Java tutorial
package; import; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.dao.common.impl.BaseDAOImpl; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.exception.DaoException; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.exception.JPAException; import*; import; import; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.util.DateUtil; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.vo.BusinessStaVO; import; import; import com.gettec.fsnip.fsn.vo.erp.BusinessNameVO; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import javax.persistence.Query; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; /** * BusinessUnit customized operation implementation * * @author Ryan Wang */ @Repository(value = "businessUnitDAO") public class BusinessUnitDAOImpl extends BaseDAOImpl<BusinessUnit> implements BusinessUnitDAO { /** * ?????? * @param name * @return */ @Override public String findLicenseByName(String name) throws DaoException { try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) { String sql = "select license_no from business_unit where name = ?1"; List<String> result = this.getListBySQLWithoutType(String.class, sql, new Object[] { name }); if (result.size() > 0) { return result.get(0); } } return null; } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException( "BusinessUnitDAOImpl.findLicenseByName() ??????,?", jpae.getException()); } } /** * ??id???? * @param organization * @author tangxin 2015-05-18 */ @Override public String findNameByOrganization(Long organization) throws DaoException { try { if (organization == null) { return null; } String sql = "select name from business_unit where organization = ?1"; List<String> result = this.getListBySQLWithoutType(String.class, sql, new Object[] { organization }); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { return result.get(0); } return null; } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException(jpae.getMessage(), jpae.getException()); } } /** * ????id??? * @author ZhangHui 2015/7/3 * @throws DaoException */ @Override public String findNameById(Long id) throws DaoException { try { if (id == null) { return null; } String sql = "select name from business_unit where id = ?1"; List<String> result = this.getListBySQLWithoutType(String.class, sql, new Object[] { id }); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { return result.get(0); } return null; } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException(jpae.getMessage(), jpae.getException()); } } @Override public int getProductCount() { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("select count(*) from business_unit"); Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql.toString()); Number result = (Number) query.getSingleResult(); return result.intValue(); } /** * ????? * @throws DaoException */ @Override public List<BusinessUnit> findByName_(String name) throws DaoException { try { if (!StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) { return null; } String condition = " WHERE name like ?1"; return this.getListByCondition(condition, new Object[] { "%" + name + "%" }); } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException( "BusinessUnitDAOImpl.findByName_ ?????, ?", jpae.getException()); } } /** * ???qs??? * qs???QS? * @param firstpart qs? * @param formatId qs?id * @return List<String> * @throws DaoException * * @author HuangYog */ @Override public List<String> getListOfQsNo(String firstpart, Long formatId) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT REPLACE(pli.qs_no,?1,'') FROM product_to_businessunit p2b " + " LEFT JOIN production_license_info pli ON p2b.qs_id = " + " WHERE p2b.qs_id IS NOT NULL AND pli.qs_no like ?2 AND pli.qsformat_id = ?3"; return this.getListBySQLWithoutType(String.class, sql, new Object[] { firstpart, firstpart + "%", formatId }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException( "?DAO-error???qs??", e); } } @Override public List<BusinessUnit> getListByName(int page, int pageSize, String name, String type) throws DaoException { try { String condition = " WHERE like ?1"; Object[] params = new Object[] { "%" + name + "%" }; if (type.equals("business")) { condition = " WHERE like ?1"; params = new Object[] { "%" + name + "%" }; } else { condition = " WHERE LIKE ?1 OR e.license.licenseNo LIKE ?2"; params = new Object[] { "%" + name + "%", "%" + name + "%" }; } return this.getListByPage(page, pageSize, condition, params); } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException("?dao-errorId??", jpae.getException()); } } /** * dao?ID?? */ @Override public List<BusinessUnit> getSubsidiaryListByOrgPage(Map<String, Object> map, int page, int pageSize) throws DaoException { try { String condition = (String) map.get("condition"); Object[] params = (Object[]) map.get("params"); condition += " order by desc"; return this.getListByPage(page, pageSize, condition, params); } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException( "?DAO-Error??condition(BusinessUnit)??", jpae.getException()); } } /** * dao?ID??? */ @Override public Long getCountByOrg(Map<String, Object> map) throws DaoException { try { String condition = (String) map.get("condition"); Object[] params = (Object[]) map.get("params"); return this.count(condition, params); } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException("?dao-errorBusinessUnit????", jpae.getException()); } } /** * dao???? */ @Override public boolean verificationNameOrLic(String val, String type) throws DaoException { int count = 0; try { String