Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2016 Antoine Nicolas SAMAHA * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. ******************************************************************************/ package com.foc.vaadin.gui.components; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import com.foc.ConfigInfo; import com.foc.Globals; import com.foc.IFocEnvironment; import com.foc.OptionDialog; import com.foc.access.AccessSubject; import com.foc.dataWrapper.FocDataWrapper; import com.foc.dataWrapper.ITableTreeDelegate; import com.foc.desc.FocDesc; import com.foc.desc.FocObject; import com.foc.desc.field.FField; import com.foc.formula.CompositeKeyPropertyFormulaEnvironment; import com.foc.list.FocList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.foc.shared.dataStore.IFocData; import com.foc.shared.xmlView.XMLViewKey; import com.foc.tree.FNode; import com.foc.tree.FTree; import com.foc.tree.TreeScanner; import com.foc.util.ASCII; import com.foc.util.Utils; import com.foc.vaadin.FocCentralPanel; import com.foc.vaadin.FocWebApplication; import com.foc.vaadin.FocWebEnvironment; import com.foc.vaadin.FocWebVaadinWindow; import com.foc.vaadin.ICentralPanel; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.FVGUIFactory; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.FocXMLGuiComponent; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.FocXMLGuiComponentStatic; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.XMLBuilder; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.tableAndTree.FTableToolTipGenerator; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.tableAndTree.FVColGen_Select; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.tableAndTree.ITableListener; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.tableGrid.FVTableGrid; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.treeGrid.FVTreeGrid; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.FVTableWrapperLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.validationLayout.FVValidationLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.tableExports.FVTableToCSVExport; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.tableExports.FVTableToEXCELExport; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.tableExports.FVTableTreeCSVExport; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.tableExports.FVTableTreeEXCELExport; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.tableExports.FVTreeToCSVExport; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.tableExports.FVTreeToEXCELExport; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.xmlForm.FXML; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.xmlForm.FocXMLAttributes; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.xmlForm.FocXMLLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.xmlForm.IValidationListener; import com.foc.web.gui.INavigationWindow; import; import; import com.foc.web.server.xmlViewDictionary.XMLViewDictionary; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.event.Action; import com.vaadin.event.ItemClickEvent; import com.vaadin.event.ItemClickEvent.ItemClickListener; import com.vaadin.server.ThemeResource; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.Embedded; import com.vaadin.ui.Grid; import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.SelectionMode; import com.vaadin.ui.Table; import com.vaadin.ui.Table.ColumnGenerator; import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.CollapseEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.CollapseListener; import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.ExpandEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Tree.ExpandListener; import com.vaadin.ui.TreeTable; public class TableTreeDelegate implements ITableTreeDelegate { private ArrayList<FVTableColumn> visiblePropertiesArray = null; private Attributes attributes = null; private boolean allowEditingCheckBox = false; private FVCheckBox editableCheckBox = null; private ITableTree treeOrTable = null; private ArrayList<FVTablePopupMenu> popupMenuArrayList = null; private FVTablePopupMenu[] popupMenuFullArray = null; private boolean popupMenuEnabled = true; private XMLViewKey xmlViewKey_New = null; private XMLViewKey xmlViewKey_Open = null; private int viewContainer_Open = 0; private int viewContainer_New = ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_NOT_SET; private int editingMode = -1; private FVTableWrapperLayout wrapperLayout = null; private ValidationListener_ForOpenedObjectToGetReloadedAfterEdit validationListener_ToReloadOpenedObjects = null; private ItemClickListener openClickListener = null; private ItemClickListener doubleClickListener = null;//Only needed when explicitly in XML specified and the open is disabled private boolean duplicateEnabled = true; private boolean addEnabled = true; private boolean openEnabled = true; private boolean deleteEnabled = true; private boolean excelExportEnabled = true; private boolean statusStyleEnabled = true; private boolean deleteWithoutConfirmation = false; private String lastClickedFocDataByPath = null; private FocFormula_Form formulaForm = null; // private FocusListener focusListener = null; private int selectionMode = SELECTION_MODE_NONE; private ArrayList<Object> selectedRowsId = null; private ArrayList<ITableListener> tableListenerArrayList = null; private String tableName = null; private boolean refreshRowCacheEnabled = true; private boolean refreshRowCacheNeeded = false; private FTableToolTipGenerator tableToolTipGenerator = null; private static final String COL_ID_SELECT = FVTableColumn.COL_ID_SELECT; // private static final String COL_LINE_NUMBER = "_LINE_NUMBER"; // private static final String COL_CHILD_COUNT = "_COUNT"; public static final int MODE_NOT_EDITABLE = 0; public static final int MODE_EDITABLE = 1; public static final int MODE_EDITABLE_ON_SELECTION = 2; public static final int SELECTION_MODE_NONE = 0; public static final int SELECTION_MODE_MULTIPLE = 1; public static final int SELECTION_MODE_SINGLE = 2; public static final int ACTION_NONE = 0; public static final int ACTION_ADD = 1; public static final int ACTION_OPEN = 2; public static final int ACTION_DELETE = 3; public static final int ACTION_OPEN_NEW_TAB = 4; public TableTreeDelegate(ITableTree treeOrTable, Attributes attributes) { this.treeOrTable = treeOrTable; this.attributes = attributes; //Initiate tool tip generator to fix empty rows issue when initiated while generating cells if (tableToolTipGenerator == null && getTable() != null) { tableToolTipGenerator = new FTableToolTipGenerator(); getTable().setItemDescriptionGenerator(tableToolTipGenerator); } } public void dispose() { if (openClickListener != null && getTreeOrTable() instanceof Table) { ((Table) getTreeOrTable()).removeItemClickListener(openClickListener); openClickListener = null; } if (doubleClickListener != null && getTreeOrTable() instanceof Table) { ((Table) getTreeOrTable()).removeItemClickListener(doubleClickListener); doubleClickListener = null; } if (validationListener_ToReloadOpenedObjects != null) { validationListener_ToReloadOpenedObjects.dispose(); validationListener_ToReloadOpenedObjects = null; } if (visiblePropertiesArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < visiblePropertiesArray.size(); i++) { FVTableColumn col = visiblePropertiesArray.get(i); if (col != null) { col.dispose(); } } visiblePropertiesArray.clear(); visiblePropertiesArray = null; } if (attributes != null) { try { FocXMLAttributes xmlAttrib = (FocXMLAttributes) attributes; xmlAttrib.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logExceptionWithoutPopup(e); } attributes = null; } if (editableCheckBox != null) { editableCheckBox.dispose(); editableCheckBox = null; } treeOrTable = null; if (popupMenuArrayList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < popupMenuArrayList.size(); i++) { FVTablePopupMenu menu = popupMenuArrayList.get(i); menu.dispose(); } popupMenuArrayList.clear(); popupMenuArrayList = null; } if (popupMenuFullArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < popupMenuFullArray.length; i++) { FVTablePopupMenu menu = popupMenuFullArray[i]; menu.dispose(); } popupMenuFullArray = null; } if (xmlViewKey_New != null) { xmlViewKey_New.dispose(); xmlViewKey_New = null; } if (xmlViewKey_Open != null) { xmlViewKey_Open.dispose(); xmlViewKey_Open = null; } wrapperLayout = null; formulaForm = null; if (selectedRowsId != null) { selectedRowsId.clear(); selectedRowsId = null; } if (tableListenerArrayList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tableListenerArrayList.size(); i++) { ITableListener listener = tableListenerArrayList.get(i); listener.dispose(); } tableListenerArrayList.clear(); tableListenerArrayList = null; } if (tableToolTipGenerator != null) { tableToolTipGenerator.dispose(); tableToolTipGenerator = null; } } public boolean hasAlert() { return true; } private boolean hasZoomButton() { boolean has = false; if (getTreeOrTable() instanceof FVTreeTable) { FVTreeTable treeTable = (FVTreeTable) getTreeOrTable(); // if(treeTable.getFocDataWrapper().getFocData() instanceof FObjectTree){ has = true; // } } return has; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public void init() { setAttributes(attributes); FVTableCellStyleGenerator tableCellStyleGenerator = new FVTableCellStyleGenerator(this); if (getTable() != null) { getTable().setCellStyleGenerator(tableCellStyleGenerator); if (isCollapsingButtonShow()) { getTable().setColumnCollapsingAllowed(true); } } // ((Table) getTreeOrTable()).setColumnReorderingAllowed(true); // xmlAttributes(); allowRightClick(true); if (treeOrTable != null && treeOrTable instanceof FVTreeTable) { FVTreeTable treeTable = (FVTreeTable) treeOrTable; treeTable.addCollapseListener(new CollapseListener() { @Override public void nodeCollapse(CollapseEvent event) { if (event != null) { long objId = (Long) event.getItemId(); FVTreeTable treeTable = (FVTreeTable) getTreeOrTable(); if (treeTable != null && treeTable.getFocTreeWrapper() != null && treeTable.getFocTreeWrapper().getFTree() != null) { FNode node = treeTable.getFocTreeWrapper().getFTree().findNode(objId); if (node != null) { node.setCollapsed(true); } } } } }); treeTable.addExpandListener(new ExpandListener() { @Override public void nodeExpand(ExpandEvent event) { long objId = 0; if (event.getItemId() instanceof FReference) { objId = ((FReference) event.getItemId()).getLong(); } else if (event.getItemId() instanceof Long) { objId = (Long) event.getItemId(); } FVTreeTable treeTable = (FVTreeTable) treeOrTable; if (treeTable != null && treeTable.getFocTreeWrapper() != null && treeTable.getFocTreeWrapper().getFTree() != null) { FNode node = treeTable.getFocTreeWrapper().getFTree().findNode(objId); if (node != null) { node.setCollapsed(false); } } } }); if (hasZoomButton()) { addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu("Zoom In", true) { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { if (focObject != null) { FVTreeTable treeTable = (FVTreeTable) getTreeOrTable(); if (treeTable != null && treeTable.getFocTreeWrapper() != null) { if (treeTable.getFocTreeWrapper().getZoomObject() == null || !treeTable.getFocTreeWrapper().getZoomObject().equalsRef(focObject)) { treeTable.getFocTreeWrapper().setZoomObject(focObject); refresh_CallContainerItemSetChangeEvent(); } } } } }); addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu("Zoom Out", true) { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { if (focObject != null) { FVTreeTable treeTable = (FVTreeTable) getTreeOrTable(); if (treeTable != null) { if (treeTable.getFocTreeWrapper().getZoomObject() != null) { treeTable.getFocTreeWrapper().setZoomObject(null); refresh_CallContainerItemSetChangeEvent(); } } } } }); } //Works with FNode, could also work with TreeTable's setCollapsed addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu("Deep expand", true) { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { if (focObject != null) { FVTreeTable treeTable = (FVTreeTable) getTreeOrTable(); if (treeTable != null) { FTree fTree = treeTable.getFTree(); if (fTree != null) { FNode foundNode = fTree.findNodeFromFocObject(focObject); if (foundNode != null) { foundNode.setCollapsedWithPropagation(false); } } } } refresh_CallContainerItemSetChangeEvent(); } }); addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu("Expand up to this level", true) { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { if (focObject != null) { FVTreeTable treeTable = (FVTreeTable) getTreeOrTable(); if (treeTable != null) { FTree fTree = treeTable.getFTree(); if (fTree != null) { FNode foundNode = fTree.findNodeFromFocObject(focObject); if (foundNode != null) { final int nodeDepth = foundNode.getNodeDepth(); fTree.scanVisible(new TreeScanner<FNode>() { @Override public boolean beforChildren(FNode node) { if (node.getNodeDepth() < nodeDepth) { node.setCollapsed(false); } return true; } @Override public void afterChildren(FNode node) { } }); refresh_CallContainerItemSetChangeEvent(); } } } } } }); addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu("Collapse up to this level") { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { if (focObject != null) { FVTreeTable treeTable = (FVTreeTable) getTreeOrTable(); if (treeTable != null) { FTree fTree = treeTable.getFTree(); if (fTree != null) { FNode foundNode = fTree.findNodeFromFocObject(focObject); if (foundNode != null) { final int nodeDepth = foundNode.getNodeDepth(); fTree.scanVisible(new TreeScanner<FNode>() { @Override public boolean beforChildren(FNode node) { if (node.getNodeDepth() >= nodeDepth) { node.setCollapsed(true); } return true; } @Override public void afterChildren(FNode node) { } }); refresh_CallContainerItemSetChangeEvent(); } } } } } }); } } private boolean isCollapsingButtonShow() { boolean collapsingAllowed = true; String str = getAttributes() != null ? getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_COLLAPSING_ALLOWED) : null; if (str != null && (str.toLowerCase().equals("false") || str.equals("0"))) { collapsingAllowed = false; } return collapsingAllowed; } private boolean isLeafLevelEnabled_Attribute() { boolean enabled = false; if (getAttributes() != null) { String enableAction = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_LEAF_LEVEL); enabled = enableAction != null && !enableAction.isEmpty(); } return enabled; } private boolean isRedirectEnabledEnabled_Attribute() { boolean enabled = false; if (getAttributes() != null) { String enableAction = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_REDIRECT_ENABLED); enabled = enableAction != null && !enableAction.toLowerCase().equals("false"); } return enabled; } private boolean isDoubleClickEnabled() { boolean enabled = false; if (getAttributes() != null) { String enableAction = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_DOUBLE_CLICK_ENABLED); enabled = enableAction == null || enableAction.toLowerCase().equals("true"); } return enabled; } private boolean isOpenEnabled_Attribute() { boolean enabled = false; if (getAttributes() != null) { String enableAction = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_OPEN_ENABLED); enabled = enableAction == null || enableAction.toLowerCase().equals("true"); } return enabled; } private boolean isExcelExportEnabled_Attribute() { boolean enabled = false; if (getAttributes() != null) { String enableAction = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_EXCEL_EXPORT_ENABLED); // enabled = enableAction != null && enableAction.toLowerCase().equals("true"); enabled = enableAction == null || (enableAction != null && enableAction.toLowerCase().equals("true")); } return enabled; } public boolean isLeafNodeEnabled() { return isEditable() && isLeafLevelEnabled_Attribute(); } public boolean isRedirectEnabled() { boolean allowNamingModif = Globals.getApp().getUser_ForThisSession() != null && Globals.getApp().getUser_ForThisSession().getGroup() != null ? Globals.getApp().getUser_ForThisSession().getGroup().allowNamingModif() : false; return isEditable() && isRedirectEnabledEnabled_Attribute() && allowNamingModif; } public void setOpenEnabled(boolean enabled) { openEnabled = enabled; } public boolean isOpenEnabled() { return isOpenEnabled(isEditable()); } public boolean isOpenEnabled(boolean isEditable) { return isEditable && isOpenEnabled_Attribute() && openEnabled; } public void setExportToExcelEnabled(boolean enabled) { excelExportEnabled = enabled; } public boolean isExcelExportEnabled() { return isEditable() && isExcelExportEnabled_Attribute() && excelExportEnabled; } private boolean isAddEnabled_Attribute() { boolean enabled = false; if (getAttributes() != null) { String enableAction = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_ADD_ENABLED); enabled = enableAction == null || enableAction.toLowerCase().equals("true"); } return enabled; } public boolean isTransactionFilterEnabled() { boolean enabled = true; if (getAttributes() != null) { String enableAction = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_TRANSACTION_FILTER_ENABLED); enabled = enableAction == null || enableAction.toLowerCase().equals("true"); } return enabled; } public boolean isTransactionColorEnabled() { boolean enabled = true; if (getAttributes() != null) { String enableAction = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_TRANSACTION_COLORING_ENABLED); enabled = enableAction == null || enableAction.toLowerCase().equals("true"); } return enabled; } public boolean getTransactionDefaultColor() { boolean enabled = true; if (getAttributes() != null) { String enableAction = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_TRANSACTION_DEFAULT_COLORING); enabled = enableAction == null || enableAction.toLowerCase().equals("true"); } return enabled; } private boolean isDuplicateEnabled_Attribute() { boolean enabled = false; if (getAttributes() != null) { String enableAction = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_DUPLICATE_ENABLED); enabled = enableAction != null && enableAction.toLowerCase().equals("true"); } return enabled; } public boolean toggleStatusStyleEnabled() { setStatusStyleEnabled(!isStatusStyleEnabled()); return isStatusStyleEnabled(); } public boolean isStatusStyleEnabled() { return statusStyleEnabled; } public void setStatusStyleEnabled(boolean statusStyleEnabled) { this.statusStyleEnabled = statusStyleEnabled; } // private boolean isStatusStyleEnabled_Attribute(){ // boolean enabled = true; // if(getAttributes() != null){ // String enableAction = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_STATUS_STYLE_ENABLED); // enabled = enableAction != null && enableAction.toLowerCase().equals("false"); // } // return enabled; // } public void setAddEnabled(boolean enabled) { addEnabled = enabled; } public void setDuplicateEnabled(boolean enabled) { duplicateEnabled = enabled; } public boolean isAllowListModification() { boolean allow = isEditable(); if (allow && getTreeOrTable() != null) { FocList list = getTreeOrTable().getFocList(); if (list != null && list.getFocDesc() != null) { AccessSubject accessSubject = list.getFatherSubject(); if (accessSubject != null && accessSubject instanceof FocObject) { FocDesc focDesc = list.getFocDesc(); if (focDesc != null) { allow = ((FocObject) accessSubject) .isEditable_AtomicNoDotLookup(focDesc.getFieldName_ForList()); } } } } return allow; } public boolean isAddEnabled() { return isAddEnabled(isEditable()); } public boolean isAddEnabled(boolean isEditable) { return isEditable && isAddEnabled_Attribute() && addEnabled && (getFocDesc() == null || getFocDesc().workflow_IsAllowInsert()) && isAllowListModification(); } public boolean isDuplicateEnabled() { return duplicateEnabled && isDuplicateEnabled_Attribute(); } private boolean isDeleteEnabled_Attribute() { boolean enabled = false; if (getAttributes() != null) { String enableAction = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_DELETE_ENABLED); enabled = enableAction == null || enableAction.toLowerCase().equals("true"); } return enabled; } public void setDeleteEnabled(boolean enabled) { deleteEnabled = enabled; } public boolean isDeleteEnabled() { return isDeleteEnabled(isEditable()); } public boolean isDeleteEnabled(boolean isEditable) { return isEditable && isDeleteEnabled_Attribute() && deleteEnabled && (getFocDesc() == null || getFocDesc().workflow_IsAllowDelete(null)) && isAllowListModification(); } public boolean isPopupMenuEnabled() { return popupMenuEnabled; } public void setPopupMenuEnabled(boolean popupMenuEnabled) { this.popupMenuEnabled = popupMenuEnabled; } public FocDesc getFocDesc() { return treeOrTable != null ? treeOrTable.getFocDesc() : null; } public Table getTable() { return treeOrTable instanceof Table ? (Table) treeOrTable : null; } public FocXMLAttributes getAttributes() { return (FocXMLAttributes) attributes; } public ArrayList<ITableListener> getTableListenerArrayList(boolean create) { if (tableListenerArrayList == null && create) { tableListenerArrayList = new ArrayList<ITableListener>(); } return tableListenerArrayList; } public void addListener(ITableListener tableListener) { getTableListenerArrayList(true).add(tableListener); } public void removeListener(ITableListener tableListener) { getTableListenerArrayList(false).remove(tableListener); } private void fireEvent_Open(FocObject focObject) { ArrayList<ITableListener> arrayList = getTableListenerArrayList(false); if (arrayList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.size(); i++) { arrayList.get(i).openItem(focObject); } } } private void fireEvent_Add(FocObject fatherObject, FocObject focObject) { ArrayList<ITableListener> arrayList = getTableListenerArrayList(false); if (arrayList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.size(); i++) { arrayList.get(i).addItem(fatherObject, focObject); } } } private void fireEvent_Delete(FocObject focObject) { ArrayList<ITableListener> arrayList = getTableListenerArrayList(false); if (arrayList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.size(); i++) { arrayList.get(i).deleteItem(focObject); } } } public void setAttributes(Attributes attrib) { attributes = attrib; FocXMLGuiComponentStatic.applyAttributes((FocXMLGuiComponent) getTreeOrTable(), attributes); if (attributes != null) { String style = attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_STYLE); if (style != null && !style.isEmpty()) { if (getTable() != null) getTable().addStyleName(style); } String rowSelectionMode = attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_GRID_SELECTION_MODE); if (rowSelectionMode != null && rowSelectionMode.equals(FXML.VAL_GRID_SELECTION_MODE_MULTI)) { if (getTreeOrTable() instanceof Grid) { Grid grid = (Grid) getTreeOrTable(); grid.setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.MULTI); } } String pageLength = attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_TREE_TABLE_PAGE_LENGTH); // if(pageLength != null && !pageLength.isEmpty()){ // if(pageLength.equals(FXML.VAL_TREE_TABLE_FIT_SIZE)){ // if(getTreeOrTable() != null && getTreeOrTable().getFocList() != null){ // int listSize = ((Table)getTreeOrTable()).getVisibleItemIds().size(); // if(listSize > 0){ // getTable().setPageLength(listSize); // }else if(listSize == 0){ // getTable().setPageLength(1); // } // getTable().markAsDirty(); // } // }else{ // try{ // getTable().setPageLength(Integer.parseInt(pageLength)); // }catch (Exception e){ // Globals.logException(e); // } // } // } if (pageLength != null && !pageLength.isEmpty()) { if (pageLength.equals(FXML.VAL_TREE_TABLE_FIT_SIZE)) { if (getTreeOrTable() != null && getTreeOrTable().getFocList() != null) { fitTreeToMax(); // FocList list = getTreeOrTable().getFocList(); // int listSize = list.size(); //// if(listSize > 50) listSize = 50; // if(listSize > 0){ // getTable().setPageLength(listSize); // }else if(listSize == 0){ // getTable().setPageLength(1); // } // getTable().markAsDirty(); } } else { try { if (getTable() != null) { getTable().setPageLength(Integer.parseInt(pageLength)); } } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } } } String replaceCheckbox = attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_REPLACE_CHECKBOX); if (!Utils.isStringEmpty(replaceCheckbox) && replaceCheckbox.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { if (getWrapperLayout() != null) { getWrapperLayout().enableReplace(); } } editingMode = MODE_NOT_EDITABLE; String value = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_IN_LINE_EDITABLE); if (value != null && (value.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("onSelection")) && isEditable()) { editingMode = MODE_EDITABLE; if (getWrapperLayout() != null && getWrapperLayout().getDelegate() != null) { getWrapperLayout().getDelegate().setEditable(true); // if(getTable() != null){ // boolean atLEastOneIsEditable = false; // ArrayList<FVTableColumn> arrayList = getVisiblePropertiesArrayList(); // if(arrayList != null){ // for(int i = 0; i < arrayList.size() && !atLEastOneIsEditable; i++){ // FVTableColumn col = arrayList.get(i); // atLEastOneIsEditable = col != null && col.isEditable_ExplicitlyInAttribute(); // } // } // if(atLEastOneIsEditable){ // getTable().addStyleName("inLineEditable"); // } // } } } String withoutConfirmation = attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_DELETE_WITHOUT_CONFIRMATION); if (withoutConfirmation != null && (withoutConfirmation.toLowerCase().equals("true") || withoutConfirmation.toLowerCase().equals("1"))) { setDeleteWithoutConfirmation(true); } /* if(value != null && value.equalsIgnoreCase("onSelection")){ editingMode = MODE_EDITABLE_ON_SELECTION; getTreeOrTable().setEditable(true); getTable().setImmediate(true); getTable().addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { // getFocXMLLayout().validationCheckData(); Integer refSelected = (Integer) getTable().getValue(); int refSelectefInt = refSelected != null ? refSelected.intValue() : 0; if(lastRefSelected == 0 || (refSelectefInt != lastRefSelected)){ lastRefSelected = refSelectefInt; Globals.logString("XXXXXXXXXXX Called the Listener in Table Delegate"); if(getFocXMLLayout() != null) getFocXMLLayout().copyGuiToMemory(); getTable().markAsDirty(); getTable().refreshRowCache(); getFocXMLLayout().markAsDirty(); getFocXMLLayout().refresh(); } } }); } */ } } public void fitTreeToMax() { FocList list = getTreeOrTable().getFocList(); if (list != null && getTable() != null) { int listSize = list.size(); if (getTable() != null && getTable().getContainerDataSource() != null && getTable().getContainerDataSource().getItemIds() != null) { listSize = getTable().getContainerDataSource().getItemIds().size(); } // if(listSize > 50) listSize = 50; if (listSize > 0) { getTable().setPageLength(listSize); } else if (listSize == 0) { getTable().setPageLength(1); } getTable().markAsDirty(); } } public ArrayList<FVTableColumn> getVisiblePropertiesArrayList() { if (visiblePropertiesArray == null) { visiblePropertiesArray = new ArrayList<FVTableColumn>(); } return visiblePropertiesArray; } public int getVisibleColumnCount() { int size = 0; if (getVisiblePropertiesArrayList() != null) size = getVisiblePropertiesArrayList().size(); return size; } public FVTableColumn getVisibleColumnByIndex(int index) { FVTableColumn result = null; if (getVisiblePropertiesArrayList() != null && getVisiblePropertiesArrayList().size() >= index) { result = getVisiblePropertiesArrayList().get(index); } return result; } public void removeColumn(String name) { FVTableColumn column = findColumn(name); if (column != null && getVisiblePropertiesArrayList() != null) { getVisiblePropertiesArrayList().remove(column); getTreeOrTable().applyFocListAsContainer(); // getTreeOrTable().getFocDataWrapper().firePropertySetChangeEvent(); } } public FVTableColumn findColumnThatEndsWith(String suffix) { FVTableColumn found = null; ArrayList<FVTableColumn> arrayList = getVisiblePropertiesArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.size() && found == null; i++) { FVTableColumn col = arrayList.get(i); if (col.getName().equals(suffix) || col.getName().endsWith("-" + suffix)) { found = col; } } return found; } public FVTableColumn findColumn(String name) { FVTableColumn found = null; ArrayList<FVTableColumn> arrayList = getVisiblePropertiesArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.size() && found == null; i++) { FVTableColumn col = arrayList.get(i); if (col.getName().equals(name)) { found = col; } } return found; } public FVTableColumn addColumn(FocXMLAttributes attributes) { return addColumn(false, attributes); } public FVTableColumn addColumnAtFirst(FocXMLAttributes attributes) { return addColumn(true, attributes); } public FVTableColumn addColumn(boolean atFirst, FocXMLAttributes attributes) { FVTableColumn tableColumn = null; try { //The VisibleWhen false was first used for pivots that require fields for computation //But we do not wish to realy show these columns in the tables. boolean columnVisible = true; if (attributes != null) { String visible = attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_VISIBLE_WHEN); if (visible != null && visible.trim().toLowerCase().equals("false")) { columnVisible = false; } } if (columnVisible) { tableColumn = new FVTableColumn(getTreeOrTable(), attributes); boolean first = atFirst; if (isRTL()) { first = !first; } if (first) { getVisiblePropertiesArrayList().add(0, tableColumn); } else { getVisiblePropertiesArrayList().add(tableColumn); } tableColumn.applyColumnSettings(getTreeOrTable()); if (getTreeOrTable() instanceof Table) { adjustGeneratedColumnForPropertyID(tableColumn); } if (getTreeOrTable() instanceof Table) { ((Table) getTreeOrTable()).markAsDirty(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } return tableColumn; } public FVTableColumn addColumn(String title, String dataPath) { FVTableColumn tableColumn = null; try { tableColumn = new FVTableColumn(getTreeOrTable(), dataPath, null, null, null, null, title, title, "-1"); getVisiblePropertiesArrayList().add(tableColumn); tableColumn.applyColumnSettings(getTreeOrTable()); adjustGeneratedColumnForPropertyID(tableColumn); ((Table) getTreeOrTable()).markAsDirty(); } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } return tableColumn; } public static String newComponentName(String tableName, String objRef, String colProperty) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(newComponentNamePrefix(tableName, objRef)); buff.append(colProperty); return buff.toString(); } public static String newComponentNamePrefix(String tableName, String objRef) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(tableName); buff.append("|"); buff.append(objRef); buff.append("|"); return buff.toString(); } // private Listener itemClickListener = null; public Component newGuiComponent(FocObject focObject, FVTableColumn tableColumn, FProperty property) { Component component = null; if (property != null) { FocXMLLayout xmlLayout = getFocXMLLayout(); if (xmlLayout != null) { String tableName = getTableName(); String objRef = focObject.getReference().toString(); String columnName = tableColumn.getName(); String compName = newComponentName(tableName, objRef, columnName); component = xmlLayout.getComponentByName(compName); boolean createANewConmponent = component == null; if (!createANewConmponent) { FocXMLGuiComponent xmlGuiComp = (FocXMLGuiComponent) component; String componentXMLType = xmlGuiComp.getXMLType(); String newComponentXMLType = FVGUIFactory.getInstance().getKeyForProperty(property); if (componentXMLType != null && newComponentXMLType != null && !newComponentXMLType.equals(componentXMLType)) { createANewConmponent = true; } } if (createANewConmponent) { component = xmlLayout.newGuiField(compName, focObject, tableColumn.getDataPath(), property, tableColumn.getAttributes()); } //We want the default width to be 100% for the component so that the resizing of the component is automatic with the column if (tableColumn.getAttributes() != null && tableColumn.getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_WIDTH) == null) { component.setWidth("100%"); } /* if(itemClickListener == null){ itemClickListener = new Listener() { @Override public void componentEvent(Event event) { if(event != null && event.getComponent() != null && event.getComponent() instanceof FocXMLGuiComponent){ FocXMLGuiComponentDelegate delegate = ((FocXMLGuiComponent)event.getComponent()).getDelegate(); if(delegate != null){ lastClickedFocDataByPath = ((FocXMLGuiComponent)event.getComponent()).getDelegate().getDataPath(); } } } }; } component.addListener(itemClickListener); */ } /* * FocXMLGuiComponent guiField = * FVFieldFactory.getInstance().newGuiComponent(property, null); * AbstractComponent component = (AbstractComponent) guiField; */ } return component; } public boolean isRTL() { return getFocXMLLayout() != null ? getFocXMLLayout().isRTL() : false; } public FocXMLLayout getFocXMLLayout() { FocXMLLayout xmlLayout = null; Component comp = (Component) getTreeOrTable(); while (comp != null && xmlLayout == null) { if (comp instanceof FocXMLLayout) { xmlLayout = (FocXMLLayout) comp; } comp = comp.getParent(); } return xmlLayout; } private void adjustGeneratedColumnForPropertyID(FVTableColumn tableColumn) { String columnName = tableColumn.getName(); tableColumn.applyColumnSettings(getTreeOrTable()); if (getFocDesc() != null) { ColumnGenerator colGenerator = getFocXMLLayout() != null ? getFocXMLLayout().table_getGeneratedColumn(getTableName(), tableColumn) : null; if (colGenerator == null) { colGenerator = getColumnGenerator(tableColumn); } try { if (getTable().getColumnGenerator(columnName) == null) { getTable().addGeneratedColumn(columnName, colGenerator); } } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } } } private ColumnGenerator getColumnGenerator(FVTableColumn tableColumn) { return tableColumn.getColumnGenerator(true); } private Object getDisplayObject_ForProperty_NonEditable(FProperty property, FVTableColumn column) { Object objReturned = null; if (property != null) { objReturned = property.vaadin_TableDisplayObject(null, column.getCaptionProp()); if (objReturned instanceof Boolean) { if (((Boolean) objReturned).booleanValue()) { objReturned = new Embedded("", new ThemeResource("../runo/icons/16/ok.png")); } else { objReturned = new Embedded("", new ThemeResource("../runo/icons/16/cancel.png")); } } else if (property instanceof FObject || property instanceof FDate || property instanceof FString || property instanceof FDouble) { FVLabel lbl = null; String styleAttrib = column.getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_STYLE); if (styleAttrib != null && !styleAttrib.isEmpty()) { lbl = new FVLabel((String) objReturned); lbl.parseStyleAttributeValue(styleAttrib); objReturned = lbl; } else if (property instanceof FDouble) { lbl = new FVLabel((String) objReturned); lbl.addStyleName("foc-text-right"); objReturned = lbl; } } else { objReturned = property; } } return objReturned; } /* * public void adjustGeneratedColumns(){ if(getVisiblePropertiesArrayList() != * null){ for(int i=0; i<getVisiblePropertiesArrayList().size(); i++){ * adjustGeneratedColumnForPropertyID(getVisiblePropertiesArrayList().get(i)); * } // getTable().setVisibleColumns(getVisibleColumnIds()); } } */ /** * This is applicable only for TreeTable and Table */ public void pushVisibleColumns() { ArrayList<String> arrayList = newVisibleColumnIds(); if (arrayList.size() > 0) { Table table = (Table) getTreeOrTable(); table.setVisibleColumns(arrayList.toArray()); } computeFooter(); } public ArrayList<String> newVisibleColumnIds() { ArrayList<String> strgCol = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < getVisiblePropertiesArrayList().size(); i++) { FVTableColumn tableColumn = getVisiblePropertiesArrayList().get(i); if (tableColumn.isVisible(getFocXMLLayout())) { strgCol.add(tableColumn.getName()); } } //This is added for the Tree Grid because the title node needs the REF and the ref is most likely not added in the Column Tags. if (getTreeOrTable() instanceof FVTreeGrid) { String refFieldName = getFocDesc().getRefFieldName(); if (!Utils.isStringEmpty(refFieldName) && !strgCol.contains(refFieldName)) { if (getFocDesc() != null && getFocDesc().getFieldByID(FField.REF_FIELD_ID) != null) { strgCol.add(refFieldName); } } } //------------- return strgCol; } public void setContainerDataSource(Container container) { Table table = (Table) getTreeOrTable(); if (table != null) { ArrayList<String> arrayOfColIds = newVisibleColumnIds(); try { table.setContainerDataSource(container, arrayOfColIds); } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); arrayOfColIds = newVisibleColumnIds(); table.setContainerDataSource(container, arrayOfColIds); } } } public void fillXMLNodeContent(XMLBuilder builder) { String viewContainerOpenAsAttribute = viewContainer_Int2Attribute(viewContainer_Open); builder.appendLine("<" + FXML.TAG_VIEW_KEY_OPEN + " " + FXML.ATT_VIEW_CONTAINER + "=\"" + viewContainerOpenAsAttribute + "\" />"); for (int i = 0; i < getVisiblePropertiesArrayList().size(); i++) { FVTableColumn tableCol = getVisiblePropertiesArrayList().get(i); String dataPath = tableCol.getDataPath(); String captionProp = tableCol.getCaptionProp(); String immediate = tableCol.getImmediate(); String editable = tableCol.getEditable(); String dataPathCaptionPropValues = ""; String immediateValue = ""; String editableValue = ""; if (immediate != null && !immediate.isEmpty()) { immediateValue = "immediate=\"" + immediate + "\""; } if (editable != null && !editable.isEmpty()) { editableValue = "editable=\"" + editable + "\""; } if (dataPath != null && !dataPath.isEmpty() && captionProp != null && !captionProp.isEmpty()) { dataPathCaptionPropValues = "dataPath=\"" + dataPath + "\" captionProperty=\"" + captionProp + "\""; } builder.appendLine("<" + FXML.TAG_TABLE_COLUMN + " name=\"" + tableCol.getName() + "\" caption=\"" + tableCol.getCaption() + "\" " + dataPathCaptionPropValues + " " + immediateValue + " " + editableValue + " />"); } } public boolean isAllowEditingCheckBox() { return allowEditingCheckBox; } public FVCheckBox getEditableCheckBox() { if (isAllowEditingCheckBox() && editableCheckBox == null) { editableCheckBox = new FVCheckBox("Check for edit."); editableCheckBox.setImmediate(true); editableCheckBox.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { boolean editable = editableCheckBox.getValue(); editableCheckBox.setCaption(editable ? "Uncheck for normal mode" : "Check for editable mode"); getWrapperLayout().getDelegate().setEditable(editableCheckBox.getValue()); if (editable) { // adjustGeneratedColumns(); Table table = (Table) getTreeOrTable(); // table.markAsDirtyRecursive(); } } }); } return editableCheckBox; } public ITableTree getTreeOrTable() { return treeOrTable; } public ArrayList<FVTablePopupMenu> getPopupMenuArrayList() { if (popupMenuArrayList == null) { popupMenuArrayList = new ArrayList<FVTablePopupMenu>(); } return popupMenuArrayList; } private FVTablePopupMenu[] getPopupMenuFullArray() { FVTablePopupMenu[] returnedMenu = null; if (popupMenuFullArray == null) { int popupMenuArraylistSize = getPopupMenuArrayList().size(); ArrayList<FVTablePopupMenu> fvTablePopupMenu = new ArrayList<FVTablePopupMenu>(); for (int i = 0; i < popupMenuArraylistSize; i++) { FVTablePopupMenu tablePopupMenu = getPopupMenuArrayList().get(i); if (isPopupMenuEnabled()) { fvTablePopupMenu.add(tablePopupMenu); } else if (!isPopupMenuEnabled() && tablePopupMenu.isAllowThisMenu()) { fvTablePopupMenu.add(tablePopupMenu); } } FVTablePopupMenu[] fvTablePopupMenuArray = new FVTablePopupMenu[fvTablePopupMenu.size()]; Iterator<FVTablePopupMenu> tablePopupMenuItr = fvTablePopupMenu.iterator(); int i = 0; while (tablePopupMenuItr.hasNext()) { fvTablePopupMenuArray[i] =; i++; } popupMenuFullArray = fvTablePopupMenuArray; } returnedMenu = popupMenuFullArray; return returnedMenu; } public void addPopupMenu(FVTablePopupMenu popupMenuInterface) { getPopupMenuArrayList().add(popupMenuInterface); } public void removePopupMenu(String caption) { for (int i = 0; i < getPopupMenuArrayList().size(); i++) { FVTablePopupMenu menu = getPopupMenuArrayList().get(i); if (menu.getCaption() == caption) { getPopupMenuArrayList().remove(i); } } } public void removePopupMenu(int actionId) { for (int i = 0; i < getPopupMenuArrayList().size(); i++) { FVTablePopupMenu menu = getPopupMenuArrayList().get(i); if (menu.getActionId() == actionId) { getPopupMenuArrayList().remove(i); } } } public void addPopupMenu_CopyAllRows() { addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu("Copy cell to all rows") { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { if (lastClickedFocDataByPath == null) { Globals.showNotification("No editable cell selected", "", IFocEnvironment.TYPE_HUMANIZED_MESSAGE); } else { //----BHussein String value = ""; if (focObject != null) { IFocData focDataSource = focObject.iFocData_getDataByPath(lastClickedFocDataByPath); if (focDataSource.iFocData_getValue() != null) { value = focDataSource.iFocData_getValue().toString(); } } OptionDialog optionDialog = new OptionDialog("Confirmation", "Are you sure you want to copy cell :" + lastClickedFocDataByPath + ", of value :" + value + ", to all lines?") { @Override public boolean executeOption(String option) { if (option.equals("COPY")) { FocObject focObject = getSelectedObject(); if (focObject != null && lastClickedFocDataByPath != null) { IFocData focDataSource = focObject .iFocData_getDataByPath(lastClickedFocDataByPath); if (focDataSource != null && focDataSource instanceof FProperty) { FProperty prop = (FProperty) focDataSource; FocList list = getTreeOrTable().getFocList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { FocObject tarObj = list.getFocObject(i); IFocData targetFocDataSource = tarObj .iFocData_getDataByPath(lastClickedFocDataByPath); if (targetFocDataSource != null && targetFocDataSource instanceof FProperty) { FProperty targetProp = (FProperty) targetFocDataSource; targetProp.copy(prop); } } } } } return false; } }; optionDialog.addOption("COPY", "Yes copy"); optionDialog.addOption("CANCEL", "Cancel"); optionDialog.setWidth("500px"); optionDialog.setHeight("200px"); Globals.popupDialog(optionDialog); } } }); } public void addPopupMenu_OpenTreeNode() { addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu("View Leaves") { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { if (focObject != null && focObject.getReference() != null && getTable() != null && getTable() instanceof FVTreeTable) { long objectRef = focObject.getReference().getLong(); FVTreeTable fvTreeTable = (FVTreeTable) getTable(); fvTreeTable.setChildrenAllowed(objectRef, true); fvTreeTable.setChildrenAllowedCheckerEnable(false); fvTreeTable.setCollapsed(objectRef, false); fvTreeTable.markAsDirtyRecursive(); } } }); } private void addPopUpMenu_Redirect() { /* getTable().addItemClickListener(new ItemClickListener() { @Override public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { FocObject selectedObject = (FocObject) event.getItem(); FocList listToChooseFrom = getFocDesc().getFocList(FocList.LOAD_IF_NEEDED); if(selectedObject != null && listToChooseFrom != null && getAttributes() != null && getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_REDIRECT_ENABLED) != null){ String dataPath = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_REDIRECT_ENABLED); FVRedirectWindow redirectWindow = new FVRedirectWindow(listToChooseFrom, selectedObject, dataPath); redirectWindow.popup(); } } }); */ addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu("Redirect Object") { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { FocObject selectedObject = focObject; FocList listToChooseFrom = getFocDesc().getFocList(FocList.LOAD_IF_NEEDED); if (selectedObject != null && listToChooseFrom != null && getAttributes() != null && getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_REDIRECT_ENABLED) != null) { String dataPath = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_REDIRECT_CAPTION_PROPERTY); FVRedirectWindow redirectWindow = new FVRedirectWindow(listToChooseFrom, selectedObject, dataPath); redirectWindow.popup(); } } }); } public void addPopupMenu_Add() { if (getWrapperLayout() != null) { FVButton button = new FVButton("Add"); button.