Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2016 Gargoyle Software Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit; import static; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDepth; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNURL; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.auth.ISVNAuthenticationManager; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.ISVNOptions; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.ISVNPropertyHandler; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNPropertyData; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNRevision; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNWCClient; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNWCUtil; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.source.SVN; /** * Test of coding style for things that cannot be detected by Checkstyle. * * @author Ahmed Ashour */ public class CodeStyleTest { private static final Pattern leadingWhitespace = Pattern.compile("^\\s+"); private List<String> failures_ = new ArrayList<>(); private SVNWCClient svnWCClient_; /** * After. */ @After public void after() { if (svnWCClient_ != null) { svnWCClient_.getOperationsFactory().getRepositoryPool().dispose(); } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final String error : failures_) { sb.append('\n').append(error); } final int errorsNumber = failures_.size(); if (errorsNumber == 1) { fail("CodeStyle error: " + sb); } else if (errorsNumber > 1) { fail("CodeStyle " + errorsNumber + " errors: " + sb); } } private void addFailure(final String error) { failures_.add(error); } /** * @throws IOException if the test fails */ @Test public void codeStyle() throws IOException { final ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true); final ISVNAuthenticationManager authManager = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultAuthenticationManager(); svnWCClient_ = new SVNWCClient(authManager, options); process(new File("src/main")); process(new File("src/test")); licenseYear(); versionYear(); parentInPom(); } private void process(final File dir) throws IOException { final File[] files = dir.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (final File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory() && !".svn".equals(file.getName())) { process(file); } else { final String relativePath = file.getAbsolutePath() .substring(new File(".").getAbsolutePath().length() - 1); svnProperties(file, relativePath); if (file.getName().endsWith(".java")) { final List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(file); openingCurlyBracket(lines, relativePath); year(lines, relativePath); javaDocFirstLine(lines, relativePath); methodFirstLine(lines, relativePath); methodLastLine(lines, relativePath); lineBetweenMethods(lines, relativePath); runWith(lines, relativePath); vs85aspx(lines, relativePath); deprecated(lines, relativePath); staticJSMethod(lines, relativePath); singleAlert(lines, relativePath); staticLoggers(lines, relativePath); loggingEnabled(lines, relativePath); browserVersion_isIE(lines, relativePath); alerts(lines, relativePath); } } } } } /** * Ensures that no opening curly bracket exists by itself in a single line. */ private void openingCurlyBracket(final List<String> lines, final String path) { int index = 1; for (final String line : lines) { if ("{".equals(line.trim())) { addFailure("Opening curly bracket is alone at " + path + ", line: " + index); } index++; } } /** * Checks the year in the source. */ private void year(final List<String> lines, final String path) { final int year = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.ROOT).get(Calendar.YEAR); if (lines.size() < 2 || !lines.get(1).contains("Copyright (c) 2002-" + year)) { addFailure("Incorrect year in " + path); } } /** * Checks the JavaDoc first line, it should not be empty, and should not start with lower-case. */ private void javaDocFirstLine(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { for (int index = 1; index < lines.size(); index++) { final String previousLine = lines.get(index - 1); final String currentLine = lines.get(index); if ("/**".equals(previousLine.trim())) { if ("*".equals(currentLine.trim()) || currentLine.contains("*/")) { addFailure("Empty line in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (index + 1)); } if (currentLine.trim().startsWith("*")) { final String text = currentLine.trim().substring(1).trim(); if (!text.isEmpty() && Character.isLowerCase(text.charAt(0))) { addFailure("Lower case start in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (index + 1)); } } } } } /** * Checks the method first line, it should not be empty. */ private void methodFirstLine(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { for (int index = 0; index < lines.size() - 1; index++) { final String line = lines.get(index); if (StringUtils.isBlank(lines.get(index + 1)) && line.length() > 4 && index > 0 && lines.get(index - 1).startsWith(" ") && Character.isWhitespace(line.charAt(0)) && line.endsWith("{") && !line.contains(" class ") && !line.contains(" interface ") && !line.contains(" @interface ") && (!Character.isWhitespace(line.charAt(4)) || line.trim().startsWith("public") || line.trim().startsWith("protected") || line.trim().startsWith("private"))) { addFailure("Empty line in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (index + 2)); } } } /** * Checks the method last line, it should not be empty. */ private void methodLastLine(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { for (int index = 0; index < lines.size() - 1; index++) { final String line = lines.get(index); final String nextLine = lines.get(index + 1); if (StringUtils.isBlank(line) && " }".equals(nextLine)) { addFailure("Empty line in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (index + 1)); } } } /** * Checks that empty line must exist between consecutive methods. */ private void lineBetweenMethods(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { for (int index = 0; index < lines.size() - 1; index++) { final String line = lines.get(index); final String nextLine = lines.get(index + 1); if (" }".equals(line) && !nextLine.isEmpty() && !"}".equals(nextLine)) { addFailure("Non-empty line in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (index + 1)); } if (" /**".equals(nextLine) && !line.isEmpty()) { addFailure("Non-empty line in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (index + 2)); } } } /** * Checks property {@code svn:eol-style}. */ private void svnProperties(final File file, final String relativePath) { if (!isSvnPropertiesDefined(file)) { addFailure("'svn:eol-style' property is not defined for " + relativePath); } } private boolean isSvnPropertiesDefined(final File file) { try { final AtomicBoolean eol = new AtomicBoolean(); svnWCClient_.doGetProperty(file, null, SVNRevision.WORKING, SVNRevision.WORKING, SVNDepth.EMPTY, new ISVNPropertyHandler() { @Override public void handleProperty(final long revision, final SVNPropertyData property) { // nothing to do } @Override public void handleProperty(final SVNURL url, final SVNPropertyData property) { // nothing to do } @Override public void handleProperty(final File path, final SVNPropertyData property) { final String name = property.getName(); final String value = property.getValue().getString(); if ("svn:eol-style".equals(name) && "native".equals(value)) { eol.set(true); } } }, null); final String fileName = file.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); for (final String extension : SVN.getEolExtenstions()) { if (fileName.endsWith(extension)) { return eol.get(); } } return true; } catch (final Exception e) { //nothing } final String path = file.getAbsolutePath(); // automatically generated and is outside SVN control return (path.contains("jQuery") && path.contains("WEB-INF") && path.contains("cgi")) || (path.contains("jQuery") && path.contains("csp.log")); } /** * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ @Test public void xmlStyle() throws Exception { processXML(new File("."), false); processXML(new File("src/main/resources"), true); processXML(new File("src/assembly"), true); processXML(new File("src/changes"), true); } private void processXML(final File dir, final boolean recursive) throws Exception { final File[] files = dir.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (final File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory() && !".svn".equals(file.getName())) { if (recursive) { processXML(file, true); } } else { if (file.getName().endsWith(".xml")) { final List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(file); final String relativePath = file.getAbsolutePath() .substring(new File(".").getAbsolutePath().length() - 1); mixedIndentation(lines, relativePath); trailingWhitespace(lines, relativePath); badIndentationLevels(lines, relativePath); } } } } } /** * Verifies that no XML files have mixed indentation (tabs and spaces, mixed). */ private void mixedIndentation(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { final String line = lines.get(i); if (line.indexOf('\t') != -1) { addFailure("Mixed indentation in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (i + 1)); } } } /** * Verifies that no XML files have trailing whitespace. */ private void trailingWhitespace(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { final String line = lines.get(i); if (!line.isEmpty()) { final char last = line.charAt(line.length() - 1); if (Character.isWhitespace(last)) { addFailure("Trailing whitespace in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (i + 1)); } } } } /** * Verifies that no XML files have bad indentation levels (each indentation level is 4 spaces). */ private void badIndentationLevels(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { final int indentation = getIndentation(lines.get(i)); if (indentation % 4 != 0) { addFailure("Bad indentation