Java tutorial
/* * #%L * Perka Client Library * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 Perka Inc. * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ package com.getperka.client; import; import; import java.util.UUID; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import com.getperka.flatpack.client.StatusCodeException; import; import; /** * Authentication-related utility methods for interacting with Perka. */ public class AuthUtils { private final Perka api; private String accessToken; private DateTime accessExpiration; private String refreshToken; private UUID userUuid; AuthUtils(Perka api) { this.api = api; } /** * Shorthand method for {@link #become(UUID, String)}. */ public Perka become(AbstractUser user) throws IOException { return become(user.getUuid(), user.getRole()); } /** * Attempts to switch to the requested user and role. If successful, this method returns a new * PerkaApi instance configured with the user's access credentials. * * @param user the UUID of the requested {@link AbstractUser} * @param role the role ofthe requested {@link AbstractUser} * @return A new instance of {@link Perka} */ public Perka become(UUID user, String role) throws IOException { String payload = "grant_type=client_credentials" + "&scope=" + URLEncoder.encode(role, "UTF8") + ":" + user; Perka copy = api.newInstance(); copy.auth().executeTokenRequest(payload); return copy; } public DateTime getAccessExpiration() { return accessExpiration; } public String getAccessToken() { return accessToken; } public String getRefreshToken() { return refreshToken; } public UUID getUserUuid() { return userUuid; } /** * Obtain an access key and refresh token. * * @param integratorId the Perka-assigned UUID for your integration * @param integratorSecret the password for the integrator account */ public void integratorLogin(UUID integratorId, String integratorSecret) throws IOException { String payload = "grant_type=password" + "&username=" + integratorId + "&client_id=" + integratorId + "&password=" + URLEncoder.encode(integratorSecret, "UTF8") + "&scope=INTEGRATOR"; executeTokenRequest(payload); } /** * Obtain a new access key using integrator credentials and a refresh token. */ public void refreshToken(UUID integratorId, String integratorSecret, String refreshToken) throws IOException { String payload = "grant_type=refresh_token" + "&client_id=" + integratorId + "&client_secret=" + URLEncoder.encode(integratorSecret, "UTF8") + "&refresh_token=" + refreshToken; executeTokenRequest(payload); } public void setAccessExpiration(DateTime accessExpiration) { this.accessExpiration = accessExpiration; } public void setAccessToken(String accessToken) { this.accessToken = accessToken; } public void setRefreshToken(String refreshToken) { this.refreshToken = refreshToken; } public void setUserUuid(UUID userUuid) { this.userUuid = userUuid; } void copyFrom(AuthUtils other) { accessExpiration = other.accessExpiration; accessToken = other.accessToken; refreshToken = other.refreshToken; userUuid = other.userUuid; } private void executeTokenRequest(String payload) throws IOException, StatusCodeException { TokenRequest req = new TokenRequest(api, payload); JsonElement elt = req.execute(); if (elt != null && elt.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject obj = elt.getAsJsonObject(); int statusCode = obj.get("status_code").getAsInt(); if (200 != statusCode) { StatusCodeException sce = new StatusCodeException(statusCode, null); sce.setJsonElement(obj); throw sce; } String expires = getOrNull(obj, "expires_in"); if (expires != null) { setAccessExpiration(; } setAccessToken(getOrNull(obj, "access_token")); setRefreshToken(getOrNull(obj, "refresh_token")); String uuid = getOrNull(obj, "uuid"); if (uuid != null) { setUserUuid(UUID.fromString(uuid)); } } } private String getOrNull(JsonObject obj, String key) { return obj.has(key) ? obj.get(key).getAsString() : null; } }