Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2016 Gargoyle Software Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.configuration.BrowserName.IE; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.impl.SelectableTextInput; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.impl.SimpleRange; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.SimpleScriptable; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.configuration.JsxClass; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.configuration.JsxClasses; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.configuration.JsxFunction; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.configuration.JsxGetter; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.configuration.JsxSetter; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.configuration.WebBrowser; import; import; import net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Context; import net.sourceforge.htmlunit.corejs.javascript.Undefined; /** * A JavaScript object for {@code TextRange} (IE only). * * @see <a href="">MSDN documentation (1)</a> * @see <a href="">MSDN documentation (2)</a> * @author Ahmed Ashour * @author Marc Guillemot * @author David Gileadi */ @JsxClasses({ @JsxClass(browsers = { @WebBrowser(IE) }) }) public class TextRange extends SimpleScriptable { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TextRange.class); /** The wrapped selection range. */ private Range range_; /** * Default constructor used to build the prototype. */ public TextRange() { // Empty. } /** * Constructs a text range around the provided element. * @param elt the element to wrap */ public TextRange(final HTMLElement elt) { range_ = new SimpleRange(elt.getDomNodeOrDie()); } /** * Constructs a text range around the provided range. * @param range the initial range */ public TextRange(final Range range) { range_ = range.cloneRange(); } /** * Retrieves the text contained within the range. * @return the text contained within the range */ @JsxGetter public String getText() { return range_.toString(); } /** * Sets the text contained within the range. * @param text the text contained within the range */ @JsxSetter public void setText(final String text) { if (range_.getStartContainer() == range_.getEndContainer() && range_.getStartContainer() instanceof SelectableTextInput) { final SelectableTextInput input = (SelectableTextInput) range_.getStartContainer(); final String oldValue = input.getText(); input.setText(oldValue.substring(0, input.getSelectionStart()) + text + oldValue.substring(input.getSelectionEnd())); } } /** * Retrieves the HTML fragment contained within the range. * @return the HTML fragment contained within the range */ @JsxGetter public String getHtmlText() { final org.w3c.dom.Node node = range_.getCommonAncestorContainer(); if (null == node) { return ""; } final HTMLElement element = (HTMLElement) getScriptableFor(node); return element.getOuterHTML(); // TODO: not quite right, but good enough for now } /** * Duplicates this TextRange instance. * @see <a href="">MSDN documentation</a> * @return a duplicate of this TextRange instance */ @JsxFunction public Object duplicate() { final TextRange range = new TextRange(range_.cloneRange()); range.setParentScope(getParentScope()); range.setPrototype(getPrototype()); return range; } /** * Retrieves the parent element for the given text range. * The parent element is the element that completely encloses the text in the range. * If the text range spans text in more than one element, this method returns the smallest element that encloses * all the elements. When you insert text into a range that spans multiple elements, the text is placed in the * parent element rather than in any of the contained elements. * * @see <a href="">MSDN doc</a> * @return the parent element object if successful, or null otherwise. */ @JsxFunction public Node parentElement() { final org.w3c.dom.Node parent = range_.getCommonAncestorContainer(); if (null == parent) { if (null == range_.getStartContainer() || null == range_.getEndContainer()) { try { final Window window = (Window) getParentScope(); final HtmlPage page = (HtmlPage) window.getDomNodeOrDie(); return (Node) getScriptableFor(page.getBody()); } catch (final Exception e) { // ok bad luck } } return null; } return (Node) getScriptableFor(parent); } /** * Collapses the range. * @param toStart indicates if collapse should be done to the start * @see <a href="">MSDN doc</a> */ @JsxFunction public void collapse(final boolean toStart) { range_.collapse(toStart); } /** * Makes the current range the active selection. * * @see <a href="">MSDN doc</a> */ @JsxFunction public void select() { final HtmlPage page = (HtmlPage) getWindow().getDomNodeOrDie(); page.setSelectionRange(range_); } /** * Changes the start position of the range. * @param unit specifies the units to move * @param count the number of units to move * @return the number of units moved */ @JsxFunction public int moveStart(final String unit, final Object count) { if (!"character".equals(unit)) { LOG.warn("moveStart('" + unit + "') is not yet supported"); return 0; } int c = 1; if (count != Undefined.instance) { c = (int) Context.toNumber(count); } if (range_.getStartContainer() == range_.getEndContainer() && range_.getStartContainer() instanceof SelectableTextInput) { final SelectableTextInput input = (SelectableTextInput) range_.getStartContainer(); c = constrainMoveBy(c, range_.getStartOffset(), input.getText().length()); range_.setStart(input, range_.getStartOffset() + c); } return