Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Funambol is a mobile platform developed by Funambol, Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 2003 - 2007 Funambol, Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission
 * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, see or write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 * MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * You can contact Funambol, Inc. headquarters at 643 Bair Island Road, Suite
 * 305, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA, or at email address
 * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
 * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
 * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
 * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the
 * "Powered by Funambol" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably
 * feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display
 * the words "Powered by Funambol".
package com.funambol.server.engine;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;

import java.sql.Timestamp;


import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import com.funambol.framework.core.*;
import com.funambol.framework.database.Database;
import com.funambol.framework.engine.AbstractSyncItem;
import com.funambol.framework.engine.InMemorySyncItem;
import com.funambol.framework.protocol.CommandIdGenerator;
import com.funambol.framework.protocol.ProtocolUtil;
import com.funambol.framework.engine.SyncOperationStatus;
import com.funambol.framework.engine.SyncOperation;
import com.funambol.framework.engine.SyncItemKey;
import com.funambol.framework.engine.SyncItem;
import com.funambol.framework.engine.SyncProperty;
import com.funambol.framework.engine.SyncItemMapping;
import com.funambol.framework.engine.SyncItemState;
import com.funambol.framework.engine.SyncConflict;
import com.funambol.framework.engine.SyncItemFactory;
import com.funambol.framework.engine.source.*;
import com.funambol.framework.engine.transformer.DataTransformerManager;
import com.funambol.framework.server.ClientMapping;
import com.funambol.framework.server.error.MappingException;
import com.funambol.framework.logging.FunambolLogger;
import com.funambol.framework.logging.FunambolLoggerFactory;

 * This class collects helper methods used by the engine.
 * @version $Id:,v 2008-02-21 23:35:45 stefano_fornari Exp $
public class EngineHelper {

    // --------------------------------------------------------------- Constants
    public static final String LAST_ANCHOR_SLOW_SYNC = "0";

    // ------------------------------------------------------------ Private Data
    public static FunambolLogger log = FunambolLoggerFactory.getLogger(Sync4jEngine.LOG_NAME);

    // ---------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods

     * Status are grouped as per their original commands and status code so
     * that the number of returned status will be minimal. This is done by
     * generating an hash map where the key is a couple
     * <i>(original command id, status code)</i> and the value is the
     * <i>StatusCommand</i> object. Finally the hash map is iterated over to
     * return the status commands array.<br/>
     * If an operationStatus is a <code>Sync4jOperationStatusError</code> the key
     * of the status is composed by
     * <i>(original command id, status code, itemKey, errorMessage)</i>
     * so an error status can be referred just an one item. When the
     * <code>Status</code> is created, the error message is put as
     * <code>Data</code> of the contained item.<br/>
     * Note that Sync4jOperationStatus's command is meaningful only for items
     * that derive from a SyncML command. If the associated command is null,
     * there is no need to generate a status. Of course, also if the command was
     * flagged as "noResponse" no status is required.
     * @param operationStatus the status object returned as the result of
     *        commands execution
     * @param msgId the message id
     * @param the command id generator
     * @return a <i>StatusCommand[]</i> array containing the status to return
     *         to the client
    public static Status[] generateStatusCommands(SyncOperationStatus[] operationStatus, String msgId,
            CommandIdGenerator idGenerator) {
        Map statusMap = new LinkedHashMap();

        ArrayList itemList = null;
        StatusKey key = null;

        ModificationCommand cmd = null;
        String errorMessage = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < operationStatus.length; ++i) {

            cmd = ((Sync4jOperationStatus) operationStatus[i]).getCmd();

            if ((cmd == null) || (cmd.isNoResp())) {
                continue; // skip the operation status

            // If the item is mapped then used the mapped key like SourceRef.
            AbstractSyncItem itemA = (AbstractSyncItem) operationStatus[i].getOperation().getSyncItemA();

            SyncItemKey sourceRefKey = itemA.getMappedKey();
            if (sourceRefKey == null) {
                sourceRefKey = itemA.getKey();

            errorMessage = null;

            if (operationStatus[i] instanceof Sync4jOperationStatusError) {
                Throwable error = ((Sync4jOperationStatusError) operationStatus[i]).getError();
                if (error != null) {
                    errorMessage = error.getMessage();

            // Check if a status command has been already created for the given
            // original command and status code. If it is found, than a new
            // item is added to the existing ones, otherwise a new item list
            // is created
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(errorMessage)) {
                key = new StatusKey(cmd, operationStatus[i].getStatusCode());
            } else {
                key = new StatusKey(cmd, operationStatus[i].getStatusCode(), sourceRefKey, errorMessage);

            itemList = (ArrayList) statusMap.get(key);

            if (itemList == null) {
                itemList = new ArrayList();
                statusMap.put(key, itemList);


        // Now we can loop over the map and create a list of status commands.
        ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();

