Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2002-2017 Gargoyle Software Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html;

import static com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserRunner.Browser.CHROME;
import static com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserRunner.Browser.FF;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserRunner;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserRunner.Alerts;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserRunner.NotYetImplemented;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebDriverTestCase;

 * Set of tests for ill formed HTML code.
 * @author Marc Guillemot
 * @author Sudhan Moghe
 * @author Ahmed Ashour
 * @author Frank Danek
 * @author Carsten Steul
 * @author Ronald Brill
public class MalformedHtmlTest extends WebDriverTestCase {

     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    @Alerts({ "in test", "BODY" })
    public void bodyAttributeWhenOpeningBodyGenerated() throws Exception {
        final String content = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + "function test() {\n"
                + "  alert('in test');\n" + "  alert(document.getElementById('span1').parentNode.tagName);\n"
                + "}\n" + "</script>\n" + "<span id='span1'>hello</span>\n" + "</head><body onload='test()'>\n"
                + "</body></html>";


     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    @Alerts({ "2", "3", "text3", "text3", "null" })
    public void lostFormChildren() throws Exception {
        final String content = "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n" + "function test() {\n"
                + "  alert(document.forms[0].childNodes.length);\n"
                + "  alert(document.forms[0].elements.length);\n" + "  alert(document.forms[0].elements[2].name);\n"
                + "  alert(document.forms[0];\n" + "  alert(document.getElementById('text4').form);\n"
                + "}\n" + "</script>\n" + "</head><body onload='test()'>\n" + "<div>\n" + "<form action='foo'>"
                + "<input type='text' name='text1'/>" + "<input type='text' name='text2'/>" + "</div>\n"
                + "<input type='text' name='text3'/>\n" + "</form>\n"
                + "<input type='text' name='text4' id='text4'/>\n" + "</body></html>";


     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    @Alerts("Test document")
    public void titleAfterInsertedBody() throws Exception {
        final String content = "<html><head>\n"
                + "<noscript><link href='other.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'></noscript>\n"
                + "<title>Test document</title>\n" + "</head><body onload='alert(document.title)'>\n" + "foo"
                + "</body></html>";


     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    @Alerts("Test document")
    public void titleTwice() throws Exception {
        final String content = "<html><head>\n" + "<title>Test document</title>\n" + "<title>2nd title</title>\n"
                + "</head><body onload='alert(document.title)'>\n" + "foo" + "</body></html>";


     * Test for <a href="">Bug 68</a>.
     * In fact this is not fully correct because IE (6 at least) does something very strange
     * and keeps the DIV in TABLE but wraps it in a node without name.
     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    @Alerts({ "DIV", "TABLE" })
    public void div_between_table_and_tr() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html><head><script>\n" + "function test() {\n"
                + "  var c1 = document.body.firstChild;\n" + "  alert(c1.tagName);\n"
                + "  alert(c1.nextSibling.tagName);\n" + "}\n" + "</script>\n" + "</head><body onload='test()'>"
                + "<table><div>hello</div>\n" + "<tr><td>world</td></tr></table>\n" + "</body></html>";


     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void script_between_head_and_body() throws Exception {
        final String content = "<html><head><title>foo</title></head><script>\n" + "alert('hello');\n"
                + "</script>\n" + "<body>\n" + "</body></html>";


     * Tests that wrong formed HTML code is parsed like browsers do.
     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void wrongHtml_TagBeforeHtml() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<div>\n" + "<html>\n" + "<head><title>foo</title>\n" + "<script>\n"
                + "var toto = 12345;\n" + "</script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body onload='alert(toto)'>\n" + "blabla"
                + "</body>\n" + "</html>";

        final WebDriver webdriver = loadPageWithAlerts2(html);
        assertEquals("foo", webdriver.getTitle());

    * Regression test for bug #889.
    * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void missingSingleQuote() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<head>\n" + "<script>\n" + "  function test() {\n"
                + "    alert(document.links.length);\n" + "  }\n" + "  </script>\n" + "</head>\n"
                + "<body onload='test()'>\n" + "  Go to <a href='>blah</a> now.\n"
                + "</body></html>";

