Java tutorial
/* * Funambol is a mobile platform developed by Funambol, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Funambol, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED * WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY FUNAMBOL, FUNAMBOL DISCLAIMS THE * WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Funambol, Inc. headquarters at 643 Bair Island Road, Suite * 305, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA, or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the * "Powered by Funambol" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably * feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display * the words "Powered by Funambol". */ package; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.funambol.common.pim.common.Property; import com.funambol.common.pim.common.TypifiedProperty; import*; import; import; import com.funambol.server.config.Configuration; import; import; import; /** * This class implements methods to access PIM contact data in a data store. * * @version $Id$ */ public class PIMContactDAO extends EntityDAO { // --------------------------------------------------------------- Constants private static final String SQL_ORDER_BY_ID = "ORDER BY id"; private static final String SQL_FILTER_BY_CONTACT_TYPE = "WHERE contact = ? AND type = ? "; private static final String SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT = "SELECT id, userid, last_update, status, photo_type, importance, sensitivity, " + "subject, folder, anniversary, first_name, middle_name, " + "last_name, display_name, birthday, body, categories, children, " + "hobbies, initials, languages, nickname, spouse, suffix, title, " + "assistant, company, department, job_title, manager, mileage, " + "office_location, profession, companies, gender " + "FROM fnbl_pim_contact "; private static final String SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ID_LIST = "SELECT id FROM fnbl_pim_contact "; private static final String SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ID_LIST_BY_USER = SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ID_LIST + "WHERE userid = ? " + "AND status <> 'D' "; private static final String SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_BY_ID_USER = SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT + "WHERE id = ? AND userid = ? "; private static final String SQL_GET_CONTACT_ID_BY_ID_AND_USER_ID = "select id from fnbl_pim_contact where id=? and userid=?"; private static final String SQL_GET_STATUS_BY_ID_USER_TIME = "SELECT status FROM fnbl_pim_contact " + "WHERE id = ? AND userid = ? AND last_update > ? "; private static final String SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM_BY_ID = "SELECT type, value FROM fnbl_pim_contact_item WHERE contact = ? " + "ORDER BY type"; private static final String SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS_BY_ID = "SELECT type, street, city, state, postal_code, country, po_box, " + "extended_address FROM fnbl_pim_address WHERE contact = ? "; private static final String SQL_CHECK_IF_IN_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM = "SELECT contact FROM fnbl_pim_contact_item " + SQL_FILTER_BY_CONTACT_TYPE; private static final String SQL_SELECT_FROM_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS = "SELECT contact FROM fnbl_pim_address " + SQL_FILTER_BY_CONTACT_TYPE; private static final String SQL_SELECT_FROM_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_PHOTO = "SELECT, p.type,, p.url FROM fnbl_pim_contact c, " + "fnbl_pim_contact_photo p where = ? and c.userid = ? and " + "c.status != 'D' and ="; private static final String SQL_GET_CHANGED_CONTACTS_BY_USER_AND_LAST_UPDATE = "select id,status from fnbl_pim_contact where userid=? and " + "last_update>? and last_update<? order by id"; private static final String SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT = "INSERT INTO fnbl_pim_contact " + "(id, userid, last_update, status, photo_type, importance, sensitivity, " + "subject, folder, anniversary, first_name, middle_name, " + "last_name, display_name, birthday, body, categories, children, " + "hobbies, initials, languages, nickname, spouse, suffix, title, " + "assistant, company, department, job_title, manager, mileage, " + "office_location, profession, companies, gender ) " + "VALUES " + "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ?, ?, ?, ?, " + "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) "; private static final String SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM = "INSERT INTO fnbl_pim_contact_item " + "(contact, type, value) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?) "; private static final String SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS = "INSERT INTO fnbl_pim_address " + "(contact, type, street, city, state, postal_code, country, " + "po_box, extended_address) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) "; private static final String SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_PHOTO = "INSERT INTO fnbl_pim_contact_photo (contact, type, photo, url) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"; private static final String SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_BEGIN = "UPDATE fnbl_pim_contact SET "; private static final String SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_END = " WHERE id = ? AND userid = ? "; private static final String SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_STATUS = SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_BEGIN + "status = ?, last_update = ? " + SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_END; private static final String SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_PHOTO_TYPE = SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_BEGIN + "status = ?, last_update = ?, photo_type = ? " + SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_END; private static final String SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS_BEGIN = "UPDATE fnbl_pim_address SET "; private static final String SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS_END = " " + SQL_FILTER_BY_CONTACT_TYPE; private static final String SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM = "UPDATE fnbl_pim_contact_item SET value = ? " + SQL_FILTER_BY_CONTACT_TYPE; private static final String SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_PHOTO = "UPDATE fnbl_pim_contact_photo SET type = ?, url = ?, photo = ? where contact = ?"; private static final String SQL_DELETE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM = "DELETE FROM fnbl_pim_contact_item " + SQL_FILTER_BY_CONTACT_TYPE; private static final String SQL_DELETE_CONTACT_BY_ID_USERID = "UPDATE fnbl_pim_contact SET status = 'D', last_update = ? " + "WHERE id = ? AND userid = ? "; private static final String SQL_DELETE_CONTACTS_BY_USERID = "UPDATE fnbl_pim_contact SET status = 'D', last_update = ? " + "WHERE status <> 'D' AND userid = ?"; private static final String SQL_DELETE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_PHOTO = "DELETE FROM fnbl_pim_contact_photo WHERE contact = ?"; private static final String SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK = " = ?"; private static final String SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA = " = ?, "; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_ID = "id"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_USERID = "userid"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_LAST_UPDATE = "last_update"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_STATUS = "status"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_PHOTO_TYPE = "photo_type"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_IMPORTANCE = "importance"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_SENSITIVITY = "sensitivity"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_SUBJECT = "subject"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_FOLDER = "folder"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_ANNIVERSARY = "anniversary"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_FIRST_NAME = "first_name"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_MIDDLE_NAME = "middle_name"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_LAST_NAME = "last_name"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_DISPLAY_NAME = "display_name"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_BIRTHDAY = "birthday"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_BODY = "body"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_CATEGORIES = "categories"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_CHILDREN = "children"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_HOBBIES = "hobbies"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_GENDER = "gender"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_INITIALS = "initials"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_LANGUAGES = "languages"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_NICKNAME = "nickname"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_SPOUSE = "spouse"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_SUFFIX = "suffix"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_TITLE = "title"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_ASSISTANT = "assistant"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_COMPANY = "company"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_COMPANIES = "companies"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_DEPARTMENT = "department"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_JOB_TITLE = "job_title"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_MANAGER = "manager"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_MILEAGE = "mileage"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_OFFICE_LOCATION = "office_location"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_PROFESSION = "profession"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_TYPE = "type"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_VALUE = "value"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_STREET = "street"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_CITY = "city"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_STATE = "state"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_POSTAL_CODE = "postal_code"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_COUNTRY = "country"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_PO_BOX = "po_box"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_EXTENDED_ADDRESS = "extended_address"; protected static final int SQL_ANNIVERSARY_DIM = 16; protected static final int SQL_ASSISTANT_DIM = 128; protected static final int SQL_BIRTHDAY_DIM = 16; protected static final int SQL_CATEGORIES_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_CHILDREN_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_CITY_DIM = 64; protected static final int SQL_COMPANY_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_COMPANIES_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_COUNTRY_DIM = 32; protected static final int SQL_DEPARTMENT_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_DISPLAYNAME_DIM = 128; protected static final int SQL_EMAIL_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_FIRSTNAME_DIM = 64; protected static final int SQL_FOLDER_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_GENDER_DIM = 1; protected static final int SQL_HOBBIES_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_INITIALS_DIM = 16; protected static final int SQL_LABEL_DIM = 255; // @todo Enough? protected static final int SQL_LANGUAGES_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_LASTNAME_DIM = 64; protected static final int SQL_MANAGER_DIM = 128; protected static final int SQL_MIDDLENAME_DIM = 64; protected static final int SQL_MILEAGE_DIM = 16; protected static final int SQL_NICKNAME_DIM = 64; protected static final int SQL_NOTE_DIM = 4096; protected static final int SQL_OFFICELOCATION_DIM = 64; protected static final int SQL_PHONE_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_POSTALCODE_DIM = 16; protected static final int SQL_POSTALOFFICEADDRESS_DIM = 16; protected static final int SQL_EXTENDEDADDRESS_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_ROLE_DIM = 64; protected static final int SQL_SALUTATION_DIM = 32; protected static final int SQL_SPOUSE_DIM = 128; protected static final int SQL_STATE_DIM = 64; protected static final int SQL_STREET_DIM = 128; protected static final int SQL_SUBJECT_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_SUFFIX_DIM = 32; protected static final int SQL_TITLE_DIM = 128; protected static final int SQL_WEBPAGE_DIM = 255; /** Contact item type cannot be identified */ protected static final int TYPE_UNDEFINED = -1; protected static final int TYPE_ASSISTANT_NUMBER = 13; protected static final String FIELD_ASSISTANT_NUMBER = "AssistantTelephoneNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER = 11; protected static final String FIELD_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER = "BusinessFaxNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = 10; protected static final String FIELD_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = "BusinessTelephoneNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_CALLBACK_NUMBER = 15; protected static final String FIELD_CALLBACK_NUMBER = "CallbackTelephoneNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = 20; protected static final String FIELD_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = "CarTelephoneNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_COMPANY_MAIN_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = 12; protected static final String FIELD_COMPANY_MAIN_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = "CompanyMainTelephoneNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_EMAIL_1_ADDRESS = 4; protected static final String FIELD_EMAIL_1_ADDRESS = "Email1Address"; protected static final int TYPE_EMAIL_2_ADDRESS = 16; protected static final String FIELD_EMAIL_2_ADDRESS = "Email2Address"; protected static final int TYPE_HOME_WEB_PAGE = 6; protected static final String FIELD_HOME_WEB_PAGE = "HomeWebPage"; protected static final int TYPE_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = 1; protected static final String FIELD_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = "HomeTelephoneNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_HOME_FAX_NUMBER = 2; protected static final String FIELD_HOME_FAX_NUMBER = "HomeFaxNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = 3; protected static final String FIELD_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = "MobileTelephoneNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = 30; protected static final String FIELD_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = "OtherTelephoneNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_PAGER_NUMBER = 14; protected static final String FIELD_PAGER_NUMBER = "PagerNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = 21; protected static final String FIELD_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = "PrimaryTelephoneNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_WEB_PAGE = 5; protected static final String FIELD_WEB_PAGE = "WebPage"; protected static final int TYPE_BUSINESS_WEB_PAGE = 7; protected static final String FIELD_BUSINESS_WEB_PAGE = "BusinessWebPage"; protected static final int TYPE_INSTANT_MESSENGER = 8; protected static final String FIELD_INSTANT_MESSENGER = "IMAddress"; protected static final int TYPE_BUSINESS_LABEL = 17; protected static final String FIELD_BUSINESS_LABEL = "BusinessLabel"; protected static final int TYPE_HOME_LABEL = 18; protected static final String FIELD_HOME_LABEL = "HomeLabel"; protected static final int TYPE_OTHER_LABEL = 19; protected static final String FIELD_OTHER_LABEL = "OtherLabel"; protected static final int TYPE_HOME_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = 22; protected static final String FIELD_HOME_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = "Home2TelephoneNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_EMAIL_3_ADDRESS = 23; protected static final String FIELD_EMAIL_3_ADDRESS = "Email3Address"; protected static final int