Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Copyright (C) 2014 Forrest Guice
This file is part of SuntimesWidget.
SuntimesWidget is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
SuntimesWidget is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with SuntimesWidget.  If not, see <>.

package com.forrestguice.suntimeswidget.notes;

import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;

import com.forrestguice.suntimeswidget.R;
import com.forrestguice.suntimeswidget.SuntimesUtils;
import com.forrestguice.suntimeswidget.calculator.SuntimesRiseSetDataset;
import com.forrestguice.suntimeswidget.settings.SolarEvents;
import com.forrestguice.suntimeswidget.settings.WidgetSettings;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;

 * The first implementation of SuntimesNotes; needs to be renamed badly.
public class SuntimesNotes1 implements SuntimesNotes {
    protected static final SuntimesUtils utils = new SuntimesUtils();

    private int noteIndex = 0;
    private NoteChangedListener changedListener;
    private NoteData currentNote = null;

    private Context context;
    private SuntimesRiseSetDataset dataset;

    public SuntimesNotes1() {
        changedListener = new NoteChangedListener() {
            public void onNoteChanged(NoteData note, int transition) {
                /* default: do nothing */ }

    public void init(Context context, SuntimesRiseSetDataset dataset) {
        this.context = context;
        this.dataset = dataset;

    public boolean isInitialized() {
        return (context != null);

    public int noteCount() {
        return 0;

    public int getNoteIndex() {
        return noteIndex;

    public boolean setNoteIndex(int noteIndex) {
        return false;

    public NoteData getNote() {
        return currentNote;

    public boolean showNote(SolarEvents.SolarEventField forField) {
        return false;

    public NoteData getNote(int noteIndex) {
        if (noteIndex >= 0 && noteIndex < noteCount()) {
            // TODO
            return null;
        return null;

     * Switch to the next note (in ordered set of notes).
     * @return true if the note was changed, false otherwise
    public boolean showNextNote() {
        if (dataset.isCalculated()) {
            Calendar now =;

            if (dataset.isNight(now)) {
                // show next "rising" note
                SolarEvents currentNoteMode = WidgetSettings.loadTimeNoteRisePref(context,
                int currentNote = currentNoteMode.ordinal();

                int nextNote = 0;
                if (hasNextRiseNote(currentNote)) {
                    nextNote = currentNote + 1;

                SolarEvents nextNoteMode = SolarEvents.values()[nextNote];
                WidgetSettings.saveTimeNoteRisePref(context, AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID, nextNoteMode);

                //Log.d("showNextRiseNote", "... current = " + currentNote + ", next = " + nextNote + ", mode = " +;

            } else {
                // show next "setting" note
                SolarEvents currentNoteMode = WidgetSettings.loadTimeNoteSetPref(context,
                int currentNote = currentNoteMode.ordinal();

                int nextNote = 0;
                if (hasNextSetNote(currentNote)) {
                    nextNote = currentNote + 1;

                SolarEvents nextNoteMode = SolarEvents.values()[nextNote];
                WidgetSettings.saveTimeNoteSetPref(context, AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID, nextNoteMode);

                //Log.d("showNextSetNote", "... current = " + currentNote + ", next = " + nextNote + ", mode = " +;

            updateNote(context, now, NoteChangedListener.TRANSITION_NEXT);
            return true;

        } else {
            Log.w("showNextNote", "called before data was calculated!");
            return false;

     * Switch to the previous note (in ordered set of notes).
     * @return true if the note was changed, false otherwise
    public boolean showPrevNote() {
        if (dataset.isCalculated()) {
            Calendar now =;

            if (dataset.isNight(now)) {
                // show previous "rising" note
                SolarEvents currentNoteMode = WidgetSettings.loadTimeNoteRisePref(context,
                int currentNote = currentNoteMode.ordinal();

                int prevNote = 4;
                if (hasPreviousRiseNote(currentNote)) {
                    prevNote = currentNote - 1;

                SolarEvents prevNoteMode = SolarEvents.values()[prevNote];
                WidgetSettings.saveTimeNoteRisePref(context, AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID, prevNoteMode);

