Java tutorial
package com.future.pos.util; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.future.pos.generic.GenericDAO; import com.future.pos.licenses.License; import; import com.future.pos.users.User; import com.future.sqlgateway.client.GatewayClient; /** * System initializer of databases and objects. * * @author Victorio Cebedo II * */ public class SystemInitializer extends HttpServlet { private static Map<String, SystemObject> mapObjectDatabase = new HashMap<String, SystemObject>(); private static Map<String, List<String>> mapDatabaseColumns = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); private static Map<Integer, List<SecurityPermission>> permissionSecurityMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<SecurityPermission>>(); private static Map<Integer, List<SecurityPermission>> columnSecurityMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<SecurityPermission>>(); private static final String CONFIG_JSON_DB_MAP = "/WEB-INF/dbmap"; private static final String CONFIG_LICENSE_0 = "/WEB-INF/license0.lic"; private static final String CONFIG_LICENSE_1 = "/WEB-INF/license1.lic"; private static final String CONFIG_LICENSE_2 = "/WEB-INF/license2.lic"; private static final String CONFIG_LICENSE_3 = "/WEB-INF/license3.lic"; private static ThreadSafeCache cache = new ThreadSafeCache(1); private static final String CACHE_KEY_MAP_OBJ_DB = "cacheKeyMapObjectToDB"; private static final String CACHE_KEY_MAP_DB_COLS = "cacheKeyMapDBToCols"; private static final String JSON_ROOT_ELEMENT = "databaseMap"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static String filepathJSONDBMap; public static boolean configVarsInitialized = false; private static void initializeLicenses() { try { if (License.isValid() && configVarsInitialized) { mapObjects(); mapDatabaseColumns(); } else { System.out.println("FATAL ERROR: License is not valid."); } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Runs during initialization of the server.<br> * Loads on startup. Configured in web.xml. */ public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { try { initializeConfigVars(config.getServletContext()); initializeLicenses(); initializeSecurityGroups(config.getServletContext()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Just in case server wasn't initialized (in the case of JBoss).<br> * Call this during startup. * * @param servletContext */ public static void initialize(ServletContext servletContext) { try { initializeConfigVars(servletContext); initializeLicenses(); initializeSecurityGroups(servletContext); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Initialize the security groups based on<br> * physical files saved in the web server. * * @param servletContext */ private static void initializeSecurityGroups(ServletContext servletContext) { // For every account number, there's a list of column view security. Map<Integer, List<SecurityPermission>> viewSecurityMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<SecurityPermission>>(); Map<Integer, List<SecurityPermission>> colSecuMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<SecurityPermission>>(); File dir = new File(servletContext.getRealPath(User.FILEPATH_ROLES)); File[] fileList = dir.listFiles(); // Loop through each file in the directory. for (File file : fileList) { String fileContents = Utilities.getFileContents(file); List<SecurityPermission> permissions = new ArrayList<SecurityPermission>(); List<SecurityPermission> disallowedList = new ArrayList<SecurityPermission>(); // Loop through each line in the role file. boolean isFirst = true; boolean isAllowDone = false; String accountName = ""; String[] contentsArray = fileContents.split("\n"); for (String line : contentsArray) { // If now entering disallow portion. line = line.trim(); if (line != null && line.equals("[Disallow]")) { isAllowDone = true; continue; } if (!isAllowDone) { // If the first line, initialize the account name. // Account name is declared in first line. if (isFirst) { accountName = line; isFirst = false; continue; } String tableName = line.split("=")[0]; String[] actionList = line.split("=")[1].split(","); List<Integer> actionIDList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (String action : actionList) { actionIDList.add(Integer.valueOf(action)); } SecurityPermission permission = new SecurityPermission(accountName, tableName, actionIDList); permissions.add(permission); } // Now is phase where system parses all disallowed columns. else { String table = line.split("=")[0]; String[] columns = line.split("=")[1].split(","); List<String> columnList = Utilities.convertArrayToList(columns); SecurityPermission disallowed = new SecurityPermission(table, columnList); disallowedList.add(disallowed); } } Integer accountType = Integer.valueOf(file.getName()); colSecuMap.put(accountType, disallowedList); viewSecurityMap.put(accountType, permissions); } setColumnSecurityMap(colSecuMap); setPermissionSecurityMap(viewSecurityMap); } private static String getPathFromContext(ServletContext servletContext, String path) { String realPath = servletContext.getRealPath(path); if (realPath == null) { String hardcodedPath = "/var/lib/openshift/5478455ce0b8cde36400001e/jbossews/future/"; System.out.println("Hardcoded Path: " + hardcodedPath); String[] paths = path.split("/"); realPath = hardcodedPath + paths[paths.length - 1]; } System.out.println("Real Path: " + realPath); return realPath; } private static void initializeConfigVars(ServletContext servletContext) { try { setFilepathJSONDBMap(getPathFromContext(servletContext, CONFIG_JSON_DB_MAP)); License.setLicense0filepath(getPathFromContext(servletContext, CONFIG_LICENSE_0)); License.setLicense1filepath(getPathFromContext(servletContext, CONFIG_LICENSE_1)); License.setLicense2filepath(getPathFromContext(servletContext, CONFIG_LICENSE_2)); License.setLicense3filepath(getPathFromContext(servletContext, CONFIG_LICENSE_3)); configVarsInitialized = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static String getFilepathJSONDBMap() { return filepathJSONDBMap; } public static void setFilepathJSONDBMap(String filepathJSONDBMap) { SystemInitializer.filepathJSONDBMap = filepathJSONDBMap; } /** * Parse the external JSON file and parse. */ private static void mapObjects() { try { // Get the external JSON file. String content = new Scanner(new File(getFilepathJSONDBMap())).useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(content); JSONObject dbMap = jsonObject.getJSONObject(JSON_ROOT_ELEMENT); // Loop throught the JSON object. for (int i = 0; i < dbMap.length(); i++) { String tableName = String.valueOf(dbMap.names().get(i)); JSONArray tableArray = dbMap.getJSONArray(tableName); String[] tableArrayValues = String.valueOf(tableArray).replaceAll("\\[", "").replaceAll("\\]", "") .replaceAll("\\{", "").replaceAll("\\}", "").split(","); // For each detail in each table. Map<String, String> tempMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (String value : tableArrayValues) { String dbDetailKey = value.split("\":\"")[0].replaceAll("\"", ""); String dbDetailValue = value.split("\":\"")[1].replaceAll("\"", ""); // Add to a temporary map. tempMap.put(dbDetailKey, dbDetailValue); } // Add to final map. mapObjectDatabase.put(tableName, new SystemObject(tempMap.get("DRIVER"), tempMap.get("PROTOCOL"), tempMap.get("URL"), tempMap.get("PORT"), tempMap.get("DATABASE"), tempMap.get("USERNAME"), tempMap.get("PASSWORD"), tempMap.get("CONTROLLER"), SystemObject.getTrueObject(tableName))); } System.out.println("Initial Object to DB mapping: " + mapObjectDatabase.toString()); updateCachedObjectDBMap(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("FATAL ERROR: Failed mapping objects."); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Get set of table names. * * @return */ public static Set<String> getTableSet() { return getCachedObjDBMap().keySet(); } /** * Update the cached object to db map. */ private static void updateCachedObjectDBMap() { cache.put(CACHE_KEY_MAP_OBJ_DB, getObjDBMapVariable()); } /** * Update the cached db to cols map. */ private static void updateCachedDBColsMap() { cache.put(CACHE_KEY_MAP_DB_COLS, getDBColsMapVariable()); } /** * Get a value from cache. * * @param key * @return */ private static Object getCachedObject(String key) { return cache.get(key); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Map<String, SystemObject> getCachedObjDBMap() { return getCachedObject(CACHE_KEY_MAP_OBJ_DB) != null ? (Map<String, SystemObject>) getCachedObject(CACHE_KEY_MAP_OBJ_DB) : getObjDBMapVariable(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Map<String, List<String>> getCachedDBColsMap() { return getCachedObject(CACHE_KEY_MAP_DB_COLS) != null ? (Map<String, List<String>>) getCachedObject(CACHE_KEY_MAP_DB_COLS) : getDBColsMapVariable(); } public static Map<String, SystemObject> getObjDBMapVariable() { return mapObjectDatabase; } public static Map<String, List<String>> getDBColsMapVariable() { return mapDatabaseColumns; } /** * Get the map of table to column list. * * @return */ public static Map<String, List<String>> mapDatabaseColumns() { for (String table : getCachedObjDBMap().keySet()) { try { List<String> colList = new ArrayList<String>(); // If this deployment does not use the SQL gateway. if (!GenericDAO.useSQLGateway) { Connection connection = DBUtilities.getConnection(table); colList = DBUtilities.getDBColumnsFromConnection(connection, table); connection.close(); } // Handle case when using SQLGateway. else { GatewayClient client = new GatewayClient(GenericDAO.sqlGatewayURL, GenericDAO.sqlGatewayUser, GenericDAO.sqlGatewayPass); colList = client.getColumnList(table); } mapDatabaseColumns.put(table, colList); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("FATAL ERROR: Can't connect to table " + table + "."); continue; } } updateCachedDBColsMap(); return mapDatabaseColumns; } /** * Get mapped table from object. * * @param object * @return */ public static String getTableFromObject(Object object) { for (Entry<String, SystemObject> entry : getCachedObjDBMap().entrySet()) { String table = entry.getKey(); Object trueObject = SystemObject.getTrueObject(table); if (object.getClass() == trueObject.getClass()) { return table; } } return null; } /** * Get mapped table from request. * * @param object * @return */ public static String getTableFromRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { String table = RequestUtilities.getSchemaTable(request); // If table is not passed, get it from object. if (table == null || table.isEmpty()) { Object object = RequestUtilities.getObject(request); for (Entry<String, SystemObject> entry : getCachedObjDBMap().entrySet()) { table = entry.getKey(); Object trueObject = SystemObject.getTrueObject(table); if (object.getClass() == trueObject.getClass()) { break; } } } return table; } /** * Return an empty default object given a schema table. * * @param schemaTable * @return */ public static Object getObject(String schemaTable) { return getCachedObjDBMap().get(schemaTable).getObj(); } public static String getController(String schemaTable) { return getCachedObjDBMap().get(schemaTable).getController(); } public static SystemObject getSystemObject(String schemaTable) { return getCachedObjDBMap().get(schemaTable); } public static Map<Integer, List<SecurityPermission>> getPermissionSecurityMap() { return permissionSecurityMap; } public static void setPermissionSecurityMap(Map<Integer, List<SecurityPermission>> permissionSecurityMap) { SystemInitializer.permissionSecurityMap = permissionSecurityMap; } public static Map<Integer, List<SecurityPermission>> getColumnSecurityMap() { return columnSecurityMap; } public static void setColumnSecurityMap(Map<Integer, List<SecurityPermission>> columnSecurityMap) { SystemInitializer.columnSecurityMap = columnSecurityMap; } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { // initializeSecurityGroups(Serv); } }