TYPE_BUSINESS_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = 31; protected static final String FIELD_BUSINESS_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = "Business2TelephoneNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_OTHER_FAX_NUMBER = 29; protected static final String FIELD_OTHER_FAX_NUMBER = "OtherFaxNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_TELEX_NUMBER = 27; protected static final String FIELD_TELEX_NUMBER = "TelexNumber"; protected static final int TYPE_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = 28; protected static final String FIELD_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = "RadioTelephoneNumber"; protected static final String FIELD_JOB_TITLE = "JobTitle"; protected static final String FIELD_NOTE = "Body"; // Address type in fnbl_pim_address table protected static final int ADDRESS_TYPE_HOME = 1; protected static final int ADDRESS_TYPE_WORK = 2; protected static final int ADDRESS_TYPE_OTHER = 3; private static final String UNSET_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER = "<N/A>"; private static final String SQL_GET_POTENTIAL_TWINS = new StringBuilder( "SELECT, i.type as item_type, i.value as item_value ") .append("FROM fnbl_pim_contact c LEFT OUTER JOIN fnbl_pim_contact_item i ") .append("ON ( = WHERE (c.userid = ?) AND ( ") .append("(i.type IS null) OR i.type IN (") //all the contact different phone numbers .append(TYPE_ASSISTANT_NUMBER).append(",").append(TYPE_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).append(",") .append(TYPE_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER).append(",").append(TYPE_BUSINESS_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER) .append(",").append(TYPE_CALLBACK_NUMBER).append(",").append(TYPE_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER) .append(",").append(TYPE_COMPANY_MAIN_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).append(",") .append(TYPE_HOME_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).append(",").append(TYPE_HOME_FAX_NUMBER).append(",") .append(TYPE_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).append(",").append(TYPE_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).append(",") .append(TYPE_OTHER_FAX_NUMBER).append(",").append(TYPE_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).append(",") .append(TYPE_PAGER_NUMBER).append(",").append(TYPE_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).append(",") .append(TYPE_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).append(",").append(TYPE_TELEX_NUMBER).append(",") //all the contact different email address .append(TYPE_EMAIL_1_ADDRESS).append(",").append(TYPE_EMAIL_2_ADDRESS).append(",") .append(TYPE_EMAIL_3_ADDRESS).append(") ) ").toString(); private static final String SQL_UNNAMED_WHERE_CLAUSES = new StringBuilder() .append(" AND ( (c.first_name is null) OR (c.first_name = ?) )") .append(" AND ( (c.last_name is null) OR (c.last_name = ?) )") .append(" AND ( ( is null) OR ( = ?) )") .append(" AND ( (c.display_name is null) OR (c.display_name = ?) ) ").toString(); private static final String SQL_STATUS_NOT_D = " AND c.status != 'D' "; // ------------------------------------------------------------ Private data private Map<Long, Map<Integer, String>> unnamedContacts = null; //------------------------------------------------------------- Constructors /** * @param userId the user identifier * @see PIMEntityDAO#PIMEntityDAO(String, String) */ public PIMContactDAO(String userId) { super(userId, Def.ID_COUNTER); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Created new PIMContactDAO for user ID " + userId); } } //----------------------------------------------------------- Public methods /** * Adds a contact. If necessary, a new ID is generated and set in the * ContactWrapper. * * @param cw as a ContactWrapper object, usually without an ID set. * @throws DAOException * * @see ContactWrapper */ public void addItem(ContactWrapper cw) throws DAOException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Storing a contact item..."); } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; long id = 0; int type = 0; PersonalDetail personalDetail = null; BusinessDetail businessDetail = null; Address homeAddressBook = null; Address workAddressBook = null; Address otherAddressBook = null; Name name = null; Phone phone = null; Email email = null; WebPage webPage = null; List<WebPage> webPages = new ArrayList<WebPage>(); List<Email> emails = new ArrayList<Email>(); List<Phone> phones = new ArrayList<Phone>(); List<String[]> labels = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String webPageType = null; Short importance = null; Short sensitivity = null; String mileage = null; String subject = null; String folder = null; String anniversary = null; String firstName = null; String middleName = null; String lastName = null; String displayName = null; String birthday = null; String categories = null; String gender = null; String hobbies = null; String initials = null; String languages = null; String nickName = null; String spouse = null; String suffix = null; String assistant = null; String officeLocation = null; String company = null; String companies = null; String department = null; String manager = null; String role = null; String children = null; String salutation = null; String sId = null; Timestamp lastUpdate = cw.getLastUpdate(); if (lastUpdate == null) { lastUpdate = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } try { // Looks up the data source when the first connection is created con = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); sId = cw.getId(); if (sId == null) { // it should be sId = getNextID(); cw.setId(sId); } id = Long.parseLong(sId); Contact c = cw.getContact(); personalDetail = c.getPersonalDetail(); businessDetail = c.getBusinessDetail(); name = c.getName(); if (personalDetail != null) { homeAddressBook = personalDetail.getAddress(); otherAddressBook = personalDetail.getOtherAddress(); webPages.addAll(personalDetail.getWebPages()); emails.addAll(personalDetail.getEmails()); phones.addAll(personalDetail.getPhones()); } if (businessDetail != null) { workAddressBook = businessDetail.getAddress(); webPages.addAll(businessDetail.getWebPages()); emails.addAll(businessDetail.getEmails()); phones.addAll(businessDetail.getPhones()); companies = businessDetail.getCompanies(); } importance = c.getImportance(); sensitivity = c.getSensitivity(); mileage = c.getMileage(); subject = c.getSubject(); languages = c.getLanguages(); categories = Property.stringFrom(c.getCategories()); folder = c.getFolder(); if (personalDetail != null) { anniversary = personalDetail.getAnniversary(); birthday = personalDetail.getBirthday(); children = personalDetail.getChildren(); spouse = personalDetail.getSpouse(); hobbies = personalDetail.getHobbies(); gender = personalDetail.getGender(); } if (businessDetail != null) { assistant = businessDetail.getAssistant(); manager = businessDetail.getManager(); officeLocation = businessDetail.getOfficeLocation(); company = Property.stringFrom(businessDetail.getCompany()); department = Property.stringFrom(businessDetail.getDepartment()); role = Property.stringFrom(businessDetail.getRole()); } if (name != null) { firstName = Property.stringFrom(name.getFirstName()); middleName = Property.stringFrom(name.getMiddleName()); lastName = Property.stringFrom(name.getLastName()); displayName = Property.stringFrom(name.getDisplayName()); initials = Property.stringFrom(name.getInitials()); nickName = Property.stringFrom(name.getNickname()); suffix = Property.stringFrom(name.getSuffix()); salutation = Property.stringFrom(name.getSalutation()); } ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT); // // GENERAL // if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Preparing statement with ID " + id); } ps.setLong(1, id); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Preparing statement with user ID " + userId); } ps.setString(2, userId); ps.setLong(3, lastUpdate.getTime()); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(Def.PIM_STATE_NEW)); boolean hasPhoto = false; Photo photo = personalDetail.getPhotoObject(); if (photo != null && (photo.getImage() != null || photo.getUrl() != null)) { hasPhoto = true; ps.setShort(5, photo.getImage() != null ? ContactWrapper.PHOTO_IMAGE : ContactWrapper.PHOTO_URL); } else if (photo != null) { ps.setShort(5, ContactWrapper.EMPTY_PHOTO); } else { ps.setNull(5, Types.SMALLINT); } // // CONTACT DETAILS // if (importance != null) { ps.setShort(6, importance.shortValue()); } else { ps.setNull(6, Types.SMALLINT); } if (sensitivity != null) { ps.setShort(7, sensitivity.shortValue()); } else { ps.setNull(7, Types.SMALLINT); } ps.setString(8, StringUtils.left(subject, SQL_SUBJECT_DIM)); ps.setString(9, StringUtils.left(folder, SQL_FOLDER_DIM)); // // PERSONAL DETAILS // ps.setString(10, StringUtils.left(anniversary, SQL_ANNIVERSARY_DIM)); ps.setString(11, StringUtils.left(firstName, SQL_FIRSTNAME_DIM)); ps.setString(12, StringUtils.left(middleName, SQL_MIDDLENAME_DIM)); ps.setString(13, StringUtils.left(lastName, SQL_LASTNAME_DIM)); ps.setString(14, StringUtils.left(displayName, SQL_DISPLAYNAME_DIM)); ps.setString(15, StringUtils.left(birthday, SQL_BIRTHDAY_DIM)); if (c.getNotes() != null && c.getNotes().size() > 0) { String noteValue = ((Note) c.getNotes().get(0)).getPropertyValueAsString(); ps.setString(16, StringUtils.left(noteValue, SQL_NOTE_DIM)); } else { ps.setString(16, null); } ps.setString(17, StringUtils.left(categories, SQL_CATEGORIES_DIM)); ps.setString(18, StringUtils.left(children, SQL_CHILDREN_DIM)); ps.setString(19, StringUtils.left(hobbies, SQL_HOBBIES_DIM)); ps.setString(20, StringUtils.left(initials, SQL_INITIALS_DIM)); ps.setString(21, StringUtils.left(languages, SQL_LANGUAGES_DIM)); ps.setString(22, StringUtils.left(nickName, SQL_NICKNAME_DIM)); ps.setString(23, StringUtils.left(spouse, SQL_SPOUSE_DIM)); ps.setString(24, StringUtils.left(suffix, SQL_SUFFIX_DIM)); ps.setString(25, StringUtils.left(salutation, SQL_SALUTATION_DIM)); // // BUSINESS DETAILS // ps.setString(26, StringUtils.left(assistant, SQL_ASSISTANT_DIM)); ps.setString(27, StringUtils.left(company, SQL_COMPANY_DIM)); ps.setString(28, StringUtils.left(department, SQL_DEPARTMENT_DIM)); if (businessDetail.getTitles() != null && businessDetail.getTitles().size() > 0) { String titleValue = ((Title) businessDetail.getTitles().get(0)).getPropertyValueAsString(); ps.setString(29, StringUtils.left(titleValue, SQL_TITLE_DIM)); } else { ps.setString(29, null); } ps.setString(30, StringUtils.left(manager, SQL_MANAGER_DIM)); if (mileage != null && mileage.length() > SQL_MILEAGE_DIM) { mileage = mileage.substring(0, SQL_MILEAGE_DIM); } ps.setString(31, StringUtils.left(mileage, SQL_MILEAGE_DIM)); ps.setString(32, StringUtils.left(officeLocation, SQL_OFFICELOCATION_DIM)); ps.setString(33, StringUtils.left(role, SQL_ROLE_DIM)); ps.setString(34, StringUtils.left(companies, SQL_COMPANIES_DIM)); ps.setString(35, StringUtils.left(gender, SQL_GENDER_DIM)); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); // // emails // if (!emails.isEmpty()) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); for (int i = 0, l = emails.size(); i < l; i++) { email = emails.get(i); type = getContactEmailItemTypeFromEmailPropertyType(email.getEmailType()); // Unknown property: saves nothing if (TYPE_UNDEFINED == type) continue; String emailValue = email.getPropertyValueAsString(); if (emailValue != null && emailValue.length() != 0) { if (emailValue.length() > SQL_EMAIL_DIM) { emailValue = emailValue.substring(0, SQL_EMAIL_DIM); } ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setInt(2, type); ps.setString(3, emailValue); ps.executeUpdate(); } } DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } // // phones // if (!phones.isEmpty()) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); for (int i = 0, l = phones.size(); i < l; i++) { phone = phones.get(i); type = getContactPhoneItemTypeFromPhonePropertyType(phone.getPhoneType()); // Unknown property: saves nothing if (TYPE_UNDEFINED == type) continue; String phoneValue = phone.getPropertyValueAsString(); if (phoneValue != null && phoneValue.length() != 0) { if (phoneValue.length() > SQL_PHONE_DIM) { phoneValue = phoneValue.substring(0, SQL_PHONE_DIM); } ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setInt(2, type); ps.setString(3, phoneValue); ps.executeUpdate(); } } DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } // // webPages // if (!webPages.isEmpty()) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); for (int i = 0, l = webPages.size(); i < l; i++) { webPage = webPages.get(i); webPageType = webPage.getWebPageType(); if ((FIELD_WEB_PAGE).equals(webPageType)) { type = TYPE_WEB_PAGE; } else if ((FIELD_HOME_WEB_PAGE).equals(webPageType)) { type = TYPE_HOME_WEB_PAGE; } else if ((FIELD_BUSINESS_WEB_PAGE).equals(webPageType)) { type = TYPE_BUSINESS_WEB_PAGE; } else { // // Unknown property: saves nothing // continue; } String webPageValue = webPage.getPropertyValueAsString(); if (webPageValue != null && webPageValue.length() != 0) { if (webPageValue.length() > SQL_WEBPAGE_DIM) { webPageValue = webPageValue.substring(0, SQL_WEBPAGE_DIM); } ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setInt(2, type); ps.setString(3, webPageValue); ps.executeUpdate(); } } DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } if (homeAddressBook != null) { String homeStreet = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getStreet()); String homeCity = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getCity()); String homePostalCode = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getPostalCode()); String homeState = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getState()); String homeCountry = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getCountry()); String homePostalOfficeAddress = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getPostOfficeAddress()); String homeExtendedAddress = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getExtendedAddress()); String homeLabel = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getLabel()); if (homeLabel != null) { String[] label = { homeLabel, FIELD_HOME_LABEL }; labels.add(label); } String[] homeAddressFields = { homeStreet, homeCity, homePostalCode, homeCountry, homeState, homePostalOfficeAddress, homeExtendedAddress }; if (!hasOnlyEmptyOrNullContent(homeAddressFields)) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS); ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setInt(2, ADDRESS_TYPE_HOME); ps.setString(3, replaceNewLine(StringUtils.left(homeStreet, SQL_STREET_DIM))); ps.setString(4, StringUtils.left(homeCity, SQL_CITY_DIM)); ps.setString(5, StringUtils.left(homeState, SQL_STATE_DIM)); ps.setString(6, StringUtils.left(homePostalCode, SQL_POSTALCODE_DIM)); ps.setString(7, StringUtils.left(homeCountry, SQL_COUNTRY_DIM)); ps.setString(8, StringUtils.left(homePostalOfficeAddress, SQL_POSTALOFFICEADDRESS_DIM)); ps.setString(9, StringUtils.left(homeExtendedAddress, SQL_EXTENDEDADDRESS_DIM)); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } } if (otherAddressBook != null) { String otherStreet = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getStreet()); String otherCity = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getCity()); String otherPostalCode = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getPostalCode()); String otherState = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getState()); String otherCountry = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getCountry()); String otherPostalOfficeAddress = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getPostOfficeAddress()); String otherExtendedAddress = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getExtendedAddress()); String otherLabel = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getLabel()); if (otherLabel != null) { String[] label = { otherLabel, FIELD_OTHER_LABEL }; labels.add(label); } String[] otherAddressFields = { otherStreet, otherCity, otherPostalCode, otherCountry, otherState, otherPostalOfficeAddress, otherExtendedAddress }; if (!hasOnlyEmptyOrNullContent(otherAddressFields)) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS); ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setInt(2, ADDRESS_TYPE_OTHER); ps.setString(3, replaceNewLine(StringUtils.left(otherStreet, SQL_STREET_DIM))); ps.setString(4, StringUtils.left(otherCity, SQL_CITY_DIM)); ps.setString(5, StringUtils.left(otherState, SQL_STATE_DIM)); ps.setString(6, StringUtils.left(otherPostalCode, SQL_POSTALCODE_DIM)); ps.setString(7, StringUtils.left(otherCountry, SQL_COUNTRY_DIM)); ps.setString(8, StringUtils.left(otherPostalOfficeAddress, SQL_POSTALOFFICEADDRESS_DIM)); ps.setString(9, StringUtils.left(otherExtendedAddress, SQL_EXTENDEDADDRESS_DIM)); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } } if (workAddressBook != null) { String workStreet = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getStreet()); String workCity = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getCity()); String workPostalCode = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getPostalCode()); String workState = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getState()); String workCountry = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getCountry()); String workPostalOfficeAddress = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getPostOfficeAddress()); String workExtendedAddress = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getExtendedAddress()); String workLabel = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getLabel()); if (workLabel != null) { String[] label = { workLabel, FIELD_BUSINESS_LABEL }; labels.add(label); } String[] workAddressFields = { workStreet, workCity, workPostalCode, workCountry, workState, workPostalOfficeAddress, workExtendedAddress }; if (!hasOnlyEmptyOrNullContent(workAddressFields)) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS); ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setInt(2, ADDRESS_TYPE_WORK); ps.setString(3, replaceNewLine(StringUtils.left(workStreet, SQL_STREET_DIM))); ps.setString(4, StringUtils.left(workCity, SQL_CITY_DIM)); ps.setString(5, StringUtils.left(workState, SQL_STATE_DIM)); ps.setString(6, StringUtils.left(workPostalCode, SQL_POSTALCODE_DIM)); ps.setString(7, StringUtils.left(workCountry, SQL_COUNTRY_DIM)); ps.setString(8, StringUtils.left(workPostalOfficeAddress, SQL_POSTALOFFICEADDRESS_DIM)); ps.setString(9, StringUtils.left(workExtendedAddress, SQL_EXTENDEDADDRESS_DIM)); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } } // // labels // if (!labels.isEmpty()) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); for (int i = 0, l = labels.size(); i < l; i++) { String[] label = labels.get(i); String labelType = label[1]; if ((FIELD_HOME_LABEL).equals(labelType)) { type = TYPE_HOME_LABEL; } else if ((FIELD_BUSINESS_LABEL).equals(labelType)) { type = TYPE_BUSINESS_LABEL; } else if ((FIELD_OTHER_LABEL).equals(labelType)) { type = TYPE_OTHER_LABEL; } else { // // Unknown property: saves nothing // continue; } String labelValue = label[0]; if (labelValue != null && labelValue.length() != 0) { if (labelValue.length() > SQL_LABEL_DIM) { labelValue = labelValue.substring(0, SQL_LABEL_DIM); } ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setInt(2, type); ps.setString(3, labelValue); ps.executeUpdate(); } } DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } if (hasPhoto) { insertPhoto(con, Long.parseLong(cw.getId()), photo); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DAOException("Error adding contact.", e); } finally { DBTools.close(con, ps, null); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Added item with ID '" + id + "'"); } } /** * Updates a contact. * * @param cw as a ContactWrapper object. If its last update time is null, * then it's set to the current time. * @return the UID of the contact * @throws DAOException * * @see ContactWrapper */ public String updateItem(ContactWrapper cw) throws DAOException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; PreparedStatement ps1 = null; ResultSet rs = null; int type = 0; PersonalDetail personalDetail = null; BusinessDetail businessDetail = null; Address homeAddressBook = null; Address workAddressBook = null; Address otherAddressBook = null; Name name = null; Phone phone = null; Email email = null; WebPage webPage = null; List<WebPage> webPages = new ArrayList<WebPage>(); List<Email> emails = new ArrayList<Email>(); List<Phone> phones = new ArrayList<Phone>(); List<String[]> labels = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String phoneType = null; String webPageType = null; StringBuffer queryUpdateFunPimContact = null; Short importance = null; Short sensitivity = null; String mileage = null; String subject = null; String folder = null; String anniversary = null; String firstName = null; String middleName = null; String lastName = null; String displayName = null; String birthday = null; String note = null; String categories = null; String hobbies = null; String gender = null; String initials = null; String languages = null; String nickName = null; String spouse = null; String suffix = null; String assistant = null; String company = null; String companies = null; String department = null; String jobTitle = null; String manager = null; String city = null; String state = null; String role = null; String children = null; String salutation = null; String officeLocation = null; String street = null; String postalCode = null; String country = null; String postOfficeAddress = null; String extendedAddress = null; String[] addressFields = null; boolean findRecord = false; boolean emptyAddress = false; short photoType = ContactWrapper.EMPTY_PHOTO; boolean photoToRemove = false; boolean photoToSet = false; boolean photoNothingToDo = false; StringBuffer sqlUpdateFunPimAddress = null; try { Timestamp lastUpdate = (cw.getLastUpdate() == null) ? new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) : cw.getLastUpdate(); // Looks up the data source when the first connection is created con = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); Contact c = cw.getContact(); personalDetail = c.getPersonalDetail(); businessDetail = c.getBusinessDetail(); name = c.getName(); importance = c.getImportance(); sensitivity = c.getSensitivity(); mileage = c.getMileage(); subject = c.getSubject(); languages = c.getLanguages(); folder = c.getFolder(); categories = Property.stringFrom(c.getCategories()); if (personalDetail != null) { homeAddressBook = personalDetail.getAddress(); otherAddressBook = personalDetail.getOtherAddress(); anniversary = personalDetail.getAnniversary(); birthday = personalDetail.getBirthday(); children = personalDetail.getChildren(); spouse = personalDetail.getSpouse(); hobbies = personalDetail.getHobbies(); gender = personalDetail.getGender(); webPages.addAll(personalDetail.getWebPages()); emails.addAll(personalDetail.getEmails()); phones.addAll(personalDetail.getPhones()); } if (businessDetail != null) { assistant = businessDetail.getAssistant(); manager = businessDetail.getManager(); workAddressBook = businessDetail.getAddress(); companies = businessDetail.getCompanies(); company = Property.stringFrom(businessDetail.getCompany()); department = Property.stringFrom(businessDetail.getDepartment()); role = Property.stringFrom(businessDetail.getRole()); officeLocation = businessDetail.getOfficeLocation(); webPages.addAll(businessDetail.getWebPages()); emails.addAll(businessDetail.getEmails()); phones.addAll(businessDetail.getPhones()); } if (name != null) { firstName = Property.stringFrom(name.getFirstName()); middleName = Property.stringFrom(name.getMiddleName()); lastName = Property.stringFrom(name.getLastName()); displayName = Property.stringFrom(name.getDisplayName()); initials = Property.stringFrom(name.getInitials()); nickName = Property.stringFrom(name.getNickname()); suffix = Property.stringFrom(name.getSuffix()); salutation = Property.stringFrom(name.getSalutation()); } if (c.getNotes() != null && c.getNotes().size() > 0) { note = ((Note) c.getNotes().get(0)).getPropertyValueAsString(); } else { note = null; } if (businessDetail.getTitles() != null && businessDetail.getTitles().size() > 0) { jobTitle = ((Title) businessDetail.getTitles().get(0)).getPropertyValueAsString(); } else { jobTitle = null; } queryUpdateFunPimContact = new StringBuffer(); queryUpdateFunPimContact.append( SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_BEGIN + SQL_FIELD_LAST_UPDATE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); // // Updating photo: // 1. if the contact doesn't have a photo (photo null), // nothing should be done (If there is a photo in the db this will // be kept) // 2. if the contact has a photo (image or url) it must be inserted // in the db // 3. if the photo has a photo but the image and the url are null, // the one in the db must be removed // Photo photo = personalDetail.getPhotoObject(); if (photo == null) { // // nothing to do // photoNothingToDo = true; } else { if (photo.getImage() != null) { photoType = ContactWrapper.PHOTO_IMAGE; photoToSet = true; } else if (photo.getUrl() != null) { photoType = ContactWrapper.PHOTO_URL; photoToSet = true; } else { photoToRemove = true; photoType = ContactWrapper.EMPTY_PHOTO; } queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_PHOTO_TYPE).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (importance != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_IMPORTANCE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (sensitivity != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_SENSITIVITY + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (subject != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_SUBJECT + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (folder != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_FOLDER + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (anniversary != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_ANNIVERSARY + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (firstName != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_FIRST_NAME + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (middleName != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_MIDDLE_NAME + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (lastName != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_LAST_NAME + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (displayName != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_DISPLAY_NAME + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (birthday != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_BIRTHDAY + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (note != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_BODY + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (categories != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_CATEGORIES + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (children != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_CHILDREN + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (hobbies != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_HOBBIES + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (initials != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_INITIALS + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (languages != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_LANGUAGES + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (nickName != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_NICKNAME + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (spouse != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_SPOUSE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (suffix != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_SUFFIX + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (salutation != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_TITLE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (assistant != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_ASSISTANT + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (company != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_COMPANY + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (department != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_DEPARTMENT + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (jobTitle != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_JOB_TITLE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (manager != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_MANAGER + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (mileage != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_MILEAGE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (officeLocation != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_OFFICE_LOCATION + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (role != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_PROFESSION + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (companies != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_COMPANIES + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (gender != null) { queryUpdateFunPimContact.append(SQL_FIELD_GENDER + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } queryUpdateFunPimContact .append(SQL_FIELD_STATUS + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK + SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_END); ps = con.prepareStatement(queryUpdateFunPimContact.toString()); int k = 1; // // GENERAL // ps.setLong(k++, lastUpdate.getTime()); // // PHOTO TYPE // if (!photoNothingToDo) { ps.setShort(k++, photoType); } // // CONTACT DETAILS // if (importance != null) { ps.setShort(k++, importance.shortValue()); } if (sensitivity != null) { ps.setShort(k++, sensitivity.shortValue()); } if (subject != null) { if (subject.length() > SQL_SUBJECT_DIM) { subject = subject.substring(0, SQL_SUBJECT_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, subject); } // // folder // if (folder != null) { if (folder.length() > SQL_FOLDER_DIM) { folder = folder.substring(0, SQL_FOLDER_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, folder); } // // PERSONAL DETAILS // // // anniversary // if (anniversary != null) { if (anniversary.length() > SQL_ANNIVERSARY_DIM) { anniversary = anniversary.substring(0, SQL_ANNIVERSARY_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, anniversary); } // // firstName // if (firstName != null) { if (firstName.length() > SQL_FIRSTNAME_DIM) { firstName = firstName.substring(0, SQL_FIRSTNAME_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, firstName); } // // middleName // if (middleName != null) { if (middleName.length() > SQL_MIDDLENAME_DIM) { middleName = middleName.substring(0, SQL_MIDDLENAME_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, middleName); } // // lastName // if (lastName != null) { if (lastName.length() > SQL_LASTNAME_DIM) { lastName = lastName.substring(0, SQL_LASTNAME_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, lastName); } // // displayName // if (displayName != null) { if (displayName.length() > SQL_DISPLAYNAME_DIM) { displayName = displayName.substring(0, SQL_DISPLAYNAME_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, displayName); } // // birthday // if (birthday != null) { if (birthday.length() > SQL_BIRTHDAY_DIM) { birthday = birthday.substring(0, SQL_BIRTHDAY_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, birthday); } // // note // if (note != null) { if (note.length() > SQL_NOTE_DIM) { note = note.substring(0, SQL_NOTE_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, note); } // // categories // if (categories != null) { if (categories.length() > SQL_CATEGORIES_DIM) { categories = categories.substring(0, SQL_CATEGORIES_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, categories); } // // children // if (children != null) { if (children.length() > SQL_CHILDREN_DIM) { children = children.substring(0, SQL_CHILDREN_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, children); } // // hobbies // if (hobbies != null) { if (hobbies.length() > SQL_HOBBIES_DIM) { hobbies = hobbies.substring(0, SQL_HOBBIES_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, hobbies); } // // initials // if (initials != null) { if (initials.length() > SQL_INITIALS_DIM) { initials = initials.substring(0, SQL_INITIALS_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, initials); } // // languages // if (languages != null) { if (languages.length() > SQL_LANGUAGES_DIM) { languages = initials.substring(0, SQL_LANGUAGES_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, languages); } // // nickName // if (nickName != null) { if (nickName.length() > SQL_NICKNAME_DIM) { nickName = nickName.substring(0, SQL_NICKNAME_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, nickName); } // // spouse // if (spouse != null) { if (spouse.length() > SQL_SPOUSE_DIM) { spouse = spouse.substring(0, SQL_SPOUSE_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, spouse); } // // suffix // if (suffix != null) { if (suffix.length() > SQL_SUFFIX_DIM) { suffix = suffix.substring(0, SQL_SUFFIX_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, suffix); } // // salutation // if (salutation != null) { if (salutation.length() > SQL_SALUTATION_DIM) { salutation = salutation.substring(0, SQL_SALUTATION_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, salutation); } // // assistant // if (assistant != null) { if (assistant.length() > SQL_ASSISTANT_DIM) { assistant = assistant.substring(0, SQL_ASSISTANT_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, assistant); } // // company // if (company != null) { if (company.length() > SQL_COMPANY_DIM) { company = company.substring(0, SQL_COMPANY_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, company); } // // department // if (department != null) { if (department.length() > SQL_DEPARTMENT_DIM) { department = department.substring(0, SQL_DEPARTMENT_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, department); } // // jobTitle // if (jobTitle != null) { if (jobTitle.length() > SQL_TITLE_DIM) { jobTitle = jobTitle.substring(0, SQL_TITLE_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, jobTitle); } // // manager // if (manager != null) { if (manager.length() > SQL_MANAGER_DIM) { manager = manager.substring(0, SQL_MANAGER_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, manager); } // // mileage // if (mileage != null) { if (mileage.length() > SQL_MILEAGE_DIM) { mileage = mileage.substring(0, SQL_MILEAGE_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, mileage); } if (officeLocation != null) { if (officeLocation.length() > SQL_OFFICELOCATION_DIM) { officeLocation = officeLocation.substring(0, SQL_OFFICELOCATION_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, officeLocation); } // // role // if (role != null) { if (role.length() > SQL_ROLE_DIM) { role = role.substring(0, SQL_ROLE_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, role); } // // companies // if (companies != null) { if (companies.length() > SQL_COMPANIES_DIM) { companies = companies.substring(0, SQL_COMPANIES_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, companies); } // // gender // if (gender != null) { if (gender.length() > SQL_GENDER_DIM) { gender = gender.substring(0, SQL_GENDER_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, gender); } // // status // ps.setString(k++, String.valueOf('U')); // // id // ps.setLong(k++, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); // // userId // ps.setString(k++, userId); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); // // emails // if (!emails.isEmpty()) { ps1 = con.prepareStatement(SQL_CHECK_IF_IN_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); for (int i = 0, l = emails.size(); i < l; i++) { email = emails.get(i); if ((FIELD_EMAIL_1_ADDRESS).equals(email.getEmailType())) { type = TYPE_EMAIL_1_ADDRESS; } else if ((FIELD_EMAIL_2_ADDRESS).equals(email.getEmailType())) { type = TYPE_EMAIL_2_ADDRESS; } else if ((FIELD_EMAIL_3_ADDRESS).equals(email.getEmailType())) { type = TYPE_EMAIL_3_ADDRESS; } else if ((FIELD_INSTANT_MESSENGER).equals(email.getEmailType())) { type = TYPE_INSTANT_MESSENGER; } else { // // no save unknown property // continue; } ps1.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps1.setInt(2, type); rs = ps1.executeQuery(); findRecord =; rs.close(); rs = null; String emailValue = email.getPropertyValueAsString(); emailValue = StringUtils.left(emailValue, SQL_EMAIL_DIM); if (!findRecord) { if (emailValue != null && emailValue.length() != 0) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, type); ps.setString(3, emailValue); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } } else { if (emailValue != null) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); ps.setString(1, emailValue); ps.setLong(2, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(3, type); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_DELETE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, type); } ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } } DBTools.close(null, ps1, null); } // // phones // if (!phones.isEmpty()) { ps1 = con.prepareStatement(SQL_CHECK_IF_IN_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); for (int i = 0, l = phones.size(); i < l; i++) { phone = phones.get(i); phoneType = phone.getPhoneType(); if ((FIELD_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_HOME_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_HOME_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_HOME_FAX_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_HOME_FAX_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_OTHER_FAX_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_OTHER_FAX_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_BUSINESS_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_BUSINESS_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_COMPANY_MAIN_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_COMPANY_MAIN_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_PAGER_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_PAGER_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_ASSISTANT_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_ASSISTANT_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_CALLBACK_NUMBER).equals(phoneType)) { type = TYPE_CALLBACK_NUMBER; } else { // // Unknown property: saves nothing // continue; } ps1.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps1.setInt(2, type); rs = ps1.executeQuery(); findRecord =; String phoneValue = phone.getPropertyValueAsString(); phoneValue = StringUtils.left(phoneValue, SQL_EMAIL_DIM); if (!findRecord) { if (phoneValue != null && phoneValue.length() != 0) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, type); ps.setString(3, phoneValue); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } } else { if (phoneValue != null) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); ps.setString(1, phoneValue); ps.setLong(2, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(3, type); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_DELETE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, type); } ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } DBTools.close(null, null, rs); } DBTools.close(null, ps1, null); } // // web pages // if (!webPages.isEmpty()) { ps1 = con.prepareStatement(SQL_CHECK_IF_IN_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); for (int i = 0, l = webPages.size(); i < l; i++) { webPage = webPages.get(i); webPageType = webPage.getWebPageType(); if ((FIELD_WEB_PAGE).equals(webPageType)) { type = TYPE_WEB_PAGE; } else if ((FIELD_HOME_WEB_PAGE).equals(webPageType)) { type = TYPE_HOME_WEB_PAGE; } else if ((FIELD_BUSINESS_WEB_PAGE).equals(webPageType)) { type = TYPE_BUSINESS_WEB_PAGE; } else { // // Unknown property: saves nothing // continue; } ps1.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps1.setInt(2, type); rs = ps1.executeQuery(); findRecord =; String webPageValue = webPage.getPropertyValueAsString(); webPageValue = StringUtils.left(webPageValue, SQL_WEBPAGE_DIM); if (!findRecord) { if (webPageValue != null && webPageValue.length() != 0) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, type); ps.setString(3, webPageValue); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } } else { if (webPageValue != null) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); ps.setString(1, webPageValue); ps.setLong(2, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(3, type); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_DELETE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, type); } ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } DBTools.close(null, null, rs); } DBTools.close(null, ps1, null); } // // home address // if (homeAddressBook != null) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_SELECT_FROM_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, ADDRESS_TYPE_HOME); rs = ps.executeQuery(); findRecord =; DBTools.close(null, ps, rs); street = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getStreet()); city = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getCity()); postalCode = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getPostalCode()); state = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getState()); country = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getCountry()); postOfficeAddress = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getPostOfficeAddress()); extendedAddress = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getExtendedAddress()); street = replaceNewLine(StringUtils.left(street, SQL_STREET_DIM)); city = StringUtils.left(city, SQL_CITY_DIM); state = StringUtils.left(state, SQL_STATE_DIM); postalCode = StringUtils.left(postalCode, SQL_POSTALCODE_DIM); country = StringUtils.left(country, SQL_COUNTRY_DIM); postOfficeAddress = StringUtils.left(postOfficeAddress, SQL_POSTALOFFICEADDRESS_DIM); extendedAddress = StringUtils.left(extendedAddress, SQL_EXTENDEDADDRESS_DIM); String homeLabel = Property.stringFrom(homeAddressBook.getLabel()); if (homeLabel != null) { String[] label = { homeLabel, FIELD_HOME_LABEL }; labels.add(label); } addressFields = new String[] { street, city, postalCode, country, state, postOfficeAddress, extendedAddress }; emptyAddress = hasOnlyNullContent(addressFields); if (!emptyAddress) { if (!findRecord && !hasOnlyEmptyOrNullContent(addressFields)) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, ADDRESS_TYPE_HOME); ps.setString(3, street); ps.setString(4, city); ps.setString(5, state); ps.setString(6, postalCode); ps.setString(7, country); ps.setString(8, postOfficeAddress); ps.setString(9, extendedAddress); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } else { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress = new StringBuffer(); sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS_BEGIN); if (street != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_STREET + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (city != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_CITY + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (state != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_STATE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (postalCode != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_POSTAL_CODE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (country != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_COUNTRY + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (postOfficeAddress != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_PO_BOX + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (extendedAddress != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress .append(SQL_FIELD_EXTENDED_ADDRESS + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } sqlUpdateFunPimAddress .append(SQL_FIELD_TYPE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK + SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS_END); ps = con.prepareStatement(sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.toString()); k = 1; if (street != null) { ps.setString(k++, street); } if (city != null) { ps.setString(k++, city); } if (state != null) { ps.setString(k++, state); } if (postalCode != null) { ps.setString(k++, postalCode); } if (country != null) { ps.setString(k++, country); } if (postOfficeAddress != null) { ps.setString(k++, postOfficeAddress); } if (extendedAddress != null) { ps.setString(k++, extendedAddress); } ps.setInt(k++, ADDRESS_TYPE_HOME); ps.setLong(k++, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(k++, ADDRESS_TYPE_HOME); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } } } // // other address // if (otherAddressBook != null) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_SELECT_FROM_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, ADDRESS_TYPE_OTHER); rs = ps.executeQuery(); findRecord =; DBTools.close(null, ps, rs); street = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getStreet()); city = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getCity()); postalCode = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getPostalCode()); state = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getState()); country = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getCountry()); postOfficeAddress = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getPostOfficeAddress()); extendedAddress = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getExtendedAddress()); street = replaceNewLine(StringUtils.left(street, SQL_STREET_DIM)); city = StringUtils.left(city, SQL_CITY_DIM); state = StringUtils.left(state, SQL_STATE_DIM); postalCode = StringUtils.left(postalCode, SQL_POSTALCODE_DIM); country = StringUtils.left(country, SQL_COUNTRY_DIM); postOfficeAddress = StringUtils.left(postOfficeAddress, SQL_POSTALOFFICEADDRESS_DIM); extendedAddress = StringUtils.left(extendedAddress, SQL_EXTENDEDADDRESS_DIM); addressFields = new String[] { street, city, postalCode, country, state, postOfficeAddress, extendedAddress }; String otherLabel = Property.stringFrom(otherAddressBook.getLabel()); if (otherLabel != null) { String[] label = { otherLabel, FIELD_OTHER_LABEL }; labels.add(label); } emptyAddress = hasOnlyNullContent(addressFields); if (!emptyAddress) { if (!findRecord && !hasOnlyEmptyOrNullContent(addressFields)) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, ADDRESS_TYPE_OTHER); ps.setString(3, street); ps.setString(4, city); ps.setString(5, state); ps.setString(6, postalCode); ps.setString(7, country); ps.setString(8, postOfficeAddress); ps.setString(9, extendedAddress); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } else { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress = new StringBuffer(); sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS_BEGIN); if (street != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_STREET + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (city != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_CITY + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (state != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_STATE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (postalCode != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_POSTAL_CODE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (country != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_COUNTRY + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (postOfficeAddress != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_PO_BOX + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (extendedAddress != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress .append(SQL_FIELD_EXTENDED_ADDRESS + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } sqlUpdateFunPimAddress .append(SQL_FIELD_TYPE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK + SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS_END); ps = con.prepareStatement(sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.toString()); k = 1; if (street != null) { ps.setString(k++, street); } if (city != null) { ps.setString(k++, city); } if (state != null) { ps.setString(k++, state); } if (postalCode != null) { ps.setString(k++, postalCode); } if (country != null) { ps.setString(k++, country); } if (postOfficeAddress != null) { ps.setString(k++, postOfficeAddress); } if (extendedAddress != null) { ps.setString(k++, extendedAddress); } ps.setInt(k++, ADDRESS_TYPE_OTHER); ps.setLong(k++, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(k++, ADDRESS_TYPE_OTHER); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } } } // // work address // if (workAddressBook != null) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_SELECT_FROM_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, ADDRESS_TYPE_WORK); rs = ps.executeQuery(); findRecord =; DBTools.close(null, ps, rs); street = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getStreet()); city = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getCity()); postalCode = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getPostalCode()); state = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getState()); country = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getCountry()); postOfficeAddress = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getPostOfficeAddress()); extendedAddress = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getExtendedAddress()); street = replaceNewLine(StringUtils.left(street, SQL_STREET_DIM)); city = StringUtils.left(city, SQL_CITY_DIM); state = StringUtils.left(state, SQL_STATE_DIM); postalCode = StringUtils.left(postalCode, SQL_POSTALCODE_DIM); country = StringUtils.left(country, SQL_COUNTRY_DIM); postOfficeAddress = StringUtils.left(postOfficeAddress, SQL_POSTALOFFICEADDRESS_DIM); extendedAddress = StringUtils.left(extendedAddress, SQL_EXTENDEDADDRESS_DIM); String workLabel = Property.stringFrom(workAddressBook.getLabel()); if (workLabel != null) { String[] label = { workLabel, FIELD_BUSINESS_LABEL }; labels.add(label); } addressFields = new String[] { street, city, postalCode, country, state, postOfficeAddress, extendedAddress }; emptyAddress = hasOnlyNullContent(addressFields); if (!emptyAddress) { if (!findRecord && !hasOnlyEmptyOrNullContent(addressFields)) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, ADDRESS_TYPE_WORK); ps.setString(3, street); ps.setString(4, city); ps.setString(5, state); ps.setString(6, postalCode); ps.setString(7, country); ps.setString(8, postOfficeAddress); ps.setString(9, extendedAddress); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } else { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress = new StringBuffer(); sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS_BEGIN); if (street != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_STREET + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (city != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_CITY + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (state != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_STATE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (postalCode != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_POSTAL_CODE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (country != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_COUNTRY + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (postOfficeAddress != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.append(SQL_FIELD_PO_BOX + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (extendedAddress != null) { sqlUpdateFunPimAddress .append(SQL_FIELD_EXTENDED_ADDRESS + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } sqlUpdateFunPimAddress .append(SQL_FIELD_TYPE + SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK + SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS_END); ps = con.prepareStatement(sqlUpdateFunPimAddress.toString()); k = 1; if (street != null) { ps.setString(k++, street); } if (city != null) { ps.setString(k++, city); } if (state != null) { ps.setString(k++, state); } if (postalCode != null) { ps.setString(k++, postalCode); } if (country != null) { ps.setString(k++, country); } if (postOfficeAddress != null) { ps.setString(k++, postOfficeAddress); } if (extendedAddress != null) { ps.setString(k++, extendedAddress); } ps.setInt(k++, ADDRESS_TYPE_WORK); ps.setLong(k++, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(k++, ADDRESS_TYPE_WORK); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } } } // // labels // if (!labels.isEmpty()) { ps1 = con.prepareStatement(SQL_CHECK_IF_IN_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); for (int i = 0, l = labels.size(); i < l; i++) { String[] label = labels.get(i); String labelType = label[1]; if ((FIELD_HOME_LABEL).equals(labelType)) { type = TYPE_HOME_LABEL; } else if ((FIELD_BUSINESS_LABEL).equals(labelType)) { type = TYPE_BUSINESS_LABEL; } else if ((FIELD_OTHER_LABEL).equals(labelType)) { type = TYPE_OTHER_LABEL; } else { // // Unknown property: saves nothing // continue; } ps1.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps1.setInt(2, type); rs = ps1.executeQuery(); findRecord =; String labelValue = StringUtils.left(label[0], SQL_LABEL_DIM); if (!findRecord) { if (labelValue != null && labelValue.length() != 0) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, type); ps.setString(3, labelValue); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } } else { if (labelValue != null) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); ps.setString(1, labelValue); ps.setLong(2, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(3, type); } else { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_DELETE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); ps.setInt(2, type); } ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } DBTools.close(null, null, rs); } DBTools.close(null, ps1, null); } if (photoToSet) { setPhoto(con, Long.parseLong(cw.getId()), photo); } else if (photoToRemove) { deletePhoto(con, Long.parseLong(cw.getId())); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DAOException("Error updating contact.", e); } finally { DBTools.close(con, ps, rs); } return cw.getId(); } /** * Removes a contact, provided it has the same userId as this DAO. * The deletion is soft (reversible). * * @param contact whence the UID and the last update Date are extracted * @throws DAOException */ public void removeItem(ContactWrapper contact) throws DAOException { removeItem(contact.getId(), null); } /** * Gets the contact with given UID, provided it has the same userId as this * DAO without retrieve its photo * * @param uid corresponds to the id field in the fnbl_pim_contact table * @throws DAOException * @return the contact as a ContactWrapper object. */ public ContactWrapper getItem(String uid) throws DAOException { return getItem(uid, false); } /** * Gets the contact with given UID, provided it has the same userId as this * DAO. The contact photo will be provide if <code>withPhoto</code> is true, * otherwise the contact is retrived without photo * * @param uid corresponds to the id field in the fnbl_pim_contact table * @param withPhoto should the contact contain its photo ? * @throws DAOException * @return the contact as a ContactWrapper object. */ public ContactWrapper getItem(String uid, boolean withPhoto) throws DAOException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Retrieving contact '" + uid + "'"); } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; ContactWrapper c; Long id = Long.parseLong(uid); try { // Looks up the data source when the first connection is created con = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); con.setReadOnly(true); ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_BY_ID_USER); ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setString(2, userId); rs = ps.executeQuery(); c = createContact(uid, rs); DBTools.close(null, ps, rs); ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ITEM_BY_ID); ps.setLong(1, id); rs = ps.executeQuery(); try { addPIMContactItems(c, rs); } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new SQLException( "Error while adding extra PIM contact " + "information. " + sqle.getMessage(), sqle.getSQLState()); } DBTools.close(null, ps, rs); ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_ADDRESS_BY_ID); ps.setLong(1, id); rs = ps.executeQuery(); try { addPIMAddresses(c, rs); } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new SQLException("Error while adding PIM address " + "information. " + sqle, sqle.getSQLState()); } if (withPhoto) { //if the photo type is null, there is nothing to do if (c.getPhotoType() != null) { if (ContactWrapper.PHOTO_IMAGE.equals(c.getPhotoType()) || ContactWrapper.PHOTO_URL.equals(c.getPhotoType())) { Photo photo = getPhoto(con, id); c.getContact().getPersonalDetail().setPhotoObject(photo); } else if (ContactWrapper.EMPTY_PHOTO.equals(c.getPhotoType())) { c.getContact().getPersonalDetail().setPhotoObject(new Photo(null, null, null)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DAOException("Error retrieving contact.", e); } finally { DBTools.close(con, ps, rs); } return c; } /** * Retrieves the UID list of the contacts considered to be "twins" of a * given contact. * * @param c the Contact object representing the contact whose twins * need to be found. * @return a List of UIDs (as String objects) that may be empty but not null * @throws DAOException if an error occurs */ public List<String> getTwinItems(Contact c) throws DAOException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Retrieving twin items for the given contact..."); } List<String> twins = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<Long, Map<Integer, String>> twinsFound = new HashMap<Long, Map<Integer, String>>(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; if (!isTwinSearchAppliableOn(c)) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Item with no email addresses, company name, first, " + "last and display names: twin search skipped."); } return twins; } try { String firstName = c.getName().getFirstName().getPropertyValueAsString(); String lastName = c.getName().getLastName().getPropertyValueAsString(); String displayName = c.getName().getDisplayName().getPropertyValueAsString(); String companyName = null; if (c.getBusinessDetail().getCompany() != null) { companyName = c.getBusinessDetail().getCompany().getPropertyValueAsString(); } firstName = StringUtils.left(firstName, SQL_FIRSTNAME_DIM); lastName = StringUtils.left(lastName, SQL_LASTNAME_DIM); displayName = StringUtils.left(displayName, SQL_DISPLAYNAME_DIM); companyName = StringUtils.left(companyName, SQL_COMPANY_DIM); firstName = normalizeField(firstName); lastName = normalizeField(lastName); displayName = normalizeField(displayName); companyName = normalizeField(companyName); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(SQL_GET_POTENTIAL_TWINS); List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); // Looks up the data source when the first connection is created con = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); con.setReadOnly(true); // // If Funambol is not in the debug mode is not possible to print the // contact because it contains sensitive data. // if (Configuration.getConfiguration().isDebugMode()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); sb.append("Looking for items having: ").append("\n> first name : '") .append(toPrintableString(firstName)).append('\'').append("\n> last name : '") .append(toPrintableString(lastName)).append('\'').append("\n> display name : '") .append(toPrintableString(displayName)).append('\'').append("\n> company name : '") .append(toPrintableString(companyName)).append('\''); log.trace(sb.toString()); } } boolean isUnnamedContact = StringUtils.isEmpty(firstName) && StringUtils.isEmpty(lastName) && StringUtils.isEmpty(displayName) && StringUtils.isEmpty(companyName); if (isUnnamedContact) { if (unnamedContacts == null) { query.append(SQL_UNNAMED_WHERE_CLAUSES); query.append(SQL_STATUS_NOT_D); query.append(SQL_ORDER_BY_ID); params.add(userId); params.add(firstName); params.add(lastName); params.add(companyName); params.add(displayName); ps = con.prepareStatement(query.toString()); int cont = 1; for (String param : params) { ps.setString(cont++, param); } rs = ps.executeQuery(); //slipts query result in a better organized data structure //-contact id // -item type, item value // -item type, item value // -... //-contact id // -... unnamedContacts = getTwinsItemsFromRecordset(rs); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace( "Found '" + unnamedContacts.size() + "' potential twin unnamed contacts with ids '" + unnamedContacts.keySet().toString() + "'"); } DBTools.close(null, null, rs); } // returns only the twin items twinsFound = retrievePotentialTwinsComparingEmailsAndPhoneNumbers(c, unnamedContacts, isUnnamedContact); } else { params.add(userId); query.append(" AND ("); if ("".equals(firstName)) { query.append(" (c.first_name is null) OR "); } query.append(" (lower(c.first_name) = ?) "); params.add(firstName.toLowerCase()); query.append(" )"); query.append(" AND ("); if ("".equals(lastName)) { query.append(" (c.last_name is null) OR "); } query.append(" (lower(c.last_name) = ?) "); params.add(lastName.toLowerCase()); query.append(" )"); // // Only if the first name and last name are empty, // the company is used in the research of twin items. // if ("".equals(firstName) && "".equals(lastName)) { query.append(" AND ("); if ("".equals(companyName)) { query.append(" ( is null) OR "); } query.append(" (lower( = ?) "); params.add(companyName.toLowerCase()); query.append(" )"); // // Only if the first name, last name and company are empty, // the display name is used in the research of twin items. // if ("".equals(companyName)) { query.append(" AND ("); if ("".equals(displayName)) { query.append(" (c.display_name is null) OR "); } query.append(" (lower(c.display_name) = ?) "); params.add(displayName.toLowerCase()); query.append(" ) "); } } query.append(SQL_STATUS_NOT_D); query.append(SQL_ORDER_BY_ID); ps = con.prepareStatement(query.toString()); int cont = 1; for (String param : params) { ps.setString(cont++, param); } rs = ps.executeQuery(); //slipts query result in a better organized data structure //-contact id // -item type, item value // -item type, item value // -... //-contact id // -... Map<Long, Map<Integer, String>> twinsInfo = getTwinsItemsFromRecordset(rs); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Found '" + twinsInfo.size() + "' potential twin contacts with ids '" + twinsInfo.keySet().toString() + "'"); } DBTools.close(null, null, rs); //returns only the twin items twinsFound = retrievePotentialTwinsComparingEmailsAndPhoneNumbers(c, twinsInfo, isUnnamedContact); } for (Long twinId : twinsFound.keySet()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Found twin '" + twinId + "'"); } twins.add(Long.toString(twinId)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DAOException("Error retrieving contact twin items", e); } finally { DBTools.close(con, ps, rs); } return twins; } /** * Sets the contact identified with the given id with the given photo. * Moreover, the contact will be marked as updated. * <br/> * If the contact has already a photo, that will be updated with the new one. * <br/> * If the given photo is null, the one in the db (if there is) will be removed. * * @param id contact id * @param photo the photo to set * @throws if an error occurs */ public void setContactPhoto(Long id, Photo photo) throws DAOException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); setContactPhoto(conn, id, photo); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DAOException("Error setting photo", ex); } finally { DBTools.close(conn, null, null); } } /** * Sets the contact identified with the given id with the given photo using * the given connection. * Moroever, the contact will be marked as updated. * <br/> * If the contact has already a photo, that will be updated with the new one. * <br/> * If the given photo is null, the one in the db (if there is) will be removed. * * @param conn the connection to use * @param id contact id * @param photo the photo to set * @throws if an error occurs */ public void setContactPhoto(Connection conn, Long id, Photo photo) throws DAOException { if (photo != null) { if (photo.getUrl() == null && photo.getImage() == null) { deleteContactPhoto(conn, id); setPhotoType(conn, id, ContactWrapper.EMPTY_PHOTO); } } else { deleteContactPhoto(conn, id); setPhotoType(conn, id, ContactWrapper.EMPTY_PHOTO); } if (!updatePhoto(conn, id, photo)) { insertPhoto(conn, id, photo); } setPhotoType(conn, id, photo); } /** * Returns the photo of the contact identified by the given id or null if * not found. * @param id the contact id * @return the photo * @throws if an error occurs */ public Photo getPhoto(Long id) throws DAOException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); conn.setReadOnly(true); return getPhoto(conn, id); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DAOException("Error