Java tutorial
/* * Funambol is a mobile platform developed by Funambol, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2009 Funambol, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED * WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY FUNAMBOL, FUNAMBOL DISCLAIMS THE * WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Funambol, Inc. headquarters at 643 Bair Island Road, Suite * 305, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA, or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the * "Powered by Funambol" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably * feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display * the words "Powered by Funambol". */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import com.funambol.framework.logging.FunambolLogger; import com.funambol.framework.logging.FunambolLoggerFactory; import; /** * Responsibility: manage the directory tree on the local file system where the * files belonging to a user are stored. * @version $Id$ */ public class FileSystemDAOHelper { // --------------------------------------------------------------- Constants protected static final FunambolLogger log = FunambolLoggerFactory.getLogger(Def.LOGGER_NAME); /** * The buffer size used to copy an InputStream to an OutputStream */ private static final int COPY_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; /** * The number of seconds representing the maximum time a thread is * available to wait while acquiring the lock needed to create a * directory. */ private static final long DIRECTOTY_CREATION_TIMEOUT = 3; /** File separator */ protected static final String FS = FileDataObjectNamingStrategy.FS; // -------------------------------------------------------- Member Variables /** User id. */ private String userName; public String getUserName() { return userName; } /** The root folder of the file data objects subtree. */ private String rootPath = null; public String getRootPath() { return rootPath; } /** * Provides the path and the name for the files to be stored */ private final FileDataObjectNamingStrategy fileDataObjectNamingStrategy; /* * holds the user folder relative path once it has been computed, to compute * it only once instead of every time the relative path is requested. */ private String userFolderRelativePath = null; // ------------------------------------------------------------ Constructors /** * * @param userName The user name to which the files belong * @param rootPath The root path where starts the directory sub-tree * are located * @param fileDataObjectNamingStrategy the FileDataObjectNamingStrategy * used to define the file's path and name. * Invariant Condition: the File returned by method getFolder is actually a * folder. * @throws IOException if an error occurs creating the user folder */ public FileSystemDAOHelper(String userName, String rootPath, FileDataObjectNamingStrategy fileDataObjectNamingStrategy) throws IOException { checkStringNotNull(userName, "Invalid Username: %s"); checkStringNotNull(rootPath, "Invalid Root path: %s"); this.userName = userName; this.rootPath = IOTools.normalize(rootPath); this.fileDataObjectNamingStrategy = fileDataObjectNamingStrategy; createUserFolder(); } /** * * @param userName * @param rootPath * @param fileSysDirDepth * @throws IOException */ public FileSystemDAOHelper(String userName, String rootPath, int fileSysDirDepth) throws IOException { this(userName, rootPath, new FileDataObjectNamingStrategy(fileSysDirDepth)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods /** * Given the file name, retrieves the file handler from the directory tree. * If the user's directory doesn't exist, it creates it. * @param fileName * @return the file corresponding to the parameter fileName */ public File getFile(String fileName) { return new File(getFilePath(fileName)); } /** * Returns the folder of the directory belonging to the user. * @return the folder of the directory belonging to the user. */ public File getFolder() { return new File(getUserFolderPath()); } /** * Returns the 'ext' folder corresponding to the file. * @param fileName * @return the 'ext' folder corresponding to the file. * @throws IOException if an error occurs */ public File getEXTFolder(String fileName) throws IOException { File extFolder = new File(getEXTFolderPath(fileName)); if (!extFolder.exists()) { boolean created = extFolder.mkdirs(); if (!created) { throw new IOException("Unable to create ext folder '" + fileName + "'"); } } return extFolder; } /** * Returns the file path including the path of the user's folder. * @param fileName the file name * @return the file path including the path of the user's folder. */ public String getFilePath(String fileName) { checkStringNotNull(fileName, "File name is not valid: %s"); return getPath(fileName); } /** * Returns the ext folder path including the path of the user's folder. * @param fileName the name of the file corresponding to the ext folder. * @return the ext folder path including the path of the user's folder. */ public String getEXTFolderPath(String fileName) { checkStringNotNull(fileName, "File name is not valid: %s"); return getPath(fileDataObjectNamingStrategy.getEXTFolderName(fileName)); } /** * Returns the file path including the path of the user's