jpql = ""; if (type.equals("name")) { jpql = "SELECT count(*) FROM business_unit WHERE name=?1"; } else { jpql = "SELECT count(*) FROM business_unit WHERE license_no=?1"; } Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(jpql).setParameter(1, val); Number result = (Number) query.getSingleResult(); count = result.intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("dao????", e); } return count > 0 ? true : false; } /** * Id?? * @throws DaoException */ @Override public BusinessUnit findByOrgnizationId(Long organizationId) throws DaoException { String hql = "select e from " + entityClass.getName() + " e WHERE e.organization = ?1"; Query query = entityManager.createQuery(hql); query.setParameter(1, organizationId); try { return (BusinessUnit) query.getSingleResult(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * ?Id??? * */ @Override public BusinessUnit getBusinessByOrganizationIdOfLigth(Long busId) throws DaoException { try { BusinessUnit orig_bus = this.findById(busId); BusinessUnit bus = null; if (orig_bus != null) { bus = new BusinessUnit(); bus.setLicense(new LicenseInfo()); bus.getLicense() .setLicenseNo(orig_bus.getLicense() != null ? orig_bus.getLicense().getLicenseNo() : ""); bus.setName(orig_bus.getName()); bus.setAddress(orig_bus.getAddress()); bus.setOtherAddress(orig_bus.getOtherAddress()); bus.setType(orig_bus.getType()); bus.setId(orig_bus.getId()); bus.setPersonInCharge(orig_bus.getPersonInCharge()); bus.setTelephone(orig_bus.getTelephone()); bus.setSignFlag(orig_bus.isSignFlag()); } return bus; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getBusinessByOrganizationIdOfLigth() " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ?????????? * @param page * @param pageSize ?? * @param businessName ??? * @param businessType ? * @param startDate ? * @param endDate ?? * @return List<BusinessStaVO> * @throws DaoException * @author LongXianZhen */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<BusinessStaVO> findBusinessIdByNameType(int page, int pageSize, String businessName, String businessType, String startDate, String endDate) throws DaoException { try { String new_configure = " WHERE organization IS NOT NULL AND organization!=0 "; //???????? if (!businessName.equals("") && businessName != null) { new_configure = new_configure + " AND like " + "'%" + businessName + "%' "; } //???? if (!businessType.equals("") && businessType != null) { new_configure = new_configure + " AND e.type like " + "'%" + businessType + "%' "; } ////???? if (!startDate.equals("") && !endDate.equals("")) { endDate = DateUtil.addDays(endDate, 1); new_configure = new_configure + " AND e.enterpriteDate BETWEEN '" + startDate + "' AND '" + endDate + "' "; } String jpql = "SELECT,,e.type,e.organization,enterpriteDate FROM business_unit e "; if (new_configure != null && !new_configure.equals("")) { jpql = jpql + " " + new_configure; } Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(jpql); if (page != 0 && pageSize != 0) { query.setFirstResult((page - 1) * pageSize); query.setMaxResults(pageSize); } List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); List<BusinessStaVO> businessSta = new ArrayList<BusinessStaVO>(); for (Object[] obj : objs) { BusinessStaVO buSta = new BusinessStaVO(); buSta.setBusinessId(Long.valueOf(obj[0].toString())); buSta.setBusinessName(obj[1] == null ? null : obj[1].toString()); buSta.setBusinessType(obj[2] == null ? null : obj[2].toString()); buSta.setOrganization(obj[3] == null ? null : Long.valueOf(obj[3].toString())); buSta.setEnterpriteDate(obj[4] == null ? null : (Date) obj[4]); businessSta.add(buSta); } return businessSta; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException( "BusinessUnitDAOImpl.findBusinessIdByNameType()-->??????????", e); } } /** * ????????? * @param businessName ??? * @param businessType ? * @param startDate ? * @param endDate ?? * @return Long * @throws DaoException * @author LongXianZhen */ @Override public Long getBusinessStaCountByConfigure(String businessName, String businessType, String startDate, String endDate) throws DaoException { try { String new_configure = " WHERE organization IS NOT NULL AND organization!=0 "; //???????? if (!businessName.equals("") && businessName != null) { new_configure = new_configure + " AND like " + "'%" + businessName + "%' "; } //???? if (!businessType.equals("") && businessType != null) { new_configure = new_configure + " AND e.type like " + "'%" + businessType + "%' "; } ////???? if (!startDate.equals("") && !endDate.equals("")) { endDate = DateUtil.addDays(endDate, 1); new_configure = new_configure + " AND e.enterpriteDate BETWEEN '" + startDate + "' AND '" + endDate + "' "; } String jpql = "SELECT count(*) FROM " + entityClass.getName() + " e "; if (new_configure != null && !new_configure.equals("")) { jpql = jpql + " " + new_configure; } Object rtn = entityManager.createQuery(jpql).getSingleResult(); return rtn == null ? 0 : Long.parseLong(rtn.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException( "BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getBusinessStaCountByConfigure()-->?????????", e); } } /** * ?????? */ @Override public List<String> getAllBusUnitName(String name, int page, int pageSize) throws DaoException { try { String nameCond = ""; String pageCond = ""; if (name != null && !"".equals(name)) { nameCond = " AND name LIKE '" + name + "%' "; } if (page > 0) { page = (page - 1) * pageSize; pageCond = " LIMIT " + page + "," + pageSize; } String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT name FROM business_unit WHERE name IS NOT NULL and name!