Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2002-2016 Gargoyle Software Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html;

import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.right;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserRunner;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.CollectingAlertHandler;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.HttpMethod;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.MockWebConnection;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.SimpleWebTestCase;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.TopLevelWindow;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebWindow;

 * Tests for {@link HtmlAnchor}.
 * @author <a href="">Mike Bowler</a>
 * @author Marc Guillemot
 * @author Stefan Anzinger
 * @author Ahmed Ashour
public class HtmlAnchorTest extends SimpleWebTestCase {

     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void click_onClickHandler() throws Exception {
        final String firstContent = "<html><head><title>First</title></head><body>\n"
                + "<a href='' id='a1'>link to foo1</a>\n" + "<a href='" + URL_SECOND
                + "' id='a2' " + "onClick='alert(\"clicked\")'>link to foo2</a>\n"
                + "<a href='' id='a3'>link to foo3</a>\n" + "</body></html>";
        final String secondContent = "<html><head><title>Second</title></head><body></body></html>";

        final WebClient client = getWebClient();
        final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<>();
        client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts));

        final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection();
        webConnection.setResponse(URL_FIRST, firstContent);
        webConnection.setResponse(URL_SECOND, secondContent);

        final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(URL_FIRST);
        final HtmlAnchor anchor = page.getHtmlElementById("a2");

        assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, collectedAlerts);

        final HtmlPage secondPage =;

        assertEquals(new String[] { "clicked" }, collectedAlerts);
        assertEquals("Second", secondPage.getTitleText());

     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void click_onClickHandler_returnFalse() throws Exception {
        final String firstContent = "<html><head><title>First</title></head><body>\n"
                + "<a href='' id='a1'>link to foo1</a>\n" + "<a href='" + URL_SECOND
                + "' id='a2' " + "onClick='alert(\"clicked\");return false;'>link to foo2</a>\n"
                + "<a href='' id='a3'>link to foo3</a>\n" + "</body></html>";
        final String secondContent = "<html><head><title>Second</title></head><body></body></html>";

        final WebClient client = getWebClient();
        final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<>();
        client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts));

        final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection();
        webConnection.setResponse(URL_FIRST, firstContent);
        webConnection.setResponse(URL_SECOND, secondContent);

        final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(URL_FIRST);
        final HtmlAnchor anchor = page.getHtmlElementById("a2");

        assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, collectedAlerts);

        final HtmlPage secondPage =;

        assertEquals(new String[] { "clicked" }, collectedAlerts);
        assertSame(page, secondPage);

     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void click_onClickHandler_javascriptDisabled() throws Exception {
        final String htmlContent = "<html><head><title>foo</title></head><body>\n"
                + "<a href='' id='a1'>link to foo1</a>\n"
                + "<a href='' id='a2' " + "onClick='alert(\"clicked\")'>link to foo2</a>\n"
                + "<a href='' id='a3'>link to foo3</a>\n" + "</body></html>";
        final WebClient client = getWebClient();

        final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<>();
        client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts));

        final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection();

        final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getDefaultUrl());
        final HtmlAnchor anchor = page.getHtmlElementById("a2");

        assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, collectedAlerts);

        final HtmlPage secondPage =;

        assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, collectedAlerts);
        final List<?> expectedParameters = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

        assertEquals("url", "", secondPage.getUrl());
        assertSame("method", HttpMethod.GET, webConnection.getLastMethod());
        assertEquals("parameters", expectedParameters, webConnection.getLastParameters());

     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void click_javascriptUrl() throws Exception {
        final String htmlContent = "<html><head><title>foo</title></head><body>\n"
                + "<a href='' id='a1'>link to foo1</a>\n"
                + "<a href='javascript:alert(\"clicked\")' id='a2'>link to foo2</a>\n"
                + "<a href='' id='a3'>link to foo3</a>\n" + "</body></html>";
        final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<>();
        final HtmlPage page = loadPage(htmlContent, collectedAlerts);

        final HtmlAnchor anchor = page.getHtmlElementById("a2");

        assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, collectedAlerts);

        final HtmlPage secondPage =;

        assertEquals(new String[] { "clicked" }, collectedAlerts);
        assertSame(page, secondPage);

