Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Jerzy Chalupski * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.getbase.autoindexer; import; import; import; import org.chalup.thneed.ManyToManyRelationship; import org.chalup.thneed.ModelGraph; import org.chalup.thneed.OneToManyRelationship; import org.chalup.thneed.OneToOneRelationship; import org.chalup.thneed.PolymorphicRelationship; import org.chalup.thneed.RecursiveModelRelationship; import org.chalup.thneed.RelationshipVisitor; import java.util.Set; public final class AutoIndexer { public static final String AUTO_INDEX_PREFIX = "auto_index"; private AutoIndexer() { } private static final Joiner COLUMN_JOINER = Joiner.on(","); public static String getCreateStatement(SqliteIndex index) { return "CREATE INDEX " + index.getName() + " ON " + index.mTable + "(" + COLUMN_JOINER.join(index.mColumns) + ")"; } public static Predicate<SqliteIndex> isIndexOnColumn(final String columnName) { return new Predicate<SqliteIndex>() { @Override public boolean apply(SqliteIndex index) { return index.mColumns.length == 1 && index.mColumns[0].equalsIgnoreCase(columnName); } }; } public static Set<SqliteIndex> generateIndexes(ModelGraph<? extends DbTableModel> modelGraph) { final Set<SqliteIndex> indexes = Sets.newHashSet(); modelGraph.accept(new RelationshipVisitor<DbTableModel>() { @Override public void visit(OneToManyRelationship<? extends DbTableModel> relationship) { DbTableModel model = relationship.mModel; DbTableModel referencedModel = relationship.mReferencedModel; indexes.add(new SqliteIndex(model.getDbTable(), relationship.mLinkedByColumn)); indexes.add(new SqliteIndex(referencedModel.getDbTable(), relationship.mReferencedModelIdColumn)); } @Override public void visit(OneToOneRelationship<? extends DbTableModel> relationship) { DbTableModel model = relationship.mModel; DbTableModel linkedModel = relationship.mLinkedModel; indexes.add(new SqliteIndex(linkedModel.getDbTable(), relationship.mLinkedByColumn)); indexes.add(new SqliteIndex(model.getDbTable(), relationship.mParentModelIdColumn)); } @Override public void visit(RecursiveModelRelationship<? extends DbTableModel> relationship) { DbTableModel model = relationship.mModel; indexes.add(new SqliteIndex(model.getDbTable(), relationship.mModelIdColumn)); indexes.add(new SqliteIndex(model.getDbTable(), relationship.mGroupByColumn)); } @Override public void visit(ManyToManyRelationship<? extends DbTableModel> relationship) { // no implementation necessary } @Override public void visit(PolymorphicRelationship<? extends DbTableModel> relationship) { DbTableModel model = relationship.mModel; indexes.add(new SqliteIndex(model.getDbTable(), relationship.mTypeColumnName, relationship.mIdColumnName)); for (DbTableModel dbTableModel : relationship.mPolymorphicModels.values()) { indexes.add(new SqliteIndex(dbTableModel.getDbTable(), relationship.mPolymorphicModelIdColumn)); } } }); return indexes; } }