=''" + nameCond + pageCond; return this.getListBySQLWithoutType(String.class, sql, null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getAllBusUnitName()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ?????? */ @Override public List<String> getAllLicenseNoAndId() throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT license_no FROM business_unit WHERE license_no IS NOT NULL"; return this.getListBySQLWithoutType(String.class, sql, null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getAllLicenseNoAndId()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ?????? */ @Override public List<String> getAllBusUnitAddressAndId() throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT address FROM business_unit WHERE address IS NOT NULL"; return this.getListBySQLWithoutType(String.class, sql, null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl", e); } } /** * ??id?? * @param organizationId * @return Long * @author HuangYog */ @Override public Long getIdByOrganization(Long organizationId) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "select MAX(id) from business_unit where organization= ?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, organizationId); Object obj = query.getSingleResult(); return obj != null ? Long.parseLong(obj.toString()) : null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getIdByOrganization()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ????id? * @author ZhangHui 2015/7/1 * @throws DaoException */ @Override public Long findOrgById(Long organizationId) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "select organization from business_unit where id = ?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, organizationId); Object obj = query.getSingleResult(); return obj != null ? Long.parseLong(obj.toString()) : null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getIdByOrganization()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ??????id * @author ZhangHui 2015/6/2 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Long getIdByName(String name) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "select id from business_unit where name = ?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, name); List<Object> result = query.getResultList(); if (result.size() > 1) { throw new Exception("?????"); } if (result.size() == 1) { Object obj = result.get(0); return Long.parseLong(obj.toString()); } return null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.findIdByName()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ? ?id?????firstpartqs???QS? * @param businessUnitId * @param firstpart * @return List<String> * * @author HuangYog */ @Override public List<String> getSonQsList4BussUnitId(Long businessUnitId, String firstpart, Long formatId) throws DaoException { try { //?QSNO QS? String sql = "select REPLACE(pi.qs_no,?1,'') from businessunit_to_prolicinfo e " + "RIGHT JOIN production_license_info pi ON e.qs_id = " + "where e.business_id = ?2 AND e.del = 0 AND pi.qs_no like ?3 And pi.qsFormat_id = ?4"; return this.getListBySQLWithoutType(String.class, sql, new Object[] { firstpart, businessUnitId, firstpart + "%", formatId }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getBusinessUnitIdByOrganizationId()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ? ?parentOrganization????? * ?????firstpart qs? * @param organization * @param myOrganization * @param firstpart qs?? * @return List<String> * * @author HuangYog */ @Override public List<String> getSonBussUnitIdByParentOrganizationId(Long organization, Long myOrganization, String firstpart, Long formatId) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT REPLACE(p.QS_NO,?1,'') FROM product_to_businessunit p " + " LEFT JOIN business_unit b ON p.business_id = " + " RIGHT JOIN production_license_info pl ON p.QS_NO = pl.qs_no " + " WHERE p.BARCORD IS NOT NULL AND b.organization <> ?2 AND b.parentOrgnization = ?3 " + " AND p.qs_no like ?4 AND pl.qsformat_id = ?5"; return this.getListBySQLWithoutType(String.class, sql, new Object[] { firstpart, myOrganization, organization, firstpart + "%", formatId }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getBusinessUnitIdByOrganizationId()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ?????? * @param orgCode * * @param orgId * @return booleanture?? */ @Override public boolean validateBusUnitOrgCode(String orgCode, Long orgId) throws DaoException { try { String condition = ""; Object[] params = null; if (orgId == null) { condition = " where e.organization!=null and e.orgInstitution!=null and e.orgInstitution.orgCode= ?1"; params = new Object[] { orgCode }; } else { condition = " where e.orgInstitution!=null and e.orgInstitution.orgCode= ?1 and e.organization!