Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2008 Eugene Creswick * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.gdc.nms.web.mibquery.wizard.ciscavate.cjwizard; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.zkoss.zul.Panel; import com.gdc.nms.web.mibquery.wizard.ciscavate.cjwizard.pagetemplates.*; import com.gdc.nms.web.mibquery.wizard.ciscavate.utilities.ExceptionUtilities; /** * This is the primary "Wizard" class. It must be instantiated with a * PageFactory and then treated as a JPanel. * * @author rcreswick * */ public class WizardContainer extends Panel implements WizardController { /** * Commons logging log instance */ private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WizardContainer.class); /** * Resource to translate GUI elements. */ private static ResourceBundle msg = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.ciscavate.cjwizard.i18n.cjwizard"); private static final String I18N_NEXT = "NEXT"; private static final String I18N_PREVIOUS = "PREVIOUS"; private static final String I18N_FINISH = "FINISH"; private static final String I18N_CANCEL = "CANCEL"; /** * Storage for all the collected information. */ private WizardSettings _settings; /** * The path from the start of the dialog to the current location. */ private final List<WizardPage> _path; /** * The path of already-visited pages starting from the current page. */ private final Deque<WizardPage> _visitedPath; /** * List of listeners to update on wizard events. */ private final List<WizardListener> _listeners; /** * The template to surround the wizard pages of this dialog. */ private PageTemplate _template; /** * The factory that generates pages for this wizard. */ private final PageFactory _factory; /** * The panel containing any dynamically-added buttons. */ private JPanel _extraButtonPanel; /** * Save the statuses of the Next button so we can restore it when going back. */ private Deque<Boolean> _nextStatuses; /** * Save the statuses of the Finish button so we can restore it when going back. */ private Deque<Boolean> _finishStatuses; /** * Save the statuses of the Previous button so we can restore it when going * back. */ private Deque<Boolean> _prevStatuses; /** * Save the statuses of the Cancel button so we can restore it when going back. */ private Deque<Boolean> _cancelStatuses; /** * Save the statuses of the Next button of visited pages. */ private Deque<Boolean> _visitedNextStatuses; /** * Save the statuses of the Finish button of visited pages. */ private Deque<Boolean> _visitedFinishStatuses; /** * Save the statuses of the Previous button of visited pages. */ private Deque<Boolean> _visitedPrevStatuses; /** * Save the statuses of the Cancel button of visited pages. */ private Deque<Boolean> _visitedCancelStatuses; private final AbstractAction _prevAction = new AbstractAction(msg.getString(I18N_PREVIOUS)) { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3544187996163884815L; { setEnabled(false); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { prev(); } }; private final AbstractAction _nextAction = new AbstractAction(msg.getString(I18N_NEXT)) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4175292094891534750L; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { next(); } }; private final AbstractAction _finishAction = new AbstractAction(msg.getString(I18N_FINISH)) { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1556582296948163049L; { setEnabled(false); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { finish(); } }; private final AbstractAction _cancelAction = new AbstractAction(msg.getString(I18N_CANCEL)) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2757580981402133120L; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { cancel(); } }; /** * Constructor, uses default PageTemplate and {@link StackWizardSettings}. * * @param factory The factory that will create the pages. */ public WizardContainer(PageFactory factory) { this(factory, new DefaultPageTemplate(), new StackWizardSettings()); } /** * Customized constructor. * @param factory The factory which will be used to create the pages. * @param template Template to put inside the pages. * @param settings The settings to store the values put by the user. */ public WizardContainer(PageFactory factory, PageTemplate template, WizardSettings settings) { _factory = factory; _template = template; _settings = settings; _path = new LinkedList<WizardPage>(); _visitedPath = new ArrayDeque<WizardPage>(); _listeners = new LinkedList<WizardListener>(); _cancelStatuses = new ArrayDeque<Boolean>(); _prevStatuses = new ArrayDeque<Boolean>(); _nextStatuses = new ArrayDeque<Boolean>(); _finishStatuses = new ArrayDeque<Boolean>(); _visitedCancelStatuses = new ArrayDeque<Boolean>(); _visitedPrevStatuses = new ArrayDeque<Boolean>(); _visitedNextStatuses = new ArrayDeque<Boolean>(); _visitedFinishStatuses = new ArrayDeque<Boolean>(); initComponents(); _template.registerController(this); // get the