Java tutorial
/* * Funambol is a mobile platform developed by Funambol, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2003 - 2007 Funambol, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED * WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY FUNAMBOL, FUNAMBOL DISCLAIMS THE * WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Funambol, Inc. headquarters at 643 Bair Island Road, Suite * 305, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA, or at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the * "Powered by Funambol" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably * feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display * the words "Powered by Funambol". */ package; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.*; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import com.funambol.framework.engine.source.ContentType; import com.funambol.framework.engine.source.SyncSourceInfo; import com.funambol.admin.AdminException; import com.funambol.admin.ui.SourceManagementPanel; import; /** * This class implements the configuration panel for a SIFSyncSource * * @version $Id:,v 2008-03-20 21:38:31 stefano_fornari Exp $ */ public class SIFSyncSourceConfigPanel extends SourceManagementPanel implements Serializable { // --------------------------------------------------------------- Constants public static final String DEFAULT_TRANSFORMATION = "b64"; public static final String NAME_ALLOWED_CHARS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890-_."; private static final String TYPE_SIF_C = "SIF-C"; private static final String TYPE_SIF_E = "SIF-E"; private static final String TYPE_SIF_N = "SIF-N"; private static final String TYPE_SIF_T = "SIF-T"; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_SIF_C = "text/x-s4j-sifc"; public static final String VERSION_SIF_C = "1.0"; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_SIF_E = "text/x-s4j-sife"; public static final String VERSION_SIF_E = "1.0"; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_SIF_N = "text/x-s4j-sifn"; public static final String VERSION_SIF_N = "1.0"; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_SIF_T = "text/x-s4j-sift"; public static final String VERSION_SIF_T = "1.0"; private static final String ROOT_TAG_FIELD = "ROOT_TAG"; // ------------------------------------------------------------ Private data /** label for the panel's name */ private JLabel panelName = new JLabel(); /** border to evidence the title of the panel */ private TitledBorder titledBorder1; private JLabel nameLabel = new JLabel(); private JTextField nameValue = new JTextField(); private JLabel typeLabel = new JLabel(); private JComboBox typeCombo = new JComboBox(); private JLabel sourceUriLabel = new JLabel(); private JTextField sourceUriValue = new JTextField(); private JLabel directoryLabel = new JLabel(); private JTextField directoryValue = new JTextField(); private JLabel twinPropertiesLabel = new JLabel(); private JLabel descrTwinPropLabel = new JLabel(); private JScrollPane scrollTable = null; private JList twinPropertiesValue = new JList(); private JLabel multiUserLabel = new JLabel(); private JCheckBox multiUserValue = new JCheckBox(); private JButton confirmButton = new JButton(); private List fieldsList = null; private String transformationsRequired = null; // ------------------------------------------------------------ Constructors public SIFSyncSourceConfigPanel() { init(); } // --------------------------------------------------------- Private methods /** * Create the panel * * @throws Exception if error occures during creation of the panel */ private void init() { this.setLayout(null); // // Set properties of label, position and border referred to the title //of the panel // titledBorder1 = new TitledBorder(""); panelName.setFont(titlePanelFont); panelName.setText("Edit SIF SyncSource"); panelName.setBounds(new Rectangle(14, 5, 316, 28)); panelName.setAlignmentX(SwingConstants.CENTER); panelName.setBorder(titledBorder1); int y = 60; int dy = 30; int x1 = 14; int x2 = 170; int w1 = 150; int w2 = 350; int h = 18; sourceUriLabel.setText("Source URI: "); sourceUriLabel.setFont(defaultFont); sourceUriLabel.setBounds(x1, y, w1, h); sourceUriValue.setFont(defaultFont); sourceUriValue.setBounds(x2, y, w2, h); y += dy; nameLabel.setText("Name: "); nameLabel.setFont(defaultFont); nameLabel.setBounds(x1, y, w1, h); nameValue.setFont(defaultFont); nameValue.setBounds(x2, y, w2, h); y += dy; typeLabel.setText("Type: "); typeLabel.setFont(defaultFont); typeLabel.setBounds(x1, y, w1, h); typeCombo.setFont(defaultFont); typeCombo.setBounds(x2, y, 100, h); typeCombo.addItem(TYPE_SIF_C); typeCombo.addItem(TYPE_SIF_E); typeCombo.addItem(TYPE_SIF_N); typeCombo.addItem(TYPE_SIF_T); typeCombo.