=null and e.organization != ?2"; params = new Object[] { orgCode, orgId }; } Long cont = this.count(condition, params); return (cont > 0 ? true : false); } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.validateBusUnitOrgCode() " + jpae.getMessage(), jpae.getException()); } } /** * ????firstpart qs???? * @param businessUnitId * @param firstpart * @return List<String> * * @author HuangYog */ @Override public List<String> getproToBusQsListByBusId(Long businessUnitId, String firstpart, Long formatId) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT REPLACE(QS_NO,?1,'') FROM product_to_businessunit p2b " + " RIGHT JOIN production_license_info pl ON p2b.qs_NO = pl.qs_no " + " WHERE p2b.business_id = ?2 AND p2b.QS_NO like ?3 AND pl.qsformat_id = ?4 "; return this.getListBySQLWithoutType(String.class, sql, new Object[] { firstpart, businessUnitId, firstpart + "%", formatId }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getproToBusQsListBussUnitId()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ? ??? ??? * @param name * @return * @throws DaoException */ @Override public BusinessUnit findByName(String name) throws DaoException { try { String condition = " WHERE = ?1"; List<BusinessUnit> result = this.getListByCondition(condition, new Object[] { name }); if (result.size() > 0) { return result.get(0); } return null; } catch (JPAException jpae) { throw new DaoException( "BusinessUnitDAOImpl.findByName() ? ??? ???,?", jpae.getException()); } } /** * ????? * @param busName * @return * @throws DaoException */ @Override public boolean findSignFlagByName(String busName) throws DaoException { try { BusinessUnit orig_bus = this.findByName(busName); if (orig_bus != null) return orig_bus.isSignFlag(); return false; } catch (DaoException daoe) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.findSignFlagByName() " + daoe.getMessage(), daoe); } } /** * ??ID?? */ @Override public long countMarketByOrganization(Map<String, Object> map, Long organization) throws DaoException { try { String condition = ""; if (map != null) { condition = (String) map.get("condition") + " AND "; } else { condition = " WHERE "; } String sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM business_unit "; sql += condition; sql += " id IN (SELECT business_id FROM business_market_to_business WHERE marketBusiness_id = (" + "SELECT id FROM business_market WHERE business_id = (" + "SELECT id FROM business_unit WHERE organization = ?1)))"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, organization); return Long.parseLong(query.getSingleResult().toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException( "BusinessUnitDAOImpl.countMarketByOrganization() ??????", e); } } /** * ??ID??? * @author ZhaWanNeng */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String getMarketNameByOrganization(Long organization) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT FROM business_unit buu WHERE buu.organization=(" + "SELECT bmb.organization FROM business_unit bu " + "LEFT JOIN business_market_to_business bmb ON " + "WHERE bu.organization=?1 and bu.type='??' ORDER BY DESC limit 0,1 )"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, organization); List<Object> result = query.getResultList(); String string = ""; if (result.size() > 0) { string = result.get(0).toString(); } return string; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException( "BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getMarketNameByOrganization() ??????", e); } } /** * ? * @return Long * @author ZhaWanNeng */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Long unitCount() throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT count( FROM business_unit t "; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); List<Object> list = query.getResultList(); return Long.valueOf(list.get(0).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.unitCount() ", e); } } /** * ??? * @author HuangYog * Create date 2015/04/13 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Object getAllBusUnitName(Integer page, Integer pageSize, String keyword, String buType) throws DaoException { try { if (page - 1 < 0) { return null; } String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT name,id FROM business_unit WHERE name IS NOT NULL AND name LIKE '%" + keyword + "%' ";//LIMIT ?3,?4 "; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); if (page > 0 && pageSize > 0) { query.setFirstResult((page - 1) * pageSize); query.setMaxResults(pageSize); } List<Object[]> result = query.getResultList(); List<BusinessNameVO> lists = null; if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { lists = new ArrayList<BusinessNameVO>(); for (Object[] obj : result) { BusinessNameVO vo = new BusinessNameVO(); vo.setId(obj[1] != null ? Long.valueOf(obj[1].toString()) : -1); vo.setName(obj[0] != null ? obj[0].toString() : ""); lists.add(vo); } } return lists; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getAllBusUnitName()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ??guid??? * @author ZhangHui 2015/4/24 */ @Override public BusinessUnit findByGuid(String bus_guid) throws DaoException { try { String condition = " WHERE e.guid = ?1"; List<BusinessUnit> result = this.getListByCondition(condition, new Object[] { bus_guid }); if (result.size() > 0) { return result.get(0); } return null; } catch (JPAException e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.findByGuid()-->" + e.getMessage(), e.getException()); } } /** * ???id???<br> * ??? * @author ZhangHui 2015/5/1 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public LightBusUnitVO findBusVOByOrg(Long organization) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT id,`name`,address,other_address,type,license_no,organization,sign_flag,pass_flag " + "FROM business_unit WHERE organization = ?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, organization); List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList(); if (results != null && results.size() > 0) { Object[] obj = results.get(0); LightBusUnitVO vo = new LightBusUnitVO(((BigInteger) obj[0]).longValue(), obj[1] == null ? "" : obj[1].toString(), obj[2] == null ? "" : obj[2].toString(), obj[3] == null ? "" : obj[3].toString(), obj[4] == null ? "" : obj[4].toString(), obj[5] == null ? "" : obj[5].toString(), ((BigInteger) obj[6]).longValue(), (Boolean) obj[7]); vo.setPassFlag((Boolean) obj[8]); return vo; } return null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException( "BusinessUnitDAOImpl.findVOByName() ????????", e); } } /********************************************???