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 * Copyright 2016 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
package com.github.ambry.commons;

import com.github.ambry.account.Account;
import com.github.ambry.account.Container;
import com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMap;
import com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockClusterMap;
import com.github.ambry.clustermap.MockPartitionId;
import com.github.ambry.clustermap.PartitionId;
import com.github.ambry.utils.ByteBufferInputStream;
import com.github.ambry.utils.Pair;
import com.github.ambry.utils.TestUtils;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;

import static com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapUtils.*;
import static com.github.ambry.commons.BlobId.*;
import static com.github.ambry.utils.Utils.*;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.junit.Assume.*;

 * Unit tests for {@link BlobId}.
public class BlobIdTest {
    private static final Random random = new Random();
    private final short version;
    private final BlobIdType referenceType;
    private final byte referenceDatacenterId;
    private final short referenceAccountId;
    private final short referenceContainerId;
    private final ClusterMap referenceClusterMap;
    private final PartitionId referencePartitionId;
    private final boolean referenceIsEncrypted;
    private final BlobDataType referenceDataType;

     * Running for both {@link BlobId#BLOB_ID_V1} and {@link BlobId#BLOB_ID_V2}
     * @return an array with both {@link BlobId#BLOB_ID_V1} and {@link BlobId#BLOB_ID_V2}
    public static List<Object[]> data() {
        return -> new Object[] { version })

     * Constructor with parameter to be set.
     * @param version The version for BlobId to test.
    public BlobIdTest(short version) throws Exception {
        this.version = version;
        byte[] bytes = new byte[2];
        referenceClusterMap = new MockClusterMap();
        referenceType = random.nextBoolean() ? BlobIdType.NATIVE : BlobIdType.CRAFTED;
        referenceDatacenterId = bytes[0];
        referenceAccountId = getRandomShort(random);
        referenceContainerId = getRandomShort(random);
        referencePartitionId = referenceClusterMap.getWritablePartitionIds(MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS)
        referenceIsEncrypted = random.nextBoolean();
        referenceDataType = BlobDataType.values()[random.nextInt(BlobDataType.values().length)];

     * Tests blobId construction and assert that values are as expected.
    public void testBuildBlobId() throws Exception {
        BlobId blobId = new BlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId,
                referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, referenceIsEncrypted, referenceDataType);
        assertEquals("Wrong blobId version", version, getVersionFromBlobString(blobId.getID()));
        assertBlobIdFieldValues(version, blobId, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId,
                referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, referenceIsEncrypted, referenceDataType);

     * Tests first serializing a blobId into string, and then deserializing into a blobId object from the string.
     * @throws Exception Any unexpected exception.
    public void testSerDes() throws Exception {
        BlobId blobId = new BlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId,
                referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, referenceIsEncrypted, referenceDataType);
        deserializeBlobIdAndAssert(version, blobId.getID());
        BlobId blobIdSerDed = new BlobId(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(blobId.toBytes())),
        // Ensure that deserialized blob is exactly the same as the original in comparisons.
        assertEquals(blobId.hashCode(), blobIdSerDed.hashCode());
        assertEquals(0, blobId.compareTo(blobIdSerDed));
        assertEquals(0, blobIdSerDed.compareTo(blobId));

     * Test that the BlobId flag is honored by V3 and above.
     * @throws Exception
    public void testBlobIdFlag() throws Exception {
        boolean[] isEncryptedValues = { true, false };
        if (version >= BLOB_ID_V3) {
            for (BlobIdType type : BlobIdType.values()) {
                for (boolean isEncrypted : isEncryptedValues) {
                    BlobId blobId = new BlobId(version, type, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId,
                            referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, isEncrypted, referenceDataType);
                    BlobId blobIdSerDed = new BlobId(
                            new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(blobId.toBytes())), referenceClusterMap);
                    assertEquals("The type should match the original's type", type, blobIdSerDed.getType());
                    assertEquals("The isEncrypted should match the original", version != BLOB_ID_V3 && isEncrypted,

        if (version >= BLOB_ID_V5) {
            for (BlobDataType dataType : BlobDataType.values()) {
                BlobId blobId = new BlobId(version, BlobIdType.NATIVE, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId,
                        referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, false, dataType);
                BlobId blobIdSerDed = new BlobId(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(blobId.toBytes())),
                assertEquals("The data type should match the original's", dataType, blobIdSerDed.getBlobDataType());

