Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Azwan Adli Abdullah * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.gh4a.activities; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import com.gh4a.BasePagerActivity; import com.gh4a.R; import com.gh4a.adapter.DrawerAdapter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public abstract class IssueListBaseActivity extends BasePagerActivity { protected String mSortMode; protected boolean mSortAscending; protected DrawerAdapter mDrawerAdapter; protected ArrayList<DrawerAdapter.Item> mDrawerItems; protected static final String SORT_MODE_CREATED = "created"; protected static final String SORT_MODE_UPDATED = "updated"; protected static final String SORT_MODE_COMMENTS = "comments"; protected static final int ITEM_FILTER_MILESTONE = 1; protected static final int ITEM_FILTER_ASSIGNEE = 2; protected static final int ITEM_FILTER_LABEL = 3; protected static final int ITEM_MANAGE_LABELS = 4; protected static final int ITEM_MANAGE_MILESTONES = 5; protected static final int ITEM_SORT_CREATED_DESC = 6; protected static final int ITEM_SORT_CREATED_ASC = 7; protected static final int ITEM_SORT_UPDATED_DESC = 8; protected static final int ITEM_SORT_UPDATED_ASC = 9; protected static final int ITEM_SORT_COMMENTS_DESC = 10; protected static final int ITEM_SORT_COMMENTS_ASC = 11; protected static final int ITEM_SORT_FIRST = ITEM_SORT_CREATED_DESC; protected static final List<DrawerAdapter.Item> DRAWER_ITEMS = Arrays.asList( new DrawerAdapter.SectionHeaderItem(R.string.issue_sort_order), new DrawerAdapter.RadioItem(R.string.issue_sort_created_desc, ITEM_SORT_CREATED_DESC), new DrawerAdapter.RadioItem(R.string.issue_sort_created_asc, ITEM_SORT_CREATED_ASC), new DrawerAdapter.RadioItem(R.string.issue_sort_updated_desc, ITEM_SORT_UPDATED_DESC), new DrawerAdapter.RadioItem(R.string.issue_sort_updated_asc, ITEM_SORT_UPDATED_ASC), new DrawerAdapter.RadioItem(R.string.issue_sort_comments_desc, ITEM_SORT_COMMENTS_DESC), new DrawerAdapter.RadioItem(R.string.issue_sort_comments_asc, ITEM_SORT_COMMENTS_ASC)); @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); } @Override protected int[] getTabTitleResIds() { return new int[0]; } @Override protected Fragment getFragment(int position) { return null; } @Override protected boolean isRightSideDrawer() { return true; } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { MenuItem item = menu.add(Menu.NONE, Menu.FIRST, Menu.NONE, R.string.actions) .setIcon(R.drawable.abc_ic_menu_moreoverflow_mtrl_alpha); MenuItemCompat.setShowAsAction(item, MenuItemCompat.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS); return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { if (item.getItemId() == Menu.FIRST) { toggleDrawer(); return true; } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } @Override protected boolean onDrawerItemSelected(int position) { int id = mDrawerItems.get(position).getId(); switch (id) { case ITEM_SORT_CREATED_ASC: updateSortModeAndReload(SORT_MODE_CREATED, true, id); return true; case ITEM_SORT_CREATED_DESC: updateSortModeAndReload(SORT_MODE_CREATED, false, id); return true; case ITEM_SORT_UPDATED_ASC: updateSortModeAndReload(SORT_MODE_UPDATED, true, id); return true; case ITEM_SORT_UPDATED_DESC: updateSortModeAndReload(SORT_MODE_UPDATED, false, id); return true; case ITEM_SORT_COMMENTS_ASC: updateSortModeAndReload(SORT_MODE_COMMENTS, true, id); return true; case ITEM_SORT_COMMENTS_DESC: updateSortModeAndReload(SORT_MODE_COMMENTS, false, id); return true; } return super.onDrawerItemSelected(position); } protected void updateSortDrawerItemState(int activeItemId) { for (DrawerAdapter.Item item : mDrawerItems) { if (item.getId() >= ITEM_SORT_FIRST) { ((DrawerAdapter.RadioItem) item).setChecked(item.getId() == activeItemId); } } mDrawerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } protected void updateSortModeAndReload(String sortMode, boolean ascending, int itemId) { updateSortDrawerItemState(itemId); mSortAscending = ascending; mSortMode = sortMode; reloadIssueList(); } public abstract void reloadIssueList(); }