Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2015 Orange * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle; import org.junit.Assert; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import; import; import org.springframework.test.annotation.DirtiesContext; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat; /** * */ @ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:com/francetelecom/clara/cloud/stepdefs/cucumber-context.xml") @DirtiesContext public class CreateAppStepdefs { private static final SSOId[] SSO_IDS_TYPE = new SSOId[] {}; @Autowired(required = true) ManagePaasUser managePaasUser; @Autowired(required = true) ManageApplication manageApplication; @Autowired(required = true) ManageApplicationRelease manageApplicationRelease; @Autowired(required = true) ManageEnvironment manageEnvironment; @Autowired(required = true) ManageLogicalDeployment manageLogicalDeployment; @Autowired(required = true) EnvironmentRepository environmentRepository; @Autowired @Qualifier(value = "jeeProbeLogicalModelCatalog") SampleAppFactory logicalModelCatalog; @Autowired @Qualifier("mvnDao") protected MvnRepoDao mvnRepoDaoMock; private Set<String> createAppMembers; private Set<String> updateAppPrivateMembers; private ListFilterEnum list_filter; private String applicationId; private String applicationName; private AppVisibilityEnum createAppVisibility; private String releaseId; private String releaseName; private String environmentID; private boolean isReleaseAccessible; @Given("^the following users are registered:$") public void given_the_following_users_have_registered(List<SpecUser> users) throws Throwable { for (SpecUser specUser : users) { //FIXME: workaround for art #147272: use cuid as firstname PaasUser paasUser = new PaasUser(specUser.cuid, specUser.last_name, new SSOId(specUser.cuid), ""); paasUser.setPaasUserRole(specUser.role); // persist paas user managePaasUser.checkBeforeCreatePaasUser(paasUser); // make sure it was properly written by fetching it from DB managePaasUser.findPaasUser(specUser.cuid); } } @Given("^I'm logged in as (.*)$") public void given_I_m_logged_in_as(String cuid) throws Throwable { PaasUser user = managePaasUser.findPaasUser(cuid); SecurityContextHolder.getContext() .setAuthentication(new DoubleAuthentication(cuid, user.getPaasUserRole())); } @When("^I request to create a (.*) application with the following list of members: (.*)$") public void when_I_request_to_create_a_private_application_with_the_following_list_of_members_member_list( AppVisibilityEnum visibility, String member_list) throws Throwable { this.createAppVisibility = visibility; this.createAppMembers = parseMembers(member_list); } @Then("^the application creation request is (.*) potentially with the following error message: (.*)$") public void then_the_application_creation_request_is_accepted_or_rejected_with_the_following_error_message_message( RequestStatusEnum status, String message) throws Throwable { try { switch (createAppVisibility) { case PUBLIC: applicationId = manageApplication.createPublicApplication("aCode", "aLabel", "random desc", new URL(""), getSsoIdsArrayFromStrings(createAppMembers)); break; case PRIVATE: applicationId = manageApplication.createPrivateApplication("aCode", "aLabel", "random desc", new URL(""), getSsoIdsArrayFromStrings(createAppMembers)); } if (status.shouldReject()) {"expected creation to be refused"); } else { //The list of members should be valid, after remov Application app = manageApplication.findApplicationByUID(applicationId); assertThat(app.listMembers()).containsExactly(getSsoIdsSetFromStrings(createAppMembers).toArray()); } } catch (PaasUserNotFoundException e) { assertThat(convertToUiMessage(e).trim()).isEqualTo(message.trim()); } catch (MissingDefaultUserException e) { assertThat(convertToUiMessage(e).trim()).isEqualTo(message.trim()); } catch (AuthorizationException e) { assertThat(convertToUiMessage(e).trim()).isEqualTo(message.trim()); } catch (Exception e) {"expected creation to be " + status + " caught:" + e); } } @Given("^I successfully created a (.*) application with (.