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 * Copyright (c) 2016. Matsuda, Akihit (akihito104)
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.freshdigitable.udonroad.module.realm;


import java.util.Date;

import io.realm.Realm;
import io.realm.RealmList;
import io.realm.RealmObject;
import io.realm.annotations.PrimaryKey;
import twitter4j.RateLimitStatus;
import twitter4j.Status;
import twitter4j.URLEntity;
import twitter4j.User;
import twitter4j.UserMentionEntity;

 * Twitter user data to store Realm
 * Created by akihit on 2016/05/04.
public class UserRealm extends RealmObject implements User {
    private long id;
    private String profileImageURLHttps;
    private String miniProfileImageURLHttps;
    private String name;
    private String screenName;
    private String description;
    private String profileBannerMobileURL;
    private int statusesCount;
    private int followersCount;
    private int friendsCount;
    private int favoritesCount;
    private String profileLinkColor;
    private RealmList<URLEntityRealm> descriptionURLEntities;
    private String location;
    private String url;
    private URLEntityRealm urlEntity;
    private boolean verified;
    private boolean isProtected; // `protected` is reserved word

    public UserRealm() {

    UserRealm(final User user) { = user.getId();
        this.profileImageURLHttps = user.getProfileImageURLHttps();
        this.miniProfileImageURLHttps = user.getMiniProfileImageURLHttps(); = user.getName();
        this.screenName = user.getScreenName();
        this.description = user.getDescription();
        this.profileBannerMobileURL = user.getProfileBannerMobileURL();
        this.statusesCount = user.getStatusesCount();
        this.followersCount = user.getFollowersCount();
        this.friendsCount = user.getFriendsCount();
        this.favoritesCount = user.getFavouritesCount();
        this.profileLinkColor = user.getProfileLinkColor();
        this.descriptionURLEntities = URLEntityRealm.createList(user.getDescriptionURLEntities());
        this.url = user.getURL();
        if (user.getURLEntity() != null) {
            this.urlEntity = new URLEntityRealm(user.getURLEntity());
        this.location = user.getLocation();
        this.verified = user.isVerified();
        this.isProtected = user.isProtected();

    UserRealm(UserMentionEntity mentionEntity) { = mentionEntity.getId(); = mentionEntity.getName();
        this.screenName = mentionEntity.getScreenName();

    public long getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(long id) { = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public String getEmail() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implemented yet...");

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getScreenName() {
        return screenName;

    public String getLocation() {
        return location;

    public String getDescription() {
        return this.description;

    public boolean isContributorsEnabled() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getProfileImageURL() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getBiggerProfileImageURL() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getMiniProfileImageURL() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getOriginalProfileImageURL() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getProfileImageURLHttps() {
        return profileImageURLHttps;

    public String getBiggerProfileImageURLHttps() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getMiniProfileImageURLHttps() {
        return miniProfileImageURLHttps;

    public String getOriginalProfileImageURLHttps() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public boolean isDefaultProfileImage() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getURL() {
        return url;

    public boolean isProtected() {
        return isProtected;

    public int getFollowersCount() {
        return this.followersCount;

    public Status getStatus() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getProfileBackgroundColor() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getProfileTextColor() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getProfileLinkColor() {
        return profileLinkColor;

    public String getProfileSidebarFillColor() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getProfileSidebarBorderColor() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public boolean isProfileUseBackgroundImage() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public boolean isDefaultProfile() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public boolean isShowAllInlineMedia() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public int getFriendsCount() {
        return this.friendsCount;

    public Date getCreatedAt() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public int getFavouritesCount() {
        return favoritesCount;

    public int getUtcOffset() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getTimeZone() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getProfileBackgroundImageURL() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getProfileBackgroundImageUrlHttps() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getProfileBannerURL() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getProfileBannerRetinaURL() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getProfileBannerIPadURL() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getProfileBannerIPadRetinaURL() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getProfileBannerMobileURL() {
        return this.profileBannerMobileURL;

    public String getProfileBannerMobileRetinaURL() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public boolean isProfileBackgroundTiled() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public String getLang() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public int getStatusesCount() {
        return this.statusesCount;

    public boolean isGeoEnabled() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public boolean isVerified() {
        return verified;

    public boolean isTranslator() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public int getListedCount() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public boolean isFollowRequestSent() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public URLEntity[] getDescriptionURLEntities() {
        return descriptionURLEntities.toArray(new URLEntity[descriptionURLEntities.size()]);

    public URLEntity getURLEntity() {
        return urlEntity;

    public String[] getWithheldInCountries() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public int compareTo(@NonNull User another) {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public RateLimitStatus getRateLimitStatus() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    public int getAccessLevel() {
        throw new RuntimeException("not implement yet.");

    void merge(@NonNull User u, @NonNull Realm realm) {
        if (u.getDescription() != null) { // description is nullable
            this.description = u.getDescription();
            final URLEntity[] descriptionURLEntities = u.getDescriptionURLEntities();
            if (descriptionURLEntities != null && descriptionURLEntities.length > 0) {
                for (URLEntity url : descriptionURLEntities) {
                    this.descriptionURLEntities.add(URLEntityRealm.findOrCreateFromRealm(url, realm));
        this.favoritesCount = u.getFavouritesCount();
        this.followersCount = u.getFollowersCount();
        this.friendsCount = u.getFriendsCount();
        this.miniProfileImageURLHttps = u.getMiniProfileImageURLHttps(); = u.getName();
        this.profileBannerMobileURL = u.getProfileBannerMobileURL();
        this.profileImageURLHttps = u.getProfileImageURLHttps();
        this.profileLinkColor = u.getProfileLinkColor();
        this.screenName = u.getScreenName();
        this.statusesCount = u.getStatusesCount();
        this.url = u.getURL();
        final URLEntity urlEntity = u.getURLEntity();
        if (urlEntity != null && isNewUrlEntity(urlEntity)) {
            this.urlEntity = URLEntityRealm.findOrCreateFromRealm(urlEntity, realm);
        this.location = u.getLocation();
        this.verified = u.isVerified();
        this.isProtected = u.isProtected();

    private boolean isNewUrlEntity(@NonNull URLEntity urlEntity) {
        if (this.urlEntity == null) {
            return true;
        final String url = urlEntity.getURL();
        if (url.equals(this.urlEntity.getURL()) || url.equals(this.urlEntity.getExpandedURL())) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;