Java tutorial
/* * Funambol is a mobile platform developed by Funambol, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Funambol, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED * WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY FUNAMBOL, FUNAMBOL DISCLAIMS THE * WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Funambol, Inc. headquarters at 643 Bair Island Road, Suite * 305, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA, or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the * "Powered by Funambol" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably * feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display * the words "Powered by Funambol". */ package; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import com.funambol.server.config.Configuration; import com.funambol.common.pim.common.PropertyWithTimeZone; import com.funambol.common.pim.utility.TimeUtils; import com.funambol.common.pim.calendar.Calendar; import com.funambol.common.pim.calendar.CalendarContent; import com.funambol.common.pim.calendar.Event; import com.funambol.common.pim.calendar.ExceptionToRecurrenceRule; import com.funambol.common.pim.calendar.RecurrencePattern; import com.funambol.common.pim.calendar.Reminder; import com.funambol.common.pim.calendar.Task; import com.funambol.common.pim.common.Property; import; import; import; /* * This class implements methods to access contacts data * in domino server datastore * * @version $Id:,v 2008-03-20 21:38:36 stefano_fornari Exp $ **/ import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; public class PIMCalendarDAO extends EntityDAO { // --------------------------------------------------------------- Constants private static final int CALENDAR_BOTH_TYPES = 0; private static final int CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE = 1; private static final int CALENDAR_TASK_TYPE = 2; private static final String[] SQL_FILTER_BY_TYPE = { "", // any CalendarContent "AND type = '" + CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE + "' ", // Event "AND type = '" + CALENDAR_TASK_TYPE + "' " // Task }; private static final String SQL_PIM_CALENDAR_TABLE = "fnbl_pim_calendar"; private static final String SQL_PIM_CALENDAR_EXCEPTION_TABLE = "fnbl_pim_calendar_exception"; private static final String SQL_ORDER_BY_ID = "ORDER BY id"; private static final String SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_ID_LIST = "SELECT id FROM " + SQL_PIM_CALENDAR_TABLE + " "; private static final String SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_ID_LIST_BY_USER = "SELECT id, dend FROM " + SQL_PIM_CALENDAR_TABLE + " WHERE userid = ? " + "AND status <> 'D' "; private static final String SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_ID_LIST_BY_USER_TIME_STATUS = SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_ID_LIST + "WHERE " + "userid = ? " + "AND last_update > ? " + "AND last_update < ? " + "AND status = ? "; private static final String SQL_AND_NO_SUBJECT_IS_SET = "AND ((subject IS null) OR (subject = '')) "; private static final String SQL_AND_SUBJECT_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK = "AND LOWER(subject) = ? "; private static final String SQL_AND_NO_DSTART_IS_SET = "AND dstart IS null "; private static final String SQL_AND_DSTART_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK = "AND dstart = ? "; private static final String SQL_AND_NO_DEND_IS_SET = "AND dend IS null "; private static final String SQL_AND_DEND_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK = "AND dend = ? "; private static final String SQL_AND_DEND_IN_INTERVAL = "AND dend >= ? AND dend <= ? "; private static final String SQL_AND_DSTART_IN_INTERVAL = "AND dstart >= ? AND dstart <= ? "; private static final String SQL_GET_STATUS_BY_ID_USER_TIME = "SELECT status FROM " + SQL_PIM_CALENDAR_TABLE + " WHERE id = ? AND userid = ? AND last_update > ? "; private static final String SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR = "SELECT id, userid, last_update, status, all_day, body, busy_status, " + "categories, companies, duration, dend, importance, " + "location, meeting_status, mileage, reminder_time," + "reminder_repeat_count, reminder, " + "reminder_sound_file, reminder_options, reply_time, sensitivity, " + "dstart, subject, rec_type, rec_interval, rec_month_of_year, " + "rec_day_of_month, rec_day_of_week_mask, rec_instance, rec_start_date_pattern, " + "rec_no_end_date, rec_end_date_pattern, rec_occurrences, type, " + "completed, percent_complete, folder, " + "dstart_tz, dend_tz, reminder_tz " + "FROM " + SQL_PIM_CALENDAR_TABLE + " "; private static final String SQL_CLAUSE_GET_CALENDARS_BY_ID_USERID = "WHERE id = ? AND userid = ? "; private static final String SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_BY_ID_USERID = SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR + SQL_CLAUSE_GET_CALENDARS_BY_ID_USERID; private static final String SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_EXCEPTION_BY_CALENDAR = "SELECT calendar, addition, occurrence_date FROM " + SQL_PIM_CALENDAR_EXCEPTION_TABLE + " WHERE calendar = ? "; private static final String SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR = "INSERT INTO " + SQL_PIM_CALENDAR_TABLE + " " + "(id, userid, last_update, status, all_day, body, busy_status, " + "categories, companies, duration, dend, importance, location, " + "meeting_status, mileage, reminder_time, reminder_repeat_count, " + "reminder, reminder_sound_file, reminder_options, reply_time, " + "sensitivity, dstart, subject, rec_type, rec_interval, " + "rec_month_of_year, rec_day_of_month, rec_day_of_week_mask, " + "rec_instance, rec_start_date_pattern, rec_no_end_date, " + "rec_end_date_pattern, rec_occurrences, type, completed, " + "percent_complete, folder, " + "dstart_tz, dend_tz, reminder_tz) " + "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; private static final String SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_EXCEPTION = "INSERT INTO " + SQL_PIM_CALENDAR_EXCEPTION_TABLE + " (calendar, " + "addition, occurrence_date) " + "VALUES(?, ?, ?)"; private static final String SQL_DELETE_CALENDAR_BY_ID_USERID = "UPDATE " + SQL_PIM_CALENDAR_TABLE + " SET status = 'D', " + "last_update = ? WHERE id = ? AND userid = ? "; private static final String SQL_DELETE_CALENDARS_BY_USERID = "UPDATE " + SQL_PIM_CALENDAR_TABLE + " SET status = 'D', " + "last_update = ? WHERE status <> 'D' AND userid = ? "; private static final String SQL_DELETE_CALENDAR_EXCEPTIONS_BY_CALENDAR = "DELETE FROM " + SQL_PIM_CALENDAR_EXCEPTION_TABLE + " WHERE calendar = ? "; private static final String SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_BEGIN = "UPDATE " + SQL_PIM_CALENDAR_TABLE + " SET "; private static final String SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_END = " WHERE id = ? AND userid = ? "; private static final String SQL_GET_CHANGED_CALENDARS_BY_USER_AND_LAST_UPDATE = "select id,status from fnbl_pim_calendar where userid=? and last_update>? and last_update<? "; private static final String SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK = " = ?"; private static final String SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA = " = ?, "; private static final String SQL_EQUALS_NULL_COMMA = " = null, "; private static final String SQL_EQUALS_ONE_COMMA = " = '1', "; private static final String SQL_EQUALS_ZERO_COMMA = " = '0', "; private static final String SQL_EQUALS_EMPTY_COMMA = " = '', "; private static final String SQL_PERCENT_COMPLETE_FORMULA = " = MOD(percent_complete, 100), "; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_ID = "id"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_USERID = "userid"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_LAST_UPDATE = "last_update"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_STATUS = "status"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_ALL_DAY = "all_day"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_BODY = "body"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_BUSY_STATUS = "busy_status"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_CATEGORIES = "categories"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_COMPANIES = "companies"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_DURATION = "duration"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_DATE_END = "dend"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_LOCATION = "location"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_MEETING_STATUS = "meeting_status"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_MILEAGE = "mileage"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_TIME = "reminder_time"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_REMINDER = "reminder"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_REPEAT_COUNT = "reminder_repeat_count"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_SOUND_FILE = "reminder_sound_file"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_OPTIONS = "reminder_options"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_REPLY_TIME = "reply_time"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_SENSITIVITY = "sensitivity"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_DATE_START = "dstart"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_SUBJECT = "subject"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_RECURRENCE_TYPE = "rec_type"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_INTERVAL = "rec_interval"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_MONTH_OF_YEAR = "rec_month_of_year"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_DAY_OF_MONTH = "rec_day_of_month"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_DAY_OF_WEEK_MASK = "rec_day_of_week_mask"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_INSTANCE = "rec_instance"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_IMPORTANCE = "importance"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_START_DATE_PATTERN = "rec_start_date_pattern"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_NO_END_DATE = "rec_no_end_date"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_END_DATE_PATTERN = "rec_end_date_pattern"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_OCCURRENCES = "rec_occurrences"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_TYPE = "type"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_COMPLETED = "completed"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_PERCENT_COMPLETE = "percent_complete"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_ADDITION = "addition"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_OCCURRENCE_DATE = "occurrence_date"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_FOLDER = "folder"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_START_DATE_TIME_ZONE = "dstart_tz"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_END_DATE_TIME_ZONE = "dend_tz"; protected static final String SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_TIME_ZONE = "reminder_tz"; protected static final String NAMESPACE_KEY = "calendar"; protected static final String COMPANY_ID = ""; protected static final int SQL_BODY_DIM = 4096; protected static final int SQL_CATEGORIES_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_COMPANIES_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_DAYOFWEEKMASK_DIM = 16; protected static final int SQL_ENDDATEPATTERN_DIM = 32; protected static final int SQL_LOCATION_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_SOUNDFILE_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_STARTDATEPATTERN_DIM = 32; protected static final int SQL_SUBJECT_DIM = 1000; protected static final int SQL_FOLDER_DIM = 255; protected static final int SQL_TIME_ZONE_DIM = 255; //------------------------------------------------------------- Private data private int type; //------------------------------------------------------------- Constructors /* * @see PIMEntityDAO#PIMEntityDAO(String, String) */ public PIMCalendarDAO(String userId, Class allowedContent) { super(userId, Def.ID_COUNTER); if (allowedContent == Event.class) { type = CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE; } else if (allowedContent == Task.class) { type = CALENDAR_TASK_TYPE; } else { type = CALENDAR_BOTH_TYPES; } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Created new PIMCalendarDAO for user ID " + userId + ". " + "It will retrieve content of " + allowedContent); } } //----------------------------------------------------------- Public methods /** * Adds a calendar. If necessary, a new ID is generated and set in the * CalendarWrapper. * * @param c as a CalendarWrapper object, usually without an ID set. * @throws DAOException * * @see CalendarWrapper */ public void addItem(CalendarWrapper cw) throws DAOException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("PIMCalendarDAO addItem begin"); } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; long id = 0; String allDay = null; String body = null; Short busyStatus = null; String categories = null; String companies = null; int duration = 0; Date dend = null; short importance = 0; String location = null; Short meetingStatus = null; String mileage = null; Date replyTime = null; short sensitivity = 0; Date dstart = null; String subject = null; int interval = 0; short monthOfYear = 0; short dayOfMonth = 0; String dayOfWeekMask = null; short instance = 0; String startDatePattern = null; String endDatePattern = null; Reminder reminder = null; RecurrencePattern rp = null; short recurrenceType = -1; String sId = null; int occurrences = -1; String folder = null; String dstartTimeZone = null; String dendTimeZone = null; String reminderTimeZone = null; Date completed = null; short percentComplete = -1; Timestamp lastUpdate = cw.getLastUpdate(); if (lastUpdate == null) { lastUpdate = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } try { sId = cw.getId(); if (sId == null || sId.length() == 0) { // it should be sId = getNextID(); cw.setId(sId); } id = Long.parseLong(sId); CalendarContent c = cw.getCalendar().getCalendarContent(); rp = c.getRecurrencePattern(); boolean allDayB; if (c.getAllDay() != null && c.getAllDay().booleanValue()) { allDayB = true; allDay = "1"; } else { allDayB = false; allDay = "0"; } String sd = null; if (c.getDtStart() != null) { sd = c.getDtStart().getPropertyValueAsString(); dstart = getDateFromString(allDayB, sd, "000000"); } String ed = null; if ((sd != null && sd.length() > 0) || c.getDtEnd() != null) { ed = c.getDtEnd().getPropertyValueAsString(); // // Fix for Siemens S56 end date issue only for event // @todo: verify if is really need to do this // if (c instanceof Event) { if (ed == null || ed.length() == 0) { ed = sd; } } dend = getDateFromString(allDayB, ed, "235900"); } body = Property.stringFrom(c.getDescription()); if (c.getBusyStatus() != null) { busyStatus = new Short(c.getBusyStatus().shortValue()); } categories = Property.stringFrom(c.getCategories()); companies = Property.stringFrom(c.getOrganizer()); location = Property.stringFrom(c.getLocation()); folder = Property.stringFrom(c.getFolder()); dstartTimeZone = timeZoneFrom(c.getDtStart()); dendTimeZone = timeZoneFrom(c.getDtEnd()); reminderTimeZone = timeZoneFrom(c.getReminder()); meetingStatus = c.getMeetingStatus(); Integer mileageInteger = c.getMileage(); // NB: not an int... if (mileageInteger != null) { // ...therefore it may be null mileage = String.valueOf(mileageInteger); } if (c instanceof Event) { replyTime = getDateFromString(allDayB, // @todo or false? Property.stringFrom(((Event) c).getReplyTime()), "000000"); } try { sensitivity = Short.parseShort(Property.stringFrom(c.getAccessClass())); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { sensitivity = 0; // The short must go on } if ((subject = Property.stringFrom(c.getSummary())) == null && body != null) { int endOfSentence = body.indexOf('.'); if (endOfSentence == -1) { endOfSentence = body.length(); } if (endOfSentence > SQL_SUBJECT_DIM) { endOfSentence = SQL_SUBJECT_DIM; } subject = body.substring(0, endOfSentence); } String isInfinite = "0"; if (rp != null) { interval = rp.getInterval(); recurrenceType = rp.getTypeId(); monthOfYear = rp.getMonthOfYear(); dayOfMonth = rp.getDayOfMonth(); dayOfWeekMask = String.valueOf(rp.getDayOfWeekMask()); instance = rp.getInstance(); startDatePattern = rp.getStartDatePattern(); endDatePattern = rp.getEndDatePattern(); if (rp.isNoEndDate()) { isInfinite = "1"; } occurrences = rp.getOccurrences(); } if (c instanceof Task) { Task t = (Task) c; if (t.getDateCompleted() != null) { completed = getDateFromString(allDayB, ((Task) c).getDateCompleted().getPropertyValueAsString(), "000000"); } try { String complete = Property.stringFrom(t.getComplete()); if (complete != null && complete.equals("1")) { percentComplete = 100; } else { percentComplete = Short.parseShort(Property.stringFrom(t.getPercentComplete())); } if (percentComplete < 0 || percentComplete > 100) { throw new NumberFormatException("A percentage can't be " + percentComplete); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { percentComplete = -1; // the short must go on } meetingStatus = getTaskStatus(t); } con = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR); ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setString(2, userId); ps.setLong(3, lastUpdate.getTime()); ps.setString(4, String.valueOf(Def.PIM_STATE_NEW)); ps.setString(5, allDay); ps.setString(6, StringUtils.left(body, SQL_BODY_DIM)); if (busyStatus != null) { ps.setShort(7, busyStatus.shortValue()); } else { ps.setNull(7, Types.SMALLINT); } ps.setString(8, StringUtils.left(categories, SQL_CATEGORIES_DIM)); ps.setString(9, StringUtils.left(companies, SQL_COMPANIES_DIM)); ps.setInt(10, duration); if (dend != null) { ps.setTimestamp(11, new Timestamp(dend.getTime())); } else { ps.setNull(11, Types.TIMESTAMP); } if (c.getPriority() != null) { String priority = c.getPriority().getPropertyValueAsString(); if (priority != null && priority.length() > 0) { importance = Short.parseShort(priority); ps.setShort(12, importance); } else { ps.setNull(12, Types.SMALLINT); } } else { ps.setNull(12, Types.SMALLINT); } ps.setString(13, StringUtils.left(location, SQL_LOCATION_DIM)); if (meetingStatus != null) { ps.setShort(14, meetingStatus.shortValue()); } else { ps.setNull(14, Types.SMALLINT); } ps.setString(15, mileage); reminder = c.getReminder(); if (reminder != null && reminder.isActive()) { Timestamp reminderTime = getReminderTime(dstart, reminder); if (reminderTime == null) { ps.setNull(16, Types.TIMESTAMP); } else { ps.setTimestamp(16, reminderTime); } ps.setInt(17, reminder.getRepeatCount()); ps.setString(18, (reminder.isActive()) ? "1" : "0"); String soundFileValue = reminder.getSoundFile(); ps.setString(19, StringUtils.left(soundFileValue, SQL_SOUNDFILE_DIM)); ps.setInt(20, reminder.getOptions()); } else { ps.setNull(16, Types.TIMESTAMP); ps.setInt(17, 0); ps.setString(18, "0"); ps.setString(19, null); ps.setInt(20, 0); } if (replyTime != null) { ps.setTimestamp(21, new Timestamp(replyTime.getTime())); } else { ps.setNull(21, Types.TIMESTAMP); } ps.setShort(22, sensitivity); if (dstart != null) { ps.setTimestamp(23, new Timestamp(dstart.getTime())); } else { ps.setNull(23, Types.TIMESTAMP); } ps.setString(24, StringUtils.left(subject, SQL_SUBJECT_DIM)); ps.setShort(25, recurrenceType); ps.setInt(26, interval); ps.setShort(27, monthOfYear); ps.setShort(28, dayOfMonth); ps.setString(29, StringUtils.left(dayOfWeekMask, SQL_DAYOFWEEKMASK_DIM)); ps.setShort(30, instance); ps.setString(31, StringUtils.left(startDatePattern, SQL_STARTDATEPATTERN_DIM)); ps.setString(32, isInfinite); ps.setString(33, StringUtils.left(endDatePattern, SQL_ENDDATEPATTERN_DIM)); ps.setInt(34, occurrences); if (c instanceof Event) { ps.setInt(35, CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE); ps.setNull(36, Types.TIMESTAMP); // completed ps.setNull(37, Types.SMALLINT); // percent_complete } else { ps.setInt(35, CALENDAR_TASK_TYPE); if (completed != null) { ps.setTimestamp(36, new Timestamp(completed.getTime())); } else { ps.setNull(36, Types.TIMESTAMP); } if (percentComplete != -1) { ps.setShort(37, percentComplete); } else { ps.setNull(37, Types.SMALLINT); } } ps.setString(38, StringUtils.left(folder, SQL_FOLDER_DIM)); ps.setString(39, StringUtils.left(dstartTimeZone, SQL_TIME_ZONE_DIM)); ps.setString(40, StringUtils.left(dendTimeZone, SQL_TIME_ZONE_DIM)); ps.setString(41, StringUtils.left(reminderTimeZone, SQL_TIME_ZONE_DIM)); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); if (recurrenceType != -1) { List<ExceptionToRecurrenceRule> exceptions = rp.getExceptions(); for (ExceptionToRecurrenceRule etrr : exceptions) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_EXCEPTION); ps.setLong(1, id); ps.setString(2, (etrr.isAddition() ? "1" : "0")); ps.setTimestamp(3, new Timestamp(getDateFromString(allDayB, etrr.getDate(), "000000").getTime())); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DAOException("Error adding a calendar item: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { DBTools.close(con, ps, null); } } /** * Updates a calendar. * * @param cw as a CalendarWrapper object. If its last update time is null, * then it's set to the current time. * @return the UID of the contact * @throws DAOException * @throws java.lang.Exception * @see CalendarWrapper */ public String updateItem(CalendarWrapper cw) throws DAOException, Exception { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; RecurrencePattern rp = null; String id = null; String allDay = null; String body = null; Boolean allDayBoolean = null; Short busyStatus = null; String categories = null; String companies = null; int duration = 0; Date dend = null; short importance = 0; String location = null; Short meetingStatus = null; String mileage = null; Date replyTime = null; short sensitivity = 0; Date dstart = null; String subject = null; short recurrenceType = -1; int interval = 0; short monthOfYear = 0; short dayOfMonth = 0; String dayOfWeekMask = null; String priority = null; short instance = 0; String startDatePattern = null; String noEndDate = null; String endDatePattern = null; int occurrences = -1; Reminder reminder = null; CalendarContent c = null; Date completed = null; String complete = null; short percentComplete = -1; String folder = null; String dstartTimeZone = null; String dendTimeZone = null; String reminderTimeZone = null; StringBuffer queryUpdateFunPimCalendar = null; try { Timestamp lastUpdate = (cw.getLastUpdate() == null) ? new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) : cw.getLastUpdate(); c = cw.getCalendar().getCalendarContent(); rp = c.getRecurrencePattern(); id = cw.getId(); boolean allDayB; allDayBoolean = c.getAllDay(); if (allDayBoolean != null && allDayBoolean.booleanValue()) { allDayB = true; allDay = "1"; } else { allDayB = false; allDay = "0"; } body = Property.stringFrom(c.getDescription()); if (c.getBusyStatus() != null) { busyStatus = new Short(c.getBusyStatus().shortValue()); } categories = Property.stringFrom(c.getCategories()); companies = Property.stringFrom(c.getOrganizer()); if (c.getPriority() != null) { priority = c.getPriority().getPropertyValueAsString(); if (priority != null && priority.length() > 0) { importance = Short.parseShort(priority); } // priority / importance ?? } location = Property.stringFrom(c.getLocation()); meetingStatus = c.getMeetingStatus(); if (c.getMileage() != null) { mileage = String.valueOf(c.getMileage()); } reminder = c.getReminder(); String rt = null; if (c instanceof Event) { rt = Property.stringFrom(((Event) c).getReplyTime()); replyTime = getDateFromString(allDayB, // @todo or false? rt, "000000"); } if (c.getAccessClass() != null) { String classEvent = null; classEvent = c.getAccessClass().getPropertyValueAsString(); if (classEvent != null && classEvent.length() > 0) { sensitivity = Short.parseShort(classEvent); } } if (c.getSummary() != null) { subject = c.getSummary().getPropertyValueAsString(); } else if (body != null && body.length() > 0) { String tmpBody = body; if (tmpBody.indexOf('.') != -1) { tmpBody = tmpBody.substring(0, tmpBody.indexOf('.')); } if (tmpBody.length() > SQL_SUBJECT_DIM) { tmpBody = tmpBody.substring(0, SQL_SUBJECT_DIM); } subject = tmpBody; } folder = Property.stringFrom(c.getFolder()); dstartTimeZone = timeZoneFrom(c.getDtStart()); dendTimeZone = timeZoneFrom(c.getDtEnd()); reminderTimeZone = timeZoneFrom(c.getReminder()); String sd = null; if (c.getDtStart() != null) { sd = c.getDtStart().getPropertyValueAsString(); dstart = getDateFromString(allDayB, sd, "000000"); } String ed = null; if ((sd != null && sd.length() > 0) || (c.getDtEnd() != null)) { ed = c.getDtEnd().getPropertyValueAsString(); // // Fix for Siemens S56 end date issue only for event // @todo: verify if is really need to do this // Due to this fix, in method getTwinItems() if the incoming // Event has an empty EndDate we seek into the db for Events // with EndDate equal to the StartDate value. // if (c instanceof Event) { if (ed == null || ed.length() == 0) { ed = sd; } } dend = getDateFromString(allDayB, ed, "235900"); } if (rp != null) { recurrenceType = rp.getTypeId(); interval = rp.getInterval(); monthOfYear = rp.getMonthOfYear(); dayOfMonth = rp.getDayOfMonth(); dayOfWeekMask = String.valueOf(rp.getDayOfWeekMask()); instance = rp.getInstance(); startDatePattern = rp.getStartDatePattern(); boolean noEndDateB = rp.isNoEndDate(); if (noEndDateB) { noEndDate = "1"; } else { noEndDate = "0"; } endDatePattern = rp.getEndDatePattern(); occurrences = rp.getOccurrences(); } String dc = null; if (c instanceof Task) { Task t = (Task) c; if (t.getDateCompleted() != null) { dc = t.getDateCompleted().getPropertyValueAsString(); completed = getDateFromString(allDayB, dc, "000000"); } complete = Property.stringFrom(t.getComplete()); if (complete != null && "1".equals(complete)) { percentComplete = 100; } else { try { percentComplete = Short.parseShort(Property.stringFrom(t.getPercentComplete())); if (percentComplete < 0 || percentComplete > 100) { throw new NumberFormatException("A percentage can't be " + percentComplete); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { percentComplete = -1; // the short must go on } } meetingStatus = getTaskStatus(t); } queryUpdateFunPimCalendar = new StringBuffer(); queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_BEGIN).append(SQL_FIELD_LAST_UPDATE) .append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); if (allDayBoolean != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_ALL_DAY).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (body != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_BODY).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_BUSY_STATUS).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); if (categories != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_CATEGORIES).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (companies != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_COMPANIES).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_DURATION).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); if (dend != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_DATE_END).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } else if (ed != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_DATE_END).append(SQL_EQUALS_NULL_COMMA); } if (priority != null && priority.length() > 0) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_IMPORTANCE).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (location != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_LOCATION).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (meetingStatus != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_MEETING_STATUS).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (mileage != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_MILEAGE).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (reminder != null) { if (reminder.isActive()) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_REMINDER).append(SQL_EQUALS_ONE_COMMA); } else { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_REMINDER).append(SQL_EQUALS_ZERO_COMMA); } queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_TIME).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_REPEAT_COUNT) .append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_SOUND_FILE) .append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_OPTIONS).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (replyTime != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_REPLY_TIME).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } else if (rt != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_REPLY_TIME).append(SQL_EQUALS_NULL_COMMA); } queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_SENSITIVITY).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); if (dstart != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_DATE_START).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } else if (sd != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_DATE_START).append(SQL_EQUALS_NULL_COMMA); } if (subject != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_SUBJECT).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_RECURRENCE_TYPE).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_INTERVAL).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_MONTH_OF_YEAR).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_DAY_OF_MONTH).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); if (dayOfWeekMask != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_DAY_OF_WEEK_MASK).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_INSTANCE).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); if (startDatePattern != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_START_DATE_PATTERN) .append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (noEndDate != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_NO_END_DATE).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (endDatePattern != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_END_DATE_PATTERN).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } else { // // When NoEndDate is true, the PatterEndDate must be empty. // if ("1".equals(noEndDate)) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_END_DATE_PATTERN).append(SQL_EQUALS_EMPTY_COMMA); } } queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_OCCURRENCES).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); if (completed != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_COMPLETED).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } else if (dc != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_COMPLETED).append(SQL_EQUALS_NULL_COMMA); } if (percentComplete != -1) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_PERCENT_COMPLETE).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } else if ("0".equals(complete)) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_PERCENT_COMPLETE).append(SQL_PERCENT_COMPLETE_FORMULA); } if (folder != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_FOLDER).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (dstartTimeZone != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_START_DATE_TIME_ZONE) .append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (dendTimeZone != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_END_DATE_TIME_ZONE) .append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } if (reminderTimeZone != null) { queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_TIME_ZONE) .append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK_COMMA); } queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.append(SQL_FIELD_STATUS).append(SQL_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK) .append(SQL_UPDATE_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_END); con = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); ps = con.prepareStatement(queryUpdateFunPimCalendar.toString()); int k = 1; // // lastUpdate // ps.setLong(k++, lastUpdate.getTime()); // // allDay // if (allDayBoolean != null) { ps.setString(k++, allDay); } // // body // if (body != null) { if (body.length() > SQL_BODY_DIM) { body = body.substring(0, SQL_BODY_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, body); } // // busy status // if (busyStatus != null) { ps.setShort(k++, busyStatus.shortValue()); } else { ps.setNull(k++, Types.SMALLINT); } // // categories // if (categories != null) { if (categories.length() > SQL_CATEGORIES_DIM) { categories = categories.substring(0, SQL_CATEGORIES_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, categories); } // // companies // if (companies != null) { if (companies.length() > SQL_COMPANIES_DIM) { companies = companies.substring(0, SQL_COMPANIES_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, companies); } // // duration // ps.setInt(k++, duration); // // date End // if (dend != null) { ps.setTimestamp(k++, new Timestamp(dend.getTime())); } // // priority // if (priority != null && priority.length() > 0) { ps.setShort(k++, importance); } // // location // if (location != null) { if (location.length() > SQL_COMPANIES_DIM) { location = location.substring(0, SQL_LOCATION_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, location); } // // meeting status // if (meetingStatus != null) { ps.setShort(k++, meetingStatus.shortValue()); } // // mileage // if (mileage != null) { ps.setString(k++, mileage); } // // reminder // if (reminder != null) { if (reminder.isActive()) { ps.setTimestamp(k++, getReminderTime(dstart, reminder)); ps.setInt(k++, reminder.getRepeatCount()); String soundFileValue = reminder.getSoundFile(); if (soundFileValue != null && soundFileValue.length() > SQL_SOUNDFILE_DIM) { soundFileValue = soundFileValue.substring(0, SQL_SOUNDFILE_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, soundFileValue); ps.setInt(k++, reminder.getOptions()); } else { ps.setNull(k++, Types.TIMESTAMP); ps.setInt(k++, 0); ps.setString(k++, null); ps.setInt(k++, 0); } } // // reply time // if (replyTime != null) { ps.setTimestamp(k++, new Timestamp(replyTime.getTime())); } // // sensitivity // ps.setShort(k++, sensitivity); // // date start // if (dstart != null) { ps.setTimestamp(k++, new Timestamp(dstart.getTime())); } // // subject // if (subject != null) { if (subject.length() > SQL_SUBJECT_DIM) { subject = subject.substring(0, SQL_SUBJECT_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, subject); } // // recurrence Type // ps.setShort(k++, recurrenceType); // // interval // ps.setInt(k++, interval); // // month of year // ps.setShort(k++, monthOfYear); // // day of month // ps.setShort(k++, dayOfMonth); // // day of week mask // if (dayOfWeekMask != null) { if (dayOfWeekMask.length() > SQL_DAYOFWEEKMASK_DIM) { dayOfWeekMask = dayOfWeekMask.substring(0, SQL_DAYOFWEEKMASK_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, dayOfWeekMask); } // // instance // ps.setShort(k++, instance); // // start date pattern // if (startDatePattern != null) { if (startDatePattern.length() > SQL_STARTDATEPATTERN_DIM) { startDatePattern = startDatePattern.substring(0, SQL_STARTDATEPATTERN_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, startDatePattern); } // // no end date // if (noEndDate != null) { ps.setString(k++, noEndDate); } // // end date pattern // if (endDatePattern != null) { if (endDatePattern.length() > SQL_ENDDATEPATTERN_DIM) { endDatePattern = endDatePattern.substring(0, SQL_ENDDATEPATTERN_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, endDatePattern); } // // occurrences // ps.setInt(k++, occurrences); // // completed // if (completed != null) { ps.setTimestamp(k++, new Timestamp(completed.getTime())); } // // percent completed // if (percentComplete != -1) { ps.setShort(k++, percentComplete); } // // folder // if (folder != null) { if (folder.length() > SQL_FOLDER_DIM) { folder = folder.substring(0, SQL_FOLDER_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, folder); } // // time zones // if (dstartTimeZone != null) { if (dstartTimeZone.length() > SQL_TIME_ZONE_DIM) { dstartTimeZone = dstartTimeZone.substring(0, SQL_TIME_ZONE_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, dstartTimeZone); } if (dendTimeZone != null) { if (dendTimeZone.length() > SQL_TIME_ZONE_DIM) { dendTimeZone = dendTimeZone.substring(0, SQL_TIME_ZONE_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, dendTimeZone); } if (reminderTimeZone != null) { if (reminderTimeZone.length() > SQL_TIME_ZONE_DIM) { reminderTimeZone = reminderTimeZone.substring(0, SQL_TIME_ZONE_DIM); } ps.setString(k++, reminderTimeZone); } // // status // ps.setString(k++, String.valueOf('U')); // // id // ps.setLong(k++, Long.parseLong(id)); // // user id // ps.setString(k++, cw.getUserId()); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_DELETE_CALENDAR_EXCEPTIONS_BY_CALENDAR); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(id)); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); if (recurrenceType != -1) { List<ExceptionToRecurrenceRule> exceptions = rp.getExceptions(); for (ExceptionToRecurrenceRule etrr : exceptions) { ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_INTO_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_EXCEPTION); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(id)); ps.setString(2, (etrr.isAddition() ? "1" : "0")); ps.setTimestamp(3, new Timestamp(getDateFromString(allDayB, etrr.getDate(), "000000").getTime())); ps.executeUpdate(); DBTools.close(null, ps, null); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DAOException("Error updating a calendar item: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { DBTools.close(con, ps, rs); } return id; } public CalendarWrapper getItem(String uid) throws DAOException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("DAO start getItem " + uid); } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; CalendarWrapper cw = null; try { // Looks up the data source when the first connection is created con = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); con.setReadOnly(true); ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_BY_ID_USERID); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(uid)); ps.setString(2, userId); rs = ps.executeQuery(); cw = createCalendar(uid, rs); DBTools.close(null, ps, rs); ps = con.prepareStatement(SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_EXCEPTION_BY_CALENDAR); ps.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(uid)); rs = ps.executeQuery(); try { cw = addPIMCalendarExceptions(cw, rs); } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new SQLException("Error while adding PIM calendar " + "exceptions. " + sqle, sqle.getSQLState()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DAOException("Error retrieving a calendar item: " + e, e); } finally { DBTools.close(con, ps, rs); } return cw; } /** * Removes a calendar, provided it has the same userId as this DAO. * The deletion is soft (reversible). * * @param calendar whence the UID and the last update Date are extracted * @throws DAOException */ public void removeItem(CalendarWrapper calendar) throws DAOException { removeItem(calendar.getId(), null); } /** * Retrieves the UID list of the calendars considered to be "twins" of a * given calendar. * * @param c the Calendar object representing the calendar whose twins * need be found. In the present implementation, only the following * data matter: * <BR>for events <UL><LI>date start<LI>date end<LI>subject</UL> * for tasks <UL><LI>date end<LI>subject</UL> * @throws DAOException * @return a List of UIDs (as String objects) that may be empty but not null */ public List getTwinItems(Calendar c) throws DAOException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("PIMCalendarDAO getTwinItems begin"); } LinkedList<String> twins = new LinkedList<String>(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; if (!isTwinSearchAppliableOn(c)) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Item with no dtStart, dtEnd, summary: twin search skipped."); } return twins; } try { // Looks up the data source when the first connection is created con = getUserDataSource().getRoutedConnection(userId); con.setReadOnly(true); Date dtStart; Date dtEnd; Date dueTomorrowNoon = null; Date dueYesterdayNoon = null; dtStart = getDateFromString(c.getCalendarContent().isAllDay(), Property.stringFrom(c.getCalendarContent().getDtStart()), "000000"); dtEnd = getDateFromString(c.getCalendarContent().isAllDay(), Property.stringFrom(c.getCalendarContent().getDtEnd()), "235900"); if ((dtEnd != null) && (c.getCalendarContent() instanceof Task)) { java.util.Calendar noon = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); noon.setTime(dtEnd); noon.set(java.util.Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12); noon.set(java.util.Calendar.MINUTE, 0); noon.set(java.util.Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); noon.add(java.util.Calendar.DATE, +1); dueTomorrowNoon = noon.getTime(); noon.add(java.util.Calendar.DATE, -2); // go back and another -1 dueYesterdayNoon = noon.getTime(); } StringBuffer sqlGetCalendarTwinList = new StringBuffer(SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_ID_LIST_BY_USER); String subject = Property.stringFrom(c.getCalendarContent().getSummary(), true); // Empty implies null; if ("null".equals(subject)) { subject = null; } if (subject == null) { sqlGetCalendarTwinList.append(SQL_AND_NO_SUBJECT_IS_SET); } else { sqlGetCalendarTwinList.append(SQL_AND_SUBJECT_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK); } if (c.getCalendarContent() instanceof Event) { if (dtStart == null) { sqlGetCalendarTwinList.append(SQL_AND_NO_DSTART_IS_SET); } else { sqlGetCalendarTwinList.append(SQL_AND_DSTART_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK); } } if (dtEnd == null) { // In method updateItems() while storing the Event in the db, if // the End Date is empty it is filled with the Start Date. // Filling the empty EndDate with the StartDate is done only for // Events and not for Tasks. // See "Fix for Siemens S56 end date issue" in method // updateItems(). // So in order to find the twins, if the incoming Event has an // empty EndDate we seek into the db for Events with EndDate // equal to the StartDate value. if (c.getCalendarContent() instanceof Task) { sqlGetCalendarTwinList.append(SQL_AND_NO_DEND_IS_SET); } else { sqlGetCalendarTwinList.append(SQL_AND_DEND_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK); } } else { if (c.getCalendarContent() instanceof Task) { sqlGetCalendarTwinList.append(SQL_AND_DEND_IN_INTERVAL); } else { sqlGetCalendarTwinList.append(SQL_AND_DEND_EQUALS_QUESTIONMARK); } } if (c.getCalendarContent() instanceof Event) { sqlGetCalendarTwinList.append(SQL_FILTER_BY_TYPE[CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE]); } else { sqlGetCalendarTwinList.append(SQL_FILTER_BY_TYPE[CALENDAR_TASK_TYPE]); } // // If funambol is not in the debug mode it is not possible to print // the calendar info because it contains sensitive data. // if (Configuration.getConfiguration().isDebugMode()) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); sb.append("Looking for items having: "); if (subject == null || subject.length() == 0) { sb.append("\n> subject: <N/A>"); } else { sb.append("\n> subject: '").append(subject).append('\''); } if (c.getCalendarContent() instanceof Event) { if (dtStart == null) { sb.append("\n> start date: <N/A>"); } else { sb.append("\n> start date: ").append(dtStart); } if (dtEnd == null) { sb.append("\n> end date: <N/A>"); } else { sb.append("\n> end date: ").append(dtEnd); } } else { // It's a task if (dtEnd == null) { sb.append("\n> due date: <N/A>"); } else { sb.append("\n> due date: between ").append(dueYesterdayNoon) .append("\n> and ").append(dueTomorrowNoon) .append(",\n> possibly ").append(dtEnd); } } log.trace(sb.toString()); } } sqlGetCalendarTwinList.append(SQL_ORDER_BY_ID); ps = con.prepareStatement(sqlGetCalendarTwinList.toString()); int k = 1; ps.setString(k++, userId); if (subject != null) { ps.setString(k++, subject.