*) as member list$") public void given_I_successfully_created_an_application_with_given_member_list(AppVisibilityEnum visibility, String members) throws Throwable { switch (visibility) { case PRIVATE: applicationId = manageApplication.createPrivateApplication("aCode" + System.currentTimeMillis(), //make the label and code unique to avoid collision among step of a single scenario "aLabel" + System.currentTimeMillis(), "random desc", new URL(""), getSsoIdsArrayFromStrings(parseMembers(members))); break; case PUBLIC: applicationId = manageApplication.createPublicApplication("aCode" + System.currentTimeMillis(), //make the label and code unique to avoid collision among step of a single scenario "aLabel" + System.currentTimeMillis(), "random desc", new URL(""), getSsoIdsArrayFromStrings(parseMembers(members))); break; } Application app = manageApplication.findApplicationByUID(applicationId); assertThat(app.listMembers()).containsExactly(getSsoIdsArrayFromStrings(parseMembers(members))); } @When("^I request to update the application with the following list of members: (.*)$") public void when_I_request_to_update_the_application_with_the_following_list_of_members_member_list( String member_list) throws Throwable { this.updateAppPrivateMembers = parseMembers(member_list); } @When("^I request the application (.*)$") public void when_I_request_the_given_application(String app_name) throws ApplicationNotFoundException { Collection<Application> apps = manageApplication.findApplications(); for (Application application : apps) { if (application.getLabel().equals(app_name)) { applicationId = application.getUID(); return; } }"Application " + app_name + " should have been found."); } @When("^I request the release (.*) of the application (.*)$") public void when_I_request_the_given_release(String release_name, String app_name) throws Throwable { applicationName = app_name; releaseName = release_name; Authentication previousAuth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); TestHelper.loginAsAdmin(); Collection<ApplicationRelease> releases = manageApplicationRelease.findApplicationReleases(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); for (ApplicationRelease release : releases) { if (!release.getApplication().getLabel().equals(app_name)) { continue; } if (release.getReleaseVersion().equals(release_name)) { releaseId = release.getUID(); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(previousAuth); return; } }"Release " + app_name + '-' + release_name + " should have been found."); } @When("^I request to see details on environment (.*) associated to application (.*) and release (.*)$") public void when_I_request_the_given_environment(String env_name, String app_name, String release_name) throws Throwable { // find releaseID first when_I_request_the_given_release(release_name, app_name); Authentication previousAuth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); TestHelper.loginAsAdmin(); Collection<EnvironmentDto> envs = manageEnvironment.findEnvironments(); for (EnvironmentDto environmentDto : envs) { if (environmentDto.getReleaseUID().equals(releaseId)) { environmentID = environmentDto.getUid(); // Update environment state to RUNNING instead of CREATING as activation is mocked // This allows to later start/stop/delete the environment Environment environment = environmentRepository.findByUid(environmentID); environment.updateStatus(EnvironmentStatus.RUNNING, "", 0);; SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(previousAuth); return; } } } @Then("^the application update request is (.*) potentially with the following error message: (.*)$") public void then_the_application_update_request_is_accepted_or_rejected_with_the_following_error_message_message( RequestStatusEnum status, String message) throws Throwable { try { Application app = manageApplication.findApplicationByUID(applicationId); app.setMembers(getSsoIdsSetFromStrings(updateAppPrivateMembers)); manageApplication.updateApplication(app); if (status.shouldReject()) {"expected update to be refused"); } else { app = manageApplication.findApplicationByUID(applicationId); Object[] requestedMembersWithoutDuplicates = getSsoIdsSetFromStrings(updateAppPrivateMembers) .toArray(); assertThat(app.listMembers()).containsExactly(requestedMembersWithoutDuplicates); } } catch (PaasUserNotFoundException e) { assertThat(convertToUiMessage(e).trim()).isEqualTo(message.trim()); } catch (MissingDefaultUserException e) { assertThat(convertToUiMessage(e).trim()).isEqualTo(message.trim()); } catch (Exception e) {"expected update to be " + status + " caught:" + e); } } @When("^I list applications using the \"(.