Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Ben Manes. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.benmanes.multiway; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe; import com.github.benmanes.multiway.ResourceKey.LinkedResourceKey; import com.github.benmanes.multiway.ResourceKey.Status; import com.github.benmanes.multiway.ResourceKey.UnlinkedResourceKey; import com.github.benmanes.multiway.TimeToIdlePolicy.EvictionListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2ReferenceOpenHashMap; import static com.github.benmanes.multiway.TimeToIdlePolicy.AMORTIZED_THRESHOLD; import static; /** * A concurrent {@link MultiwayPool} that is optimized around transferring resources between threads * that borrow and release handles. * * @author Ben Manes ( */ @ThreadSafe class TransferPool<K, R> implements MultiwayPool<K, R> { /* * An object pool must be optimized around resources regularly being checked in and out * concurrently. A naive implementation that guards the pool with a single lock will suffer * contention by the frequent access if resources are used in short bursts. * * The basic strategy is to denormalize the resources into a flattened cache, which provides the * maximum size and time-to-live policies. The resources are organized into single-way pools as a * view layered above the cache, with each pool represented as a collection of cache keys that are * available to be borrowed. These pools are implemented as transfer queues to utilize elimination * in order to reduce contention. A thread returning a resource to the pool will first attempt * to exchange it with a thread checking one out, falling back to storing it in the queue if a * transfer is unsuccessful. * * The time-to-idle policy is implemented as the duration when the resource is not being used, * rather than the duration that the resource has resided in the primary cache not being accessed. * This policy is implemented as a time ordered queue where the head is the resource that has * remained idle in the pool the longest. * * The removal of unused transfer queues is performed aggressively by using weak references. The * resource's cache key retains a strong reference to its queue, thereby retaining the pool while * there are associated resources in the cache or it is being used. When there are no resources * referencing to the queue then the garbage collector will eagerly discard the transfer queue. */ final ConcurrentHashMapV8.Fun<K, EliminationStack<ResourceKey<K>>> stackLoader; final ConcurrentHashMapV8<K, EliminationStack<ResourceKey<K>>> transferStacks; final ResourceLifecycle<? super K, ? super R> lifecycle; final Optional<TimeToIdlePolicy<K, R>> timeToIdlePolicy; final ThreadLocal<Map<R, ResourceHandle>> inFlight; final ConcurrentMap<ResourceKey<K>, R> cache; final Ticker ticker; TransferPool(MultiwayPoolBuilder<? super K, ? super R> builder) { timeToIdlePolicy = makeTimeToIdlePolicy(builder); transferStacks = new ConcurrentHashMapV8<>(); lifecycle = builder.getResourceLifecycle(); ticker = builder.getTicker(); cache = makeCache(builder); inFlight = new ThreadLocal<Map<R, ResourceHandle>>() { @Override protected Map<R, ResourceHandle> initialValue() { return new Reference2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>(); } }; stackLoader = new ConcurrentHashMapV8.Fun<K, EliminationStack<ResourceKey<K>>>() { @Override public EliminationStack<ResourceKey<K>> apply(K key) { return new EliminationStack<>(); } }; } /** Creates a mapping from the resource category to its transfer stack of available keys. */ LoadingCache<K, EliminationStack<ResourceKey<K>>> makeTransferStacks(int concurrencyLevel) { return CacheBuilder.newBuilder().concurrencyLevel(concurrencyLevel).weakValues() .build(new CacheLoader<K, EliminationStack<ResourceKey<K>>>() { @Override public EliminationStack<ResourceKey<K>> load(K key) throws Exception { return new EliminationStack<>(); } }); } ConcurrentMap<ResourceKey<K>, R> makeCache(MultiwayPoolBuilder<? super K, ? super R> builder) { return new ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder<ResourceKey<K>, R>().maximumWeightedCapacity(builder.maximumSize) .build(); } /** Creates the denormalized cache of resources based on the builder configuration. */ Cache<ResourceKey<K>, R> __makeCache(MultiwayPoolBuilder<? super K, ? super R> builder) { CacheBuilder<Object, Object> cacheBuilder = CacheBuilder.newBuilder(); if (builder.maximumSize != MultiwayPoolBuilder.UNSET_INT) { cacheBuilder.maximumSize(builder.maximumSize); } if (builder.maximumWeight != MultiwayPoolBuilder.UNSET_INT) { cacheBuilder.maximumWeight(builder.maximumWeight); } if (builder.weigher != null) { final Weigher<? super K, ? super R> weigher = builder.weigher; cacheBuilder.weigher(new Weigher<ResourceKey<K>, R>() { @Override public int weigh(ResourceKey<K> resourceKey, R resource) { return weigher.weigh(resourceKey.getKey(), resource); } }); } if (builder.expireAfterWriteNanos != MultiwayPoolBuilder.UNSET_INT) { cacheBuilder.expireAfterWrite(builder.expireAfterWriteNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } if (builder.ticker != null) { cacheBuilder.ticker(builder.ticker); } if (builder.recordStats) { cacheBuilder.recordStats(); } cacheBuilder.concurrencyLevel(builder.getConcurrencyLevel()); cacheBuilder.removalListener(new CacheRemovalListener()); return; } /** Creates the time-to-idle