    * Regression test for bug #889.
    * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void missingDoubleQuote() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<head>\n" + "<script>\n" + "  function test() {\n"
                + "    alert(document.links.length);\n" + "  }\n" + "  </script>\n" + "</head>\n"
                + "<body onload='test()'>\n" + "  Go to <a href=\">blah</a> now.\n"
                + "</body></html>";

    * Regression test for bug #1192.
    * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "submit", "button" })
    public void brokenInputSingleQuote() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<head>\n" + "<script>\n" + "  function test() {\n"
                + "    alert(document.getElementById('myBody').firstChild.type);\n"
                + "    alert(document.getElementById('myBody').firstChild.value);\n" + "  }\n" + "  </script>\n"
                + "</head>\n" + "<body id='myBody' onload='test()'>"
                + "<input width:250px' type='submit' value='button'>" + "</body></html>";

    * Regression test for bug #1192.
    * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "submit", "button" })
    public void brokenInputDoubleQuote() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<head>\n" + "<script>\n" + "  function test() {\n"
                + "    alert(document.getElementById('myBody').firstChild.type);\n"
                + "    alert(document.getElementById('myBody').firstChild.value);\n" + "  }\n" + "  </script>\n"
                + "</head>\n" + "<body id='myBody' onload='test()'>"
                + "<input width:250px\" type=\"submit\" value=\"button\">" + "</body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "inFirst", "inSecond" })
    public void nestedForms() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html><body>\n" + "<form name='TransSearch'>\n" + "<input type='submit' id='button'>\n"
                + "<table>\n" + "<tr><td><input name='FromDate' value='inFirst'></form></td></tr>\n" + "</table>\n"
                + "<table>\n" + "<tr><td><form name='ImageSearch'></td></tr>\n"
                + "<tr><td><input name='FromDate' value='inSecond'></form></td></tr>\n" + "</table>\n"
                + "<script>\n" + "alert(document.forms[0].elements['FromDate'].value);\n"
                + "alert(document.forms[1].elements['FromDate'].value);\n" + "</script>\n" + "</body></html>";
        final WebDriver driver = loadPageWithAlerts2(html);

        assertEquals(URL_FIRST + "?FromDate=inFirst", driver.getCurrentUrl());

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void li_div_li() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html><body>\n" + "<ul id='it'><li>item 1<div>in div</li><li>item2</li></ul>"
                + "<script>\n" + "alert(document.getElementById('it').childNodes.length);\n" + "</script>\n"
                + "</body></html>";

    * Regression test for bug 1564.
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "1", "\uFFFD", "65533" })
    public void entityWithInvalidUTF16Code() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html><head><title>&#x1b3d6e;</title></head><body><script>"
                + "alert(document.title.length);\n" + "alert(document.title);\n"
                + "alert(document.title.charCodeAt(0));\n" + "</script></body></html>";

    * Regression test for bug 1562.
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts("hello world")
    public void sectionWithUnknownClosingTag() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html><body><section id='it'>" + "hello</isslot> world" + "</section>\n" + "<script>\n"
                + "var elt = document.getElementById('it');\n" + "alert(elt.textContent || elt.innerText);\n"
                + "</script></body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "4", "#text:\n  ", "A:null", "DIV:null", "#text:Z\n\n\n", "3", "innerDiv", "BODY:null", "3", "A:null",
            "A:null", "#text:Y", "outerA", "BODY:null", "1", "#text:V", "true", "false", "outerA", "DIV:null", "1",
            "#text:W", "false", "false", "innerA", "DIV:null", "1", "#text:X", "false", "true" })
    // Input:
    // <a id="outerA">V<div id="innerDiv">W<a id="innerA">X</a>Y</div>Z</a>
    // CHROME and IE generate:
    // <a id="outerA">V</a><div id="innerDiv"><a id="outerA">W</a><a id="innerA">X</a>Y</div>Z
    // IE8 generates (total mess):
    // <a id="outerA">V<div id="innerDiv">W<a id="innerA">X</a>Y</div></a><a id="innerA">X</a>YZ</a/>
    // HtmlUnit generates:
    // <a id="outerA">V<div id="innerDiv">W</div></a><a id="innerA">X</a>YZ
    public void nestedAnchorInDivision() throws Exception {
        final String html = HtmlPageTest.STANDARDS_MODE_PREFIX_ + "<html><head><title>foo</title><script>\n"
                + "  function test() {\n" + "    var outerA = document.getElementById('outerA');\n"
                + "    var innerDiv = document.getElementById('innerDiv');\n"
                + "    var innerA = document.getElementById('innerA');\n"
                + "    var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');\n"