*)\" filter$") public void when_I_list_applications_using_the_given_filter(ListFilterEnum filter) throws Throwable { list_filter = filter; } @When("^I list releases using the \"(.*)\" filter$") public void when_I_list_releases_using_the_given_filter(ListFilterEnum filter) throws Throwable { list_filter = filter; } @When("^I list environments using the \"(.*)\" filter$") public void when_I_list_environments_using_the_given_filter(ListFilterEnum filter) throws Throwable { list_filter = filter; } @And("^the following applications were created:$") public void given_the_following_applications_were_created(List<SpecApp> createdApplications) throws Throwable { TestHelper.loginAsAdmin(); for (SpecApp specApp : createdApplications) { String applicationUID = null; switch (specApp.visibility) { case PRIVATE: applicationUID = manageApplication.createPrivateApplication(specApp.app_name, specApp.app_name, "random desc", new URL(""), getSsoIdsArrayFromStrings(parseMembers(specApp.member_list))); break; case PUBLIC: applicationUID = manageApplication.createPublicApplication(specApp.app_name, specApp.app_name, "random desc", new URL(""), getSsoIdsArrayFromStrings(parseMembers(specApp.member_list))); break; } for (int i = 0; i < specApp.nb_releases; i++) { manageApplicationRelease.createApplicationRelease(applicationUID, "jlt0000", i + ".0"); } } TestHelper.logout(); } @And("^the following releases were created:$") public void given_the_following_releases_were_created(List<SpecRelease> createdReleases) throws Throwable { TestHelper.loginAsAdmin(); for (SpecRelease specRelease : createdReleases) { String applicationUID = null; Collection<Application> apps = manageApplication.findApplications(); for (Application application : apps) { if (application.getLabel().equals(specRelease.app_name)) { applicationUID = application.getUID(); break; } } assertThat(applicationUID).isNotNull(); manageApplicationRelease.createApplicationRelease(applicationUID, "jlt0000", specRelease.app_release); } TestHelper.logout(); } @And("^the following environments were created:$") public void given_the_following_environments_were_created(List<SpecEnvironment> createdEnvironments) throws Throwable { TestHelper.loginAsAdmin(); for (SpecEnvironment specEnvironment : createdEnvironments) { String releaseUID = null; int logicalDeploymentId = -1; Collection<ApplicationRelease> releases = manageApplicationRelease.findApplicationReleases(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); for (ApplicationRelease release : releases) { if (!release.getApplication().getLabel().equals(specEnvironment.app_name)) { continue; } if (release.getReleaseVersion().equals(specEnvironment.app_release)) { releaseUID = release.getUID(); logicalDeploymentId = release.getLogicalDeployment().getId(); break; } } assertThat(releaseUID).isNotNull(); // Configure MvnRepoDao Mock MvnRepoDaoTestUtils.mockResolveUrl(mvnRepoDaoMock); // Refetch to eagerly fetch all fields. LogicalDeployment logicalDeployment = manageLogicalDeployment .findLogicalDeployment(logicalDeploymentId); logicalModelCatalog.populateLogicalDeployment(logicalDeployment); logicalDeployment = manageLogicalDeployment.updateLogicalDeployment(logicalDeployment); logicalDeployment = manageLogicalDeployment .checkOverallConsistencyAndUpdateLogicalDeployment(logicalDeployment); manageEnvironment.createEnvironment(releaseUID, EnvironmentTypeEnum.DEVELOPMENT, "jlt0000", specEnvironment.env_name); } TestHelper.logout(); } @Then("^the listed applications are:$") public void then_the_listed_applications_are(List<ListedApplication> expectedListedApplications) throws Throwable { Set<ListedApplication> apps = listApplications(list_filter); Assert.assertEquals(new HashSet<>(expectedListedApplications), apps); } @Then("^the listed releases are:$") public void then_the_listed_releases_are(List<SpecRelease> expectedListedReleases) throws Throwable { Set<SpecRelease> releases = listReleases(list_filter); Assert.assertEquals(new HashSet<>(expectedListedReleases), new HashSet<>(releases)); } @Then("^the listed environments are:$") public void then_the_listed_environments_are(List<SpecEnvironment> expectedListedEnvironments) throws Throwable { Set<SpecEnvironment> environments = listEnvironments(list_filter); Assert.assertEquals(new HashSet<>(expectedListedEnvironments), new HashSet<>(environments)); } @Then("^I (.