policy for managing resources eligible for expiration. */ Optional<TimeToIdlePolicy<K, R>> makeTimeToIdlePolicy(MultiwayPoolBuilder<? super K, ? super R> builder) { if (builder.expireAfterAccessNanos == -1) { return Optional.absent(); } TimeToIdlePolicy<K, R> policy = new TimeToIdlePolicy<K, R>(builder.expireAfterAccessNanos, builder.getTicker(), new IdleEvictionListener()); return Optional.of(policy); } @Override public R borrow(K key, Callable<? extends R> loader) { return borrow(key, loader, 0, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } @Override public R borrow(K key, Callable<? extends R> loader, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { checkNotNull(key); checkNotNull(unit); checkNotNull(loader); ResourceHandle handle = getResourceHandle(key, loader, timeout, unit); if (timeToIdlePolicy.isPresent()) { timeToIdlePolicy.get().invalidate(handle.resourceKey); } inFlight.get().put(handle.resource, handle); try { lifecycle.onBorrow(key, handle.resource); return handle.resource; } catch (Exception e) { handle.invalidate(); throw e; } } /** Retrieves the next available handler, creating the resource if necessary. */ ResourceHandle getResourceHandle(K key, Callable<? extends R> loader, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { EliminationStack<ResourceKey<K>> stack = transferStacks.get(key); if (stack == null) { stack = transferStacks.computeIfAbsent(key, stackLoader); } long timeoutNanos = unit.toNanos(timeout); long startNanos =; boolean hasCleanedUp = false; for (;;) { ResourceHandle handle = tryToGetResourceHandle(key, loader, stack, timeoutNanos); if (handle == null) { if (timeToIdlePolicy.isPresent() && !hasCleanedUp) { timeToIdlePolicy.get().cleanUp(AMORTIZED_THRESHOLD); hasCleanedUp = true; } long elapsed = - startNanos; timeoutNanos = Math.max(0, timeoutNanos - elapsed); } else { return handle; } } } /** Attempts to retrieves the next available handler, creating the resource if necessary. */ @Nullable ResourceHandle tryToGetResourceHandle(K key, Callable<? extends R> loader, EliminationStack<ResourceKey<K>> stack, long timeoutNanos) { ResourceKey<K> resourceKey = stack.pop(); if (resourceKey == null) { return newResourceHandle(key, loader, stack); } if (timeToIdlePolicy.isPresent() && timeToIdlePolicy.get().hasExpired(resourceKey)) { // Retry with another resource due to idle expiration return null; } return tryToGetPooledResourceHandle(resourceKey); } /** Creates a new resource associated to the category key and stack. */ ResourceHandle newResourceHandle(K key, final Callable<? extends R> loader, EliminationStack<ResourceKey<K>> stack) { try { final ResourceKey<K> resourceKey = timeToIdlePolicy.isPresent() ? new LinkedResourceKey<K>(stack, Status.IN_FLIGHT, key, timeToIdlePolicy.get().idleQueue) : new UnlinkedResourceKey<K>(stack, Status.IN_FLIGHT, key); R resource =; try { lifecycle.onCreate(resourceKey.getKey(), resource); cache.put(resourceKey, resource); } catch (Exception e) { lifecycle.onRemoval(resourceKey.getKey(), resource); throw e; } ResourceHandle handle = new ResourceHandle(resourceKey, resource); resourceKey.handle = handle; return handle; } catch (Exception e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e.getCause()); } } /** Attempts to get the pooled resource with the given key. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Nullable ResourceHandle tryToGetPooledResourceHandle(ResourceKey<K> resourceKey) { R resource = cache.get(resourceKey); if (resource == null) { return null; } return (resourceKey.getStatus() == Status.IDLE) && resourceKey.goFromIdleToInFlight() ? (ResourceHandle) resourceKey.handle : null; } @Override public void release(R resource) { ResourceHandle handle = getInFlightHandle(resource); handle.release(); } @Override public void release(R resource, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { ResourceHandle handle = getInFlightHandle(resource); handle.release(timeout, unit); } @Override public void releaseAndInvalidate(R resource) { ResourceHandle handle = getInFlightHandle(resource); handle.invalidate(); } private ResourceHandle getInFlightHandle(R resource) { ResourceHandle handle = inFlight.get().remove(resource); if (handle == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The resource was not borrowed"); } return handle; } @Override public void invalidate(K key) { checkNotNull(key); for (ResourceKey<K> resourceKey : cache.keySet()) { if (resourceKey.getKey().equals(key)) { R resource = cache.remove(resourceKey); // TODO(ben): call removal listener } } } @Override public void invalidateAll() { cache.clear(); // TODO(ben): call removal listener } @Override public long size() { return cache.size(); } @Override public void cleanUp() { if (timeToIdlePolicy.isPresent()) { timeToIdlePolicy.get().cleanUp(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } } @Override public CacheStats stats() { return null;//cache.stats(); } @Override public String toString() { Multimap<K, R> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (Entry<ResourceKey<K>, R> entry : cache.entrySet()) { multimap.put(entry.getKey().getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return multimap.toString(); } /** A multiway pool that can be automatically populated using a {@link ResourceLoader}. */ static final class LoadingTransferPool<K, R> extends TransferPool<K, R> implements LoadingMultiwayPool<K, R> { final