folder. * @param fileName the file name * @return the file path including the path of the user's folder. */ public String getFileRelativePath(String fileName) { checkStringNotNull(fileName, "File name is not valid: %s"); return getRelativePath(fileName); } /** * Returns the ext folder path including the path of the user's folder. * @param fileName the name of the file corresponding to the ext folder. * @return the ext folder path including the path of the user's folder. */ public String getEXTFolderRelativePath(String fileName) { checkStringNotNull(fileName, "File name is not valid: %s"); return getRelativePath(fileDataObjectNamingStrategy.getEXTFolderName(fileName)); } /** * Returns the size of a temp file, stored in the default path * @param fileName * @return */ public long getTmpFileSize(String fileName) { checkStringNotNull(fileName, "File name is not valid: %s"); File file = getFile(fileName); if (file.exists()) return file.length(); return -1; } /** * Creates randomly the file name used to store the file data object on the * server local file system. * For example 1y2p0ij32e8e7 * @return a random file name to be used to store the file locally on the * server file system. */ public String createTmpFileName() { return fileDataObjectNamingStrategy.createTmpFileName(); } /** * Writes into the file, overwriting the content * @param fileName The file name * @param content The content to write into the file * @return the file where the content has been saved * @throws IOException */ public File writeItem(String fileName, byte[] content) throws IOException { boolean append = false; return writeItem(fileName, content, append); } /** * writes into the file * @param fileName * @param content * @param append * @return the file where the content has been saved * @throws IOException */ public File writeItem(String fileName, byte[] content, boolean append) throws IOException { File file = getFile(fileName); writeItem(file, content, append); return file; } /** * * @param file * @param content * @param append * @throws IOException */ public void writeItem(File file, byte[] content, boolean append) throws IOException { FileOutputStream stream = null; try { stream = new FileOutputStream(file, append); stream.write(content); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(stream); } } /** * Writes into the file, overwriting the content * @param content The content to write into the file * @return the file where the content has been saved * @throws IOException */ public File writeItem(byte[] content) throws IOException { String fileName = fileDataObjectNamingStrategy.createTmpFileName(); return writeItem(fileName, content); } /** * Save the input stream into a tmp file in the user folder * @param in the input stream * @return The tmp file where the content has been saved * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ public File saveTmpFile(InputStream in) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { return saveTmpFile(in, -1L); } /** * Save the input stream into a tmp file in the user folder * @param in the input stream * @param maxSize The max number of bytes to copy. If -1 no limit is checked. * @return The tmp file where the content has been saved * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ public File saveTmpFile(InputStream in, long maxSize) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String tmpFileName = createTmpFileName(); File tmpBodyFile = getFile(tmpFileName); try { saveFile(in, tmpBodyFile, maxSize); } catch (IOException ex) { if (tmpBodyFile != null) { tmpBodyFile.delete(); } throw ex; } return tmpBodyFile; } public File saveFile(InputStream in, File file, long maxSize) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if (!file.canWrite()) { new IOException("Unable to write on " + file.getPath()); } OutputStream out = null; try { out = new FileOutputStream(file); copy(in, out, maxSize); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); } return file; } /** * Saves a new empty file where the content should be saved. * * @return the tmp file where the content should be saved * @throws FileNotFoundException if it's not possible to write on file * @throws IOException if an error occurs */ public File saveTmpBodyFile() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { File tmpBodyFile = null; try { String tmpFileName = createTmpFileName(); tmpBodyFile = getFile(tmpFileName); tmpBodyFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException ex) { if (tmpBodyFile != null) { tmpBodyFile.delete(); } throw new IOException("Unable to write on " + tmpBodyFile.getPath()); } return tmpBodyFile; } /** * Renames file1 in file2 * @param file1 * @param file2 * @return true if and only if the renaming succeeded * @throws IOException */ public boolean renameFile(File file1, File file2) throws IOException { return file1.renameTo(file2); } /** * returns the bytes saved on the file * @param fileName * @return the file's bytes * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ public byte[] readData(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { File file = getFile(fileName); return readData(file); } /** * returns the file's bytes * @param file * @return the file's bytes * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ public byte[] readData(File file) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { FileInputStream stream = null; try { byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) file.length()]; stream = new FileInputStream(file);; return buffer; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(stream); } } /** * Deletes a file in the user folder * @param fileName the file's name to delete * @return <code>true</code> if and only if the file or directory is * successfully deleted; <code>false</code> otherwise */ public boolean delete(String fileName) { File file = getFile(fileName); return file.delete(); } /** * Deletes all the tmp files older than day in the user folder */ public void deleteOldTmpFiles() { File folder = getFolder(); //may happens that user folder doesn't exist (for example, when the last //fdo for the user is deleted) if (!folder.exists()) return; for (File file : folder.listFiles(getFilterForOldTmpFiles())) { file.delete(); } } /** * Removes the dir and its subfolders. * * @param folderPath the folder to delete * @throws IOException if an error occurs */ public void removeDir(String folderPath) throws IOException { File folder = new File(folderPath); if (folder.isDirectory()) { // // Delete dir. recursively // IOTools.deleteDirectory(folder, null); } } /** * Copy from an InputStream to an OutputStream. * * @param input The InputStream * @param output The OutputStream * @param expectedSize The expected number of bytes to copy. If -1 the size * is not checked. * @return the number of bytes copied * @throws IOException if an error occurs */ public long copy(InputStream input, OutputStream output, long expectedSize) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[COPY_BUFFER_SIZE]; long count = 0; while (true) { int read =; if (read < 0) { break; } count += read; if (expectedSize >= 0 && count > expectedSize) { throw new EOFException("More bytes (" + count + ") than expected (" + expectedSize + ")"); } output.write(buffer, 0, read); } if (expectedSize >= 0 && count < expectedSize) { throw new EOFException("Less bytes (" + count + ") than expected (" + expectedSize + ")"); } return count; } /** * Writes the InputStream in append to the file starting from the given * position. If the file size does not match the expected value an * EOFException is thrown. * * @param f the file to open in writing * @param in the InputStream to copy in the file * @param pos the file-pointer offset * @param expectedSize the expected file size * @throws IOException if an error occurs */ public void copyInRandomAccessFile(File f, InputStream in, long pos, long expectedSize) throws IOException { // // open file for reading and writing: also its metadata will be updated // RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rws");; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; long count = 0; while (true) { int read =; if (read < 0) { break; } count += read; if (expectedSize >= 0 && count > expectedSize) { throw new EOFException("More bytes (" + count + ") than expected (" + expectedSize + ")"); } raf.write(buffer, 0, read); } raf.close(); if (expectedSize >= 0 && count < expectedSize) { throw new EOFException("Less bytes (" + count + ") than expected (" + expectedSize + ")"); } } // --------------------------------------------------------- Private Methods /** * Creates the user folder to which store file data object content files if * it does not already exist. * * this method, <code>false</code> otherwise. * @throws IOException */ private void createUserFolder() throws IOException { File folder = getFolder(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Checking existence/create folder '" + folder.getAbsolutePath() + "' for user '" + this.userName + "'."); } long started = System.currentTimeMillis(); short result = -1; Throwable exception = null; try { result = IOTools.createDirectoryOnRaceCondition(folder, DIRECTOTY_CREATION_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (IOException t) { // Making the IOEXception available to exception = t; throw t; } finally { logFolderCreationInfo(folder, result, System.currentTimeMillis() - started, exception); } } /** * Returns the file path including the path of the user's folder. * @param fileName * An example of returned path: * "../../../ds-server/db/briefcase/om/fo/ly/hx/ko/ye/ff/ej/test-user1/1y2p0ij32e8e7-origfilename.ext" * @return */ private String getPath(String fileName) { StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(getUserFolderPath()); path.append(FS).append(fileName); return path.toString(); } /** * Returns the file path including the path of the user's folder. * @param fileName * An example of returned path: * "/om/fo/ly/hx/ko/ye/ff/ej/test-user1/1y2p0ij32e8e7-origfilename.ext" * @return the file path including the path of the user's folder. * @precondition the file name must be not null */ private String getRelativePath(String fileName) { StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(getUserFolderRelativePath()); path.append(FS).append(fileName); return path.toString(); } /** * returns the path of the user's folder. * An example of returned path: * "../../../ds-server/db/briefcase/om/fo/ly/hx/ko/ye/ff/ej/test-user1" * @return */ private String