retrieving photo with id: " + id, ex); } finally { DBTools.close(conn, null, null); } } /** * Returns the photo with the given id using the given connection. * <p>Note that the connection is not closed at the end of the method * @param con the connection to use * @param id the if * @return the photo, or null if not found * @throws DAOException if an error occurs */ public Photo getPhoto(Connection con, Long id) throws DAOException { Photo photo = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { stmt = con.prepareStatement(SQL_SELECT_FROM_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_PHOTO); stmt.setLong(1, id); stmt.setString(2, userId); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { photo = new Photo(); photo.setType(rs.getString(2)); photo.setImage(rs.getBytes(3)); photo.setUrl(rs.getString(4)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DAOException("Error retrieving photo with id: " + id, e); } finally { DBTools.close(null, stmt, rs); } return photo; } /** * Deletes the photo for the contact with the given id * @param contactId the contac id * @return true if the photo has been removed * @throws if an error * occurs */ public boolean deleteContactPhoto(Long contactId) throws DAOException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); return deleteContactPhoto(conn, contactId); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DAOException("Error removing photo for contact: '" + contactId + "'", ex); } finally { DBTools.close(conn, null, null); } } /** * Deletes the photo for the contact with the given id using the given connection * @param con the connection to use * @param contactId the contac id * @return true if the photo has been removed * @throws if an error * occurs */ public boolean deleteContactPhoto(Connection con, Long contactId) throws DAOException { boolean photoDeleted = deletePhoto(con, contactId); setPhotoType(con, contactId, (Short) null); return photoDeleted; } /** * This method allows to understand if is possible to run the twin search * on the given contact. * Fields used in the twin search are: * - firstName * - lastName * - displayName * - companyName * - at least one email address * - at least one phone number * * @param contact the contact we want to check * * @return true if at least one field used for twin search contains * meaningful data, false otherwise */ public boolean isTwinSearchAppliableOn(Contact contact) { if (contact == null) return false; boolean hasAtLeastOneValidEmail = hasAtLeastOneNonEmptyProperty(contact.getPersonalDetail().getEmails(), contact.getBusinessDetail().getEmails()); boolean hasAtLeastOneValidPhone = hasAtLeastOneNonEmptyProperty(contact.getPersonalDetail().getPhones(), contact.getBusinessDetail().getPhones()); String firstName = contact.getName().getFirstName().getPropertyValueAsString(); String lastName = contact.getName().getLastName().getPropertyValueAsString(); String displayName = contact.getName().getDisplayName().getPropertyValueAsString(); String companyName = null; if (contact.getBusinessDetail().getCompany() != null) { companyName = contact.getBusinessDetail().getCompany().getPropertyValueAsString(); } firstName = normalizeField(firstName); lastName = normalizeField(lastName); displayName = normalizeField(displayName); companyName = normalizeField(companyName); return (firstName.length() > 0 || lastName.length() > 0 || companyName.length() > 0 || displayName.length() > 0 || hasAtLeastOneValidEmail || hasAtLeastOneValidPhone); } // ------------------------------------------------------- Protected methods /** * Sets the given photo for the contact identified by the given id. * BTW, the contact is not updated. To update the contact use setContactPhoto(...) * @param id the contact id * @param photo the photo to set * @throws if an error * occurs */ protected void setPhoto(Long id, Photo photo) throws DAOException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); setPhoto(conn, id, photo); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DAOException("Error setting photo", ex); } finally { DBTools.close(conn, null, null); } } /** * Sets the given photo for the contact identified by the given id. * BTW, the contact is not updated. To update the contact use setContactPhoto(...) * @param conn the connection to use * @param id the contact id * @param photo the photo to set * @throws if an error * occurs */ protected void setPhoto(Connection conn, Long id, Photo photo) throws DAOException { if (!updatePhoto(conn, id, photo)) { insertPhoto(conn, id, photo); } } /** * Adds the given photo for the contact identified by the given id. Also the * contact is updated accordlying. * @param contactId the contact id * @param photo the photo to add * @throws if an error * occurs */ protected void addContactPhoto(Long contactId, Photo photo) throws DAOException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); insertPhoto(conn, contactId, photo); setPhotoType(conn, contactId, photo); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DAOException("Error storing photo", ex); } finally { DBTools.close(conn, null, null); } } /** * Adds the given photo for the contact identified by the given id using the * given connection. Also the contact is updated accordlying. * @param con the connection to use * @param contactId the contact id * @param photo the photo to add * @throws if an error * occurs */ protected void addContactPhoto(Connection con, Long contactId, Photo photo) throws DAOException { insertPhoto(con, contactId, photo); setPhotoType(con, contactId, photo); } /** * Updates the given photo for the contact identified by the given id. * Also the contact is updated accordlying. * @param contactId the contact id * @param photo the photo to add * @throws if an error * occurs */ protected void updateContactPhoto(Long contactId, Photo photo) throws DAOException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); updateContactPhoto(conn, contactId, photo); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DAOException("Error updating photo", ex); } finally { DBTools.close(conn, null, null); } } /** * Updates the given photo for the contact identified by the given id using * the given connection. * Also the contact is updated accordlying. * @param con the connection to use * @param contactId the contact id * @param photo the photo to add * @throws if an error * occurs */ protected void updateContactPhoto(Connection con, Long contactId, Photo photo) throws DAOException { updatePhoto(con, contactId, photo); setPhotoType(con, contactId, photo); } /** * Deletes the photo identified by the given id. The contact is NOT update. * Use deleteContactPhoto to update also the contact. * @param id the photo id * @return true if the photo is deleted, false * @throws */ protected boolean deletePhoto(Long id) throws DAOException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); return deletePhoto(conn, id); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DAOException("Error deleting photo with id: '" + id + "'", ex); } finally { DBTools.close(conn, null, null); } } /** * Deletes the photo identified by the given id. The contact is NOT update. * Use deleteContactPhoto to update also the contact. * @param con the connection to use * @param id the photo id * @return true if the photo is deleted, false * @throws */ protected boolean deletePhoto(Connection con, Long id) throws DAOException { if (!verifyPermission(con, id)) { throw new DAOException("Contact '" + id + " is not a contact of the user '" + userId + "'"); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; int numDeletedRows = 0; try { stmt = con.prepareStatement(SQL_DELETE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_PHOTO); stmt.setLong(1, id); numDeletedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new DAOException("Error deleting photo with id: '" + id + "'", ex); } finally { DBTools.close(null, stmt, null); } return (numDeletedRows == 1); } /** * Updates the property 'photoType' of the contact with the given id to the * given value according to the given photo. If the photo is null, ContactWrapper.NO_PHOTO * is set; if the photo is not null and the photo contains an image, ContactWrapper.PHOTO_TYPE_IMAGE * is set; if the photo is not null and the photo contains an url, ContactWrapper.PHOTO_TYPE_URL * is set; otherwise ContactWrapper.NO_PHOTO is set * <br/> * The contact is moreover marked as UPDATED and its last_update is updated * @param con the connection to use * @param contactId the contact to update * @param photo the photo * @return the number of the updated rows * @throws DAOException if an error occurs */ protected int setPhotoType(Connection con, Long contactId, Photo photo) throws DAOException { if (photo != null) { if (photo.getImage() != null) { return setPhotoType(con, contactId, ContactWrapper.PHOTO_IMAGE); } else if (photo.getUrl() != null) { return setPhotoType(con, contactId, ContactWrapper.PHOTO_URL); } else { return setPhotoType(con, contactId, ContactWrapper.EMPTY_PHOTO); } } return setPhotoType(con, contactId, (Short) null); } /** * Updates the given photo for the contact identified by the given id using * the given connection. * Note the contact is NOT updated accordlying. Use updateContactPhoto to * update also the contact. * @param con the connection to use * @param id the contact id * @param photo the photo to update * @return true if the photo has been updated, false * @throws if an error * occurs */ protected boolean updatePhoto(Connection con, Long id, Photo photo) throws DAOException { if (!verifyPermission(con, id)) { throw new DAOException("Contact '" + id + " is not a contact of the user '" + userId + "'"); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; byte[] image = null; String type = null; String url = null; if (photo != null) { image = photo.getImage(); type = photo.getType(); url = photo.getUrl(); } int numUpdatedRows = 0; try { stmt = con.prepareStatement(SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_PHOTO); if (type == null) { stmt.setNull(1, Types.VARCHAR); } else { stmt.setString(1, type); } if (url == null) { stmt.setNull(2, Types.VARCHAR); } else { stmt.setString(2, url); } if (image == null) { stmt.setNull(3, Types.BINARY); } else { stmt.setBinaryStream(3, new ByteArrayInputStream(image), image.length); } stmt.setLong(4, id); numUpdatedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new DAOException("Error updating photo", ex); } finally { DBTools.close(null, stmt, null); } return (numUpdatedRows == 1); } /** * Changes the contact status with the given parameters * @param con the connection to use * @param contactId the contact id * @param status the status to set * @return true if the contact has been updated, false otherwise * @throws */ protected boolean changeContactStatus(Connection con, Long contactId, char status) throws DAOException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; int numUpdatedRows = 0; try { stmt = con.prepareStatement(SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_STATUS); stmt.setString(1, String.valueOf(status)); stmt.setLong(2, System.currentTimeMillis()); stmt.setLong(3, contactId); stmt.setString(4, userId); numUpdatedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new DAOException("Error changing status of contact '" + contactId + "' to '" + status + "'", ex); } finally { DBTools.close(null, stmt, null); } return (numUpdatedRows == 1); } /** * Inserts the photo identified by the given id. The contact is NOT update. * Use deleteContactPhoto to update also the contact. * @param con the connection to use * @param contactId the photo id * @param photo the Photo to insert * @throws if an error * occurs */ protected void insertPhoto(Connection con, Long contactId, Photo photo) throws DAOException { if (!verifyPermission(con, contactId)) { throw new DAOException("Contact '" + contactId + " is not a contact of the user '" + userId + "'"); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; if (photo == null) { return; } byte[] image = photo.getImage(); try { stmt = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_PHOTO); stmt.setLong(1, contactId); if (photo.getType() == null) { stmt.setNull(2, Types.VARCHAR); } else { stmt.setString(2, photo.getType()); } if (image == null) { stmt.setNull(3, Types.BINARY); } else { stmt.setBinaryStream(3, new ByteArrayInputStream(image), image.length); } if (photo.getUrl() == null) { stmt.setNull(4, Types.VARCHAR); } else { stmt.setString(4, photo.getUrl()); } stmt.execute(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new DAOException("Error storing photo", ex); } finally { DBTools.close(null, stmt, null); } } //---------------------------------------------------------- Private methods /** * Creates a ContactWrapper object from a ResultSet. Only the basic data are * set. * * @param wrapperId the UID of the wrapper object to be returned * @param rs the result of the execution of a proper SQL SELECT statement on * the fnbl_pim_contact table, with the cursor before its first row * @return a newly created ContactWrapper initialized with the fields in the * result set * @throws java.sql.SQLException * @throws NotFoundException */ private static ContactWrapper createContact(String wrapperId, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, NotFoundException { if (! { throw new NotFoundException("No contact found."); } ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); ContactWrapper cw = null; Note note = null; Title title = null; String column = null; String userId = rs.getString(SQL_FIELD_USERID); Contact c = new Contact(); cw = new ContactWrapper(wrapperId, userId, c); int columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; ++i) { column = rsmd.getColumnName(i); // // General // if (SQL_FIELD_ID.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { // Does nothing: field already set at construction time } else if (SQL_FIELD_LAST_UPDATE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { cw.setLastUpdate(new Timestamp(rs.getLong(i))); } else if (SQL_FIELD_USERID.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { // Does nothing: field already set at construction time } else if (SQL_FIELD_STATUS.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { cw.setStatus(rs.getString(i).charAt(0)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_PHOTO_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { short phType = rs.getShort(i); if (!rs.wasNull()) { cw.setPhotoType(Short.valueOf(phType)); } // // contact details // } else if (SQL_FIELD_IMPORTANCE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { short importance = rs.getShort(i); if (!rs.wasNull()) { c.setImportance(Short.valueOf(importance)); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_SENSITIVITY.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { short sensitivity = rs.getShort(i); if (!rs.wasNull()) { c.setSensitivity(Short.valueOf(sensitivity)); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_SUBJECT.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.setSubject(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_FOLDER.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.setFolder(rs.getString(i)); // // Personal details // } else if (SQL_FIELD_ANNIVERSARY.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getPersonalDetail().setAnniversary(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_FIRST_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getName().getFirstName().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_MIDDLE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getName().getMiddleName().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_LAST_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getName().getLastName().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_DISPLAY_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getName().getDisplayName().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_BIRTHDAY.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getPersonalDetail().setBirthday(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_BODY.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { String noteStr = rs.getString(i); if (noteStr != null) { note = new Note(); note.setNoteType(FIELD_NOTE); note.setPropertyValue(noteStr); c.addNote(note); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_CATEGORIES.