Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2016 Antoine Nicolas SAMAHA * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. ******************************************************************************/ package com.foc.vaadin.gui.components; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import com.fab.gui.xmlView.IAddClickSpecialHandler; import com.foc.ConfigInfo; import com.foc.Globals; import com.foc.IFocEnvironment; import com.foc.access.FocDataMap; import com.foc.dataWrapper.FocListWrapper; import com.foc.desc.FocDesc; import com.foc.desc.FocObject; import com.foc.desc.field.FField; import com.foc.desc.field.FObjectField; import com.foc.list.FocList; import; import; import com.foc.shared.dataStore.IFocData; import com.foc.shared.xmlView.XMLViewKey; import com.foc.vaadin.FocCentralPanel; import com.foc.vaadin.ICentralPanel; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.FVIconFactory; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.FocXMLGuiComponent; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.FocXMLGuiComponentDelegate; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.FocXMLGuiComponentStatic; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.objectSelectorPopupView.IObjectSelectWindowListener; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.validationLayout.FVValidationLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.xmlForm.FXML; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.xmlForm.FocXMLLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.xmlForm.IValidationListener; import com.foc.web.dataModel.FocDataItem_ForComboBoxActions; import com.foc.web.dataModel.FocListWrapper_ForObjectSelection; import com.foc.web.gui.INavigationWindow; import com.foc.web.server.xmlViewDictionary.XMLViewDictionary; import com.foc.web.unitTesting.recording.UnitTestingRecorder_ObjectComboBox; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.combobox.FilteringMode; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.Field; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class FVObjectComboBox extends ComboBox implements FocXMLGuiComponent {//Needs to implement FocXMLGuiComponent because this is the component returned when event. private IFocData focData = null; private FocXMLGuiComponentDelegate delegate = null;//The delegate is the one coming from the selector private boolean delegateOwner = false; private Attributes attributes = null; private FocListWrapper selectionWrapperList = null; private ICentralPanel openedCentralPanel = null; private IObjectSelectWindowListener iObjectSelectWindowListener = null; private ValueChangeListener valueChangeListener = null; private UnitTestingRecorder_ObjectComboBox recorder = null; // private boolean disableChangeOfValue = false; public FVObjectComboBox(IFocData objProperty) { this(objProperty, (String) null); setImmediate(true); init(); } public FVObjectComboBox(IFocData objProperty, String captionFieldName) { this(objProperty, captionFieldName, null); } public FVObjectComboBox(IFocData objProperty, String captionFieldName, Attributes attributes) { recorder = new UnitTestingRecorder_ObjectComboBox(this); setAttributes(attributes); setFocProperty(objProperty, captionFieldName); setFilteringMode(FilteringMode.CONTAINS); addStyleName("component-margin"); setImmediate(true); init(); } //This is used when no Gear public FVObjectComboBox(IFocData objProperty, Attributes attributes) { delegate = new FocXMLGuiComponentDelegate(this); recorder = new UnitTestingRecorder_ObjectComboBox(this); delegateOwner = true; setAttributes(attributes); setFocData(objProperty); if (attributes != null && attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_FILTERING_MODE) != null && attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_FILTERING_MODE).equals(FXML.VAL_FILTERING_MODE_STARTS_WITH)) { setFilteringMode(FilteringMode.STARTSWITH); } else { setFilteringMode(FilteringMode.CONTAINS); } init(); } public long getFocObjectRef_ForTheADDIcon() { long ref = 0; if (getSelectionWrapperList() != null && getSelectionWrapperList() instanceof FocListWrapper_ForObjectSelection) { ref = ((FocListWrapper_ForObjectSelection) getSelectionWrapperList()).getFocObjectRef_ForTheADDIcon(); } return ref; } public long getFocObjectRef_ForTheREFRESHIcon() { long ref = 0; if (getSelectionWrapperList() != null && getSelectionWrapperList() instanceof FocListWrapper_ForObjectSelection) { ref = ((FocListWrapper_ForObjectSelection) getSelectionWrapperList()) .getFocObjectRef_ForTheREFRESHIcon(); } return ref; } private void init() { if (Globals.isValo()) { valueChangeListener = new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange( event) { // if(disableChangeOfValue){ // copyMemoryToGui(); // }else if (event != null && event.getProperty() != null && event.getProperty().getValue() instanceof Long) { long valueInteger = Long.valueOf(event.getProperty().getValue() + ""); // if(valueString == FocListWrapper_ForObjectSelection.REF_ADD_NEW_ITEM && getMainWindow() != null){ if (isSelected(getFocObjectRef_ForTheADDIcon()) && getMainWindow() != null) { // addNewObject(); //We need it like this when we add a new unit then we do cancel, the combo has the 'Add new item' selected. copyMemoryToGui(); Object backupValue = getValue(); addNewObject(); Object newValue = getValue(); if (newValue instanceof Long) { long newSeletedValue = (Long) newValue; if (newSeletedValue == FocDataItem_ForComboBoxActions.REF_ADD) { setValue(backupValue); } } } else if (isSelected(getFocObjectRef_ForTheREFRESHIcon()) && getMainWindow() != null) { copyMemoryToGui(); Object previousValue = getValue(); reloadList(); setValue(previousValue); // copyMemoryToGui(); // if(getDelegate() != null && getDelegate().getFocXMLLayout() != null){ // getDelegate().getFocXMLLayout().refresh(); // } if (event.getProperty() != null && event.getProperty().getValue() != null && event.getProperty().getValue() instanceof Long) { Long propertyReference = (Long) event.getProperty().getValue(); if (propertyReference == FocDataItem_ForComboBoxActions.REF_REFRESH) { unselect(propertyReference); } } } } } }; addValueChangeListener(valueChangeListener); } } public void dispose() { if (valueChangeListener != null) { removeValueChangeListener(valueChangeListener); valueChangeListener = null; } focData = null; if (delegate != null) { if (delegateOwner) delegate.dispose(); delegate = null; } openedCentralPanel = null; attributes = null; dispose_selectionWrapperList(); iObjectSelectWindowListener = null; } public void dispose_selectionWrapperList() { if (selectionWrapperList != null) { selectionWrapperList.dispose(); selectionWrapperList = null; } } public void reloadList() { FocList focList = getSelectionFocList(); if (focList != null) { focList.reloadFromDB(); refreshGuiForContainerChanges(); } } public void refreshGuiForContainerChanges() { if (getListWrapper() != null) { getListWrapper().refreshGuiForContainerChanges(); } } public FocObject getFocObject_Master() { FocObject masterFocObject = null; if (getFocData() != null && getFocData() instanceof FObject) { FObject objProperty = (FObject) getFocData(); if (objProperty != null) { masterFocObject = objProperty.getFocObject(); } } return masterFocObject; } public FocList getSelectionFocList() { FocList focList = null; IFocData focData = getFocData(); if (focData != null) { if (focData instanceof FObject) { focList = ((FObject) focData).getPropertySourceList(); } else if (getFocData() instanceof FObjectField) { focList = ((FObjectField) focData).getSelectionList(); } } return focList; } private FocListWrapper newSelectionFocListWrapper() { dispose_selectionWrapperList(); if (getFocData() instanceof FObject) { selectionWrapperList = new FocListWrapper_ForObjectSelection(this, (FObject) getFocData()); } else if (getFocData() instanceof FObjectField) { selectionWrapperList = new FocListWrapper_ForObjectSelection(this, (FObjectField) getFocData()); } return selectionWrapperList; } public void setFocProperty(IFocData objProperty, String captionFieldName) { focData = objProperty; if (objProperty != null) { FObjectField objFld = null; if (objProperty instanceof FObjectField) { objFld = (FObjectField) objProperty; } else if (objProperty instanceof FObject) { objFld = (FObjectField) ((FObject) objProperty).getFocField(); } if (objFld != null) { if (objFld.getNullValueDisplayString() != null && !objFld.getNullValueDisplayString().isEmpty()) { setInputPrompt(objFld.getNullValueDisplayString()); } FocListWrapper selectionWrapperList = newSelectionFocListWrapper(); if (selectionWrapperList != null) { if (captionFieldName == null) { int captionFieldID = objFld.getDisplayField(); FField captionField = objFld.getFocDesc() != null ? objFld.getFocDesc().getFieldByID(captionFieldID) : null; captionFieldName = captionField != null ? captionField.getName() : null; } this.setItemCaptionMode(ItemCaptionMode.PROPERTY); this.setItemCaptionPropertyId(captionFieldName); this.setContainerDataSource(selectionWrapperList); } } } setItemIcon(getFocObjectRef_ForTheADDIcon(), FVIconFactory.getInstance().getFVIcon_Small(FVIconFactory.ICON_ADD)); setItemIcon(getFocObjectRef_ForTheREFRESHIcon(), FVIconFactory.getInstance().getFVIcon_Small(FVIconFactory.ICON_REFRESH)); } public FocListWrapper getListWrapper() { return (FocListWrapper) getContainerDataSource(); } public IFocData getFocData() { return focData; } public FocObject getFocObject_FromGuiCombo() { FocObject obj = null; try { FocListWrapper listWrapper = (FocListWrapper) getContainerDataSource(); obj = (FocObject) listWrapper.getItem(getValue());//searchByRealReferenceOnly(intReference); } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } return obj; } public boolean copyGuiToMemory() { if (focData instanceof FProperty) { boolean copy = true; Object value = getValue(); if (value instanceof Long || value instanceof Integer) { long longValue = value instanceof Long ? ((Long) value).longValue() : ((Integer) value).longValue(); copy = longValue != FocDataItem_ForComboBoxActions.REF_REFRESH && longValue != FocDataItem_ForComboBoxActions.REF_ADD; } if (copy) { ((FProperty) focData).setValue(value); } } return false; } public void copyMemoryToGui() { if (focData instanceof FProperty) { long ref = (long) ((FProperty) focData).getValue(); if (ref == 0) { setValue(null); } else { setValue(ref); } } } public void applyAttributes() { FocXMLGuiComponentStatic.applyAttributes(this, attributes); } public void setFocData(IFocData focData) { this.focData = focData; setFocProperty(focData, getCaptionProperty()); } @Override public String getXMLType() { return null; } @Override public Field getFormField() { return this; } @Override public void setAttributes(Attributes attributes) { this.attributes = attributes; applyAttributes(); } @Override public Attributes getAttributes() { return attributes; } @Override public void setDelegate(FocXMLGuiComponentDelegate delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } @Override public FocXMLGuiComponentDelegate getDelegate() { return delegate; } @Override public String getValueString() { String value = null; try { if (getValue() != null) { long ref = (Long) getValue(); FocList list = getSelectionFocList(); if (list != null) { FocObject obj = list.searchByReference(ref); FProperty prop = obj != null ? obj.getFocPropertyForPath(getItemCaptionPropertyId().toString()) : null; value = prop != null ? prop.getString() : null; } } } catch (Exception e) { value = null; Globals.logExceptionWithoutPopup(e); } return value; } @Override public void setValueString(String value) { FocListWrapper listWrapper = getListWrapper(); if (listWrapper != null) { FocObject obj = listWrapper.searchByPropertyValue(getItemCaptionPropertyId().toString(), value); if (obj == null) { select((long) 0); } else { select(obj.getReference().getLong()); } } } private String getCaptionProperty() { String captionProp = null; Attributes att = getAttributes(); if (att != null) { captionProp = att.getValue(FXML.ATT_CAPTION_PROPERTY); } return captionProp; } @Override public void setDescription(String