Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004-2016 EPAM Systems * * This file is part of JDI project. * * JDI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * JDI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with JDI. If not, see <>. */ package com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.web.selenium.elements.complex.table; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.core.interfaces.base.ISelect; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.core.utils.common.LinqUtils; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.web.selenium.driver.WebDriverByUtils; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.web.selenium.elements.BaseElement; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.web.selenium.elements.MapInterfaceToElement; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.web.selenium.elements.apiInteract.ContextType; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.web.selenium.elements.base.SelectElement; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.web.selenium.elements.complex.table.interfaces.ICell; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import static com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.core.settings.JDISettings.exception; /** * Created by 12345 on 25.10.2014. */ /** * Cell have some info about its position:<br> * ColumnName, RowName, ColumnIndex, RowIndex<br> * You can do some actions with Cell:<br> * Click, Select, getText, waitText, waitMatchText<br> * Also you can use get() method to get Element of specified for table Type and do any possible action with it<br> */ class Cell extends SelectElement implements ISelect, ICell { private int rowIndex; private int columnIndex; private Table table; private int columnNum; private WebElement webElement; private int rowNum; private String columnName; private String rowName; private By cellLocatorTemplate = By.xpath(".//tr[{1}]/td[{0}]"); private Class<?>[] columnsTemplate; public Cell(WebElement webElement, int columnNum, int rowNum, String colName, String rowName, By cellLocatorTemplate, Table table) { this.webElement = webElement; this.columnNum = columnNum; this.rowNum = rowNum; this.columnName = colName; this.rowName = rowName; if (cellLocatorTemplate != null) this.cellLocatorTemplate = cellLocatorTemplate; this.table = table; } public Cell(int columnIndex, int rowIndex, int columnNum, int rowNum, String colName, String rowName, By cellLocatorTemplate, Table table) { this.columnIndex = (table.rows().hasHeader && table.rows().lineTemplate == null) ? columnIndex + 1 : columnIndex; this.rowIndex = rowIndex; this.columnNum = columnNum; this.rowNum = rowNum; this.columnName = colName; this.rowName = rowName; if (cellLocatorTemplate != null) this.cellLocatorTemplate = cellLocatorTemplate; this.table = table; } public void setWebElement(WebElement webElement) { this.webElement = webElement; } public int columnNum() { return columnNum; } public int rowNum() { return rowNum; } public String columnName() { return (columnName != null && !columnName.equals("")) ? columnName : table.columns().headers()[columnNum - 1]; } public String rowName() { return (rowName != null && !rowName.equals("")) ? rowName : table.rows().headers()[rowNum - 1]; } @Override protected String getTextAction() { return get().getText(); } @Override protected void clickAction() { get().click(); } @Override protected boolean isSelectedAction() { return get().isSelected(); } public SelectElement get() { return (webElement != null) ? new SelectElement(webElement) : new SelectElement(WebDriverByUtils.fillByMsgTemplate(cellLocatorTemplate, columnIndex, rowIndex)); } public <T extends BaseElement> T get(Class<T> clazz) { T instance; try { instance = (clazz.isInterface()) ? (T) MapInterfaceToElement.getClassFromInterface(clazz).newInstance() : clazz.newInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw exception("Can't get Cell from interface/class: " + LinqUtils.last((clazz + "").split("\\."))); } return get(instance); } public <T extends BaseElement> T get(T cell) { By locator = cell.getLocator(); if (locator == null || locator.toString().equals("")) locator = cellLocatorTemplate; if (!locator.toString().contains("{0}") || !locator.toString().contains("{1}")) throw exception("Can't create cell with locator template " + cell.getLocator() + ". Template for Cell should contains '{0}' - for column and '{1}' - for row indexes."); cell.getAvatar().byLocator = WebDriverByUtils.fillByMsgTemplate(locator, rowIndex, columnIndex); cell.getAvatar().context.add(ContextType.Locator, table.getLocator()); return cell; } public Cell updateData(String colName, String rowName) { if ((columnName == null || columnName.equals("")) && !(colName == null || colName.equals(""))) columnName = colName; if ((this.rowName == null || this.rowName.equals("")) && !(rowName == null || rowName.equals(""))) this.rowName = rowName; return this; } }