Source code

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 * Copyright (C) 2008-2013, fluid Operations AG
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

package com.fluidops.iwb.widget;

import static java.lang.Double.valueOf;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.openrdf.model.Value;

import com.fluidops.ajax.components.FComponent;
import com.fluidops.ajax.components.FMap;
import com.fluidops.ajax.components.FMap.AddressMarker;
import com.fluidops.ajax.components.FMap.CoordinatesMarker;
import com.fluidops.iwb.api.EndpointImpl;
import com.fluidops.iwb.model.ParameterConfigDoc;
import com.fluidops.iwb.model.ParameterConfigDoc.Type;
import com.fluidops.iwb.model.TypeConfigDoc;
import com.fluidops.iwb.widget.WidgetEmbeddingError.ErrorType;
import com.fluidops.iwb.widget.config.WidgetBaseConfig;
import com.fluidops.util.StringUtil;

 * GMap widget
 * A valid Google API Key is required for using Google Maps Service. 
 * The API Key has to be defined using googleApiKey parameter in the system configuration.
 * @author ango, marlon.braun
@TypeConfigDoc("GMap adds a Google Map Widget to an entity page using the Google Maps JavaScript API V3. This map can be populated by database resources depicted as markers.")
public class GMapWidget extends AbstractWidget<GMapWidget.Config> {

    public static class Config extends WidgetBaseConfig {

        @ParameterConfigDoc(desc = "Map markers containing either latitude and longitude or a location", type = Type.LIST, listType = Marker.class)
        public List<Marker> markers;

        @ParameterConfigDoc(desc = "Map center latitude.")
        public String lat;

        @ParameterConfigDoc(desc = "Map center longitude.")
        public String lng;

        @ParameterConfigDoc(desc = "Zoom level.")
        public Integer zoom;

    public static class Marker {

        @ParameterConfigDoc(desc = "Latitude coordinate for the object to display")
        public String lat;

        @ParameterConfigDoc(desc = "Longitude coordinate for the object to display")
        public String lng;

        @ParameterConfigDoc(desc = "Address to show on the map (e.g. 'New York')")
        public String location;

        @ParameterConfigDoc(desc = "Link to be shown in the info window")
        public Value link;

        @ParameterConfigDoc(desc = "Content to be shown in the info window")
        public String description;

        @ParameterConfigDoc(desc = "Image to display in the info window")
        public String image;

    public FComponent getComponent(final String id) {

        String ApiKey = com.fluidops.iwb.util.Config.getConfig().getGoogleApiKey();

        if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(ApiKey))
            return WidgetEmbeddingError.getErrorLabel(id, ErrorType.GENERIC,
                    "Google API Key needs to be provided in your system configuration to be able to use Google Maps Service");

        final Config c = get();

        List<AddressMarker> addressMarkers = new LinkedList<AddressMarker>();
        List<CoordinatesMarker> coordinatesMarkers = new LinkedList<CoordinatesMarker>();

        //if there are no markers an empty map will be displayed
        if (c.markers != null && c.markers.size() > 0)

            for (Marker m : c.markers) {
                String description = "";
                String image = "";

                if ( != null)
                    description += EndpointImpl.api().getRequestMapper().getAHrefFromValue( + "<br/>";

                if (StringUtil.isNotNullNorEmpty(m.description))
                    description += m.description;

                if (StringUtil.isNotNullNorEmpty(m.image))
                    image = m.image;

                if (StringUtil.isNotNullNorEmpty( && StringUtil.isNotNullNorEmpty(m.lng)) {
                    String[] coordinates = parseGeoCoords(, m.lng);

                    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(description))
                        description = "(" + + " , " + m.lng + ")";

                    CoordinatesMarker marker = new CoordinatesMarker(
                            StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(description), image, Double.valueOf(coordinates[0]),

                } else if (StringUtil.isNotNullNorEmpty(m.location)) {
                    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(description))
                        description = m.location;
                    AddressMarker marker = new AddressMarker(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(description), image,


        FMap map = new FMap(id, coordinatesMarkers, addressMarkers);

        if (StringUtil.isNotNullNorEmpty( && StringUtil.isNotNullNorEmpty(c.lng)) {
            String[] coordinates = parseGeoCoords(, c.lng);
            map.setCenter(Double.valueOf(coordinates[0]), Double.valueOf(coordinates[1]));

        if (c.zoom != null) {

        if (StringUtil.isNotNullNorEmpty(c.width))
        if (StringUtil.isNotNullNorEmpty(c.height))

        return map;


    public String getTitle() {
        return "Google Map";

    public Class<?> getConfigClass() {

        return GMapWidget.Config.class;

    public static String[] parseGeoCoords(String coords) {
        double lat = Double.NaN, lng = Double.NaN;