            } else {
                // show previous "setting" note
                SolarEvents currentNoteMode = WidgetSettings.loadTimeNoteSetPref(context,
                int currentNote = currentNoteMode.ordinal();

                int prevNote = 8;
                if (hasPreviousSetNote(currentNote)) {
                    prevNote = currentNote - 1;
                    if (prevNote < 4)
                        prevNote = 4;

                SolarEvents prevNoteMode = SolarEvents.values()[prevNote];
                WidgetSettings.saveTimeNoteSetPref(context, AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID, prevNoteMode);

            updateNote(context, now, NoteChangedListener.TRANSITION_PREV);
            return true;

        } else {
            Log.w("showPreviousNote", "called before data was calculated!");
            return false;

    public boolean hasNextNote() {
        return true;

    public boolean hasNextRiseNote(int riseOrder) {
        return (riseOrder < 4);

    private boolean hasNextSetNote(int setOrder) {
        return (setOrder < 8);

    public boolean hasPrevNote() {
        return true;

    public void resetNoteIndex() {


    private boolean hasPreviousRiseNote(int riseOrder) {
        return (riseOrder > 0);

    private boolean hasPreviousSetNote(int setOrder) {
        return (setOrder > 4);

    public void setOnChangedListener(NoteChangedListener listener) {
        changedListener = listener;

    public NoteChangedListener getOnChangedListener() {
        return changedListener;

    public void updateNote(Context context) {
        updateNote(context,, NoteChangedListener.TRANSITION_NONE);

    public void updateNote(Context context, Calendar now) {
        updateNote(context, now, NoteChangedListener.TRANSITION_NONE);

    public void updateNote(Context context, Calendar now, int transition) {
        SolarEvents noteMode;
        int noteIcon, noteColor;
        SuntimesUtils.TimeDisplayText timeString;
        String noteString, untilString;
        Date timestamp;

        Date time = now.getTime();
        Date sunrise = dataset.dataActual.sunriseCalendarToday().getTime();
        Date sunsetAstroTwilight = dataset.dataAstro.sunsetCalendarToday().getTime();

        boolean afterSunriseToday = time.after(sunrise);
        if (afterSunriseToday && time.before(sunsetAstroTwilight)) {
            // a time after sunrise (but before night)
            noteIcon = R.drawable.ic_sunset_large;
            noteColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.sunIcon_color_setting);

            int setChoice = WidgetSettings.loadTimeNoteSetPref(context, AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID)
            Date sunset = dataset.dataActual.sunsetCalendarToday().getTime();
            if (time.before(sunset) && setChoice <= 1) {
                untilString = context.getString(R.string.until);

                Date noon = dataset.dataNoon.sunriseCalendarToday().getTime();
                if (time.before(noon) && setChoice <= 0) {
                    // morning: note the time until noon
                    noteIcon = R.drawable.ic_noon_large;
                    timestamp = noon;
                    noteMode = SolarEvents.NOON;
                    timeString = utils.timeDeltaDisplayString(time, noon);
                    noteString = context.getString(R.string.until_noon);

                } else {
                    // afternoon: note the time until sunset
                    timestamp = sunset;
                    noteMode = SolarEvents.SUNSET;
                    timeString = utils.timeDeltaDisplayString(time, sunset);
                    noteString = context.getString(R.string.until_sunset);

            } else {
                untilString = context.getString(R.string.until_end);

                Date civilTwilight = dataset.dataCivil.sunsetCalendarToday().getTime();
                if (time.before(civilTwilight) && setChoice <= 2) {
                    // civil twilight: note time until end of civil twilight
                    timestamp = civilTwilight;
                    noteMode = SolarEvents.EVENING_CIVIL;
                    timeString = utils.timeDeltaDisplayString(time, civilTwilight);
                    noteString = context.getString(R.string.untilEnd_civilTwilight);

                } else {
                    Date nauticalTwilight = dataset.dataNautical.sunsetCalendarToday().getTime();
                    if (time.before(nauticalTwilight) && setChoice <= 3) {
                        // nautical twilight: note time until end of nautical twilight
                        timestamp = nauticalTwilight;
                        noteMode = SolarEvents.EVENING_NAUTICAL;
                        timeString = utils.timeDeltaDisplayString(time, nauticalTwilight);
                        noteString = context.getString(R.string.untilEnd_nauticalTwilight);