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } if (dtStart != null) { if (c.getCalendarContent() instanceof Event) { ps.setTimestamp(k++, new Timestamp(dtStart.getTime())); } } if (dtEnd != null) { if (c.getCalendarContent() instanceof Task) { ps.setTimestamp(k++, new Timestamp(dueYesterdayNoon.getTime())); ps.setTimestamp(k++, new Timestamp(dueTomorrowNoon.getTime())); } else { ps.setTimestamp(k++, new Timestamp(dtEnd.getTime())); } } else { // In method updateItems() while storing the Event in the db, if // the End Date is empty it is filled with the Start Date. // Filling the empty EndDate with the StartDate is done only for // Events and not for Tasks. // See "Fix for Siemens S56 end date issue" in method // updateItems(). // So in order to find the twins, if the incoming Event has an // empty EndDate we seek into the db for Events with EndDate // equal to the StartDate value. if (c.getCalendarContent() instanceof Event) { ps.setTimestamp(k++, new Timestamp(dtStart.getTime())); } } rs = ps.executeQuery(); long twinId; Timestamp twinDueDate; while ( { if (c.getCalendarContent() instanceof Event) { twinId = rs.getLong(1); // dend is not relevant in this case if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Twin event found: " + twinId); } twins.add(Long.toString(twinId)); } else { // it's a Task twinId = rs.getLong(1); twinDueDate = rs.getTimestamp(2); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Twin task found: " + twinId); } if ((dtEnd != null) && (twinDueDate != null) && twinDueDate.getTime() == dtEnd.getTime()) { twins.addFirst(Long.toString(twinId)); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Item " + twinId + " is an exact due-date match."); } } else { twins.addLast(Long.toString(twinId)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DAOException("Error retrieving twin. ", e); } finally { DBTools.close(con, ps, rs); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("PIMCalendarDAO getTwinItems end"); } return twins; } /** * This method allows to understand if is possible to run the twin search * on the given calendar. * Fields used in the twin search are summary, dtstart and dtend (or due date * for the task) but they are used differently according to the type of calendar. * If the calendare contains an event, then the summary is used to find the twins * but the search requires that at least one among dtStart and dtEnd is not null. * If the calendar is a task, then the search requires that at least one among * due date and the summary is not null) while the dtStart is ignored. * * @param c the calendar we want to check. * * @return true if at least one field used for twin search contains meaningful * data, false otherwise. * */ public boolean isTwinSearchAppliableOn(Calendar c) { if (c != null) { CalendarContent cc = c.getCalendarContent(); if (cc == null) return false; boolean isEvent = cc instanceof Event; boolean dtEnd = cc.getDtEnd() != null && cc.getDtEnd().getPropertyValue() != null && cc.getDtEnd().getPropertyValueAsString().length() > 0; if (isEvent) { boolean dtStart = cc.getDtStart() != null && cc.getDtStart().getPropertyValue() != null && cc.getDtStart().getPropertyValueAsString().length() > 0; return (dtEnd || dtStart); } else { boolean subject = cc.getSummary() != null && cc.getSummary().getPropertyValue() != null && cc.getSummary().getPropertyValueAsString().length() > 0; return (dtEnd || subject); } } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------- Private methods /** * Creates a CalendarWrapper object of Calendar type from a ResultSet. * * @param wrapperId the UID of the wrapper object to be returned * @param rs the result of the execution of a proper SQL SELECT statement on * the fnbl_PIM_CALENDAR table, with the cursor before its first row * @return a newly created CalendarWrapper initialized with the fields in * the result set * @throws Exception * @throws NotFoundException */ protected static CalendarWrapper createCalendar(String wrapperId, ResultSet rs) throws NotFoundException, Exception { if (! { throw new NotFoundException("No calendar found."); } ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); int columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount(); RecurrencePattern rp = null; String column = null; String uid = null; String userId = null; short recurrenceType = -1; int interval = 0; short monthOfYear = 0; short dayOfMonth = 0; short dayOfWeekMask = 0; short instance = 0; String startDatePattern = null; String endDatePattern = null; int occurrences = -1; boolean noEndDate = false; boolean aDay = false; Reminder r = null; Date replyTime = null; Date dstart = null; Date dend = null; Date completed = null; Date reminderTime = null; uid = String.valueOf(rs.getLong(SQL_FIELD_ID)); userId = rs.getString(SQL_FIELD_USERID); Calendar cal = new Calendar(); r = new Reminder(); CalendarContent c; boolean isAnEvent = true; for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) { if (SQL_FIELD_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(rsmd.getColumnName(i))) { if (rs.getShort(i) == CALENDAR_TASK_TYPE) { isAnEvent = false; } break; } } if (isAnEvent) { c = new Event(); cal.setEvent((Event) c); } else { c = new Task(); cal.setTask((Task) c); } c.setReminder(r); CalendarWrapper cw = new CalendarWrapper(wrapperId, userId, cal); for (int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) { column = rsmd.getColumnName(i); if (SQL_FIELD_ID.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { // Does nothing: field already set at construction time } else if (SQL_FIELD_LAST_UPDATE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { cw.setLastUpdate(new Timestamp(rs.getLong(i))); } else if (SQL_FIELD_USERID.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { // Does nothing: field already set at construction time } else if (SQL_FIELD_STATUS.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { cw.setStatus(rs.getString(i).charAt(0)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_ALL_DAY.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { String allDay = null; allDay = rs.getString(i); if (allDay != null && allDay.length() > 0) { if (allDay.charAt(0) == '1') { aDay = true; c.setAllDay(Boolean.TRUE); } else if (allDay.charAt(0) == '0') { c.setAllDay(Boolean.FALSE); } } } else if (SQL_FIELD_BODY.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getDescription().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_BUSY_STATUS.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { short bs = rs.getShort(i); if (rs.wasNull()) { c.setBusyStatus(null); } else { c.setBusyStatus(new Short(bs)); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_CATEGORIES.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getCategories().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_COMPANIES.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getOrganizer().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_DURATION.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getDuration().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_DATE_END.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { if (rs.getTimestamp(i) != null) { dend = new Date(rs.getTimestamp(i).getTime()); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_IMPORTANCE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getPriority().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_LOCATION.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getLocation().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_MEETING_STATUS.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { short meetingStatus = rs.getShort(i); if (!rs.wasNull()) { if (c instanceof Task) { c.getStatus().setPropertyValue(Short.toString(meetingStatus)); } else { c.setMeetingStatus(new Short(meetingStatus)); } } } else if (SQL_FIELD_MILEAGE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { String mileage = null; mileage = rs.getString(i); if (mileage != null && mileage.length() > 0 && !("null".equals(mileage))) { c.setMileage(Integer.valueOf(mileage)); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_TIME.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { if (rs.getTimestamp(i) != null) { reminderTime = new Date(rs.getTimestamp(i).getTime()); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_REPEAT_COUNT.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { r.setRepeatCount(rs.getInt(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_REMINDER.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { String reminder = null; reminder = rs.getString(i); if (reminder != null && reminder.length() > 0) { r.setActive(reminder.charAt(0) == '1'); } else { r.setActive(false); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_SOUND_FILE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { r.setSoundFile(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_OPTIONS.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { r.setOptions(rs.getInt(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_REPLY_TIME.