        Item[] items = null;
        SourceRef sourceRef = null;

        Iterator i = statusMap.keySet().iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            key = (StatusKey);
            errorMessage = key.errorMessage;

            itemList = (ArrayList) statusMap.get(key);

            items = new Item[itemList.size()];

            for (int j = 0; j < items.length; ++j) {
                items[j] = new Item(new Source(((SyncItemKey) itemList.get(j)).getKeyAsString()), null, null, null,


            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(errorMessage) && items.length > 0) {
                // We have an error message...set it as item's data
                items[0].setData(new ComplexData(errorMessage));
                sourceRef = null;

            } else {

                sourceRef = (items.length == 1) ? new SourceRef(items[0].getSource()) : null;
                items = (items.length > 1) ? items : new Item[0];


            ret.add(new Status(, msgId, key.cmd.getCmdID().getCmdID(), key.cmd.getName(), null,
                    sourceRef, null /* credential */ , null /* challenge  */ , new Data(key.statusCode), items));
        return (Status[]) ret.toArray(new Status[ret.size()]);

     * Translates an array of <i>SyncOperation</i> objects to an array of
     * <i>(Add,Delete,Replace)Command</i> objects. Only client side operations
     * are translated.
     * @param clientMapping the associated existing client mapping
     * @param operations the operations to be translated
     * @param sourceName the corresponding source name
     * @param idGenerator the ID generator for command ids
     * @return the commands corresponding to <i>operations</i>
    public static ItemizedCommand[] operationsToCommands(ClientMapping clientMapping, SyncOperation[] operations,
            String sourceName, CommandIdGenerator idGenerator, boolean needsMoreInfoIntoItem,
            DataTransformerManager dataTransformerManager, Sync4jPrincipal principal, String mimeType) {

        List commands = new ArrayList();

        SyncItem item = null;
        AbstractCommand command = null;

        for (int i = 0; ((operations != null) && (i < operations.length)); ++i) {

            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("Converting the operation\n" + operations[i] + "\nfor the source " + sourceName);

            item = operations[i].getSyncItemB(); // this is the server-side item

            if ((operations[i].isAOperation() && (item != null)) || operations[i].isDeleteForced()) {

                char op = operations[i].getOperation();

                // Should not translates a NOP operation
                if (op == SyncOperation.NOP && !operations[i].isDeleteForced()) {
                command = operationToCommand(clientMapping, operations[i], idGenerator, needsMoreInfoIntoItem,
                        dataTransformerManager, principal, mimeType);

        return (ItemizedCommand[]) commands.toArray(new ItemizedCommand[commands.size()]);

     * Translates a <i>SyncOperation</i> object to a <i>(Add,Delete,Replace)Command</i>
     * object.
     * @param clientMapping the item ids mapping
     * @param operation the operation to be translated
     * @param command id generator to use to create command ids
     * @return the command corresponding to <i>operation</i>
    public static ItemizedCommand operationToCommand(ClientMapping clientMapping, SyncOperation operation,
            CommandIdGenerator idGenerator, boolean needsMoreInfoIntoItem,
            DataTransformerManager dataTransformerManager, Sync4jPrincipal principal, String mimeType) {
        ItemizedCommand cmd = null;

        if (idGenerator == null) {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("idGenerator is null. Cannot continue");
            throw new NullPointerException("idGenerator cannot be null!");

        char op = operation.getOperation();

        SyncItem itemA = null;

        // The item key must reflect the value known by the client agent. It
        // thus must be adjusted using the client mapping. If the
        // operation is an addition the client key is generated
        // by the engine (the client will provide the right key with a
        // subsequent Map command).
        String itemKey = operation.getSyncItemB().getKey().getKeyAsString();
        if (op != SyncOperation.NEW) {
            String mappedKey = clientMapping.getMappedValueForGuid(itemKey);
            // Mapped key may be null in the case of slow sync
            // In such case, we get the mappedKey from the syncItemB
            if (mappedKey != null) {
                itemKey = mappedKey;
            } else {

                AbstractSyncItem itemB = (AbstractSyncItem) operation.getSyncItemB();
                SyncItemKey syncItemMappedKey = itemB.getMappedKey();
                if (syncItemMappedKey == null) {
                    itemKey = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                } else {
                    itemKey = syncItemMappedKey.getKeyAsString();

        assert (itemKey != null);

        if (operation.isDeleteForced()) {
            SyncItemKey mappedKey = ((AbstractSyncItem) (operation.getSyncItemA())).getMappedKey();
            if (mappedKey != null) {
                itemKey = mappedKey.getKeyAsString();
            } else {
                itemKey = operation.getSyncItemA().getKey().getKeyAsString();

            cmd = new Delete(, false, false, false, null, null, // meta
                    new Item[] {
                            //original: SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey,operation.getSyncItemA(),true,false,false)
                            SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey, operation.getSyncItemA(), true, false, false) });
        } else if (op == SyncOperation.NEW) {