        String toParse;
        if (coords.startsWith("{{coord") && coords.endsWith("}}")) {
            toParse = coords.substring(coords.indexOf('|') + 1, coords.indexOf('}'));
            // single components
            String[] cs = toParse.split("\\|");

            switch (cs.length) {
            case 0:
            case 1:
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(coords + " is not a valid GeoCoord!!");

            case 2:
            case 3: /* decimal with sign */
                lat = valueOf(cs[0]);
                lng = valueOf(cs[1]);

            case 4:
            case 5: /* have decimal coords with [NS][WE] specs */
                if (Character.isLetter(cs[1].charAt(0)) && Character.isLetter(cs[3].charAt(0))) {
                    lat = valueOf(cs[0]) * convertLatSpecToSign(cs[1]);
                    lng = valueOf(cs[2]) * convertLngSpecToSign(cs[3]);
                } else {
                    double hrslat = valueOf(cs[0]);
                    double hrslng = valueOf(cs[2]);
                    lat = convertDegToDec(Math.abs(hrslat), valueOf(cs[1]), 0, (int) Math.signum(hrslat));
                    lng = convertDegToDec(Math.abs(hrslng), valueOf(cs[3]), 0, (int) Math.signum(hrslng));

            case 6:
            case 7: /* now degree coords with sign or in DM format (degree, min) */
                if (Character.isLetter(cs[2].charAt(0)) && Character.isLetter(cs[5].charAt(0))) {
                    /* is in DM format */
                    lat = convertDegToDec(valueOf(cs[0]), valueOf(cs[1]), 0.0, convertLatSpecToSign(cs[2]));
                    lng = convertDegToDec(valueOf(cs[3]), valueOf(cs[4]), 0.0, convertLngSpecToSign(cs[5]));
                } else {
                    /* is degree coords with sign */
                    double hrslat = valueOf(cs[0]);
                    double hrslng = valueOf(cs[3]);
                    lat = convertDegToDec(Math.abs(hrslat), valueOf(cs[1]), valueOf(cs[2]),
                            (int) Math.signum(hrslat));
                    lng = convertDegToDec(Math.abs(hrslng), valueOf(cs[4]), valueOf(cs[5]),
                            (int) Math.signum(hrslng));

            default: /* have degree coords with [NS][WE] specs */
                lat = convertDegToDec(valueOf(cs[0]), valueOf(cs[1]), valueOf(cs[2]), convertLatSpecToSign(cs[3]));
                lng = convertDegToDec(valueOf(cs[4]), valueOf(cs[5]), valueOf(cs[6]), convertLngSpecToSign(cs[7]));

        } else {
            String[] sep = coords.split("\\s+");
            if (sep.length == 2) {
                return sep;

            sep = coords.split(",");
            if (sep.length == 2) {
                return sep;

        return new String[] { String.format(Locale.US, "%3.6f", lat), String.format(Locale.US, "%3.6f", lng) };

     * Resolves latitude longitude coordinates. This method is able to resolve
     * decimal coordinates and coordinates in the form (Direction, Degree, Minutes'
     * , Seconds''). Both formats are interchangeable meaning e.g. latitude can
     * be decimal and longitude in the other format. 
     * @param lat Latitude coordinate as String
     * @param lon Longitude coordinate as String
     * @return coordinates as double values
    public static String[] parseGeoCoords(String lat, String lon) {
        String[] coordinates = { lat, lon };

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            String[] split = coordinates[i].split("[,\\s]+");

            // Parse coordinates in the form of (Direction, Degree, Minutes', Seconds'')
            int orientation = 1;
            double degree = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0;

            for (String s : split) {
                try {
                    // coordinate is in decimal format
                    degree = Double.valueOf(s);
                } catch (Exception e) {

                    // coordinate is in the form (Direction, Degree, Minutes' , Seconds'')
                    if (s.toUpperCase().matches("\\p{Upper}")) {
                        if (i == 0) // latitude
                            orientation = convertLatSpecToSign(s.toUpperCase());
                        } else // longitude
                            orientation = convertLngSpecToSign(s.toUpperCase());
                    } else if (s.endsWith(String.valueOf('\u00B0'))) // degree sign
                        degree = Double.valueOf(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1));
                    } else if (s.endsWith("''")) {
                        seconds = Double.valueOf(s.substring(0, s.length() - 2));
                    } else if (s.endsWith("\"")) {
                        seconds = Double.valueOf(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1));
                    } else if (s.endsWith("'")) {
                        minutes = Double.valueOf(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1));

            } // for
            coordinates[i] = String.format(Locale.US, "%3.6f",
                    convertDegToDec(degree, minutes, seconds, orientation));
        } // for
        return coordinates;
    } // parseGeoCoords

    private static int convertLatSpecToSign(String latSpec) {
        return (latSpec.toUpperCase().charAt(0) == 'S' ? -1 : 1);

    private static int convertLngSpecToSign(String lngSpec) {
        return (lngSpec.toUpperCase().charAt(0) == 'W' ? -1 : 1);

    private static double convertDegToDec(double absdlat, double absmlat, double absslat, int latsign) {
        return (absdlat + (absmlat / 60.) + (absslat / 3600.)) * latsign;

    public List<String> jsURLs() {
        return Lists.newArrayList("//"
                + com.fluidops.iwb.util.Config.getConfig().getGoogleApiKey() + "&sensor=false");