     * Test {@link BlobId#isEncrypted(String)}.
     * BLOB_ID_V1 and BLOB_ID_V2 encrypted bit should always be {@code false);
     * BLOB_ID_V3 encrypted bit can be {@code true}} if BlobIdString has encrypted bit;
     * BLOB_ID_V4 encrypted bit is based on {@link BlobId} only.
     * @throws Exception
    public void testBlobIdIsEncrypted() throws Exception {
        for (boolean isEncrypted : TestUtils.BOOLEAN_VALUES) {
            BlobId blobId = new BlobId(version, random.nextBoolean() ? BlobIdType.NATIVE : BlobIdType.CRAFTED,
                    (byte) 1, (short) 1, (short) 1, referenceClusterMap
                    isEncrypted, BlobDataType.DATACHUNK);
            if (version <= BLOB_ID_V2) {
                // V1 and V2 should always return false
                assertFalse("V" + version + " encrypted bit should be false", BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID()));
            } else if (version == BLOB_ID_V3) {
                // V3 return False if encrypted is not set in the string of blobId; new blobIDV3s always set encrypted to false
                // regardless of the constructor argument.
                assertFalse("V3 encrypted bit should be false", BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID()));

                // V3 should return true if blobIdString has encrypted bit
                assertTrue("V3 should return true if blobIdString has encrypted bit", BlobId.isEncrypted("AAME"));
                assertTrue("V3 should return true if blobIdString has encrypted bit", BlobId.isEncrypted("AAMF"));

                // V3 should return false if blobIdString has no encrypted
                assertFalse("V3 should return false if blobIdString has no encrypted", BlobId.isEncrypted("AAMA"));
                assertFalse("V3 should return false if blobIdString has no encrypted", BlobId.isEncrypted("AAMB"));
            } else {
                assertEquals("V" + version + " should return true or false based on its encrypted bit", isEncrypted,

     * Test various invalid blobIds
     * @throws Exception Any unexpected exception.
    public void badIdTest() throws Exception {

     * Tests blobIds comparisons. Among other things, ensures the following requirements are met:
     * <br>
     * V1s are always less than V2s and V3s.
     * V2s are always less than V3s.
    public void testComparisons() {
        // the version check is to do this inter-version test just once (since this is a parametrized test).
        assumeTrue(version == BLOB_ID_V1);
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            Map<Short, Pair<BlobId, BlobId>> blobIds =
                    Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), v -> new Pair<>(getRandomBlobId(v), getRandomBlobId(v))));

            for (short version : BlobId.getAllValidVersions()) {
                BlobId blobId = blobIds.get(version).getFirst();
                BlobId altBlobId = blobIds.get(version).getSecond();
                assertEquals("blobIdV" + version + " should be equal to itself", 0, blobId.compareTo(blobId));
                assertEquals("blobIdV" + version + " should be equal to itself", blobId, blobId);

                assertThat("Two randomly generated blobIdV" + version + "s should be unequal",
                        blobId.compareTo(altBlobId), not(0));
                assertThat("Two randomly generated blobIdV" + version + "s should be unequal", blobId,
                for (short otherVersion = 1; otherVersion < version; otherVersion++) {
                    BlobId otherBlobId = blobIds.get(otherVersion).getFirst();
                    assertThat("blobIdV" + otherVersion + " should not equal blobIdV" + version, otherBlobId,
                    assertThat("blobIdV" + version + " should not equal blobIdV" + otherVersion, blobId,
                    boolean differentVersionGroup = version < BLOB_ID_V3
                            || (version < BLOB_ID_V6 ? otherVersion < BLOB_ID_V3 : otherVersion < BLOB_ID_V6);
                    if (differentVersionGroup) {
                        assertTrue("blobIdV" + otherVersion + " should be less than blobIdV" + version,
                                otherBlobId.compareTo(blobId) < 0);
                        assertTrue("blobIdV" + version + " should be greater than blobIdV" + otherVersion,
                                blobId.compareTo(otherBlobId) > 0);
                    } else {
                                "Comparison between blobIdV" + version + " and blobIDV" + otherVersion
                                        + " are based on uuid only",
                                blobId.getUuid().compareTo(otherBlobId.getUuid()), blobId.compareTo(otherBlobId));
                                "Comparison between blobIdV" + otherVersion + " and blobIDV" + version
                                        + " are based on uuid only",
                                otherBlobId.getUuid().compareTo(blobId.getUuid()), otherBlobId.compareTo(blobId));