ResourceLoader<K, R> loader; LoadingTransferPool(MultiwayPoolBuilder<? super K, ? super R> builder, ResourceLoader<K, R> loader) { super(builder); this.loader = loader; } @Override public R borrow(K key) { return borrow(key, 0L, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } @Override public R borrow(final K key, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { Callable<R> callable = new Callable<R>() { @Override public R call() throws Exception { return loader.load(key); } }; return borrow(key, callable, timeout, unit); } } /** A handle to a resource in the cache. */ final class ResourceHandle { final ResourceKey<K> resourceKey; R resource; ResourceHandle(ResourceKey<K> resourceKey, R resource) { this.resourceKey = resourceKey; this.resource = resource; } public void release() { release(0L, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } public void release(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { try { lifecycle.onRelease(resourceKey.getKey(), resource); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO(ben): call removal listener cache.remove(resourceKey); throw e; } finally { recycle(timeout, unit); } } public void invalidate() { try { lifecycle.onRelease(resourceKey.getKey(), resource); } finally { // TODO(ben): call removal listener cache.remove(resourceKey); recycle(0L, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } } /** Returns the resource to the pool or discards it if the resource is no longer cached. */ void recycle(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { for (;;) { Status status = resourceKey.getStatus(); switch (status) { case IN_FLIGHT: if (resourceKey.goFromInFlightToIdle()) { releaseToPool(timeout, unit); return; } break; case RETIRED: if (resourceKey.goFromRetiredToDead()) { discardResource(); return; } break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unnexpected state: " + status); } } } /** Returns the resource to the pool so it can be borrowed by another caller. */ void releaseToPool(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { registerAsIdle(); offerToPool(timeout, unit); } /** * Add the resource to the idle cache if present. If the resource was removed for any other * reason while being added, it must then be discarded afterwards */ void registerAsIdle() { if (timeToIdlePolicy.isPresent()) { timeToIdlePolicy.get().add(resourceKey); if (resourceKey.getStatus() != Status.IDLE) { timeToIdlePolicy.get().invalidate(resourceKey); } } } /** Attempt to transfer the resource to another thread, else return it to the stack. */ void offerToPool(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { EliminationStack<ResourceKey<K>> stack = resourceKey.getStack(); stack.push(resourceKey); if (resourceKey.getStatus() == Status.DEAD) { resourceKey.removeFromTransferStack(); } } /** Discards the resource after it has become dead. */ void discardResource() { R old = resource; lifecycle.onRemoval(resourceKey.getKey(), old); } } /** A removal listener for the resource cache. */ final class CacheRemovalListener implements RemovalListener<ResourceKey<K>, R> { /** * Atomically transitions the resource to a state where it can no longer be used. If the * resource is idle or retired then it is immediately discarded. If the resource is * currently in use then it is marked to be discarded when it has been released. */ @Override public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<ResourceKey<K>, R> notification) { ResourceKey<K> resourceKey = notification.getKey(); for (;;) { Status status = resourceKey.getStatus(); switch (status) { case IDLE: // The resource is not being used and may be immediately discarded if (resourceKey.goFromIdleToDead()) { discardFromIdle(resourceKey, notification.getValue()); return; } break; case IN_FLIGHT: // The resource is currently being used and should be discarded when released if (resourceKey.goFromInFlightToRetired()) { return; } break; case RETIRED: // A resource is already retired when it has been expired by the idle cache if (resourceKey.goFromRetiredToDead()) { discardFromRetired(resourceKey, notification.getValue()); return; } break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unnexpected state: " + status); } } } /** Discards the resource after becoming dead from the idle state. */ void discardFromIdle(ResourceKey<K> resourceKey, R resource) { resourceKey.removeFromTransferStack(); if (timeToIdlePolicy.isPresent()) { timeToIdlePolicy.get().invalidate(resourceKey); } lifecycle.onRemoval(resourceKey.getKey(), resource); } /** Discards the resource after becoming dead from the retired state. */ void discardFromRetired(ResourceKey<K> resourceKey, R resource) { resourceKey.removeFromTransferStack(); lifecycle.onRemoval(resourceKey.getKey(), resource); } } /** An eviction listener for the idle resources in the pool. */ final class IdleEvictionListener implements EvictionListener<K> { /** * Atomically transitions the resource to a state where it can no longer be used. If the * resource is idle then it is immediately discarded by invalidating it in the primary cache. */ @Override public void onEviction(ResourceKey<K> resourceKey) { for (;;) { Status status = resourceKey.getStatus(); switch (status) { case IDLE: if (resourceKey.goFromIdleToRetired()) { // TODO(ben): call removal listener cache.remove(resourceKey); return; } break; default: // do nothing return; } } } } }