Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2014, German Neuroinformatics Node (G-Node)
 * Copyright (c) 2014, Shumail Mohy-ud-Din <>
 * License: BSD-3 (See LICENSE)

package com.g_node.gca.abstracts;


import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import android.util.Log;

import com.g_node.gca.utils.JSONReader;

public class AbstractsJsonParse {

    String gTag = "GCA-Abstracts";

    DatabaseHelper dbHelper;
    InputStream jsonStream;

    public AbstractsJsonParse(InputStream jsonStream, DatabaseHelper dbHelper) {
        this.dbHelper = dbHelper;
        this.jsonStream = jsonStream;

    public void jsonParse() {
        try {
            Log.i(gTag, "in JSON PARSING FUNCTION");
            //get json file from raw 
            InputStream inStream = this.jsonStream;
            JSONArray jsonArray = JSONReader.parseStream(inStream); //read json file and put in JSONarray

            for (int index = 0; index < jsonArray.length(); index++) {

                //get first abstract item object
                JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(index);
                Log.i(gTag, "json got: " + jsonObject);

                //iterate over the object got, to extract required keys and values

                //abstract UUID
                String abs_uuid = jsonObject.getString("uuid");
                Log.i(gTag, "abstract uuid: " + abs_uuid);

                //abstract topic
                String topic = jsonObject.getString("topic");
                Log.i(gTag, "topic: " + topic);

                //abstract title
                String title = jsonObject.getString("title");
                Log.i(gTag, "title: " + title);

                //abstract text
                String text = jsonObject.getString("text");
                Log.i(gTag, "text: " + text);

                //abstract state
                String state = jsonObject.getString("state");
                Log.i(gTag, "state: " + state);

                //abstract sortID
                int sortID = jsonObject.getInt("sortId");
                Log.i(gTag, "sortID: " + sortID);

                //abstract reasonForTalk
                String reasonForTalk = jsonObject.getString("reasonForTalk");
                Log.i(gTag, "reasonForTalk: " + reasonForTalk);

                //abstract mtime
                String mtime = jsonObject.getString("mtime");
                Log.i(gTag, "mtime: " + mtime);

                //abstract isTalk
                Boolean isTalk = jsonObject.getBoolean("isTalk");
                String abstractType;
                Log.i(gTag, "isTalk: " + isTalk);

                if (!isTalk) { //if isTalk is false, then type is poster
                    abstractType = "poster";
                } else {
                    abstractType = "Talk";
                Log.i(gTag, "abstract type: " + abstractType);

                //abstract DOI
                String doi = jsonObject.getString("doi");
                Log.i(gTag, "doi: " + doi);

                //Abstract conflictOfInterest
                String coi = jsonObject.getString("conflictOfInterest");
                Log.i(gTag, "conflictOfInterest: " + coi);

                //Abstract acknowledgements
                String acknowledgements = jsonObject.getString("acknowledgements");
                Log.i(gTag, "acknowledgements: " + acknowledgements);

                //Table insertion
                //add the basic abstract json keys into abstract_details table
                dbHelper.addItems(abs_uuid, topic, title, text, state, sortID, reasonForTalk, mtime, abstractType,
                        doi, coi, acknowledgements);

                //Abstract affiliations JSONarray
                JSONArray abs_Aff_Array = jsonObject.getJSONArray("affiliations");

                //now iterate over this array for extracting each affiliation 
                for (int j = 0; j < abs_Aff_Array.length(); j++) {
                    //get affiliation object
                    JSONObject affiliationJSONObject = abs_Aff_Array.getJSONObject(j);

                    //affiliation UUID
                    String affiliation_uuid = affiliationJSONObject.getString("uuid");
                    Log.i(gTag, "aff uuid: " + affiliation_uuid);

                    //affiliation section
                    String affiliation_section = affiliationJSONObject.getString("section");
                    Log.i(gTag, "aff section: " + affiliation_section);

                    //affiliation department
                    String affiliation_department = affiliationJSONObject.getString("department");
                    Log.i(gTag, "aff department: " + affiliation_department);

                    //affiliation country
                    String affiliation_country = affiliationJSONObject.getString("country");
                    Log.i(gTag, "aff country: " + affiliation_country);

                    //affiliation address
                    String affiliation_address = affiliationJSONObject.getString("address");
                    Log.i(gTag, "aff address: " + affiliation_address);

                    //affiliation position - (different for each abstract)
                    int affiliation_position = affiliationJSONObject.getInt("position");
                    Log.i(gTag, "aff position: " + affiliation_position);

                    //check if affiliation UUID is not already in table
                    if (!dbHelper.AffiliationExists(affiliation_uuid)) {
                        //add affiliation detail into AFFILIATION_DETAILS Table
                        dbHelper.addInAFFILIATION_DETAILS(affiliation_uuid, affiliation_address,
                                affiliation_country, affiliation_department, affiliation_section);