first page: next(); } /** * */ private void initComponents() { final JButton prevBtn = new JButton(_prevAction); final JButton nextBtn = new JButton(_nextAction); final JButton finishBtn = new JButton(_finishAction); final JButton cancelBtn = new JButton(_cancelAction); _extraButtonPanel = new JPanel(); _extraButtonPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(_extraButtonPanel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); final JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(buttonPanel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); buttonPanel.add(_extraButtonPanel); buttonPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); buttonPanel.add(prevBtn); buttonPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); buttonPanel.add(nextBtn); buttonPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); buttonPanel.add(finishBtn); buttonPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); buttonPanel.add(cancelBtn); buttonPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 15, 5, 15)); //this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); //this.add(_template, BorderLayout.CENTER); //this.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } /** * Add additional buttons to the wizard controls. Any previously-added * buttons are cleared on each call to this method. * * @param buttons * The buttons to add to the wizard controls. */ public void setButtons(JButton... buttons) { _extraButtonPanel.removeAll(); for (JButton button : buttons) { _extraButtonPanel.add(button); _extraButtonPanel.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); } } /** * The PageFactory is not queried for pages when moving *backwards*. */ public void prev() { log.debug("prev. page"); // store visited pages WizardPage removing = _path.remove(_path.size() - 1); if (!removing.onPrev(getSettings())) { return; } _visitedPath.push(removing); // update roll-back the settings: removing.updateSettings(getSettings()); getSettings().rollBack(); // Save current buttons statuses. _visitedCancelStatuses.push(_cancelAction.isEnabled()); _visitedPrevStatuses.push(_prevAction.isEnabled()); _visitedNextStatuses.push(_nextAction.isEnabled()); _visitedFinishStatuses.push(_finishAction.isEnabled()); // Restore the buttons status. _cancelAction.setEnabled(_cancelStatuses.pop()); _prevAction.setEnabled(_prevStatuses.pop()); _nextAction.setEnabled(_nextStatuses.pop()); _finishAction.setEnabled(_finishStatuses.pop()); assert 1 <= _path.size() : "Invalid path size! " + _path.size(); setPrevEnabled(_path.size() > 1); WizardPage curPage = _path.get(_path.size() - 1); // tell the page that it is about to be rendered: curPage.rendering(getPath(), getSettings()); _template.setPage(curPage); firePageChanged(curPage, getPath()); } /** * Called when the page must advance to the next page. */ public void next() { log.debug("next page"); WizardPage lastPage = currentPage(); if (null != lastPage) { if (!lastPage.onNext(getSettings())) { return; } // get the settings from the page that is going away: getSettings().newPage(lastPage.getId()); lastPage.updateSettings(getSettings()); // Save the current buttons status _cancelStatuses.push(_cancelAction.isEnabled()); _prevStatuses.push(_prevAction.isEnabled()); _nextStatuses.push(_nextAction.isEnabled()); _finishStatuses.push(_finishAction.isEnabled()); } // Get the next page WizardPage nextPage = null; if (_visitedPath.isEmpty() || _factory.isTransient(getPath(), getSettings())) { // If we can't use the cached page, create a new one. nextPage = _factory.createPage(getPath(), getSettings()); /* * We can't know if next pages buttons statuses are ok to be restored, * so we discard the visited statuses and use the defaults. */ if (!_visitedPath.isEmpty()) { _visitedPath.pop(); _visitedCancelStatuses.pop(); _visitedPrevStatuses.pop(); _visitedNextStatuses.pop(); _visitedFinishStatuses.pop(); } // Estar activado por defecto si haba alguna pgina antes. setPrevEnabled(_path.size() >= 1); } else { // Else use the previously cached page. nextPage = _visitedPath.pop(); // Restore the buttons status. _cancelAction.setEnabled(_visitedCancelStatuses.pop()); _prevAction.setEnabled(_visitedPrevStatuses.pop()); _nextAction.setEnabled(_visitedNextStatuses.pop()); _finishAction.setEnabled(_visitedFinishStatuses.pop()); } nextPage.registerController(this); _path.add(nextPage); // tell the page that it is about to be rendered: nextPage.rendering(getPath(), getSettings()); _template.setPage(nextPage); firePageChanged(nextPage, getPath()); } public void visitPage(WizardPage page) { int idx = _path.indexOf(page); WizardPage lastPage = currentPage(); if (null != lastPage) { // update the settings before leaving lastPage.updateSettings(getSettings()); } // Buttons status of the new page. boolean cancelEnabled = true, previousEnabled = true, nextEnabled = true, finishEnabled = false; if (-1 == idx) { // new page if (null != lastPage) { // get the settings from the page that is going away: getSettings().newPage(lastPage.getId()); // Save the current statuses _cancelStatuses.push(_cancelAction.isEnabled()); _prevStatuses.push(_prevAction.isEnabled()); _nextStatuses.push(_nextAction.isEnabled()); _finishStatuses.push(_finishAction.isEnabled()); } // add back all visited pages while (!