*) edit the application$") public void then_I_can_edit_the_application_or_not(AccessRightsEnum can_edit) throws Throwable { Application requestedApp = manageApplication.findApplicationByUID(applicationId); switch (can_edit) { case CAN: Assert.assertTrue("Application " + requestedApp.getLabel() + " must be editable.", requestedApp.isEditable()); manageApplication.updateApplication(requestedApp); break; case CANNOT: Assert.assertFalse("Application " + requestedApp.getLabel() + " should not be editable.", requestedApp.isEditable()); try { manageApplication.updateApplication(requestedApp);"Application " + requestedApp + " should not be editable."); } catch (AuthorizationException exc) { } break; } } @Then("^I (.*) edit the release$") public void then_I_can_edit_the_release_or_not(AccessRightsEnum can_edit) throws Throwable { ApplicationRelease requestedRelease; if (isReleaseAccessible) { requestedRelease = manageApplicationRelease.findApplicationReleaseByUID(releaseId); } else { Authentication previousAuth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); TestHelper.loginAsAdmin(); requestedRelease = manageApplicationRelease.findApplicationReleaseByUID(releaseId); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(previousAuth); } switch (can_edit) { case CAN: if (isReleaseAccessible) { // The editable flag makes sense only for accessible release Assert.assertTrue( "Release " + requestedRelease.getApplication().getLabel() + '-' + requestedRelease.getReleaseVersion() + " must be editable.", requestedRelease.getApplication().isEditable()); } manageApplicationRelease.updateApplicationRelease(requestedRelease); break; case CANNOT: if (isReleaseAccessible) { // The editable flag makes sense only for accessible release Assert.assertFalse( "Release " + requestedRelease.getApplication().getLabel() + '-' + requestedRelease.getReleaseVersion() + " should not be editable.", requestedRelease.getApplication().isEditable()); } try { manageApplicationRelease.updateApplicationRelease(requestedRelease);"Release should not be editable."); } catch (AuthorizationException exc) { } break; } } @Then("^I (.*) access the release$") public void then_I_can_access_the_release_or_not(AccessRightsEnum can_access) throws Throwable { switch (can_access) { case CAN: isReleaseAccessible = true; manageApplicationRelease.findApplicationReleaseByUID(releaseId); break; case CANNOT: isReleaseAccessible = false; try { manageApplicationRelease.findApplicationReleaseByUID(releaseId);"Release should not be accessible."); } catch (AuthorizationException exc) { } break; } } @Then("^I (.*) access the environment$") public void then_I_can_access_the_environment_or_not(AccessRightsEnum can_access) throws Throwable { switch (can_access) { case CAN: manageEnvironment.findEnvironmentByUID(environmentID); break; case CANNOT: try { manageEnvironment.findEnvironmentByUID(environmentID);"Environment should not be accessible."); } catch (AuthorizationException exc) { } break; } } @Then("^I (.*) create a new release for this application$") public void then_I_can_create_a_new_release_or_not(AccessRightsEnum can_create) throws Throwable { Application requestedApp = manageApplication.findApplicationByUID(applicationId); switch (can_create) { case CAN: String releaseUid = manageApplicationRelease.createApplicationRelease(requestedApp.getUID(), "jlt0000", "1.0-test"); manageApplicationRelease.deleteApplicationRelease(releaseUid); break; case CANNOT: try { manageApplicationRelease.createApplicationRelease(requestedApp.getUID(), "jlt0000", "1.0-test");"Expected creation to be refused."); } catch (AuthorizationException e) { } break; } } @Then("^I (.