                + "    try {\n" + "      alert(document.body.childNodes.length);\n"
                + "      dump(document.body.childNodes[0]);\n" + "      dump(document.body.childNodes[1]);\n"
                + "      dump(document.body.childNodes[2]);\n" + "      dump(document.body.childNodes[3]);\n"
                + "      alert(document.getElementsByTagName('a').length);\n"
                + "    } catch (e) { alert('exception') }\n"

                + "    try {\n" + "      alert(;\n" + "      dump(innerDiv.parentNode);\n"
                + "      alert(innerDiv.childNodes.length);\n" + "      dump(innerDiv.childNodes[0]);\n"
                + "      dump(innerDiv.childNodes[1]);\n" + "      dump(innerDiv.childNodes[2]);\n"
                + "    } catch (e) { alert('exception') }\n"

                + "    try {\n" + "      alert(anchors[0].id);\n" + "      dump(anchors[0].parentNode);\n"
                + "      alert(anchors[0].childNodes.length);\n" + "      dump(anchors[0].childNodes[0]);\n"
                + "      alert(anchors[0] == outerA);\n" + "      alert(anchors[0] == innerA);\n"
                + "    } catch (e) { alert('exception') }\n"

                + "    try {\n" + "      alert(anchors[1].id);\n" + "      dump(anchors[1].parentNode);\n"
                + "      alert(anchors[1].childNodes.length);\n" + "      dump(anchors[1].childNodes[0]);\n"
                + "      alert(anchors[1] == outerA);\n" + "      alert(anchors[1] == innerA);\n"
                + "    } catch (e) { alert('exception') }\n"

                + "    try {\n" + "      alert(anchors[2].id);\n" + "      dump(anchors[2].parentNode);\n"
                + "      alert(anchors[2].childNodes.length);\n" + "      dump(anchors[2].childNodes[0]);\n"
                + "      alert(anchors[2] == outerA);\n" + "      alert(anchors[2] == innerA);\n"
                + "    } catch (e) { alert('exception') }\n" + "  }\n" + "  function dump(e) {\n"
                + "    alert(e.nodeName + ':' + e.nodeValue);\n" + "  }\n"
                + "</script></head><body onload='test()'>\n"
                + "  <a id='outerA'>V<div id='innerDiv'>W<a id='innerA'>X</a>Y</div>Z</a>\n" + "</body>\n"
                + "</html>\n";