*****************************************************/ @Override public List<AccountBusinessVO> getAccountEnRegisteList(int page, int pageSize, String province, String city, String area, String nameOrLicNo, String btype) throws DaoException { try { Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = setParam(province, city, area, nameOrLicNo, btype); Object condition = ""; Map<String, String> param = null; if (map != null && map.size() > 0) { condition = map.keySet().iterator().next(); param = map.get(condition); } String sql = "SELECT,,e.license_no,e.person_in_charge,e.type,e.enterpriteDate, " + "e.address,,e.telephone FROM business_unit e WHERE e.`name` IS NOT NULL " + "AND e.`name` <> '' AND e.organization IS NOT NULL AND e.organization <> '' " + condition.toString() + " ORDER BY "; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql.toString()); getParam(param, query); if (page > 0) { query.setFirstResult((page - 1) * pageSize).setMaxResults(pageSize); } List<Object[]> result = query.getResultList(); return result != null && result.size() > 0 ? setListAccountBusinessVO(result) : null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getAccountEnRegisteList()", e); } } /** * ?Query * @author HY */ private void getParam(Map<String, String> param, Query query) { if (param != null && param.size() > 0) { Set keySet = param.keySet(); Iterator it = keySet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object key =; String value = param.get(key); query.setParameter((String) key, value); } } } /** * ?? * sql? * @return Map<String ,Map<String,String>> * @author HY */ private Map<String, Map<String, String>> setParam(String province, String city, String area, String nameOrLicNo, String btype) { String condition = ""; Map<String, String> param = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (province != null && !"".equals(province)) { condition = "AND e.other_address LIKE :address"; String parameter = province + "%"; if (city != null && !"".equals(city)) { parameter = province + "-" + city + "%"; if (area != null && !"".equals(area)) { parameter = province + "-" + city + "-" + area + "%"; } } param.put("address", parameter); } if (nameOrLicNo != null && !"".equals(nameOrLicNo)) { condition += " AND ( LIKE :bname OR e.license_no LIKE :licno) "; param.put("bname", "%" + nameOrLicNo + "%"); param.put("licno", "%" + nameOrLicNo + "%"); } if (btype != null && !"".equals(btype)) { condition += " AND e.type LIKE :btype "; param.put("btype", "%" + btype + "%"); } Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); map.put(condition, param); return map; } /** * ?? * @auhtor HY */ private List<AccountBusinessVO> setListAccountBusinessVO(List<Object[]> result) { List<AccountBusinessVO> lists = new ArrayList<AccountBusinessVO>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { Object[] objs = result.get(i); AccountBusinessVO vo = new AccountBusinessVO(); vo.setId(objs[0] != null ? objs[0].toString() : "-1"); vo.setName(objs[1] != null ? objs[1].toString() : ""); vo.setLicNo(objs[2] != null ? objs[2].toString() : ""); vo.setPersonInCharge(objs[3] != null ? objs[3].toString() : ""); vo.setBusType(objs[4] != null ? objs[4].toString() : ""); vo.setRegDate(objs[5] != null ? objs[5].toString() : ""); vo.setRegAddr(objs[6] != null ? objs[6].toString() : ""); vo.setLinkMan(objs[7] != null ? objs[7].toString() : ""); vo.setLinkTel(objs[8] != null ? objs[8].toString() : ""); lists.add(vo); } return lists; } @Override public Long getAccountEnRegisteListTotal(String province, String city, String area, String nameOrLicNo, String btype) throws DaoException { try { Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = setParam(province, city, area, nameOrLicNo, btype); Object condition = ""; Map<String, String> param = null; if (map != null && map.size() > 0) { condition = map.keySet().iterator().next(); param = map.get(condition); } String sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM business_unit e WHERE e.`name` IS NOT NULL " + "AND e.`name` <> '' AND e.organization IS NOT NULL AND e.organization <> '' " + condition; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); getParam(param, query); Object result = query.getSingleResult(); return result != null ? Long.parseLong(result.toString()) : 0; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getAccountEnRegisteListTotal()", e); } } /** * ??id?? * @param busId * @throws DaoException */ @Override public AccountBusinessVO getAccountBusinessById(Long busId) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT,,b.person_in_charge,b.org_code,b.type,b.address, " + "b.enterpriteDate,,,b.telephone,b.license_no FROM business_unit b " + "WHERE = ?