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { if (addEnabled) { FocObject focObject = getSelectedObject(); if (focObject != null) { addItem(focObject); } } else { Globals.showNotification("Rights Error", "You do not have the right to add items to this table", IFocEnvironment.TYPE_WARNING_MESSAGE); } } }); getWrapperLayout().addHeaderComponent(button); } addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu(ACTION_ADD, "Add") { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { if (addEnabled) { addItem(focObject); } else { Globals.showNotification("Rights Error", "You do not have the right to add items to this table", IFocEnvironment.TYPE_WARNING_MESSAGE); } } }); } public void addPopupMenu_Duplicate() { addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu("Duplicate") { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { if (getWrapperLayout() != null && focObject != null) { duplicate(focObject); } } }); } public void duplicate(FocObject sourceObj) { ITableTree iTableTree = getTreeOrTable(); if (iTableTree != null && iTableTree.getFocDataWrapper() != null) { FocList focList = iTableTree.getFocList(); if (focList != null) { boolean callValidation = true; if (!focList.isDirectlyEditable() && focList.isDirectImpactOnDatabase()) { callValidation = false; } if (getFocXMLLayout() != null) { getFocXMLLayout().copyGuiToMemory(); } FocObject newObj = focList.newEmptyItem(); sourceObj.duplicate(newObj, sourceObj.getMasterObject(), true, callValidation); if (isOpenEnabled()) { open(newObj); } iTableTree.getFocDataWrapper().refreshGuiForContainerChanges(); if (getFocXMLLayout() != null) { getFocXMLLayout().copyMemoryToGui(); } } } } public void addPopupMenu_ExportAsCSV() { addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu("Export To CSV File") { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { FVTableTreeCSVExport excelExport = null; if (getTreeOrTable() instanceof FVTreeTable) { // excelExport = new FVTreeToExcelExport(TableTreeDelegate.this); excelExport = new_fvTreeTableExportToCSV(); } else { // excelExport = new FVTableToExcelExport(TableTreeDelegate.this); excelExport = new_fvTableExportToCSV(); } excelExport.dispose(); } }); } public void addPopupMenu_ExporAsExcel() { addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu("Export To EXCEL File") { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { FVTableTreeEXCELExport excelExport = null; if (getTreeOrTable() instanceof FVTreeTable) { excelExport = new_fvTreeExportToEXCEL(); } else { excelExport = new_fvTableExportToEXCEL(); } excelExport.dispose(); } }); } public FVTableTreeCSVExport new_fvTreeTableExportToCSV() { return new FVTreeToCSVExport(this); } public FVTableTreeCSVExport new_fvTableExportToCSV() { return new FVTableToCSVExport(this); } public FVTableToEXCELExport new_fvTableExportToEXCEL() { return new FVTableToEXCELExport(this); } public FVTreeToEXCELExport new_fvTreeExportToEXCEL() { return new FVTreeToEXCELExport(this); } public FocObject getSelectedObject_ForVaadinTable() { FocObject focObject = null; Table table = (Table) getTreeOrTable(); Object selected = table.getValue(); if (selected instanceof Long) { int ref = ((Long) selected).intValue(); focObject = getTreeOrTable().getFocList().searchByReference(ref); } return focObject; } public void setSelectedObject_ForVaadinTable(FocObject selectedObject) { Table table = (Table) getTreeOrTable(); if (selectedObject != null) { if (table != null); } else { if (table != null); } } public FocObject getSelectedObject() { FocObject focObject = getTreeOrTable().getSelectedObject(); return focObject; } public void addPopupMenu_Open() { addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu(ACTION_OPEN, "Open") { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { open(focObject); } }); String applyOpeninNewTab = getAttributes() != null ? getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_OPEN_IN_NEW_TAB_ENABLED) : ""; if (!Utils.isStringEmpty(applyOpeninNewTab) && applyOpeninNewTab.trim().toLowerCase().equals("true")) { addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu(ACTION_OPEN_NEW_TAB, "Open in new Tab") { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { open(focObject, true); } }); } openClickListener = new ItemClickListener() { @Override public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { if (event.isDoubleClick()) { if (getFocXMLLayout() != null) { //By default FocXMLLayout will also call the defaultItemDoubleClickAction(event); getFocXMLLayout().table_ItemDoubleClick(getTableName(), getTreeOrTable(), event); } else { defaultItemDoubleClickAction(event); } } } }; getTreeOrTable().addItemClickListener(openClickListener); // ((Grid) getTreeOrTable()).addItemClickListener(openClickListener); // ((Table) getTreeOrTable()).addItemClickListener(openClickListener); } public void defaultItemDoubleClickAction(ItemClickEvent event) { Long refIntObj = (Long) event.getItemId(); //TODO check later // int ref = refIntObj != null ? refIntObj.intValue() : -1; if (refIntObj != null && isOpenEnabled()) { FocObject focObject = getTreeOrTable().getFocList().searchByReference(refIntObj); getTreeOrTable().open(focObject); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public void addPopupMenu_Delete() { addPopupMenu(new FVTablePopupMenu(ACTION_DELETE, "Delete") { @Override public void actionPerformed(FocObject focObject) { delete(focObject); } }); } public void delete(FocObject focObject) { if (focObject != null) { StringBuffer message = focObject.checkDeletionWithMessage(); if (message != null) { Globals.showNotification("Cannot delete Item.", message.toString(), IFocEnvironment.TYPE_WARNING_MESSAGE); } else { if (isDeleteWithoutConfirmation()) { delete_InternalWithoutAnyPopup(focObject); } else { OptionDialog dialog = new OptionDialog("Delete Confirmation", "Are you sure you want to delete this item", focObject) { @Override public boolean executeOption(String optionName) { if (optionName != null && optionName.equals("DELETE")) { FocObject focObject = (FocObject) getOptionFocData(); delete_InternalWithoutAnyPopup(focObject); } return false; } }; dialog.addOption("DELETE", "Delete"); dialog.addOption("CANCEL", "Cancel"); dialog.setWidth("400px"); dialog.setHeight("180px"); dialog.popup(); } } } /* OptionDialogWindow optionWindow = new OptionDialogWindow("Are you sure you want to delete this item", focObject); optionWindow.setWidth("300px"); optionWindow.setHeight("200px"); optionWindow.addOption("Delete", new IOption() { @Override public void optionSelected(Object contextObject) { } }); optionWindow.addOption("Cancel", new IOption() { @Override public void optionSelected(Object contextObject) { } }); FocWebApplication.getInstanceForThread().addWindow(optionWindow); */ // OptionDialogWindow optionWindow = new OptionDialogWindow("Are you sure you want to delete this item", focObject); // optionWindow.setWidth("300px"); // optionWindow.setHeight("200px"); // // optionWindow.addOption("Delete", new IOption() { // @Override // public void optionSelected(Object contextObject) { // FocObject focObject = (FocObject) contextObject; // delete_NoPopupConfirmation(focObject); // } // }); // optionWindow.addOption("Cancel", new IOption() { // @Override // public void optionSelected(Object contextObject) { // // } // }); // FocWebApplication.getInstanceForThread().addWindow(optionWindow); } private void delete_InternalWithoutAnyPopup(FocObject focObject) { FocXMLLayout xmlLay = getFocXMLLayout(); if (xmlLay == null) { delete_NoPopupConfirmation(focObject); } else { xmlLay.table_DeleteItem(getTreeOrTable(), focObject); } } // public boolean isInLineEditing(){ // boolean isInLineEditable = false; // if(getAttributes() != null){ // String value = getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_IN_LINE_EDITABLE); // if(value != null && value.equals("true")){ // isInLineEditable = true; // getTreeOrTable().setEditable(true); // } // } // return isInLineEditable; // } public int getEditingMode() { return editingMode; } public void setEditingMode(int mode) { editingMode = mode; } public FocObject addItem(FocObject fatherObject) { //This focus allows to go around a bug in vaadin //When we used to edit a text field in table, //the space and arrows were taking action on the table and not on the text field if (getTable() != null) getTable().focus();//Do not remove this line //------- FocObject newObj = null; FocXMLLayout xmlLay = getFocXMLLayout(); if (xmlLay == null) { newObj = addItem_Internal(fatherObject); } else { newObj = xmlLay.table_AddItem(getTableName(), getTreeOrTable(), fatherObject); } if (getTreeOrTable() != null) { getTreeOrTable().afterAddItem(fatherObject, newObj); } return newObj; } /** * This method is not to be called directly because it shortcuts any override, * developers should rather call the addItem. * * @param fatherObject * @return */ public FocObject addItem_Internal(FocObject fatherObject) { getFocXMLLayout().copyGuiToMemory(); FocObject newObj = getTreeOrTable().getFocList().newEmptyItem(); getTreeOrTable().getFocDataWrapper().adjustPropertiesForNewItemAccordingTofilter(newObj); newObj.code_resetIfApplicableAndCreated(); if (newObj.getThisFocDesc().isTreeDesc()) { newObj.setFatherObject(fatherObject); } fireEvent_Add(fatherObject, newObj); ICentralPanel panel = null; if (getFocXMLLayout() != null) { panel = getFocXMLLayout().table_NewCentralPanel_ForForm(getTableName(), getTreeOrTable(), newObj); } if (panel == null && getEditingMode() == MODE_NOT_EDITABLE) { panel = XMLViewDictionary.getInstance().newCentralPanel(getParentNavigationWindow(), getXmlViewKey_New(), newObj); } if (panel != null) { int viewContainer = getViewContainer_ForNew(); getTreeOrTable().setSelectedObject(null); openFormPanel(panel, viewContainer); } else { // if(!getTreeOrTable().getFocList().isDirectlyEditable()){ getTreeOrTable().getFocList().add(newObj); // } } return newObj; /* * getMainWindow().changeCentralPanelContent(panel, true); * getTreeOrTable().getFocList().add(newObj); ((AbstractSelect) * getTreeOrTable()).addItem(newObj); */ } public ICentralPanel