    * Regression test for bug 1598.
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "DOC", "1" })
    public void unknownTagInTable() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html><body>" + "<table id='it'><doc><tr><td>hello</td></tr></doc></table>"
                + "<script>\n" + "alert(document.body.firstChild.tagName);\n"
                + "alert(document.getElementById('it').rows.length);\n" + "</script></body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "DOC", "1" })
    public void unknownTagInTbody() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html><body>"
                + "<table id='it'><tbody><doc><tr><td>hello</td></tr></doc></tbody></table>" + "<script>\n"
                + "alert(document.body.firstChild.tagName);\n"
                + "alert(document.getElementById('it').rows.length);\n" + "</script></body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "1", "TABLE", "2", "FORM", "TBODY" })
    public void formInTable1() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "<table>\n" + "  <tr>\n" + "    <td>\n" + "      <table>\n"
                + "        <tr>\n" + "          <td id='td0'>\n" + "            <table>\n"
                + "              <form id='xyz'>\n" + "              <tr>\n" + "                <td>\n"
                + "                  <input type='hidden' name='xyz' value='123'>\n"
                + "                  <input type='submit' value='Submit'>\n" + "                </td>\n"
                + "              </tr>\n" + "              </form>\n" + "            </table>" + "          </td>\n"
                + "        </tr>\n" + "        <tr><td></td></tr>\n" + "      </table>\n" + "    </td>\n"
                + "  </tr>\n" + "</table>" + "<script>\n"
                + "  alert(document.getElementById('td0').children.length);\n"
                + "  alert(document.getElementById('td0').children[0].tagName);\n"
                + "  alert(document.getElementById('td0').children[0].children.length);\n"
                + "  alert(document.getElementById('td0').children[0].children[0].tagName);\n"
                + "  alert(document.getElementById('td0').children[0].children[1].tagName);\n" + "</script>\n"
                + "</body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "3", "1a", "1b", "1c", "0", "TBODY", "3", "2a", "2b", "2c", "0", "TBODY" })
    public void formInTable2() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "<table>\n" + "  <tr>\n" + "    <td>xyz</td>\n" + "  </tr>\n"
                + "  <form name='form1' action='' method='post'>\n"
                + "    <input type='hidden' name='1a' value='a1' />\n" + "    <tr>\n" + "      <td>\n"
                + "        <table>\n" + "          <tr>\n" + "            <td>\n"
                + "              <input type='text' name='1b' value='b1' />\n" + "            </td>\n"
                + "          </tr>\n" + "        </table>\n" + "      </td>\n" + "    </tr>\n"
                + "    <input type='hidden' name='1c' value='c1'>\n" + "  </form>\n"
                + "  <form name='form2' action='' method='post'>\n"
                + "    <input type='hidden' name='2a' value='a2' />\n" + "    <tr>\n" + "      <td>\n"
                + "        <table>\n" + "          <tr>\n" + "            <td>\n"
                + "              <input type='text' name='2b' value='b2' />\n" + "            </td>\n"
                + "          </tr>\n" + "        </table>\n" + "      </td>\n" + "    </tr>\n"
                + "    <input type='hidden' name='2c' value='c2'>\n" + "  </form>\n" + "</table>" + "<script>\n"
                + "  for(var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {\n"
                + "  alert(document.forms[i].elements.length);\n"
                + "    for(var j = 0; j < document.forms[i].elements.length; j++) {\n"
                + "      alert(document.forms[i].elements[j].name);\n" + "    }\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].children.length);\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].parentNode.tagName);\n" + "  }\n" + "</script>\n" + "</body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "3", "1a", "1b", "", "0", "TABLE" })
    public void formInTable3() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "  <table>\n"
                + "    <form name='form1' action='' method='get'>\n"
                + "      <input type='hidden' name='1a' value='a1'>\n" + "      <tr>\n" + "        <td>\n"
                + "          <input type='hidden' name='1b' value='b1'>\n"
                + "          <input type='submit' value='Submit'>\n" + "        </td>\n" + "      </tr>\n"
                + "    </form>\n" + "  </table>" + "<script>\n"
                + "  for(var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {\n"
                + "  alert(document.forms[i].elements.length);\n"
                + "    for(var j = 0; j < document.forms[i].elements.length; j++) {\n"
                + "      alert(document.forms[i].elements[j].name);\n" + "    }\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].children.length);\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].parentNode.tagName);\n" + "  }\n" + "</script>\n" + "</body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "3", "1a", "1b", "", "0", "DIV" })
    public void formInTable4() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "  <table>\n" + "    <div>\n"
                + "      <form name='form1' action='' method='get'>\n"
                + "        <input type='hidden' name='1a' value='a1'>\n" + "        <tr>\n" + "          <td>\n"
                + "            <input type='hidden' name='1b' value='b1'>\n"
                + "            <input type='submit' value='Submit'>\n" + "          </td>\n" + "        </tr>\n"
                + "      </form>\n" + "    </div>\n" + "  </table>\n" + "<script>\n"
                + "  for(var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {\n"
                + "  alert(document.forms[i].elements.length);\n"
                + "    for(var j = 0; j < document.forms[i].elements.length; j++) {\n"
                + "      alert(document.forms[i].elements[j].name);\n" + "    }\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].children.length);\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].parentNode.tagName);\n" + "  }\n" + "</script>\n" + "</body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "1", "1a", "0", "TR", "1", "2a", "0", "TR" })