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql.toString()).setParameter(1, busId); Object[] result = (Object[]) query.getSingleResult(); AccountBusinessVO vo = null; if (result != null && result.length > 0) { vo = new AccountBusinessVO(); vo.setId(result[0] != null ? result[0].toString() : ""); vo.setName(result[1] != null ? result[1].toString() : ""); vo.setPersonInCharge(result[2] != null ? result[2].toString() : ""); vo.setOrgCode(result[3] != null ? result[3].toString() : ""); vo.setBusType(result[4] != null ? result[4].toString() : ""); vo.setRegAddr(result[5] != null ? result[5].toString() : ""); vo.setRegDate(result[6] != null ? result[6].toString() : ""); vo.setEmail(result[7] != null ? result[7].toString() : ""); vo.setLinkMan(result[8] != null ? result[8].toString() : ""); vo.setLinkTel(result[9] != null ? result[9].toString() : ""); vo.setLicNo(result[10] != null ? result[10].toString() : ""); } return vo; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOImpl.getAccountBusinessById()", e); } } /*************************************************************************************************/ /** * ????????? * @author ZhangHui 2015/5/14 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public LightBusUnitVO findVOByName(String name) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT id,`name`,address,other_address,type,license_no,organization,sign_flag " + "FROM business_unit WHERE `name` = ?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, name); List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList(); if (results != null && results.size() > 0) { Object[] obj = results.get(0); LightBusUnitVO vo = new LightBusUnitVO(((BigInteger) obj[0]).longValue(), obj[1] == null ? "" : obj[1].toString(), obj[2] == null ? "" : obj[2].toString(), obj[3] == null ? "" : obj[3].toString(), obj[4] == null ? "" : obj[4].toString(), obj[5] == null ? "" : obj[5].toString(), obj[6] == null ? null : ((BigInteger) obj[6]).longValue(), (obj[7] != null || "1".equals(obj[7].toString())) ? true : false); return vo; } return null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException( "BusinessUnitDAOImpl.findVOByName() ????????", e); } } /** * ????????????<br> * ?business TreeNode? * @author ZhangHui 2015/5/18 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<BusinessTreeDetail> getRelativesOfTreeNodes(int level, String keyword, Long organization) throws DaoException { try { List<BusinessTreeDetail> details = new ArrayList<BusinessTreeDetail>(); if (level <= 1) { level = 1; String jpql = "SELECT as name,COUNT(*) AS childrenNum, AS id " + "FROM business_unit p " + "INNER JOIN business_unit p2 " + "ON p.organization = p2.parentOrgnization " + "WHERE p.organization = ?1 " + "GROUP BY"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(jpql); query.setParameter(1, organization); List<Object[]> result = query.getResultList(); for (Object[] obj : result) { BusinessTreeDetail brandDetail = new BusinessTreeDetail(-1L, obj[0].toString(), Long.parseLong(obj[1].toString()), Long.parseLong(obj[2].toString())); details.add(brandDetail); } } else { String jpql = "SELECT p.`name`," + "SUM(CASE WHEN IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) childrenNum," + " AS id " + "FROM business_unit p " + "INNER JOIN business_unit p2 " + "ON p.parentOrgnization = p2.organization AND p2.`name` = ?1 " + "LEFT JOIN business_unit p3 " + "ON p.organization = p3.parentOrgnization " + "GROUP BY"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(jpql); query.setParameter(1, keyword); List<Object[]> result = query.getResultList(); for (Object[] obj : result) { BusinessTreeDetail brandDetail = new BusinessTreeDetail(-1L, obj[0].toString(), Long.parseLong(obj[1].toString()), Long.parseLong(obj[2].toString())); details.add(brandDetail); } } return details; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("BrandCategoryDAOImpl.getRelativesOfTreeNodes() !", e); } } /** * ? * ????? * @author ZhangHui 2015/6/5 * @throws DaoException */ @Override public void createNewRecord(String bus_name, String bus_address, String licenseno) throws DaoException { try { if (bus_name != null) { bus_name = bus_name.replace(" ", ""); } if (bus_name == null || "".equals(bus_name)) { throw new Exception("?"); } String sql = "INSERT INTO business_unit(name,address,license_no) VALUES(?1,?2,?3)"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, bus_name); query.setParameter(2, bus_address); query.setParameter(3, licenseno); query.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOimpl.createNewRecord()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ? * ????? * @author ZhangHui 2015/6/5 * @throws DaoException */ @Override public void updateRecord(BusinessUnit buss, String licenseno) throws DaoException { try { if (buss == null || buss.getId() == null || buss.getName() == null || "".equals(buss.getName())) { throw new Exception("?"); } String sql = "UPDATE business_unit SET name = ?1, address = ?2, license_no = ?3 WHERE id = ?4"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, buss.getName()); query.setParameter(2, buss.getAddress()); query.setParameter(3, licenseno); query.setParameter(4, buss.getId()); query.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOimpl.updateRecord()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * ??id?? * @author longxianzhen 2015-08-06 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<BussinessUnitVOToPortal> getBuVOToPortalByProId(Long proId) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT bus.bId,,bus.address,bus.jg_qs_no,bus.jg_lic_url,bus.jg_dis_url,bus.jg_qs_url FROM ( " + "SELECT AS bId,bu.