     * Test crafting of BlobIds.
     * Ensure that, except for the version, type, account and container, crafted id has the same constituents as the
     * input id.
     * Ensure that crafted id is the same as the input id if the input is a crafted V3 id with the same account and
     * container as the account and container in the call to craft.
    public void testCrafting() throws Exception {
        BlobId inputs[];
        if (version >= BLOB_ID_V3) {
            inputs = new BlobId[] {
                    new BlobId(version, BlobIdType.NATIVE, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId,
                            referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, false, referenceDataType),
                    new BlobId(version, BlobIdType.CRAFTED, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId,
                            referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, false, referenceDataType) };
            assertFalse("isCrafted() should be false for native id", BlobId.isCrafted(inputs[0].getID()));
            assertTrue("isCrafted() should be true for crafted id", BlobId.isCrafted(inputs[1].getID()));
        } else {
            inputs = new BlobId[] { new BlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId,
                    referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, false, null) };
            assertFalse("isCrafted() should be false for ids below BLOB_ID_V3",
        short newAccountId = (short) (referenceAccountId + 1 + TestUtils.RANDOM.nextInt(100));
        short newContainerId = (short) (referenceContainerId + 1 + TestUtils.RANDOM.nextInt(100));

        BlobId crafted = null;
        for (BlobId id : inputs) {
            try {
                BlobId.craft(id, BLOB_ID_V1, newAccountId, newContainerId);
                fail("Crafting should fail for target version " + BLOB_ID_V1);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            try {
                BlobId.craft(id, BLOB_ID_V2, newAccountId, newContainerId);
                fail("Crafting should fail for target version " + BLOB_ID_V2);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            short idVersion = (short) Math.max(id.getVersion(), BLOB_ID_V3);
            crafted = BlobId.craft(id, idVersion, newAccountId, newContainerId);
            verifyCrafting(id, crafted);

        BlobId craftedAgain = BlobId.craft(crafted, crafted.getVersion(), crafted.getAccountId(),
        verifyCrafting(crafted, craftedAgain);
        assertEquals("Accounts should match", crafted.getAccountId(), craftedAgain.getAccountId());
        assertEquals("Containers should match", crafted.getContainerId(), craftedAgain.getContainerId());
        assertEquals("The id string should match", crafted.getID(), craftedAgain.getID());

        if (version == BLOB_ID_V3) {
            // version check to avoid testing this repetitively.
            try {
                fail("Empty blob id should not get parsed");
            } catch (IOException e) {
            try {
                fail("Invalid version should get caught");
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

     * Test for {@link BlobId#isAccountContainerMatch}.
     * For BLOB_ID_V1, {@link BlobId#isAccountContainerMatch} should always return true.
     * For BLOB_ID_V2 and BLOB_ID_V3, return true only when both account and container match.
    public void testIsAccountContainerMatch() {
        BlobId blobId = getRandomBlobId(version);
        if (version == BLOB_ID_V1) {
            assertTrue("isAccountContainerMatch() should always return true for  V1 blobID.",
                    blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(blobId.getAccountId(), blobId.getContainerId()));
            assertTrue("isAccountContainerMatch() should always return true for  V1 blobID.",
                    blobId.isAccountContainerMatch((short) -1, (short) -1));
            assertTrue("isAccountContainerMatch() should always return true for  V1 blobID.",
                    blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(getRandomShort(random), getRandomShort(random)));
        } else {
            assertTrue("isAccountContainerMatch() should return true because account and container match.",
                    blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(blobId.getAccountId(), blobId.getContainerId()));
            assertFalse("isAccountContainerMatch() should return false because account or container mismatch.",
                    blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(blobId.getAccountId(), (short) -1));
            assertFalse("isAccountContainerMatch() should return false because account or container mismatch.",
                    blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(blobId.getAccountId(), getRandomShort(random)));
            assertFalse("isAccountContainerMatch() should return false because account or container mismatch.",
                    blobId.isAccountContainerMatch((short) -1, blobId.getContainerId()));
            assertFalse("isAccountContainerMatch() should return false because account or container mismatch.",
                    blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(getRandomShort(random), blobId.getContainerId()));
            assertFalse("isAccountContainerMatch() should return false because account or container mismatch.",
                    blobId.isAccountContainerMatch((short) -1, (short) -1));
            assertFalse("isAccountContainerMatch() should return false because account or container mismatch.",
                    blobId.isAccountContainerMatch(getRandomShort(random), getRandomShort(random)));