     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void click_javascriptUrlMixedCase() throws Exception {
        final String htmlContent = "<html><head><title>foo</title></head><body>\n"
                + "<a href='JAVAscrIpt:alert(\"clicked\")' id='a2'>link to foo2</a>\n" + "</body></html>";
        final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<>();
        final HtmlPage page = loadPage(htmlContent, collectedAlerts);

        final HtmlAnchor anchor = page.getHtmlElementById("a2");

        assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, collectedAlerts);

        final HtmlPage secondPage =;

        assertEquals(new String[] { "clicked" }, collectedAlerts);
        assertSame(page, secondPage);

     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void click_javascriptUrlLeadingWhitespace() throws Exception {
        final String htmlContent = "<html><head><title>foo</title></head><body>\n"
                + "<a href='  javascript:alert(\"clicked\")' id='a2'>link to foo2</a>\n" + "</body></html>";
        final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<>();
        final HtmlPage page = loadPage(htmlContent, collectedAlerts);

        final HtmlAnchor anchor = page.getHtmlElementById("a2");

        assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, collectedAlerts);

        final HtmlPage secondPage =;

        assertEquals(new String[] { "clicked" }, collectedAlerts);
        assertSame(page, secondPage);

     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void click_javascriptUrl_javascriptDisabled() throws Exception {
        final String htmlContent = "<html><head><title>foo</title></head><body>\n"
                + "<a href='' id='a1'>link to foo1</a>\n"
                + "<a href='javascript:alert(\"clicked\")' id='a2'>link to foo2</a>\n"
                + "<a href='' id='a3'>link to foo3</a>\n" + "</body></html>";
        final WebClient client = getWebClient();

        final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<>();
        client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts));

        final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection();

        final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getDefaultUrl());
        final HtmlAnchor anchor = page.getHtmlElementById("a2");

        assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, collectedAlerts);

        final HtmlPage secondPage =;

        assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, collectedAlerts);
        assertSame(page, secondPage);

     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void click_javascriptUrl_InvalidReturn_RegressionTest() throws Exception {
        final String htmlContent = "<html><head><SCRIPT lang=\"JavaScript\">\n" + "function doSubmit(formName) {\n"
                + "    return false;\n" + "}\n" + "</SCRIPT></head><body>\n"
                + "<form name='formName' method='POST' action='../foo'>\n"
                + "<a href='.' id='testJavascript' name='testJavascript'"
                + "onclick='return false'>Test Link </a>\n"
                + "<input type='submit' value='Login' name='loginButton'>\n" + "</form></body></html>";

        final HtmlPage page = loadPage(htmlContent);
        final HtmlAnchor testAnchor = page.getAnchorByName("testJavascript");; // blows up here

     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void click_javascriptUrl_targetPageWithIframe() throws Exception {
        final String firstContent = " <html>\n" + "<head><title>Page A</title></head>\n"
                + "<body><a href='#' onclick=\"document.location.href='" + URL_SECOND
                + "'\" id='link'>link</a></body>\n" + "</html>";
        final String secondContent = "<html>\n" + "<head><title>Page B</title></head>\n" + "<body><iframe src='"
                + URL_THIRD + "'></iframe></body>\n" + "</html>";
        final String thirdContent = "<html>\n" + "<head><title>Page C</title></head>\n" + "<body>test</body>\n"
                + "</html>";

        final WebClient client = getWebClient();
        final MockWebConnection conn = new MockWebConnection();
        conn.setResponse(URL_FIRST, firstContent);
        conn.setResponse(URL_SECOND, secondContent);
        conn.setResponse(URL_THIRD, thirdContent);
        final HtmlPage firstPage = client.getPage(URL_FIRST);
        final HtmlAnchor a = firstPage.getHtmlElementById("link");
        final HtmlPage secondPage =;
        assertEquals("url", URL_SECOND, secondPage.getUrl());
        assertEquals("title", "Page B", secondPage.getTitleText());

