Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2016 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ package com.github.ambry.commons; import com.github.ambry.account.Account; import com.github.ambry.account.Container; import com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap; import com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockClusterMap; import com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockPartitionId; import com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId; import com.github.ambry.utils.ByteBufferInputStream; import com.github.ambry.utils.Pair; import com.github.ambry.utils.TestUtils; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.function.Function; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import static com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapUtils.*; import static com.github.ambry.commons.BlobId.*; import static com.github.ambry.utils.Utils.*; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.junit.Assume.*; /** * Unit tests for {@link BlobId}. */ @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class BlobIdTest { private static final Random random = new Random(); private final short version; private final BlobIdType referenceType; private final byte referenceDatacenterId; private final short referenceAccountId; private final short referenceContainerId; private final ClusterMap referenceClusterMap; private final PartitionId referencePartitionId; private final boolean referenceIsEncrypted; private final BlobDataType referenceDataType; /** * Running for both {@link BlobId#BLOB_ID_V1} and {@link BlobId#BLOB_ID_V2} * @return an array with both {@link BlobId#BLOB_ID_V1} and {@link BlobId#BLOB_ID_V2} */ @Parameterized.Parameters public static List<Object[]> data() { return -> new Object[] { version }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Constructor with parameter to be set. * @param version The version for BlobId to test. */ public BlobIdTest(short version) throws Exception { this.version = version; byte[] bytes = new byte[2]; referenceClusterMap = new MockClusterMap(); random.nextBytes(bytes); referenceType = random.nextBoolean() ? BlobIdType.NATIVE : BlobIdType.CRAFTED; random.nextBytes(bytes); referenceDatacenterId = bytes[0]; referenceAccountId = getRandomShort(random); referenceContainerId = getRandomShort(random); referencePartitionId = referenceClusterMap.getWritablePartitionIds(MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS) .get(0); referenceIsEncrypted = random.nextBoolean(); referenceDataType = BlobDataType.values()[random.nextInt(BlobDataType.values().length)]; } /** * Tests blobId construction and assert that values are as expected. */ @Test public void testBuildBlobId() throws Exception { BlobId blobId = new BlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, referenceIsEncrypted, referenceDataType); assertEquals("Wrong blobId version", version, getVersionFromBlobString(blobId.getID())); assertBlobIdFieldValues(version, blobId, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, referenceIsEncrypted, referenceDataType); } /** * Tests first serializing a blobId into string, and then deserializing into a blobId object from the string. * @throws Exception Any unexpected exception. */ @Test public void testSerDes() throws Exception { BlobId blobId = new BlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, referenceIsEncrypted, referenceDataType); deserializeBlobIdAndAssert(version, blobId.getID()); BlobId blobIdSerDed = new BlobId(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(blobId.toBytes())), referenceClusterMap); // Ensure that deserialized blob is exactly the same as the original in comparisons. assertTrue(blobId.equals(blobIdSerDed)); assertTrue(blobIdSerDed.equals(blobId)); assertEquals(blobId.hashCode(), blobIdSerDed.hashCode()); assertEquals(0, blobId.compareTo(blobIdSerDed)); assertEquals(0, blobIdSerDed.compareTo(blobId)); } /** * Test that the BlobId flag is honored by V3 and above. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testBlobIdFlag() throws Exception { boolean[] isEncryptedValues = { true, false }; if (version >= BLOB_ID_V3) { for (BlobIdType type : BlobIdType.values()) { for (boolean isEncrypted : isEncryptedValues) { BlobId blobId = new BlobId(version, type, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, isEncrypted, referenceDataType); BlobId blobIdSerDed = new BlobId( new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(blobId.toBytes())), referenceClusterMap); assertEquals("The type should match the original's type", type, blobIdSerDed.getType()); assertEquals("The isEncrypted should match the original", version != BLOB_ID_V3 && isEncrypted, BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID())); } } } if (version >= BLOB_ID_V5) { for (BlobDataType dataType : BlobDataType.values()) { BlobId blobId = new BlobId(version, BlobIdType.NATIVE, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, false, dataType); BlobId blobIdSerDed = new BlobId(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(blobId.toBytes())), referenceClusterMap); assertEquals("The data type should match the original's", dataType, blobIdSerDed.getBlobDataType()); } } } /** * Test {@link BlobId#isEncrypted(String)}. * BLOB_ID_V1 and BLOB_ID_V2 encrypted bit should always be {@code false); * BLOB_ID_V3 encrypted bit can be {@code true}} if BlobIdString has encrypted bit; * BLOB_ID_V4 encrypted bit is based on {@link BlobId} only. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testBlobIdIsEncrypted() throws Exception { for (boolean isEncrypted : TestUtils.BOOLEAN_VALUES) { BlobId blobId = new BlobId(version, random.nextBoolean() ? BlobIdType.NATIVE : BlobIdType.CRAFTED, (byte) 1, (short) 1, (short) 1, referenceClusterMap .getWritablePartitionIds(MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS).get(random.nextInt(3)), isEncrypted, BlobDataType.DATACHUNK); if (version <= BLOB_ID_V2) { // V1 and V2 should always return false assertFalse("V" + version + " encrypted bit should be false", BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID())); } else if (version == BLOB_ID_V3) { // V3 return False if encrypted is not set in the string of blobId; new blobIDV3s always set encrypted to false // regardless of the constructor argument. assertFalse("V3 encrypted bit should be false", BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID())); // V3 should return true if blobIdString has encrypted bit assertTrue("V3 should return true if blobIdString has encrypted bit", BlobId.isEncrypted("AAME")); assertTrue("V3 should return true if blobIdString has encrypted bit", BlobId.isEncrypted("AAMF")); // V3 should return false if blobIdString has no encrypted assertFalse("V3 should return false if blobIdString has no encrypted", BlobId.isEncrypted("AAMA")); assertFalse("V3 should return false if blobIdString has no encrypted", BlobId.isEncrypted("AAMB")); } else { assertEquals("V" + version + " should return true or false based on its encrypted bit", isEncrypted, BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID())); } } } /** * Test various invalid blobIds * @throws Exception Any unexpected exception. */ @Test public void badIdTest() throws Exception { generateAndAssertBadBlobId(version); } /** * Tests blobIds comparisons. Among other things, ensures the following requirements are met: * <br> * V1s are always less than V2s and V3s. * V2s are always less than V3s. */ @Test public void testComparisons() { // the version check is to do this inter-version test just once (since this is a parametrized test). assumeTrue(version == BLOB_ID_V1); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Map<Short, Pair<BlobId, BlobId>> blobIds = Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), v -> new Pair<>(getRandomBlobId(v), getRandomBlobId(v)))); for (short version : BlobId.getAllValidVersions()) { BlobId blobId = blobIds.get(version).getFirst(); BlobId altBlobId = blobIds.get(version).getSecond(); assertEquals("blobIdV" + version + " should be equal to itself", 0, blobId.compareTo(blobId)); assertEquals("blobIdV" + version + " should be equal to itself", blobId, blobId); assertThat("Two randomly generated blobIdV" + version + "s should be unequal", blobId.compareTo(altBlobId), not(0)); assertThat("Two randomly generated blobIdV" + version + "s should be unequal", blobId, not(altBlobId)); for (short otherVersion = 1; otherVersion < version; otherVersion++) { BlobId otherBlobId = blobIds.get(otherVersion).getFirst(); assertThat("blobIdV" + otherVersion + " should not equal blobIdV" + version, otherBlobId, not(blobId)); assertThat("blobIdV" + version + " should not equal blobIdV" + otherVersion, blobId, not(otherBlobId)); boolean differentVersionGroup = version < BLOB_ID_V3 || (version < BLOB_ID_V6 ? otherVersion < BLOB_ID_V3 : otherVersion < BLOB_ID_V6); if (differentVersionGroup) { assertTrue("blobIdV" + otherVersion + " should be less than blobIdV" + version, otherBlobId.compareTo(blobId) < 0); assertTrue("blobIdV" + version + " should be greater than blobIdV" + otherVersion, blobId.compareTo(otherBlobId) > 0); } else { assertEquals( "Comparison between blobIdV" + version + " and blobIDV" + otherVersion + " are based on uuid only", blobId.getUuid().compareTo(otherBlobId.getUuid()), blobId.compareTo(otherBlobId)); assertEquals( "Comparison between blobIdV" + otherVersion + " and blobIDV" + version + " are based on uuid only", otherBlobId.getUuid().compareTo(blobId.getUuid()), otherBlobId.compareTo(blobId)); } } } } } /** * Test crafting of BlobIds. * Ensure that, except for the version, type, account and container, crafted id has the same constituents as the * input id. * Ensure that crafted id is the same as the input id if the input is a crafted V3 id with the same account and * container as the account and container in the call to craft. */ @Test public void testCrafting() throws Exception { BlobId inputs[]; if (version >= BLOB_ID_V3) { inputs = new BlobId[] { new BlobId(version, BlobIdType.NATIVE, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, false, referenceDataType), new BlobId(version, BlobIdType.CRAFTED, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, false, referenceDataType) }; assertFalse("isCrafted() should be false for native id", BlobId.isCrafted(inputs[0].getID())); assertTrue("isCrafted() should be true for crafted id", BlobId.isCrafted(inputs[1].getID())); } else { inputs = new BlobId[] { new BlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, false, null) }; assertFalse("isCrafted() should be false for ids below BLOB_ID_V3", BlobId.isCrafted(inputs[0].getID())); } short newAccountId = (short) (referenceAccountId + 1 + TestUtils.RANDOM.nextInt(100)); short newContainerId = (short) (referenceContainerId + 1 + TestUtils.RANDOM.nextInt(100)); BlobId crafted = null; for (BlobId id : inputs) { try { BlobId.craft(id, BLOB_ID_V1, newAccountId, newContainerId); fail("Crafting should fail for target version " + BLOB_ID_V1); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } try { BlobId.craft(id, BLOB_ID_V2, newAccountId, newContainerId); fail("Crafting should fail for target version " + BLOB_ID_V2); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } short idVersion = (short) Math.max(id.getVersion(), BLOB_ID_V3); crafted = BlobId.craft(id, idVersion, newAccountId, newContainerId); verifyCrafting(id, crafted); } BlobId craftedAgain = BlobId.craft(crafted, crafted.getVersion(), crafted.getAccountId(), crafted.getContainerId()); verifyCrafting(crafted, craftedAgain); assertEquals("Accounts should match", crafted.getAccountId(), craftedAgain.getAccountId()); assertEquals("Containers should match", crafted.getContainerId(), craftedAgain.getContainerId()); assertEquals("The id string should match", crafted.getID(), craftedAgain.getID()); if (version == BLOB_ID_V3) { // version check to avoid testing this repetitively. try { BlobId.isCrafted(""); fail("Empty blob id should not get parsed"); } catch (IOException e) { } try { BlobId.isCrafted("ZZZZZ"); fail("Invalid version should get caught"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } } /** * Test for {@link BlobId#isAccountContainerMatch}. * For BLOB_ID_V1, {@link BlobId#isAccountContainerMatch} should always return true. * For BLOB_ID_V2 and BLOB_ID_V3, return true only when both account and container match. */ @Test public void testIsAccountContainerMatch() { BlobId blobId = getRandomBlobId(version); if (version == BLOB_ID_V1) { assertTrue("isAccountContainerMatch() should always return true for V1 blobID.", blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(blobId.getAccountId(), blobId.getContainerId())); assertTrue("isAccountContainerMatch() should always return true for V1 blobID.", blobId.isAccountContainerMatch((short) -1, (short) -1)); assertTrue("isAccountContainerMatch() should always return true for V1 blobID.", blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(getRandomShort(random), getRandomShort(random))); } else { assertTrue("isAccountContainerMatch() should return true because account and container match.", blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(blobId.getAccountId(), blobId.getContainerId())); assertFalse("isAccountContainerMatch() should return false because account or container mismatch.", blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(blobId.getAccountId(), (short) -1)); assertFalse("isAccountContainerMatch() should return false because account or container mismatch.", blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(blobId.getAccountId(), getRandomShort(random))); assertFalse("isAccountContainerMatch() should return false because account or container mismatch.", blobId.isAccountContainerMatch((short) -1, blobId.getContainerId())); assertFalse("isAccountContainerMatch() should return false because account or container mismatch.", blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(getRandomShort(random), blobId.getContainerId())); assertFalse("isAccountContainerMatch() should return false because account or container