level (" + indentation + ") in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (i + 1)); } } } /** * Checks the year in LICENSE.txt. */ private void licenseYear() throws IOException { final List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File("LICENSE.txt")); if (!lines.get(1).contains("Copyright (c) 2002-" + Calendar.getInstance(Locale.ROOT).get(Calendar.YEAR))) { addFailure("Incorrect year in LICENSE.txt"); } } /** * Checks the year in the {@link Version}. */ private void versionYear() throws IOException { final List<String> lines = FileUtils .readLines(new File("src/main/java/com/gargoylesoftware/htmlunit/")); for (final String line : lines) { if (line.contains( "return \"Copyright (c) 2002-" + Calendar.getInstance(Locale.ROOT).get(Calendar.YEAR))) { return; } } addFailure("Incorrect year in Version.getCopyright()"); } /** * Verifies no <parent> tag in {@code pom.xml}. */ private void parentInPom() throws IOException { final List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(new File("pom.xml")); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines.get(i).contains("<parent>")) { addFailure("'pom.xml' should not have <parent> tag in line: " + (i + 1)); break; } } } /** * Verifies that no direct instantiation of WebClient from a test that runs with BrowserRunner. */ private void runWith(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { if (relativePath.replace('\\', '/').contains("src/test/java") && !relativePath.contains("CodeStyleTest")) { boolean runWith = false; boolean browserNone = true; int index = 1; for (final String line : lines) { if (line.contains("@RunWith(BrowserRunner.class)")) { runWith = true; } if (line.contains("@Test")) { browserNone = false; } if (relativePath.contains("JavaScriptEngineTest") && line.contains("nonStandardBrowserVersion")) { browserNone = true; } if (runWith) { if (!browserNone && line.contains("new WebClient(") && !line.contains("getBrowserVersion()")) { addFailure("Test " + relativePath + " line " + index + " should never directly instantiate WebClient, please use getWebClient() instead."); } if (line.contains("notYetImplemented()")) { addFailure("Use @NotYetImplemented instead of notYetImplemented() in " + relativePath + ", line: " + index); } } index++; } } } /** * Verifies that no "(VS.85).aspx" token exists (which is sometimes used in MSDN documentation). */ private void vs85aspx(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { if (!relativePath.contains("CodeStyleTest")) { int i = 0; for (final String line : lines) { if (line.contains("(VS.85).aspx")) { addFailure("Please remove \"(VS.85)\" from the URL found in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (i + 1)); } i++; } } } /** * Verifies that deprecated tag is followed by "As of " or "since ", and '@Deprecated' annotation follows. */ private void deprecated(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { int i = 0; for (String line : lines) { line = line.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); if (line.startsWith("* @deprecated")) { if (!line.startsWith("* @deprecated as of ") && !line.startsWith("* @deprecated since ")) { addFailure("@deprecated must be immediately followed by \"As of \" or \"since \" in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (i + 1)); } if (!getAnnotations(lines, i).contains("@Deprecated")) { addFailure("No \"@Deprecated\" annotation for " + relativePath + ", line: " + (i + 1)); } } i++; } } /** * Returns all annotation lines that comes after the given 'javadoc' line. * @param lines source code lines * @param index the index to start searching from, must be a 'javadoc' line. */ private List<String> getAnnotations(final List<String> lines, int index) { final List<String> annotations = new ArrayList<>(); while (!lines.get(index++).trim().endsWith("*/")) { //empty; } while (lines.get(index).trim().startsWith("@")) { annotations.add(lines.get(index++).trim()); } return annotations; } /** * Verifies that no static JavaScript method exists. */ private void staticJSMethod(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { if (relativePath.endsWith("")) { return; } int i = 0; for (final String line : lines) { if (line.contains(" static ") && (line.contains(" jsxFunction_") || line.contains(" jsxGet_") || line.contains(" jsxSet_")) && !line.contains(" jsxFunction_write") && !line.contains(" jsxFunction_insertBefore") && !line.contains(" jsxFunction_drawImage")) { addFailure("Use of static JavaScript function in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (i + 1)); } i++; } } /** * Single @Alert does not need curly brackets. */ private void singleAlert(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { int i = 0; for (final String line : lines) { if (line.trim().startsWith("@Alerts") && line.contains("@Alerts({") && line.contains("})")) { final String alert = line.substring(line.indexOf('{'), line.indexOf('}')); if (!alert.contains(",") && alert.contains("\"") && alert.indexOf('"', alert.indexOf('"') + 