Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Gargoyle Software Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.ContextFactory; import net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Function; import net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Script; import net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Scriptable; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserRunner; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.CollectingAlertHandler; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.HttpMethod; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.MockWebConnection; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.ScriptException; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebRequest; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebTestCase; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserRunner.Alerts; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserRunner.Browser; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserRunner.Browsers; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserRunner.NotYetImplemented; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.DomNode; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlAnchor; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlButtonInput; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlElement; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlForm; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlFrame; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlScript; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlSubmitInput; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlTextInput; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.util.NameValuePair; /** * Tests for the {@link JavaScriptEngine}. * * @version $Revision: 6444 $ * @author <a href="">Mike Bowler</a> * @author Noboru Sinohara * @author Darrell DeBoer * @author <a href="">Ben Curren</a> * @author Marc Guillemot * @author Chris Erskine * @author David K. Taylor * @author Ahmed Ashour */ @RunWith(BrowserRunner.class) public class JavaScriptEngineTest extends WebTestCase { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(JavaScriptEngineTest.class); /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void setJavascriptEnabled_false() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + "document.form1.textfield1='blue'" + "</script></head><body>\n" + "<p>hello world</p>\n" + "<form name='form1'>\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield1' id='textfield1' value='foo' />\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield2' id='textfield2'/>\n" + "</form>\n" + "</body></html>"; getWebClientWithMockWebConnection().setJavaScriptEnabled(false); final HtmlPage page = loadPageWithAlerts(html); final HtmlTextInput textInput = page.getHtmlElementById("textfield1"); assertEquals("foo", textInput.getValueAttribute()); } /** * Regression test for bug * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("foo") public void onloadJavascriptFunction() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + "function onload() {alert('foo');}" + "</script></head><body>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * Tries to set the value of a text input field. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void setInputValue() throws Exception { final String content = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + "function doTest() {\n" + " document.form1.textfield1.value='blue'" + "}\n" + "</script></head><body onload='doTest()'>\n" + "<p>hello world</p>\n" + "<form name='form1'>\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield1' id='textfield1' value='foo' />\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield2' id='textfield2'/>\n" + "</form>\n" + "</body></html>"; final List<String> collectedAlerts = null; final HtmlPage page = loadPage(getBrowserVersion(), content, collectedAlerts); final HtmlTextInput textInput = page.getHtmlElementById("textfield1"); assertEquals("blue", textInput.getValueAttribute()); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("foo") public void alert() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + "alert('foo')\n" + "</script></head><body>\n" + "<p>hello world</p>\n" + "<form name='form1'>\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield1' id='textfield1' value='foo' />\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield2' id='textfield2'/>\n" + "</form>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * Checks that a dynamically compiled function works in the scope of its birth. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("foo") public void scopeOfNewFunction() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><script>\n" + "var f = new Function('alert(\"foo\")');\n" + "f();\n" + "</script></head><body>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("foo") public void scopeOfNestedNewFunction() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head>\n" + "<script>\n" + "var foo = 'foo';\n" + "var f1 = new Function('f = new Function(\"alert(foo)\"); f()');\n" + "f1();\n" + "</script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * Checks that a dynamically compiled function works in the scope of its birth and not the other window. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void scopeOfNewFunctionCalledFormOtherWindow() throws Exception { final String firstContent = "<html><head>\n" + "<script>\n" + "var foo = 'foo';\n" + "var test = new Function('alert(foo);');\n" + "</script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body onload='test()'>\n" + " <iframe src='page2.html'/>\n" + "</body>\n" + "</html>"; final String secondContent = "<html><head><script>\n" + "var foo = 'foo2';\n" + "parent.test();\n" + "var f = parent.test;\n" + "f();\n" + "</script></head></html>"; final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); webConnection.setDefaultResponse(secondContent); webConnection.setResponse(URL_FIRST, firstContent); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); final String[] expectedAlerts = { "foo", "foo", "foo" }; final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts)); client.getPage(URL_FIRST); assertEquals(expectedAlerts, collectedAlerts); } /** * If a reference has been hold on a page and the page is not * anymore the one contained in "its" window, JavaScript execution should * work... a bit * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void scopeInInactivePage() throws Exception { final String firstContent = "<html><head>\n" + "<script>\n" + "var foo = 'foo';\n" + "</script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + " <a href='page2.html'>to page 2</a>\n" + " <div id='testdiv' onclick='alert(foo)'>foo</div>\n" + "</body>\n" + "</html>"; final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); webConnection.setDefaultResponse("<html></html>"); webConnection.setResponse(URL_FIRST, firstContent); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); final String[] expectedAlerts = { "foo" }; final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts)); final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(URL_FIRST); final HtmlElement div = page.getHtmlElementById("testdiv"); page.getAnchors().get(0).click(); // ignore response, and click in the page again; assertEquals(expectedAlerts, collectedAlerts); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("got here") public void externalScript() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script src='/foo.js' id='script1'/>\n" + "</head><body>\n" + "<p>hello world</p>\n" + "<form name='form1'>\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield1' id='textfield1' value='foo' />\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield2' id='textfield2'/>\n" + "</form>\n" + "</body></html>"; final String jsContent = "alert('got here');\n"; getMockWebConnection().setResponse(new URL(getDefaultUrl(), "foo.js"), jsContent, "text/javascript"); final HtmlPage page = loadPageWithAlerts(html); final HtmlScript htmlScript = page.getHtmlElementById("script1"); assertNotNull(htmlScript); } /** * An odd case, if two external scripts are referenced and the <script> element * of the first contain a comment which contain an apostrophe, then the second script * is ignored. * * This works fine in IE6 and FF 2.0. Remove the apostrophe from "shouldn't" to make it work here. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void externalScriptWithApostrophesInComment() throws Exception { final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); final String htmlContent = "<html><head><title>foo</title>\n" + "<script src='/foo.js' id='script1'><!-- this shouldn't be a problem --></script>\n" + "<script src='/foo2.js' id='script2'><!-- this shouldn't be a problem --></script>\n" + "</head><body>\n" + "<p>hello world</p>\n" + "</body></html>"; webConnection.setResponse(URL_FIRST, htmlContent); webConnection.setResponse(new URL(URL_FIRST, "foo.js"), "alert('got here');", "text/javascript"); webConnection.setResponse(new URL(URL_FIRST, "foo2.js"), "alert('got here 2');", "text/javascript"); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); final String[] expectedAlerts = { "got here", "got here 2" }; final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts)); final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(URL_FIRST); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(page.asXml()); } assertEquals(expectedAlerts, collectedAlerts); assertNotNull(page.getHtmlElementById("script1")); assertNotNull(page.getHtmlElementById("script2")); } /** * Test that the URL of the page containing the script is contained in the exception's message. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void scriptErrorContainsPageUrl() throws Exception { // embedded script final String content1 = "<html><head><script></script>\n" + "</head><body>\n" + "</body></html>"; try { loadPageWithAlerts(content1); } catch (final Exception e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf(getDefaultUrl().toString()) > -1); } // external script final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); final String content2 = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script src='/foo.js'/>\n" + "</head><body>\n" + "</body></html>"; final String jsContent = " = 213;\n"; webConnection.setResponse(getDefaultUrl(), content2); final URL urlScript = new URL(getDefaultUrl(), "foo.js"); webConnection.setResponse(urlScript, jsContent, "text/javascript"); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); try { client.getPage(getDefaultUrl()); } catch (final Exception e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().indexOf(urlScript.toString()) > -1); } } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void externalScriptEncoding() throws Exception { final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); /* * this page has meta element , and script tag has no charset attribute */ final String htmlContent = "<html><head>\n" + "<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=Shift_JIS'>\n" + "<title>foo</title>\n" + "<script src='/foo.js' id='script1'/>\n" + "</head><body>\n" + "<p>hello world</p>\n" + "<form name='form1'>\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield1' id='textfield1' value='foo' />\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield2' id='textfield2'/>\n" + "</form>\n" + "</body></html>"; /* * this page has no meta element , and script tag has charset attribute */ final String htmlContent2 = "<html><head>\n" + "<title>foo</title>\n" + "<script src='/foo2.js' charset='Shift_JIS' id='script2'/>\n" + "</head><body>\n" + "<p>hello world</p>\n" + "<form name='form1'>\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield1' id='textfield1' value='foo' />\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield2' id='textfield2'/>\n" + "</form>\n" + "</body></html>"; /* * the corresponding SJIS char of '\u8868' has '\' in second byte. * if encoding is misspecificated, * this cause 'unterminated string reteral error' */ final String jsContent = "alert('\u8868');\n"; webConnection.setResponse(getDefaultUrl(), htmlContent); webConnection.setResponse(new URL(getDefaultUrl(), "hidden"), htmlContent2); webConnection.setResponse(new URL(getDefaultUrl(), "foo.js"), // make SJIS bytes as responsebody new String(jsContent.getBytes("SJIS"), "8859_1"), "text/javascript"); /* * foo2.js is same with foo.js */ webConnection.setResponse(new URL(getDefaultUrl(), "foo2.js"), // make SJIS bytes as responsebody new String(jsContent.getBytes("SJIS"), "8859_1"), "text/javascript"); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); final String[] expectedAlerts = { "\u8868" }; final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts)); /* * detect encoding from meta tag */ final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getDefaultUrl()); final HtmlScript htmlScript = page.getHtmlElementById("script1"); assertNotNull(htmlScript); assertEquals(expectedAlerts, collectedAlerts); /* * detect encoding from charset attribute of script tag */ collectedAlerts.clear(); final HtmlPage page2 = client.getPage(new URL(getDefaultUrl(), "hidden")); final HtmlScript htmlScript2 = page2.getHtmlElementById("script2"); assertNotNull(htmlScript2); assertEquals(expectedAlerts, collectedAlerts); } /** * Sets value on input expects a string. If you pass in a value that isn't a string * this used to blow up. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("1") public void setValuesThatAreNotStrings() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + "function doTest() {\n" + " document.form1.textfield1.value = 1;\n" + " alert(document.form1.textfield1.value)\n" + "}\n" + "</script></head><body onload='doTest()'>\n" + "<p>hello world</p>\n" + "<form name='form1'>\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield1' id='textfield1' value='foo' />\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield2' id='textfield2'/>\n" + "</form>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void referencingVariablesFromOneScriptToAnother_Regression() throws Exception { final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); final String htmlContent = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script src='./test.js'></script>\n" + "<script>var testLocalVariable = new Array();</script>\n" + "</head><body onload='testNestedMethod();' >\n" + "<form name='form1' method='POST' action='../foo' >\n" + " <input type='submit' value='Login' name='loginButton'>\n" + "</form></body></html>"; final String jsContent = "function testNestedMethod() {\n" + " if (testLocalVariable == null)\n" + " testLocalVariable = 'foo';\n" + "} "; webConnection.setResponse(URL_FIRST, htmlContent); webConnection.setResponse(new URL(URL_FIRST, "test.js"), jsContent, "text/javascript"); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(URL_FIRST); assertEquals("foo", page.getTitleText()); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void javaScriptUrl() throws Exception { final String htmlContent = "<html><head><script language='javascript'>\n" + "var f1 = '<html><head><title>frame1</title></head><body><h1>frame1</h1></body></html>';\n" + "var f2 = '<html><head><title>frame2</title></head><body><h1>frame2</h1></body></html>';\n" + "</script></head>\n" + "<frameset border='0' frameborder='0' framespacing='0' rows='100,*'>\n" + " <frame id='frame1' src='javascript:parent.f1'/>\n" + " <frame id='frame2' src='javascript:parent.f2'/>\n" + "</frameset></html>"; final List<String> emptyList = Collections.emptyList(); createTestPageForRealBrowserIfNeeded(htmlContent, emptyList); final HtmlPage page = loadPage(getBrowserVersion(), htmlContent, null); final HtmlPage page1 = (HtmlPage) ((HtmlFrame) page.getHtmlElementById("frame1")).getEnclosedPage(); final HtmlPage page2 = (HtmlPage) ((HtmlFrame) page.getHtmlElementById("frame2")).getEnclosedPage(); assertNotNull("page1", page1); assertNotNull("page2", page2); assertEquals("frame1", page1.getTitleText()); assertEquals("frame2", page2.getTitleText()); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("foo") public void javaScriptWrappedInHtmlComments() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script language='javascript'><!--\n" + "function doTest() {\n" + " alert('foo');\n" + "}\n" + "-->\n</script></head>\n" + "<body onload='doTest()'></body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("1") public void javaScriptWrappedInHtmlComments2() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head>\n" + "<script><!