Java tutorial
/* * Funambol is a mobile platform developed by Funambol, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2010 Funambol, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED * WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY FUNAMBOL, FUNAMBOL DISCLAIMS THE * WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Funambol, Inc. headquarters at 643 Bair Island Road, Suite * 305, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA, or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the * "Powered by Funambol" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably * feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display * the words "Powered by Funambol". */ package com.funambol.json.converter; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import com.funambol.common.pim.common.Property; import com.funambol.common.pim.calendar.Reminder; import com.funambol.common.pim.calendar.Task; import com.funambol.common.pim.converter.BaseConverter; import com.funambol.common.pim.converter.ConverterException; import com.funambol.common.pim.utility.TimeUtils; import com.funambol.framework.logging.FunambolLogger; import com.funambol.framework.logging.FunambolLoggerFactory; import com.funambol.json.domain.JsonItem; import com.funambol.json.domain.JsonTaskModel; import com.funambol.json.util.Utility; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; /** * Converter for JsonItem<Task> * * @version $Id: 52034 2010-06-08 12:59:28Z derose $ */ public class TaskConverter implements Converter<JsonItem<Task>> { public final static int TYPE_ERROR = -1; protected static final FunambolLogger log = FunambolLoggerFactory.getLogger(Utility.LOG_NAME); // -------------------------------------------------------------- Properties private String serverTimeZoneID = null; public void setServerTimeZoneID(String serverTimeZoneID) { this.serverTimeZoneID = serverTimeZoneID; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- Public methods /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.funambol.Json.converter.Converter#toJSON(java.lang.Object) */ public String toJSON(JsonItem<Task> item) { Task task = item.getItem(); JSONObject jsonRoot = new JSONObject(); JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject(); JSONObject jsonItem = new JSONObject(); jsonData.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.CONTENT_TYPE.getValue(), Utility.CONTENT_TYPE_TASK_EXT); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.KEY.getValue(), item.getKey()); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.STATE.getValue(), item.getState()); // folder String folder = getPropertyValueOrNull(task.getFolder()); folder = Utility.folderConverterC2S(folder, Utility.BACKEND_TASKS_FOLDER_PREFIX); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.FOLDER.getValue(), folder); String subject = Utility.getPropertyValue(task.getSummary()); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.SUBJECT.getValue(), subject); // get the timezone from the dtstart String tmzid = task.getDtStart().getTimeZone(); if (tmzid == null) { tmzid = this.serverTimeZoneID; } jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.TZID.getValue(), tmzid); Boolean isAllDay = task.isAllDay(); String sd = getPropertyValueOrNull(task.getDtStart()); //String ed = Utility.getPropertyValue(task.getDueDate()); String ed = getPropertyValueOrNull(task.getDueDate()); if (isAllDay) { // <DATE PATCH> // If all-day the Converter receives: // - from SIF: format yyyy-MM-DD (from Foundation framework) // - from VCAL: format yyyy-MM-DD (from Foundation framework) // We have to convert into yyyyMMdd sd = Utility.changeDateFormat(sd, tmzid, Utility.TIME_ALLDAY_START, Utility.DATETIME_YYYYMMDD); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.START_DATE.getValue(), sd); ed = Utility.changeDateFormat(ed, tmzid, Utility.TIME_ALLDAY_END, Utility.DATETIME_YYYYMMDD); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.DUE_DATE.getValue(), ed); } else { jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.START_DATE.getValue(), sd); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.DUE_DATE.getValue(), ed); } jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.ALL_DAY.getValue(), isAllDay); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.CATEGORIES.getValue(), Utility.getPropertyValueOrNull(task.getCategories())); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.BODY.getValue(), Utility.getPropertyValueOrNull(task.getDescription())); String accessClass = Utility.getPropertyValue(task.getAccessClass()); Short sensitivity = Utility.SENSITIVITY_NORMAL; //default value "PUBLIC" try { sensitivity = Short.valueOf(accessClass); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.SENSITIVITY.getValue(), Utility.accessClassFrom03(sensitivity)); // temporary patch // IMPORTANCE String s = Utility.getPropertyValue(task.getImportance()); try { int tmp = 6; // default value; importance = "normal" try { tmp = Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } int patchedImportance = Utility.importanceClient2Server(tmp); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.IMPORTANCE.getValue(), patchedImportance); } catch (Exception e) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Error handling task importance property - item:" + subject, e); } } // COMPLETE String com = Utility.getPropertyValue(task.getComplete()); if ("1".equals(com)) { jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.COMPLETE.getValue(), true); } else { jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.COMPLETE.getValue(), false); } // STATUS s = Utility.getPropertyValueOrNull(task.getStatus()); try { Short status = null; try { status = Short.parseShort(s); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.STATUS.getValue(), status); } catch (Exception e) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Error handling task status