Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 GeekSaga. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.geeksaga.light.profiler.asm; import com.geeksaga.light.profiler.util.ASMUtil; import com.geeksaga.light.profiler.util.ConstantPoolWrapper; import org.objectweb.asm.*; import org.objectweb.asm.optimizer.AnnotationConstantsCollector; import org.objectweb.asm.optimizer.FieldConstantsCollector; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * @author geeksaga */ public class ClassNodeWrapper extends ClassNode { public List<MethodWrapper> methodVisitWrappers; public ConstantPoolWrapper constantPool; private boolean isExtend = true; private String packageName; private String className; private String superClassName; public ClassNodeWrapper() { this(Opcodes.ASM5); } public ClassNodeWrapper(final int api) { super(api); methodVisitWrappers = new ArrayList<MethodWrapper>(); constantPool = new ConstantPoolWrapper(); } public String getClassName() { if (className == null) { className = ASMUtil.convertForAgent(name); } return className; } public String getSuperClassName() { if (superName != null) { superClassName = ASMUtil.convertForAgent(superName); } return superClassName; } public String getPackageName() { if (packageName == null) { int index = getClassName().lastIndexOf('.'); if (index > -1) { packageName = getClassName().substring(0, index); } } return packageName; } public String[] getAllSuperClassNames() { return ASMUtil.getAllSuperClassesNames(this); } public String[] getInterfaceNames() { return ASMUtil.getInterfaceNames(this); } public String[] getAllInterfaceNames() { return ASMUtil.getAllInterfaceNames(this); } public boolean isInterface() { return ((access & Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE) != 0); } @Override public void visit(final int version, final int access, final String name, final String signature, final String superName, final String[] interfaces) { if ((access & Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED) != 0) { constantPool.newUTF8("Deprecated", isExtend); } if ((access & Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0) { constantPool.newUTF8("Synthetic", isExtend); } constantPool.newClass(name, isExtend); if (signature != null) { constantPool.newUTF8("Signature", isExtend); constantPool.newUTF8(signature, isExtend); } if (superName != null) { constantPool.newClass(superName, isExtend); } if (interfaces != null) { for (String anInterface : interfaces) { constantPool.newClass(anInterface, isExtend); } } super.visit(version, access, name, signature, superName, interfaces); } @Override public void visitSource(final String source, final String debug) { if (source != null) { constantPool.newUTF8("SourceFile", isExtend); constantPool.newUTF8(source, isExtend); } if (debug != null) { constantPool.newUTF8("SourceDebugExtension", isExtend); } super.visitSource(source, debug); } @Override public void visitOuterClass(final String owner, final String name, final String desc) { constantPool.newUTF8("EnclosingMethod", isExtend); constantPool.newClass(owner, isExtend); if (name != null && desc != null) { constantPool.newNameType(name, desc, isExtend); } super.visitOuterClass(owner, name, desc); } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(final String desc, final boolean visible) { constantPool.newUTF8(desc, isExtend); if (visible) { constantPool.newUTF8("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations", isExtend); } else { constantPool.newUTF8("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations", isExtend); } return new AnnotationConstantsCollector(super.visitAnnotation(desc, visible), constantPool); } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitTypeAnnotation(int typeRef, TypePath typePath, String desc, boolean visible) { constantPool.newUTF8(desc, isExtend); if (visible) { constantPool.newUTF8("RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations", isExtend); } else { constantPool.newUTF8("RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations", isExtend); } return new AnnotationConstantsCollector(super.visitAnnotation(desc, visible), constantPool); } @Override public void visitAttribute(final Attribute attr) { super.visitAttribute(attr); } @Override public void visitInnerClass(final String name, final String outerName, final String innerName, final int access) { constantPool.newUTF8("InnerClasses", isExtend); if (name != null) { constantPool.newClass(name, isExtend); } if (outerName != null) { constantPool.newClass(outerName, isExtend); } if (innerName != null) { constantPool.newUTF8(innerName, isExtend); } super.visitInnerClass(name, outerName, innerName, access); } @Override public FieldVisitor visitField(final int access, final String name, final String desc, final String signature, final Object value) { if ((access & Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0) { constantPool.newUTF8("Synthetic", isExtend); } if ((access & Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED) != 0) { constantPool.newUTF8("Deprecated", isExtend); } constantPool.newUTF8(name, isExtend); constantPool.newUTF8(desc, isExtend); if (signature != null) { constantPool.newUTF8("Signature", isExtend); constantPool.newUTF8(signature, isExtend); } if (value != null) { constantPool.newConst(value, isExtend); } return new FieldConstantsCollector(super.visitField(access, name, desc, signature, value), constantPool); } // @Override // public MethodVisitor visitMethod(int access, String name, String desc, String signature, String[] exceptions) // { // CodeSizeEvaluatorWrapper methodVisitWrapper = new CodeSizeEvaluatorWrapper(super.visitMethod(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions)); // methodVisitWrappers.add(methodVisitWrapper); // // return methodVisitWrapper; // } @Override public MethodVisitor visitMethod(final int access, final String name, final String desc, final String signature, final String[] exceptions) { if ((access & Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0) { constantPool.newUTF8("Synthetic", isExtend); } if ((access & Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED) != 0) { constantPool.newUTF8("Deprecated", isExtend); } constantPool.newUTF8(name, isExtend); constantPool.newUTF8(desc, isExtend); if (signature != null) { constantPool.newUTF8("Signature", isExtend); constantPool.newUTF8(signature, isExtend); } if (exceptions != null) { constantPool.newUTF8("Exceptions", isExtend); for (String exception : exceptions) { constantPool.newClass(exception, isExtend); } } MethodWrapper methodWrapper = new MethodWrapper( super.visitMethod(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions), constantPool); methodVisitWrappers.add(methodWrapper); return methodWrapper; } }