            Item[] item = null;
            if (needsMoreInfoIntoItem) {
                item = new Item[] { SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey, operation.getSyncItemA(), false, true, true,
                        dataTransformerManager, principal, mimeType) };
            } else {
                item = new Item[] {
                        //original: SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey,operation.getSyncItemA(),false,true,true)
                        SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey, itemA, false, true, true) };

            cmd = new Add(, false, null, null, // meta
        } else if (op == SyncOperation.DELETE) {
            cmd = new Delete(, false, false, false, null, null, // meta
                    new Item[] {
                            //original: SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey,operation.getSyncItemA(),true,false,false)
                            SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey, operation.getSyncItemA(), true, false, false) });
        } else if (op == SyncOperation.UPDATE) {

            Item[] item = null;
            if (needsMoreInfoIntoItem) {
                item = new Item[] { SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey, operation.getSyncItemA(), true, false, true,
                        dataTransformerManager, principal, mimeType) };
            } else {
                item = new Item[] {
                        //original: SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey,operation.getSyncItemA(),false,true,true)
                        SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey, itemA, true, false, true) };

            cmd = new Replace(, false, null, null, item);
        } else if (op == SyncOperation.CONFLICT) {
            if (needsMoreInfoIntoItem) {
                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    log.trace("SyncOperation.CONFLICT. Cannot be evaluated!!");
            } else {
                // Server wins!
                //View the state of syncItemB and then say to client which the operation
                //to do in order to resolve the conflict
                char s = operation.getSyncItemB().getState();

                if (operation.getSyncItemB().getState() == SyncItemState.NOT_EXISTING) {
                    itemKey = operation.getSyncItemA().getKey().getKeyAsString();

                switch (s) {
                case SyncItemState.UPDATED:
                case SyncItemState.SYNCHRONIZED:
                    cmd = new Replace(, false, null, null,
                            new Item[] { SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey, itemA, true, false, true) });
                case SyncItemState.DELETED:
                case SyncItemState.NOT_EXISTING:
                    cmd = new Delete(, false, false, false, null, null, // meta
                            new Item[] {
                                    SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey, operation.getSyncItemA(), true, false, false) });
                case SyncItemState.NEW:
                    if (SyncConflict.STATE_NEW_NEW.equals(((SyncConflict) operation).getType())
                            || SyncConflict.STATE_UPDATED_NEW.equals(((SyncConflict) operation).getType())) {
                        // If we have a conflict new_new the server merges the server data
                        // with the client data and it has to return to the client
                        // a Replace command with the data merged
                        cmd = new Replace(, false, null, null,
                                new Item[] { SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey, itemA, true, false, true) });
                    } else {
                        //itemKey == guid
                        itemKey = operation.getSyncItemB().getKey().getKeyAsString();
                        cmd = new Add(, false, null, null, // meta
                                new Item[] { SyncItemHelper.toItem(itemKey, itemA, false, true, true) });

        return cmd;

     * Converts an array of <i>Item</i> objects belonging to the same
     * <i>SyncSource</i> into an array of <i>SyncItem</i> objects.
     * <p>
     * The <i>Item</i>s created are enriched with an additional property
     * called as in SyncItemHelper.PROPERTY_COMMAND, which is used to bound the
     * newly created object with the original command.
     * @param syncSource the <i>SyncSource</i> items belong to - NOT NULL
     * @param items the <i>Item</i> objects
     * @param state the state of the item as one of the values defined in
     *              <i>SyncItemState</i>
     * @param the timestamp to assign to the last even on this item
     * @return an array of <i>SyncItem</i> objects
    public static SyncItem[] itemsToSyncItems(ClientMapping clientMapping, SyncSource syncSource,
            ModificationCommand cmd, char state, long timestamp, SyncItemFactory syncItemFactory) {

        Item[] items = (Item[]) cmd.getItems().toArray(new Item[0]);

        if ((items == null) || (items.length == 0)) {
            return new SyncItem[0];

        InMemorySyncItem[] syncItems = new InMemorySyncItem[items.length];

        Data d = null;
        String content = null, key = null, mappedKey = null, parentKey = null;
        Meta commandMeta = cmd.getMeta();
        for (int i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {

            content = null;
            key = null;
            mappedKey = null;
            parentKey = null;

            d = items[i].getData();
            content = (d != null) ? d.getData() : "";

            key = items[i].getSource().getLocURI();
            if (items[i].getSourceParent() != null) {
                parentKey = items[i].getSourceParent().getLocURI();
            mappedKey = clientMapping.getMappedValueForLuid(key);