     * Regression test for bug 2847838.
     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void click_javascriptUrl_encoded() throws Exception {
        final String htmlContent = "<html><body><script>function hello() { alert('hello') }</script>\n"
                + "<a href='javascript:%20hello%28%29' id='a1'>a1</a>\n"
                + "<a href='javascript: hello%28%29' id='a2'>a2</a>\n"
                + "<a href='javascript:hello%28%29' id='a3'>a3</a>\n" + "</body></html>";

        final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<>();
        final HtmlPage page = loadPage(htmlContent, collectedAlerts);
        assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, collectedAlerts);

        assertEquals(new String[] { "hello", "hello", "hello" }, collectedAlerts);

     * Test for new openLinkInNewWindow() method.
     * @throws Exception on test failure
    public void openLinkInNewWindow() throws Exception {
        final String htmlContent = "<html><head><title>foo</title></head><body>\n"
                + "<a href='' id='a1'>link to foo1</a>\n" + "</body></html>";

        final HtmlPage page = loadPage(htmlContent);
        final HtmlAnchor anchor = page.getHtmlElementById("a1");

        assertEquals("size incorrect before test", 1, page.getWebClient().getWebWindows().size());

        final HtmlPage secondPage = (HtmlPage) anchor.openLinkInNewWindow();

        assertNotSame("new page not returned", page, secondPage);
        assertTrue("new page in wrong window type",
        assertEquals("new window not created", 2, page.getWebClient().getWebWindows().size());
        assertNotSame("new window not used", page.getEnclosingWindow(), secondPage.getEnclosingWindow());

     * Tests the 'Referer' HTTP header.
     * @throws Exception on test failure
    public void click_refererHeader() throws Exception {
        final String firstContent = "<html><head><title>Page A</title></head>\n" + "<body><a href='" + URL_SECOND
                + "' id='link'>link</a></body>\n" + "</html>";
        final String secondContent = "<html><head><title>Page B</title></head>\n" + "<body></body>\n" + "</html>";

        final WebClient client = getWebClient();
        final MockWebConnection conn = new MockWebConnection();
        conn.setResponse(URL_FIRST, firstContent);
        conn.setResponse(URL_SECOND, secondContent);
        final HtmlPage firstPage = client.getPage(URL_FIRST);
        final HtmlAnchor a = firstPage.getHtmlElementById("link");;

        final Map<String, String> lastAdditionalHeaders = conn.getLastAdditionalHeaders();
        assertEquals(URL_FIRST.toString(), lastAdditionalHeaders.get("Referer"));

     * Links with an href and a non-false returning onclick that opens a new window should still
     * open the href in the first window.
     * @throws Exception on test failure
    public void correctLinkTargetWhenOnclickOpensWindow() throws Exception {
        final String firstContent = "<html><head><title>First</title></head><body>\n"
                + "<a href='page2.html' id='clickme' onclick=\"'popup.html', 'newWindow');\">X</a>\n"
                + "</body></html>";
        final String html2 = "<html><head><title>Second</title></head><body></body></html>";
        final String htmlPopup = "<html><head><title>Popup</title></head><body></body></html>";

        final WebClient client = getWebClient();
        final List<String> collectedAlerts = new ArrayList<>();
        client.setAlertHandler(new CollectingAlertHandler(collectedAlerts));

        final MockWebConnection webConnection = new MockWebConnection();
        webConnection.setResponse(URL_FIRST, firstContent);
        webConnection.setResponse(new URL(URL_FIRST, "page2.html"), html2);
        webConnection.setResponse(new URL(URL_FIRST, "popup.html"), htmlPopup);

        final HtmlPage firstPage = client.getPage(URL_FIRST);
        final HtmlAnchor anchor = firstPage.getHtmlElementById("clickme");
        final HtmlPage pageAfterClick =;

        assertEquals("Second window did not open", 2, client.getWebWindows().size());
        assertNotSame("New Page was not returned", firstPage, pageAfterClick);
        assertEquals("Wrong new Page returned", "Popup", pageAfterClick.getTitleText());
        assertEquals("Original window not updated", "Second",
                ((HtmlPage) firstPage.getEnclosingWindow().getEnclosedPage()).getTitleText());