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { if (rs.getTimestamp(i) != null) { replyTime = new Date(rs.getTimestamp(i).getTime()); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_SENSITIVITY.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { Short sensitivity = rs.getShort(i); if (sensitivity == null) { c.getAccessClass().setPropertyValue(new Short((short) 0)); } else { c.getAccessClass().setPropertyValue(sensitivity); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_DATE_START.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { if (rs.getTimestamp(i) != null) { dstart = new Date(rs.getTimestamp(i).getTime()); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_SUBJECT.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getSummary().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_RECURRENCE_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { recurrenceType = rs.getShort(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_INTERVAL.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { interval = rs.getInt(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_MONTH_OF_YEAR.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { monthOfYear = rs.getShort(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_DAY_OF_MONTH.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { dayOfMonth = rs.getShort(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_DAY_OF_WEEK_MASK.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { String dayOfWeekMaskStr = rs.getString(i); if (dayOfWeekMaskStr != null && dayOfWeekMaskStr.length() > 0) { dayOfWeekMask = Short.parseShort(dayOfWeekMaskStr); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_INSTANCE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { instance = rs.getShort(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_START_DATE_PATTERN.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { startDatePattern = rs.getString(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_NO_END_DATE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { String noEndDateStr = null; noEndDateStr = rs.getString(i); if (noEndDateStr != null && noEndDateStr.length() > 0) { if (noEndDateStr.charAt(0) == '1') { noEndDate = true; } else if (noEndDateStr.charAt(0) == '0') { noEndDate = false; } } } else if (SQL_FIELD_END_DATE_PATTERN.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { endDatePattern = rs.getString(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_OCCURRENCES.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { occurrences = rs.getShort(i); } else if (SQL_FIELD_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { // Already handled } else if (SQL_FIELD_COMPLETED.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { if (rs.getTimestamp(i) != null) { completed = new Date(rs.getTimestamp(i).getTime()); } } else if (SQL_FIELD_PERCENT_COMPLETE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { if (c instanceof Task) { short percentage = rs.getShort(i); ((Task) c).getPercentComplete().setPropertyValue(String.valueOf(percentage)); if (percentage == 100) { ((Task) c).getComplete().setPropertyValue(Boolean.TRUE); } else { ((Task) c).getComplete().setPropertyValue(Boolean.FALSE); } } } else if (SQL_FIELD_FOLDER.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getFolder().setPropertyValue(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_START_DATE_TIME_ZONE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getDtStart().setTimeZone(rs.getString(i)); // @todo Set the same time zone for other non-UTC and // non-all-day date-time properties } else if (SQL_FIELD_END_DATE_TIME_ZONE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getDtEnd().setTimeZone(rs.getString(i)); } else if (SQL_FIELD_REMINDER_TIME_ZONE.equalsIgnoreCase(column)) { c.getReminder().setTimeZone(rs.getString(i)); } // Unhandled columns are just ignored } if (dstart != null) { c.getDtStart().setPropertyValue(getStringFromDate(aDay, dstart)); } if (dend != null) { c.getDtEnd().setPropertyValue(getStringFromDate(aDay, dend)); } if (replyTime != null && (c instanceof Event)) { ((Event) c).getReplyTime().setPropertyValue(getStringFromDate(aDay, // @todo or false? replyTime)); } if (completed != null && (c instanceof Task)) { ((Task) c).getDateCompleted().setPropertyValue(getStringFromDate(aDay, completed)); } if (reminderTime != null) { // // Also the reminder time follows the start and end dates convention // relative to the all day format: if the all day flag is on then it // has to be interpreted as a local time (else in UTC). // r.setTime(getStringFromDate(aDay, reminderTime)); if (dstart != null) { r.setMinutes((int) ((dstart.getTime() - reminderTime.getTime()) / (60000))); // 60 seconds in a minutes * // 1000 millis in a second = 60000 } else { r.setMinutes(0); } } switch (recurrenceType) { case RecurrencePattern.TYPE_DAILY: rp = RecurrencePattern.getDailyRecurrencePattern(interval, startDatePattern, endDatePattern, noEndDate, occurrences, dayOfWeekMask); c.setRecurrencePattern(rp); break; case RecurrencePattern.TYPE_WEEKLY: rp = RecurrencePattern.getWeeklyRecurrencePattern(interval, dayOfWeekMask, startDatePattern, endDatePattern, noEndDate, occurrences); c.setRecurrencePattern(rp); break; case RecurrencePattern.TYPE_MONTHLY: rp = RecurrencePattern.getMonthlyRecurrencePattern(interval, dayOfMonth, startDatePattern, endDatePattern, noEndDate, occurrences); c.setRecurrencePattern(rp); break; case RecurrencePattern.TYPE_MONTH_NTH: rp = RecurrencePattern.getMonthNthRecurrencePattern(interval, dayOfWeekMask, instance, startDatePattern, endDatePattern, noEndDate, occurrences); c.setRecurrencePattern(rp); break; case RecurrencePattern.TYPE_YEARLY: rp = RecurrencePattern.getYearlyRecurrencePattern(interval, dayOfMonth, monthOfYear, startDatePattern, endDatePattern, noEndDate, occurrences); c.setRecurrencePattern(rp); break; case RecurrencePattern.TYPE_YEAR_NTH: rp = RecurrencePattern.getYearNthRecurrencePattern(interval, dayOfWeekMask, monthOfYear, instance, startDatePattern, endDatePattern, noEndDate, occurrences); c.setRecurrencePattern(rp); break; default: // // ignore any unknown recurrence pattern type // break; } // // Set timezone in the RecurrencePattern using the dtStart timezone. // Note: the tasks could have only the due date (or neither that) // if (rp != null) { if (!isAnEvent && dend != null) { rp.setTimeZone(c.getDtEnd().getTimeZone()); } else { rp.setTimeZone(c.getDtStart().getTimeZone()); } c.setRecurrencePattern(rp); } return cw; } private static String getStringFromDate(boolean allDay, Date date) throws Exception { return (allDay ? getStringFromAllDayDateUTC(date) : getStringFromDateUTC(date)); } private static String getStringFromAllDayDateUTC(Date date) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat allDayUtcDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(TimeUtils.PATTERN_UTC_WOZ); // without Z allDayUtcDateFormatter.setTimeZone(TimeUtils.TIMEZONE_UTC); return allDayUtcDateFormatter.format(date); } private static String getStringFromDateUTC(Date date) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat utcDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(TimeUtils.PATTERN_UTC); utcDateFormatter.setTimeZone(TimeUtils.TIMEZONE_UTC); return utcDateFormatter.format(date); } /** * Converts a String object representing a date into a corresponding Date * object apt to represent a date in the DB. * * @param allDay true if the information is expected to be in the all-day * format * @param date if allDay is true, it should be in the "yyyy-MM-dd" format: * the proper time will be attached for DB-saving purposes; if * allDay is false, it should be in the "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'" * format, but will be forced into the right format also if it's * in the "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss" format (a 'Z' will be appended) or * in the "yyyy-MM-dd" format (in this case, as for all-day * dates, the time will be considered to be equal to the second * parameter) * @param time a String object representing the default time in the "HHmmss" * format, to be used when the date is in an untimed format but * this non-all-day is nevertheless used (see above); if it's * null, the "yyyy-MM-dd" format can't be used and if the date * is in that format a null value will be returned * @return a Date object */ private static Date getDateFromString(boolean allDay, String date, String time) throws ParseException { if (date == null) { // Preserves null content which in this context is return null; // meaningful } if (date.length() == 0) { // Considers "" as a null but meaningful value return null; } // // Trimming the given date because some devices send it with a space at // the beginning // date = date.trim(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(); dateFormatter.setTimeZone(TimeUtils.TIMEZONE_UTC); if (allDay) { dateFormatter.applyPattern(TimeUtils.PATTERN_UTC_WOZ); } else { dateFormatter.applyPattern(TimeUtils.PATTERN_UTC); } String dateOK; String format = TimeUtils.getDateFormat(date); if (format.equals(TimeUtils.PATTERN_YYYY_MM_DD) || format.equals(TimeUtils.PATTERN_YYYYMMDD)) { if (time == null) { // that means that untimed dates mustn't be return null; // accepted, so a null value is returned } dateOK = TimeUtils.convertDateFromInDayFormat(date, time, !allDay); } else if (format.equals(TimeUtils.PATTERN_UTC_WOZ)) { if (allDay) { dateOK = date; } else { dateOK = date + 'Z'; // the non-all-day formatter wants a 'Z' } } else { // then format should be = TimeUtils.PATTERN_UTC dateOK = date; } // At this point dateOK will be either in the "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'" // (non-all-day) or in the "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss" (all-day) format. return dateFormatter.parse(dateOK); } /** * Converts a String object representing a date into a corresponding Date * object apt to represent an all-day date in the DB. * * @param date should be in the "yyyy-MM-dd" format * @param time a String object representing the default time in the "HHmmss" * format * @return a Date object * * @deprecated use getDateFromString(true, date, time) instead */ private static Date getAllDayDateUTCFromString(String date, String time) throws Exception { if (date == null) { // Preserves null content which in this context is return null; // meaningful } if (date.length() == 0) { // Considers "" as a null but meaningful value return null; } SimpleDateFormat allDayUtcDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(TimeUtils.PATTERN_UTC_WOZ); // without Z allDayUtcDateFormatter.setTimeZone(TimeUtils.TIMEZONE_UTC); return allDayUtcDateFormatter.parse(TimeUtils.convertDateFromInDayFormat(date, time, false)); } /** * Converts a String object representing a date into a corresponding Date * object apt to represent a non-all-day date in the DB. * * @param date should be in the "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'" format, but will be * forced into the right format also if it's in the * "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss" format (a 'Z' will be appended) or in the * "yyyy-MM-dd" format (in this case, the time will be * considered to be equal to the second parameter) * @param time a String object representing the default time in the "HHmmss" * format, to be used when the date is in an untimed format but * this non-all-day is nevertheless used (see above); if it's * null, the "yyyy-MM-dd" format can't be used and if the date * is in that format a null value will be returned * @return a Date object * * @deprecated use getDateFromString(true, date, time) instead */ private static Date getDateUTCFromString(String date, String time) throws Exception { if (date == null) { // Preserves null content which in this context is return null; // meaningful } if (date.length() == 0) { // Considers "" as a null but meaningful value return null; } Date newDate; String format = TimeUtils.getDateFormat(date); SimpleDateFormat utcDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(TimeUtils.PATTERN_UTC); utcDateFormatter.setTimeZone(TimeUtils.TIMEZONE_UTC); if (format.equals(TimeUtils.PATTERN_YYYY_MM_DD)) { if (time == null) { // That means non-lenient conversion return null; } newDate = utcDateFormatter.parse(TimeUtils.convertDateFromInDayFormat(date, time, true)); } else if (format.equals(TimeUtils.PATTERN_UTC_WOZ)) { newDate = utcDateFormatter.parse(date + "Z"); } else { newDate = utcDateFormatter.parse(date); } return newDate; } /** * Infers the reminder trigger time from the available information: * <ul> * <li>if no start date is set, then the absolute reminder time must be * used;</li> * <li>if a start date is set, then: * <ul> * <li>if the reminder is set to be triggered with a certain advance * relative to the start date, then the trigger time must be computed * using this information; * <li>otherwise, the absolute reminder time must be used. * </ul> * </ul> * * @param dstart the start date of the calendar item (may be null) * @param reminder the Reminder object representing the alarm information * of the calendar item * @return the trigger time of the alarm or null if no sufficient * information is available */ private static Timestamp getReminderTime(Date dstart, Reminder reminder) { int alarmMinutes = reminder.getMinutes(); String alarmTime = reminder.getTime(); if (dstart != null) { // Computes the time using the minutes java.util.Calendar calAlarm = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(); calAlarm.setTime(dstart); calAlarm.add(java.util.Calendar.MINUTE, -alarmMinutes); return new Timestamp(calAlarm.getTimeInMillis()); } else { if (alarmTime == null) { return null; } try { return new Timestamp(getDateFromString(false, alarmTime, null) // an alarm must be timed! .getTime()); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } } /** * Attaches the exception(s) to the recurrence rule of a calendar on the * basis of a ResultSet. * * @param cw the calendar (as a CalendarWrapper) still lacking information * on the exceptions * @param rs the result of the execution of a proper SQL SELECT statement on * the fnbl_pim_calendar_exception table, with the cursor before * its first row * @return the CalendarWrapper object with address information attached * @throws Exception */ private CalendarWrapper addPIMCalendarExceptions(CalendarWrapper cw, ResultSet rs) throws Exception { if (cw.getCalendar().getCalendarContent().getRecurrencePattern() == null) { return cw; } SortedSet<ExceptionToRecurrenceRule> exceptions = new TreeSet<ExceptionToRecurrenceRule>(); boolean allDay = cw.getCalendar().getCalendarContent().getAllDay().booleanValue(); while ( { String addition = rs.getString(SQL_FIELD_ADDITION); boolean isAddition = false; if (addition != null && addition.equals("1")) { isAddition = true; } String occurrenceDate; try { occurrenceDate = getStringFromDate(allDay, new Date(rs.getTimestamp(SQL_FIELD_OCCURRENCE_DATE).getTime())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } ExceptionToRecurrenceRule etrr = new ExceptionToRecurrenceRule(isAddition, occurrenceDate); exceptions.add(etrr); } cw.getCalendar().getCalendarContent().getRecurrencePattern().setExceptions(exceptions); return cw; } /** * Extract the time zone from a date-time property in a safe way. * * @param property may be null * @return if existing, the property's time zone will be returned as a * String object */ private static String timeZoneFrom(PropertyWithTimeZone property) { if (property == null) { return null; } return property.getTimeZone(); } /** * Return the query string to use to retrieve all the Items belonging to a user * @return the query string to use to retrieve all the Items belonging to a user */ @Override protected String getAllItemsQuery() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(SQL_GET_FNBL_PIM_CALENDAR_ID_LIST_BY_USER); sb.append(SQL_FILTER_BY_TYPE[type]).append(SQL_ORDER_BY_ID); return sb.toString(); } /** * Return the query string to use to remove the Item belonging to a user * @return the query string to use to remove the Item belonging to a user */ @Override protected String getRemoveItemQuery() { return SQL_DELETE_CALENDAR_BY_ID_USERID; } /** * Return the query string to use to remove the all Items belonging to a user * @return the query string to use to remove the all Items belonging to a user */ @Override protected String getRemoveAllItemsQuery() { return SQL_DELETE_CALENDARS_BY_USERID + SQL_FILTER_BY_TYPE[type]; } /** * Return the query string to use to retrieve the status of an Items * belonging to a user * @return the query string to use to retrieve the status of an Items * belonging to a user */ @Override protected String getItemStateQuery() { return SQL_GET_STATUS_BY_ID_USER_TIME; } @Override protected String getChangedItemsQuery() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(SQL_GET_CHANGED_CALENDARS_BY_USER_AND_LAST_UPDATE); sb.append(SQL_FILTER_BY_TYPE[type]).append(" order by id"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Extracts a Short value from the status property of a task object. * If any error occurs or the object/property is missing, 0 is returned. * * @param task the object containing the status property as String * * @return the short corresponding to the status property. */ private Short getTaskStatus(Task task) { Short status = null; if (task != null && task.getStatus() != null) { String tmp = task.getStatus().getPropertyValueAsString(); if (tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0) { try { status = Short.decode(tmp); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } } return status; } }