            // NOTE: for the purpose of sync items comparison, the mappedKey,
            // when not null, becomes the real item key, whilst the old key
            // becomes the mapped key.
            if (mappedKey != null) {
                String k = mappedKey;
                mappedKey = key;
                key = k;

            syncItems[i] = new InMemorySyncItem(syncSource, key, parentKey, mappedKey, state);

            syncItems[i].setProperty(new SyncProperty(AbstractSyncItem.PROPERTY_COMMAND, cmd));

                    new SyncProperty(AbstractSyncItem.PROPERTY_CONTENT_SIZE, new Long(content.getBytes().length)));
            syncItems[i].setTimestamp(new Timestamp(timestamp));

            Meta m = items[i].getMeta();
            String itemFormat = null;
            String itemType = null;
            if (m != null) {
                itemFormat = m.getFormat();
                itemType = m.getType();
            if (commandMeta != null) {
                if (itemFormat == null || itemFormat.length() == 0) {
                    itemFormat = commandMeta.getFormat();
                if (itemType == null || itemType.length() == 0) {
                    itemType = commandMeta.getType();


            if (items[i].isMoreData()) {
            // Checks always the item size. This because in the synclets it is
            // possible to modify the items content and their size. As workaround,
            // the synclets can set the size also in the next chunks and the engine
            // must use the last one.
            Long size = ProtocolUtil.getItemSize(cmd.getMeta(), items[i]);
            if (size != null) {
                syncItems[i].setProperty(new SyncProperty(AbstractSyncItem.PROPERTY_DECLARED_SIZE, size));


        return syncItems;

     * Calculate the intersection between the given lists, returning a new list
     * of <i>SyncItemMapping</i>s each containing the corresponding item couple.
     * Items are matched using the <i>get()</i> method of the <i>List</i> object,
     * therefore the rules for matching items are the ones specified by the
     * <i>List</i> interface.
     * BTW, if an item isn't mapped, it is skipped. In this way, two items with
     * the same key are not mapped (now we have the twins for that).
     * @param a the first list - NOT NULL
     * @param b the seconf list - NOT NULL
     * @return the intersection mapping list.
    public static List intersect(final List a, final List b) {
        int n = 0;
        SyncItem itemA = null;
        List ret = new ArrayList();
        SyncItemMapping mapping = null;

        Iterator i = a.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            itemA = (SyncItem);
            // If an item isn't mapped, it is skipped.
            // In this way, two items with the same key are not mapped
            // (now we have the twins for that)
            if (((AbstractSyncItem) itemA).getMappedKey() != null) {
                n = b.indexOf(itemA);
                if (n >= 0) {
                    mapping = new SyncItemMapping(itemA.getKey());
                    mapping.setMapping(itemA, (SyncItem) b.get(n));

        return ret;

     * Remove from the given items the items already used in the operations. If isItemA is true,
     * we check if the items are used as itemA, otherwise we check itemB
     * @param items SyncItem[]
     * @param operations List
     * @return SyncItem[]
    public static SyncItem[] removeItemsInOperations(SyncItem[] items, List operations, boolean isItemA) {

        if (operations == null || operations.isEmpty()) {
            return items;

        List itemsList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(items));

        SyncOperation operation = null;
        SyncItem item = null;

        Iterator itOperations = operations.iterator();
        while (itOperations.hasNext()) {
            operation = (SyncOperation);

            if (isItemA) {
                item = operation.getSyncItemA();
            } else {
                item = operation.getSyncItemB();

            if (itemsList.indexOf(item) != -1) {
                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    log.trace("The item " + item + " is already used in an operation as "
                            + (isItemA ? "itemA" : "itemB") + ". Removing it from the changed items list");
        return (SyncItem[]) itemsList.toArray(new SyncItem[itemsList.size()]);

     * Calculate and build the cross set Am(B-Bm) that is the set of synchronized
     * items of the source B interested by the modifications of source A.
     * @param items source A items modified in A but not in B
     * @param source the B source
     * @param principal the pricipal data are related to
     * @return a list of <i>SyncItemMapping</i> representing the item set
    public static List buildAmBBm(List items, SyncSource source, Principal principal) {
        SyncItem itemA, itemB;
        SyncItemMapping mapping = null;

        ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();

        Iterator i = items.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            itemA = (AbstractSyncItem);

            // If the mapped key is null, it means that this item is not
            // on the server, therefore, it cannot be in B.
            if (((AbstractSyncItem) itemA).getMappedKey() == null) {

            try {
                char state = SyncItemState.SYNCHRONIZED;
                // If the source isn't a FilteableSyncSource, we know the state
                // of the server item because we know that it isn't in Bm so the item
                // isn't changed. BTW, if the source is a FilteableSyncSource, we have
                // to call to the syncsource in order to know the state because
                // maybe the server item is changed but it is outside the filter
                // criteria and so it isn't in Bm.
                if (source instanceof FilterableSyncSource) {
                    state = ((FilterableSyncSource) source).getSyncItemStateFromId(itemA.getKey());
                SyncItemKey parentKey = itemA.getParentKey();
                itemB = new InMemorySyncItem(source, itemA.getKey().getKeyAsString(),
                        (parentKey != null ? parentKey.getKeyAsString() : null), state);
                if (itemB != null) {
                    mapping = new SyncItemMapping(itemA.getKey());
                    mapping.setMapping(itemA, itemB);
            } catch (SyncSourceException e) {
                String msg = "Error retrieving an item by its key " + itemA.getKey() + " from source " + source
                        + ": " + e.getMessage();
                log.error(msg, e);

        return ret;