*) list the releases$") public void then_I_can_list_the_releases_or_not(AccessRightsEnum can_list) throws Throwable { Application requestedApp = manageApplication.findApplicationByUID(applicationId); int releaseListSize = manageApplicationRelease.findApplicationReleasesByAppUID(requestedApp.getUID()) .size(); switch (can_list) { case CAN: assertThat(releaseListSize).as("Release list size of application " + requestedApp.getLabel()) .isPositive(); break; case CANNOT: assertThat(releaseListSize).as("Release list size of application " + requestedApp.getLabel()).isZero(); break; } } @Then("^I (.*) start the environment$") public void then_I_can_start_the_environment_or_not(AccessRightsEnum can_start) throws Throwable { switch (can_start) { case CAN: manageEnvironment.startEnvironment(environmentID); break; case CANNOT: try { manageEnvironment.startEnvironment(environmentID);"Expected environment start to be refused."); } catch (AuthorizationException e) { } break; } } @Then("^I (.*) stop the environment$") public void then_I_can_stop_the_environment_or_not(AccessRightsEnum can_stop) throws Throwable { switch (can_stop) { case CAN: manageEnvironment.stopEnvironment(environmentID); break; case CANNOT: try { manageEnvironment.stopEnvironment(environmentID);"Expected environment stop to be refused."); } catch (AuthorizationException e) { } break; } } @Then("^I (.*) delete the environment$") public void then_I_can_delete_the_environment_or_not(AccessRightsEnum can_delete) throws Throwable { switch (can_delete) { case CAN: manageEnvironment.deleteEnvironment(environmentID); break; case CANNOT: try { manageEnvironment.deleteEnvironment(environmentID);"Expected environment deletion to be refused."); } catch (AuthorizationException e) { } break; } } @Then("^I see member_list=(.*)$") public void then_i_see_member_list(String member_list) throws Throwable { Application requestedApp = manageApplication.findApplicationByUID(applicationId); Assert.assertEquals(getSsoIdsSetFromStrings(parseMembers(member_list)), new HashSet<>(requestedApp.listMembers())); } private String convertToUiMessage(MissingDefaultUserException e) { return "an application needs to have at least one member specified"; } private String convertToUiMessage(AuthorizationException e) { return "[should add warning: lost membership of this application]"; } private String convertToUiMessage(PaasUserNotFoundException e) { String missingUserId = e.getMissingUserId().toString(); return "unable to set user \"" + missingUserId + "\" as member as it is unknown."; } private static SSOId[] getSsoIdsArrayFromStrings(Collection<String> ssoIdStrings) { Set<SSOId> ssoIds = getSsoIdsSetFromStrings(ssoIdStrings); return ssoIds.toArray(SSO_IDS_TYPE); } private static Set<SSOId> getSsoIdsSetFromStrings(Collection<String> ssoIdStrings) { Set<SSOId> ssoIds = new HashSet<>(); for (String userId : ssoIdStrings) { SSOId ssoId = new SSOId(userId); ssoIds.add(ssoId); } return ssoIds; } private static Set<String> parseMembers(String member_list) { Set<String> members; if (member_list.isEmpty()) { members = new HashSet<>(); } else { members = new HashSet<>(asList(member_list.split(" +"))); } return members; } private Set<ListedApplication> listApplications(ListFilterEnum list_application_filter) throws ApplicationNotFoundException { Set<ListedApplication> listedApplications = new HashSet<>(); Collection<Application> foundApplications = null; switch (list_application_filter) { case ALL_APPLICATIONS: foundApplications = manageApplication.findApplications(); break; case DEFAULT: foundApplications = manageApplication.findMyApplications(); break; default:"Unexpected filter: " + list_application_filter); } for (Application app : foundApplications) { ListedApplication listedApplication = new ListedApplication(app.getLabel(), app.listMembers(), app.isEditable()); listedApplications.add(listedApplication); } return listedApplications; } private Set<SpecRelease> listReleases(ListFilterEnum list_filter) throws ApplicationNotFoundException { Set<SpecRelease> listedReleases = new HashSet<>(); Collection<ApplicationRelease> foundReleases = null; switch (list_filter) { case ALL_RELEASES: foundReleases = manageApplicationRelease.findApplicationReleases(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); break; case DEFAULT: foundReleases = manageApplicationRelease.findMyApplicationReleases(); break; default:"Unexpected filter: " + list_filter); } for (ApplicationRelease release : foundReleases) { SpecRelease listedRelease = new SpecRelease(); listedRelease.app_name = release.getApplication().getLabel(); listedRelease.app_release = release.getReleaseVersion(); listedReleases.add(listedRelease); } return listedReleases; } private Set<SpecEnvironment> listEnvironments(ListFilterEnum list_filter) throws ApplicationNotFoundException { Set<SpecEnvironment> listedEnvironments = new HashSet<>(); Collection<EnvironmentDto> foundEnvironments = null; switch (list_filter) { case ALL_ENVIRONMENTS: foundEnvironments = manageEnvironment.findEnvironments(); break; case DEFAULT: foundEnvironments = manageEnvironment.findMyEnvironments(); break; default:"Unexpected filter: " + list_filter); } for (EnvironmentDto environment : foundEnvironments) { SpecEnvironment listedEnvironment = new SpecEnvironment(); listedEnvironment.app_name = environment.getApplicationLabel(); listedEnvironment.app_release = environment.getReleaseVersion(); listedEnvironment.env_name = environment.getLabel(); listedEnvironments.add(listedEnvironment); } return listedEnvironments; } public static class SpecEnvironment { private String app_name; private String app_release; private String env_name; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((app_name == null) ? 0 : app_name.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((app_release == null) ? 0 : app_release.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((env_name == null) ? 0 : env_name.hashCode()); return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; SpecEnvironment other = (SpecEnvironment) obj; if (app_name == null) { if (other.app_name != null) return false; } else if (!app_name.equals(other.app_name)) return false; if (app_release == null) { if (other.app_release != null) return false; } else if (!app_release.equals(other.app_release)) return false; if (env_name == null) { if (other.env_name != null) return false; } else if (!env_name.equals(other.env_name)) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.SIMPLE_STYLE); } } public static class SpecRelease { private String app_name; private String app_release; @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((app_name == null) ? 0 : app_name.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((app_release == null) ? 0 : app_release.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; SpecRelease other = (SpecRelease) obj; if (app_name == null) { if (other.app_name != null) return false; } else if (!app_name.equals(other.app_name)) return false; if (app_release == null) { if (other.app_release != null) return false; } else if (!app_release.equals(other.app_release)) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.SIMPLE_STYLE); } } public static class SpecUser { private String cuid; private String first_name; private String last_name; private PaasRoleEnum role; } public static class SpecApp { private String app_name; private String member_list; private AppVisibilityEnum visibility; private int nb_releases; } public static class ListedApplication { private String app_name; private String member_list; private boolean can_edit; public ListedApplication(String app_name, Collection<SSOId> listMembers, boolean can_edit) { this.app_name = app_name; this.member_list = ""; for (SSOId ssoId : listMembers) { member_list += ssoId.getValue(); member_list += " "; } member_list = member_list.trim(); this.can_edit = can_edit; } @Override public String toString() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.SIMPLE_STYLE); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((app_name == null) ? 0 : app_name.hashCode()); result = prime * result + (can_edit ? 1231 : 1237); result = prime * result + ((member_list == null) ? 0 : parseMembers(member_list).hashCode()); return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; ListedApplication other = (ListedApplication) obj; if (app_name == null) { if (other.app_name != null) return false; } else if (!app_name.equals(other.app_name)) return false; if (can_edit != other.can_edit) return false; if (member_list == null) { if (other.member_list != null) return false; } else if (!parseMembers(member_list).equals(parseMembers(other.member_list))) return false; return true; } } }