                    //add affiliation position against particular abstract in ABSTRACT_AFFILIATION_ID_POSITION table
                    dbHelper.addInABSTRACT_AFFILIATION_ID_POSITION(abs_uuid, affiliation_uuid,

                } //loop end for each affiliation object

                //Abstract Authors JSONarray
                JSONArray abs_authors_Array = jsonObject.getJSONArray("authors");

                //now iterate over authors array to extract each author information
                for (int j = 0; j < abs_authors_Array.length(); j++) {
                    //get author object

                    JSONObject authorJSONObject = abs_authors_Array.getJSONObject(j);

                    //author UUID
                    String author_uuid = authorJSONObject.getString("uuid");
                    Log.i(gTag, "auth uuid: " + author_uuid);

                    //author first Name
                    String author_fName = authorJSONObject.getString("firstName");
                    Log.i(gTag, "auth first name: " + author_fName);

                    //author last Name
                    String author_lName = authorJSONObject.getString("lastName");
                    Log.i(gTag, "auth last name: " + author_lName);

                    //author middle Name
                    String author_middleName = authorJSONObject.getString("middleName");
                    Log.i(gTag, "auth middle name: " + author_middleName);

                    //author mail
                    String author_mail = authorJSONObject.getString("mail");
                    Log.i(gTag, "auth mail: " + author_mail);

                    //author position (unique for each abstract)
                    int author_position = authorJSONObject.getInt("position");
                    Log.i(gTag, "auth position: " + author_position);

                    //now get affiliations of a particular author for an abstract for example
                    // "affiliations": [0,1]
                    JSONArray authorAffiliationsArray = authorJSONObject.getJSONArray("affiliations");
                    Log.i(gTag, "auth affiliations: " + authorAffiliationsArray.toString());

                    if (!dbHelper.AuthorExists(author_uuid)) {
                        //Add authors data in AUTHORS_DETAILS table 
                        dbHelper.addAuthors(author_uuid, author_fName, author_middleName, author_lName,

                    //Remove brackets from author affiliation that's to be written in super script
                    String authorAffiliationsWithoutBraces = authorAffiliationsArray.toString()
                            .replaceAll("\\[", "").replaceAll("\\]", "");

                    //Add position, affiliation data in ABSTRACT_AUTHOR_POSITION_AFFILIATION table
                    dbHelper.addInABSTRACT_AUTHOR_POSITION_AFFILIATION(abs_uuid, author_uuid, author_position,

                } //end authors array loop

                //Abstract Figures JSONArray
                JSONArray abs_fugures_array = jsonObject.getJSONArray("figures");

                //now iterate over this array for extracting each figure detail, if it's length is greater than 0
                if (abs_fugures_array.length() > 0) {

                    for (int j = 0; j < abs_fugures_array.length(); j++) {
                        //get figure json object
                        JSONObject figureJSONObject = abs_fugures_array.getJSONObject(j);

                        //Figure UUID
                        String figure_uuid = figureJSONObject.getString("uuid");
                        Log.i(gTag, "Fig uuid: " + figure_uuid);

                        //Figure Caption
                        String figure_caption = figureJSONObject.getString("caption");
                        Log.i(gTag, "Fig caption: " + figure_caption);

                        //Figure URL
                        String figure_URL = figureJSONObject.getString("URL");
                        Log.i(gTag, "Fig URL: " + figure_URL);

                        //Figure position
                        String figure_position = figureJSONObject.getString("position");
                        Log.i(gTag, "Fig position: " + figure_position);

                        //insert the figure into ABSTRACT_FIGURES table
                        dbHelper.addInABSTRACT_FIGURES(abs_uuid, figure_uuid, figure_caption, figure_URL,

                    } //end figures array loop
                } //end if

                //Abstract references JSONarray
                JSONArray abs_References_Array = jsonObject.getJSONArray("references");

                //now iterate over this array for extracting each reference
                for (int j = 0; j < abs_References_Array.length(); j++) {
                    //get reference object
                    JSONObject referenceJSONObject = abs_References_Array.getJSONObject(j);

                    //Reference UUID
                    String reference_uuid = referenceJSONObject.getString("uuid");
                    Log.i(gTag, "ref uuid: " + reference_uuid);

                    //Reference text
                    String reference_text = referenceJSONObject.getString("text");
                    Log.i(gTag, "ref text: " + reference_text);

                    //Reference link
                    String reference_link = referenceJSONObject.getString("link");
                    Log.i(gTag, "ref link: " + reference_link);

                    //Reference DOI
                    String reference_doi = referenceJSONObject.getString("doi");
                    Log.i(gTag, "ref DOI: " + reference_doi);

                    //insert the reference into ABSTRACT_REFERENCES table 
                    dbHelper.addInABSTRACT_REFERENCES(abs_uuid, reference_uuid, reference_text, reference_link,

                } //end references array loop

            } //end abstracts array parsing

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            Log.e("jsonFile", "file not found");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.e("jsonFile", "ioerror");
        } catch (JSONException e) {

    } //end json parseing