`name`,bu.address,ptb.jg_qs_no,bu.jg_lic_url,bu.jg_dis_url,bu.jg_qs_url FROM product_to_businessunit ptb " + "LEFT JOIN business_unit bu ON " + "WHERE ptb.PRODUCT_ID=?1 AND ptb.effect=1 GROUP BY ptb.jg_qs_no ) AS bus"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, proId); List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); List<BussinessUnitVOToPortal> bus = new ArrayList<BussinessUnitVOToPortal>(); if (objs != null && objs.size() > 0) { for (Object[] obj : objs) { BussinessUnitVOToPortal bu = new BussinessUnitVOToPortal(); bu.setId(obj[0] != null ? Long.parseLong(obj[0].toString()) : -1L); bu.setName(obj[1] != null ? obj[1].toString() : ""); bu.setAddress(obj[2] != null ? obj[2].toString() : ""); bu.setQs_no(obj[3] != null ? obj[3].toString() : ""); bu.setLicImg(obj[4] != null ? obj[4].toString() : ""); bu.setDisImg(obj[5] != null ? obj[5].toString() : ""); bu.setQsImg(obj[6] != null ? obj[6].toString() : ""); bus.add(bu); } } return bus; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOimpl.getBuVOToPortalByProId()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } public BusinessUnit finUnitSanZenInfo(long orgId) throws DaoException { String sql = "select,oi.org_code,oi.org_name,oi.start_time,oi.end_time," + "li.license_no,li.license_name,li.start_time,li.end_time," + "li.registration_time,li.legal_name,,trc.taxer_name" + " from business_unit bu" + " LEFT JOIN organizing_institution oi ON bu.org_code = oi.org_code" + " LEFT JOIN license_info li ON bu.license_no = li.license_no " + " LEFT JOIN tax_register_cert trc ON bu.tax_register_id = " + " where bu.organization = ?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, orgId); List<Object[]> result = query.getResultList(); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { LicenseInfo linces = new LicenseInfo(); TaxRegisterInfo tax = new TaxRegisterInfo(); OrganizingInstitution org = new OrganizingInstitution(); BusinessUnit businessUnit = new BusinessUnit(); Object[] obj = result.get(0); String name = obj[0] == null ? null : obj[0].toString(); String orgcode = obj[1] == null ? null : obj[1].toString(); String orgname = obj[2] == null ? null : obj[2].toString(); String orgStartTime = obj[3] == null ? null : obj[3].toString(); String orgEndTime = obj[4] == null ? null : obj[4].toString(); String licenseNo = obj[5] == null ? null : obj[5].toString(); String licenseName = obj[6] == null ? null : obj[6].toString(); String licenseStartTime = obj[7] == null ? null : obj[7].toString(); String licenseEndTime = obj[8] == null ? null : obj[8].toString(); String linceRegisterTime = obj[9] == null ? null : obj[9].toString(); String linceLeageName = obj[10] == null ? null : obj[10].toString(); String taxId = obj[11] == null ? null : obj[11].toString(); String taxName = obj[12] == null ? null : obj[12].toString(); businessUnit.setName(name); org.setOrgName(orgname); org.setOrgCode(orgcode); org.setStartTime(DateUtil.str2Date(orgStartTime)); org.setEndTime(DateUtil.str2Date(orgEndTime)); businessUnit.setOrgInstitution(org); linces.setLicenseNo(licenseNo); linces.setLicensename(licenseName); linces.setStartTime(DateUtil.str2Date(licenseStartTime)); linces.setEndTime(DateUtil.str2Date(licenseEndTime)); linces.setRegistrationTime(DateUtil.str2Date(linceRegisterTime)); linces.setLegalName(linceLeageName); businessUnit.setLicense(linces); tax.setId(Long.parseLong(taxId)); tax.setTaxerName(taxName); businessUnit.setTaxRegister(tax); return businessUnit; } return null; } /** * ???? * @author longxiaznhen 2015/08/07 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public BusinessUnit findSCByOrgnizationId(Long organization) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT,bu.`name`,bu.address, " + "bu.other_address,,bu.person_in_charge, " + ",,bu.postal_code,bu.telephone, " + "bu.fax,bu.license_no,bu.org_code,bu.distribution_no, " + "bu.organization ,bu.about,bu.type " + "FROM business_unit bu WHERE bu.organization=?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, organization); List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); BusinessUnit bu = null; if (objs != null && objs.size() > 0) { Object[] obj = objs.get(0); bu = new BusinessUnit(); bu.setId(obj[0] != null ? Long.parseLong(obj[0].toString()) : -1L); bu.setName(obj[1] != null ? obj[1].toString() : ""); bu.setAddress(obj[2] != null ? obj[2].toString() : ""); bu.setOtherAddress(obj[3] != null ? obj[3].toString() : ""); bu.setWebsite(obj[4] != null ? obj[4].toString() : ""); bu.setPersonInCharge(obj[5] != null ? obj[5].toString() : ""); bu.setContact(obj[6] != null ? obj[6].toString() : ""); bu.setEmail(obj[7] != null ? obj[7].toString() : ""); bu.setPostalCode(obj[8] != null ? obj[8].toString() : ""); bu.setTelephone(obj[9] != null ? obj[9].toString() : ""); bu.setFax(obj[10] != null ? obj[10].toString() : ""); bu.setLicense(new LicenseInfo(obj[11] != null ? obj[11].toString() : "")); bu.setOrgInstitution(new OrganizingInstitution(obj[12] != null ? obj[12].toString() : "")); bu.setDistribution(new CirculationPermitInfo(obj[13] != null ? obj[13].toString() : "")); bu.setOrganization(obj[14] != null ? Long.parseLong(obj[14].toString()) : -1L); bu.setAbout(obj[15] != null ? obj[15].toString() : ""); bu.setType(obj[16] != null ? obj[16].toString() : ""); } return bu; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOimpl.getBuVOToPortalByProId()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public boolean updateSignStatus(String busName, boolean signFlag, boolean passFlag) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "UPDATE business_unit SET sign_flag = ?1, pass_flag = ?2 WHERE name = ?3"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, signFlag); query.setParameter(2, passFlag); query.setParameter(3, busName); query.executeUpdate(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DaoException("BusinessUnitDAOimpl.updateRecord()-->" + e.getMessage(), e); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public BusinessUnit findByNameOrganization(String name) { String sql = "SELECT id,organization FROM business_unit WHERE NAME=?