Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2016 Antoine Nicolas SAMAHA * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. ******************************************************************************/ package com.foc.web.modules.workflow.gui; import com.foc.Globals; import com.foc.IFocEnvironment; import com.foc.OptionDialog; import; import; import; import; import; import com.foc.desc.FocObject; import com.foc.list.FocList; import com.foc.shared.dataStore.IFocData; import com.foc.util.Utils; import com.foc.vaadin.ICentralPanel; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.FVButton; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.FVButtonClickEvent; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.FVTextArea; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.FVForEachLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.FVHorizontalLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.validationLayout.FVValidationLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.xmlForm.FocXMLLayout; import com.foc.web.gui.INavigationWindow; import com.foc.web.modules.workflow.WFTransactionWrapper_Form; import com.foc.web.server.xmlViewDictionary.XMLView; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class WFConsole_Form extends FocXMLLayout { private FocXMLLayout logLayout = null; private ICentralPanel centralPanel = null; private boolean forceHideSignCancel = false; @Override public void init(INavigationWindow window, XMLView xmlView, IFocData focData) { super.init(window, xmlView, focData); } @Override public void dispose() { super.dispose(); logLayout = null; } public ICentralPanel getFocXMLLayout() { return centralPanel; } public void setFocXMLLayout(ICentralPanel centralPanel) { this.centralPanel = centralPanel; adjustButtonsVisibility(); } private WFTransactionWrapper_Form getTransactionWrapperForm() { return (centralPanel instanceof WFTransactionWrapper_Form) ? (WFTransactionWrapper_Form) centralPanel : null; } protected void applyForm() { if (centralPanel != null) { FVValidationLayout vLay = centralPanel.getValidationLayout(); if (vLay != null) vLay.apply(); } } protected boolean gotoNextSlide() { boolean error = true; WFTransactionWrapper_Form transForm = getTransactionWrapperForm(); if (transForm != null) { error = false; transForm.gotoNextSlide(); } return error; } public Workflow getWorkflow() { IWorkflow focObj = (IWorkflow) getFocObject(); return focObj != null ? focObj.iWorkflow_getWorkflow() : null; } public FocList getLogList() { Workflow workflow = getWorkflow(); return workflow != null ? workflow.getLogList() : null; } @Override protected void afterLayoutConstruction() { super.afterLayoutConstruction(); FVTextArea textArea = getTextArea(); if (textArea != null) { textArea.setEnabled(true); } adjustButtonsVisibility(); } public void adjustButtonsVisibility() { FocObject focObj = getFocObject(); FVButton signButton = getSignButton(); FVButton rejectButton = getRejectButton(); FVButton undoButton = getUndoMySigButton(); FVButton nextButton = getNextButton(); if (undoButton != null) { undoButton.setVisible(focObj != null && focObj.workflow_IsLastSignatureDoneByThisUser(true)); } if (nextButton != null) { nextButton.setVisible(getTransactionWrapperForm() != null); } if (focObj != null && rejectButton != null) { rejectButton.setCaption(focObj.workflow_GetRejectButtonCaption(false)); } if (focObj != null && signButton != null) { WFSignatureNeededResult result = focObj.workflow_NeedsSignatureOfThisUser_AsTitleIndex(null); if (result != null && result.getTitleIndex() >= 0) { if (result.isOnBehalfOf()) { signButton.setCaption(focObj.workflow_GetSignButtonCaption(true)); signButton.setDescription( isArabic() ? "? ? " + result.getTitle() : "Sign per procurationement as " + result.getTitle()); } else { signButton.setCaption(focObj.workflow_GetSignButtonCaption(false)); signButton.setDescription(isArabic() ? "? ? " + result.getTitle() : "Sign as " + result.getTitle()); } signButton.setVisible(!isForceHideSignCancel()); rejectButton.setVisible(!isForceHideSignCancel() && focObj.workflow_IsRejectButtonVisible()); } else { signButton.setVisible(false); rejectButton.setVisible(false); } } //When Arabic and the 3 buttons are visible make the undo my signature bigger if (isArabic() && undoButton != null && signButton != null && rejectButton != null && undoButton.isVisible() && signButton.isVisible() && rejectButton.isVisible()) { FVHorizontalLayout hLay = (FVHorizontalLayout) getComponentByName("_BUTTONS_HORIZONTAL_LAYOUT"); hLay.setComponentAlignment(signButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); signButton.setWidth("-1px"); hLay.setComponentAlignment(rejectButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); rejectButton.setWidth("-1px"); hLay.setComponentAlignment(undoButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); hLay.setExpandRatio(undoButton, 