open(FocObject focObject) { return open(focObject, false); } public ICentralPanel open(FocObject focObject, boolean inNewTab) { ICentralPanel centralPanel = null; if (focObject == null) { Globals.showNotification("OPEN comand requires a row selection", "", FocWebEnvironment.TYPE_HUMANIZED_MESSAGE); } else { if (getTreeOrTable() != null) getTreeOrTable().setSelectedObject(focObject); focObject.backup(); fireEvent_Open(focObject); if (getFocXMLLayout() == null) { boolean useADuplicateObject = focObject.isDbResident(); FocObject originalObject = focObject; if (useADuplicateObject) { focObject = originalObject.newObjectReloaded(); } // ICentralPanel panel = (ICentralPanel) XMLViewDictionary.getInstance().newCentralPanel((FocWebVaadinWindow) getMainWindow(), getXmlViewKey_Open(), focObject); centralPanel = (ICentralPanel) XMLViewDictionary.getInstance() .newCentralPanel(getParentNavigationWindow(), getXmlViewKey_Open(), focObject); if (useADuplicateObject) { centralPanel.setFocDataOwner(true); FVValidationLayout vLay = centralPanel.getValidationLayout(); validationListener_ToReloadOpenedObjects = new ValidationListener_ForOpenedObjectToGetReloadedAfterEdit( vLay, originalObject); vLay.addValidationListener(validationListener_ToReloadOpenedObjects); } openFormPanel(centralPanel, viewContainer_Open); } else { int localViewContainer_Open = viewContainer_Open; if (inNewTab) { localViewContainer_Open = ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_NEW_BROWSER_TAB; } centralPanel = getFocXMLLayout().table_OpenItem(getTableName(), getTreeOrTable(), focObject, localViewContainer_Open); // //This is a copy of the content of getFocXMLLayout().table_OpenItem // if(getTreeOrTable() != null && getTreeOrTable() instanceof FVTable) { // ITableTree table = getTreeOrTable(); // if(table != null){ // table.setSelectedObject(focObject); // if(table.getTableTreeDelegate() != null){ // focObject = getFocXMLLayout().table_OpenItem_GetObjectToOpen(tableName, table, focObject); // XMLViewKey xmlViewKey_Open = getFocXMLLayout().table_OpenItem_GetXMlViewKey(tableName, table, focObject); // // FocWebApplication.getFocWebSession_Static().setPrintingData(null, xmlViewKey_Open, focObject, false); // UI.getCurrent().getPage().open(UI.getCurrent().getPage().getLocation().getPath(), "_blank"); // } // } // } // //--- // } else { // centralPanel = getFocXMLLayout().table_OpenItem(getTableName(), getTreeOrTable(), focObject, viewContainer_Open); // } } } return centralPanel; } public void delete_NoPopupConfirmation(FocObject fatherObject) { if (fatherObject == null) { Globals.showNotification("No row selected", "Delete command applies on a selected row", FocWebEnvironment.TYPE_HUMANIZED_MESSAGE); } else if (fatherObject.getReference() != null) { long ref = fatherObject.getReference().getLong(); try { getTreeOrTable().delete(ref); // getTreeOrTable().getFocList().removeItem(ref); } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } refresh_CallContainerItemSetChangeEvent(); if (getWrapperLayout() != null) { getWrapperLayout().addNewEmptyItemIfInnerLayout(); } } } public void openFormPanel(ICentralPanel panel, int viewContainer) { if (panel != null) { if (panel instanceof FocXMLLayout) { ((FocXMLLayout) panel).setTableTreeThatOpenedThisForm(getTreeOrTable()); } if (viewContainer == ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_POPUP) { FocXMLLayout.popupInDialog(panel); } else if (viewContainer == ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_SAME_WINDOW) { getParentNavigationWindow().changeCentralPanelContent(panel, true); // getMainWindow().changeCentralPanelContent(panel, true); } else if (viewContainer == ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_INNER_LAYOUT) { getWrapperLayout().innerLayout_Replace(panel); } else if (viewContainer == ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_NEW_BROWSER_TAB) { } } } public FocWebVaadinWindow getMainWindow() { return (FocWebVaadinWindow) FocWebApplication.getInstanceForThread().getNavigationWindow(); } public INavigationWindow getParentNavigationWindow() { INavigationWindow parentNavigationWindow = null; if (getWrapperLayout() != null) { parentNavigationWindow = getWrapperLayout().findAncestor(FocCentralPanel.class); } if (parentNavigationWindow == null) parentNavigationWindow = getMainWindow(); return parentNavigationWindow; } public XMLViewKey getXmlViewKey_New() { return xmlViewKey_New != null ? xmlViewKey_New : getXmlViewKey_Open(); } public XMLViewKey getXmlViewKey_Open() { if (xmlViewKey_Open == null) { FocDesc focDesc = getFocDesc(); String storageName = focDesc != null ? focDesc.getStorageName() : null; INavigationWindow navigation = (INavigationWindow) FocWebApplication.getInstanceForThread() .getNavigationWindow(); if (navigation != null) { XMLViewKey currentKey = ((FocCentralPanel) navigation).getCentralPanel().getXMLView() .getXmlViewKey(); xmlViewKey_Open = new XMLViewKey(storageName, XMLViewKey.TYPE_FORM, currentKey.getContext(), currentKey.getUserView()); } } return xmlViewKey_Open; } public void setXmlViewKey_Open(XMLViewKey xmlViewKey_Open) { this.xmlViewKey_Open = xmlViewKey_Open; } private int viewContainer_ForAttribute(String attribValue) { int view = ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_NONE; if (attribValue.equals(FXML.VAL_VIEW_CONTAINER__SAME_WINDOW)) { view = ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_SAME_WINDOW; } else if (attribValue.equals(FXML.VAL_VIEW_CONTAINER__POPUP_WINDOW)) { view = ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_POPUP; } else if (attribValue.equals(FXML.VAL_VIEW_CONTAINER__NEW_TAB)) { view = ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_NEW_BROWSER_TAB; } else if (attribValue.equals(FXML.VAL_VIEW_CONTAINER__INNER_LAYOUT)) { view = ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_INNER_LAYOUT; if (wrapperLayout != null) { wrapperLayout.innerLayout_Create(); } } return view; } private String viewContainer_Int2Attribute(int value) { String attrib = null; if (value == ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_NONE) { attrib = FXML.VAL_VIEW_CONTAINER__NONE; } else if (value == ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_POPUP) { attrib = FXML.VAL_VIEW_CONTAINER__POPUP_WINDOW; } else if (value == ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_SAME_WINDOW) { attrib = FXML.VAL_VIEW_CONTAINER__SAME_WINDOW; } else if (value == ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_NEW_BROWSER_TAB) { attrib = FXML.VAL_VIEW_CONTAINER__NEW_TAB; } else if (value == ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_INNER_LAYOUT) { attrib = FXML.VAL_VIEW_CONTAINER__INNER_LAYOUT; } return attrib; } // public static final int VIEW_CONTAINER_NOT_SET = -1; // public static final int VIEW_CONTAINER_SAME_WINDOW = 0; // public static final int VIEW_CONTAINER_NONE = 1; // public static final int VIEW_CONTAINER_POPUP = 2; // public static final int VIEW_CONTAINER_INNER_LAYOUT = 3; public void setViewContainer_ForOpen(String attribValue) { viewContainer_Open = viewContainer_ForAttribute(attribValue); } public int getViewContainer_ForOpen() { return viewContainer_Open; } public void setViewContainer_ForNew(String attribValue) { viewContainer_New = viewContainer_ForAttribute(attribValue); } public int getViewContainer_ForNew() { int viewContainer = viewContainer_New; if (viewContainer == ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_NOT_SET) { viewContainer = viewContainer_Open; } return viewContainer; } public void setXmlViewKey_New(XMLViewKey xmlViewKey_New) { this.xmlViewKey_New = xmlViewKey_New; } private void allowRightClick(boolean allowRightClick) { if (allowRightClick) { ITableTree tableOrTree = (ITableTree) getTreeOrTable(); if (tableOrTree instanceof Table) { ((Table) tableOrTree).setImmediate(true); ((Table) tableOrTree).addActionHandler(new Action.Handler() { @Override public void handleAction(Action action, Object sender, Object target) { rightClick_HandleAction(action, sender, target); } @Override public Action[] getActions(Object target, Object sender) { return rightClick_GetActions(target, sender); } }); } } } public Action[] rightClick_GetActions(Object target, Object sender) { return getPopupMenuFullArray(); } /*public void rightClick_HandleAction(Action action, Object sender, Object target) { if(target != null && getTreeOrTable() != null && getTreeOrTable().getFocList() != null && action instanceof FVTablePopupMenu){ FocObject focObject = getTreeOrTable().getFocList().searchByReference((Integer) target); ((FVTablePopupMenu) action).actionPerformed(focObject); } }*/ public void rightClick_HandleAction(Action action, Object sender, Object target) { if (action instanceof FVTablePopupMenu) { FVTablePopupMenu fvTablePopupMenu = (FVTablePopupMenu) action; if (target != null && getTreeOrTable() != null && getTreeOrTable().getFocList() != null && action instanceof FVTablePopupMenu) { FocObject focObject = getTreeOrTable().getFocList().searchByReference((Long) target); ((FVTablePopupMenu) action).actionPerformed(focObject); } else if (target == null && fvTablePopupMenu.getActionId() == ACTION_ADD) { fvTablePopupMenu.actionPerformed(getSelectedObject()); } } } public void refresh_ContainerItemSetChange() { Table table = getTable(); if (table != null) { if (table.getContainerDataSource() instanceof ContainerOrderedWrapper) { ContainerOrderedWrapper container = (ContainerOrderedWrapper) table.getContainerDataSource(); container.updateOrderWrapper(); } addContainerItemSetChange(table); } } public void refresh_CallContainerItemSetChangeEvent() { if (getTreeOrTable() != null && getTreeOrTable() instanceof Table) { Table treeOrTable = (Table) getTreeOrTable(); // treeOrTable.containerItemSetChange(null);vaadin7.3.7 addContainerItemSetChange(treeOrTable); getTreeOrTable().refreshRowCache_Foc(); } else if (getTreeOrTable() instanceof Grid) { if (getTreeOrTable() != null && getTreeOrTable().getFocDataWrapper() != null) { getTreeOrTable().getFocDataWrapper().refreshGuiForContainerChanges(); } } } private void addContainerItemSetChange(Table table) { if (table != null) { table.containerItemSetChange(new ItemSetChangeEvent() { @Override public Container getContainer() { return getTable() != null ? getTable().getContainerDataSource() : null; } }); } } public FocObject selectByFocProperty(String fieldName, String fieldValue) { return selectByFocProperty(fieldName, fieldValue, 0); } public FocObject selectByFocProperty(String fieldName, String fieldValue, long ancestorRef) {//ancestorRef=0 for no ancestor FocObject obj = null; if (getTreeOrTable() != null) { FocDataWrapper dataWrapper = getTreeOrTable() == null ? null : getTreeOrTable().getFocDataWrapper(); if (dataWrapper != null) { FocList list = getTreeOrTable().getFocList(); Collection itemIds = dataWrapper.getItemIds(); Iterator iter = itemIds.iterator(); if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext() && obj == null) { FocObject currObj = list.searchByReference((Long); if (currObj != null) { Object dataByPathObject = currObj.iFocData_getDataByPath(fieldName); if (dataByPathObject instanceof FProperty) { FProperty prop = (FProperty) dataByPathObject; if (prop != null && prop.getString().trim().equals(fieldValue)) { if (getTable() instanceof TreeTable && ancestorRef != 0) { TreeTable treeTable = (TreeTable) getTable(); if (currObj != null) { Object objectID = currObj.getReference().getLong(); while (objectID != null && obj == null) { if (ancestorRef == (Long) objectID) { obj = currObj; } objectID = treeTable.getParent(objectID); } } } else { obj = currObj; } } } } } } } // obj = list != null ? list.searchByPropertyStringValue(fieldName, // fieldValue) : null; if (obj != null && obj.getReference() != null) { if (getTreeOrTable() instanceof Table) { ((Table) getTreeOrTable()).select(obj.getReference().getLong()); } else if (getTreeOrTable() instanceof FVTableGrid) { FVTableGrid tableGrid = (FVTableGrid) getTreeOrTable();; } } } return obj; } public String getTableName() { if (tableName == null) { tableName = getAttributes() != null ? getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_NAME) : ""; if (tableName == null) { tableName = ASCII.generateRandomString(10); } } return tableName; } public boolean isSelectedCheckBoxForItem(FocObject focObject) { boolean selected = false; if (focObject != null && focObject.getReference() != null) { selected = isSelectedCheckBoxForItem(focObject.getReference().getLong(), focObject); } return selected; } public boolean isSelectedCheckBoxForItem(long ref, FocObject focObject) { boolean selected = false; if (getFocXMLLayout() != null) { String compName = TableTreeDelegate.newComponentName(getTableName(), String.valueOf(ref), COL_ID_SELECT); FVCheckBox box = (FVCheckBox) getFocXMLLayout().getComponentByName(compName); if (box != null) selected = (Boolean) box.getValue(); } return selected; } public void setSelectedCheckBoxForItem(FocObject focObject, boolean selected) { if (focObject != null && focObject.getReference() != null) { setSelectedCheckBoxForItem(focObject.getReference().getLong(), selected); } } public void setSelectedCheckBoxForItem(long ref, boolean selected) { if (getFocXMLLayout() != null) { String compName = TableTreeDelegate.newComponentName(getTableName(), String.valueOf(ref), COL_ID_SELECT); FVCheckBox box = (FVCheckBox) getFocXMLLayout().getComponentByName(compName); if (box != null) box.setValue(selected); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class FocValueChangeListener implements ValueChangeListener { private Object itemId = null; public FocValueChangeListener(Object itemId) { this.itemId = itemId; } @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { boolean isChecked = ((Boolean) event.getProperty().getValue()).booleanValue(); if (isChecked) { selectionColumn_getSelectedIdArrayList().add(getItemId()); } else if (!isChecked) { int idIndex = selectionColumn_getSelectedIdArrayList().indexOf(getItemId()); if (idIndex >= 0) { selectionColumn_getSelectedIdArrayList().remove(idIndex); } } } public Object getItemId() { return itemId; } } public void computeFooter() { boolean footerVisible = false; ArrayList<FVTableColumn> colArray = getVisiblePropertiesArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < colArray.size(); i++) { FVTableColumn col = colArray.get(i); String footerFormula = col != null ? col.getFooterFormula() : null; if (!Utils.isStringEmpty(footerFormula)) { footerVisible = true; getTreeOrTable().computeFooter(col); } } if (getTreeOrTable() != null) { ((Table) getTreeOrTable()).setFooterVisible(footerVisible); } } public FVTableWrapperLayout getWrapperLayout() { return wrapperLayout; } public void setWrapperLayout(FVTableWrapperLayout wrapperLayout) { this.wrapperLayout = wrapperLayout; } public String formatPropertyValue(Object rowId, Object colId, Property property) { String str = null; if (property.getType() == java.util.Date.class || property.getType() == java.sql.Date.class) { try { str = ((FProperty) property).getString(); } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } } else if (property.getType() == Double.class) { /* DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(); DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(); dfs.setGroupingSeparator(','); df.setDecimalFormatSymbols(dfs); return df.format((Double)property.getValue()); */ } return str; } public FocFormula_Form getFormulaForm() { return formulaForm; } public void newFormulaForm(ITableTree breakdownTable, CompositeKeyPropertyFormulaEnvironment formulaEnvironment) { XMLViewKey formulaKey = new XMLViewKey(BusinessEssentialsWebModule.STORAGE_FORMULA, XMLViewKey.TYPE_FORM); FocFormula_Form formulaLayout = (FocFormula_Form) XMLViewDictionary.getInstance() .newCentralPanel_NoParsing(getParentNavigationWindow(), formulaKey, null); setFormulaForm(formulaLayout); if (getTreeOrTable() instanceof FVTreeGrid) { FVTreeGrid treeGrid = (FVTreeGrid) getTreeOrTable(); treeGrid.addItemClickListenerForFormula(); } formulaLayout.parseXMLAndBuildGui(); formulaLayout.initialize(breakdownTable, formulaEnvironment); FVTableWrapperLayout bkdnTreeWrapper = getWrapperLayout(); formulaLayout.setParentLayout(getFocXMLLayout()); bkdnTreeWrapper.addHeaderComponent_ToLeft(formulaLayout); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private void setFormulaForm(FocFormula_Form formulaForm) { this.formulaForm = formulaForm; if (formulaForm != null && getTable() != null) { getTable().addItemClickListener(new ItemClickListener() { @Override public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { lastClickedFocDataByPath = null; if (getFormulaForm() != null) { try { FProperty property = getSelectCellProperty(event); Object itemId = event.getItemId(); Object lastClickedPropertyID = event.getPropertyId(); getFormulaForm().triggerFormulaChanges(property, itemId, lastClickedPropertyID); /*Object itemId = event.getItemId(); Object lastClickedPropertyID = event.getPropertyId(); FVTableColumn col = findColumn((String) lastClickedPropertyID); if(col != null){ FocList list = getTreeOrTable().getFocList(); if(list != null){ FocObject obj = list.searchByReference((Integer) itemId); if(obj != null){ IFocData focData = obj.iFocData_getDataByPath(col.getDataPath()); if(focData != null && focData instanceof FProperty){ FProperty prop = (FProperty) focData; getFormulaForm().triggerFormulaChanges(prop, itemId, lastClickedPropertyID); } } } }*/ } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } } } }); } } public FProperty getSelectCellProperty(ItemClickEvent event) { FProperty property = null; Object itemId = event.getItemId(); Object lastClickedPropertyID = event.getPropertyId(); FVTableColumn col = findColumn((String) lastClickedPropertyID); if (col != null) { FocList list = getTreeOrTable().getFocList(); if (list != null) { FocObject obj = list.searchByReference((Long) itemId); if (obj != null) { IFocData focData = obj.iFocData_getDataByPath(col.getDataPath()); if (focData != null && focData instanceof FProperty) { property = (FProperty) focData; } } } } return property; } /* private FocusListener getFocusListener() { if(focusListener == null && getFormulaForm() != null){ focusListener = new FocusListener() { @Override public void focus(FocusEvent event) { if(event.getComponent() instanceof FocXMLGuiComponent){ FocXMLGuiComponent component = (FocXMLGuiComponent) event.getComponent(); adjustFormulaLayoutForComponent(component); } } }; } return focusListener; } */ public String unitTesting_ApplyTheFormulaInTheTextField() { String error = null; if (getFormulaForm() == null) { error = "Formula form is null"; } else { FocFormula_Form formulaForm = getFormulaForm(); formulaForm.applyTextFieldFormulaInTheProperty(); } return error; } public void adjustFormulaLayoutForComponent(FocXMLGuiComponent component) { if (component != null) { if (getTable() != null && (getTable().getValue() == null || (component.getDelegate().getRowId() != null && getTable().getValue() != component.getDelegate().getRowId()))) { getTable().select(component.getDelegate().getRowId()); } if (getFormulaForm() != null) { FProperty property = (FProperty) component.getFocData(); getFormulaForm().triggerFormulaChanges(property, component.getDelegate().getRowId(), component.getDelegate().getColumnId()); } } } // public void setFocusListener(FocusListener focusListener) { // this.focusListener = focusListener; // } public void adjustColumnWidthForIcons() { FVTableColumn tableColumn = getVisibleColumnByIndex(0); if (tableColumn != null) { int width = tableColumn.getWidth(); String name = tableColumn.getName(); if (width != -1 && !Utils.isStringEmpty(name)) { getTable().setColumnWidth(name, width + 70); } } } public boolean isReplaceActive() { boolean replacing = false; FVTableWrapperLayout wl = getWrapperLayout(); if (wl != null) { replacing = wl.isReplaceActive(); } return replacing; } public boolean isRefreshRowCacheEnabled() { return refreshRowCacheEnabled; } public boolean setRefreshRowCacheEnabled(boolean refreshRowCacheEnabled) { boolean previousValue = this.refreshRowCacheEnabled; this.refreshRowCacheEnabled = refreshRowCacheEnabled; if (refreshRowCacheEnabled && isRefreshRowCacheNeeded()) { getTable().refreshRowCache(); setRefreshRowCacheNeeded(false); } return previousValue; } public boolean isRefreshRowCacheNeeded() { return refreshRowCacheNeeded; } public void setRefreshRowCacheNeeded(boolean refreshRowCacheNeeded) { this.refreshRowCacheNeeded = refreshRowCacheNeeded; } public FocXMLGuiComponent findGuiComponent(FocObject focObject, String columnName) { FocXMLGuiComponent comp = null; if (focObject != null && columnName != null && getFocXMLLayout() != null) { String objRef = focObject.getReference().toString(); String compName = newComponentName(getTableName(), objRef, columnName); comp = (FocXMLGuiComponent) getFocXMLLayout().getComponentByName(compName); } return comp; } public void debug_ListOfColumns() {//ancestorRef=0 for no ancestor FocObject obj = null; if (getTreeOrTable() != null) { FocDataWrapper dataWrapper = getTreeOrTable() == null ? null : getTreeOrTable().getFocDataWrapper(); if (dataWrapper != null) { ArrayList<FVTableColumn> array = getVisiblePropertiesArrayList(); if (array != null) { Globals.logString("Column list : "); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { FVTableColumn col = array.get(i); Globals.logString( "Column " + i + " NAME=" + col.getName() + " DATAPATH=" + col.getDataPath()); } } } } } public void fillButtonsAndPopupMenus() { if (attributes != null) { boolean isEditable = isEditable(); if (isOpenEnabled(isEditable)) { addPopupMenu_Open(); } else if (isDoubleClickEnabled()) { //If the open is enabled the double click listener is managed in the open otherwise double