mismatch.", blobId.isAccountContainerMatch((short) -1, (short) -1)); assertFalse("isAccountContainerMatch() should return false because account or container mismatch.", blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(getRandomShort(random), getRandomShort(random))); } } /** * Assert that the given crafted ids constituent fields except for version, type, account, container, match those of * the given input id. * Also assert the version and type of the crafted id. * @param input the input BlobId with the expected fields for comparison. * @param crafted the crafted BlobId whose fields must match the arguments of the other BlobId. */ private void verifyCrafting(BlobId input, BlobId crafted) throws IOException { assertEquals("Datacenter id of input id should match that of the crafted id", input.getDatacenterId(), crafted.getDatacenterId()); assertEquals("Partition of input id should match that of the crafted id", input.getPartition(), crafted.getPartition()); assertEquals("UUID of input id should match that of the crafted id", input.getUuid(), crafted.getUuid()); assertTrue("Crafted id should have at least version 3", crafted.getVersion() >= BLOB_ID_V3); assertEquals("Crafted id should have the Crafted type", BlobIdType.CRAFTED, crafted.getType()); assertTrue("isCrafted() should be true for crafted ids", BlobId.isCrafted(crafted.getID())); } /** * Generates bad blobId strings, and deserializes from the string. * @param version The version of BlobId. * @throws Exception Any unexpected exception. */ private void generateAndAssertBadBlobId(Short version) throws Exception { List<String> invalidBlobIdLikeList = new ArrayList<>(); PartitionId badPartitionId = new MockPartitionId(200000, MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, 0); String goodUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); // Partition ID not in cluster map invalidBlobIdLikeList.add(buildBadBlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, badPartitionId, goodUUID.length(), goodUUID, "")); // UUID length too long invalidBlobIdLikeList.add(buildBadBlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, goodUUID.length() + 1, goodUUID, "")); // UUID length too short invalidBlobIdLikeList.add(buildBadBlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, goodUUID.length() - 1, goodUUID, "")); // UUID length is negative. Only matters for blob IDs with the older UUID serialization format if (version < BLOB_ID_V6) { invalidBlobIdLikeList.add(buildBadBlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, -1, goodUUID, "")); } // Extra characters after UUID invalidBlobIdLikeList.add(buildBadBlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, goodUUID.length(), goodUUID, "EXTRA")); // Invalid version number invalidBlobIdLikeList.add(buildBadBlobId((short) (-1), referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, goodUUID.length(), goodUUID, "")); // Empty blobId invalidBlobIdLikeList.add(""); // short Blob ID invalidBlobIdLikeList.add("AA"); for (String blobIdLike : invalidBlobIdLikeList) { try { new BlobId(blobIdLike, referenceClusterMap); fail("Expected blobId creation to fail with blobId string " + blobIdLike); } catch (Exception e) { // expected } } } /** * Build a string that resembles a bad blobId. * @param version The version number to be embedded in the blobId. * @param type The {@link BlobIdType} of the blobId. * @param datacenterId The datacenter id to be embedded in the blobId. * @param accountId The account id to be embedded in the blobId. * @param containerId The container id to be embedded in the blobId. * @param partitionId The partition id to be embedded in the blobId. * @param uuidLength The length of the uuid. * @param uuid The UUID to be embedded in the blobId. * @param extraChars Extra characters to put at the end of the ID. * @return a base-64 encoded {@link String} representing the blobId. */ private String buildBadBlobId(short version, BlobIdType type, Byte datacenterId, Short accountId, Short containerId, PartitionId partitionId, int uuidLength, String uuid, String extraChars) { int idLength; ByteBuffer idBuf; switch (version) { case BLOB_ID_V1: idLength = 2 + partitionId.getBytes().length + 4 + uuid.length() + extraChars.length(); idBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(idLength); idBuf.putShort(version); break; case BLOB_ID_V2: idLength = 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + partitionId.getBytes().length + 4 + uuid.length() + extraChars.length(); idBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(idLength); idBuf.putShort(version); idBuf.put((byte) 0); idBuf.put(datacenterId); idBuf.putShort(accountId); idBuf.putShort(containerId); break; case BLOB_ID_V3: case BLOB_ID_V4: case BLOB_ID_V5: case BLOB_ID_V6: idLength = 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + partitionId.getBytes().length + 4 + uuid.length() + extraChars.length(); idBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(idLength); idBuf.putShort(version); idBuf.put((byte) type.ordinal()); idBuf.put(datacenterId); idBuf.putShort(accountId); idBuf.putShort(containerId); break; default: idLength = 2 + partitionId.getBytes().length + 4 + uuid.length() + extraChars.length(); idBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(idLength); idBuf.putShort(version); break; } idBuf.put(partitionId.getBytes()); switch (version) { case BLOB_ID_V6: UUID uuidObj = UUID.fromString(uuid); idBuf.putLong(uuidObj.getMostSignificantBits()); idBuf.putLong(uuidObj.getLeastSignificantBits()); break; default: idBuf.putInt(uuidLength); idBuf.put(uuid.getBytes()); } idBuf.put(extraChars.getBytes()); return Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(idBuf.array()); } /** * Deserializes BlobId string and assert the resulted BlobId object. * @param version The version of BlobId. * @param srcBlobIdStr The string to deserialize. * @throws Exception Any unexpected exception. */ private void deserializeBlobIdAndAssert(short version, String srcBlobIdStr) throws Exception { List<BlobId> blobIds = new ArrayList<>(); blobIds.add(new BlobId(srcBlobIdStr, referenceClusterMap)); blobIds.add(new BlobId(getStreamFromBase64(srcBlobIdStr), referenceClusterMap)); blobIds.add(new BlobId(getStreamFromBase64(srcBlobIdStr + "EXTRA"), referenceClusterMap)); for (BlobId blobId : blobIds) { assertEquals("Wrong base-64 ID in blobId: " + blobId, srcBlobIdStr, blobId.getID()); assertEquals("Wrong blobId version", version, getVersionFromBlobString(blobId.getID())); assertBlobIdFieldValues(version, blobId, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, referenceIsEncrypted, referenceDataType); } } /** * Convert a base-64 encoded string into a {@link DataInputStream} * @param base64String the base-64 encoded {@link String} * @return the {@link DataInputStream} */ private DataInputStream getStreamFromBase64(String base64String) { return new DataInputStream(new ByteBufferInputStream(ByteBuffer.wrap(Base64.decodeBase64(base64String)))); } /** * Asserts a {@link BlobId} against the expected values. * @param version The expected version of the blobId. * @param blobId The {@link BlobId} to assert. * @param type The expected {@link BlobIdType}. * @param datacenterId The expected {@code datacenterId}. This will be of no effect if version is set to v1, and the * expected value will become {@link com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapUtils#UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID}. * For v2, {@code null} will make the assertion against * {@link com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapUtils#UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID}. * @param accountId The expected {@code accountId}. This will be of no effect if version is set to v1, and the expected * value will become {@link Account#UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_ID}. For v2, {@code null} will make the assertion * against {@link Account#UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_ID}. * @param containerId The expected {@code containerId}. This will be of no effect if version is set to v1, and the * expected value will become {@link Container#UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_ID}. For v2, {@code null} will make * the assertion against {@link Container#UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_ID}. * @param partitionId The expected partitionId. * @param isEncrypted {@code true} expected {@code isEncrypted}. This will be of no effect if version is set to v1 and v2. * @throws Exception Any unexpected exception. */ private void assertBlobIdFieldValues(short version, BlobId blobId, BlobIdType type, byte datacenterId, short accountId, short containerId, PartitionId partitionId, boolean isEncrypted, BlobDataType blobDataType) throws Exception { assertTrue("Used unrecognized version", Arrays.asList(BlobId.getAllValidVersions()).contains(version)); assertEquals("Wrong partition id in blobId: " + blobId, partitionId, blobId.getPartition()); switch (version) { case BLOB_ID_V1: assertEquals("Wrong type in blobId: " + blobId, BlobIdType.NATIVE, blobId.getType()); assertEquals("Wrong datacenter id in blobId: " + blobId, UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID, blobId.getDatacenterId()); assertEquals("Wrong account id in blobId: " + blobId, Account.UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_ID, blobId.getAccountId()); assertEquals("Wrong container id in blobId: " + blobId, Container.UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_ID, blobId.getContainerId()); assertFalse("Wrong isEncrypted value in blobId: " + blobId, BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID())); assertNull("Expected null blobDataType in blobId", blobId.getBlobDataType()); break; case BLOB_ID_V2: assertEquals("Wrong type in blobId: " + blobId, BlobIdType.NATIVE, blobId.getType()); assertEquals("Wrong datacenter id in blobId: " + blobId, datacenterId, blobId.getDatacenterId()); assertEquals("Wrong account id in blobId: " + blobId, accountId, blobId.getAccountId()); assertEquals("Wrong container id in blobId: " + blobId, containerId, blobId.getContainerId()); assertFalse("Wrong isEncrypted value id in blobId: " + blobId, BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID())); assertNull("Expected null blobDataType in blobId", blobId.getBlobDataType()); break; case BLOB_ID_V3: assertEquals("Wrong type in blobId: " + blobId, type, blobId.getType()); assertEquals("Wrong datacenter id in blobId: " + blobId, datacenterId, blobId.getDatacenterId()); assertEquals("Wrong account id in blobId: " + blobId, accountId, blobId.getAccountId()); assertEquals("Wrong container id in blobId: " + blobId, containerId, blobId.getContainerId()); assertFalse("Wrong isEncrypted value id in blobId: " + blobId, BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID())); assertNull("Expected null blobDataType in blobId", blobId.getBlobDataType()); break; case BLOB_ID_V4: assertEquals("Wrong type in blobId: " + blobId, type, blobId.getType()); assertEquals("Wrong datacenter id in blobId: " + blobId, datacenterId, blobId.getDatacenterId()); assertEquals("Wrong account id in blobId: " + blobId, accountId, blobId.getAccountId()); assertEquals("Wrong container id in blobId: " + blobId, containerId, blobId.getContainerId()); assertEquals("Wrong isEncrypted value in blobId: " + blobId, isEncrypted, BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID())); assertNull("Expected null blobDataType in blobId", blobId.getBlobDataType()); break; case BLOB_ID_V5: case BLOB_ID_V6: assertEquals("Wrong type in blobId: " + blobId, type, blobId.getType()); assertEquals("Wrong datacenter id in blobId: " + blobId, datacenterId, blobId.getDatacenterId()); assertEquals("Wrong account id in blobId: " + blobId, accountId, blobId.getAccountId()); assertEquals("Wrong container id in blobId: " + blobId, containerId, blobId.getContainerId()); assertEquals("Wrong isEncrypted value in blobId: " + blobId, isEncrypted, BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID())); assertEquals("Wrong blobDataType value in blobId: " + blobId, blobDataType, blobId.getBlobDataType()); break; default: fail("Unrecognized version: " + version); } assertNotNull("getLongForm() should be supported for version: " + version, blobId.getLongForm()); Pair<Short, Short> accountAndContainer = BlobId.getAccountAndContainerIds(blobId.getID()); assertEquals("Account id from the id string should be the same as the associated account id", blobId.getAccountId(), (short) accountAndContainer.getFirst()); assertEquals("Container id from the id string should be the same as the associated container id", blobId.getContainerId(), (short) accountAndContainer.getSecond()); assertEquals("Unexpected version returned by BlobID.getVersion()", version, BlobId.getVersion(blobId.getID())); } /** * Gets the version number from a blobId string. * @param blobId The blobId string to get version number. * @return Version number * @throws Exception Any unexpected exception. */ private short getVersionFromBlobString(String blobId) throws Exception { DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream( new ByteBufferInputStream(ByteBuffer.wrap(Base64.decodeBase64(blobId)))); try { return dis.readShort(); } finally { dis.close(); } } /** * Constructs a {@link BlobId} with random fields and the given version. * @param version The version of {@link BlobId} to build * @return A {@link BlobId} with random fields and the given version. */ private BlobId getRandomBlobId(short version) { byte[] bytes = new byte[2]; random.nextBytes(bytes); random.nextBytes(bytes); byte datacenterId = bytes[0]; short accountId = getRandomShort(random); short containerId = getRandomShort(random); BlobIdType type = random.nextBoolean() ? BlobIdType.NATIVE : BlobIdType.CRAFTED; PartitionId partitionId = referenceClusterMap .getWritablePartitionIds(MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS).get(random.nextInt(3)); boolean isEncrypted = random.nextBoolean(); BlobDataType dataType = BlobDataType.values()[random.nextInt(BlobDataType.values().length)]; return new BlobId(version, type, datacenterId, accountId, containerId, partitionId, isEncrypted, dataType); } }