    * Calculate and build the cross set (A-Am)Bm that is the set of synchronized
    * items of the source A interested by the modifications of source B.
    * @param items source B items
    * @param source the A source
    * @param principal the pricipal data are related to
    * @return a list of <i>SyncItemMapping</i> representing the item set
    public static List buildAAmBm(List items, SyncSource source, Principal principal) {
        SyncItem itemA, itemB;
        SyncItemMapping mapping = null;

        List ret = new ArrayList();

        Iterator i = items.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            itemB = (SyncItem);

            try {
                itemA = source.getSyncItemFromId(itemB.getKey());

                if (itemA != null) {
                    mapping = new SyncItemMapping(itemB.getKey());
                    mapping.setMapping(itemA, itemB);
            } catch (SyncSourceException e) {
                String msg = "Error retrieving an item by its key " + itemB.getKey() + " from source " + source
                        + ": " + e.getMessage();
                log.error(msg, e);

        return ret;

     * Update the mapping given an array of operations. This is used for
     * mappings sent by the client.
     * @param clientMappings the client mappings for current synchronization
     * @param operations the operation performed
     * @param slowSync is true if slow synchronization
     * @param databases a Map of Database. It is required to get the lasnAnchor to use
     *        updating the mapping
    public static void updateClientMappings(Map clientMappings, SyncOperation[] operations, boolean slowSync,
            Map databases) throws MappingException {

        ClientMapping clientMapping = null;
        String guid = null, luid = null;
        SyncSource clientSource = null;
        String sourceUri = null;
        String lastAnchor = null;

        for (int i = 0; ((operations != null) && (i < operations.length)); ++i) {
            // Ignore conflicts
            if (operations[i] instanceof SyncConflict) {

            clientSource = operations[i].getSyncItemA().getSyncSource();
            if (clientSource == null) {
                // clientSource is null for unexsisting items
            sourceUri = clientSource.getSourceURI();

            lastAnchor = getLastAnchor(sourceUri, databases);

            // If the operation isn't to do neither on A or on B, then not
            // modify the mapping
            if (!operations[i].isAOperation() && !operations[i].isBOperation()) {

            clientMapping = (ClientMapping) clientMappings.get(clientSource.getSourceURI());

            AbstractSyncItem itemA = null;
            AbstractSyncItem itemB = null;

            itemA = (AbstractSyncItem) operations[i].getSyncItemA();
            itemB = (AbstractSyncItem) operations[i].getSyncItemB();

            //this is the case of slow sync and without mappings into db
            if (slowSync && operations[i].getOperation() != SyncOperation.DELETE) {

                if (itemA != null && itemB != null) {

                    guid = operations[i].getSyncItemB().getKey().getKeyAsString();

                    SyncItemKey mappedKeyA = itemA.getMappedKey();
                    if (mappedKeyA != null) {
                        luid = mappedKeyA.getKeyAsString();
                    } else {
                        luid = itemA.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, lastAnchor);
            } else if (operations[i].getOperation() == SyncOperation.DELETE) {
                guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                if (operations[i].isAOperation()) {
                    clientMapping.removeMappedValuesForGuid(guid, true);
                } else {
                    clientMapping.removeMappedValuesForGuid(guid, false);
            } else if (itemA.getState() == SyncItemState.DELETED && itemB.getState() == SyncItemState.DELETED) {
                guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();

                clientMapping.removeMappedValuesForGuid(guid, false);

            } else if (itemA.getState() == SyncItemState.NEW && itemB.getState() == SyncItemState.DELETED) {
                guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                clientMapping.removeMappedValuesForGuid(guid, false);

     * Updates the LUID-GUIDmapping for the client modifications (that is the
     * items directlry inserted or removed by the server).
     * @param clientMappings the client mappings for current synchronization
     * @param status the status of the performed operations
     * @param slowSync is true if slow synchronization
     * @param databases a Map of Database. It is required to get the lasnAnchor to use
     *        updating the mapping
    public static void updateServerMappings(Map clientMappings, SyncOperationStatus[] status, boolean slowSync,
            Map databases)

            throws MappingException {
        char op;
        ClientMapping clientMapping = null;
        String luid = null, guid = null;
        String lastAnchor = null;
        SyncSource serverSource = null;
        SyncOperation operation;

        for (int i = 0; ((status != null) && (i < status.length)); ++i) {
            operation = status[i].getOperation();
            op = operation.getOperation();

            serverSource = status[i].getSyncSource();
            if (serverSource == null) {
                // clientSource is null for unexsisting items

            if (status[i] instanceof Sync4jOperationStatusError) {

            lastAnchor = getLastAnchor(serverSource.getSourceURI(), databases);

            clientMapping = (ClientMapping) clientMappings.get(serverSource.getSourceURI());

