.put("language", language); map.put("genderQuestion", lc.getText("GenderQuestion")); map.put("male", lc.getText("Male")); map.put("female", lc.getText("Female")); return "gender"; } if ("".equals(ageGroup)) { map.put("language", language); map.put("gender", gender); map.put("ageGroupQuestion", lc.getText("AgeGroupQuestion")); map.put("younger", lc.getText("Younger")); map.put("older", lc.getText("Older")); return "agegroup"; } //TODO create id gss = new DatabaseStorage(); gss.setGender(gender); gss.setAgeGroup(ageGroup); userId = gss.getUserId() + ""; gss.saveStatistics(); } if (!"".equals(random) && IntegerChecker.isInteger(random)) { System.out.println(" Random is set."); newRandom = Long.parseLong(random); } else { System.out.println(" Random was not set"); newRandom = System.currentTimeMillis(); } System.out.println(" Retrieving question..."); String xmlFileName = "questions_en.xml"; if (!"".equals(language)) { lc = new LanguagesController(language); switch (language.toLowerCase()) { case "nederlands": xmlFileName = "questions_nl.xml"; break; case "english": xmlFileName = "questions_en.xml"; break; } } else { lc = new LanguagesController("English"); } QuestionPool qp = new QuestionPool(xmlFileName); int newQuestionNr = 0; if (!"".equals(questionNr) && IntegerChecker.isInteger(questionNr)) { newQuestionNr = Integer.parseInt(questionNr); System.out.println(" Question is set."); } else { System.out.println(" No question set: assuming first question."); } List<Question> questions = qp.getQuestions(); Collections.shuffle(questions, new Random(newRandom)); if (newQuestionNr >= questions.size()) { map.put("endQuiz", lc.getText("EndQuiz")); map.put("restartQuiz", lc.getText("RestartQuiz")); return "endquiz"; } Question q = questions.get(newQuestionNr); if (!"".equals(answer)) { Answer givenAnswer = Answer.fromString(answer); boolean right = givenAnswer != null && q.getRightAnswer().equalsAnswer(givenAnswer); System.out.println("Store result in database"); gss.setScore(q.getId(), right); gss.saveStatistics(); System.out.println(" Prepare explanation webview"); map.put("explanation", q.getExplanation()); if (right) { map.put("questionText", lc.getText("RightAnswer") + q.getRightAnswer().toString()); } else { map.put("questionText", lc.getText("WrongAnswer") + q.getRightAnswer().toString()); } map.put("userid", userId); map.put("random", newRandom + ""); map.put("questionNr", newQuestionNr + 1 + ""); map.put("language", language); map.put("imgName", q.getExplanationImage()); map.put("nextQuestion", lc.getText("NextQuestion")); map.put("restartQuiz", lc.getText("RestartQuiz")); return "explanation"; } System.out.println(" Prepare question in webview"); map.put("question", q.getQuestion()); map.put("answerA", q.getAnswerA()); map.put("answerB", q.getAnswerB()); map.put("answerC", q.getAnswerC()); map.put("userid", userId); map.put("random", newRandom + ""); map.put("questionNr", newQuestionNr + ""); map.put("language", language); System.out.println("Request handled.\n"); return "question"; } }