Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2016 Antoine Nicolas SAMAHA * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. ******************************************************************************/ package com.foc; import java.util.Locale; import me.everpro.everprotreegrid.EverproTreeButtonRenderer; import me.everpro.everprotreegrid.container.EverproTreeGridHierarchicalIndexedContainer; import com.foc.desc.field.FField; import com.foc.desc.field.FIntField; import com.foc.desc.field.FNumField; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.FVTableColumn; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.ui.Grid; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.CellReference; import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.CellStyleGenerator; import com.vaadin.ui.Grid.RowReference; import com.vaadin.ui.renderers.ClickableRenderer; import com.vaadin.ui.renderers.ClickableRenderer.RendererClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.renderers.ClickableRenderer.RendererClickListener; public class EverproTreeGrid_LOCAL extends Grid { private Object itemIdProperty = null; private Object displayProperty = null; public EverproTreeGrid_LOCAL(Object itemIdProperty, Object displayProperty) { this.displayProperty = displayProperty; this.itemIdProperty = itemIdProperty; Column column = addColumn(itemIdProperty); setTreeRendererColumn(column); column.setEditable(false); setCellStyleGenerator(new CellStyleGenerator() { @Override public String getStyle(CellReference cellReference) { return getCellStyle(cellReference); } }); } /** * @param cellReference * @return the style name required for this cell. In your css the style name should be prefixed with: * v-grid-cell. example: if you return "gray" your css style should be .v-grid-row.gray * */ protected String getCellStyle(CellReference cellReference) { String style = null; if (cellReference.getValue() instanceof Integer || cellReference.getValue() instanceof Double) { style = "numeric"; } return style; } protected Object convertValueToItemId(String value) { return value; } protected Object getDisplayProperty() { return displayProperty; } protected Object getItemIdProperty() { return itemIdProperty; } public Hierarchical getHierarchicalContainerDataSource() { EverproTreeGridHierarchicalIndexedContainer indexed = (EverproTreeGridHierarchicalIndexedContainer) getContainerDataSource(); return indexed != null ? indexed.getHierachical() : null; } public void setContainerDataSource(Hierarchical hierarchicalContainer) { EverproTreeGridHierarchicalIndexedContainer indexed = new EverproTreeGridHierarchicalIndexedContainer( hierarchicalContainer); indexed.rebuildIndexedArrayList(); setContainerDataSource(indexed); adjustTreeNodeEditableField(); } /** * * @param itemId * @return the display String to be displayed as node title */ protected String getNodeTitleForItemId(Object itemId) { EverproTreeGridHierarchicalIndexedContainer indexed = (EverproTreeGridHierarchicalIndexedContainer) getContainerDataSource(); Property displayProperty = indexed.getContainerProperty(itemId, getDisplayProperty()); String displayValue = displayProperty != null ? (String) displayProperty.getValue() : ""; return displayValue; } protected void setNodeTitleForItemId(Object itemId, String value) { Container indexed = (Container) getContainerDataSource(); Property displayProperty = indexed.getContainerProperty(itemId, getDisplayProperty()); if (displayProperty != null) { displayProperty.setValue(value); } } private void setTreeRendererColumn(Column col) { RendererClickListener listener = new ClickableRenderer.RendererClickListener() { public void click(RendererClickEvent event) { EverproTreeGridHierarchicalIndexedContainer indexed = (EverproTreeGridHierarchicalIndexedContainer) getContainerDataSource(); indexed.toggleCollapseState(event.getItemId()); indexed.rebuildIndexedArrayList(); } }; EverproTreeButtonRenderer buttonRenderer = new EverproTreeButtonRenderer(listener); col.setRenderer(buttonRenderer, new Converter<String, String>() { public String convertToModel(String value, Class<? extends String> targetType, Locale locale) throws { return "Not Implemented"; } public String convertToPresentation(String value, Class<? extends String> targetType, Locale locale) throws { // Object itemId = Integer.valueOf(value); Hierarchical hierarchical = getHierarchicalContainerDataSource(); Object itemId = convertValueToItemId(value); //Level int level = 0; Object parentId = hierarchical.getParent(itemId); while (parentId != null) { level++; parentId = hierarchical.getParent(parentId); } //Display Value String displayValue = getNodeTitleForItemId(itemId); //Style Name String style = "v-foc-gridtree-node-leaf"; if (hierarchical.hasChildren(itemId)) { EverproTreeGridHierarchicalIndexedContainer indexed = (EverproTreeGridHierarchicalIndexedContainer) getContainerDataSource(); if (indexed != null) { if (indexed.isCollapsedId(itemId)) { style = "v-foc-gridtree-node-collapsed"; } else { style = "v-foc-gridtree-node-expanded"; } } } return EverproTreeButtonRenderer.encode(displayValue, style, level * 20); } public Class<String> getModelType() { return String.class; } public Class<String> getPresentationType() { return String.class; } }); adjustTreeNodeEditableField(); } public void adjustTreeNodeEditableField() { Column refColumn = getColumn(itemIdProperty); if (refColumn != null) { NodeTitleTextField texField = new NodeTitleTextField(); texField.setConverter(new Converter<String, String>() { @Override public String convertToModel(String value, Class targetType, Locale locale) throws ConversionException { RefValue refValue = decomposeString(value); // Object itemId = convertValueToItemId(this.itemIdValue); // setNodeTitleForItemId(itemId, value); return refValue.getRef(); } @Override public String convertToPresentation(String value, Class targetType, Locale locale) throws ConversionException { Object itemId = convertValueToItemId(value); String displayValue = getNodeTitleForItemId(itemId); return composeString(value, displayValue); } @Override public Class getModelType() { return String.class; } @Override public Class getPresentationType() { return String.class; } }); refColumn.setEditorField(texField); } } public class NodeTitleTextField extends TextField { private String refPart = null; @Override public void clear() { refPart = null; setValue(""); } @Override public String getInternalValue() { String value = super.getInternalValue(); // if(refPart != null){ // value = refPart+"|"+value; // } return value; } @Override protected void setInternalValue(String newFieldValue) { RefValue refValue = decomposeString(newFieldValue); if (refValue != null && refValue.getRef() != null && !refValue.getRef().isEmpty()) { refPart = refValue.getRef(); newFieldValue = refValue.getValue(); } super.setInternalValue(newFieldValue); } @Override public void commit() throws, InvalidValueException { if (refPart != null && !refPart.isEmpty()) { Object itemId = convertValueToItemId(refPart); if (itemId != null) { setNodeTitleForItemId(itemId, getValue()); } } } public String getRefPart() { return refPart; } } public static class RefValue { private String ref = null; private String value = null; public RefValue(String ref, String value) { this.ref = ref; this.value = value; } public String getRef() { return ref; } public String getValue() { return value; } } public static String composeString(String ref, String value) { String composed; if (ref != null) { composed = ref + "|" + value; } else { composed = value; } return composed; } public static RefValue decomposeString(String composite) { String refPart = null; int pipeIndex = composite.indexOf('|'); if (pipeIndex > 0) { refPart = composite.substring(0, pipeIndex); composite = composite.substring(pipeIndex + 1); } RefValue refValue = new RefValue(refPart, composite); return refValue; } }