            AbstractSyncItem itemA = null;
            AbstractSyncItem itemB = null;

            itemA = (AbstractSyncItem) operation.getSyncItemA();
            itemB = (AbstractSyncItem) operation.getSyncItemB();

            if (operation.isDeleteForced()) {

                guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                clientMapping.removeMappedValuesForGuid(guid, true);

            } else if (slowSync && (op != SyncOperation.DELETE) && (op != SyncOperation.NEW)) {
                //this is the case of slow sync and without mappings into db
                if (itemA != null && itemB != null) {

                    guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();

                    SyncItemKey mappedKeyA = itemA.getMappedKey();
                    if (mappedKeyA != null) {
                        luid = mappedKeyA.getKeyAsString();
                    } else {
                        luid = itemA.getKey().getKeyAsString();

                    if (operation.isAOperation()) {
                        clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, null);
                    } else if (operation.isBOperation()) {
                        clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, lastAnchor);
                    } else {
                        // This case happens when during a slow sync the client sends
                        // a item twin of a server item but the merging doesn't produce
                        // a new content. So, no operations are required on A (client)
                        // and no operations are required on B (server)
                        clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, lastAnchor);


            } else if (op == SyncOperation.DELETE) {

                guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                if (operation.isAOperation()) {
                    clientMapping.removeMappedValuesForGuid(guid, true);
                } else {
                    clientMapping.removeMappedValuesForGuid(guid, false);
            } else if (op == SyncOperation.NEW) {

                if (operation.isBOperation()) {
                    luid = itemA.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, lastAnchor);
                if (operation.isAOperation()) {
                    guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, guid, null);

            } else if (op == SyncOperation.CONFLICT) {

                String conflictType = ((SyncConflict) operation).getType();

                if (SyncConflict.STATE_DELETED_UPDATED.equals(conflictType)
                        || SyncConflict.STATE_DELETED_NEW.equals(conflictType)) {

                    if (!operation.isAOperation() && !operation.isBOperation()) {
                        // This happen when there is a conflict DU and we are
                        // using some filters so we have to remove the mapping
                        // (see Sync4jStragegy, method execConflictDU)
                        luid = itemA.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                        guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                        clientMapping.removeMappedValuesForGuid(guid, false);
                    } else {
                        guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                        clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, guid, null);

                } else if (SyncConflict.STATE_UPDATED_DELETED.equals(conflictType)) {

                    SyncItemKey mappedKey = itemA.getMappedKey();
                    if (mappedKey != null) {
                        luid = mappedKey.getKeyAsString();
                    } else {
                        luid = itemA.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    String oldGuid = itemA.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    // When a conflict U-D is detected, the server calls the
                    // method addSyncItem on the server ss. This method can create
                    // a new item with a new GUID.
                    // But in the mapping we have LUID-Old GUID.
                    // So, we have to remove it before to insert the new mapping
                    clientMapping.removeMappedValuesForGuid(oldGuid, false);

                    // Insert the new mapping
                    guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, lastAnchor);

                } else if (SyncConflict.STATE_UPDATED_UPDATED.equals(conflictType)) {

                    SyncItemKey mappedKey = itemA.getMappedKey();
                    if (mappedKey != null) {
                        luid = mappedKey.getKeyAsString();
                    } else {
                        luid = itemA.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    if (operation.isAOperation()) {
                        clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, null);
                    } else {
                        clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, lastAnchor);
                } else if (SyncConflict.STATE_NEW_NEW.equals(conflictType)) {

                    luid = itemA.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    if (operation.isAOperation()) {
                        clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, null);
                    } else {
                        clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, lastAnchor);

                } else if (SyncConflict.STATE_NEW_UPDATED.equals(conflictType)) {

                    luid = itemA.getMappedKey().getKeyAsString();
                    guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();

                    clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, lastAnchor);

                } else if (SyncConflict.STATE_UPDATED_NEW.equals(conflictType)) {

                    SyncItemKey mappedKey = itemA.getMappedKey();
                    if (mappedKey != null) {
                        luid = mappedKey.getKeyAsString();
                    } else {
                        luid = itemA.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    if (operation.isAOperation()) {
                        clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, null);
                    } else {
                        clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, lastAnchor);
                } else if (SyncConflict.STATE_NEW_SYNCHRONIZED.equals(conflictType)) {