    public void formInTable5() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "  <table>\n" + "    <tr>\n" + "      <form name='form1'>\n"
                + "        <input value='a1' name='1a' type='hidden'></input>\n" + "      </form>\n"
                + "      <form name='form2'>\n" + "        <input value='a2' name='2a' type='hidden'></input>\n"
                + "      </form>\n" + "      <td>\n" + "      </td>\n" + "    </tr>\n" + "  </table>\n"
                + "<script>\n" + "  for(var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {\n"
                + "  alert(document.forms[i].elements.length);\n"
                + "    for(var j = 0; j < document.forms[i].elements.length; j++) {\n"
                + "      alert(document.forms[i].elements[j].name);\n" + "    }\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].children.length);\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].parentNode.tagName);\n" + "  }\n" + "</script>\n" + "</body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "2", "1a", "1b", "0", "TR" })
    public void formInTable6() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "<table>\n" + "  <tr>\n" + "    <td></td>\n"
                + "    <form name='form1'>\n" + "      <input name='1a' value='a1' type='hidden'></input>\n"
                + "      <td>\n" + "        <div>\n" + "          <table>\n" + "            <tr>\n"
                + "              <td>\n" + "                <input name='1b' value='b1'></input>\n"
                + "              </td>\n" + "            </tr>\n" + "          </table>\n" + "        </div>\n"
                + "      </td>\n" + "    </form>\n" + "  </tr>\n" + "</table>\n" + "<script>\n"
                + "  for(var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {\n"
                + "  alert(document.forms[i].elements.length);\n"
                + "    for(var j = 0; j < document.forms[i].elements.length; j++) {\n"
                + "      alert(document.forms[i].elements[j].name);\n" + "    }\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].children.length);\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].parentNode.tagName);\n" + "  }\n" + "</script>\n" + "</body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "3", "1a", "1b", "1c", "0", "TR", "1", "2a", "1", "DIV" })
    public void formInTable7() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "  <table>\n" + "    <tbody>\n" + "      <tr>\n"
                + "        <form name='form1'>\n" + "          <input type='hidden' name='1a' value='a1' />\n"
                + "          <td>\n" + "            <input type='hidden' name='1b' value='b1' />\n"
                + "            <div>\n" + "              <input name='1c' value='c1'>\n" + "            </div>\n"
                + "          </td>\n" + "        </form>\n" + "      </tr>\n" + "    </tbody>\n" + "  </table>\n"
                + "  <div>\n" + "    <form name='form2'>\n" + "      <input type='hidden' name='2a' value='a2' />\n"
                + "    </form>\n" + "  </div>\n" + "<script>\n"
                + "  for(var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {\n"
                + "  alert(document.forms[i].elements.length);\n"
                + "    for(var j = 0; j < document.forms[i].elements.length; j++) {\n"
                + "      alert(document.forms[i].elements[j].name);\n" + "    }\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].children.length);\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].parentNode.tagName);\n" + "  }\n" + "</script>\n" + "</body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "2", "1a", "1b", "2", "BODY", "TR", "TABLE", "2" })
    public void formInTable8() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "  <form name='form1'>\n"
                + "    <input type='hidden' name='1a' value='a1' />\n" + "    <div>\n" + "      <table>\n"
                + "        <colgroup id='colgroup'>\n" + "          <col width='50%' />\n"
                + "          <col width='50%' />\n" + "        </colgroup>\n" + "        <thead>\n"
                + "          <tr>\n" + "            <th>A</th>\n" + "            <th>B</th>\n" + "          </tr>\n"
                + "        </thead>\n" + "        <tbody>\n" + "          <tr>\n"
                + "            <input type='hidden' name='1b' value='b1' />\n" + "            <td>1</td>\n"
                + "            <td>2</td>\n" + "          </tr>\n" + "        </tbody>\n" + "      </table>\n"
                + "    </div>\n" + "  </form>\n" + "<script>\n" + "  alert(document.form1.elements.length);\n"
                + "  for(var j = 0; j < document.form1.elements.length; j++) {\n"
                + "    alert(document.form1.elements[j].name);\n" + "  }\n"
                + "  alert(document.form1.children.length);\n" + "  alert(document.form1.parentNode.tagName);\n"
                + "  alert(document.form1['1b'].parentNode.tagName);\n"
                + "  alert(document.getElementById('colgroup').parentNode.tagName);\n"
                + "  alert(document.getElementById('colgroup').children.length);\n" + "</script>\n"
                + "</body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts(DEFAULT = { "3", "1b", "1a", "1c", "0", "TABLE" }, IE = { "3", "1a", "1b", "1c", "0", "TABLE" })
    @NotYetImplemented({ CHROME, FF })
    public void formInTable9() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "  <table>\n" + "    <form name='form1'>\n"
                + "      <input type='hidden' name='1a' value='a1' />\n" + "      <div>\n"
                + "        <input type='hidden' name='1b' value='b1' />\n" + "      </div>\n" + "      <tbody>\n"
                + "        <tr>\n" + "          <input type='hidden' name='1c' value='c1' />\n"
                + "          <td>1</td>\n" + "          <td>2</td>\n" + "        </tr>\n" + "      </tbody>\n"
                + "    </form>\n" + "  </table>\n" + "<script>\n" + "  alert(document.form1.elements.length);\n"
                + "  for(var j = 0; j < document.form1.elements.length; j++) {\n"
                + "    alert(document.form1.elements[j].name);\n" + "  }\n"
                + "  alert(document.form1.children.length);\n" + "  alert(document.form1.parentNode.tagName);\n"
                + "</script>\n" + "</body></html>";

