Java tutorial
/** Copyright 2011 Adam Feinstein This file is part of MTG Familiar. MTG Familiar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MTG Familiar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MTG Familiar. If not, see <>. */ package com.gelakinetic.mtgfam.helpers; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import android.content.Context; import com.gelakinetic.mtgfam.R; import; import; public class JsonParser { public interface CardProgressReporter { void reportJsonCardProgress(String... args); } private String currentTCGNamePatchDate = null; private String currentPatchDate = null; private String currentRulesDate = null; public void readCardJsonStream(InputStream in, CardProgressReporter progReport, String setName, CardDbAdapter mDbHelper, Context context) throws IOException { String dialogText = String.format(context.getString(R.string.update_parse_cards), setName); JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "ISO-8859-1")); String s, s1, s2, ptstr; int numTotalElements = 0; int elementsParsed = 0; reader.beginObject(); s = reader.nextName(); ArrayList<MtgSet> setsAdded = new ArrayList<MtgSet>(); progReport.reportJsonCardProgress("determinate", ""); reader.beginObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { s = reader.nextName(); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("v")) { // bdd_date reader.skipValue(); } if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("u")) { // bdd_version reader.skipValue(); } if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("s")) { // sets reader.beginObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { s1 = reader.nextName(); if (s1.equalsIgnoreCase("b")) { // set MtgSet set; JsonToken jt = reader.peek(); if (jt.equals(JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT)) { set = new MtgSet(); reader.beginObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { s2 = reader.nextName(); if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("a")) { // name = reader.nextString(); } if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("r")) { // code_magiccards set.code_magiccards = reader.nextString(); } if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("q")) { // code set.code = reader.nextString(); } if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { // date = reader.nextLong(); } } setsAdded.add(set); reader.endObject(); } else if (jt.equals(JsonToken.BEGIN_ARRAY)) { reader.beginArray(); while (reader.hasNext()) { set = new MtgSet(); reader.beginObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { s2 = reader.nextName(); if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("a")) { // name = reader.nextString(); } if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("r")) { // code_magiccards set.code_magiccards = reader.nextString(); } if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("q")) { // code set.code = reader.nextString(); } if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { // date = reader.nextLong(); } } setsAdded.add(set); reader.endObject(); } reader.endArray(); } } } reader.endObject(); } if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("p")) { // cards reader.beginObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { s1 = reader.nextName(); if (s1.equalsIgnoreCase("o")) { // card MtgCard c; reader.beginArray(); while (reader.hasNext()) { reader.beginObject(); c = new MtgCard(); while (reader.hasNext()) { s2 = reader.nextName(); if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("a")) { // name = reader.nextString(); } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("b")) { // set c.set = reader.nextString(); } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("c")) { // type c.type = reader.nextString(); } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("d")) { // rarity c.rarity = reader.nextString().charAt(0); } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("e")) { // manacost c.manacost = reader.nextString(); } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("f")) { // converted_manacost try { c.cmc = reader.nextInt(); } catch (Exception e) { reader.skipValue(); } } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("g")) { // power try { ptstr = reader.nextString(); try { c.power = Integer.parseInt(ptstr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (ptstr.equals("*")) { c.power = CardDbAdapter.STAR; } else if (ptstr.equals("1+*")) { c.power = CardDbAdapter.ONEPLUSSTAR; } else if (ptstr.equals("2+*")) { c.power = CardDbAdapter.TWOPLUSSTAR; } else if (ptstr.equals("7-*")) { c.power = CardDbAdapter.SEVENMINUSSTAR; } else if (ptstr.equals("*{^2}")) { c.power = CardDbAdapter.STARSQUARED; } else if (ptstr.equals("{1/2}")) { c.power = 0.5f; } else if (ptstr.equals("1{1/2}")) { c.power = 1.5f; } else if (ptstr.equals("2{1/2}")) { c.power = 2.5f; } else if (ptstr.equals("3{1/2}")) { c.power = 3.5f; } } } catch (Exception e) { reader.skipValue(); } } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("h")) { // toughness try { ptstr = reader.nextString(); try { c.toughness = Integer.parseInt(ptstr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (ptstr.equals("*")) { c.toughness = CardDbAdapter.STAR; } else if (ptstr.equals("1+*")) { c.toughness = CardDbAdapter.ONEPLUSSTAR; } else if (ptstr.equals("2+*")) { c.toughness = CardDbAdapter.TWOPLUSSTAR; } else if (ptstr.equals("7-*")) { c.toughness = CardDbAdapter.SEVENMINUSSTAR; } else if (ptstr.equals("*{^2}")) { c.toughness = CardDbAdapter.STARSQUARED; } else if (ptstr.equals("{1/2}")) { c.toughness = 0.5f; } else if (ptstr.equals("1{1/2}")) { c.toughness = 1.5f; } else if (ptstr.equals("2{1/2}")) { c.toughness = 2.5f; } else if (ptstr.equals("3{1/2}")) { c.toughness = 3.5f; } } } catch (Exception e) { reader.skipValue(); } } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("i")) { // loyalty try { c.loyalty = reader.nextInt(); } catch (Exception e) { reader.skipValue(); } } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("j")) { // ability c.ability = reader.nextString(); } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("k")) { // flavor c.flavor = reader.nextString(); } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("l")) { // artist c.artist = reader.nextString(); } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("m")) { // number try { c.number = reader.nextString(); } catch (Exception e) { reader.skipValue(); } } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("n")) { // color c.color = reader.nextString(); } else if (s2.equalsIgnoreCase("x")) { // multiverse id c.multiverse_id = reader.nextInt(); } } mDbHelper.createCard(c); elementsParsed++; progReport.reportJsonCardProgress(new String[] { dialogText, dialogText, "" + (int) Math.round(100 * elementsParsed / (double) numTotalElements) }); reader.endObject(); } reader.endArray(); } } reader.endObject(); } if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("w")) { // num_cards numTotalElements = reader.nextInt(); } } reader.endObject(); reader.close(); // Add the set information to the database AFTER adding the cards. // This way if the update fails while parsing cards, the database won't think it has the set already, when it doesnt. for (MtgSet set : setsAdded) { mDbHelper.createSet(set); } return; } public ArrayList<String[]> readUpdateJsonStream(PreferencesAdapter prefAdapter) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { ArrayList<String[]> patchInfo = new ArrayList<String[]>(); URL update; String label; String label2; update = new URL(""); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(update.openStream(), "ISO-8859-1"); JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(isr); reader.beginObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { label = reader.nextName(); if (label.equals("Date")) { String lastUpdate = prefAdapter.getLastUpdate(); currentPatchDate = reader.nextString(); if (lastUpdate.equals(currentPatchDate)) { reader.close(); return null; } } else if (label.equals("Patches")) { reader.beginArray(); while (reader.hasNext()) { reader.beginObject(); String[] setdata = new String[3]; while (reader.hasNext()) { label2 = reader.nextName(); if (label2.equals("Name")) { setdata[0] = reader.nextString(); } else if (label2.equals("URL")) { setdata[1] = reader.nextString(); } else if (label2.equals("Code")) { setdata[2] = reader.nextString(); } } patchInfo.add(setdata); reader.endObject(); } reader.endArray(); } } reader.endObject(); reader.close(); return patchInfo; } public void readLegalityJsonStream(CardDbAdapter cda, PreferencesAdapter prefAdapter, boolean reparseDatabase) throws IOException, FamiliarDbException { CardDbAdapter mDbHelper; String legalSet; String bannedCard; String restrictedCard; String formatName; String jsonArrayName; String jsonTopLevelName; URL legal = new URL(""); InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(legal.openStream()); JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "ISO-8859-1")); mDbHelper = cda; reader.beginObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { jsonTopLevelName = reader.nextName(); if (jsonTopLevelName.equalsIgnoreCase("Date")) { currentRulesDate = reader.nextString(); // compare date, maybe return, update sharedprefs String spDate = prefAdapter.getLegalityDate(); if (spDate != null && spDate.equals(currentRulesDate)) { if (!reparseDatabase) { // if we're reparsing, screw the date reader.close(); return; // dates match, nothing new here. } } mDbHelper.dropLegalTables(); mDbHelper.createLegalTables(); } else if (jsonTopLevelName.equalsIgnoreCase("Formats")) { reader.beginObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { formatName = reader.nextName(); mDbHelper.createFormat(formatName); reader.beginObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { jsonArrayName = reader.nextName(); if (jsonArrayName.equalsIgnoreCase("Sets")) { reader.beginArray(); while (reader.hasNext()) { legalSet = reader.nextString(); mDbHelper.addLegalSet(legalSet, formatName); } reader.endArray(); } else if (jsonArrayName.equalsIgnoreCase("Banlist")) { reader.beginArray(); while (reader.hasNext()) { bannedCard = reader.nextString(); mDbHelper.addLegalCard(bannedCard, formatName, CardDbAdapter.BANNED); } reader.endArray(); } else if (jsonArrayName.equalsIgnoreCase("Restrictedlist")) { reader.beginArray(); while (reader.hasNext()) { restrictedCard = reader.nextString(); mDbHelper.addLegalCard(restrictedCard, formatName, CardDbAdapter.RESTRICTED); } reader.endArray(); } } reader.endObject(); } reader.endObject(); } } reader.endObject(); reader.close(); return; } public void readTCGNameJsonStream(PreferencesAdapter prefAdapter, CardDbAdapter mDbHelper, boolean reparseDatabase) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, FamiliarDbException { URL update; String label; String label2; String name = null, code = null; update = new URL(""); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(update.openStream(), "ISO-8859-1"); JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(isr); reader.beginObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { label = reader.nextName(); if (label.equals("Date")) { String lastUpdate = prefAdapter.getLastTCGNameUpdate(); currentTCGNamePatchDate = reader.nextString(); if (lastUpdate.equals(currentTCGNamePatchDate) && !reparseDatabase) { reader.close(); return; } } else if (label.equals("Sets")) { reader.beginArray(); while (reader.hasNext()) { reader.beginObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { label2 = reader.nextName(); if (label2.equals("Code")) { code = reader.nextString(); } else if (label2.equals("TCGName")) { name = reader.nextString(); } } mDbHelper.addTCGname(name, code); reader.endObject(); } reader.endArray(); } } reader.endObject(); reader.close(); } public void commitDates(PreferencesAdapter prefAdapter) { prefAdapter.setLastUpdate(currentTCGNamePatchDate); prefAdapter.setLastTCGNameUpdate(currentPatchDate); prefAdapter.setLegalityDate(currentRulesDate); currentTCGNamePatchDate = null; currentPatchDate = null; currentRulesDate = null; } }