c; } /** * Collapses the given text range and moves the empty range by the given number of units. * @param unit specifies the units to move * @param count the number of units to move * @return the number of units moved */ @JsxFunction public int move(final String unit, final Object count) { collapse(true); return moveStart(unit, count); } /** * Changes the end position of the range. * @param unit specifies the units to move * @param count the number of units to move * @return the number of units moved */ @JsxFunction public int moveEnd(final String unit, final Object count) { if (!"character".equals(unit)) { LOG.warn("moveEnd('" + unit + "') is not yet supported"); return 0; } int c = 1; if (count != Undefined.instance) { c = (int) Context.toNumber(count); } if (range_.getStartContainer() == range_.getEndContainer() && range_.getStartContainer() instanceof SelectableTextInput) { final SelectableTextInput input = (SelectableTextInput) range_.getStartContainer(); c = constrainMoveBy(c, range_.getEndOffset(), input.getText().length()); range_.setEnd(input, range_.getEndOffset() + c); } return c; } /** * Moves the text range so that the start and end positions of the range encompass * the text in the specified element. * @param element the element to move to * @see <a href="">MSDN Documentation</a> */ @JsxFunction public void moveToElementText(final HTMLElement element) { range_.selectNode(element.getDomNodeOrDie()); } /** * Indicates if a range is contained in current one. * @param other the other range * @return {@code true} if <code>other</code> is contained within current range * @see <a href="">MSDN doc</a> */ @JsxFunction public boolean inRange(final TextRange other) { final Range otherRange = other.range_; final org.w3c.dom.Node start = range_.getStartContainer(); final org.w3c.dom.Node otherStart = otherRange.getStartContainer(); if (otherStart == null) { return false; } final short startComparison = start.compareDocumentPosition(otherStart); final boolean startNodeBefore = startComparison == 0 || (startComparison & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS) != 0 || (startComparison & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING) != 0; if (startNodeBefore && (start != otherStart || range_.getStartOffset() <= otherRange.getStartOffset())) { final org.w3c.dom.Node end = range_.getEndContainer(); final org.w3c.dom.Node otherEnd = otherRange.getEndContainer(); final short endComparison = end.compareDocumentPosition(otherEnd); final boolean endNodeAfter = endComparison == 0 || (endComparison & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS) != 0 || (endComparison & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING) != 0; if (endNodeAfter && (end != otherEnd || range_.getEndOffset() >= otherRange.getEndOffset())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Sets the endpoint of the range based on the endpoint of another range.. * @param type end point transfer type. One of "StartToEnd", "StartToStart", "EndToStart" and "EndToEnd" * @param other the other range * @see <a href="">MSDN doc</a> */ @JsxFunction public void setEndPoint(final String type, final TextRange other) { final Range otherRange = other.range_; final org.w3c.dom.Node target; final int offset; if (type.endsWith("ToStart")) { target = otherRange.getStartContainer(); offset = otherRange.getStartOffset(); } else { target = otherRange.getEndContainer(); offset = otherRange.getEndOffset(); } if (type.startsWith("Start")) { range_.setStart(target, offset); } else { range_.setEnd(target, offset); } } /** * Constrain the given amount to move the range by to the limits of the given current offset and text length. * @param moveBy the amount to move by * @param current the current index * @param textLength the text length * @return the moveBy amount constrained to the text length */ protected int constrainMoveBy(int moveBy, final int current, final int textLength) { final int to = current + moveBy; if (to < 0) { moveBy -= to; } else if (to >= textLength) { moveBy -= to - textLength; } return moveBy; } /** * Retrieves a bookmark (opaque string) that can be used with {@link #moveToBookmark} * to return to the same range. * The current implementation return empty string * @return the bookmark */ @JsxFunction public String getBookmark() { return ""; } /** * Moves to a bookmark. * The current implementation does nothing * @param bookmark the bookmark * @return {@code false} */ @JsxFunction public boolean moveToBookmark(final String bookmark) { return false; } /** * Compares an end point of a TextRange object with an end point of another range. * @param how how to compare * @param sourceRange the other range * @return the result */ @JsxFunction public int compareEndPoints(final String how, final TextRange sourceRange) { final org.w3c.dom.Node start; final org.w3c.dom.Node otherStart; switch (how) { case "StartToEnd": start = range_.getStartContainer(); otherStart = sourceRange.range_.getEndContainer(); break; case "StartToStart": start = range_.getStartContainer(); otherStart = sourceRange.range_.getStartContainer(); break; case "EndToStart": start = range_.getEndContainer(); otherStart = sourceRange.range_.getStartContainer(); break; default: start = range_.getEndContainer(); otherStart = sourceRange.range_.getEndContainer(); break; } if (start == null || otherStart == null) { return 0; } return start.compareDocumentPosition(otherStart); } }