     * Assert that the given crafted ids constituent fields except for version, type, account, container, match those of
     * the given input id.
     * Also assert the version and type of the crafted id.
     * @param input the input BlobId with the expected fields for comparison.
     * @param crafted the crafted BlobId whose fields must match the arguments of the other BlobId.
    private void verifyCrafting(BlobId input, BlobId crafted) throws IOException {
        assertEquals("Datacenter id of input id should match that of the crafted id", input.getDatacenterId(),
        assertEquals("Partition of input id should match that of the crafted id", input.getPartition(),
        assertEquals("UUID of input id should match that of the crafted id", input.getUuid(), crafted.getUuid());
        assertTrue("Crafted id should have at least version 3", crafted.getVersion() >= BLOB_ID_V3);
        assertEquals("Crafted id should have the Crafted type", BlobIdType.CRAFTED, crafted.getType());
        assertTrue("isCrafted() should be true for crafted ids", BlobId.isCrafted(crafted.getID()));

     * Generates bad blobId strings, and deserializes from the string.
     * @param version The version of BlobId.
     * @throws Exception Any unexpected exception.
    private void generateAndAssertBadBlobId(Short version) throws Exception {
        List<String> invalidBlobIdLikeList = new ArrayList<>();
        PartitionId badPartitionId = new MockPartitionId(200000, MockClusterMap.DEFAULT_PARTITION_CLASS,
                Collections.EMPTY_LIST, 0);
        String goodUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

        // Partition ID not in cluster map
        invalidBlobIdLikeList.add(buildBadBlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId,
                referenceContainerId, badPartitionId, goodUUID.length(), goodUUID, ""));
        // UUID length too long
        invalidBlobIdLikeList.add(buildBadBlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId,
                referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, goodUUID.length() + 1, goodUUID, ""));
        // UUID length too short
        invalidBlobIdLikeList.add(buildBadBlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId,
                referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, goodUUID.length() - 1, goodUUID, ""));
        // UUID length is negative. Only matters for blob IDs with the older UUID serialization format
        if (version < BLOB_ID_V6) {
            invalidBlobIdLikeList.add(buildBadBlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId,
                    referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, -1, goodUUID, ""));
        // Extra characters after UUID
        invalidBlobIdLikeList.add(buildBadBlobId(version, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId,
                referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, goodUUID.length(), goodUUID, "EXTRA"));
        // Invalid version number
        invalidBlobIdLikeList.add(buildBadBlobId((short) (-1), referenceType, referenceDatacenterId,
                referenceAccountId, referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, goodUUID.length(), goodUUID, ""));
        // Empty blobId
        // short Blob ID

        for (String blobIdLike : invalidBlobIdLikeList) {
            try {
                new BlobId(blobIdLike, referenceClusterMap);
                fail("Expected blobId creation to fail with blobId string " + blobIdLike);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // expected

     * Build a string that resembles a bad blobId.
     * @param version The version number to be embedded in the blobId.
     * @param type The {@link BlobIdType} of the blobId.
     * @param datacenterId The datacenter id to be embedded in the blobId.
     * @param accountId The account id to be embedded in the blobId.
     * @param containerId The container id to be embedded in the blobId.
     * @param partitionId The partition id to be embedded in the blobId.
     * @param uuidLength The length of the uuid.
     * @param uuid The UUID to be embedded in the blobId.
     * @param extraChars Extra characters to put at the end of the ID.
     * @return a base-64 encoded {@link String} representing the blobId.
    private String buildBadBlobId(short version, BlobIdType type, Byte datacenterId, Short accountId,
            Short containerId, PartitionId partitionId, int uuidLength, String uuid, String extraChars) {
        int idLength;
        ByteBuffer idBuf;
        switch (version) {
        case BLOB_ID_V1:
            idLength = 2 + partitionId.getBytes().length + 4 + uuid.length() + extraChars.length();
            idBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(idLength);
        case BLOB_ID_V2:
            idLength = 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + partitionId.getBytes().length + 4 + uuid.length() + extraChars.length();
            idBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(idLength);
            idBuf.put((byte) 0);
        case BLOB_ID_V3:
        case BLOB_ID_V4:
        case BLOB_ID_V5:
        case BLOB_ID_V6:
            idLength = 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + partitionId.getBytes().length + 4 + uuid.length() + extraChars.length();
            idBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(idLength);
            idBuf.put((byte) type.ordinal());
            idLength = 2 + partitionId.getBytes().length + 4 + uuid.length() + extraChars.length();
            idBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(idLength);
        switch (version) {
        case BLOB_ID_V6:
            UUID uuidObj = UUID.fromString(uuid);
        return Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(idBuf.array());