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event) { handleTypeSelected(); } }); handleTypeSelected(); y += dy; directoryLabel.setText("Source Directory: "); directoryLabel.setFont(defaultFont); directoryLabel.setBounds(x1, y, w1, h); directoryValue.setFont(defaultFont); directoryValue.setBounds(x2, y, w2, h); y += dy; twinPropertiesLabel.setText("Twin properties: "); twinPropertiesLabel.setFont(defaultFont); twinPropertiesLabel.setBounds(x1, y, w1, h); descrTwinPropLabel.setText("(Used to identify twins)"); descrTwinPropLabel.setFont(defaultFont); descrTwinPropLabel.setBounds(x1, (y + 15), w1, h); twinPropertiesValue.setFont(defaultFont); twinPropertiesValue.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION); twinPropertiesValue.setAutoscrolls(true); scrollTable = new JScrollPane(twinPropertiesValue); scrollTable.setWheelScrollingEnabled(true); scrollTable.setBounds(x2, y, 200, 66); scrollTable.setColumnHeader(null); scrollTable.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(200, 66)); scrollTable.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); y += 45; y += dy; multiUserLabel.setText("MultiUser: "); multiUserLabel.setFont(defaultFont); multiUserLabel.setBounds(x1, y, w1, h); multiUserValue.setSelected(false); multiUserValue.setBounds(x2, y, h, h); y += 5; y += dy; confirmButton.setFont(defaultFont); confirmButton.setText("Add"); confirmButton.setBounds(x2, y, 70, 25); confirmButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { try { validateValues(); getValues(); if (getState() == STATE_INSERT) { SIFSyncSourceConfigPanel.this.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(SIFSyncSourceConfigPanel.this, ACTION_EVENT_INSERT, event.getActionCommand())); } else { SIFSyncSourceConfigPanel.this.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(SIFSyncSourceConfigPanel.this, ACTION_EVENT_UPDATE, event.getActionCommand())); } } catch (Exception e) { notifyError(new AdminException(e.getMessage())); } } }); // // Add all components to the panel // this.add(panelName, null); this.add(sourceUriLabel, null); this.add(sourceUriValue, null); this.add(nameLabel, null); this.add(nameValue, null); this.add(typeLabel, null); this.add(typeCombo, null); this.add(directoryLabel, null); this.add(directoryValue, null); this.add(twinPropertiesLabel, null); this.add(scrollTable, null); this.add(descrTwinPropLabel, null); this.add(multiUserLabel, null); this.add(multiUserValue, null); this.add(confirmButton, null); } /** * Load the SyncSource */ public void updateForm() { if (!(getSyncSource() instanceof SIFSyncSource)) { notifyError(new AdminException("This is not a SIFSyncSource! Unable to process SyncSource values.")); return; } SyncSourceManagementObject mo = (SyncSourceManagementObject) getManagementObject(); this.transformationsRequired = mo.getTransformationsRequired(); SIFSyncSource syncSource = (SIFSyncSource) getSyncSource(); if (getState() == STATE_INSERT) { confirmButton.setText("Add"); } else if (getState() == STATE_UPDATE) { confirmButton.setText("Save"); } directoryValue.setText(syncSource.getSourceDirectory()); sourceUriValue.setText(syncSource.getSourceURI()); nameValue.setText(syncSource.getName()); String type = null; SyncSourceInfo info = syncSource.getInfo(); if (info != null) { type = info.getPreferredType().getType(); } if (CONTENT_TYPE_SIF_C.equals(type)) { typeCombo.setSelectedItem(TYPE_SIF_C); } else if (CONTENT_TYPE_SIF_E.equals(type)) { typeCombo.setSelectedItem(TYPE_SIF_E); } else if (CONTENT_TYPE_SIF_N.equals(type)) { typeCombo.setSelectedItem(TYPE_SIF_N); } else if (CONTENT_TYPE_SIF_T.equals(type)) { typeCombo.setSelectedItem(TYPE_SIF_T); } else { // // We use the first type as default // typeCombo.setSelectedIndex(0); } selectFields(syncSource); multiUserValue.setSelected(syncSource.isMultiUser()); if (syncSource.getSourceURI() != null) { sourceUriValue.setEditable(false); } } /** * Set preferredSize of the panel used by the ScrollBar * * @return preferredSize of the panel */ public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(525, 330); } // --------------------------------------------------------- Private methods /** * Checks if the values provided by the user are all valid. * In the case of errors, a IllegalArgumentException is thrown. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if: * <ul> * <li>name, uri, type or directory are empty (null or zero-length) * <li>the types list length does not match the versions list length * </ul> */ private void validateValues() throws IllegalArgumentException { String value = null; value = nameValue.getText(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field 'Name' cannot be empty. Please provide a SyncSource name."); } if (!StringUtils.containsOnly(value, NAME_ALLOWED_CHARS.toCharArray())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Only the following characters are allowed for field 'Name': \n" + NAME_ALLOWED_CHARS); } value = sourceUriValue.getText(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Field 'Source URI' cannot be empty. Please provide a SyncSource URI."); } value = directoryValue.getText(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Field 'Source directory' cannot be empty. Please provide a SyncSource db directory."); } } /** * Set syncSource properties with the values provided by the user. */ private void getValues() { SIFSyncSource syncSource = (SIFSyncSource) getSyncSource(); syncSource.setSourceURI(sourceUriValue.getText().trim()); syncSource.setName(nameValue.getText().trim()); syncSource.setSourceDirectory(directoryValue.getText().trim()); syncSource.setEncode(false); String typeSelected = (String) typeCombo.getSelectedItem(); ContentType[] contentTypes = new ContentType[1]; if (typeSelected.equals(TYPE_SIF_C)) { contentTypes[0] = new ContentType(CONTENT_TYPE_SIF_C, VERSION_SIF_C); } else if (typeSelected.equals(TYPE_SIF_E)) { contentTypes[0] = new ContentType(CONTENT_TYPE_SIF_E, VERSION_SIF_E); } else if (typeSelected.equals(TYPE_SIF_N)) { contentTypes[0] = new ContentType(CONTENT_TYPE_SIF_N, VERSION_SIF_N); } else if (typeSelected.equals(TYPE_SIF_T)) { contentTypes[0] = new ContentType(CONTENT_TYPE_SIF_T, VERSION_SIF_T); } else { notifyError(new AdminException("The selected type isn't valid (" + typeSelected + ")")); } syncSource.setInfo(new SyncSourceInfo(contentTypes, 0)); syncSource.setTargetsToCompare(arrayToList(twinPropertiesValue.getSelectedValues())); syncSource.setMultiUser(multiUserValue.isSelected()); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(transformationsRequired)) { SyncSourceManagementObject mo = (SyncSourceManagementObject) getManagementObject(); mo.setTransformationsRequired(DEFAULT_TRANSFORMATION); } } /** * Loads the list of fields for the selected type and selects the fields * used by the syncsouce */ private void handleTypeSelected() { String typeSelected = (String) typeCombo.getSelectedItem(); List fieldsList = null; if (typeSelected.equals(TYPE_SIF_C)) { fieldsList = getFieldsList(""); } else if (typeSelected.equals(TYPE_SIF_E)) { fieldsList = getFieldsList("com.funambol.common.pim.calendar.SIFE"); } else if (typeSelected.equals(TYPE_SIF_N)) { fieldsList = getFieldsList("com.funambol.common.pim.note.SIFN"); } else if (typeSelected.equals(TYPE_SIF_T)) { fieldsList = getFieldsList("com.funambol.common.pim.calendar.SIFT"); } else { notifyError(new AdminException("The type selected isn't valid (" + typeSelected + ")")); } twinPropertiesValue.removeAll(); twinPropertiesValue.setListData(fieldsList.toArray()); twinPropertiesValue.ensureIndexIsVisible(0); this.fieldsList = fieldsList; if (super.getSyncSource() != null) { if (super.getSyncSource() instanceof SIFSyncSource) { SIFSyncSource syncsource = (SIFSyncSource) super.getSyncSource(); selectFields(syncsource); } } } /** * Selects the fields used by the syncsouce * @param syncsource SIFSyncSource */ private void selectFields(SIFSyncSource syncsource) { List fieldsToSelect = syncsource.getTargetsToCompare(); if (fieldsToSelect == null) { twinPropertiesValue.removeSelectionInterval(0, twinPropertiesValue.getMaxSelectionIndex()); return; } int numFieldsToSelect = fieldsToSelect.size(); int[] indices = new int[numFieldsToSelect]; for (int i = 0; i < numFieldsToSelect; i++) { indices[i] = fieldsList.indexOf(fieldsToSelect.get(i)); } twinPropertiesValue.setSelectedIndices(indices); } /** * Using reflection, returns a ordered list of the values of the fields * of the given class excluding ROOT_RAG_FIELD * @param className String * @return List */ private List getFieldsList(String className) { List fieldsList = new ArrayList(); try { Class sifc = Class.forName(className); Field[] fields = sifc.getDeclaredFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (!ROOT_TAG_FIELD.equals(fields[i].getName())) { fieldsList.add(fields[i].get(null)); } } Collections.sort(fieldsList); } catch (Exception ex) { // // returns an empty list // } return fieldsList; } /** * Converts the given array into a List * @param objects Object[] * @return List */ private List arrayToList(Object[] objects) { List list = new ArrayList(); if (objects == null || objects.length == 0) { return list; } for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { list.add(objects[i]); } return list; } }