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, name); List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); BusinessUnit bu = null; if (objs != null && objs.size() > 0) { Object[] obj = objs.get(0); bu = new BusinessUnit(); bu.setId(obj[0] != null ? Long.parseLong(obj[0].toString()) : -1L); bu.setOrganization(obj[1] != null ? Long.parseLong(obj[1].toString()) : -1L); } return bu; } @Override public void updateBusinessUnit(String strImg, Long id, String url) { try { String sql = "UPDATE business_unit SET " + strImg + "=?1"; sql += " WHERE id = ?2 "; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, url); query.setParameter(2, id); query.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Resource> getByIdResourceList(Long id, String strColumn) { List<Resource> resList = new ArrayList<Resource>(); try { String sql = " SELECT,pbl.business_name,"; sql += " ttr.RESOURCE_ID,ttr.FILE_NAME,ttr.RESOURCE_NAME,ttr.URL,ttr.UPLOAD_DATE,tsrt.RESOURCE_TYPE_ID,"; sql += " tsrt.CONTENT_TYPE,tsrt.RESOURCE_TYPE_DESC,tsrt.RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME FROM product_business_license pbl "; sql += " LEFT JOIN t_test_resource ttr ON ttr.RESOURCE_ID = " + strColumn; sql += " LEFT JOIN T_SYS_RESOURCE_TYPE tsrt ON tsrt.RESOURCE_TYPE_ID = ttr.RESOURCE_TYPE_ID "; sql += " WHERE product_id = ?1 ORDER BY ASC "; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, id); List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); for (Object[] obj : objs) { Resource res = new Resource(); res.setBusinessToId(obj[0] == null ? null : Long.parseLong(obj[0].toString())); res.setBusinessName(obj[1] == null ? null : obj[1].toString()); res.setId(obj[2] == null ? null : Long.parseLong(obj[2].toString())); res.setFileName(obj[3] == null ? null : obj[3].toString()); res.setName(obj[4] == null ? null : obj[4].toString()); res.setUrl(obj[5] == null ? null : obj[5].toString()); res.setUploadDate(obj[6] == null ? null : (Date) obj[6]); ResourceType rt = new ResourceType(); rt.setRtId(obj[7] == null ? null : Long.parseLong(obj[7].toString())); rt.setContentType(obj[8] == null ? null : obj[8].toString()); rt.setRtDesc(obj[9] == null ? null : obj[9].toString()); rt.setRtName(obj[10] == null ? null : obj[10].toString()); res.setType(rt); resList.add(res); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return resList; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<BussinessUnitVOToPortal> getBuVOToPortalByBarcode(String barcode) { List<BussinessUnitVOToPortal> bus = new ArrayList<BussinessUnitVOToPortal>(); try { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT,,t.address,t.jg_lic_url,t.jg_dis_url,t.jg_qs_url,t.qs_no "; sql += " FROM ("; sql += "SELECT,,bu.address,bu.jg_lic_url,bu.jg_dis_url,bu.jg_qs_url, "; sql += "(SELECT MAX(pis.qs_no) FROM product_instance pis WHERE qs_no "; sql += "FROM business_unit bu "; sql += "INNER JOIN product p ON = p.producer_id "; sql += "WHERE p.barcode = ?1 "; sql += "UNION ALL "; sql += "SELECT,,bus.address,bus.jg_lic_url,bus.jg_dis_url,bus.jg_qs_url, "; sql += "(SELECT MAX(pis.qs_no) FROM product_instance pis WHERE qs_no "; sql += "FROM business_unit bus "; sql += "INNER JOIN product_business_license pbl ON = pbl.business_id "; sql += "INNER JOIN product ps ON pbl.product_id = "; sql += "WHERE ps.barcode = ?1 ) t "; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, barcode); List<Object[]> objs = query.getResultList(); if (objs != null && objs.size() > 0) { for (Object[] obj : objs) { BussinessUnitVOToPortal bu = new BussinessUnitVOToPortal(); bu.setId(obj[0] != null ? Long.parseLong(obj[0].toString()) : -1L); bu.setName(obj[1] != null ? obj[1].toString() : ""); bu.setAddress(obj[2] != null ? obj[2].toString() : ""); bu.setLicImg(obj[3] != null ? obj[3].toString() : ""); bu.setDisImg(obj[4] != null ? obj[4].toString() : ""); bu.setQsImg(obj[5] != null ? obj[5].toString() : ""); bu.setQs_no(obj[6] != null ? obj[6].toString() : ""); bus.add(bu); } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return bus; } /** * ????.?,???? */ public BusinessUnit getBusinessUnitByCondition(String businessName, String qsNo, String licenseNo) { if (licenseNo != null && !licenseNo.equals("")) { String sql = "select e from " + this.entityClass.getName() + " e where e.license.licenseNo=?1"; Query query = entityManager.createQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, licenseNo); List<BusinessUnit> businessUnitList = query.getResultList(); if (businessUnitList.size() > 0) { return businessUnitList.get(0); } } if (businessName != null && !businessName.equals("")) { String sql = "select e from " + this.entityClass.getName() + " e where"; Query query = entityManager.createQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, businessName); List<BusinessUnit> businessUnitList = query.getResultList(); if (businessUnitList.size() > 0) { return businessUnitList.get(0); } } if (qsNo != null && !qsNo.equals("")) { String sql = "SELECT, FROM business_unit bu "; sql += " inner JOIN product_to_businessunit ptb ON = ptb.business_id "; sql += " inner JOIN production_license_info pli ON "; sql += " WHERE pli.qs_no=?1 "; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter(1, qsNo); List<BusinessUnit> businessUnitList = query.getResultList(); if (businessUnitList.size() > 0) { return businessUnitList.get(0); } } return null; } }