     * Deserializes BlobId string and assert the resulted BlobId object.
     * @param version The version of BlobId.
     * @param srcBlobIdStr The string to deserialize.
     * @throws Exception Any unexpected exception.
    private void deserializeBlobIdAndAssert(short version, String srcBlobIdStr) throws Exception {
        List<BlobId> blobIds = new ArrayList<>();
        blobIds.add(new BlobId(srcBlobIdStr, referenceClusterMap));
        blobIds.add(new BlobId(getStreamFromBase64(srcBlobIdStr), referenceClusterMap));
        blobIds.add(new BlobId(getStreamFromBase64(srcBlobIdStr + "EXTRA"), referenceClusterMap));
        for (BlobId blobId : blobIds) {
            assertEquals("Wrong base-64 ID in blobId: " + blobId, srcBlobIdStr, blobId.getID());
            assertEquals("Wrong blobId version", version, getVersionFromBlobString(blobId.getID()));
            assertBlobIdFieldValues(version, blobId, referenceType, referenceDatacenterId, referenceAccountId,
                    referenceContainerId, referencePartitionId, referenceIsEncrypted, referenceDataType);

     * Convert a base-64 encoded string into a {@link DataInputStream}
     * @param base64String the base-64 encoded {@link String}
     * @return the {@link DataInputStream}
    private DataInputStream getStreamFromBase64(String base64String) {
        return new DataInputStream(new ByteBufferInputStream(ByteBuffer.wrap(Base64.decodeBase64(base64String))));