                    SyncItemKey mappedKey = itemA.getMappedKey();
                    if (mappedKey != null) {
                        luid = mappedKey.getKeyAsString();
                    } else {
                        luid = itemA.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    if (operation.isAOperation()) {
                        clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, null);
                    } else {
                        clientMapping.updateMapping(guid, luid, lastAnchor);
                } else if (SyncConflict.STATE_DELETED_DELETED.equals(conflictType)) {

                    guid = itemB.getKey().getKeyAsString();
                    clientMapping.removeMappedValuesForGuid(guid, false);

                } else {

                    // These cases shuold never happen
                    assert (!SyncConflict.STATE_DELETED_CONFLICT.equals(conflictType));
                    assert (!SyncConflict.STATE_UPDATED_NEW.equals(conflictType));
                    assert (!SyncConflict.STATE_UPDATED_CONFLICT.equals(conflictType));
                    assert (!SyncConflict.STATE_NEW_DELETED.equals(conflictType));
                    assert (!SyncConflict.STATE_NEW_CONFLICT.equals(conflictType));
                    assert (!SyncConflict.STATE_NONE_CONFLICT.equals(conflictType));
                    assert (!SyncConflict.STATE_CONFLICT_DELETED.equals(conflictType));
                    assert (!SyncConflict.STATE_CONFLICT_UPDATED.equals(conflictType));
                    assert (!SyncConflict.STATE_CONFLICT_NEW.equals(conflictType));
                    assert (!SyncConflict.STATE_CONFLICT_CONFLICT.equals(conflictType));

     * Creates a <i>DataStore</i> from a <i>SyncSourceInfo</i>
     * @param uri the source URI
     * @param name the source name
     * @param info the <i>SyncSourceInfo</i>
     * @param verDTD the version of the DTD to use to encode the datastores
     * @return the corresponding <i>DataStore</i>
    public static DataStore toDataStore(String uri, String name, SyncSourceInfo info, VerDTD verDTD) {

        CTInfo[] supportedContents = null;
        CTInfo preferredContent = null;

        boolean supportHierarchicalSync = false;

        FilterInfo filterInfo = null;
        CTInfo[] filterRxs = null;
        FilterCap[] filterCaps = null;

        if (info != null) {

            supportHierarchicalSync = info.getSupportHierarchicalSync();

            ContentType[] supportedTypes = info.getSupportedTypes();
            ContentType preferredType = info.getPreferredType();

            int preferred = info.getPreferred();

            if (supportedTypes.length > 1) {
                // From Rx or Tx we have to remove the Rx-Pref and the Tx-Pref
                supportedContents = new CTInfo[supportedTypes.length - 1];

            int cont = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < supportedTypes.length; ++i) {
                // From Rx or Tx we have to remove the Rx-Pref and the Tx-Pref
                if (i != preferred) {
                    supportedContents[cont++] = new CTInfo(supportedTypes[i].type, supportedTypes[i].version);

            preferredContent = new CTInfo(preferredType.type, preferredType.version);

            if (Constants.DTD_1_2.equals(verDTD)) {
                // Add the filters info
                filterInfo = info.getFilterInfo();
                if (filterInfo != null) {
                    ContentType[] supportedFilterRx = filterInfo.getFilterRx();
                    if (supportedFilterRx != null) {
                        filterRxs = new CTInfo[supportedFilterRx.length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < supportedTypes.length; ++i) {
                            filterRxs[i] = new CTInfo(supportedFilterRx[i].type, supportedFilterRx[i].version);

                    FilterSpecification[] filterSpecifications = filterInfo.getFilterCaps();
                    ContentType filterContentType = null;
                    CTInfo filterCTInfo = null;
                    if (filterSpecifications != null) {
                        filterCaps = new FilterCap[filterSpecifications.length];

                        for (int i = 0; i < filterSpecifications.length; ++i) {
                            filterContentType = filterSpecifications[i].getContentType();
                            if (filterContentType != null) {

                                filterCTInfo = new CTInfo(filterContentType.type, filterContentType.version);

                            filterCaps[i] = new FilterCap(filterCTInfo, filterSpecifications[i].getKeywords(),

        return new DataStore(new SourceRef(uri), name, 32, preferredContent, supportedContents, preferredContent,
                supportedContents, null, null, supportHierarchicalSync, new SyncCap(SyncType.ALL_SYNC_TYPES),
                filterRxs, filterCaps);

     * Resets the item state of the items passed in the given collection to
     * the <i>synchronized</i> state, unless an item is in the <i>partial</i>.
     * @param items items collection
    public static void resetState(Collection items) {
        if (items == null) {
        setState(items, SyncItemState.SYNCHRONIZED);

     * Sets the item state of the items passed in the given collection to
     * the give state, unless an item is in the <i>partial</i>.
     * @param items items collection
    public static void setState(Collection items, char state) {
        if (items == null) {

        Iterator i = items.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            SyncItem s = (SyncItem);
            if (s.getState() != SyncItemState.PARTIAL) {