_visitedPath.isEmpty()) { cancelEnabled = _visitedCancelStatuses.pop(); previousEnabled = _visitedPrevStatuses.pop(); nextEnabled = _visitedNextStatuses.pop(); finishEnabled = _visitedFinishStatuses.pop(); WizardPage visited = _visitedPath.pop(); getPath().add(visited); if (visited == page) { // We have found it, use its statuses and exit from while. _cancelAction.setEnabled(cancelEnabled); setPrevEnabled(previousEnabled); setNextEnabled(nextEnabled); setFinishEnabled(finishEnabled); break; } else { _cancelStatuses.push(cancelEnabled); _prevStatuses.push(previousEnabled); _nextStatuses.push(nextEnabled); _finishStatuses.push(finishEnabled); } } // If we have never seen the page, we add it to the tail. if (currentPage() != page) { assert _visitedCancelStatuses.isEmpty(); assert _visitedPrevStatuses.isEmpty(); assert _visitedNextStatuses.isEmpty(); assert _visitedFinishStatuses.isEmpty(); getPath().add(page); } } else { // page is in the path at idx. // first, roll back the settings and trim the path: for (int i = _path.size() - 1; i > idx; i--) { getSettings().rollBack(); // save visited pages _visitedPath.push(_path.remove(i)); // Save current buttons statuses. _visitedCancelStatuses.push(_cancelStatuses.pop()); _visitedPrevStatuses.push(_prevStatuses.pop()); _visitedNextStatuses.push(_nextStatuses.pop()); _visitedFinishStatuses.push(_finishStatuses.pop()); // Restore the buttons status. cancelEnabled = _cancelStatuses.pop(); previousEnabled = _prevStatuses.pop(); nextEnabled = _nextStatuses.pop(); finishEnabled = _finishStatuses.pop(); } _cancelAction.setEnabled(cancelEnabled); setPrevEnabled(previousEnabled); setNextEnabled(nextEnabled); setFinishEnabled(finishEnabled); } page.rendering(_path, getSettings()); _template.setPage(page); firePageChanged(page, _path); } /** * @param nextPage * @param path */ private void firePageChanged(WizardPage curPage, List<WizardPage> path) { for (WizardListener l : _listeners) { l.onPageChanged(curPage, getPath()); } } /** * */ public void finish() { log.debug("finish"); WizardPage lastPage = currentPage(); if (null != lastPage) { if (!lastPage.onNext(getSettings())) { return; } // get the settings from the page that is going away: getSettings().newPage(lastPage.getId()); // And update the settings. lastPage.updateSettings(getSettings()); } for (WizardListener l : _listeners) { l.onFinished(getPath(), getSettings()); } } /** * */ public void cancel() { log.debug("cancel"); for (WizardListener l : _listeners) { l.onCanceled(getPath(), getSettings()); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.ciscavate.cjwizard.WizardController#addWizardListener(com.stottlerhenke * .presentwell.wizard.WizardListener) */ public void addWizardListener(WizardListener listener) { ExceptionUtilities.checkNull(listener, "listener"); if (!_listeners.contains(listener)) { _listeners.add(listener); WizardPage curPage = _path.get(_path.size() - 1); listener.onPageChanged(curPage, getPath()); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.ciscavate.cjwizard.WizardController#removeWizardListener(com.stottlerhenke * .presentwell.wizard.WizardListener) */ public void removeWizardListener(WizardListener listener) { ExceptionUtilities.checkNull(listener, "listener"); _listeners.remove(listener); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.ciscavate.cjwizard.WizardController#getSettings() */ public WizardSettings getSettings() { return _settings; } /** * Set/load the specified settings map nad re-render the current page. * * @param settings * The settings to load. */ public void setSettings(WizardSettings settings) { _settings = settings; currentPage().rendering(_path, _settings); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.ciscavate.cjwizard.WizardController#getPath() */ public List<WizardPage> getPath() { return _path; } /** * @return The last (current) page of the current {@link #_path} or null if * the path is empty. */ public WizardPage currentPage() { int lastIdx = _path.size() - 1; return (lastIdx < 0) ? null : _path.get(lastIdx); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.ciscavate.cjwizard.WizardController#setNextEnabled(boolean) */ public void setNextEnabled(boolean enabled) { _nextAction.setEnabled(enabled); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.ciscavate.cjwizard.WizardController#setPrevEnabled(boolean) */ public void setPrevEnabled(boolean enabled) { _prevAction.setEnabled(enabled); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.ciscavate.cjwizard.WizardController#setFinishEnabled(boolean) */ public void setFinishEnabled(boolean enabled) { _finishAction.setEnabled(enabled); } }