     * Asserts a {@link BlobId} against the expected values.
     * @param version The expected version of the blobId.
     * @param blobId The {@link BlobId} to assert.
     * @param type The expected {@link BlobIdType}.
     * @param datacenterId The expected {@code datacenterId}. This will be of no effect if version is set to v1, and the
     *                     expected value will become {@link com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapUtils#UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID}.
     *                     For v2, {@code null} will make the assertion against
     *                     {@link com.github.ambry.clustermap.ClusterMapUtils#UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID}.
     * @param accountId The expected {@code accountId}. This will be of no effect if version is set to v1, and the expected
     *                  value will become {@link Account#UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_ID}. For v2, {@code null} will make the assertion
     *                  against {@link Account#UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_ID}.
     * @param containerId The expected {@code containerId}. This will be of no effect if version is set to v1, and the
     *                    expected value will become {@link Container#UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_ID}. For v2, {@code null} will make
     *                    the assertion against {@link Container#UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_ID}.
     * @param partitionId The expected partitionId.
     * @param isEncrypted {@code true} expected {@code isEncrypted}. This will be of no effect if version is set to v1 and v2.
     * @throws Exception Any unexpected exception.
    private void assertBlobIdFieldValues(short version, BlobId blobId, BlobIdType type, byte datacenterId,
            short accountId, short containerId, PartitionId partitionId, boolean isEncrypted,
            BlobDataType blobDataType) throws Exception {
        assertTrue("Used unrecognized version", Arrays.asList(BlobId.getAllValidVersions()).contains(version));
        assertEquals("Wrong partition id in blobId: " + blobId, partitionId, blobId.getPartition());
        switch (version) {
        case BLOB_ID_V1:
            assertEquals("Wrong type in blobId: " + blobId, BlobIdType.NATIVE, blobId.getType());
            assertEquals("Wrong datacenter id in blobId: " + blobId, UNKNOWN_DATACENTER_ID,
            assertEquals("Wrong account id in blobId: " + blobId, Account.UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_ID,
            assertEquals("Wrong container id in blobId: " + blobId, Container.UNKNOWN_CONTAINER_ID,
            assertFalse("Wrong isEncrypted value in blobId: " + blobId, BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID()));
            assertNull("Expected null blobDataType in blobId", blobId.getBlobDataType());
        case BLOB_ID_V2:
            assertEquals("Wrong type in blobId: " + blobId, BlobIdType.NATIVE, blobId.getType());
            assertEquals("Wrong datacenter id in blobId: " + blobId, datacenterId, blobId.getDatacenterId());
            assertEquals("Wrong account id in blobId: " + blobId, accountId, blobId.getAccountId());
            assertEquals("Wrong container id in blobId: " + blobId, containerId, blobId.getContainerId());
            assertFalse("Wrong isEncrypted value id in blobId: " + blobId, BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID()));
            assertNull("Expected null blobDataType in blobId", blobId.getBlobDataType());
        case BLOB_ID_V3:
            assertEquals("Wrong type in blobId: " + blobId, type, blobId.getType());
            assertEquals("Wrong datacenter id in blobId: " + blobId, datacenterId, blobId.getDatacenterId());
            assertEquals("Wrong account id in blobId: " + blobId, accountId, blobId.getAccountId());
            assertEquals("Wrong container id in blobId: " + blobId, containerId, blobId.getContainerId());
            assertFalse("Wrong isEncrypted value id in blobId: " + blobId, BlobId.isEncrypted(blobId.getID()));
            assertNull("Expected null blobDataType in blobId", blobId.getBlobDataType());
        case BLOB_ID_V4:
            assertEquals("Wrong type in blobId: " + blobId, type, blobId.getType());
            assertEquals("Wrong datacenter id in blobId: " + blobId, datacenterId, blobId.getDatacenterId());
            assertEquals("Wrong account id in blobId: " + blobId, accountId, blobId.getAccountId());
            assertEquals("Wrong container id in blobId: " + blobId, containerId, blobId.getContainerId());
            assertEquals("Wrong isEncrypted value in blobId: " + blobId, isEncrypted,
            assertNull("Expected null blobDataType in blobId", blobId.getBlobDataType());
        case BLOB_ID_V5:
        case BLOB_ID_V6:
            assertEquals("Wrong type in blobId: " + blobId, type, blobId.getType());
            assertEquals("Wrong datacenter id in blobId: " + blobId, datacenterId, blobId.getDatacenterId());
            assertEquals("Wrong account id in blobId: " + blobId, accountId, blobId.getAccountId());
            assertEquals("Wrong container id in blobId: " + blobId, containerId, blobId.getContainerId());
            assertEquals("Wrong isEncrypted value in blobId: " + blobId, isEncrypted,
            assertEquals("Wrong blobDataType value in blobId: " + blobId, blobDataType, blobId.getBlobDataType());
            fail("Unrecognized version: " + version);
        assertNotNull("getLongForm() should be supported for version: " + version, blobId.getLongForm());
        Pair<Short, Short> accountAndContainer = BlobId.getAccountAndContainerIds(blobId.getID());
        assertEquals("Account id from the id string should be the same as the associated account id",
                blobId.getAccountId(), (short) accountAndContainer.getFirst());
        assertEquals("Container id from the id string should be the same as the associated container id",
                blobId.getContainerId(), (short) accountAndContainer.getSecond());
        assertEquals("Unexpected version returned by BlobID.getVersion()", version,

     * Gets the version number from a blobId string.
     * @param blobId The blobId string to get version number.
     * @return Version number
     * @throws Exception Any unexpected exception.
    private short getVersionFromBlobString(String blobId) throws Exception {
        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(
                new ByteBufferInputStream(ByteBuffer.wrap(Base64.decodeBase64(blobId))));
        try {
            return dis.readShort();
        } finally {

     * Constructs a {@link BlobId} with random fields and the given version.
     * @param version The version of {@link BlobId} to build
     * @return A {@link BlobId} with random fields and the given version.
    private BlobId getRandomBlobId(short version) {
        byte[] bytes = new byte[2];
        byte datacenterId = bytes[0];
        short accountId = getRandomShort(random);
        short containerId = getRandomShort(random);
        BlobIdType type = random.nextBoolean() ? BlobIdType.NATIVE : BlobIdType.CRAFTED;
        PartitionId partitionId = referenceClusterMap
        boolean isEncrypted = random.nextBoolean();
        BlobDataType dataType = BlobDataType.values()[random.nextInt(BlobDataType.values().length)];
        return new BlobId(version, type, datacenterId, accountId, containerId, partitionId, isEncrypted, dataType);