getUserFolderPath() { StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); path.append(rootPath).append(FS); path.append(getUserFolderRelativePath()); return path.toString(); } private String getUserFolderRelativePath() { if (userFolderRelativePath == null) { userFolderRelativePath = fileDataObjectNamingStrategy.getUserFolderPath(userName); } return userFolderRelativePath; } /** * We are interested in tmp files older than one day * @return the FileFilter for tmp files older than one day */ private FileFilter getFilterForOldTmpFiles() { final long cutoff = System.currentTimeMillis() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); FileFilter filter = new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File file) { return (file.getName().endsWith(FileDataObjectNamingStrategy.TMP_FILE_SUFFIX) && file.lastModified() < cutoff); } }; return filter; } /** * It's a facility method used to provide verbose log in the case the bug * 8813 came back. * * @param folder it's the folder we're trying to create * @param result the short returned when the creation of the directory is * performed used the proper method of the IOTools class. * @param elapsed the long representing the time the call to the IOTools method * takes * @param exception any exception thrown when calling the IOTools method. * */ private void logFolderCreationInfo(File folder, short result, long elapsed, Throwable exception) { // Nothing to do here if the trace log is not enabled and no error // occured during the creation of the folder if (!isLogForFolderCreationEnabled(exception)) { return; } String message = createLogMessageAboutFolderCreation(folder, result, elapsed, exception); if (message == null) { log.trace("Unable to log info about directory creation, message is null."); } else if (exception == null) { log.trace(message); } else { log.error(message, exception); } } /** * It's a facility method added to create the log message about the creation * of the folder used to store user pictures. * * @param folder it's the folder we're trying to create * @param result the short returned when the creation of the directory is * performed used the proper method of the IOTools class. * @param elapsed the long representing the time the call to the IOTools method * takes * @param exception any exception thrown when calling the IOTools method. * * @return the message containing all information about the creation of the * folder we use to store user's pictures. */ private String createLogMessageAboutFolderCreation(File folder, short result, long elapsed, Throwable exception) { String path = "Unable to retrieve it"; boolean isFolderNull = folder == null; StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(); boolean dumpFolderData = false; try { path = isFolderNull ? "null folder" : folder.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { log.trace("An error occurred retrieving folder path.", e); } if (exception != null) { dumpFolderData = true; message.append("Creation of folder '").append(path).append("' failed due to an exception in '") .append(elapsed).append("' ms. "); } else if (IOTools.DIRECTORY_CREATED == result) { message.append("Directory '").append(path).append("' created in '").append(elapsed).append("' ms."); } else if (IOTools.DIRECTORY_ALREDY_EXISTS == result) { message.append("Directory '").append(path).append("' already existed in '").append(elapsed) .append("' ms."); } else if (IOTools.DIRECTORY_CREATION_FAILED_BUT_EXISTS == result) { message.append("Directory '").append(path).append("' creation failed in '").append(elapsed) .append("' ms but the folder does exist."); } else { dumpFolderData = true; message.append("Creation of folder '").append(path).append("' failed due to an uknown result '") .append(result).append("' in '").append(elapsed).append("' ms. "); } if (dumpFolderData) { if (isFolderNull) { message.append("Folder is null."); } else { message.append("Dumping folder data: exists '").append(folder.exists()).append("', isFile '") .append(folder.isFile()).append("', isDirectory '").append(folder.isDirectory()) .append("'."); } } return message.toString(); } /** * This method return true if it's worth building the log message to show after * the creation of the directory where to store the user's pictures. * A message will be logged in any case if an exception has been caught upon * user directory creation or, if no exception are thrown, in the case the * log level is lower than/equal to trace. * In the second case the message il logged at trace level. * * @param exception the exception occurred during the creation of the folder * if any. * * @return true if a log message will be logged, false otherwise. */ private boolean isLogForFolderCreationEnabled(Throwable exception) { return log.isTraceEnabled() || exception != null; } /** * Check if the given string is not null and not empty * @param inputParameter it's the input parameter we want to check * @param errorMessage it's the string used to throw the IllegalArgumentException * in the case the input parameter is not valid * * @throws IllegalArgumentException in the case the input string is not valid * */ private void checkStringNotNull(String inputParameter, String errorMessage) { if (inputParameter == null || inputParameter.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(errorMessage, inputParameter)); } } }