click doubleClickListener = new ItemClickListener() { @Override public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { if (event.isDoubleClick()) { if (getFocXMLLayout() != null) { //By default FocXMLLayout will also call the defaultItemDoubleClickAction(event); getFocXMLLayout().table_ItemDoubleClick(getTableName(), getTreeOrTable(), event); } } } }; getTreeOrTable().addItemClickListener(doubleClickListener); } if (isAddEnabled(isEditable)) { addPopupMenu_Add(); } if (isDeleteEnabled(isEditable)) { addPopupMenu_Delete(); } if (isDuplicateEnabled()) { addPopupMenu_Duplicate(); } if (isExcelExportEnabled()) { if (ConfigInfo.isAllowCSVExport()) { addPopupMenu_ExportAsCSV(); } if (ConfigInfo.isAllowEXCELExport()) { addPopupMenu_ExporAsExcel(); } } if (isLeafNodeEnabled()) { addPopupMenu_OpenTreeNode(); } if (isRedirectEnabled()) { addPopUpMenu_Redirect(); } // if(getEditingMode() == MODE_EDITABLE){ // addPopupMenu_CopyAllRows(); // } } } public boolean isEditable() { return ((FocXMLGuiComponent) getTreeOrTable()).getDelegate().isEditable(); } public void refreshEditable() { if (getWrapperLayout() != null) { getWrapperLayout().adjustTableEditingToolsVisiblity(); } } public String getNodeTitleDisplayStringForObjectRef(Object itemId) { FTree tree = ((FVTreeTable) getTreeOrTable()).getFTree(); FNode node = tree != null ? tree.vaadin_FindNode(itemId) : null; return getNodeTitleDisplayStringForNode(node); } public String getNodeTitleDisplayStringForObject(FocObject focObject) { FTree tree = ((FVTreeTable) getTreeOrTable()).getFTree(); FNode node = tree != null ? tree.findNodeFromFocObject(focObject) : null; return getNodeTitleDisplayStringForNode(node); } public String getNodeTitleDisplayStringForNode(FNode node) { String propertyString = null; if (node != null) { FTree tree = ((FVTreeTable) getTreeOrTable()).getFTree(); FProperty property = tree != null && node != null ? tree.getTreeSpecialProperty(node) : null; if (property != null) { propertyString = (String) property.vaadin_TableDisplayObject(null, null); } else { propertyString = node.getDisplayTitle(); } } return propertyString; } public void selectionColumn_clearSelectedIdArrayList() { if (selectedRowsId != null) { selectedRowsId.clear(); selectionColumn_copyMemoryToGui(); } } public ArrayList<Object> selectionColumn_getSelectedIdArrayList() { if (selectedRowsId == null && findColumn(COL_ID_SELECT) != null) { selectedRowsId = new ArrayList<Object>(); } return selectedRowsId; } public void selectionColumn_setSelectionMemory(long ref, boolean selected) { if (selected) { ArrayList<Object> arrayList = selectionColumn_getSelectedIdArrayList(); if (arrayList != null && !arrayList.contains(ref)) { arrayList.add(ref); } } else { if (selectedRowsId != null) { selectedRowsId.remove((Long) ref); } } } public void selectionColumn_setSelectionGUI(long ref, boolean selected) { String compName = TableTreeDelegate.newComponentName(getTableName(), String.valueOf(ref), COL_ID_SELECT); FVCheckBox box = (FVCheckBox) getFocXMLLayout().getComponentByName(compName); if (box != null) { box.setValue(selected); } } public void selectionColumn_copyMemoryToGui() { ArrayList<Object> arrayList = selectedRowsId; if (arrayList != null) { if (getTreeOrTable() != null && getTreeOrTable().getFocDataWrapper() != null) { FocDataWrapper wrapper = getTreeOrTable().getFocDataWrapper(); for (int i = 0; i < wrapper.size(); i++) { FocObject obj = wrapper.getAt(i); long ref = obj.getReference().getLong(); selectionColumn_setSelectionGUI(ref, arrayList.contains(ref)); } } } } public void selectionColumn_selectAll(boolean select) { FVCheckBox fvCheckBox = (FVCheckBox) getFocXMLLayout() .getComponentByName(FVColGen_Select.SELECT_UNSELECT_ALL_CHECK_BOX_NAME); if (fvCheckBox != null) { fvCheckBox.setValue(select); } } public boolean selectionColumn_isSelectAll() { boolean isSelectedAll = false; FVCheckBox fvCheckBox = (FVCheckBox) getFocXMLLayout() .getComponentByName(FVColGen_Select.SELECT_UNSELECT_ALL_CHECK_BOX_NAME); if (fvCheckBox != null) { isSelectedAll = fvCheckBox.getValue(); } return isSelectedAll; } public void selectionColumn_selectAll_Internal(boolean select) { if (getTreeOrTable() != null && getTreeOrTable().getFocDataWrapper() != null) { FocDataWrapper wrapper = getTreeOrTable().getFocDataWrapper(); for (int i = 0; i < wrapper.size(); i++) { FocObject obj = wrapper.getAt(i); long objRef = obj.getReference().getLong(); selectionColumn_setSelectionMemory(objRef, select); } } selectionColumn_copyMemoryToGui(); } public int getSelectionMode() { return selectionMode; } public void setSelectionMode(int selectionMode) { boolean modeChanged = this.selectionMode != selectionMode; this.selectionMode = selectionMode; if (modeChanged) { boolean isColumnIdSelectAdded = newVisibleColumnIds() != null ? newVisibleColumnIds().contains(FVTableColumn.COL_ID_SELECT) : false; if (selectionMode != SELECTION_MODE_NONE) { if (!isColumnIdSelectAdded) { FocXMLAttributes focXMLAttributes = new FocXMLAttributes(); focXMLAttributes.addAttribute(FXML.ATT_NAME, FVTableColumn.COL_ID_SELECT); focXMLAttributes.addAttribute(FXML.ATT_CAPTION, "");//Select focXMLAttributes.addAttribute(FXML.ATT_WIDTH, "40px"); addColumnAtFirst(focXMLAttributes); getTreeOrTable().applyFocListAsContainer(); } } else { if (isColumnIdSelectAdded) { newVisibleColumnIds().remove(FVTableColumn.COL_ID_SELECT); } getTreeOrTable().applyFocListAsContainer(); } } } public class ValidationListener_ForOpenedObjectToGetReloadedAfterEdit implements IValidationListener { private FocObject originalObject = null; private FVValidationLayout validationLayout = null; public ValidationListener_ForOpenedObjectToGetReloadedAfterEdit(FVValidationLayout validationLayout, FocObject originalObject) { this.originalObject = originalObject; this.validationLayout = validationLayout; } public void dispose() { if (validationLayout != null) { validationLayout.removeValidationListener(this); } originalObject = null; validationLayout = null; } @Override public void validationDiscard(FVValidationLayout validationLayout) { } @Override public boolean validationCheckData(FVValidationLayout validationLayout) { return true; } @Override public void validationAfter(FVValidationLayout validationLayout, boolean commited) { if (commited && originalObject != null && originalObject.isDbResident()) { originalObject.load(); // if(getTable() != null){ // getTable().refreshRowCache(); // } } } @Override public boolean validationCommit(FVValidationLayout validationLayout) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } }; public void adjustFocDataWrappers_FilterAndSroting() { ITableTree tableTree = getTreeOrTable(); if (tableTree != null && tableTree.getFocDataWrapper() != null) { tableTree.getFocDataWrapper().setTableTreeDelegate(this); FocXMLAttributes attr = (FocXMLAttributes) getAttributes(); String expression = attr != null ? attr.getValue(FXML.ATT_FILTER_EXPRESSION) : null; if (!Utils.isStringEmpty(expression)) { tableTree.getFocDataWrapper().addFilterByExpression(expression); } /* final String removeZeros = attr != null ? attr.getValue(FXML.ATT_REMOVE_ZEROS) : null; if(removeZeros != null){ Filter filter = new Filter() { @Override public boolean passesFilter(Object itemId, Item item) throws UnsupportedOperationException { boolean visible = true; FocObject focObj = (FocObject) item; if(removeZeros != null && focObj != null){ IFocData focData = focObj.iFocData_getDataByPath(removeZeros); if(focData != null){ if(focData instanceof FDouble){ FProperty prop = (FProperty) focData; if(prop.getDouble() == 0){ visible = false; } }else if(focData instanceof FProperty){ FProperty prop = (FProperty) focData; if(prop.getValue() != null && prop.getValue().toString().equals("0")){ visible = false; } } } } return visible; } @Override public boolean appliesToProperty(Object propertyId) { return false; } }; tableTree.getFocDataWrapper().addContainerFilter(filter); tableTree.getFocDataWrapper().putFilter(removeZeros, filter); } */ String sortingExpression = attr != null ? attr.getValue(FXML.ATT_SORTING_EXPRESSION) : null; tableTree.getFocDataWrapper().setSortingExpression(sortingExpression); /* if(sortingExpression != null){ listOrder = new FocListOrderFocObject(); if(sortingExpression.startsWith("-")){ sortingExpression = sortingExpression.substring(1); listOrder.setReverted(true); } StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(sortingExpression, ","); while(stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){ String sortingName = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); if(getFocList() != null){ PropertyAndFieldPath propertyAndFieldPath = FAttributeLocationProperty.newFieldPath_PropertyAndField(false, sortingName, getFocList().getFocDesc(), null, false); FFieldPath fieldPath = propertyAndFieldPath.getFieldPath(); // FFieldPath fieldPath = FFieldPath.newFieldPath(getFocList().getFocDesc(), sortingName); if(fieldPath != null){ listOrder.addField(fieldPath); }else{ Globals.showNotification("Could not resolve sorting expression: ", sortingName, IFocEnvironment.TYPE_WARNING_MESSAGE); } } } } */ } // FocListener focListener = new FocListener() { // public void focActionPerformed(FocEvent evt) { // if(evt.getID() == FocEvent.ID_BEFORE_REFERENCE_SET && getFocXMLLayout() != null){ // if(evt.getEventSubject() instanceof FocObject){ // FocObject focObj = (FocObject) evt.getEventSubject(); // int ref = focObj.getReference().getInteger(); // String tableName = TableTreeDelegate.this.getTableName(); // String prefix = TableTreeDelegate.newComponentNamePrefix(tableName, String.valueOf(ref)); // getFocXMLLayout().removeComponentByName_StartWith(prefix); // } // } ////DANGER ////2014-03-03 ////This is called when the Set of properties supported by the container has changed. //// firePropertySetChangeEvent(); // } // // @Override // public void dispose() { // } // }; } @Override public void listListenerCall_BeforeObjectReferenceSet(FocObject focObj) { if (focObj != null && getFocXMLLayout() != null) { long ref = focObj.getReferenceInt(); String tableName = getTableName(); String prefix = TableTreeDelegate.newComponentNamePrefix(tableName, String.valueOf(ref)); getFocXMLLayout().removeComponentByName_StartWith(prefix); } } public void addCellTooltipText(Object itemId, Object propertyId, String ttt) { if (itemId != null && propertyId != null && ttt != null) { if (tableToolTipGenerator == null && getTable() != null) { tableToolTipGenerator = new FTableToolTipGenerator(); getTable().setItemDescriptionGenerator(tableToolTipGenerator); } if (tableToolTipGenerator != null) { tableToolTipGenerator.addTooltip(itemId, propertyId, ttt); } } } public boolean isDeleteWithoutConfirmation() { return deleteWithoutConfirmation; } public void setDeleteWithoutConfirmation(boolean deleteWithoutConfirmation) { this.deleteWithoutConfirmation = deleteWithoutConfirmation; } }