     * Test case for issue #1621.
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "1", "form1_submit", "0", "TABLE" })
    public void formInTable10() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "  <table>\n" + "    <form name='form1'>\n" + "      <tr>\n"
                + "        <td>\n" + "          <input name='form1_submit' type='submit'/>\n" + "        </td>\n"
                + "      </tr>\n" + "    </form>\n" + "    <form name='form2'>\n" + "    </form>\n" + "  </table>\n"
                + "<script>\n" + "  alert(document.form1.elements.length);\n"
                + "  for(var j = 0; j < document.form1.elements.length; j++) {\n"
                + "    alert(document.form1.elements[j].name);\n" + "  }\n"
                + "  alert(document.form1.children.length);\n" + "  alert(document.form1.parentNode.tagName);\n"
                + "</script>\n" + "</body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "<div>caption</div>", "TABLE" })
    public void nonInlineElementInCaption() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "  <table>\n" + "    <caption id='caption'>\n"
                + "      <div>caption</div>\n" + "    </caption>\n" + "    <tr>\n" + "      <td>content</td>\n"
                + "    </tr>\n" + "  </table>" + "<script>\n"
                + "  alert(document.getElementById('caption').innerHTML.replace(/\\s+/g, ''));\n"
                + "  alert(document.getElementById('caption').parentNode.tagName);\n" + "</script>\n"
                + "</body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts({ "2", "input1", "submit1", "1", "LI", "2", "input2", "submit2", "2", "DIV" })
    public void synthesizedDivInForm() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "  <ul>\n" + "    <li>\n"
                + "      <form name='form1' action='action1' method='POST'>\n" + "        <div>\n"
                + "          <input name='input1' value='value1'>\n"
                + "          <input name='submit1' type='submit'>\n" + "      </form>\n" + "    </li>\n"
                + "  </ul>\n" + "  <div>\n" + "    <form name='form2' action='action2' method='POST'>\n"
                + "      <input name='input2' value='value2'>\n" + "      <input name='submit2' type='submit'>\n"
                + "    </form>\n" + "  </div>\n" + "<script>\n"
                + "  for(var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {\n"
                + "  alert(document.forms[i].elements.length);\n"
                + "    for(var j = 0; j < document.forms[i].elements.length; j++) {\n"
                + "      alert(document.forms[i].elements[j].name);\n" + "    }\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].children.length);\n"
                + "    alert(document.forms[i].parentNode.tagName);\n" + "  }\n" + "</script>\n" + "</body></html>";

