Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2008-2013, fluid Operations AG
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

package com.fluidops.iwb.util;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.openrdf.model.Literal;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.Value;

import com.fluidops.iwb.api.EndpointImpl;
import com.fluidops.iwb.api.RequestMapper;
import com.fluidops.iwb.api.editor.Datatype;
import com.fluidops.iwb.autocompletion.AutoCompletionUtil;
import com.fluidops.iwb.model.ParameterConfigDoc;
import com.fluidops.util.StringUtil;

 * A convenience class for UI render methods
public class UIUtil {

     * Returns a nice string representation of this config annotation's description
     * including the {@link #configDefaultValueToString(ParameterConfigDoc)} 
     * if defined. 
     * @param configAnnotation
     * @return
    public static String configDescription(ParameterConfigDoc configAnnotation) {
        if (configAnnotation == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument must not be null.");
        String defaultValueString = configDefaultValueToString(configAnnotation);
        return configAnnotation.desc()
                + (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(defaultValueString) ? "" : " " + defaultValueString);


     * The string representation of this default value, i.e. "Default: <VALUE>"
     * If the default value is undefined or the empty string, this method 
     * returns an empty string
     * @param configAnnotation
     * @return
    public static String configDefaultValueToString(ParameterConfigDoc configAnnotation) {
        if (configAnnotation == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument must not be null.");
        String defaultValue = configAnnotation.defaultValue();
        if (defaultValue != null && !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(defaultValue))
            return "Default: " + defaultValue.toString();
        return "";

     * The string representation of a choice option in the dropdown list.
     * @param value
     * @return
    public static String getDisplayStringForDropdown(Value value) {

        if (value instanceof URI) {
            String label = EndpointImpl.api().getDataManager().getLabel(value);
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(label);
            String displayUri = EndpointImpl.api().getNamespaceService().getAbbreviatedURI((URI) value);
            if (displayUri == null) {
                if (!label.equals(value.stringValue())) {
                    builder.append(" (<");
            } else {
                if (!label.equals(displayUri)) {
                    builder.append(" (");

            return builder.toString();
        } else {
            return value.stringValue();

     * Composes a text span for the value showing 
     *    - for URIs: display name (in italic font) and the URI (in brackets, if different from the display name), both underlined
     *  - for literals: the value itself
     *  When hovering over the span, a tooltip is shown, containing the info about datatype and actual value.
     *  Currently used to show the existing values in the edit mode in the triple editor.
    public static String getSpanWithTooltipAndDisplayName(Value value) {

        String label = EndpointImpl.api().getDataManager().getLabel(value);
        String tooltip = createKeyValueTooltip(value);
        tooltip = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(tooltip);
        if (value instanceof URI) {
            String displayUri = AutoCompletionUtil.toDisplayValue(value);

            StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder("<u>");
            if (!label.equals(displayUri) && !label.equals(value.stringValue())) {
                text.append("</i> (");
            } else {
            return getSpan(text.toString(), tooltip);
        } else {
            label = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(label);
            label = label.replace("\n", "<br/>");
            return getSpan(label, tooltip);


     * Composes a text span with a tooltip to be shown on hover
     * @param encodedContent Text content (assumed to be already in HTML)
     * @param encodedTooltip Tooltip message (assumed to be already in HTML)
     * @return
    public static String getSpan(String encodedContent, String encodedTooltip) {
        return "<span " + ((encodedTooltip == null) ? "" : "title=\"" + encodedTooltip + "\"") + ">"
                + encodedContent + "</span>";

     * Returns the HTML link to this value with the help of
     * {@link RequestMapper#getAHref(Value, String, String)}. 
     * The tooltip is built combining the given comment if available 
     * and the value representation with {@link #createKeyValueTooltip(Value)}
     * The method escapes HTML in the tooltip.
     * and the label is retrieved from the datamanager.
     * This method replaces linebreaks in the label with a
     * HTML br.
     * @param value
     * @param comment
     * @return
    public static String getAHrefWithTooltip(Value value, String comment) {

        String tooltip = createKeyValueTooltip(value);

        if (StringUtil.isNotNullNorEmpty(comment))
            tooltip = comment + "\n\n" + tooltip;

        String label = EndpointImpl.api().getDataManager().getLabelHTMLEncoded(value);
        label = label.replace("\n", "<br/>");
        return EndpointImpl.api().getRequestMapper().getAHrefEncoded(value, label,

     * Create the tooltip for a given {@link Value}. Depicts additional
     * available information (e.g. datatype or language of a literal)
     * @param val
     * @return
    public static String createKeyValueTooltip(Value val) {

        if (val == null)
            return "";

        StringBuilder tooltipBuilder = new StringBuilder();

        if (val instanceof Literal) {
            Literal lit = (Literal) val;

            if (lit.getDatatype() == null) {
            } else {

            tooltipBuilder.append(" literal value \n\"").append(lit.stringValue()).append("\"");

            if (lit.getLanguage() != null) {
                tooltipBuilder.append("\n(Language: ").append(lit.getLanguage()).append(")");

        } else {
            String valueType = (val instanceof URI) ? "URI" : "Blank Node";

            tooltipBuilder.append(valueType).append(" <").append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(val.stringValue()))

        return tooltipBuilder.toString();

     * Returns the <img> HTML element with the given source relative
     * to the webapplication and the current context path. 
     * Example:
     * <img src="%CP%/images/image.png"></img>
     * @param relativeImgSrc
     * @param the optional title
     * @return
    public static String getImageHTMLRelative(String relativeImgSrc, String title) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("<img src=\"");
        sb.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(relativeImgSrc)).append("\" ");
        if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(title))
            sb.append("title=\"").append(title).append("\" ");
        return sb.toString();