Source code

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 * Copyright 2017 Automation First, Open Source Co. (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.github.auto1st.rundeck.plugin;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.MethodUtils;
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsApplication;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

import com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.execution.workflow.steps.FailureReason;
import com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.execution.workflow.steps.StepException;
import com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.plugins.Plugin;
import com.dtolabs.rundeck.plugins.ServiceNameConstants;
import com.dtolabs.rundeck.plugins.descriptions.PluginDescription;
import com.dtolabs.rundeck.plugins.descriptions.PluginProperty;
import com.dtolabs.rundeck.plugins.descriptions.TextArea;
import com.dtolabs.rundeck.plugins.step.PluginStepContext;
import com.dtolabs.rundeck.plugins.step.StepPlugin;

import grails.util.Holders;

 * Job Execution Conditional plugin impl.
 * @author fabiojose
@Plugin(name = JobExecutionConditional.PROVIDER_NAME, service = ServiceNameConstants.WorkflowStep)
@PluginDescription(title = "Job Execution Conditional", description = "Evaluate executions options of another Job")
public class JobExecutionConditional implements StepPlugin {

    private static final String SESSION_FACTORY = "sessionFactory";
    private static final String EXECUTIONS_QUERY_ALL_SUCCEEDED = "from Execution e where e.dateCompleted is not null AND e.scheduledExecution.uuid = :uuid AND e.status = 'succeeded' ORDER BY e.dateCompleted DESC";
    private static final String EXECUTIONS_QUERY_ALL_SUCCEEDED_OR_OTHER = "from Execution e where e.dateCompleted is not null AND e.scheduledExecution.uuid = :uuid AND (e.status = 'succeeded' OR e.status = :status) ORDER BY e.dateCompleted DESC";
    private static final String EXECUTIONS_QUERY_ALL_PARAM0 = "uuid";
    private static final String EXECUTIONS_QUERY_ALL_PARAM1 = "status";

    private static final String STATUS_FAILED = "failed";

    private static final String METHOD_GET_ARGSTRING = "getArgString";

    public static final String PROVIDER_NAME = "job-execution-conditional";

    @PluginProperty(title = "Job UUID", description = "UUID for the Job", required = true)
    protected String jobUUID;

    @PluginProperty(title = "Custom message", description = "Configure a custom message to show when fail", defaultValue = "No true comparison found")
    protected String message;

    @PluginProperty(title = "Maximum executions", description = "Maximum number of latest executions to analyze"
            + "\n\n" + "`0` for all (should affect the performance)", defaultValue = "10")
    protected Integer maximumExecutions;

    @PluginProperty(title = "Analyze failed", description = "Analyze the execution, even if it was failed")
    protected Boolean analyzeFailed;

    @PluginProperty(title = "Option condition", description = "Use options values to get a true comparison"
            + "\n\n\n" + "*Use the following syntax*" + "\n\n" + "Example:" + "\n"
            + "`-OPTION_NAME_A=${option.OPTION_0} -OPTION_NAME_B=${option.OPTION_1} -OPTION_NAME_C=literal`", validatorClass = OptionConditionValidator.class, required = true)
    protected String optionCondition;

    private static enum Failures implements FailureReason {

    public void executeStep(final PluginStepContext context, final Map<String, Object> map) throws StepException {

         * Get the job service from context.
        final JobService jobService = context.getExecutionContext().getJobService();

         * Extract options from optionCondition
        final Map<String, String> _conditions = Utils.conditionsOf(optionCondition);
        final Set<String> _conditionsKeys = _conditions.keySet();

         * Hack to get the hibernate session from Grails APP
        final GrailsApplication grails = Holders.getGrailsApplication();
        final ApplicationContext mainContext = grails.getMainContext();
        final SessionFactory factory = (SessionFactory) mainContext.getBean(SESSION_FACTORY);
        Session session = null;

        try {
             * Get the job reference by UUID
            final JobReference job = jobService.jobForID(jobUUID, context.getFrameworkProject());

             * Log the job name.
            context.getLogger().log(2, "Job Name: " + job.getJobAndGroup());

             * Start a new hibernate session.
            session = factory.openSession();

             * Query.
            Query query = null;

             * Analyzed failed?
            if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(analyzeFailed)) {

                //yes, query the succeeded or failed
                query = session.createQuery(EXECUTIONS_QUERY_ALL_SUCCEEDED_OR_OTHER);
                query.setParameter(EXECUTIONS_QUERY_ALL_PARAM1, STATUS_FAILED);

            } else {

                //no, select just the succeeded
                query = session.createQuery(EXECUTIONS_QUERY_ALL_SUCCEEDED);


            //set the job uuid
            query.setParameter(EXECUTIONS_QUERY_ALL_PARAM0, job.getId());

            //is there maximum executions?
            if (maximumExecutions > 0) {

            // execute the query
            final List<?> _executions = query.list();

             * At then end if it has true, conditions are met
            boolean _continue = _executions.size() > 0;

             * For each execution.
            for (int _index = 0; _index < _executions.size(); _index++) {
                Object _execution = _executions.get(_index);

                // local boolean accumulator
                boolean _local = true;

                 * Get the argString value. The options list used by the execution.
                Object _argStringObj = MethodUtils.invokeMethod(_execution, METHOD_GET_ARGSTRING);

                if (_argStringObj instanceof String) {

                     * Extract the pairs from argString used by the Execution
                    Map<String, String> _options = Utils.optionsOf((String) _argStringObj);

                     * For each condition
                    for (String _key : _conditionsKeys) {
                        // compare the condition value to execution option value
                        _local = _local && _conditions.get(_key).equals(_options.get(_key));

                // compare holder
                _continue = _local;

                 * When the first true compare is found, breaks the loop.
                if (_local) {

            if (_continue) {
                // conditions are met
                context.getLogger().log(2, "Conditions are met: " + _conditions);
            } else {
                // conditions aren't met
                context.getLogger().log(0, "Conditions aren't met: " + _conditions);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new StepException(e.getMessage(), e, Failures.GeneralFailure);
        } finally {
            if (null != session) {
                // close the hibernate session
