Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2017 V12 Technology Limited * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.fluxtion.learning.fx.utils; import com.fluxtion.fx.BiasProcessor; import com.fluxtion.fx.event.FxOrder; import com.fluxtion.fx.event.FxPrice; import com.fluxtion.fx.util.CcyPair; import static com.fluxtion.fx.util.CcyPair.AUDUSD; import static com.fluxtion.fx.util.CcyPair.EURCHF; import static com.fluxtion.fx.util.CcyPair.EURDKK; import static com.fluxtion.fx.util.CcyPair.EURHUF; import static com.fluxtion.fx.util.CcyPair.EURJPY; import static com.fluxtion.fx.util.CcyPair.EURNOK; import static com.fluxtion.fx.util.CcyPair.EURUSD; import static com.fluxtion.fx.util.CcyPair.GBPUSD; import static com.fluxtion.fx.util.CcyPair.USDCHF; import static com.fluxtion.fx.util.CcyPair.USDJPY; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; /** * Generates prices and orders for a notional market. * * @author Greg Higgins */ public class PriceOrderGenerator { private AtomicBoolean run; private final BiasProcessor biasCheck; private CcyConfig[] configArray; private CcyConfig configToAdd; private PriceOrderHelper orderHelper; private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor; private ScheduledFuture<?> marketExecutor; private ScheduledFuture<?> timingPulseExecutor; public PriceOrderGenerator(BiasProcessor biasCheck) { this.biasCheck = biasCheck; scheduledExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); } public void runMarketForPeriod(int secondsRunning, int millisSleepBetweenTicks) { if (millisSleepBetweenTicks < 1) { runWithoutPause(secondsRunning); } else { try { System.out.println("starting order generator run for:" + secondsRunning + " seconds"); startMarket(millisSleepBetweenTicks); Thread.sleep(secondsRunning * 1000); System.out.println("stopping order generator"); stopMarket(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PriceOrderGenerator.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } private void runWithoutPause(int secondsRunning) { init(); System.out.println("starting order generator run for:" + secondsRunning + " seconds"); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long finish = now + secondsRunning * 1000; long next_pulse = now + 500; pushTImingPulse(); do { generate(); now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now > next_pulse) { next_pulse = now + 500; pushTImingPulse(); } } while (now < finish); System.out.println("stopping order generator"); } public void startMarket(int sleepPeriod) { init(); run.set(true); timingPulseExecutor = scheduledExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> pushTImingPulse(), 0, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); marketExecutor = scheduledExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> generate(), 20, sleepPeriod, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public void stopMarket() throws InterruptedException { marketExecutor.cancel(true); timingPulseExecutor.cancel(true); scheduledExecutor.shutdownNow(); scheduledExecutor.awaitTermination(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } public void addCcy(CcyPair pair) { configToAdd = new CcyConfig(pair); if (run.get()) { } else { addCcy_(); } } /** * Adds the cached currency to the array */ private void addCcy_() { CcyPair pair = configToAdd.pair; for (CcyConfig ccyConfig : configArray) { if (pair == ccyConfig.pair) { ccyConfig.bias = configToAdd.bias; ccyConfig.delayMircos = configToAdd.delayMircos; ccyConfig.orderRate = configToAdd.orderRate; ccyConfig.rejectRate = configToAdd.rejectRate; return; } } configArray = (CcyConfig[]) ArrayUtils.add(configArray, configToAdd); } private void pushTImingPulse() { biasCheck.setWallClockTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } private void generate() { try { for (int i = 0; i < configArray.length; i++) { CcyConfig ccyConfig = configArray[i]; getNextPrice(ccyConfig); biasCheck.newFxPrice(ccyConfig.price); ccyConfig.incrementPriceCount(); if (ccyConfig.sendOrder()) { FxOrder order = orderHelper.sendOrder(ccyConfig.price, true, 1e6); ccyConfig.incrementOrderCount(); //move the market getNextPrice(ccyConfig); biasCheck.newFxPrice(ccyConfig.price); ccyConfig.incrementPriceCount(); if (ccyConfig.rejectOrder()) { orderHelper.rejectOrder(order); ccyConfig.incrementRejectCount(); } else { orderHelper.acceptOrder(order); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("error:" + e.getMessage()); } } public void init() { run = new AtomicBoolean(false); configArray = new CcyConfig[0]; _random = new Random(2000); orderHelper = new PriceOrderHelper(biasCheck); addCcy(EURUSD); addCcy(GBPUSD); addCcy(EURCHF); addCcy(USDCHF); addCcy(EURJPY); addCcy(USDJPY); addCcy(EURHUF); addCcy(EURDKK); addCcy(EURNOK); addCcy(AUDUSD); } private Random _random; private void getNextPrice(CcyConfig ccyConfig) { double oldPrice = ccyConfig.price.getBid(); double MIN_PRICE = ccyConfig.minPrice; double MAX_PRICE = ccyConfig.maxPrice; // Instead of a fixed volatility, pick a random volatility // each time, between 2 and 10. float volatility = _random.nextFloat() * 10 + 2; float rnd = _random.nextFloat(); float changePercent = 2 * volatility * rnd; if (changePercent > volatility) { changePercent -= (2 * volatility); } double changeAmount = oldPrice * changePercent / 100; double newPrice = oldPrice + changeAmount; // Add a ceiling and floor. if (newPrice < MIN_PRICE) { newPrice += Math.abs(changeAmount) * 2; } else if (newPrice > MAX_PRICE) { newPrice -= Math.abs(changeAmount) * 2; } newPrice = ((double) Math.round(newPrice * 10000)) / 10000.0; double offerNew = ((double) Math.round((newPrice + ccyConfig.spread) * 10000)) / 10000.0; ccyConfig.price.setBidOffer(newPrice, offerNew); } private static class CcyConfig { public CcyConfig(CcyPair pair) { this.pair = pair; price = new FxPrice(pair); minPrice = 0.6; maxPrice = 1.4; spread = 0.0002; switch (pair) { case EURUSD: price.setBidOffer(1.1025, 1.1027); minPrice = 1.0934; maxPrice = 1.2234; orderRate = 0.12; break; case EURCHF: price.setBidOffer(1.0702, 1.0703); minPrice = 1.0233; maxPrice = 1.1134; orderRate = 0.02; break; case AUDUSD: price.setBidOffer(0.702, 0.7022); minPrice = 0.68; maxPrice = 0.82; orderRate = 0.075; break; case EURJPY: price.setBidOffer(120.25, 120.46); minPrice = 118.25; maxPrice = 132.56; spread = 0.02; break; case USDJPY: price.setBidOffer(120.25, 120.46); minPrice = 106.08; maxPrice = 121.32; spread = 0.02; orderRate = 0.08; break; case GBPUSD: price.setBidOffer(1.2500, 1.2501); minPrice = 1.1867; maxPrice = 1.5733; orderRate = 0.1; break; case EURHUF: price.setBidOffer(305.25, 305.75); minPrice = 300; maxPrice = 325; orderRate = 0.01; break; case EURDKK: price.setBidOffer(7.5, 5002); minPrice = 7.2545; maxPrice = 7.5987; orderRate = 0.025; break; case EURNOK: price.setBidOffer(9.4, 9.45); minPrice = 9; maxPrice = 9.9; orderRate = 0.015; break; default: price.setBidOffer(0.9999, 1.0001); minPrice = 0.75; maxPrice = 1.22; } } private double spread = 0.0002; CcyPair pair; int delayMircos = 1000; double bias = 0.0; double orderRate = 0.05; double rejectRate = 0.1; double minPrice; double maxPrice; int priceCount = 0; int orderCount = 0; int rejectCount = 0; FxPrice price; private boolean sendOrder() { return (orderCount / (float) priceCount) < orderRate; } private boolean rejectOrder() { return (rejectCount / (float) orderCount) < rejectRate; } private void incrementPriceCount() { priceCount++; } private void incrementOrderCount() { orderCount++; } private void incrementRejectCount() { rejectCount++; } } }