Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004-2016 EPAM Systems * * This file is part of JDI project. * * JDI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * JDI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with JDI. If not, see <>. */ package com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.web.selenium.elements.apiInteract; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.core.interfaces.base.IBaseElement; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.core.settings.JDISettings; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.core.utils.common.LinqUtils; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.core.utils.common.PrintUtils; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.core.utils.common.Timer; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.core.utils.linqinterfaces.JFuncTT; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.core.utils.pairs.Pair; import com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.core.utils.pairs.Pairs; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.SearchContext; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.core.utils.common.LinqUtils.where; import static com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.web.selenium.driver.WebDriverByUtils.*; import static com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.web.selenium.elements.WebSettings.driverFactory; import static com.ggasoftware.jdiuitest.web.selenium.elements.WebSettings.getDriverFactory; import static java.lang.String.format; /** * Created by Roman_Iovlev on 7/3/2015. */ public class GetElementModule { private static final String failedToFindElementMessage = "Can't find Element '%s' during %s seconds"; private static final String findToMuchElementsMessage = "Find %s elements instead of one for Element '%s' during %s seconds"; public By byLocator; public Pairs<ContextType, By> context = new Pairs<>(); public JFuncTT<WebElement, Boolean> localElementSearchCriteria = null; public WebElement rootElement; private String driverName = ""; private IBaseElement element; public GetElementModule(IBaseElement element) { this.element = element; driverName = driverFactory.currentDriverName(); } public GetElementModule(By byLocator, IBaseElement element) { this(element); this.byLocator = byLocator; } public GetElementModule(By byLocator, Pairs<ContextType, By> context, IBaseElement element) { this(element); this.byLocator = byLocator; this.context = context; } public GetElementModule(By byLocator, WebElement rootElement, IBaseElement element) { this(element); this.byLocator = byLocator; this.rootElement = rootElement; } public boolean haveLocator() { return byLocator != null; } public String printContext() { return context.toString(); } public WebDriver getDriver() { return (WebDriver) driverFactory.getDriver(driverName); } public WebElement getElement() { JDISettings.logger.debug("Get Web Element: " + element); WebElement element = timer().getResultByCondition(this::getElementAction, el -> el != null); JDISettings.logger.debug("One Element found"); return element; } public List<WebElement> getElements() { JDISettings.logger.debug("Get Web elements: " + element); List<WebElement> elements = getElementsAction(); JDISettings.logger.debug("Found %s elements", elements.size()); return elements; } public Timer timer() { return new Timer(JDISettings.timeouts.currentTimeoutSec * 1000); } private List<WebElement> getElementsAction() { List<WebElement> result = timer().getResultByCondition(this::searchElements, els -> where(els, getSearchCriteria()::invoke).size() > 0); JDISettings.timeouts.dropTimeouts(); if (result == null) throw JDISettings.exception("Can't get Web Elements"); return LinqUtils.where(result, getSearchCriteria()::invoke); } private JFuncTT<WebElement, Boolean> getSearchCriteria() { return localElementSearchCriteria != null ? localElementSearchCriteria : getDriverFactory().elementSearchCriteria; } public GetElementModule searchAll() { localElementSearchCriteria = el -> el != null; return this; } private WebElement getElementAction() { int timeout = JDISettings.timeouts.currentTimeoutSec; List<WebElement> result = getElementsAction(); switch (result.size()) { case 0: throw JDISettings.exception(failedToFindElementMessage, element, timeout); case 1: return result.get(0); default: throw JDISettings.exception(findToMuchElementsMessage, result.size(), element, timeout); } } private List<WebElement> searchElements() { if (this.context == null || this.context.isEmpty()) return getDriver().findElements(byLocator); SearchContext context = (rootElement != null) ? rootElement : getSearchContext(correctXPaths(this.context)); return context.findElements(correctXPaths(byLocator)); } private SearchContext getSearchContext(Pairs<ContextType, By> context) { SearchContext searchContext = getDriver().switchTo().defaultContent(); for (Pair<ContextType, By> locator : context) { WebElement element = searchContext.findElement(locator.value); if (locator.key == ContextType.Locator) searchContext = element; else { getDriver().switchTo().frame(element); searchContext = getDriver(); } } return searchContext; } private Pairs<ContextType, By> correctXPaths(Pairs<ContextType, By> context) { if (context.size() == 1) return context; for (Pair<ContextType, By> pair : context.subList(1)) { By byValue = pair.value; if (byValue.toString().contains("By.xpath: //")) pair.value = getByFunc(byValue).invoke(getByLocator(byValue).replaceFirst("/", "./")); } return context; } private By correctXPaths(By byValue) { return (byValue.toString().contains("By.xpath: //")) ? getByFunc(byValue).invoke(getByLocator(byValue).replaceFirst("/", "./")) : byValue; } public void clearCookies() { getDriver().manage().deleteAllCookies(); } @Override public String toString() { return JDISettings.shortLogMessagesFormat ? printFullLocator() : format("Locator: '%s'", byLocator) + ((context.size() > 0) ? format(", Context: '%s'", context) : ""); } private String printFullLocator() { if (byLocator == null) return "No Locators"; List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (context.size() != 0) result =, el -> printShortBy(el.value)); result.add(printShortBy(byLocator)); return PrintUtils.print(result); } private String printShortBy(By by) { return String.format("%s='%s'", getByName(by), getByLocator(by)); } }