     * Resets the item state of the items passed in the given collection to
     * the <i>synchronized</i> state, unless an item is in the <i>partial</i>.
     * @param items items collection
    public static void resetState(SyncItem[] items) {
        if ((items == null) || (items.length == 0)) {
        setState(items, SyncItemState.SYNCHRONIZED);

     * Sets the item state of the items passed in the given collection to
     * the given state, unless an item is in the <i>partial</i>.
     * @param items items collection
    public static void setState(SyncItem[] items, char state) {
        if ((items == null) || (items.length == 0)) {

        for (int i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
            if (items[i].getState() != SyncItemState.PARTIAL) {

     * Checks the state of the given items.
     * If an item isn't mapped and its state is U, the state is changed to N.
     * If an item is mapped and its state is N, the state is changed to U.
     * @param items SyncItem[]
    public static void checkItemsState(SyncItem[] items) {
        if (items == null || items.length == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            if (!((AbstractSyncItem) items[i]).isMapped() && items[i].getState() == SyncItemState.UPDATED) {
            } else if (((AbstractSyncItem) items[i]).isMapped() && items[i].getState() == SyncItemState.NEW) {

     * Creates an array of SyncItem with the given keys, state and source
     * @param keys the keys to use in the SyncItem creation. For each key,
     *        a new item is created
     * @param state the state to use in the SyncItem creation
     * @param source the relative SyncSource
     * @param mapping the mapping to use in order to check the lastAnchor
     * @param lastAnchor the lastAnchor to use in order to check if an item is
     *        already handled in a sync with the same lastAnchor (Suspend and
     *        Resume)
     * @return SyncItem[] the created items
    public static SyncItem[] createSyncItems(SyncItemKey[] keys, char state, SyncSource source,
            ClientMapping mapping, String lastAnchor) {
        if (keys == null) {
            return null;

        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("Checking the keys returned with state '" + state + "' and last anchor '" + lastAnchor + "'");

        int numItems = keys.length;
        List items = new ArrayList(keys.length);
        String lastAnchorInMapping = null;
        boolean itemRequired = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
            itemRequired = true;
            if (state != SyncItemState.DELETED) {
                if (mapping != null) {
                    lastAnchorInMapping = mapping.getLastAnchor(keys[i].getKeyAsString());

                    if (StringUtils.equals(lastAnchor, lastAnchorInMapping)) {
                        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                            log.trace("The item with key '" + keys[i].getKeyAsString()
                                    + "' is already in the mapping with lastAnchor '" + lastAnchor
                                    + "'...skipping it");
                        itemRequired = false;
                    } else {
                        if (lastAnchorInMapping != null) {
                            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                log.trace("The item with key '" + keys[i].getKeyAsString()
                                        + "' is already in the mapping with lastAnchor '" + lastAnchorInMapping
                                        + "' but the anchor of " + "this session is '" + lastAnchor
                                        + "'...adding/updating it");
                        } else {
                            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                log.trace("The item with key '" + keys[i].getKeyAsString()
                                        + "' is not in the mapping...adding it");

            if (itemRequired) {
                items.add(new InMemorySyncItem(source, keys[i].getKeyValue(), state));
        return (SyncItem[]) items.toArray(new SyncItem[items.size()]);

     * Returns the last anchor of the database with the given uri searching it in the
     * given map of databases
     * @param uri String
     * @param databases Map
     * @return String
    public static String getLastAnchor(String uri, Map databases) {
        Database db = (Database) databases.get(uri);
        if (db == null) {
            return null;
        String last = db.getLast();
        return ((last != null && !last.equals("")) ? last : LAST_ANCHOR_SLOW_SYNC);


class StatusKey {
    public ModificationCommand cmd = null;
    public int statusCode = 0;
    public SyncItemKey itemKey = null;
    public String errorMessage = null;

    public StatusKey(ModificationCommand cmd, int statusCode) {
        this.cmd = cmd;
        this.statusCode = statusCode;

    public StatusKey(ModificationCommand cmd, int statusCode, SyncItemKey itemKey, String errorMessage) {
        this(cmd, statusCode);
        this.itemKey = itemKey;
        this.errorMessage = errorMessage;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if ((o != null) && (o instanceof StatusKey)) {
            if (itemKey == null && StringUtils.isEmpty(errorMessage)) {
                return (((StatusKey) o).cmd.getCmdID().equals(this.cmd.getCmdID()))
                        && (((StatusKey) o).statusCode == this.statusCode);
            if (itemKey == null) {
                return (((StatusKey) o).cmd.getCmdID().equals(this.cmd.getCmdID()))
                        && (((StatusKey) o).statusCode == this.statusCode)
                        && ((StatusKey) o).itemKey.equals(itemKey);

        return false;

    public int hashCode() {
        return (cmd.getCmdID().getCmdID() + statusCode).hashCode();