Java tutorial
/* * ModCreatorFX, a mod generator with templates * Copyright (C) gendai <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package com.gendai.modcreatorfx.template; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import com.gendai.modcreatorfx.codegen.CodeBlock; import com.gendai.modcreatorfx.codegen.JExpr; import com.gendai.modcreatorfx.codegen.JavaTypes.ReturnType; import com.gendai.modcreatorfx.codegen.JavaTypes.Visibility; import com.gendai.modcreatorfx.gui.Reference; import; import; import com.gendai.modcreatorfx.javagen.BaseGenerator; import com.gendai.modcreatorfx.javagen.classgen.ClassGen; import com.gendai.modcreatorfx.javagen.methodgen.MethodDeclarator; import com.gendai.modcreatorfx.javagen.methodgen.MethodParams; import com.gendai.modcreatorfx.resources.Resource; /** * The template for minecraft item, generating all java files. * @author gendai * @version 0.0.1 */ public class ItemTemplate { ItemInfo item; ModInfo mod; File javaDir; File resDir; File proxyDir; File initDir; File itemsDir; File res; File langDir; File modelDir; /** * Create a new ItemTemplate * @param mod the {@link ModInfo}. * @param item the {@link ItemInfo}. */ public ItemTemplate(ModInfo mod, ItemInfo item) { this.item = item; this.mod = mod; } /** * Set up all the directory used then for generating the java files. * Also get the texture file and the json({@link JSONObject}) file and modify as needed. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void config() { javaDir = new File(Reference.OUTPUT_LOCATION + mod.getName() + "/java/" + mod.getName()); javaDir.mkdirs(); resDir = new File( Reference.OUTPUT_LOCATION + mod.getName() + "/resources/assets/" + mod.getName().toLowerCase()); resDir.mkdirs(); proxyDir = new File(javaDir + "/proxy"); proxyDir.mkdirs(); initDir = new File(javaDir + "/init"); initDir.mkdirs(); itemsDir = new File(javaDir + "/items"); itemsDir.mkdirs(); langDir = new File(resDir.getPath() + "/lang/en_US.lang"); langDir.getParentFile().mkdirs(); modelDir = new File(resDir.getPath() + "/models/item/" + item.getName().toLowerCase() + ".json"); modelDir.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try { langDir.createNewFile(); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(langDir.getAbsoluteFile()); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); bw.write("item." + item.getName() + ".name=" + item.getName()); bw.close(); //modeldir.createNewFile(); Files.copy( Paths.get(Resource.class.getResource(item.getType().name() + ".json").getPath().substring(3)), Paths.get(modelDir.toString())); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); Object obj = parser.parse(new FileReader(modelDir.toString())); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj; JSONObject arr = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("textures"); arr.put("layer0", mod.getName().toLowerCase() + ":items/" + item.getName().toLowerCase()); FileWriter file = new FileWriter(modelDir.toString()); String rep = jsonObject.toString().replace("\\/", "/"); file.write(rep); file.flush(); file.close(); } catch (IOException | ParseException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } res = item.getTexturefile(); Path pathto = Paths.get(resDir.getPath() + "/textures/items/" + item.getName().toLowerCase() + ".png"); pathto.toFile().getParentFile().mkdirs(); try { Files.copy(res.toPath(), pathto); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Generate all the java files. * @throws IOException */ public void create() throws IOException { config(); BaseGenerator bg = new BaseGenerator(javaDir + "/" + mod.getName() + ".java", mod.getName(), mod.getName()); ClassGen cg = bg.createClass(mod.getName(), Visibility.PUBLIC, "", "", "@Mod(modid = Reference.MOD_ID, name = Reference.MOD_name, " + "version = Reference.VERSION)", mod.getName()); cg.addImport(mod.getName() + ".init." + mod.getName() + "Items"); cg.addImport(mod.getName() + ".proxy.CommonProxy"); cg.addImport("net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod"); cg.addImport("net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler"); cg.addImport("net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.Instance"); cg.addImport("net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModMetadata"); cg.addImport("net.minecraftforge.fml.common.SidedProxy"); cg.addImport("net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event" + ".FMLInitializationEvent"); cg.addImport("net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event" + ".FMLPostInitializationEvent"); cg.addImport("net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event" + ".FMLPreInitializationEvent"); cg.addImport("net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event" + ".FMLServerStartingEvent"); CodeBlock cb = new CodeBlock(); JExpr expr = new JExpr(); cb.addExpr(expr.annotation("@Instance(Reference.MOD_ID)"), true); cb.addExpr(expr.declare("public static " + mod.getName(), "instance"), false); cb.addExpr(expr.annotation("@SidedProxy(clientSide = Reference" + ".CLIENT_PROXY_CLASS, serverSide = " + "Reference.SERVER_PROXY_CLASS)"), true); cb.addExpr(expr.declare("public static CommonProxy", "proxy"), false); cg.addDeclaration(cb); MethodParams mp = new MethodParams(1); mp.setParamName(new String[] { "event" }); mp.setParamType(new String[] { "FMLPreInitializationEvent" }); MethodDeclarator md = new MethodDeclarator("preInit", ReturnType.VOID, mp, Visibility.PUBLIC); CodeBlock cbm = new CodeBlock(); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().call(mod.getName() + "Items.init(this)"), false); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().call(mod.getName() + "Items.register()"), false); cg.addMethod(md, "@EventHandler", cbm); mp = new MethodParams(1); mp.setParamName(new String[] { "event" }); mp.setParamType(new String[] { "FMLInitializationEvent" }); md = new MethodDeclarator("init", ReturnType.VOID, mp, Visibility.PUBLIC); cbm = new CodeBlock(); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().call("proxy.registerRenders()"), false); cg.addMethod(md, "@EventHandler", cbm); mp = new MethodParams(1); mp.setParamName(new String[] { "event" }); mp.setParamType(new String[] { "FMLPostInitializationEvent" }); md = new MethodDeclarator("postInit", ReturnType.VOID, mp, Visibility.PUBLIC); cbm = new CodeBlock(); cg.addMethod(md, "@EventHandler", cbm); mp = new MethodParams(1); mp.setParamName(new String[] { "event" }); mp.setParamType(new String[] { "FMLServerStartingEvent" }); md = new MethodDeclarator("serverLoad", ReturnType.VOID, mp, Visibility.PUBLIC); cbm = new CodeBlock(); cg.addMethod(md, "@EventHandler", cbm); cg.Build(); bg = new BaseGenerator(javaDir + "/", "Reference", mod.getName()); cg = bg.createClass("Reference", Visibility.PUBLIC, "", "", "", mod.getName()); cbm = new CodeBlock(); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().toJExpr("public static final String MOD_ID"), new JExpr().assignment(new JExpr().variable("\"" + mod.getName().toLowerCase() + "\""))); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().toJExpr("public static final String MOD_name"), new JExpr().assignment(new JExpr().variable("\"" + mod.getName() + "\""))); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().toJExpr("public static final String VERSION"), new JExpr().assignment(new JExpr().variable("\"" + mod.getVersion() + "\""))); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().toJExpr("public static final String " + "CLIENT_PROXY_CLASS"), new JExpr().assignment(new JExpr().variable("\"" + mod.getName() + ".proxy.ClientProxy\""))); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().toJExpr("public static final String " + "SERVER_PROXY_CLASS"), new JExpr().assignment(new JExpr().variable("\"" + mod.getName() + ".proxy.CommonProxy\""))); cg.addDeclaration(cbm); cg.Build(); bg = new BaseGenerator(proxyDir + "/", "ClientProxy", mod.getName()); cg = bg.createClass("ClientProxy", Visibility.PUBLIC, "CommonProxy", "", "", mod.getName() + ".proxy"); cg.addImport(mod.getName() + ".init." + mod.getName() + "Items"); mp = new MethodParams(0); md = new MethodDeclarator("registerRenders", ReturnType.VOID, mp, Visibility.PUBLIC); cbm = new CodeBlock(); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().call(mod.getName() + "Items.registerRenders()"), false); cg.addMethod(md, "@Override", cbm); cg.Build(); bg = new BaseGenerator(proxyDir + "/", "CommonProxy", mod.getName()); cg = bg.createClass("CommonProxy", Visibility.PUBLIC, "", "", "", mod.getName() + ".proxy"); mp = new MethodParams(0); md = new MethodDeclarator("registerRenders", ReturnType.VOID, mp, Visibility.PUBLIC); cbm = new CodeBlock(); cg.addMethod(md, "", cbm); cg.Build(); bg = new BaseGenerator(initDir + "/" + mod.getName() + "", mod.getName() + "Items", mod.getName()); cg = bg.createClass(mod.getName() + "Items", Visibility.PUBLIC, "", "", "", mod.getName() + ".init"); cbm = new CodeBlock(); cg.addImport(mod.getName() + ".Reference"); cg.addImport(mod.getName() + "." + mod.getName()); cg.addImport(mod.getName() + ".items." + item.getName()); cg.addImport("net.minecraft.client.Minecraft"); cg.addImport("net.minecraft.client.resources.model" + ".ModelResourceLocation"); cg.addImport("net.minecraft.item.Item"); cg.addImport("net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.EntityRegistry"); cg.addImport("net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry"); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().declare("public static Item", item.getName().toLowerCase()), false); cg.addDeclaration(cbm); mp = new MethodParams(1); mp.setParamName(new String[] { "mod" }); mp.setParamType(new String[] { mod.getName() }); md = new MethodDeclarator("init", ReturnType.VOID, mp, Visibility.PUBLIC_STATIC); cbm = new CodeBlock(); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().variable(item.getName().toLowerCase()), new JExpr().assignment(new JExpr().Jnew( new JExpr().toJExpr(item.getName() + "(mod).setUnlocalizedName(\"" + item.getName() + "\")")))); cg.SetConstructor(md, cbm); mp = new MethodParams(0); md = new MethodDeclarator("register", ReturnType.VOID, mp, Visibility.PUBLIC_STATIC); cbm = new CodeBlock(); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().toJExpr("GameRegistry.registerItem(" + item.getName().toLowerCase() + "," + item.getName().toLowerCase() + ".getUnlocalizedName().substring(5))"), false); cg.addMethod(md, "", cbm); md = new MethodDeclarator("registerRenders", ReturnType.VOID, mp, Visibility.PUBLIC_STATIC); cbm = new CodeBlock(); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().call("registerRender(" + item.getName().toLowerCase() + ")"), false); cg.addMethod(md, "", cbm); mp = new MethodParams(1); mp.setParamName(new String[] { "item" }); mp.setParamType(new String[] { "Item" }); md = new MethodDeclarator("registerRender", ReturnType.VOID, mp, Visibility.PUBLIC_STATIC); cbm = new CodeBlock(); cbm.addExpr( new JExpr().toJExpr("Minecraft.getMinecraft()" + ".getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher()" + ".register(item, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(" + "Reference.MOD_ID + \":\"+item.getUnlocalizedName()" + ".substring(5), \"inventory\"))"), false); cg.addMethod(md, "", cbm); cg.Build(); bg = new BaseGenerator(itemsDir + "/" + item.getName() + ".java", item.getName(), mod.getName()); cg = bg.createClass(item.getName(), Visibility.PUBLIC, "Item", "", "", mod.getName() + ".items"); cbm = new CodeBlock(); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().declare(mod.getName(), "mod"), false); cg.addDeclaration(cbm); cg.addImport(mod.getName() + "." + mod.getName()); cg.addImport("net.minecraft.item.Item"); mp = new MethodParams(1); mp.setParamName(new String[] { "mod" }); mp.setParamType(new String[] { mod.getName() }); md = new MethodDeclarator(item.getName(), ReturnType.BLANK, mp, Visibility.PUBLIC); cbm = new CodeBlock(); cbm.addExpr(new JExpr().toJExpr("this.mod = mod"), false); cg.SetConstructor(md, cbm); cg.Build(); /*FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream("./javaoutput/"+mod. * getName()+"/"+item.getName()+".ser"); @SuppressWarnings("resource") ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fileIn); fileserial.add((FileSerial)in.readObject());*/ } }