                    } else {
                        // astronomical twilight: note time until night
                        timestamp = sunsetAstroTwilight;
                        noteMode = SolarEvents.EVENING_ASTRONOMICAL;
                        timeString = utils.timeDeltaDisplayString(time, sunsetAstroTwilight);
                        noteString = context.getString(R.string.untilEnd_astroTwilight);

        } else {
            // a time before sunrise
            noteIcon = R.drawable.ic_sunrise_large;
            untilString = context.getString(R.string.until);
            noteColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.sunIcon_color_rising);

            int riseChoice = WidgetSettings.loadTimeNoteRisePref(context, AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID)
            Date astroTwilight = afterSunriseToday ? dataset.dataAstro.sunriseCalendarOther().getTime()
                    : dataset.dataAstro.sunriseCalendarToday().getTime();
            if (time.before(astroTwilight) && riseChoice <= 0) {
                // night: note time until astro twilight today
                timestamp = astroTwilight;
                noteMode = SolarEvents.MORNING_ASTRONOMICAL;
                timeString = utils.timeDeltaDisplayString(time, astroTwilight);
                noteString = context.getString(R.string.until_astroTwilight);

            } else {
                Date nauticalTwilight = afterSunriseToday ? dataset.dataNautical.sunriseCalendarOther().getTime()
                        : dataset.dataNautical.sunriseCalendarToday().getTime();

                if (time.before(nauticalTwilight) && riseChoice <= 1) {
                    // astronomical twilight: note time until nautical twilight
                    timestamp = nauticalTwilight;
                    noteMode = SolarEvents.MORNING_NAUTICAL;
                    timeString = utils.timeDeltaDisplayString(time, nauticalTwilight);
                    noteString = context.getString(R.string.until_nauticalTwilight);

                } else {
                    Date civilTwilight = afterSunriseToday ? dataset.dataCivil.sunriseCalendarOther().getTime()
                            : dataset.dataCivil.sunriseCalendarToday().getTime();
                    if (time.before(civilTwilight) && riseChoice <= 2) {
                        // nautical twilight: note time until civil twilight
                        timestamp = civilTwilight;
                        noteMode = SolarEvents.MORNING_CIVIL;
                        timeString = utils.timeDeltaDisplayString(time, civilTwilight);
                        noteString = context.getString(R.string.until_civilTwilight);

                    } else {
                        if (riseChoice <= 3) {
                            // civil twilight: note time until sunrise
                            sunrise = afterSunriseToday ? dataset.dataActual.sunriseCalendarOther().getTime()
                                    : dataset.dataActual.sunriseCalendarToday().getTime();

                            timestamp = sunrise;
                            noteMode = SolarEvents.SUNRISE;
                            timeString = utils.timeDeltaDisplayString(time, sunrise);
                            noteString = context.getString(R.string.until_sunrise);

                        } else {
                            // civil twilight: note time until noon
                            Date noon = dataset.dataNoon.sunriseCalendarToday().getTime();
                            boolean afterNoonToday = time.after(noon);
                            if (afterNoonToday) {
                                noon = dataset.dataNoon.sunriseCalendarOther().getTime();
                            timestamp = noon;
                            noteMode = SolarEvents.NOON;
                            noteIcon = R.drawable.ic_noon_large;
                            timeString = utils.timeDeltaDisplayString(time, noon);
                            noteString = context.getString(R.string.until_noon);


        NoteData note = new NoteData(noteMode, timeString, untilString, noteString, noteIcon, noteColor);
        note.time = timestamp;

        if (currentNote == null) {
            setNote(note, NoteChangedListener.TRANSITION_NEXT);

        } else if (!currentNote.equals(note)) {
            setNote(note, NoteChangedListener.TRANSITION_NEXT);

    public void setNote(NoteData note, int transition) {
        currentNote = note;
        changedListener.onNoteChanged(currentNote, transition);