-- \n" + " alert('1')\n" + "--></script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("1") public void javaScriptWrappedInHtmlComments_commentOnOpeningLine() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script language='javascript'><!-- Some comment here\n" + "function doTest() {\n" + " alert('1')\n" + "}\n" + "-->\n</script></head>\n" + "<body onload='doTest()'></body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * Regression test for bug 1714762. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void javaScriptWrappedInHtmlComments_commentNotClosed() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title>\n" + "<script language='javascript'><!-- alert(1);</script>\n" + "<script language='javascript'><!-- </script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body></body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("undefined") public void javaScriptWrappedInHtmlComments_allOnOneLine() throws Exception { final String html = "<html>\n" + " <head>\n" + " <title>test</title>\n" + " <script>var test;</script>\n" + " <!-- var test should be undefined since it's on first line -->\n" + " <!-- but there should be no index out of bounds exception -->\n" + " <script> <!-- test = 'abc'; // --> </script>\n" + " </head>\n" + " <body onload='alert(test)'>\n" + " </body>\n" + "</html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("test") public void eventHandlerWithComment() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><body onLoad='alert(\"test\"); // xxx'></body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * When using the syntax this.something in an onclick handler, "this" must represent * the object being clicked, not the window. Regression test. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void thisDotInOnClick() throws Exception { final String htmlContent = "<html><head><title>First</title><script>function foo(message){alert(message);}</script><body>\n" + "<form name='form1'><input type='submit' name='button1' onClick='foo('></form>\n" + "</body></html>"; final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); final HtmlPage page = loadPage(getBrowserVersion(), htmlContent, collectedAlerts); assertEquals("First", page.getTitleText()); ((HtmlSubmitInput) page.getFormByName("form1").getInputByName("button1")).click(); final String[] expectedAlerts = { "button1" }; assertEquals(expectedAlerts, collectedAlerts); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void functionDefinedInExternalFile_CalledFromInlineScript() throws Exception { final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); final String htmlContent = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script src='./test.js'></script>\n" + "</head><body>\n" + " <script>externalMethod()</script>\n" + "</body></html>"; final String jsContent = "function externalMethod() {\n" + " alert('Got to external method');\n" + "} "; webConnection.setResponse(new URL("http://first/index.html"), htmlContent); webConnection.setResponse(new URL("http://first/test.js"), jsContent, "text/javascript"); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts)); final HtmlPage page = client.getPage("http://first/index.html"); assertEquals("foo", page.getTitleText()); assertEquals(new String[] { "Got to external method" }, collectedAlerts); } /** * Regression test for * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void externalScriptWithNewLineBeforeClosingScriptTag() throws Exception { final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); final String htmlContent = "<html><head><title>foo</title>\n" + "</head><body>\n" + "<script src='test.js'>\n</script>\n" // \n between opening and closing tag is important + "</body></html>"; final String jsContent = "function externalMethod() {\n" + " alert('Got to external method');\n" + "} \n" + "externalMethod();\n"; webConnection.setResponse(URL_FIRST, htmlContent); webConnection.setDefaultResponse(jsContent, 200, "OK", "text/javascript"); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts)); client.getPage(URL_FIRST); assertEquals(new String[] { "Got to external method" }, collectedAlerts); } /** * Test case for bug 707134. Currently I am unable to reproduce the problem. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void functionDefinedInSameFile() throws Exception { final String htmlContent = "<html><head><title>First</title><script>\n" + "function showFoo(foo) {\n" + " alert('Foo is: |' + foo + '|');\n" + "}\n" + "</script>\n" + "</head><body><form name='form1'>\n" + "<input name='text1' type='text'>\n" + "<input name='button1' type='button' onclick='showFoo(document.form1.text1.value);'>\n" + "</form></body></html>"; final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); final HtmlPage page = loadPage(getBrowserVersion(), htmlContent, collectedAlerts); assertEquals("First", page.getTitleText()); final HtmlForm form = page.getFormByName("form1"); final HtmlTextInput textInput = form.getInputByName("text1"); textInput.setValueAttribute("flintstone"); final HtmlButtonInput button = form.getInputByName("button1"); assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, collectedAlerts);; assertEquals(new String[] { "Foo is: |flintstone|" }, collectedAlerts); } /** * Test that the JavaScript engine gets called correctly for variable access. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void javaScriptEngineCallsForVariableAccess() throws Exception { final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts)); final String content = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + "myDate = 'foo';\n" + "function doUnqualifiedVariableAccess() {\n" + " alert('unqualified: ' + myDate);\n" + "}\n" + "function doQualifiedVariableAccess() {\n" + " alert('qualified: ' + window.myDate);\n" + "}\n" + "</script></head><body>\n" + "<p>hello world</p>\n" + "<a id='unqualified' onclick='doUnqualifiedVariableAccess();'>unqualified</a>\n" + "<a id='qualified' onclick='doQualifiedVariableAccess();'>qualified</a>\n" + "</body></html>"; webConnection.setDefaultResponse(content); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); final CountingJavaScriptEngine countingJavaScriptEngine = new CountingJavaScriptEngine(client); client.setJavaScriptEngine(countingJavaScriptEngine); final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getDefaultUrl()); assertEquals(1, countingJavaScriptEngine.getExecutionCount()); assertEquals(0, countingJavaScriptEngine.getCallCount()); ((HtmlAnchor) page.getHtmlElementById("unqualified")).click(); assertEquals(1, countingJavaScriptEngine.getExecutionCount()); assertEquals(1, countingJavaScriptEngine.getCallCount()); ((HtmlAnchor) page.getHtmlElementById("qualified")).click(); assertEquals(1, countingJavaScriptEngine.getExecutionCount()); assertEquals(2, countingJavaScriptEngine.getCallCount()); final String[] expectedAlerts = { "unqualified: foo", "qualified: foo" }; assertEquals(expectedAlerts, collectedAlerts); } /** * Tests ActiveX related exceptions that do not require a map. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void activeXObjectNoMap() throws Exception { try { loadPage(getBrowserVersion(), getJavaScriptContent("new ActiveXObject()"), null); fail("An exception should be thrown for zero argument constructor."); } catch (final ScriptException e) { // Success } try { loadPage(getBrowserVersion(), getJavaScriptContent("new ActiveXObject(1, '2', '3')"), null); fail("An exception should be thrown for a three argument constructor."); } catch (final ScriptException e) { // Success } try { loadPage(getBrowserVersion(), getJavaScriptContent("new ActiveXObject(a)"), null); fail("An exception should be thrown for an undefined parameter in the constructor."); } catch (final ScriptException e) { // Success } try { loadPage(getBrowserVersion(), getJavaScriptContent("new ActiveXObject(10)"), null); fail("An exception should be thrown for an integer parameter in the constructor."); } catch (final ScriptException e) { // Success } try { loadPage(getBrowserVersion(), getJavaScriptContent("new ActiveXObject('UnknownObject')"), null); fail("An exception should be thrown for a null map."); } catch (final ScriptException e) { // Success } } /** * Test that Java objects placed in the active x map can be instantiated and used within * JavaScript using the IE specific ActiveXObject constructor. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Browsers(Browser.IE) public void activeXObjectWithMap() throws Exception { final Map<String, String> activexToJavaMapping = new HashMap<String, String>(); activexToJavaMapping.put("MockActiveXObject", "com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.MockActiveXObject"); activexToJavaMapping.put("FakeObject", "com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.NoSuchObject"); activexToJavaMapping.put("BadObject", null); final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); client.setActiveXObjectMap(activexToJavaMapping); final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts)); webConnection.setDefaultResponse(getJavaScriptContent("new ActiveXObject('UnknownObject')")); try { client.getPage(""); fail("An exception should be thrown for non existent object in the map."); } catch (final ScriptException e) { // Success } webConnection.setDefaultResponse(getJavaScriptContent("new ActiveXObject('BadObject', 'server')")); try { client.getPage(""); fail("An exception should be thrown for an invalid object in the map."); } catch (final ScriptException e) { // Success } // Test for a non existent class in the map webConnection.setDefaultResponse(getJavaScriptContent("new ActiveXObject('FakeObject')")); try { client.getPage(""); fail("An exception should be thrown for a non existent object in the map."); } catch (final ScriptException e) { // Success } Assert.assertEquals("should no alerts yet", Collections.EMPTY_LIST, collectedAlerts); // Try a valid object in the map webConnection.setDefaultResponse( getJavaScriptContent("var t = new ActiveXObject('MockActiveXObject'); alert(t.MESSAGE);\n")); client.getPage(""); assertEquals("The active x object did not bind to the object.", new String[] { MockActiveXObject.MESSAGE }, collectedAlerts); collectedAlerts.clear(); webConnection.setDefaultResponse(getJavaScriptContent( "var t = new ActiveXObject('MockActiveXObject', 'server'); alert(t.GetMessage());\n")); client.getPage(""); assertEquals("The active x object did not bind to the object.", new String[] { new MockActiveXObject().GetMessage() }, collectedAlerts); } private String getJavaScriptContent(final String javascript) { return "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + javascript + "</script></head><body>\n" + "<p>hello world</p>\n" + "<form name='form1'>\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield1' id='textfield1' value='foo' />\n" + " <input type='text' name='textfield2' id='textfield2'/>\n" + "</form>\n" + "</body></html>"; } /** * Check that wrong JavaScript just causes its context to fail but not the whole page. * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ @Test public void scriptErrorIsolated() throws Exception { final String content = "<html>\n" + "<head>\n" + "<script>alert(1);</script>\n" + "<script>alert(2</script>\n" + "<script>alert(3);</script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body onload='alert(4);notExisting()'>\n" + "<button onclick='alert(5)'>click me</button>\n" + "</body>\n" + "</html>"; final String[] expectedAlerts = { "1", "3", "4" }; final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); webConnection.setDefaultResponse(content); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts)); // first test with script exceptions thrown try { client.getPage(URL_FIRST); fail("Should have thrown a script error"); } catch (final Exception e) { // nothing } assertEquals(new String[] { "1" }, collectedAlerts); collectedAlerts.clear(); // and with script exception not thrown client.setThrowExceptionOnScriptError(false); client.getPage(URL_FIRST); assertEquals(expectedAlerts, collectedAlerts); } /** * Test that prototype changes are made in the right scope. * Problem reported by Bruce Faulnker in the dev mailing list. * This is due to a Rhino bug: * * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ @Test public void prototypeScope() throws Exception { prototypeScope("String", "'some string'"); prototypeScope("Number", "9"); prototypeScope("Date", "new Date()"); prototypeScope("Function", "function(){}"); prototypeScope("Array", "[]"); } private void prototypeScope(final String name, final String value) throws Exception { final String content1 = "<html><head>\n" + "<script>\n" + "'second.html', 'secondWindow');\n" + "</script>\n" + "</head><body></body></html>"; final String content2 = "<html><head>\n" + "<script>\n" + "alert('in page 2');\n" + name + " = function() {\n" + " alert('in foo');\n" + "};\n" + "var x = " + value + ";\n" + ";\n" + "</script>\n" + "</head><body></body></html>"; final String[] expectedAlerts = { "in page 2", "in foo" }; final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); webConnection.setDefaultResponse(content2); webConnection.setResponse(URL_FIRST, content1); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts)); client.getPage(URL_FIRST); assertEquals(expectedAlerts, collectedAlerts); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void timeout() throws Exception { final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final long timeout = 2000; final long oldTimeout = client.getJavaScriptTimeout(); client.setJavaScriptTimeout(timeout); try { client.setThrowExceptionOnScriptError(false); final String content = "<html><body><script>while(1) {}</script></body></html>"; final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); webConnection.setDefaultResponse(content); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); final Exception[] exceptions = { null }; final Thread runner = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { client.getPage(URL_FIRST); } catch (final Exception e) { exceptions[0] = e; } } }; runner.start(); runner.join(timeout * 2); if (runner.isAlive()) { runner.interrupt(); fail("Script was still running after timeout"); } assertNull(exceptions[0]); } finally { client.setJavaScriptTimeout(oldTimeout); } } private static final class CountingJavaScriptEngine extends JavaScriptEngine { private int scriptExecutionCount_ = 0; private int scriptCallCount_ = 0; private int scriptCompileCount_ = 0; private int scriptExecuteScriptCount_ = 0; /** * Creates an instance. * @param client the WebClient */ protected CountingJavaScriptEngine(final WebClient client) { super(client); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Object execute(final HtmlPage htmlPage, final String sourceCode, final String sourceName, final int startLine) { scriptExecutionCount_++; return super.execute(htmlPage, sourceCode, sourceName, startLine); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Object execute(final HtmlPage htmlPage, final Script script) { scriptExecuteScriptCount_++; return super.execute(htmlPage, script); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Script compile(final HtmlPage htmlPage, final String sourceCode, final String sourceName, final int startLine) { scriptCompileCount_++; return super.compile(htmlPage, sourceCode, sourceName, startLine); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Object callFunction(final HtmlPage htmlPage, final Function javaScriptFunction, final Scriptable thisObject, final Object[] args, final DomNode htmlElementScope) { scriptCallCount_++; return super.callFunction(htmlPage, javaScriptFunction, thisObject, args, htmlElementScope); } /** @return the number of times that this engine has called functions */ public int getCallCount() { return scriptCallCount_; } /** @return the number of times that this engine has executed code */ public int getExecutionCount() { return scriptExecutionCount_; } /** @return the number of times that this engine has compiled code */ public int getCompileCount() { return scriptCompileCount_; } /** @return the number of times that this engine has executed a compiled script */ public int getExecuteScriptCount() { return scriptExecuteScriptCount_; } } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts(IE = "2") public void commentNoDoubleSlash() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head>\n" + "<script><!