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts("frame loaded")
    public void siblingWithoutContentBeforeFrameset() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<div><span></span></div>\n" + "<frameset>\n"
                + "  <frame name='main' src='" + URL_SECOND + "' />\n" + "</frameset>\n" + "</html>";

        final String html2 = "<html><body>\n" + "<script>\n" + "  alert('frame loaded');\n" + "</script>\n"
                + "</body></html>";

        getMockWebConnection().setResponse(URL_SECOND, html2);
        final WebDriver webDriver = loadPageWithAlerts2(html);
        assertEquals(1, webDriver.findElements("main")).size());

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts("frame loaded")
    public void siblingWithWhitespaceContentBeforeFrameset() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<div>     \t \r \r\n</div>\n" + "<frameset>\n"
                + "  <frame name='main' src='" + URL_SECOND + "' />\n" + "</frameset>\n" + "</html>";

        final String html2 = "<html><body>\n" + "<script>\n" + "  alert('frame loaded');\n" + "</script>\n"
                + "</body></html>";

        getMockWebConnection().setResponse(URL_SECOND, html2);
        final WebDriver webDriver = loadPageWithAlerts2(html);
        assertEquals(1, webDriver.findElements("main")).size());

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void siblingWithNbspContentBeforeFrameset() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<div>&nbsp;</div>\n" + "<frameset>\n" + "  <frame name='main' src='"
                + URL_SECOND + "' />\n" + "</div>\n" + "</html>";

        final String html2 = "<html><body>\n" + "<script>\n" + "  alert('frame loaded');\n" + "</script>\n"
                + "</body></html>";

        getMockWebConnection().setResponse(URL_SECOND, html2);
        final WebDriver webDriver = loadPageWithAlerts2(html);
        assertEquals(0, webDriver.findElements("main")).size());

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void siblingWithContentBeforeFrameset() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<div><span>CONTENT</span></div>\n" + "<frameset>\n"
                + "  <frame name='main' src='" + URL_SECOND + "' />\n" + "</frameset>\n" + "</html>";

        final String html2 = "<html><body>\n" + "<script>\n" + "  alert('frame loaded');\n" + "</script>\n"
                + "</body></html>";

        getMockWebConnection().setResponse(URL_SECOND, html2);
        final WebDriver webDriver = loadPageWithAlerts2(html);
        assertEquals(0, webDriver.findElements("main")).size());

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts("frame loaded")
    public void framesetInsideDiv() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<div id='tester'>\n" + "  <frameset>\n" + "    <frame name='main' src='"
                + URL_SECOND + "' />\n" + "  </frameset>\n" + "</div>\n" + "</html>";

        final String html2 = "<html><body>\n" + "<script>\n" + "  alert('frame loaded');\n" + "</script>\n"
                + "</body></html>";

        getMockWebConnection().setResponse(URL_SECOND, html2);
        final WebDriver webDriver = loadPageWithAlerts2(html);
        assertEquals(1, webDriver.findElements("main")).size());
        assertEquals(0, webDriver.findElements("tester")).size());

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    @Alerts("frame loaded")
    public void framesetInsideForm() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<form id='tester'>\n" + "  <frameset>\n" + "    <frame name='main' src='"
                + URL_SECOND + "' />\n" + "  </frameset>\n" + "</form>\n" + "</html>";

        final String html2 = "<html><body>\n" + "<script>\n" + "  alert('frame loaded');\n" + "</script>\n"
                + "</body></html>";

        getMockWebConnection().setResponse(URL_SECOND, html2);
        final WebDriver webDriver = loadPageWithAlerts2(html);
        assertEquals(1, webDriver.findElements("main")).size());
        assertEquals(0, webDriver.findElements("tester")).size());

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void framesetInsideTable() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<table id='tester'>\n" + "  <frameset>\n" + "    <frame name='main' src='"
                + URL_SECOND + "' />\n" + "  </frameset>\n" + "</table>\n" + "</html>";

        final String html2 = "<html><body>\n" + "<script>\n" + "  alert('frame loaded');\n" + "</script>\n"
                + "</body></html>";

        getMockWebConnection().setResponse(URL_SECOND, html2);
        final WebDriver webDriver = loadPageWithAlerts2(html);
        assertEquals(0, webDriver.findElements("main")).size());
        assertEquals(1, webDriver.findElements("tester")).size());