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getCategories().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_CHILDREN.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getPersonalDetail().setChildren(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_HOBBIES.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getPersonalDetail().setHobbies(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_GENDER.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getPersonalDetail().setGender(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_INITIALS.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getName().getInitials().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_LANGUAGES.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.setLanguages(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_NICKNAME.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getName().getNickname().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_SPOUSE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getPersonalDetail().setSpouse(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_SUFFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getName().getSuffix().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_TITLE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getName().getSalutation().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); // // Business details // } else if (SQL_FIELD_ASSISTANT.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getBusinessDetail().setAssistant(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_COMPANY.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getBusinessDetail().getCompany().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_COMPANIES.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getBusinessDetail().setCompanies(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_DEPARTMENT.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getBusinessDetail().getDepartment().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_JOB_TITLE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { String titleStr = null; titleStr = rs.getString(i); if (titleStr != null) { title = new Title(); title.setTitleType(FIELD_JOB_TITLE); title.setPropertyValue(titleStr); c.getBusinessDetail().addTitle(title); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_MANAGER.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getBusinessDetail().setManager(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_MILEAGE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.setMileage(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_OFFICE_LOCATION.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getBusinessDetail().setOfficeLocation(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_PROFESSION.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getBusinessDetail().getRole().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else { throw new SQLException("Unhandled column: " + column); } } return cw; } /** * Attaches the address(es) to a contact on the basis of a ResultSet. * * @param cw the contact (as a ContactWrapper) still lacking address * information * @param rs the result of the execution of a proper SQL SELECT statement on * the fnbl_pim_address table, with the cursor before its first * row * @return the ContactWrapper object with address information attached * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ private static ContactWrapper addPIMAddresses(ContactWrapper cw, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); Contact c = cw.getContact(); int type = 0; String street = null; String city = null; String state = null; String postalCode = null; String country = null; String poBox = null; String extendedAddress = null; String column = null; int columnCount = 0; while ( { columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; ++i) { column = rsmd.getColumnName(i); if (SQL_FIELD_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { type = rs.getInt(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_STREET.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { street = rs.getString(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_CITY.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { city = rs.getString(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_STATE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { state = rs.getString(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_POSTAL_CODE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { postalCode = rs.getString(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_COUNTRY.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { country = rs.getString(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_PO_BOX.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { poBox = rs.getString(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_EXTENDED_ADDRESS.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { extendedAddress = rs.getString(i); } else { throw new SQLException("Unhandled column: " + column); } } switch (type) { case ADDRESS_TYPE_HOME: c.getPersonalDetail().getAddress().getStreet().setPropertyValue(street); c.getPersonalDetail().getAddress().getCity().setPropertyValue(city); c.getPersonalDetail().getAddress().getState().setPropertyValue(state); c.getPersonalDetail().getAddress().getPostalCode().setPropertyValue(postalCode); c.getPersonalDetail().getAddress().getCountry().setPropertyValue(country); c.getPersonalDetail().getAddress().getPostOfficeAddress().setPropertyValue(poBox); c.getPersonalDetail().getAddress().getExtendedAddress().setPropertyValue(extendedAddress); break; case ADDRESS_TYPE_OTHER: c.getPersonalDetail().getOtherAddress().getStreet().setPropertyValue(street); c.getPersonalDetail().getOtherAddress().getCity().setPropertyValue(city); c.getPersonalDetail().getOtherAddress().getState().setPropertyValue(state); c.getPersonalDetail().getOtherAddress().getPostalCode().setPropertyValue(postalCode); c.getPersonalDetail().getOtherAddress().getCountry().setPropertyValue(country); c.getPersonalDetail().getOtherAddress().getPostOfficeAddress().setPropertyValue(poBox); c.getPersonalDetail().getOtherAddress().getExtendedAddress().setPropertyValue(extendedAddress); break; case ADDRESS_TYPE_WORK: c.getBusinessDetail().getAddress().getStreet().setPropertyValue(street); c.getBusinessDetail().getAddress().getCity().setPropertyValue(city); c.getBusinessDetail().getAddress().getState().setPropertyValue(state); c.getBusinessDetail().getAddress().getPostalCode().setPropertyValue(postalCode); c.getBusinessDetail().getAddress().getCountry().setPropertyValue(country); c.getBusinessDetail().getAddress().getPostOfficeAddress().setPropertyValue(poBox); c.getBusinessDetail().getAddress().getExtendedAddress().setPropertyValue(extendedAddress); break; default: break; } } return cw; } /** * Attaches extra information to a contact on the basis of a ResultSet. * * @param cw the contact still lacking extra information * @param rs the result of the execution of a proper SQL SELECT statement on * the fnbl_pim_contact_item table, with the cursor before its * first row * @return the ContactWrapper object with extra information attached * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ private static ContactWrapper addPIMContactItems(ContactWrapper cw, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); Contact c = cw.getContact(); int type = 0; String value = null; int columnCount = 0; String column = null; Phone phone; Email email; WebPage webPage; while ( { columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; ++i) { column = rsmd.getColumnName(i); if (SQL_FIELD_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { type = rs.getInt(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_VALUE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { value = rs.getString(i); } else { throw new SQLException("Unhandled column: " + column); } } switch (type) { case TYPE_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getPersonalDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_HOME_FAX_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_HOME_FAX_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getPersonalDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getPersonalDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_EMAIL_1_ADDRESS: email = new Email(); email.setEmailType(FIELD_EMAIL_1_ADDRESS); email.setPropertyValue(value); c.getPersonalDetail().addEmail(email); break; case TYPE_WEB_PAGE: webPage = new WebPage(); webPage.setWebPageType(FIELD_WEB_PAGE); webPage.setPropertyValue(value); c.getPersonalDetail().addWebPage(webPage); break; case TYPE_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getBusinessDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getBusinessDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_COMPANY_MAIN_TELEPHONE_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_COMPANY_MAIN_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getBusinessDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_ASSISTANT_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_ASSISTANT_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getBusinessDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_PAGER_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_PAGER_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getBusinessDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_CALLBACK_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_CALLBACK_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getBusinessDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_EMAIL_2_ADDRESS: email = new Email(); email.setEmailType(FIELD_EMAIL_2_ADDRESS); email.setPropertyValue(value); c.getPersonalDetail().addEmail(email); break; case TYPE_EMAIL_3_ADDRESS: email = new Email(); email.setEmailType(FIELD_EMAIL_3_ADDRESS); email.setPropertyValue(value); c.getBusinessDetail().addEmail(email); break; case TYPE_HOME_WEB_PAGE: webPage = new WebPage(); webPage.setWebPageType(FIELD_HOME_WEB_PAGE); webPage.setPropertyValue(value); c.getPersonalDetail().addWebPage(webPage); break; case TYPE_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getPersonalDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getBusinessDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_HOME_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_HOME_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getPersonalDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_BUSINESS_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_BUSINESS_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getBusinessDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_BUSINESS_WEB_PAGE: webPage = new WebPage(); webPage.setWebPageType(FIELD_BUSINESS_WEB_PAGE); webPage.setPropertyValue(value); c.getBusinessDetail().addWebPage(webPage); break; case TYPE_INSTANT_MESSENGER: email = new Email(); email.setEmailType(FIELD_INSTANT_MESSENGER); email.setPropertyValue(value); c.getPersonalDetail().addEmail(email); break; case TYPE_BUSINESS_LABEL: c.getBusinessDetail().getAddress().getLabel().setPropertyValue(value); break; case TYPE_OTHER_LABEL: c.getPersonalDetail().getOtherAddress().getLabel().setPropertyValue(value); break; case TYPE_HOME_LABEL: c.getPersonalDetail().getAddress().getLabel().setPropertyValue(value); break; case TYPE_OTHER_FAX_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_OTHER_FAX_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getPersonalDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getPersonalDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_TELEX_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_TELEX_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getBusinessDetail().addPhone(phone); break; case TYPE_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER: phone = new Phone(); phone.setPhoneType(FIELD_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER); phone.setPropertyValue(value); c.getPersonalDetail().addPhone(phone); break; default: break; } } return cw; } /** * Checks whether an array of String objects has some non-white content. * * @param strings could also be null * @return false only if the array contains at least a non-null string * having some content different from white spaces */ private static boolean hasOnlyEmptyOrNullContent(String[] strings) { if (strings == null) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { if (strings[i] != null && strings[i].length() > 0) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks whether an array of String objects has some non-null content. * * @param strings could also be null * @return false only if the array contains at least a string not being null */ private static boolean hasOnlyNullContent(String[] strings) { if (strings == null) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { if (strings[i] != null) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Strips away new line characters from a string. * * @param string a String object, possibly made of several lines of text * @return the modified string, having all new line characters replaced by * white spaces. */ private static String replaceNewLine(String string) { if (string != null) { char[] nl = { 10 }; String newLine = new String(nl); string = string.replaceAll(newLine, " "); } return string; } /** * Updates the property 'photoType' of the contact with the given id to the * given value using the given connection. * <br/> * The contact is moreover marked as UPDATED and its last_update is updated * @param con the connection to use * @param contactId the contact to update * @param photoType the type of the photo * @return the number of the updated rows * @throws DAOException if an error occurs */ private int setPhotoType(Connection con, Long contactId, Short photoType) throws DAOException { if (!ContactWrapper.EMPTY_PHOTO.equals(photoType) && !ContactWrapper.PHOTO_IMAGE.equals(photoType) && !ContactWrapper.PHOTO_URL.equals(photoType) && photoType != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(photoType + " is not a valid photoType"); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; int numUpdatedRows = 0; try { stmt = con.prepareStatement(SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_PHOTO_TYPE); stmt.setString(1, String.valueOf(Def.PIM_STATE_UPDATED)); stmt.setLong(2, System.currentTimeMillis()); if (photoType != null) { stmt.setShort(3, photoType); } else { stmt.setNull(3, Types.SMALLINT); } stmt.setLong(4, contactId); stmt.setString(5, userId); numUpdatedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new DAOException("Error updating '" + contactId + "'", ex); } finally { DBTools.close(null, stmt, null); } return numUpdatedRows; } /** * Verify if the contact identified by the given id is associated to the user * used to create the dao * @param con the connection to use * @param contactId the contact id * @return true if the contact is associated to the user used to create the * dao, false otherwise * @throws if an error * occurs */ private boolean verifyPermission(Connection con, Long contactId) throws DAOException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean contactFound = false; try { stmt = con.prepareStatement(SQL_GET_CONTACT_ID_BY_ID_AND_USER_ID); stmt.setLong(1, contactId); stmt.setString(2, userId); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { contactFound = true; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DAOException("Error checking contact '" + contactId + "'", e); } finally { DBTools.close(null, stmt, rs); } return contactFound; } /** * * * @param fieldValue the value of the field to normalize * * @return the normalized field, the field itself if it's not null */ private String normalizeField(String fieldValue) { if (fieldValue == null || ("null".equals(fieldValue))) { return ""; } return fieldValue; } /** * * @param fieldValue the string we want to log * * @return a log printable representation of the given string */ private String toPrintableString(String fieldValue) { return (fieldValue != null && fieldValue.length() > 0) ? fieldValue : UNSET_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER; } /** * Return the query to use to retrieve all the Items belonging to a user * @return */ @Override protected String getAllItemsQuery() { return SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CONTACT_ID_LIST_BY_USER + SQL_ORDER_BY_ID; } /** * Return the query string to use to remove the Item belonging to a user * @return the query string to use to remove the Item belonging to a user */ @Override protected String getRemoveItemQuery() { return SQL_DELETE_CONTACT_BY_ID_USERID; } /** * Return the query string to use to remove the all Items belonging to a user * @return the query string to use to remove the all Items belonging to a user */ @Override protected String getRemoveAllItemsQuery() { return SQL_DELETE_CONTACTS_BY_USERID; } /** * Return the query string to use to retrieve the status of an Items * belonging to a user * @return the query string to use to retrieve the status of an Items * belonging to a user */ @Override protected String getItemStateQuery() { return SQL_GET_STATUS_BY_ID_USER_TIME; } @Override protected String getChangedItemsQuery() { return SQL_GET_CHANGED_CONTACTS_BY_USER_AND_LAST_UPDATE; } /** * Read data from twin query and put it inside a Map. * First map has the contact id as Key and a map of contact items as their values. * Second map has the item type as Key and the item value as Value. * * @param rs the ResultSet to check * @return the map of potential twins */ private Map<Long, Map<Integer, String>> getTwinsItemsFromRecordset(ResultSet rs) throws Exception { long oldTwinId = -1; long twinId; int itemType; String itemValue; Map<Integer, String> twinValues = null; Map<Long, Map<Integer, String>> values = new HashMap<Long, Map<Integer, String>>(); while ( { twinId = rs.getLong(1); // The id is the first if (twinId != oldTwinId) { //new contact id oldTwinId = twinId; twinValues = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); //add new contact record values.put(twinId, twinValues); } //add new item type and value to the map of contact items itemType = rs.getByte(2); itemValue = rs.getString(3); twinValues.put(itemType, itemValue); } return values; } /** * Analyzes raw list of twins for a contact and returns only the items that * satisfies the condition on emails and phone numbers. * * @param contact the contact to check twins * @param twinsInfo the information about potential twins to check * @param isUnnamedContact true id the contact is unnamed, false otherwise * @return a Map of twin items */ private Map<Long, Map<Integer, String>> retrievePotentialTwinsComparingEmailsAndPhoneNumbers(Contact contact, Map<Long, Map<Integer, String>> twinsInfo, boolean isUnnamedContact) { Map<Long, Map<Integer, String>> twinsFound = new HashMap<Long, Map<Integer, String>>(); if (twinsInfo.isEmpty()) return twinsFound; //get emails from contact List<Email> contactEmails = getContactPropertiesRemovingNullOrEmptyValues( contact.getPersonalDetail().getEmails(), contact.getBusinessDetail().getEmails()); List<Email> contactEmailsAux = new ArrayList<Email>(); for (Email index : contactEmails) { index.setPropertyValue(StringUtils.left(index.getPropertyValueAsString(), SQL_EMAIL_DIM)); contactEmailsAux.add(index); } contactEmails = contactEmailsAux; //get phone numbers from contact List<Phone> contactPhones = getContactPropertiesRemovingNullOrEmptyValues( contact.getPersonalDetail().getPhones(), contact.getBusinessDetail().getPhones()); for (Long twinId : twinsInfo.keySet()) { Map<Integer, String> twinValues = twinsInfo.get(twinId); //get emails for the potential twin Map<Integer, String> twinEmails = getPropertiesWithValidValues(twinValues, TYPE_EMAIL_1_ADDRESS, TYPE_EMAIL_2_ADDRESS, TYPE_EMAIL_3_ADDRESS); //get phone numbers for the potential twin Map<Integer, String> twinPhones = getPropertiesWithValidValues(twinValues, TYPE_ASSISTANT_NUMBER, TYPE_BUSINESS_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TYPE_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER, TYPE_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TYPE_CALLBACK_NUMBER, TYPE_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TYPE_COMPANY_MAIN_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TYPE_HOME_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TYPE_HOME_FAX_NUMBER, TYPE_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TYPE_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TYPE_OTHER_FAX_NUMBER, TYPE_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TYPE_PAGER_NUMBER, TYPE_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TYPE_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TYPE_TELEX_NUMBER); boolean areTwins = false; //manages the conditions that make the potential twins true twins //(inclusion cases) if (!isUnnamedContact) { //case //- if both contact and twins haven't email addresses and phone // numbers, they must be considered twins if (!areTwins) { areTwins = contactEmails.isEmpty() && contactPhones.isEmpty() && twinEmails.isEmpty() && twinPhones.isEmpty(); } //case //- if the contact contains no fields other than name // (first/last/display/company) and the twin contains name // plus other fields (or viceversa), they must be considered // twins if (!areTwins) { areTwins = contactOrTwinHasNoFieldsWhileTheOtherHas(contactEmails, contactPhones, twinEmails, twinPhones); } } //case //- If they contain at least one identical email address in any // of the address fields if (!areTwins) { areTwins = haveContactAndTwinEmailsInCommon(contactEmails, twinEmails); } //case //- If they contain at least one identical phone number in any of // the phone number fields if (!areTwins) { areTwins = haveContactAndTwinPhoneNumbersInCommon(contactPhones, twinPhones); } //manages the conditions that make the true twins not twins anymore //(exclusion cases) //manage the case //- If the contacts don't have different phone numbers/email // addresses/ in the same corresponding field (e.g. 2 different // phone numbers in the same HOME phone # fields of the contacts) if (areTwins) { areTwins = haveContactAndTwinSameEmailsInSamePosition(contactEmails, twinEmails); } if (areTwins) { areTwins = haveContactAndTwinSamePhonesInSamePosition(contactPhones, twinPhones); } if (areTwins) { twinsFound.put(twinId, twinValues); } } return twinsFound; } /** * Checks if contact and potential twin have emails in common. * * @param contactEmails the list of contact's emails * @param twinEmails the map of twin's emails * * @return <b>true</b> if contact and twin have at least one email address * in common, <b>false</b> otherwise */ private boolean haveContactAndTwinEmailsInCommon(List<Email> contactEmails, Map<Integer, String> twinEmails) { //no emails to process if (contactEmails.isEmpty() || twinEmails.isEmpty()) return false; //aggregate the two email lists List<String> emailsSummary = aggregateEmailAddressesRemovingDuplicates(contactEmails, twinEmails); // checks if contact and twin do not share emails or if they share, and // if the total number of emails are greater than 3 (prevent data loss) if (emailsSummary.size() < (contactEmails.size() + twinEmails.size()) && emailsSummary.size() <= 3) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Checks if contact and potential twin have phone numbers in common. * * @param contactPhones the list of contact's phone numbers * @param twinPhones the map of twin's phone numbers * * @return <b>true</b> if contact and twin have at least one phone numbers * in common, <b>false</b> otherwise */ private boolean haveContactAndTwinPhoneNumbersInCommon(List<Phone> contactPhones, Map<Integer, String> twinPhones) { //no phone number to process if (contactPhones.isEmpty() || twinPhones.isEmpty()) return false; for (Phone phone : contactPhones) { String contactPhone = phone.getPropertyValueAsString(); if (twinPhones.containsValue(contactPhone)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Creates a list that contains all the emails starting from contact and * twin lists, but without duplicate elements. * The comparison is case insensitive. * * @param contactEmails the list of contact's emails * @param twinEmails the map of twin's emails * @return a List of emails */ private List<String> aggregateEmailAddressesRemovingDuplicates(List<Email> contactEmails, Map<Integer, String> twinEmails) { List<String> finalList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Email email : contactEmails) { finalList.add(email.getPropertyValueAsString()); } for (String twinEmail : twinEmails.values()) { boolean foundEmail = false; //find if new twin email is a duplicate of an already existing email for (Email contactEmail : contactEmails) { if (twinEmail.equalsIgnoreCase(contactEmail.getPropertyValueAsString())) { foundEmail = true; break; } } //if it isn't, then add it to the list if (!foundEmail) finalList.add(twinEmail); } return finalList; } /** * Retrieves the map of property that have a not null and not empty value * for the given value types. * * @param values the list of property values to check * @param valueTypes the property types to consider * @return the list of property values with a valid value. */ private Map<Integer, String> getPropertiesWithValidValues(Map<Integer, String> values, int... valueTypes) { Map<Integer, String> result = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (int type : valueTypes) { String value = values.get(type); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) { result.put(type, value); } } return result; } /** * Retrieves only the list of contact properties that have a value. * The properties with a null or empty value is discarded. * * @param contactPropertiesLists the list of contact properies to check * @return the list of contact's properties with a valid value. */ private List getContactPropertiesRemovingNullOrEmptyValues(List... contactPropertiesLists) { List<TypifiedProperty> result = new ArrayList(); for (List<TypifiedProperty> propertiesList : contactPropertiesLists) { for (TypifiedProperty property : propertiesList) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(property.getPropertyValueAsString())) { result.add(property); } } } return result; } /** * Verifies that if * - the contact contains no fields other than name, and the twin contains * the same name plus emails and/or phone numbers, they can be considered * twins * - the twin contains no fields other than name, and the contact contains * the same name plus emails and/or phone numbers, they can be considered * twins * * @param contactEmails the list of contact emails * @param contactPhones the list of contact phone numbers * @param twinEmails the map of the twin's emails * @param twinPhones the map of the twin's phone numbers * @return true if the conditions are satisfied */ private boolean contactOrTwinHasNoFieldsWhileTheOtherHas(List<Email> contactEmails, List<Phone> contactPhones, Map<Integer, String> twinEmails, Map<Integer, String> twinPhones) { boolean contactHasEmails = false; boolean contactHasPhones = false; boolean twinHasEmails = false; boolean twinHasPhones = false; if (twinEmails != null) twinHasEmails = !twinEmails.isEmpty(); if (twinPhones != null) twinHasPhones = !twinPhones.isEmpty(); if (contactEmails != null) contactHasEmails = !contactEmails.isEmpty(); if (contactPhones != null) contactHasPhones = !contactPhones.isEmpty(); return ((twinHasEmails || twinHasPhones) && !(contactHasEmails || contactHasPhones)) || ((contactHasEmails || contactHasPhones) && !(twinHasEmails || twinHasPhones)); } /** * Verify that contact and twin have same emails in the same positions. * * @param contactEmails the list of contact's emails * @param twinEmails the map of twin's emails * @return true if contact and twin have same emails in the same positions */ private boolean haveContactAndTwinSameEmailsInSamePosition(List<Email> contactEmails, Map<Integer, String> twinEmails) { for (Email email : contactEmails) { int type = getContactEmailItemTypeFromEmailPropertyType(email.getPropertyType()); if (TYPE_UNDEFINED == type) continue; //get emails String emailContactValue = email.getPropertyValueAsString(); String emailTwinValue = twinEmails.get(type); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(emailTwinValue)) { if (!emailContactValue.equalsIgnoreCase(emailTwinValue)) return false; } } return true; } /** * Verify that contact and twin have same phones in the same positions. * * @param contactPhones the list of contact's phones * @param twinPhones the map of twin's phones * @return true if contact and twin have same phones in the same positions */ private boolean haveContactAndTwinSamePhonesInSamePosition(List<Phone> contactPhones, Map<Integer, String> twinPhones) { for (Phone phone : contactPhones) { int type = getContactPhoneItemTypeFromPhonePropertyType(phone.getPropertyType()); if (TYPE_UNDEFINED == type) continue; //get emails String phoneContactValue = phone.getPropertyValueAsString(); String phoneTwinValue = twinPhones.get(type); //check them if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(phoneTwinValue)) { if (!phoneContactValue.equalsIgnoreCase(phoneTwinValue)) return false; } } return true; } /** * Verify if the list of {@link TypifiedProperty} contains at least a valid * property value. * * @param listsOfProperties the list of properties to check * @return true if the list contains at least a value */ private boolean hasAtLeastOneNonEmptyProperty(List... listsOfProperties) { if (null == listsOfProperties) return false; for (List propertiesList : listsOfProperties) { if (null == propertiesList) continue; //analyze the single list of properties for (Object rawProperty : propertiesList) { if (rawProperty == null) continue; TypifiedProperty prop = (TypifiedProperty) rawProperty; String value = prop.getPropertyValueAsString(); //the property has a non empty value if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(normalizeField(value))) return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the identifier of the given email description type. * * @param emailPropertyType the description of the email type * @return the identifier of the email type */ private int getContactEmailItemTypeFromEmailPropertyType(String emailPropertyType) { int itemType = TYPE_UNDEFINED; if ((FIELD_EMAIL_1_ADDRESS).equals(emailPropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_EMAIL_1_ADDRESS; } else if ((FIELD_EMAIL_2_ADDRESS).equals(emailPropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_EMAIL_2_ADDRESS; } else if ((FIELD_EMAIL_3_ADDRESS).equals(emailPropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_EMAIL_3_ADDRESS; } else if ((FIELD_INSTANT_MESSENGER).equals(emailPropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_INSTANT_MESSENGER; } return itemType; } /** * Returns the identifier of the given phone description type. * * @param phonePropertyType the description of the phone type * @return the identifier of the phone type */ private int getContactPhoneItemTypeFromPhonePropertyType(String phonePropertyType) { int itemType = TYPE_UNDEFINED; if ((FIELD_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_HOME_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_HOME_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_HOME_FAX_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_HOME_FAX_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_OTHER_FAX_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_OTHER_FAX_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_BUSINESS_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_BUSINESS_2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_COMPANY_MAIN_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_COMPANY_MAIN_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_PAGER_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_PAGER_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_ASSISTANT_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_ASSISTANT_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_CALLBACK_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_CALLBACK_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_TELEX_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_TELEX_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_TELEX_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_TELEX_NUMBER; } else if ((FIELD_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER).equals(phonePropertyType)) { itemType = TYPE_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER; } return itemType; } }