property for '" + subject + "'", e); } } jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.PERCENT_COMPLETE.getValue(), Utility.getPropertyValue(task.getPercentComplete())); // reminder Reminder reminder = task.getReminder(); if (reminder != null) { boolean active = reminder.isActive(); String reminderDate = reminder.getTime(); if (active) { jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.REMINDER.getValue(), true); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.REMINDER_DATE.getValue(), reminderDate); } else { jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.REMINDER.getValue(), false); } jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.REMINDER_SOUNDFILE.getValue(), reminder.getSoundFile()); } else { jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.REMINDER.getValue(), false); } jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.DATE_COMPLETED.getValue(), Utility.getPropertyValue(task.getDateCompleted())); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.ACTUAL_WORK.getValue(), Utility.getPropertyValue(task.getActualWork())); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.TOTAL_WORK.getValue(), Utility.getPropertyValue(task.getTotalWork())); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.BILLING_INFORMATION.getValue(), Utility.getPropertyValue(task.getBillingInformation())); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.MILEAGE.getValue(), Utility.getPropertyValueInt(task.getMileage())); /** * 7.0 issue * get company from Organizer field */ jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.COMPANIES.getValue(), getPropertyValueOrNull(task.getOrganizer())); jsonData.element(JsonTaskModel.ITEM.getValue(), jsonItem); jsonRoot.element(JsonTaskModel.DATA.getValue(), jsonData); return jsonRoot.toString(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.funambol.json.converter.Converter#fromJSON(java.lang.String) */ public JsonItem<Task> fromJSON(String jsonContent) { JSONObject jsonRoot = JSONObject.fromObject(jsonContent); JSONObject jsonData = jsonRoot.getJSONObject(JsonTaskModel.DATA.getValue()); JSONObject jsonItem = jsonData.getJSONObject(JsonTaskModel.ITEM.getValue()); JsonItem<Task> item = new JsonItem<Task>(); item.setContentType(Utility.getJsonValue(jsonData, JsonTaskModel.CONTENT_TYPE.getValue())); item.setKey(Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.KEY.getValue())); item.setState(Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.STATE.getValue())); Task task = new Task(); // folder String folder = Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.FOLDER.getValue()); if (folder != null) { folder = Utility.folderConverterS2C(folder, Utility.BACKEND_TASKS_FOLDER_PREFIX); task.getFolder().setPropertyValue(folder); } String subject = Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.SUBJECT.getValue()); task.getSummary().setPropertyValue(subject); // Start and end Date; we need to know if it is "all day" boolean isAllDay = jsonItem.optBoolean(JsonTaskModel.ALL_DAY.getValue(), false); String tmzid = jsonItem.optString(JsonTaskModel.TZID.getValue(), null); if (tmzid == null) { tmzid = this.serverTimeZoneID; } String startDate = Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.START_DATE.getValue()); String dueDate = Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.DUE_DATE.getValue()); if (isAllDay) { // from the back-end system we receive the format: yyyy-MM-dd task.getDtStart().setPropertyValue(Utility.changeDateFormat(startDate, tmzid, Utility.TIME_ALLDAY_START, Utility.DATETIME_YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS)); task.getDueDate().setPropertyValue(Utility.changeDateFormat(dueDate, tmzid, Utility.TIME_ALLDAY_END, Utility.DATETIME_YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS)); } else { // otherwise we receive the format: yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z' if (startDate != null) { task.getDtStart().setPropertyValue(startDate); task.getDtStart().setTimeZone(tmzid); } if (dueDate != null) { task.getDueDate().setPropertyValue(dueDate); task.getDueDate().setTimeZone(tmzid); } } task.setAllDay(isAllDay); task.getDescription().setPropertyValue(jsonItem.optString(JsonTaskModel.BODY.getValue(), null)); String accessClass = Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.SENSITIVITY.getValue()); short sensitivity = Utility.accessClassTo03(accessClass); task.getAccessClass().setPropertyValue(sensitivity); // temporary patch String importance = Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.IMPORTANCE.getValue()); if (importance != null) { int patchedImportance = 0; try { patchedImportance = Utility.importanceServer2Client(Integer.parseInt(importance)); task.getImportance().setPropertyValue("" + patchedImportance); } catch (Exception e) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Error handling task importance for [" + subject + "]", e); } } } // reminder Reminder reminder = new Reminder(); boolean active = Utility.getJsonValueBoolean(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.REMINDER.getValue()); String reminderDate = Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.REMINDER_DATE.getValue()); if (active) { reminder.setActive(true); if (Utility.getDateFormat(reminderDate).equals("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss")) { // if it it expressed in localtime then we need to set the // timezone as well so that it will be preserved reminder.setTimeZone(tmzid); } try { // The reminder time needs to be set as offset with respect to the // event start (and not only as absolute time), otherwise the DAO // won't persist it correctly. setAlarmTimeAndMinutes(reminder, reminderDate, task.getDtStart(), isAllDay, tmzid); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } reminder.setTime(reminderDate); } else { reminder.setActive(false); reminder.setTime(null); } reminder.setSoundFile(Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.REMINDER_SOUNDFILE.getValue())); task.setReminder(reminder); task.getStatus().setPropertyValue(Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.STATUS.getValue())); task.getComplete() .setPropertyValue(Utility.getJsonValueBoolean(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.COMPLETE.getValue())); String percent = Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.PERCENT_COMPLETE.getValue()); if ("".equals(percent)) { task.getPercentComplete().setPropertyValue("0"); } else if (percent == null) { task.getPercentComplete().setPropertyValue(null); } else { int value = truncPercentComplete(percent); task.getPercentComplete().setPropertyValue("" + value); } // details task.getDateCompleted() .setPropertyValue(Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.DATE_COMPLETED.getValue())); String actualWork = Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.ACTUAL_WORK.getValue()); if ("".equals(actualWork)) { task.getActualWork().setPropertyValue("0"); } else { task.getActualWork().setPropertyValue(actualWork); } String totalWork = Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.TOTAL_WORK.getValue()); if ("".equals(totalWork)) { task.getTotalWork().setPropertyValue("0"); } else { task.getTotalWork().setPropertyValue(totalWork); } task.getBillingInformation() .setPropertyValue(Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.BILLING_INFORMATION.getValue())); if (jsonItem.has(JsonTaskModel.MILEAGE.getValue())) { int mil = Utility.getJsonValueInt(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.MILEAGE.getValue()); task.setMileage(mil); } else { task.setMileage(null); } task.getCategories().setPropertyValue(Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.CATEGORIES.getValue())); /** * 7.0 issue * set companies in organizer field */ task.getOrganizer().setPropertyValue(Utility.getJsonValue(jsonItem, JsonTaskModel.COMPANIES.getValue())); item.setItem(task); return item; } /** * this method converts from a json contact item object to a json vcard text representation * @param item * @return * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public String toRFC(JsonItem<String> item) { String vcal = item.getItem(); JSONObject jsonRoot = new JSONObject(); JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject(); JSONObject jsonItem = new JSONObject(); // the content-type for the internet specification format is jsonData.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.CONTENT_TYPE.getValue(), Utility.CONTENT_TYPE_TASK_RFC); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.KEY.getValue(), item.getKey()); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.STATE.getValue(), item.getState()); //jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonContactModel.FOLDER.getValue(), contact.getFolder()); jsonItem.elementOpt(JsonTaskModel.VCAL.getValue(), vcal); jsonData.element(JsonTaskModel.ITEM.getValue(), jsonItem); jsonRoot.element(JsonTaskModel.DATA.getValue(), jsonData); return jsonRoot.toString(); } /** * this method converts an item received in vcard format to an item in Funambol data model (contact) * @param vcardItem * @return */ public JsonItem<String> fromRFC(String jsonRFC) { JSONObject jsonRoot = JSONObject.fromObject(jsonRFC); JSONObject jsonData = jsonRoot.getJSONObject(JsonTaskModel.DATA.getValue()); JSONObject jsonItem = jsonData.getJSONObject(JsonTaskModel.ITEM.getValue()); JsonItem<String> item = new JsonItem<String>(); item.setContentType(jsonData.optString(JsonTaskModel.CONTENT_TYPE.getValue())); item.setKey(jsonItem.optString(JsonTaskModel.KEY.getValue())); item.setState(jsonItem.optString(JsonTaskModel.STATE.getValue())); String vcalItem = jsonItem.optString(JsonTaskModel.VCAL.getValue()); vcalItem = vcalItem.replace("\\", "\\\\"); item.setItem(vcalItem); return item; } //--------------------------------------------------------- Private Methods /** * * @param value * @return */ private int truncPercentComplete(String value) { int percent = 0; try { double d = Double.parseDouble(value); percent = (int) d; } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } return percent; } /** * @param property * @return null if property is null otherwise return the property value as String */ public static String getPropertyValueOrNull(Property property) { if (property != null) { if (property.getPropertyValue() != null) { return property.getPropertyValueAsString(); } } return null; } /* * This method was based on the analoguous defined in VCalendarContentConverter. * The main difference consists in the fact that this accepts a parameter * String of type String for specifying the timesone, * while the one defined in VCalendarContentConverter refers to an instance * property of type TimeZone. */ private static void setAlarmTimeAndMinutes(Reminder reminder, String time, Property dtStart, boolean allDay, String tzid) throws ConverterException { String alarmStart; TimeZone reminderTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzid); String taskStartUTC = BaseConverter.handleConversionToUTCDate(dtStart.getPropertyValueAsString(), reminderTimeZone); // If the calendar is an all day event (or task) then // the aalarm time is considered as a local time // information consistently with the way start and end // dates are processed. if (allDay) { // Converts aalarm in local date and time to preserve // the distance from aalarm time to midnigth of the // start date. alarmStart = BaseConverter.handleConversionToLocalDate(time, reminderTimeZone); } else { // Converts aalarm in UTC date and time to preserve // the absolute moment of the aalarm. alarmStart = BaseConverter.handleConversionToUTCDate(time, reminderTimeZone); } reminder.setTime(alarmStart); if (dtStart != null) { reminder.setMinutes(TimeUtils.getAlarmMinutes(taskStartUTC, reminder.getTime(), null)); } else { reminder.setMinutes(0); } reminder.setActive(true); } }