description) { super.setDescription(description); } @Override public void refreshEditable() { setEnabled(getDelegate() != null ? getDelegate().isEditable() : true); } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { // disableChangeOfValue = !enabled; if (ConfigInfo.comboBoxShowDropDownEvenWhenDisabled() && !enabled) { FocXMLLayout parentLayout = findAncestor(FocXMLLayout.class); if (parentLayout != null) parentLayout.addFieldToValueChangeListener(this); // setImmediate(true); } else super.setEnabled(enabled); } public FocObject addNewObject() { FocObject focObjToOpen = null; FocDesc desc = null; FocList list = getSelectionFocList(); if (list != null) { desc = list.getFocDesc(); IAddClickSpecialHandler handler = XMLViewDictionary.getInstance() .getAddClickSpecialHandler(desc.getStorageName()); if (handler != null) { handler.addClicked(getMainWindow(), this); } else { focObjToOpen = createNewItemAndOpenForm(true); } } return focObjToOpen; } public FocObject createNewItemAndOpenForm(boolean adaptViewKeyWhenObjectCreated) { FocObject focObjToOpen = null; FocList list = getSelectionFocList(); if (list != null) { focObjToOpen = list.newEmptyItem(); if (getSelectionWrapperList() != null) { getSelectionWrapperList().adjustPropertiesForNewItemAccordingTofilter(focObjToOpen); } if (getiObjectSelectWindowListener() != null) { getiObjectSelectWindowListener().beforeOpenForm(focObjToOpen); } openObjectDetailsPanel(focObjToOpen, adaptViewKeyWhenObjectCreated); } return focObjToOpen; } public void openObjectDetailsPanel(FocObject focObjToOpen, boolean adaptViewKeyWhenObjectCreated) { XMLViewKey key = new XMLViewKey(focObjToOpen.getThisFocDesc().getStorageName(), XMLViewKey.TYPE_FORM); try { openedCentralPanel = XMLViewDictionary.getInstance().newCentralPanel(getMainWindow(), key, focObjToOpen, true, true, adaptViewKeyWhenObjectCreated); } catch (Exception e) { Globals.showNotification("View Open Error", "Could not open view", IFocEnvironment.TYPE_HUMANIZED_MESSAGE); Globals.logString("FVObjectComboBox.openObjectDetailsPanel"); Globals.logExceptionWithoutPopup(e);//We already gave a more meaningful message to the user. } if (openedCentralPanel != null) { getMainWindow().changeCentralPanelContent(openedCentralPanel, true); copyMemoryToGui(); if (openedCentralPanel.getValidationLayout() != null) { ((FocXMLLayout) openedCentralPanel).getValidationLayout() .addValidationListener(new IValidationListener() { @Override public void validationDiscard(FVValidationLayout validationLayout) { } @Override public boolean validationCheckData(FVValidationLayout validationLayout) { reloadList(); return false; } @Override public void validationAfter(FVValidationLayout validationLayout, boolean commited) { FocObject newFocObject = null; IFocData focData = openedCentralPanel != null ? openedCentralPanel.getFocData() : null; if (focData != null) { if (focData instanceof FocDataMap) { focData = ((FocDataMap) focData).getMainFocData(); } if (focData != null && focData instanceof FocObject) { newFocObject = (FocObject) focData; if (newFocObject != null) { long ref = newFocObject.getReference().getLong(); select(ref); } } } } @Override public boolean validationCommit(FVValidationLayout validationLayout) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } }); } } } public INavigationWindow getMainWindow() { return getWindow() != null ? getWindow() : findAncestor(FocCentralPanel.class); } public INavigationWindow getWindow() { return getDelegate() != null && getDelegate().getFocXMLLayout() != null ? getDelegate().getFocXMLLayout().getMainWindow() : null; } public FocListWrapper getSelectionWrapperList() { return selectionWrapperList; } @Override public void setValue(Object newValue) throws { super.setValue(newValue); } public IObjectSelectWindowListener getiObjectSelectWindowListener() { return iObjectSelectWindowListener; } public void setiObjectSelectWindowListener(IObjectSelectWindowListener iObjectSelectWindowListener) { this.iObjectSelectWindowListener = iObjectSelectWindowListener; } }