-- alert(1);\n" + " alert(2);\n" + "alert(3) --></script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + "</body></html>"; boolean exceptionThrown = false; try { loadPageWithAlerts(html); } catch (final ScriptException e) { exceptionThrown = true; assertEquals(4, e.getFailingLineNumber()); } assertEquals(getBrowserVersion().isFirefox(), exceptionThrown); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts({ "2", "3" }) public void comment() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head>\n" + "<script><!-- alert(1);\n" + " alert(2);\n" + "alert(3)//--></script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts({ "rstlne-rstlne-rstlne", "rstlno-rstlne-rstlne", "rstlna-rstlne-rstlne", "rstlne-rstlne-rstlne", "rstlni-rstlni-rstlni", "rstlna-rstlna-rstlna" }) public void regExpSupport() throws Exception { final String html = "<html>\n" + " <head>\n" + " <title>test</title>\n" + " <script id='a'>\n" + " var s = new String('rstlne-rstlne-rstlne');\n" + " alert (s);\n" + " s = s.replace('e', 'o');\n" + " alert (s);\n" + " s = s.replace(/o/, 'a');\n" + " alert (s);\n" + " s = s.replace(new RegExp('a'), 'e');\n" + " alert (s);\n" + " s = s.replace(new RegExp('e', 'g'), 'i');\n" + " alert (s);\n" + " s = s.replace(/i/g, 'a');\n" + " alert (s);\n" + " </script>\n" + " </head>\n" + " <body>abc</body>\n" + "</html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * Test ECMA reserved keywords... that are accepted by "normal" browsers * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("123") public void ecmaReservedKeywords() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + "var o = {float: 123};" + "alert(o.float);" + "</script></head><body>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * Test that compiled script are cached. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void compiledScriptCached() throws Exception { final String content1 = "<html><head><title>foo</title>\n" + "<script src='script.js'></script>\n" + "</head><body>\n" + "<a href='page2.html'>to page 2</a>\n" + "</body></html>"; final String content2 = "<html><head><title>page 2</title>\n" + "<script src='script.js'></script>\n" + "</head><body>\n" + "</body></html>"; final String script = "alert(document.title)"; final WebClient client = getWebClient(); final MockWebConnection connection = new MockWebConnection(); client.setWebConnection(connection); connection.setResponse(URL_FIRST, content1); connection.setResponse(new URL(URL_FIRST, "page2.html"), content2); final List<NameValuePair> headersAllowingCache = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); headersAllowingCache.add(new NameValuePair("Last-Modified", "Sun, 15 Jul 2007 20:46:27 GMT")); connection.setResponse(new URL(URL_FIRST, "script.js"), script, 200, "ok", "text/javascript", headersAllowingCache); final CountingJavaScriptEngine countingJavaScriptEngine = new CountingJavaScriptEngine(client); client.setJavaScriptEngine(countingJavaScriptEngine); final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts)); final HtmlPage page1 = client.getPage(URL_FIRST); assertEquals(new String[] { "foo" }, collectedAlerts); assertEquals(1, countingJavaScriptEngine.getExecuteScriptCount()); assertEquals(1, countingJavaScriptEngine.getCompileCount()); collectedAlerts.clear(); page1.getAnchors().get(0).click(); assertEquals(new String[] { "page 2" }, collectedAlerts); assertEquals(2, countingJavaScriptEngine.getExecuteScriptCount()); assertEquals(1, countingJavaScriptEngine.getCompileCount()); } /** * Test that code in script tags is executed on page load. Try different combinations * of the script tag except for the case where a remote JavaScript page is loaded. That * one will be tested separately. * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ @Test public void scriptTags_AllLocalContent() throws Exception { final String content = "<html>\n" + "<head><title>foo</title>\n" + "<script>One</script>\n" // no language specified - assume JavaScript + "<script language='javascript'>Two</script>\n" + "<script type='text/javascript'>Three</script>\n" + "<script type='text/perl'>Four</script>\n" // type is unsupported language + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + "<p>hello world</p>\n" + "</body></html>"; final List<String> collectedScripts = new ArrayList<String>(); loadPageAndCollectScripts(content, collectedScripts); // NO MORE: The last expected is the dummy stub that is needed to initialize the JavaScript engine final String[] expectedScripts = { "One", "Two", "Three" }; assertEquals(expectedScripts, collectedScripts); } private HtmlPage loadPageAndCollectScripts(final String html, final List<String> collectedScripts) throws Exception { final WebClient client = getWebClient(); client.setJavaScriptEngine(new JavaScriptEngine(client) { @Override public Object execute(final HtmlPage htmlPage, final String sourceCode, final String sourceName, final int startLine) { collectedScripts.add(sourceCode); return null; } @Override public Object callFunction(final HtmlPage htmlPage, final Function javaScriptFunction, final Scriptable thisObject, final Object[] args, final DomNode htmlElement) { return null; } @Override public boolean isScriptRunning() { return false; } }); final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); webConnection.setDefaultResponse(html); client.setWebConnection(webConnection); final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(new WebRequest(getDefaultUrl(), HttpMethod.POST)); return page; } /** * Verifies that we're not using a global context factory, so that we can cleanly run multiple * WebClient instances concurrently within a single JVM. See bug 2089599. */ @Test public void noGlobalContextFactoryUsed() { final WebClient client1 = getWebClient(); final WebClient client2 = createNewWebClient(); final ContextFactory cf1 = client1.getJavaScriptEngine().getContextFactory(); final ContextFactory cf2 = client2.getJavaScriptEngine().getContextFactory(); assertFalse(cf1 == cf2); assertFalse(cf1 == ContextFactory.getGlobal()); assertFalse(cf2 == ContextFactory.getGlobal()); } /** * Configure subclass of {@link JavaScriptEngine} that collects background JS expressions. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void catchBackgroundJSErrors() throws Exception { Locale.setDefault(Locale.US); // Rhino has localized error message... for instance for French final WebClient webClient = getWebClient(); final List<ScriptException> jsExceptions = new ArrayList<ScriptException>(); final JavaScriptEngine myEngine = new JavaScriptEngine(webClient) { @Override protected void handleJavaScriptException(final ScriptException scriptException) { jsExceptions.add(scriptException); super.handleJavaScriptException(scriptException); } }; webClient.setJavaScriptEngine(myEngine); final String html = "<html>\n" + "<head><title>Test page</title><\n" + "<script>\n" + "function myFunction() {\n" + " document.title = 'New title';\n" + " notExisting(); // will throw\n" + "}\n" + "window.setTimeout(myFunction, 5)\n" + "</script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + "</body></html>"; final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection(); webConnection.setDefaultResponse(html); webClient.setWebConnection(webConnection); final HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage(URL_FIRST); webClient.waitForBackgroundJavaScript(10000); assertEquals("New title", page.getTitleText()); assertEquals(1, jsExceptions.size()); final ScriptException exception = jsExceptions.get(0); assertTrue("Message: " + exception.getMessage(), exception.getMessage().contains("\"notExisting\" is not defined")); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts(FF = "found") public void enumerateMethods() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + " function test() {\n" + " for (var x in document) {\n" + " if (x == 'getElementById')\n" + " alert('found');" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "</script></head><body onload='test()'>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * Unit tests for bug 2531218 reported by Rhino as * <a href="">Bug 477604 - * Array.concat causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException with non dense array</a>. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("3") public void array_concat() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + " function test() {\n" + " var a = [1, 2, 3];\n" + " for (var i=10; i<20; ++i)\n" + " a[i] = 't' + i;\n" + " var b = [1, 2, 3];\n" + " b.concat(a);\n" + " alert(b.length);\n" + " }\n" + "</script></head><body onload='test()'>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * String value of native functions starts with \n on IE. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @NotYetImplemented(Browser.IE) @Alerts(FF = { "0", "false", "0" }, IE = { "1", "true", "1" }) public void nativeFunction_toStringValue() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + " function test() {\n" + " alert(String(window.alert).indexOf('function'));\n" + " alert(String(window.alert).charAt(0) == '\\n');\n" + " alert(String(document.getElementById).indexOf('function'));\n" + " }\n" + "</script></head><body onload='test()'>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("0") public void function_toStringValue() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + " function f() {}\n" + " function test() {\n" + " alert(String(f).indexOf('function'));\n" + " }\n" + "</script></head><body onload='test()'>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @NotYetImplemented @Alerts(IE = { "1", "2" }, FF = {}) public void function_object_method() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + " try {\n" + " alert('1');\n" + " function document.onclick() {\n" + " alert('hi');\n" + " }\n" + " alert('2');\n" + " } catch(e) {alert(e)}\n" + "</script></head><body>\n" + " <div id='myDiv'>Hello there</div>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("that's it") public void quoteAsUnicodeInString() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + "alert('that\\x27s it');\n" + "</script></head><body>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test @Alerts("error") public void recursion() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + " function recurse(c) {\n" + " try {\n" + " recurse(c++);\n" + " } catch (e) {\n" + " alert('error');\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "</script></head><body onload='recurse(1)'>\n" + "</body></html>"; loadPageWithAlerts(html); } /** * Ensures that the JS executor thread is a daemon thread. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void daemonExecutorThread() throws Exception { final String html = "<html><body><script>\n" + "function f() { alert('foo'); }\n" + "setTimeout(f, 5);\n" + "</script>\n" + "</body></html>"; final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<String>(); final HtmlPage page = loadPage(getBrowserVersion(), html, collectedAlerts); Thread.sleep(20); final List<Thread> jsThreads = getJavaScriptThreads(); assertEquals(1, jsThreads.size()); final Thread jsThread = jsThreads.get(0); assertEquals("JS executor for " + page.getWebClient(), jsThread.getName()); assertTrue(jsThread.isDaemon()); } }