1); } } public FVTextArea getTextArea() { return (FVTextArea) getComponentByName("MY_COMMENT"); } public FVButton getSignButton() { return (FVButton) getComponentByName("SIGN"); } public FVButton getRejectButton() { return (FVButton) getComponentByName("REJECT"); } public FVButton getUndoMySigButton() { return (FVButton) getComponentByName("UNDO_MY_SIG"); } public FVButton getNextButton() { return (FVButton) getComponentByName("NEXT"); } public String getCommentWritten() { FVTextArea txtArea = getTextArea(); return txtArea != null ? txtArea.getValue() : ""; } public void setCommentWritten(String comment) { FVTextArea txtArea = getTextArea(); if (txtArea != null) { txtArea.setValue(comment); } } private void popupCommentsAreEmptyMessage() { String notificationMessage = "Please type a message"; if (isArabic()) notificationMessage = " "; Globals.showNotification(notificationMessage, "", IFocEnvironment.TYPE_WARNING_MESSAGE); } public void button_SEND_COMMENT_Clicked(FVButtonClickEvent evt) { FocList list = getLogList(); Workflow workflow = getWorkflow(); if (list != null) { String message = getCommentWritten(); if (!Utils.isStringEmpty(message)) { long refLogline = workflow.insertLogLine(WFLogDesc.EVENT_COMMENT, message); list.reloadFromDB(); WFLog log = (WFLog) list.searchByReference(refLogline); // FocDataMap focDataMap = new FocDataMap(chat); // focDataMap.putString("TABLE_NAME", ChatJoinDesc.getInstance().getStorageName()); // FocNotificationManager.getInstance().fireEvent(new FocNotificationEvent(FocNotificationConst.EVT_TABLE_ADD, focDataMap)); if (log != null) { FVForEachLayout forEachLayout = (FVForEachLayout) logLayout.getComponentByName("_BannerTable"); if (forEachLayout != null) { forEachLayout.addBannerForFocObject(log); setCommentWritten(""); } } } else { popupCommentsAreEmptyMessage(); } } } public void button_SIGN_Clicked(FVButtonClickEvent evt) { button_SIGN_Clicked(getCommentWritten()); } public void button_SIGN_Clicked(String comment) { Workflow workflow = getWorkflow(); String error = null; FocXMLLayout xmlLayout = getFocXMLLayout() instanceof FocXMLLayout ? (FocXMLLayout) getFocXMLLayout() : null; if (xmlLayout != null) { xmlLayout.copyGuiToMemory(); error = xmlLayout.beforeSigning(); } if (Utils.isStringEmpty(error)) { if (getFocObject() != null) { getFocObject().workflow_SignIfAllowed(comment); } setCommentWritten(""); if (xmlLayout != null) xmlLayout.afterSigning(); if (gotoNextSlide()) { applyForm(); } } else { Globals.showNotification(error, "", IFocEnvironment.TYPE_WARNING_MESSAGE); } // workflow.sign(getSignature(), getTitleIndex()); } public void button_REJECT_Clicked(FVButtonClickEvent evt) { String commentWritten = getCommentWritten(); if (!Utils.isStringEmpty(commentWritten)) { String message = "Are you sure you want to reject all previous signatures! " + "This will take the transaction back to the beginning of the workflow."; String title = "Alert!"; String yesCaption = "YES undo all signatures"; String cancelCaption = "Cancel"; if (isArabic()) { message = " ? ? "; title = "" + "!"; yesCaption = " ?"; cancelCaption = " "; } OptionDialog optionDialog = new OptionDialog(title, message) { @Override public boolean executeOption(String option) { if (option.equals("YES")) { Workflow workflow = getWorkflow(); if (workflow != null) { workflow.undoAllSignatures(getCommentWritten()); setCommentWritten(""); } if (gotoNextSlide()) { applyForm(); } } return false; } }; optionDialog.addOption("YES", yesCaption); optionDialog.addOption("CANCEL", cancelCaption); Globals.popupDialog(optionDialog); } else { popupCommentsAreEmptyMessage(); } } public void button_UNDO_MY_SIG_Clicked(FVButtonClickEvent evt) { String message = "Are you sure you want to undo your signature?"; String title = "Alert!"; String yesCaption = "YES undo my last signature"; String cancelCaption = "Cancel"; if (isArabic()) { message = " ? ? "; title = "" + "!"; yesCaption = " ? "; cancelCaption = " "; } OptionDialog optionDialog = new OptionDialog(title, message) { @Override public boolean executeOption(String option) { if (option.equals("YES")) { Workflow workflow = getWorkflow(); if (workflow != null) workflow.undoLastSignature(getCommentWritten()); // copyMemoryToGui(); if (gotoNextSlide()) { applyForm(); } } return false; } }; optionDialog.addOption("YES", yesCaption); optionDialog.addOption("CANCEL", cancelCaption); Globals.popupDialog(optionDialog); } public void button_NEXT_Clicked(FVButtonClickEvent evt) { gotoNextSlide(); } public FocXMLLayout getLogLayout() { return logLayout; } public void setLogLayout(FocXMLLayout logLayout) { this.logLayout = logLayout; } public boolean isForceHideSignCancel() { return forceHideSignCancel; } public void setForceHideSignCancel(boolean forceHideSignCancel) { this.forceHideSignCancel = forceHideSignCancel; adjustButtonsVisibility(); } }