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void preventDefault1() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html><head><script>\n" + "  function handler(e) {\n" + "    if (e)\n"
                + "      e.preventDefault();\n" + "    else\n" + "      return false;\n" + "  }\n"
                + "  function init() {\n" + "    document.getElementById('a1').onclick = handler;\n" + "  }\n"
                + "</script></head>\n" + "<body onload='init()'>\n" + "<a href='" + URL_SECOND
                + "' id='a1'>Test</a>\n" + "</body></html>";

        final HtmlPage page = loadPage(html);
        final HtmlAnchor a1 = page.getHtmlElementById("a1");
        final HtmlPage secondPage =;
        assertEquals(getDefaultUrl(), secondPage.getUrl());

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void preventDefault2() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html><head><script>\n" + "  function handler(e) {\n" + "    if (e.preventDefault)\n"
                + "      e.preventDefault();\n" + "    else\n" + "      e.returnValue = false;\n" + "  }\n"
                + "</script></head>\n" + "<body>\n" + "<a href='" + URL_SECOND
                + "' id='a1' onclick='handler(event)'>Test</a>\n" + "</body></html>";

        final HtmlPage page = loadPage(html);
        final HtmlAnchor a1 = page.getHtmlElementById("a1");
        final HtmlPage secondPage =;
        assertEquals(getDefaultUrl(), secondPage.getUrl());

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void preventDefault3() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html><body>\n" + "<a href='" + URL_SECOND
                + "' id='a1' onclick='return false'>Test</a>\n" + "</body></html>";

        final HtmlPage page = loadPage(html);
        final HtmlAnchor a1 = page.getHtmlElementById("a1");
        final HtmlPage secondPage =;
        assertEquals(getDefaultUrl(), secondPage.getUrl());

     * Test for bug 2794667.
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void hashAnchor() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html><body>" + "<a id='a' href='#a'>a</a>"
                + "<a id='a_target' href='#target' target='_blank'>target</a>" + "</body></html>";
        HtmlPage page = loadPage(html);
        HtmlPage targetPage = page.getHtmlElementById("a").click();
        assertEquals(new URL(getDefaultUrl(), "#a"), page.getUrl());
        assertEquals(page.getEnclosingWindow(), targetPage.getEnclosingWindow());

        page = loadPage(html);
        targetPage = page.getHtmlElementById("a_target").click();
        assertEquals(new URL(getDefaultUrl(), "#target"), targetPage.getUrl());

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void targetWithRelativeUrl() throws Exception {
        final WebClient client = getWebClient();

        final URL url = getClass().getResource("HtmlAnchorTest_targetWithRelativeUrl_a.html");

        final HtmlPage page = client.getPage(url);
        final WebWindow a = page.getEnclosingWindow();
        final WebWindow b = page.getFrameByName("b");
        final WebWindow c = page.getFrameByName("c");

        assertEquals("a.html", right(getUrl(a), 6));
        assertEquals("b.html", right(getUrl(b), 6));
        assertEquals("c.html", right(getUrl(c), 6));

        ((HtmlPage) c.getEnclosedPage()).getAnchorByHref("#foo").click();

        assertEquals("a.html", right(getUrl(a), 6));
        assertEquals("c.html#foo", right(getUrl(b), 10));
        assertEquals("c.html", right(getUrl(c), 6));

     * Returns the URL of the page loaded in the specified window.
     * @param w the window
     * @return the URL of the page loaded in the specified window
    private String getUrl(final WebWindow w) {
        return w.getEnclosedPage().getUrl().toString();

     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void clickNestedElement_jsDisabled() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html>\n" + "<body>\n" + "<a href='page2.html'>"
                + "<span id='theSpan'>My Link</span></a>\n" + "</body></html>";

        final HtmlPage page = loadPage(html);
        final HtmlElement span = page.getHtmlElementById("theSpan");
        assertEquals("span", span.getTagName());
        final HtmlPage page2 =;
        assertEquals(new URL(getDefaultUrl(), "page2.html"), page2.getUrl());

     * @throws Exception if the test fails
    public void asXml_emptyTag() throws Exception {
        final String html = "<html><body>\n" + "<a name='foo'></a>\n" + "</body></html>";

        final HtmlPage page = loadPage(html);
        final HtmlAnchor htmlAnchor = page.getAnchorByName("foo");