1) != -1) { addFailure("No need for curly brackets in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (i + 1)); } } i++; } } /** * Verifies that only static loggers exist. */ private void staticLoggers(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { int i = 0; final String logClassName = Log.class.getSimpleName(); for (String line : lines) { line = line.trim(); if (line.contains(" " + logClassName + " ") && !line.contains(" LOG ") && !line.contains(" static ") && !line.startsWith("//") && !line.contains("httpclient.wire")) { addFailure("Non-static logger in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (i + 1)); } i++; } } /** * Verifies that there is code to check log enablement. * <p> For example, * <code><pre> * if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { * ... do something expensive ... * log.debug(theResult); * } * </pre></code> * </p> */ private void loggingEnabled(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { if (relativePath.contains("CodeStyleTest")) { return; } int i = 0; for (String line : lines) { if (line.contains("LOG.trace(")) { loggingEnabled(lines, i, "Trace", relativePath); } else if (line.contains("LOG.debug(")) { loggingEnabled(lines, i, "Debug", relativePath); } i++; } } private void loggingEnabled(final List<String> lines, final int index, final String method, final String relativePath) { final int indentation = getIndentation(lines.get(index)); for (int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final String line = lines.get(i); if (getIndentation(line) < indentation && line.contains("" + method + "Enabled()")) { return; } if (getIndentation(line) == 4) { // a method addFailure("You must check \"if (" + method + "Enabled())\" around " + relativePath + ", line: " + (index + 1)); return; } } } private int getIndentation(final String line) { final Matcher matcher = leadingWhitespace.matcher(line); if (matcher.find()) { return matcher.end() - matcher.start(); } return 0; } /** * Verifies that not invocation of browserVersion.isIE(), .isFirefox() or .getBrowserVersionNumeric(). */ private void browserVersion_isIE(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { if (relativePath.replace('\\', '/').contains("src/main/java") && !relativePath.contains("JavaScriptConfiguration") && !relativePath.contains("BrowserVersionFeatures") && !relativePath.contains("HTMLDocument")) { int index = 1; for (final String line : lines) { if (line.contains(".isIE()") || line.contains(".isFirefox()")) { addFailure(".isIE() and .isFirefox() should not be used, please use .hasFeature(): " + relativePath + ", line: " + index); } if (line.contains(".getBrowserVersionNumeric()") && !relativePath.contains("IEConditionalCommentExpressionEvaluator") && !relativePath.contains("IEConditionalCompilationScriptPreProcessor") && !relativePath.contains("BrowserConfiguration") && !relativePath.contains("")) { addFailure(".getBrowserVersionNumeric() should not be used, please use .hasFeature(): " + relativePath + ", line: " + index); } index++; } } } /** * Verifies that \@Alerts is correctly defined. */ private void alerts(final List<String> lines, final String relativePath) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines.get(i).startsWith(" @Alerts(")) { final List<String> alerts = alertsToList(lines, i, true); alertVerify(alerts, relativePath, i); } } } /** * Returns array of String of the alerts which are in the specified index. * * @param lines the list of strings * @param alertsIndex the index in which the \@Alerts is defined * @return array of alert strings */ public static List<String> alertsToList(final List<String> lines, final int alertsIndex) { return alertsToList(lines, alertsIndex, false); } private static List<String> alertsToList(final List<String> lines, final int alertsIndex, final boolean preserveCommas) { if (" @Alerts".equals(lines.get(alertsIndex))) { lines.set(alertsIndex, " @Alerts()"); } if (!lines.get(alertsIndex).startsWith(" @Alerts(")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No @Alerts found in " + (alertsIndex + 1)); } final StringBuilder alerts = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = alertsIndex;; i++) { final String line = lines.get(i); if (alerts.length() != 0) { alerts.append('\n'); } if (line.startsWith(" @Alerts(")) { alerts.append(line.substring(" @Alerts(".length())); } else { alerts.append(line); } if (line.endsWith(")")) { alerts.deleteCharAt(alerts.length() - 1); break; } } final List<String> list = alertsToList(alerts.toString()); if (!preserveCommas) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { String value = list.get(i); if (value.startsWith(",")) { value = value.substring(1).trim(); } list.set(i, value); } } return list; } /** * Verifies a specific \@Alerts definition. */ private void alertVerify(final List<String> alerts, final String relativePath, final int lineIndex) { if (alerts.size() == 1) { if (alerts.get(0).contains("DEFAULT")) { addFailure("No need for \"DEFAULT\" in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (lineIndex + 1)); } } else { final List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); for (String alert : alerts) { if (alert.charAt(0) == ',') { if (alert.charAt(1) != '\n') { addFailure("Expectation must be in a separate line in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (lineIndex + 1)); } alert = alert.substring(1).trim(); } final int quoteIndex = alert.indexOf('"'); final int equalsIndex = alert.indexOf('='); if (equalsIndex != -1 && equalsIndex < quoteIndex) { final String name = alert.substring(0, equalsIndex - 1); alertVerifyOrder(name, names, relativePath, lineIndex); names.add(name); } } } } /** * Converts the given alerts definition to an array of expressions. */ private static List<String> alertsToList(final String string) { final List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); if ("\"\"".equals(string)) { list.add(string); } else { final StringBuilder currentToken = new StringBuilder(); boolean insideString = true; boolean startsWithBraces = false; for (final String token : string.split("(?<!\\\\)\"")) { insideString = !insideString; if (currentToken.length() != 0) { currentToken.append('"'); } else { startsWithBraces = token.toString().contains("{"); } if (!insideString && token.startsWith(",") && !startsWithBraces) { list.add(currentToken.toString()); currentToken.setLength(0); startsWithBraces = token.toString().contains("{"); } if (!insideString && token.contains("}")) { final int curlyIndex = token.indexOf('}') + 1; currentToken.append(token.substring(0, curlyIndex)); list.add(currentToken.toString()); currentToken.setLength(0); currentToken.append(token.substring(curlyIndex)); } else { if (!insideString && token.contains(",") && !startsWithBraces) { final String[] expressions = token.split(","); currentToken.append(expressions[0]); if (currentToken.length() != 0) { list.add(currentToken.toString()); } for (int i = 1; i < expressions.length - 1; i++) { list.add(',' + expressions[i]); } currentToken.setLength(0); currentToken.append(',' + expressions[expressions.length - 1]); } else { currentToken.append(token); } } } if (currentToken.length() != 0) { if (!currentToken.toString().contains("\"")) { currentToken.insert(0, '"'); } int totalQuotes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < currentToken.length(); i++) { if (currentToken.charAt(i) == '"' && (i == 0 || currentToken.charAt(i - 1) != '\\')) { totalQuotes++; } } if (totalQuotes % 2 != 0) { currentToken.append('"'); } list.add(currentToken.toString()); } } return list; } /** * Verifies \@Alerts specific order. * * @param browserName the browser name * @param previousList the previously defined browser names */ private void alertVerifyOrder(final String browserName, final List<String> previousList, final String relativePath, final int lineIndex) { switch (browserName) { case "DEFAULT": if (!previousList.isEmpty()) { addFailure("DEFAULT must be first in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (lineIndex + 1)); } break; case "IE": if (previousList.contains("IE11")) { addFailure( "IE must be before specifc IE version in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (lineIndex + 1)); } break; case "FF": if (previousList.contains("FF31") || previousList.contains("FF38")) { addFailure( "FF must be before specifc FF version in " + relativePath + ", line: " + (lineIndex + 1)); } break; default: } } /** * Tests if all JUnit 4 candidate test methods declare <tt>@Test</tt> annotation. * @throws Exception if the test fails */ @Test public void tests() throws Exception { testTests(new File("src/test/java")); } private void testTests(final File dir) throws Exception { for (final File file : dir.listFiles()) { if (file.isDirectory()) { if (!".svn".equals(file.getName())) { testTests(file); } } else { if (file.getName().endsWith(".java")) { final int index = new File("src/test/java").getAbsolutePath().length(); String name = file.getAbsolutePath(); name = name.substring(index + 1, name.length() - 5); name = name.replace(File.separatorChar, '.'); final Class<?> clazz; try { clazz = Class.forName(name); } catch (final Exception e) { continue; } name = file.getName(); if (name.endsWith("") || name.endsWith("")) { for (final Constructor<?> ctor : clazz.getConstructors()) { if (ctor.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { for (final Method method : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers()) && method.getAnnotation(Before.class) == null && method.getAnnotation(BeforeClass.class) == null && method.getAnnotation(After.class) == null && method.getAnnotation(AfterClass.class) == null && method.getAnnotation(Test.class) == null && method.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { fail("Method '" + method.getName() + "' in " + name + " does not declare @Test annotation"); } } } } } } } } } }